Int. J. Arts and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008 131 Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories Sara Owsley Sood Department of Computer Science, Pomona College, 185 East Sixth Street, Claremont, CA 91711, USA E-mail: Abstract: Living in a world where the machine and the internet are ubiquitous, many people work and play online, in a world that is, ironically, often isolated and lonesome. While the internet, as intended, connects us to information, products and services, it often draws us away from the rich connections that are created through interpersonal communication. The goal of this work is to use the machine to connect people. Not only to information, products or services, but also to each other. The author proposes to use the machine, the very machine that pulls us apart, to bring us together, connecting people through stories. People tell stories as a way to be less lonesome, reaching out to people that they can relate to. The system that the author describes in this article is intended to facilitate and amplify connections between people through stories. Buzz is a digital theatre installation that autonomously finds and exposes the most emotional stories from the millions of blog postings on the web, bringing the stories to life with a cast of virtual actors using speech synthesis. This system serves the goal of using the machine to connect people, not only to information or products, but also to each other. Keywords: digital art; digital theatre; emotion; narrative; story generation; story telling; weblogs. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Sood, S.O. (2008) ‘Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories’, Int. J. Arts and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.131–155. Biographical note: Sara Owsley Sood is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Pomona College. Her research spans network arts, human computer interaction, text classification and information retrieval. Her work on Buzz has been exhibited both as artistic installations in Chicago’s Second City Theater and Wired Magazine’s NextFest, and as an informative marketing research tool at the Wrigley Global Marketing Summit. She earned her Bachelor’s degree with honours in Mathematics and Computer Science from the DePauw University, and her Master’s and PhD in Computer Science from the Northwestern University in 2007. 1 Introduction Imagine a world without stories. A world where history is lost and mistakes are repeated. A world where learning is restricted to theory without practice. A world where we are alone with our experiences, with no way to express our fears, gain compassion or empathise with the common experiences of others. A world in which nothing is imagined and creativity is stifled. A world where negative experiences are bottled up with no venue for catharsis or confession, and positive happenings go uncelebrated. A world where selfCopyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 132 S.O. Sood expression lies in actions and facts. A world in which the chronicle of our life is forgotten. Such a world is not only hard to imagine, but also is inhuman. “But a world without stories is fundamentally inhuman.” –Roald Hoffmann (Hoffmann, 2000) The importance of stories in our lives is immeasurable. Stories connect us. They are the structure of all human communication. They provide a medium through which we can form relationships with other human beings. These relationships and connections bring purpose and meaning to our lives. Without stories, we are lonesome. “We are lonesome animals. We spend all our life trying to be less lonesome. One of our ancient methods is to tell a story begging the listener to say – and to feel – Yes, that’s the way it is, or at least that’s the way I feel it. You're not as alone as you thought.” –John Steinbeck (Steinbeck 1977) Playing such a variety of roles, stories take many different forms. Non-fiction stories are written to pass on knowledge, often peppered with legend and myth that evolves with the passing of time. News stories are reported to recreate the events of the day, making people aware of current issues facing others around the world. Fictional stories are told by parents to help develop creativity and fantasy in their children’s minds. Beyond these types and many others, overwhelmingly, the most commonly told story is a first person experience. It is first person stories that provide us with the most powerful way to make meaningful connections with the people around us. We can express our goals and fears, our experiences and struggles, our triumphs and happiness and gain comfort, empathy, criticism, and support from others. We tell first person stories to put our thoughts out in the world and pass on knowledge and ideas, but most importantly, we seek emotional connections to other people. We want to know that others are having similar experiences, joys and frustrations in their lives and the world that we live in. It is not surprising that we listen to and read first person stories for reasons that are strikingly similar to why we tell them; for entertainment, to be touched, to gain comfort, to empathise and to learn about and connect to the author. “To be a person is to have a story to tell.” –Isak Dinesen (Simmons, 2002) Our lives are filled with stories. We love to talk about what happens to us. The most straightforward reason that we talk about our experiences is that it is a way for us to remember things or to clarify for ourselves what has happened. Even when the listener or audience is inactive or unresponsive, simply telling a story can serve as catharsis and therapy. In an extreme case, Tom Hanks’ character, in his 2000 movie Cast Away, gains comfort as he tells stories to an inanimate volleyball who he lovingly calls ‘Wilson’. “Hey [to Wilson], you want to hear something funny? My dentist’s name is James Spalding.” –Tom Hanks in Cast Away (Zemeckis, 2000) Living in a world where the machine and the internet are ubiquitous, many people work and play online, in a world that is, ironically, often isolated and lonesome. While the internet, as intended, connects us to information, products and services, it often draws us away from the rich connections that are created through interpersonal communication. The goal of this work is to use the machine to connect people. Not only to information, products or services, but also to each other. The author proposes to use the machine, the very machine that pulls us apart, to bring us together, connecting people Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 133 through stories. Much like the editor of a literary journal, the author proposes a system that mediates a connection between people through stories. “A literary journal is intended to connect writer with reader; the role of the editor is to mediate.” –John Barton 2 Existing systems Such a system requires many innovations along with the use of existing technology. First, we need a venue for people to publicly read and write stories. Luckily, such a venue already exists in the form of the weblog (blog for short). The popular rise of blogs came in 2001 as a venue for information, commentary, opinions, narrative and stories, posted by everyday people in a journal format. Blogs are vastly published, with 70 million total blogs, and 15.5 million currently active, or updated in the past 90 days (Business Week, 2007; Technorati, 2007). The widespread use of blogs is a testament to people’s desire to tell their stories. Next, we need a way for people to find the stories written in blogs that might be interesting to them, or might provide the connection that they are seeking. Current blog search engines provide users with a way to search for topical content. While these search engines span the entire blogosphere and return topically relevant blog entries, they fall short in scaffolding connections between people. First, they only return the most popular or authoritative blogs. Given the vastness of the blogosphere, if the most popular blogs are always returned, then millions will remain unseen or unread, unconnected. Also, blog search engines do just what their name implies, search blogs, and not all blogs take the form of stories. Current blog search engines on their own will not meet our goals of connecting people through stories. “Nobody wants to listen to what happened to you today unless you can make what happened appear interesting. The process of livening up an experience can involve simply telling that experience in such a way as to eliminate the dullest parts, or it also can involve ‘jacking up’ the dull parts by playing with the facts.” –Roger Schank (Schank, 1990). We also need the system to find, not only just stories, but also interesting or compelling stories. Current blog search engines measure importance through popularity; these systems do not evaluate the emotional impact or interestingness of the blogs that they return. The system must be able to find stories that people will want to read or hear, not only just the ones that are popular, but also the ones that are emotional and compelling. Finally, we need a way to present these stories to people; a way that compels them to listen and enables them to embed themselves in the narrative. While a textual format (book, magazines, blogs, etc.) has historically been a common way to communicate stories, hearing a story told by a person is a much more powerful and expressive experience and allows the listener to truly empathise with and connect to the person telling the story. We must keep this in mind in the presentation of stories to people. 