A OF STUDY VERSATOR II LOWER HYBRID TOKAMAK WAVE MICROWAVE USING ON PROPAGATION THE SCATTERING by Rajeev Rajan 'ohatgi M.Sc., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1980) Submitted to the Department of Physics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 1986 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author 1986 Department of Physics 'Qecember 1985 Certified by Bekefi Prof Geor ervisor Su Thesis Accepted by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Archives MAY 2 9 1986 - 1 - Prof George Koster Chairman, Departmental Graduate Committee Section [2] Prefatory: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Title and Certification 1 2 Table of Contents 2 3 Abstract - 3 4 Acknowledgment . 4 5 List of Figures 6 6 List of Tables . 9 7 Notation . 8 Introduction 10 15 8A Lower Hybrid Waves 24 9 Experimental Setup 28 10 Experimental Procedure . 48 11 Analysis . 58 12 Experimental Results 63 13 Theoretical Modelling 83 14 Comparison Between Theory and Experiment 15 Conclusion . 110 16 References . 114 Appendices: . 101 17 Scattering Calculation . 116 18 Lower Hybrid Wave Calculation . 125 19 Microwave Measurements . 130 20 High Voltage Filter Feedthroughs * 138 21 Computer Programs 0 142 - 2 - . Section A [3] STUDY ABSTRACT OF VERSATOR II LOWER HYBRID TOKAMAK WAVE USING PROPAGATION MICROWAVE ON THE SCATTERING by Rajeev Rohatgi Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 2, 1986 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics. Abstract A 139 GHz microwave scattering diagnostic is used to study the penetration of externally launched 0.8 GHz lower hybrid waves in current drive (n < 6 x101 2 cm- 3 ) experiments on A 7 W Extended Interaction II tokamaR. MIT's Versator Oscillator is used to provide the incident 139 GHz beam. Waveguide optics are used. The scattered signal is measured by means of a homodyne detection technique using a balanced The mixer, with a spectrum analyzer as the IF detector. receiver noise is under 10- 1 3 W in a 300 kHz bandwidth; however, the experimental sensitivity is usually limited by Various scattering geometries background plasma emission. The 0.8 GHz lower hybrid waves are launched are available. using a 150 kW klystron and a phased 4 waveguide grill. Our results A variety of experiments has been performed. indicate a spatially defined resonance cone near the edge of the plasma, with very directional power flow that is in excellent agreement with theoretical modelling. Power does some evidence of wave absorption reach the plasma center; during current drive is seen. Wavenumber spectra and Some data has frequency spectra have also been measured. been taken at densities outside the current drive regime. A major discrepancy between theory and experiment is the measured power levels, which are low by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Experimental setup, procedure, analysis, results, and the theoretical modelling are all described in some detail. Thesis Supervisor: George Bekefi Title: Professor of Physics - 3 - Section [4] ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Versator lab has been an excellent place to work. I do not think I could have asked for better, either in terms of enthusiastic, able, and easy-to-get-along-with people or in terms of facilities. My foremost debt of gratitude is to Kuo-In Chen, who was my partner during almost all of my experimental runs. I really do not know what shape my experiment and myself would have been in, were it not for his selfless generosity and willingness to help me. Second, I must thank Ed Fitzgerald, our senior technical staff member, from whom I have probably learnt more than from any other individual (well, except my parents, I guess). He has also been an invaluable ally, willing to tackle any problem with resourcefulness and good humor. Prof George Bekefi has supported me and trusted me through thick and thin; I would especially like to thank him for the opportunity I have had to work with this group. I would also like to thank Prof Miklos Porkolab and Stan Luckhardt for their encouragement and guidance. The students and staff of Versator have over the years been both good friends and colleagues; I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the willing help and support I have received from - 4 - Tom Evans Steve Knowlton Alan Palevsky Alan Fisher Jerry Lorden Burton Richards Kirk Hackett Ivan