1 Name Margaret L.Pachuau

Margaret L.Pachuau
Academic Qualification:
Ph.D. in English
M.A. M.Phil. Ph.D. JNU New Delhi
Department of English Mizoram University
P O Box-190 Aizawl-796004.
A-31 Zarkawt Aizawl-796007 Mizoram
 Telephone Numbers:
Office: 0389-2330631
Email: maggielpachuau@gmail.com
Designation :
Department of English Mizoram University
Teaching Experience:
a) Research Interests:
14 years
British Fiction, Translation and Culture Studies, Children’s Literature, Folkloristics.
 b)Research Project: Ongoing
1. UGC Major Research Project ‘Religion and Power in Select Mizo Narratives’ 20132016 Details:Situating Religion and Power in Select Mizo Narratives Total Amount
Awarded: 9,64,800 /-
RECENT PUBLICATIONS wef December 2011 only
1.Folklore from Mizoram ISBN 978-93-5045-056-7 Writers Workshop, Kolkata. 2013.
Research Articles/Works in Translation
1.Nuchhimi-Lets Enjoy English-8 Dorling Kindersley (India) New Delhi ISBN 978-81317-2578-8
2.Rimenhawi -Lets Enjoy English-9 Dorling Kindersley (India) New Delhi ISBN 978-93325-0238-3
3.The Gold Necklace-Lets Enjoy English-10 Dorling Kindersley (India) New Delhi ISBN
4.The Gold Necklace in The Oxford Anthology of Writings from North-East India (ed)
ISBN ISBN-13:978-0-19-806748-1
5.Religion and Literacy:The Mizo Perspective in Contemporary Research in India Vol 2
:Issue: 3 ISSN 2231-2137
6.The Exuberance of Immigration in Bharati Mukherjee in Journal of Language and
Literature Vol 1: Issue: 1 ISSN 2319-4952
7. Chawngchilhi in Labyrinth Vol :3 No: 4 ISSN 0976-0814
8. Memory and Narrative in ‘Sialton Official’ in The Literati ISSN 2248-9576
9. Iris Murdoch and the Ethical Dilemma in Literary Insight Vol:4ISSN 0975-6248
10. Humour and the Literary Perspective in Research Spectrum Vol: 4 Issue:1 ISSN
11. Laltheri and Chalthanga in Labyrinth Vol :4 No: 3 ISSN 0976-0814
12. Influence of Christianity on Mizo Song in Indian Journal of World Literature and
Culture ISSN 2229-7251
13. Situating Identity:The Mizo Perspective in Contemporary Discourse Vol:4 Issue:1
ISSN 0976-3686
14. Women in Divakaruni’s ‘The Vine of Desire’ in Contemporary Discourse ISSN 09763686
15. Locating Identity in Mizo Folk Narratives in Folklore and Transformative Reflections
ISBN 978-81-7273-702-3
16.Reconstructing the Self in Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices in Literary Insight
ISSN 0975-6248
17.The Lai in MZU Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies Vol 1 Issue 1 ISSN 23481188
18.Relocating Song Within the Mizo Paradigm in Wizcraft Journal of Language and
Literature ISSN 2319-4952
19.Suicide, Mania and Sylvia Plath A Literary Portrayal in Suicide : A Multidisciplinary
Approach ISBN 81-8324-505-6
20.Situating Rih Dil and Mizo Lore Ideas and Ideologies International e Journal ISSN
21.Translating Mizo Folklore in Labyrinth ISSN 0976-0814
SEMINARS /CONFERENCES wef December 2011 only
International Seminars/Conferences:
1. Orality, Talk, Circularity organized by Centre for English Studies JNU New Delhi on
7-9 March 2012 Paper Presented:Rethinking Orality: The Mizo Perspective.
2.XVI International Conference Translation,Comparatism and the Global South
organized by Forum on Contemporary Theory and Department of Studies in English
University of
Mysore, 15-18 December 2013. Paper Presented: Translating Mizo
Folklore :The Power Dynamics.
3. War ,Words and the World organized by Dept. of English Jadavpur University Kolkata,
25-27 February 2014. Paper Presented: Rereading the Great War and Mizo Cultural
4. Two day International seminar on Indigeneity: Expression and Experience organized
by Department of English MZU-UGC-DRS I SAP,25-26 Februaary 2016. Paper
Presented: Revisiting the Indigenious Within the Belief Narratives of the Mizo
National Seminars/Conferences:
1. National Workshop on Translation on Emergent Literatures of North East India on 2930 March 2012. Participated and Co coordinated.
2. National Seminar on Narrativising Trauma in North –East India and Beyond-5-6
November 2012 organized by Deptt. of English MZU -UGC-CSIR. Participated and Co
3.National Seminar on Mizo Drama and Theatre organized by Deptt. Of Mizo, MZU CIIL Mysore 15-16 November 2012 Paper Presented: Rereading Mizo Drama.
4. The Indian World(s) of Indian English Literature Centre for English Studies JNU New
Delhi on 14-15 March 2013. Paper Presented: Situating Indian English Literature: The
Mizo Dynamics.
5.National Seminar on Writers from Here and Beyond organized by the Deptt. of English,
MZU on 26th March 2013. Participated.
6.Inter-State Border Cultural Transactions: Exploring the Praxis of Folk Communicative
Norms in North-East India organized by the Department of Cultural and Creative Studies
NEHU Shillong and ICSSR New Delhi and ICCR-NER Shillong, 2-3 May 2013. Paper
Presented: Situating Culture and Identity: The Mizo-Burma Border Paradigm.
7.Sustainable Management of Indigenous Knowledge :A North East Perspective 1March
2016 organised by TERI-IGNCA-MZU Paper Presented: Folklore and Mizo Identity
State Level Seminars/Conferences :
1. NAAC Sponsored State Level Seminar on ‘Quality Education in the Colleges of
Mizoram’ organized by Govt. Johnson College Aizawl on 17-18 April 2013. Paper
Presented :Research and Academic Publications as Indicators of Quality.
Regional Seminar:
1.Creative Writers of North East India: Their Voices and Views organized by Department
of English MZU-UGC-SAP DRS-I on 25th March 2014.
Refresher Course:
1. Coordinator UGC Refresher Course organized by Deptt. of English Mizoram
University during February 18-March 10 2013 at Deptt. of English Mizoram University.
Editor, MZU Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies, An Annual Refereed Journal
published by the Department of English, Mizoram University: ISBN 2348-1188 for the years
2013 and 2014.
Won the first prize as translator (Mizo to English) in a nation wide competition on fiction
in translation, organized by MuseIndia ,a literary Emagazine sponsored by Central Institute of
Indian Languages (CIIL) Hyderabad, in November 2008 for Lamkhuang (The Jackfruit
Tree) by Vanneihtluanga,a prominent Mizo author and critic.