3 Buzz To address these issues we have built a system called Buzz that exists to enable emotional connections, connecting people with each other via stories. It reaches deep down into the blogosphere, beyond the popular and authoritative, and finds compelling stories; from 134 S.O. Sood real people who are telling stories and begging to be heard. These stories are emotional, touching, funny, surprising, comforting, eye-opening, etc. They expose people’s fears, dreams, experiences and opinions. The system changes the definition of relevance from similarity and popularity to emotional impact and interestingness. By connecting people to these stories, the system, Buzz, amplifies their voices. Being heard is not only beneficial for the blogger, but also the viewer can gain comfort, have a laugh, relate to an experience, get advice, share in the blogger’s joy or sorrow, take a walk in the their shoes, feel less lonely, hear an opinion or perspective or simply be entertained. Buzz connects people. Below (in Table 1) are three stories retrieved by the Buzz system. These stories were extracted from actual blog posts, using Buzz’s retrieval, filtering and modification engine. While the three are all first person stories, it is clear that their authors had differing goals while writing the stories; the first and third, a ‘fight’ and a ‘dream’, are a therapeutic telling of their experiences, while the second, a ‘confession’, was likely intended more as a self-descriptive narrative, exposing the blogger’s political stance. While differing in content and goals, these three stories are all highly affective and compelling, and most importantly, they involve situations that everyone can relate to: fights, confessions, dreams, etc. Table 1 A set of stories retrieved and presented by the Buzz system My husband and I got into a fight on Saturday night; he was drinking and neglectful, and I was feeling tired and pregnant and needy. It’s easy to understand how that combination could escalate, and it ended with hugs and sorries, but now I’m feeling fragile. Like I need more love than I’m getting, like I want to be hugged tight for a few hours straight and right now, like I want a dozen roses for no reason, like a vulnerable little kid without a safety blankie. Fragile and little and I’m not eating the crusts on my sandwich because they’re yucky. I want to pout and stomp until I get attention and somebody buys me a toy to make it all better. maybe I’m resentful that he hasn’t gone out of his way to make it up to me, hasn’t done little things to show me he really loves me, and so the bad feeling hasn’t been wiped away. I shouldn’t feel that way. It’s stupid; I know he loves me and is devoted and, etc. yet I just want a little something extra to make up for what I lost through our fighting. I just want a little extra love in my cup, since some of it drained I have a confession. It’s getting harder and harder to blindly love the people who made George W Bush president. It’s getting harder and harder to imagine a day when my heart won’t ache for what has been lost and what we could have done to prevent it. It’s getting harder and harder to accept excuses for why people I respect and in some cases dearly love are seriously and perhaps deliberately uninformed about what matters most to them in the long run I had a dream last night where I was standing on the beach, completely alone, probably around dusk, and I was holding a baby. I had it pulled close to my chest, and all I could feel was this completely overwhelming, consuming love for this child that I was holding, but I didn’t seem to have any kind of intellectual attachment to it. I have no idea whose it was, and even in the dream, I don’t think it was mine, but I wanted more than anything to just stand and hold this baby In addition to finding interesting stories, the Buzz system presents these stories in a novel way. Instead of showing the stories in their original form, as plain text, the system embodies the blogger with an avatar and generated voice (as depicted in Figure 1). These avatars present the stories by reading them aloud, with each actor attentive to the one currently reading. This enables a stronger connection with the viewer as it simulates the blogger telling you their story. Much like the difference between printed newspaper and television news, Buzz presents the stories in a different and more engaging manner. Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 135 Figure 1 An installation of Buzz in the ford engineering design centre at Northwestern University (see online version for colours) Figure 2 A close-up of the central screen of a Buzz installation (see online version for colours) 3.1 Experiencing Buzz To understand what it is like to experience Buzz, consider a viewer who approaches it in a public installation. As he draws near the installation, he sees five monitors on a wall in the shape of an X (Figure 1). He notices four faces occupying the outer monitors; and hears one of these characters speaking, appearing to tell a story to the others. The character is speaking about a dream she had last night (see Table 2 for the full dream), and the others are closely listening to this story, turned and facing her. As she speaks, her words fall on the central screen (Figure 2) – love, life, dream and friend – highlighting the most moving words in her story. As her story concludes, the character on the screen above her takes over, lightheartedly confessing about his poor singing skills (see Table 2 for the full confession). The performance goes on in this manner indefinitely as the characters continue to tell compelling stories. 136 Table 2 S.O. Sood Three sample stories found and presented by the Buzz system So, I had this dream last night of someone who used to be in my life. And I really, truly loved him. And he’s been away now for more than twice as long as I even knew him. But I still miss him. I still love him. And I’m fairly sure there is a part of him that still loves me. He was my best friend I have a confession to make. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t do nothing. Cause I had no professional training, neither do I have the talent to begin with. I can’t hit the high notes and worst of all, I don’t know how to sing any song. McDave and Famezgay, on the other hand, being karaoke veterans, sung up lots of songs with ease, while I had to wail and screech to keep up with the melody. So sorry for making you guys suffer from my preposterous vocals. It was very unfortunate that I love to sing but I can’t sing Keith and I got into a fight last night when I got home from Kentucky. … He said I was just like my father…. which honestly is the worst insult any human being can bestow upon me. … I tried to roll over and just go to sleep, but it hurt, I won’t lie, it really hurt to have to hear those words. … ‘I’m just like my father’. … OUCH. Before long though, back up the stairs he came, said he was sorry for saying that and then he told me he was going to sleep on the couch…but it occurred to him that this would be the last time he’d have the opportunity to lay beside me in OUR bed. It was to be the last time we’d sleep side by side. That statement was very final 3.2 The Buzz architecture Figure 3 illustrates how Buzz works from the formation of queries to the final presentation of stories. To find compelling stories, the system mines the blogosphere (the global corpus of blogs), collecting posts where the author describes a dramatic and compelling situation: a dream, a nightmare, a fight, an apology, a confession, etc. After retrieving these pages, the system extracts candidate stories from the entries. The system then takes the stories through a set of modifiers, aimed at transforming the candidates to make them look more like stories, be more emotionally amplified, and sound appropriate when spoken by animated characters. After being transformed, the candidate stories are passed through a set of filters, aimed at focusing the system on candidates that take the syntactic form of a story, are emotional amplified, and will sound appropriate when presented by an avatar; filtering out candidates that do not meet these criteria. Overall, the filtering engine is highly selective, discarding 98% of the retrieved candidate stories. These techniques are critical to the final performance as they ensure that the stories found will engage the audience. “A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled.” –Raymond Chandler After passing through the filtering and modification engine, the resulting story selections are emotion-laden and compelling. Next, the stories go through a markup stage, to prepare them for performance by an animated character. Several techniques are used to give the presentation of the stories a realistic feel and to make performances engaging to an audience. The story is marked up for speech and animation