Mastovsky Adam Sapirstein Bob Kaplan Scott McDermott Joel Villasenor with special mention for Matt Mayberry, who has been my fellow graduate student, neighbor, and close friend for the last five years, as we have gone through the ups and downs of graduate life. There have been occasions when I have had to seek the assistance of others to help me with some specific problem. Without exception, they have helped me generously. Paul Bonoli provided me with his ray tracing code and helped me a lot with difficulties I ran into while doing the theoretical modelling. Others I would Barrett, Mike Doucette, Cliff like to Surko, thank include Jack Dave Taylor and Paul Woskoboinikow. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank two faculty members who, although not associated with my experiment, have taught me a lot: Prof Jeff Freidberg and Prof Robert Kyhl. And lastly my gratitude to my parents and my numerous friends over the years for just being there. this includes you !) - 5 - (Ken and Joel*, Section [5] LIST OF FIGURES . . 20 . . . 29 . . . 30 8.1 Scattering Wavevectors 9.1.1 Versator Port Allocation 9.2.1 Experimental Schematic 9.3.1 EIO Power Circuit . 9.3.2 EIO Cooling System . 9.4.1 Mirror Assembly 9.4.2 Sample Scattering Volumes . . . 35 9.4.3 Sliding Dovetail Bracket . . . 37 9.5.1 Wedge Reflector . . 38 9.6.1 Microwave Receiver . 40 9.8.1 Signal Amplifier and Transmission Line . 42 9.9.1 Launching Lower Hybrid Waves . 44 9.9.2 Launched . for 33 . 35 . . Spectrum 33 +90* Phasing . 9.10.1 Plasma Current and Loop Voltage Windings 10.4.1 Typical Low Density Shot 10.4.2 Use of Aluminum Foil to Deflect Incident Beam . . 44 . . . 46 . 54 . 55 Radial Scans 12.2.1 N%%=3 Low Density +900 Phasing . . 66 12.2.2 N,, =5 Low Density +90 Phasing . . 66 12.2.3 N,, =3 High Density +900 Phasing . . 67 12.2.4 N4 =5 High Density +90* Phasing . . 67 NEl Spectra 12.3.1 r/a=0.85 Low Density +90a Phasing . . 71 12.3.2 r/a=0.0 Low Density +90' Phasing . . 71 12.3.3 r/a=0.85 High Density +90* Phasing . . 72 - 6 - (N, Spectra) High Density +90* Phasing 12.3.4 r/a=0.0 12.3.5 r/a=0.85 Low Density 180* Phasing 73 12.3.6 r/a=0.0 Low Density 180* Phasing 73 12.4.1 Orientation Spectrum . . . 76 12.6.1 Frequency Spectrum . . . 79 12.6.2 Power Scan . . . - 80 12.6.3 Poloidal Scan . . . . 81 13.2.1 Geometry for Brambilla Spectrum Computation . 84 13.3.1 Geometry for Ray Tracing . . 85 13.4.1 Power Map in Scattering Plane . . 89 13.4.2 Puncture Plots for +ve N,, Rays, Separated by . 90 - 91 Passes 13.4.3 . Puncture Plots for -ve N 5 Rays, Separated by . . . NO Spectrum and Spectral Orientation Diagram Near Center 13.4.5 . . Passes 13.4.4 . 72 . . . . - - 93 N,1 Spectrum and Spectral Orientation Diagram Near Edge . . . - - 94 . . 95 13.4.6 Orientation Spectrum Near Edge 13.4.7 Evolution of Coherence . - - 97 13.4.8 Radial Power Profile . . . 98 14.01 Orientation Spectrum Near Center . . 102 14.02 N,Spectra . 104 17.2.1 Non-Orthogonal Coordinates in Scattering Plane 17.2.2 Introduction of Orthogonal Coordinates in for Restricted Orientations Scattering Plane 17.2.3 k-Resolution of Scattering Volume 19.2.1 Mixer Test Setup . - 7 - . 122 . . 123 . . 124 . . 130 19.2.2 Mixer Noise Temperature . . 19.2.3 Mixer Conversion Loss . . 19.3.1 133 . 133 Setup for Antenna Pattern Measurement . 134 19.3.2 Detail of Detector . 135 19.3.3 Sample Horn Pattern 19.4.1 Geometry for CW Power Transmission Measurement . 136 20.1 Richards' Filter/Absorber Feedthrough 20.2 Absorber-Filled Feedthrough 20.3 6-1/2 Stage LC Filter Feedthrough 20.4 Filter Transmission Test Setup 21.2.1 Scattering Geometry Plot from SBATPL2 - 8 - . 135 .. . . . 138 . 139 . 140 . 141 . 143 Section [6] 9.1.1 LIST OF TABLES Versator II Plasma Parameters . 12.1.1 List of Experiments . 12.5.1 Comparison . +90* and -90* Between Scattered Power P . . 29 . 64 Phasing at the Plasma Center . on . 77 . 87 13.3.1 Plasma Parameters Used in Ray Tracing Code 14.1 Plasma Parameters Used for Calculating Frequency Broadening due to Scattering of Lower . 103 Hybrid Waves from Low Frequency Fluctuations 14.2 Estimate of Terms in Eqn 14.03 20.1 Measured Transmission of 6-1/2 Stage LC Filter . 141 - 9 - . . . . 