cues in a number of ways. It is marked up at a sentence level by a mood classifier, providing cues to the avatar and generated voice as to the affective state of the story as it progresses. This markup also includes emphasis and timing cues to yield better cadence and prosody from computer-generated voices. Finally, the performance is planned and guided by dramatic Adaptive Retrieval Charts (ARCs), which are used to provide a higher level control of the performance, similar to that of a director. These ARCs allow for various performance types from the most basic – a single virtual actor telling an individual story, for example as part of an Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 137 online system – to more complex – for example an ongoing performance of multiple virtual actors in a physical installation. These charts specify performance needs at the level of story type, topic, gender, length, etc. and are used to drive the retrieval of the stories. While these charts drive the performance, the virtual actors themselves are also driven by instructions, in a sense, on ‘how to act’. For example, they are attentive to the actor currently speaking by turning and looking at them, and they pause in the appropriate places to make the performance feel more realistic. Figure 3 An architecture diagram of the Buzz system (see online version for colours) 138 S.O. Sood 3.3 Finding compelling stories: the retrieval, filtering and modification model A first pass at building Buzz revealed that the content of blogs is incredibly wide-ranging, but unfortunately often very dull. Buzz succeeded in finding stories that were on point to any provided topic, but the results were not compelling. People blog about a wide range of topics; for example, their class schedule, what they are eating for lunch, how to install a wireless router, what they wore today and a list of their 45 favourite ice cream flavours. While this is interesting to observe from a sociological point of view, it does not make for a compelling performance. Not only are the blogs on these topics boring, but also the length of the blog posts vary widely from one sentence to pages upon pages, and most do not take the form of a story or narrative. We need to give the system strategies for finding stories that will be compelling and engaging to an audience. To do so, the system employs a model for the aesthetic qualities of a compelling story. These qualities include but are not limited to: 1 on an interesting topic 2 emotionally charged 3 complete and of an appropriate length to hold the audience’s attention 4 familiar to an audience 5 involving dramatic situations 6 comprised of developed characters. We designed Buzz to find stories with all of these qualities. In building Buzz, the author developed a model for the retrieval, filtering and modification of stories that takes advantage of the vast size of the blogosphere, aggressively filtering the retrieval of stories. First, the system retrieves a large set of blogs using existing blog search engines. The retrieval process includes a query formation stage, retrieval of blog using existing search engines, result processing and the extraction of candidate blog posts. Following this stage, the candidate blog posts are sent to the filtering and modification engine. In this engine, candidate stories are extracted from the posts and filtered using many different metrics. The stories that pass through all these filters are known to be impactful and appropriate stories for presentation in a Buzz performance. There are three functional categories for Buzz’s filtering strategies: x Story filters are those which narrow the blogosphere down to those blog posts that include stories, including strategies that make use of punctuation, relevance to topics, inclusion of phrasal story cues and completeness to indicate a text that is likely to have a dramatic point. For example, the List filter removes candidate stories that contain more than three commas per sentence as they are perceived as taking the form of a list as opposed to a story. x Content or impact filters are used to find interesting and appropriate stories – those with elevated emotion, familiar and relevant content that is free of profanity and other unwanted language use. For example, the Affect filter runs each candidate story through an emotional classifier and discards those stories that are classified as emotionally neutral. This filter enables the system to present emotional stories. Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories x 139 Presentation filters are used to focus on content that will sound appropriate when spoken through a computer generated voice, and presented by an avatar of the appropriate gender. For example, the URL filter discards candidate stories that contain URLs as they sound awkward when presented by a computer generated voice. In addition to filters, there is also a set of modifiers that alter the text of the retrieved stories. x Story modifiers alter the text so that the structure looks more like a story. For example, the Structural Story Cue modifier truncates the story such that the structural story cue appears in the first sentence of the story; these cues are intended as natural starting points for stories. x Presentation modifiers change the text to make it sound more appropriate in spoken as opposed to written form. For example, the Abbreviation modifier transforms abbreviations to the expanded form to ensure that they sound more appropriate when spoken by the avatar. All filters and modifiers are configurable to adjust to different installations or deployments. The integration of this model into the overall Buzz system can be seen in Figure 3. In this diagram, notice that the modifiers and filters exist in a single module, illustrating the integrated nature in which these pieces interact. The following sections describe the use of these filters, modifiers and retrieval strategies in the overall system. Before diving into the details of this architecture, the would like to address why we chose to handle this problem the way we did, as there are many other approaches we could have taken. Given the vastness of the blogosphere, our system typically has on the order of hundreds or thousands of candidate stories for any one topic. This allows us to use simple techniques (predominantly search technology), building simple filters to be highly selective among these candidates. While these filters will have low recall in retaining good candidates, the precision is quite high in that the stories that are retained are quite good. We could have approached this problem using more complex techniques, but the vastness of the corpus of stories made that unnecessary. 3.3.1 Query formation Two types of query formation strategies are used in the Buzz system; one strategy that uses popular topics found daily on the web, and another uses a library of structural story cues to seek texts that take the form of a story. While both are described below, we have found the latter to be significantly more effective in yielding stories that are of interest to a large audience. Topics of interest A compelling story is generally about a compelling topic, one that interests the audience. For this reason, we chose the day’s most popular searches from Yahoo!, provided by Yahoo Buzz (Yahoo!, 2006) as topics. Search engines recently began to provide a log of their most frequently used query topics. Yahoo! takes this a step further to provide the most frequently queried topics in a set of categories. Their categories currently include: overall, actors, movies, music, sports, TV, and video games. In the actors category, the 140 S.O. Sood top three topics from March 7, 2007 are ‘April Scott’, ‘Lindsay Lohan’ and ‘Jessica Alba’. In the overall category, the top three topics from March 7, 2007 are ‘Britney Spears’, ‘Antonella Barba’ and ‘Anna Nicole Smith’. These feeds worked well as a seed to story discovery, as we were using the topics that people were searching for most and discovering people’s thoughts and opinions on these topics. The intuition here is that the topics that people search for most are likely the topics that they are most interested in. We found Wikipedia (2005) to be another source for topics of interest as the site maintains a list of ‘controversial topics’. The list shows topics that are in ‘edit wars’ on Wikipedia as contributors are unable to agree on the subject matter. This list includes topics such as ‘apartheid’, ‘overpopulation’, ‘ozone depletion’ and ‘censorship’. These topics, by their nature, are topics that people are passionate about. One March 7, 2007, Wikipedia’s ‘List of Controversial Issues’ included such topics as ‘Bill O’Reilly’, ‘Abortion’, ‘Osama bin Laden’, ‘Stem Cell Research’, ‘Censorship’, ‘Polygamy’ and ‘MySpace’. Using these two sites as sources for topics, these topics are used as queries and sent to a set of existing blog search engines. Using topics of interest as the source of topic keywords and blogs as the target, we are able to discover what was being said today about what people were most interested in today. Structural cues Through experiencing Buzz in the world and watching audiences’ reactions and responses to stories, we discovered more generalised traits of compelling stories. The most compelling stories to watch or hear were those in which someone is laying his or her feelings on the table, exposing a dream or a nightmare that they had, making a confession or apology to a close friend, or regretting an argument that they had with their mother or spouse. Codifying these qualities, we built our story discovery engine to seek out these types of stories. We added a component to the retrieval that forms queries based on a structural story cue. These cues are designed to find instances in which a writer is starting to tell a story in the form of a dream, nightmare, fight, apology, confession or any other emotionally fraught situation. Such cues include phrases such as ‘I had a dream last night’, ‘I must confess’, ‘I had a terrible fight’, ‘I feel awful’, ‘I’m so happy that’, ‘I’m so sorry’, etc. The most straightforward structural story cue would be if the author said, ‘I have a story to tell you’ or even ‘Once upon a time’. This realisation was an important turning point in our system’s capabilities with regard to retrieving compelling stories. The newest instance of Buzz no longer focuses on the popular or contentious topics, but instead focuses on stories in different types of emotion laden situations (dreams, fights, confessions, etc.). These stories are more interesting as the blogger is not merely talking about a popular product on the market, or ranting about a movie; they are relaying a personal experience from their life, which typically makes them more emotionally charged. The experiences they describe are often frightening, funny, touching or surprising. They describe situations which have a common element in all of our lives, allowing the audience to embed themselves in the narrative and truly connect with the writer, whereas the topically based approach excluded the portion of the audience that was not familiar with the topic at hand (a popular actress, story in the news, etc.). Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 141 In the 19th century, a French Writer, Georges Polti enumerated 36 situational categories into which all stories or dramas will fall. These included modern categories such as vengeance, pursuit, abduction, murderous adultery, mistaken jealousy and loss of loved ones (Polti and Ray, 1940). While the language describing these situations now sounds somewhat dated, the concepts behind these situational categories bear a resemblance to the types of stories that might be interesting to hear. Including structural story cues as a search parameter not only gets us to more interesting story topics and content, but we also tend to see more character depth and development in the stories. As writers describe dramatic situations in their lives, more pieces of their personality and personal issues with themselves and others around them are revealed as a result. 3.3.2 Blog finding and result processing The queries formed in the previous stage, such as ‘I had a dream last night’, are sent to a set of existing blog search engines. The system collects the top n results (where n is configurable and is currently 1,000) from these engines. Each result contains a title, summary and URL of a blog related to the given query. The system filters duplicate results and non-blog results (i.e. user profile pages). Next, the HTML content for each blog result is retrieved. 3.3.3 Candidate extraction The content for each blog result may contain multiple posts which may or may not be relevant to the query. In order to generate a set of candidate stories, the system must be capable of extracting the individual posts that are relevant to the query. To identify the relevant posts within the blog result, all ‘text’ tags in the HTML of the blog entry are removed, that is, tags used to alter the look of text such as the italics tags, the bold tag, the underline tag and the anchor tag. After removing these tags, the system finds all occurrences of the given query terms and structural story cues on the page. For each occurrence, it searches for the last previous occurrence of and the next occurrence of a natural breaking point. The section between these two points is taken as a candidate story. The natural breaking points before and after a piece of text will often be tags that divide paragraphs, so the algorithm will accomplish the goal of finding the relevant paragraphs. In combination with the filters described in the following sections, this algorithm works quite well as a generalised method for extracting candidate stories from online sources. Following the candidate extraction step, what remains is a set of candidate stories, ready to be sent through the filtering and modification engine. 3.3.4 Story modifiers Story modifiers are modification strategies aimed at transforming the candidate story into a more story-like structure. The main strategy in this category involves the structural story cues described in the query formation section. While these cues are initially used as a method to retrieve stories, they are also used to truncate the blog post into the section that structurally is most like a story. Often blog posts are retrieved that include the structural story cue, but it occurs in the middle of a paragraph. Since the stories are initially divided by paragraphs in this system, story cues would not actually occur at the 142 S.O. Sood beginning of the candidate story. To change this, this modifier truncates the story to begin with the sentence that includes the structural story cue. The end result are stories that take the form laid out in the structural story template, beginning with phrases such as ‘I had a dream last night’ or ‘I got into a fight with’. 3.3.5 Story filters Story filters are those which narrow the blogosphere down to those blog posts that include stories, including strategies that make use of punctuation, relevance to topics, inclusion of phrasal story cues and completeness. Relevance to topics of interest and inclusion of structural story cues This filter is intended to evaluate the relevance of candidate stories to the topics of interest and/or the structural story cue used in their retrieval, filtering irrelevant candidates. In the case of a topic of interest query, the candidate stories are phrasally analysed, eliminating posts that do not contain at least one of the two word phrases (non-stopwords) from the topic. For example, given a topic of ‘Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith,’ entries that contained the phrase ‘star wars’ were acceptable, but not entries that merely had the word ‘star’ or ‘wars.’ The remaining blog entries were thought to be relevant to the current popular topic. In the case of a structural story cue query, the candidate story is analysed to ensure that the story queue is present and occurs in the first sentence of the story. This ensures that the structural cue is used as intended, to start the story. Complete passages In finding stories, the system must ensure that it finds complete stories, that is, ones that outline a complete thought. Finding stories that are complete passages involves finding complete thoughts or stories of a length that can keep the audience engaged. For the most part, we found that blog authors format their entries in a way such that each paragraph contains one distinct thought. Under this assumption, the paragraph where the structural story cue and/or topic are mentioned with the greatest frequency will suffice as a complete story for our system. Given the method described to extract candidate stories from blogs, these candidate stories will likely take the form of a complete paragraph. If this paragraph is of an ideal length (between a minimum and maximum character and word threshold), determined by viewing Buzz with stories at many different lengths, then it is proposed as a candidate story. For a public installation of Buzz, we found that stories between 150 and 600 characters long were ideal. Again, given the large volume of blogs on the web, letting many blogs fall through the cracks because they are too long or too short is acceptable for our purposes. Filtering retrieval by syntax In our first pass at retrieving stories from blogs, we noticed that the system often found lists or surveys instead of text in paragraph form. For example, one blogger posted an exhaustive list of lip balm flavours. Others posted answers to a survey about themselves (their favourite vacation spot, favourite colour, favourite band and actor, etc.). These are clearly not good candidates for stories to be presented in a performance. Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 143 To solve this problem, we chose to filter the retrieved candidate stories by syntax. Stories that met any of the following indicators were removed as they often signify a list: 1 Too many newline characters (currently more than six in a 400 character block). 2 Too many commas (currently more than three in a sentence or more than 1 in 15 characters). 