105 Section [7] NOTATION a minor radius of plasma a subscript denoting plasma edge a,b,c coefficients in lower hybrid dispersion relation constants used in k-resolution calculation a,b,c,d b wall radius (theoretical model) b subscript denoting vacuum vessel wall c speed of light e electron charge e subscript denoting electrons A e unit vector f wave phase f(r) radiation pattern of transmitting antenna f lower hybrid wave frequency (0.8 GHz) g(E) radiation pattern of receiving antenna i subscript denoting ions j square root of -1, used in wave phase terms k Boltzmann's constant k wavevector kr ke components of k in scattering plane ki, k, components of k relative to total magnetic field B k1 wavevector of incident beam kg wavevector of scattered beam W wavevector of wave responsible for scattering 1 path length me electron mass - 10 - n ne electron density -1,i1e line average electron density ne fluctuating wave) electron density (as due to lower hybrid o0) subscript denoting plasma center r minor radius coordinate in scattering plane r radial unit vector r spatial coordinate in scattering volume rm radius of magnetic surface ( ro classical electron radius t time ti retarded time to first order approximation v fluid velocity ye electron drift velocity magnetic coordinate) in scattering x,yorthogonal coordinates horizontal and vertical) xI coordinate along incident beam xS coordinate along scattered beam A z unit toroidal vector AR effective area of receiving antenna Aw cross-sectional normal to r plane (not area of lower hybrid beam, measured A,B,C,D,X constants in k-resolution calculation B BT toroidal magnetic field B bandwidth BR receiver bandwidth BW bandwidth of lower hybrid waves C(K) Fourier transform of antenna pattern overlap f(_r)g( ) - 11 - C transmission loss of receiving waveguide E electric field E' designates fields wave E0 electric field amplitude ES total scattered electric field Es scattered electric field due to single electron F electronics calibration factor (dB/Volt) F2 for (artificial) complex incident dimensionless quantity relating wave density amplitude to electric field amplitude F 3 dimensionless quantity relating electric field amplitude squared to wave power (Poynting flux) G preamplifier gain H(kL) lower hybrid dispersion relation solution for k,, Hg total scattered magnetic field HS, scattered magnetic due to single electron I, Ip plasma current I (NI 1 ) lower hybrid wave power per unit area, per unit launched power per unit Na,, II inductively driven part of plasma current IR RF driven part of plasma current J geometric factor related to k-resolution of scattering volume L inductance of plasma current L mixer conversion loss N refractive index NI, parallel refractive index of lower hybrid wave P power P,S,D plasma quantities in Stix' notation - 12 - PC CW transmitted power with system aligned PL launched lower hybrid power PS measured scattered power (absolute units) A PS measured scattered power (in power) R plasma resistance R units of receiver noise R A R unit vector in R direction R vector from scattering volume to (far) field point RR distance from scattering volume to receiving antenna RX distance from scattering volume to transmitting antenna Se lower hybrid wave Poynting flux in direction e SI Poynting flux of incident beam at scattering volume SR Poynting flux of incident beam at receiving antenna T time interval for received scattered power Te electron temperature T. ion temperature TN signal noise temperature TR receiver noise temperature V recorded voltage with 0.8 GHz system off (emission + noise) VL loop voltage VN recorded voltage corresponding to noise level V recorded voltage with 0.8 GHz system on (scattering + emission + noise) X constant in k-resolution calculation orientation angle between k, and r - 13 - calculation of scattering volume's in ai angle appearing k-resolution Aw frequency broadening density fluctuations Fo permittivity of vacuum 0 angle coordinate in scattering plane o halfwidth of receiving antenna pattern in E plane; subscripts x for transmitting antenna and H for H plane e scattering angle n Ee'. n e i (HWHM) of lower hybrid waves by form factors for density and temperature profiles T retarded time T optical depth for scattering of lower hybrid waves by density fluctuations $(w) (scattered) spectral intensity W (angular) frequency oce electron cyclotron frequency Wci ion cyclotron frequency WI incident beam frequency pe electron plasma frequency " . ion plasma frequency oS frequency of scattered wave - 14 - Section A INTRODUCTION [ 8] as phenomenon of lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks, current