3 Too many numbers (currently more than one number – no longer than four continuous digits – in a sentence). This method successfully filters blog entries that contain a list or survey of some sort. While the recall of stories that pass through this filter based on syntax is lower than other methods, the system is optimised for precision so that we are confident that the remaining stories do not contain lists or surveys. Given the large volume of blogs on the web updated every minute, letting some potentially good blogs fall through the cracks sufficed for the system’s purposes. 3.3.6 Content or impact modifiers Content or impact modifiers are modification strategies aimed at transforming the candidate story to make it more compelling or impactful. The current strategy in this category involves removing extraneous content in order to focus on the spines of the stories. For example, if the story contains any parenthetical, bracketed or braced content, it is removed. This includes any remaining html or xml tags. This is based on the notion that if you were reading this post to a friend, you might ignore such content as it breaks up the flow of the story. In addition to the above mentioned Content/Impact modifiers, the author envisions another modifier in this category, called an amplifier. An amplifier would alter the candidate stories, so that they are more impactful, emotional or colloquial. This system would transform words that occurred in a story to more emotional words with the same connotation. The end result would be a story that conveyed the same meaning, yet with more emotional impact than in its original form. This could be implemented with a combination of a part of speech tagger, a connected thesaurus and our Naïve Bayes sentiment classification model. The system would attempt to replace adjectives in the candidate story, namely, ones that have only one sense in the connected thesaurus, making the word unambiguous. From the synonym set, it could chose the synonym with a higher ‘sentiment magnitude’ from the sentiment classification Naïve Bayes model. This ‘sentiment magnitude’ is a calculation of how emotion-bearing a term is. This system will scale and be configurable for how much to amplify a story. 3.3.7 Content or impact filters Content or impact filters are used to find interesting and appropriate stories; those with elevated emotion, familiar and relevant content that, if desired, is free of profanity and other unwanted language use. 144 S.O. Sood Filtering retrieval by affect Given that our initial version of Buzz was reading blogs that were boring or uninteresting, and since such a large volume of blogs exist on the web, we strove to filter the retrieved relevant stories by affect, giving us the ability to portray the strongest emotional stories. We accomplish this using a sentiment classification system. Sentiment analysis is a modern text classification area in which systems are trained to judge the sentiment (defined in a variety of ways) of any document. Since we simply want to know if a story is emotional or not, we define sentiment as valence, that is, how positive or negative a selection of text is. In our sentiment classification system, a combination of case-based reasoning, machine learning and information retrieval approaches are used (Owsley, Sood and Hammond, 2006; Sood, Owsley and Hammond, 2007). Using a training set of labelled data (movie and product reviews), our system is able to judge how emotional words are based on their appearance in the training data, and then use the most emotional words in a story as a query to a case base of labelled data. While many others have used such data to build Naïve Bayes sentiment classifiers, we find that using a case based approach preserves the large differences in affective connotation of words across domains. For example, while the word ‘cold’ has a very negative connotation in describing a person, being ‘cold’ is seen as a positive attribute of a beverage. We collected a case base of 106,000 movie and product reviews labelled with a star rating between one and five (one being negative and five being positive). We omitted reviews with a score of three as those were seen as neutral. We built a Naïve Bayes statistical representation of these reviews, separating them into two groups, positive (four or five stars) and negative (one or two stars). Given a target document, the system creates an ‘affect query’ as a representation of the document. The query is created by selecting the words with the greatest statistical variance between positive and negative documents in the Naïve Bayes model. The system uses this query to retrieve ‘affectively similar’ documents from the case base. The labels from the retrieved documents are used to derive an affect score between –2 and 2 for the target document. This tool was found to be 73.39% accurate. For Buzz, blogs which score between –1 and 1 are seen as neutral and not good candidates for a performance. When using the emotional filtering tool, Buzz is considerably more compelling. The actors are able to retrieve stories from the web based on emotional stance, enabling the theatrical agents to juxtapose positive and negative stories on the same topic. Future work on this classification tool includes creating a model of affect based on Ekman’s six emotion model (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise) (Ortony, Clore and Foss, 1987; Ekman, 2003; Liu, Lieberman and Selker, 2003). This would allow for greater control of the flow of the performance arc through emotional states. Colloquial filtering Shamma et al. (2004a) began exploring the use of Csikszentmihalyi Flow State (Csikszentmihalyi, 1991) as a method of keeping the audience engaged through audiovisual interaction. In Buzz, for an audience to stay engaged, they must understand the content of the stories that they are hearing. That is, the story can not involve topics Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 145 that the audience is unfamiliar with or contain jargon particular to some field. The story must be colloquial. The story must also not be too familiar as they audience could get bored or lose interest. To determine how familiar a story is, the author built a classifier that makes use of page frequencies on the web. For each word in the story, the system looks at the number of pages in which this word appears on the web, a frequency that is obtained through a simple web search. Applying Zipf’s Law (Zipf, 1949) the system can determine how colloquial each word is (Shamma et al., 2004b). A story is then classified to be as colloquial as the language used in it. Given a set of possible stories, colloquial thresholds (high and low) are generated dynamically based on the distribution of scores. If more than n percent of the words in a story fall below the minimum threshold (where n is configurable, currently n is 5), that story is seen as being too obscure and is discarded. Language It is important that that language used in a candidate story is appropriate for presentation through Buzz. For example, it would sound awkward for a Buzz digital actor to present a story that begins ‘In my last post’ as the story is taken out of the context of the blog; or for an actor in a public installation to read a story that contains profanity. For this reason, Buzz uses a language filter that can be configured to remove stories which include profanity, or even stories which include words that expose the fact that it was extracted from a blog. For example, some blog posts are often started with the phrase ‘In my last post. …’ While this is appropriate when a reader understands that what they are reading is a blog, etc. this is inappropriate or awkward when taken out of the context of the blog posting, and presented through an embodied avatar. To filter out stories with such language, this filter uses a dictionary based approach. It can be provided with a list of words to filter based on. From there, the system can be configured to only filter based on those words, or also to include stems of those terms for broader coverage. As with all other Buzz filters, this filter may be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ when appropriate. 3.3.8 Presentation modifiers In addition to presentation filters, the author built a set of presentation modifiers aimed at altering the text to make it more appropriate for presentation through a computer generated voice. Upon reaching the presentation modifiers, the candidate stories have passed through the three major filter sets (story filters, content or impact filters and presentation filters) as well as the story modifiers. The next step is to prepare them to be spoken by a speech generation engine. Adjacent punctuation is condensed as the speech engines use this punctuation for pauses, so adjacent punctuation would result in long pauses. Any remaining numbers, dates and monetary amounts are altered to be readable by the speech engines. Finally, abbreviations are substituted to their expanded form, and any remaining acronyms or abbreviations are expanded to instruct the speech engine correctly. For example, ‘APA’ would be expanded to ‘A. P. A’. so that the speech engine spells out the acronym as opposed to treating it as a word. 146 S.O. Sood Upon completing all of these modifications, the story candidate is passed through all filters a second time. This ensures that any transformations made on the text did not change its value or quality as a story, or how appropriate it is for presentation. 3.3.9 Presentation filters Presentation filters are used to focus on content that will sound appropriate when spoken through a computer generated voice, and presented by an avatar of the appropriate gender. Presentation syntax filter While syntax filtering was included in the ‘story filters’, it is also important in the presentation filters, due to the limitations of computer generated speech. Blogs, by their nature, are often casually punctuated and structured. While this is not generally a problem for the reader, it poses a problem when presented through a text-to-speech engine. Text-to-speech engines use punctuation as cues for prosody and cadence (Sproat, Ostendorf and Hunt, 1998). For this reason, when a story is poorly punctuated, or it contains too many numbers, numbers with many digits, URLs, links or e-mail addresses which sound bad when presented by a text-to-speech engine, they are filtered by the presentation syntax filter. This filter also removes stories that contain a direct quote which makes up more than one third of the story. We found that lengthy direct quotes are awkward when read by a computer generated voice. When a person reads a direct quote, they often have a change of inflection to indicate a different speaker. This change does not occur in computer generated voices, often causing the listener some confusion. For this reason, candidate stories that fall into this category are discarded. Detecting gender-specific stories One problem encountered in a first pass of building Buzz was that gender-specific stories were occasionally read by actors of the incorrect gender. For example, if a blogger describes their experiences during pregnancy, it is awkward to have this story performed by a male actor. Conversely, if a blogger talks about their day at work as a steward, having this read by a female could also be slightly distracting. As a solution to this problem, the author sought to detect and classify gender-specific stories. Unlike previous gender classification systems (Koppel, Argamon and Shimoni, 2003) it was not necessary for our system to classify all stories as either male or female. Rather, it was only important for the system to detect stories where the author’s gender is evident, thus classifying stories as male, female, neutral (in the case where genderspecificity is not evident in the passage) or ambiguous (in the case where both male and female indicators are present). To do this, the system looks for specific indicators that the story is written by a male or a female. These indicators include self-referential roles (roles in a family and job titles), physical states and relationships. These three types of indicators are treated as three separate rules for gender detection in the system. To detect self-referential roles in a blog, the system looks for ‘I’ references including ‘I am’, ‘I was’, ‘I’m’, ‘being’ and ‘as a’. These phrases indicate gender-specificity if they Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 147 are followed within five words (if none of these five words are pronouns) by a female-only or male-only role such as wife, mother, groom, aunt, waitress, mailman, sister, etc. Such roles were collected from various sources and enumerated as such. This rule set is meant to detect cases like ‘I am a waitress’, which would indicate that the speaker is a female. Excluding extra pronouns between the self-reference and the role eliminates false positives like ‘I was close to his girlfriend’, where the additional ‘his’ ensures that this rule is not applied. To detect physical states that carry gender connotations, the system again looks for ‘I’ references, as above, followed within five words by a gender-specific physical state such as ‘pregnant’. This rule is meant to detect cases like ‘I am pregnant’. As in detecting roles, we also ignore cases with extraneous pronouns between the ‘I’ reference and the physical state. This eliminates false positives like ‘I was amazed by her pregnancy’. To detect male or female-only relationships, the system looks for use of the word ‘my’ followed within five words by a male or female only relationship such as husband, ex-girlfriend, etc. This rule is intended to catch cases such as ‘my ex-husband’. Again, cases with extraneous pronouns are ignored to eliminate false positives like ‘my feelings towards his girlfriend’. In this our first pass at a gender specific story classification system, we make the assumption of heterosexual relationships, which we hope to relax in a future system. If any of three above indicators exists in a story, and they agree on a male/female classification, then the story is classified as such. If they disagree, it is classified as ‘ambiguous.’ If no indicators exist, it is classified as ‘neutral.’ This gender detection tool was evaluated using a corpus of 96 stories retrieved by Buzz. These stories were retrieved from an indexed corpus of stories found by Buzz. They were selected by queries for words that often indicate gender-specificity (‘pregnant’, ‘mom’, ‘mother’, ‘dad’, ‘father’, ‘girlfriend’, ‘boyfriend’, ‘husband’, ‘wife’ and ‘daughter’). They were manually sorted into three groups, stories written by females, males or neutral (written by males or females). This sorting was based on textual cues that gave a clear indication of gender, and was verified unanimously by from five participants. While this gender-classification system is still simple, it does an admirable job. Results showed that the gender detection tool performed very well, as seen in the precision and recall scores in Table 3. Overall precision and recall were both approximately 91.67%. Enabling Buzz with the ability to detect and handle gender specific stories has created a more realistic performance, without the distraction of an actor performing a gender-mismatched story. Table 3 Precision and recall scores for detection of gender specific stories Document type Precision (%) Recall (%) Female-specific 92.59 86.21 Male-specific 100 84.62 Gender-neutral 89.66 96.30 Overall 91.67 91.67 148 3.3.10 S.O. Sood Evaluation An example of three stories discovered by Buzz can be seen in Table 2. The stories shown were retrieved and passed through all above-mentioned filters. To evaluate the effectiveness of Buzz’s filters in finding compelling stories, the author conducted a user study including 12 participants. Each participant was given five stories to score on a scale from 1 to 10 (uninteresting to interesting). The stories were chosen at random from a set of stories selected by Buzz as good candidates for a performance, and a set of stories retrieved by Buzz, but removed as they did not pass one of the filters. On a scale of 1–10 (uninteresting to interesting), the study participants found Buzz selected stories to be an average 7.13 and Buzz rejected stories to be an average of 4.3. A graph of the frequencies of participant scores across Buzz accepted and Buzz rejected stories can be seen in Figure 4. While the author is quite pleased with the results of the Buzz story discovery system as a method for autonomously discovering compelling stories, the author thinks it has even broader implications and contributions. Consider how people tell stories – they never ‘create’ or ‘invent’ new stories, instead they recall the most interesting stories they have heard or experiences they have had, they may merge different experiences together, and they alter the details to make a more compelling story. In a sense, we have codified how people tell or create stories, building a system to do just that. In a way, the author thinks this system has made contributions to the decades old problem of story generation in Artificial Intelligence. 3.4 Creating a performance While finding compelling stories is an important aspect of Buzz, conveying them to an audience in an engaging way is just as crucial. The author found several aspects of the presentation to be critical. The performance must follow a dramatic arc that keeps the audience engaged. Text-to-speech technology and graphics must be believable Figure 4 The results of an evaluation of the Buzz story discovery engine, where participants judged stories on a scale from 1 to 10 (uninteresting to interesting) (see online version for colours) Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 149 (or suitable) and evocative. While these issues are a subset of those critical to an engaging performance, the author chose to address these directly as the author feels that our findings can generalise to other performance systems. 