for equilibrium; toroidal (parallel filaments of force pinch radially the balances other) attract current due outward force However, inductively. tokamaks to be inherently pulsed devices. this the possibility of CW tokamak operation. the (DC) RF thus opening CW operation, tremendously enhances the attractiveness of of course, each restricts In contrast, driven currents may be sustained indefinitely, up to inductively driven cannot be sustained indefinitely; currents inward the radially Conventionally this toroidal current is pressure gradient. generated a Tokamaks depend means of obtaining steady state operation. on the of interest in recent years has been focused on lot the tokamak as a fusion reactor. The basic idea of lower hybrid RF current drive is that one launches 'slow' lower hybrid waves (phase velocity less than the speed of light) travelling in the direction of electron waves interact with the plasma and These drift. momentum to resonant electrons (enhancing the tail transfer of the electron velocity distribution), thus driving current. Lower hybrid [Fisch.78], Japan current drive was proposed by Fisch and in first observed experimentally on JFT-2 Versator II and [Yamamoto.80 - 15 - in the 1978 in US simultaneously; sustained with both inductive and RF drives loop voltage VL = E-dl around the torus, with no attendant The governing equation is drop in plasma current. V hybrid current whence the 3 6 x 101-2 MIT. at C Alcator can current plasma et Bernabei kA of experiments sustained solely al plasma for current - 16 - s obtained: of sustainment the 3.5 indeed, and, been have document [Bernabei.82] RF, with that shown have results state steady impressive some be Numerous and Princeton at (PLT) Torus Large most experiments, tokamak major of number Princeton the notably 165 a on performed were experiments drive current hybrid lower Subsequently around limits density. line-average cr experiments These density showed -- densities high limit. density GHz) 0.8 around (both a of concept lower that observed at work to current observed also failed drive tail low-resistivity experiments early These increases. the that assumes experiments Versator The electrons.) the of external) 8.1 by carried is resistance, plasma plus - components driven (Equation current driven RF 8.1 effective the distribution. current plasma R (internal inductance the is L and I inductively and is R ~ +IR) L(I - dt[ RF the current, plasma the of + R =I L =I are I and IR where in current drive effect was inferred from the drop RF the was current experiments, initial In [Luckhardt.81]. on PLT; the time limitation RF was due to heating of a ferrite isolator in transmission system. Experiments on FT the (Frascati) at 2.45 GHz [Alladio.82] and Alcator C at 4.6 GHz [Porkolab.84a] 4x 10 1 3 cm-3 succeeded in driving 'flat-top' currents at 14cm-3 (line-average) and 1x 10 respectively, suggesting that the current drive density limit scales with frequency. has now been a on Versator II density limit. (The 0.8 GHz system had a of 6x 101 2 cm-3 line-average [Luckhardt.82]; limit system the shown a new 2.45 GHz experiment has yet where [Mayberry.85], find conclusively has demonstrated current drive at experiment is This limited by density the new 2.5 x10 1 3 cm- 3 available power to and -the operating regime of the tokamak). Aside from sustainment of the plasma current, current drive has up and ramping demonstrated capability up the plasma current. saving in engineering. 0.3 s. both drive, in drive a substantial Both Alcator C [Takase.85-b] and PLT have demonstrated the ability energy 1983 opening up the possibility of increase the plasma current with RF drive; magnetic PLT a tokamak with no inductive drive, [Jobes.85] for the formation of 100 kA plasmas with RF alone [Motley.84, Jobes.84] -building hybrid the plasma in the absence of inductive starting for demonstrated the lower to significantly on Alcator C the content of a 100 kA plasma was doubled The "ramp-up" efficiencies of both experiments in (ie the efficiency with which delivered RF power is converted to - 17 - stored magnetic energy) are in excellent agreement with theory [Karney.84]. A suitable review of lower hybrid experiments can be found in [Porkolab.84-b]. Despite the progress and successes experimental and theoretical, in the field, both much remains to be learnt. Between wave launching and wave absorption, a number of The waves propagate in an processes come into play. inhomogeneous medium undergoing refraction and bounces; the (at different initial effects on different waves locations and having different wavevectors) varied. spatial can be quite Toroidal effects are responsible for changes in the spectrum of the waves. Waves are scattered by density fluctuations, causing spectral broadening. and wave absorption are also present. Mode conversion Thus wave propagation is a complicated process, and not very well understood. While theories exist for various facets of the problem, hybrid wave on lower experimental data propagation in contemporary devices is meager. Current drive experiments are predominantly analyzed from global and measurements (current, specific diagnostics understanding of lower are loop voltage); more detailed necessary to hybrid wave physics. improve the Spatially resolved X-ray measurements provide some insight into 'where - 18 - is the power going ?', measurements, RF Nonetheless the propagation is as do density and temperature profile probes diagnostic without electromagnetic waves. strength, spatial a few other of choice doubt for coherent diagnostics. studying wave scattering of A scattering diagnostic can look for plasma the in waves the and distribution and their measure and directly, both frequency and wavenumber spectra. Coherent scattering diagnostics have been used to detect and study lower Alcator A hybrid waves on other [Slusher.82], tokamaks, Alcator C such as [Watterson.85, Takase.85-a] and WEGA [Ichtchenko.83], as well as previously on Versator II [Richards.811. The Alcator results are perhaps the most complete to date; Watterson et al have used NH a CO 2 laser scattering system to measure power, and radial profiles, and have also studied the spectra parametric decay of the lower hybrid waves and ion cyclotron sidebands. The WEGA experiment operated at 136 GHz, geometry inside the vacuum chamber. is using primarily turbulence). offers It to is study low a 139 GHz frequency microwave of Portions experiment this work have been published [Rohatgi.85a]. - 19 - Versator drift more geometric flexibility than the other experiments. fixed The present experiment an upgrade of Richards' previous experiment on (used a wave and published previously Our microwave Interaction scattering Oscillator Waveguides experiment uses a to generate power are used to transmit the power to 7 W Extended at 139 GHz. the tokamak, where a narrow beam is launched into the plasma. oscillate in this radiation field; An electron causing some power is scattered. density wave acts like a diffraction coherent scattering in directions condition kg = k1 grating, satisfying -4, -b-A Bragg Electrons the -A. + kW, where k1 and kS are the wavevectors of the incident and scattered radiation, is the wavevector of the electron density wave for the scattering (see Fig 8.1). is also shifted in frequency by electron density wave. by a and kW responsible The scattered the radiation of frequency the The scattered radiation is received suitably positioned antenna, and mixed down to the intermediate frequency (IF) in a standard homodyne detection scheme. analyzer. The A IF is signal detected using a spectrum distinguishing feature of this experiment is the use of movable mirrors on both the transmitting (for the Fig 8.1 SCATTERING WAVEVECTORS Scattered beam incident an shows (a) impinging on an electron plasma. The wave in the electrons results in a scattered beam. (b) The relation between the wavevectors of the (k 1 ) , beam incident the scattered beam (kg) and the Beam k - kI - Electrons Incident Beam is (kW) density wave electron shown, as is the scattering.angle (a) (b) kw and a wave with that 6S. [Note -W; and is identical to one with ,-k frequency w consequently scattered power may exist with ks= r-kw too.] - 20 - incident fair beam) and receiving antennae, which affords us a amount of flexibility in selecting scattering volumes. (Scattering radiation volumes patterns are of defined by the the overlap transmitting and of the receiving antennae.) Before discussing the experiments we have performed, to necessary a few words about say system the Versator II to launch lower hybrid waves. consists of independent 4 adjacent phase open-mouthed is used on The antenna used waveguides The waveguides are controls. it with suitably phased in order to produce an electric field pattern at face