3.4.1 Embodied presentation of stories Some theories of knowledge representation cite stories, also called cases, as the core representation schema in our minds (Schank, 1999). They explain that these stories are indexed in our memory by their details (locations, situations, etc.). In the following passage from Dynamic Memory Revisited, Schank explains the power of stories. “People tell stories because they know that others like to hear them, although the reason people like to hear stories is not transparent to them. People need a context to help them relate what they have heard to what they already know. We understand events in terms of events we have already understood. When a decision-making heuristic, or rule of thumb, is presented to us without a context, we cannot decide the validity of the rule we have heard, nor do we know where to store it in our memories. Thus, what we are presented with is both difficult to evaluate and difficult to remember, making it virtually useless. People fail to couch what they have to say in memorable stories will have their rules fall on deaf ears despite their best intentions and despite the best intentions of the listeners. A good teacher is not one who merely explains things correctly, but one who couches explanations in a memorable (i.e., an interesting) format.” –Roger Schank (Schank, 1999) We feel that to truly understand and connect to people, stories are essential. Furthermore, presenting these stories in an interesting way is a critical part of understanding. We feel that embodying the bloggers with avatars allows the viewer to more easily embed themselves in the narrative and internalise its impact. 3.4.2 The display The current Buzz installations include five flat panel monitors in the shape of an ‘x’. The four outer monitors display actors represented by different adaptations of the graphics from Ken Perlin’s Responsive Face technology (Perlin, 1996; Perlin and Goldberg, 1996). These faces are synchronised with voice generation technology (NeoSpeech, 2006) controlled through the Microsoft Speech API, matching mouth positions on the faces to viseme events, lip position cues output by the MSAPI. Within this configuration, the actors are able to read stories and turn to face the actor currently speaking. The central screen (Figure 2) displays emotionally evocative words, pulled from the text currently being spoken, falling in constant motion. These words are extracted from the stories using our emotion classification technology. The most emotional words are extracted by finding the words with the largest disparity between positive and negative probabilities in a Naïve Bayes statistical model of valence labelled reviews. I have found this display to be a good addition to the actors to give the audience additional context in the performance and amplify the impact of the emotional words. 3.4.3 Director level control Given the above classifiers and filters, the system is able to retrieve a set of compelling stories. These filters and classifiers also give us a level of control of the performance 150 S.O. Sood similar to that of a director. Having information about each story such as its ‘emotional point of view’, its ‘familiarity’ and the likely gender of its author, the structure of an ongoing performance or individual story presentation in an online system can be planned out from a high level view before retrieving the performance content, giving the performance a flow, based not only on content, but also on emotion, familiarity, on-point vs. tangential, etc. Given a topic, when the system is presenting multiple stories, the system can juxtapose stories with different emotional stances, different levels of familiarity, and on-point vs. off-point. These affordances give a meaningful structure to the performance. To provide a high level control of the performance, we created an architecture for driving the retrieval of performance content. The structures, called ARCs, provide high level instructions to the Buzz engine as to what is needed, where to find it, how to find it, how to evaluate it, how to modify queries if needed and how to adapt the results to fit the current goal set. To get an idea of how the ARCs interact with the blog search and filters, see Figure 5. The pictured ARC (Figure 5) defines a point/counterpoint/dream interaction between agents. The three modules define three different information needs, as well as the sources for retrieval to fulfil these needs. The first module specifies that we want a blog entry that is on point to a specified topic, has passed through the syntax and colloquial filters, and is generally happy on the topic. The module specifies using Google Blog Search (Google, 1996) as a source. The source node specifies to form queries by single words as well as phrases related to the topic. If too few results are returned from this source, we have specified that queries are to be continually modified by lexical expansion and stemming. The ARC extensible framework allows for interactions from directors with little knowledge of the underlying system. In a future system, we will accomplish this via a range of possible interfaces from storyboarding and affect manipulation to a natural language interface. Figure 5 3.4.4 A sample dramatic adaptive retrieval chart used to drive a Buzz performance (see online version for colours) Compelling speech While text-to-speech systems have made great strides in improving believability of generated speech, these systems are not perfect (Black, 2002). Their focus has been on telephony systems, where the length of time of spoken speech is limited and emotional Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 151 speech is unnecessary. In watching a performance of Buzz using such text-to-speech systems, the voices tend to drone monotonously during stories longer than one to two sentences. An additional problem is caused by the stream of consciousness nature of some blogs, resulting in casual formatting with poor or limited punctuation. As mentioned earlier, text-to-speech systems generally rely on punctuation to provide natural pauses in the speech. In blogs where limited punctuation was present, the voices tended to drone on even more. In response to these issues, we created a model for emotional speech emphasis. Others have created models for how to emphasise words in generated speech (Raux and Black, 2003) and which words to emphasise. While these models are successful, we strove to create a simple model that would scale to our needs and capture the emotional element of the stories. Our system also includes a model for emotional speech emphasis at the sentence level. First, the system uses a sentence level emotion classifier to determine which sentences in a story are highly affective, and which emotion they are characterised by. In the exemplary installation of Buzz, the text is marked up at the sentence level for its emotional content (happy, sad, angry, neutral, etc.). This can also be done in larger spans such as at the paragraph or story level, or in smaller spans such as the word or phrase level. The models of emotion used can be replaced by a more or less detailed model of emotion. Many speech engines allow XML markup to control the volume, rate and pitch of the voices, as well as to insert pauses of different periods (specified in milliseconds) in the speech. We use this XML markup, in combination with an off-the-shelf audio processing toolkit, to alter the sound of the speech according to its emotional markup. For example, to handle a happy sentence, the pitch will be raised, rate will be increased and the pitch of the voice will rise slightly at the end of the sentence. These changes in speech attributes to portray emotion are informed by a study of emotional human speech (Cahn, 1990). For each of Ekman’s six emotions, Cahn’s study provides dimensions on which generated speech can be altered in order to render that emotion. An off the shelf audio processing toolkit was necessary for this system as some speech engines to not support the necessary parameter of control (pitch, rate, volume, etc.). In addition, using an audio tool as post processing often conserves the quality of the voice more than using the speech engine’s internal controls. In addition to using a model of emotional emphasis, the system inserts pauses into the audio stream at natural breaking points. This technique tends to improve performance on blogs with limited punctuation. While our model of emotional speech emphasis is simplistic, we have found it to be an effective way to enhance the Buzz experience. We expect to further tweak our emphasis model in response to audience or user feedback. 3.5 Buzz installations Using filters, modifiers and information retrieval strategies that focus on finding the interesting has resulted in an engaging theatrical installation. While finding compelling stories to present is a very important part of the Buzz performance, presenting these stories in a way that is meaningful and engaging is equally important. The author found issues of embodiment, gender-specificity, voice prosody and presentation flow and order to be the aspects of a Buzz performance with which the author could make great strides in improving. 152 S.O. Sood Figure 6 Pictures of four public Buzz installations (see online version for colours) Enabling Buzz with the ability to discover compelling stories has produced great results. Buzz has changed from a research project accessing stories that were unbearably dull, exposing the boring nature of many blogs, to a system that engages its viewers. The performance is now not driven simply by the relevance of on-line content, but by the blogger’s emotional state. The highly emotional content engages the audience and creates a high visibility installation. Buzz debuted from April 22nd through May 1st 2005 at the Athenaeum Theater as a part of the 8th Annual Chicago Improv Festival. It was well-received by actors, writers, producers and theatre-goers alike during this 10 day installation. Buzz was installed in the lobby of Chicago’s Second City Theater at 1616 N. Wells Street in Chicago on August 24th, 2005 for a one year installation. Buzz was also exhibited at Wired NextFest in New York City from September 29th to October 1st, 2006. See Figure 6 for still shots of the four major installations. 