of the antenna that couples to slow less than plasma. the parallel to the during wave propagation. these is not conserved; propagation affects N11 = c k1, / w ; zeroth and the NH has a poloidal component which interaction plasma.) - order azimuthal the consequent change in N11 during the or by toroidal symmetry, or cylindrical geometry because of axial In a tokamak, k11 , (N,, is conserved exactly if magnetic field is purely toroidal, symmetry. spectrum field, quantities is conserved to of a magnetic the parallel refractive index either in the in The waves are characterized by the component of wavevector equivalently velocity speed of light) lower hybrid waves The launched power typically has a broad in k-space. the (phase the 21 - between waves wave and With this setup we have sought to address the question of propagation of externally launched 0.8 GHz waves in Versator plasmas during current drive. Specifically we have measured the dependence of lower hybrid wave power on both radius and (as well as on several other quantities.) Nil Our results indicate the presence of a spatially defined resonance cone near the edge of the plasma, with very directional power flow agreement that modelling. is is in excellent The N11 spectrum for the +900 with theoretical waveguide in good agreement with the computed spectrum. seen to reach the center of the plasma. phasing Power is A special experiment has been conducted to look for wave absorption during current drive; evidence of absorption is seen. The measured frequency spectrum of the lower hybrid waves is consistent with theory. Some data has been taken at densities above the current drive density limit; no dramatic difference is seen. The outline of this thesis is as follows. The experimental setup and procedure are described in Sections 9 and 10. (A single set of numbers is used serially to denote the various sections into which this thesis introduction is already Section 8.) data analysis. Section 12. is divided; this Section 11 covers the The experimental results are presented in Theoretical modelling was performed to compare with the experimental results; the modelling and comparison with experiment are presented - 22 - in Sections 13 and 14 respectively. appendices aspects 15 is Section follow the references of measurements, the calculation, hardware details, the conclusion. (Section 16); these cover microwave calibration and computer programs, are numbered as Appendices 17 through 21. are suitably referenced from the main text. - 23 - Several and The appendices Section [8A] This LOWER HYBRID WAVES section hybrid Lower provides a background on lower hybrid waves magnetized plasma. frequency range The name is applied to just above i+ (Wce ci) frequency wLH 2 normal one of many are the of modes waves hybrid in the resonant w ci«W pi«wpe~ce). The cold dispersion relation in this frequency range has plasma branches, a (We are assuming the typical . scaling for tokamak plasmas, lower waves. two one being a slow wave characterized by refractive index N>>1 and the other a 'fast' wave with smaller N. The term the lower former. are hybrid The driven wave is usually used to refer name arises from the fact that the both by the electric field and the to electrons magnetic field. - - 'Lower mn dv dt = q( +vxB E1 +1 ) 0 8A.1 hybrid' refers to the mode where the driving - terms have opposite sign, and is the lower frequency solution; the other mode frequencies is referred to as 'upper hybrid' and exists above the electron plasma and at cyclotron frequencies. As a consequence of large N, the magnetic field perturbation associated with these waves is small (cB1 <<E), the magnetic energy content of the waves is small, approximation may be used in the - 24 - and the electrostatic analysis. Electrostatic analysis yields the standard Trivelpiece-Gould dispersion relation, 2 S.COS 2 2 .2Wsin 6 - 2 2 2 - -c c j where the summation 8A.2 is over the species e (electron) and i and e is the angle between the wavevector k and (ion), - the Using the assumed scaling (above), this can magnetic field. be rewritten - - - - - - - - - - - - Notice -. p2 - - - - - i= pe - - - - - - - - - - m .- - - - - ce - that for cos 2 e~1, - - - --- - - 22 i . 2 /w 2 ) +(o 2 sin -1 - - 2 (1 + --Icos 6) me - - WoWpe. - - - - - - --- 8A.3 8A . - Since our interest is in waves with o<<wpe, we may use sin 26e'1 and cos 2 e-(k /k ) 2 <<1, whence - 2 _ _ 2 22 p. 1+ W pe 2pi /W +im.