4 Related work Buzz is situated in a larger area of work called Network Arts (Shamma et al., 2004a; Shamma, 2005) an area focused on the creation of informative and compelling performance installations that find, use and expose the massively interconnected content that exists on the web. Systems in this area both inform viewers of the current state of the web, and enlighten them with associations and points of view. These systems are important because they bridge the gap between the internet and digital art, an area that traditionally uses the machine as an instrument which is utilised by a human artist. Using the internet as a resource, systems in this area are scalable and autonomously generate creative and entertaining experiences that provide a reflection of the world that we live in. Artistically, story telling and online communication have been externalised within several installations. Of the more well known in this area, Listening Post (Hansen and Rubin, 2002, 2004) is an art installation that exposes content from thousands of chat Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 153 rooms and other online forums through an audio and visual display. The audio component is made up of synthesised voice of the content which is displayed visually on more than 200 tiny screens. Listening Post exposes the real-time Buzz of chat rooms on the web, in a manner that was designed to convey ‘the magnitude and diversity of online communication’. Inspired by Listening Post, We Feel Fine (Harris and Kamvar, 2007) is an ongoing online art installation that was created in August of 2005 by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. The backend for the installation mines the blogosphere for sentences containing the phrase ‘I feel’ or ‘I am feeling’. It discovers 15,000–20,000 new sentences per day and for each sentence, when possible, extracts demographic information (age, gender, location, etc.) and any image associated with the blog entry. Using the time of the post and the location information, it gathers information about the current weather at the blogger’s location. It also does a simple association of the sentence to zero or more of 5,000 hand coded emotions. The associations are determined by mere presence of the emotion term in the sentence. The system has mined and stored these sentences since August of 2005 and visualised them in several interesting ways through a web applet. Like both Listening Post and We Feel Fine, Buzz externalises online communication, through a context refined via search and extraction. The Buzz filters and retrieval strategies focus the presentation on stories and specifically on compelling and emotional stories while these two installations are more broadly oriented to represent or portray the breadth of online communication, while also targeting key phrases. Listening Post demonstrates online communication as a whole, while Buzz focuses on singular voices from the blogosphere, grounded in current popular topics and/or dramatic situations. Buzz also differs in that the bloggers are embodied by avatars to give voice and body to the stories. 5 Conclusions and the future In this article, the author has described a system that connects people through stories. This system amplifies the stories that people tell and facilitates and strengthens connections between people. In addition to autonomously finding stories and judging interestingness, a concept that extends to search by interestingness, the Buzz story discovery engine has broader implications and contributions. Consider how people tell stories – they never ‘create’ or ‘invent’ new stories, instead they recall the most interesting stories they have heard or experiences they have had, they may merge different experiences together, and they alter the details to make a more compelling story. In a sense, we have codified how people tell or create stories, building a system to do just that. In a way, the author thinks these systems made contributions to the decades old problem of story generation in artificial intelligence. The clear next step for Buzz includes moving it online, where instead of connecting thousands of people in a public installation, it could impact millions. Current and future work in this area involves creating a destination entertainment site (, where viewers can see interesting stories presented to them by a diverse set of realistic and engaging avatars. The stories will exist in a variety of high level categories including compelling stories involving dramatic situations (dreams, fights, confessions, etc.) topical stories (around new products or hot topics), and news related points of view (evolving daily). Each day, will produce and host approximately 1,400 new 45–90 sec 154 S.O. Sood video stories based on the updated daily news events, topics, etc. The videos can be navigated via topical search or browsed through a set of hierarchical categories. The site will allow users to comment on videos, rate them, and recommend them to friends. We hope that will be successful in connecting millions of people through stories of experiences and points of view. References Black, A. (2002) ‘Perfect synthesis for all of the people all of the time’, IEEE TTS Workshop, Santa Monica, CA. Cahn, J.E. (1990) ‘The generation of affect in synthesized speech’, Journal of the American Voice I/O Society, Vol. 8, pp.1–19. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. Ekman, P. (2003) Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company. Google (1996) Google, Available at: Green, H. (2007) With 15.5 Million Active Blogs, New Technorati Data Shows that Blogging Growth Seems to be Peaking; appears in Business Hansen, M. and Rubin, B. (2002) ‘Listening post: giving voice to online communications’, International Conference on Auditory Display, Kyoto, Japan. Hansen, M. and Rubin, B. (2004) Listening Post, Available at: listeningpost.html. Harris, J. and Kamvar, S. (2007) We Feel Fine, Available at: Hoffmann, R. (2000) ‘Narrative’, American Scientist Online, Vol. 88, p.310. Koppel, M., Argamon, S. and Shimoni, A. (2003) ‘Automatically categorizing written texts by author gender’, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 17, pp.401–412.. Liu, H., Lieberman, H. and Selker, T. (2003) ‘A model of textual affect sensing using real-world knowledge’, Intelligent User Interfaces (pp.125–132). New York, NY: ACM Press. Neospeech, Inc. (2006) Available at: Ortony, A., Clore, G.L. and Foss, M.A. (1987) ‘The referential structure of the affective lexicon’, Cognitive Science, Vol. 11, pp.341–362. Owsley, S. and Sood, S. and Hammond, K.J. (2006) ‘Domain specific affective classification of documents’, AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs, Palo Alto, California. Perlin, K. (1996) Responsive Face Project. Available at: Perlin, K. and Goldberg, A. (1996) ‘Improv: a system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worlds’, Computer Graphics, Vol. 29, pp.205–216. Polti, G. and Ray, L. (1940) The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. Boston, MA: Writer. Raux, A. and Black, A. (2003) ‘A unit selection approach to f0 modeling and its application to emphasis’, ASRU, St. Thomas, US, Virgin Islands. Schank, R.C. (1990) Tell Me A Story. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Schank, R.C. (1999) Dynamic Memory Revisited. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Shamma, D.A. (2005) ‘Network arts: defining emotional interaction in media arts and information retrieval’, Computer Science Department, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, Doctor of Philosophy. Shamma, D., Owsley, S. Bradshaw, S. and Hammond, K.J. (2004a) ‘Using web frequency within multimedia exhibitions’, ACM Multimedia. New York, NY: ACM Press. Buzz: Mining and Presenting Interesting Stories 155 Shamma, D.A., Owsley, S., Bradshaw, S. and Hammond, K.J. (2004b) ‘Network arts: exposing cultural reality’, International World Wide Web Conference, New York. Simmons, A. (2002) The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion Through the Art of Storytelling. London, UK: Perseus Books Group. Sood, S., Owsley, S., Hammond, K. and Birnbaum, L. (2007) Reasoning Through Search: A Novel Approach to Sentiment Classification. Northwestern University Tech Report Number NWU-EECS-07-05. Sproat, R., Ostendorf, M. and Hunt, A. (1998) The Need for Increased Speech Synthesis Research: Report of the 1998 NSF Workshop for Discussing Research Priorities and Evaluation Strategies in Speech Synthesis, NSF. Steinbeck, J. (1977) ‘In awe of words’, The Exonian, 75th anniversary edition, in G. Plimpton (Ed.). Devon, UK: Exeter University. Technorati (2007) Technorati, Available at: Wikipedia (2005) Wikipedia, Available at: Yahoo! (2006) Yahoo!, Available at: Zemeckis, R. (2000) Cast Away. Zipf, G. (1949) Human Behavior and the Principle of Least-effort. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.