+-k- e k4 ce 8A.4 is the standard electrostatic lower hybrid This dispersion relation. The size of electromagnetic corrections is approximately 10% in k, or k.L; we do in fact use the dispersion relation in all our analysis -in Appendix 18. electromagnetic this is discussed Nonetheless the electrostatic dispersion relation is reasonably accurate, easier to grasp, and may be used to illustrate two of the interesting characteristics of lower hybrid waves. - 25 - It is worthwhile to indicate the relative magnitudes of the quantities in which our we see that the quantity in approximately wavevector Typically for experiments, wpi/272O.5 GHz, wpe/27~ 20 GHz, wce/27Z35 GHz, w/27=0.8 GHz, from Eqn 8A.4. is 4. mi/me=1 8 3 6 , Since brackets ks/kjj=25, indeed nearly perpendicular to the must and be the magnetic field. The two interesting characteristics of lower mentioned (2) the hybrid waves and above are (1) propagation in resonance cones fact that the group velocity of nearly perpendicular to the wavevector. consequence of the fact that, these waves is Both of these are a at least in the electrostatic approximation, the dispersion relation is independent of the magnitude of the wavevector k. If the components of k are (kek'4k) in spherical polar coordinates (with the field as axis), then w=w(ek) and __k) = k- Sk-v ~ We 9 see nearly -0 k 3k perpendicular toroidal W(ek )=k 8A.5 have that although lower hybrid waves predominantly to toroidal. components B, It of v the is wave easy to a show that and k are in the same - 26 - is the direction This wave propagating radially inwards has a k radially outward. - wavevectors propagation and that the poloidal components are opposite. that magnetic means pointing To show resonance cone propagation, same plane (say with ky=0). consider waves in Then the ratio of the the components of the group velocity v ... - gti gx Dw/3k k _____x Bw/3k X 8A.6 is determined by the dispersion relation and which is same for all waves, with different wavenumbers (and in general different regardless of wavenumber. velocities) follow the same trajectories. - the Thus waves group This is resonance we have already seen that the propagation cone propagation; is predominantly toroidal. Further elsewhere discussion of lower hybrid waves is contained Lower hybrid waves were already in this thesis. briefly touched on in the Introduction (p.21). A discussion of how the waves are launched in the plasma may be found Section [9.9]. The electromagnetic analysis transport are both covered in Appendix [181. - 27 - and in power Section [9] [9.1] This EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Outline section setup A system in ([9.3] - [9.2] [9.3] EIO Source [9.4] Transmitting/Receiving Antennae [9.5] Wedge Reflector [9.6] Microwave Receiver [9.7] Shielding [9.8] Electronics [9.9] Lower Hybrid System [9.10] Other diagnostics the of is followed by more detailed experimental the scattering experiment. have [Richards.78,81; sub-sections Some procedures are mentioned, where they to the setting up of the the operation General Description contains a description [9.8]). running [9.2] general description of the microwave more relate Outline for the detection of lower hybrid waves in used plasma. [9.1] and The Versator II tokamak adequately been than experiment Stone.79] and discussed are not to its elsewhere discussed here. Table 9.1.1 shows typical parameters of Versator II plasmas. Versator ports and diagnostics are shown in Fig 9.1.1. lower hybrid system is discussed Other diagnostics that bear on the present experiments covered in [9.10]. - 28 - in sub-section The [9.9]. are Table 9.1.1 VERSATOR II PLASMA PARAMETERS Quantity Symbol Value Major Radius Minor Radius R a 40.5 cm 13.0 cm Toroidal Field BT 0.8 - Plasma Current Ip 20 - Electron Density Electron Temperature ie 2 x 1012 - 3 x 1013 cm-3 Te 200 - 500 eV Ion Temperature Ti 100 - 180 eV Shot Duration 1.5 T 60 kA 30 ms typ. RF Systems: Frequency Max Power Max Pulse Length (1) 0.8 GHz (2) 2.45 GHz 100 kW 20 ms 100 kW 40 ms Fig 9.1.1 VERSATOR 600MHz ; PORT ALLOCATION Top view of Versator II showing the microwave the scattering port, lower hybrid (LH) RF ION GAUGE other and ports, and equipment The diagnostics. scattering microwave port is 450 p EMISS PumpaRGA RUBYLASER toroidally from the 0.8 GHz port. LASER DUMP LHRF To GAS PUFFING HARD ANO CHARGE X-RAY 0 10cm - 29 - [9.2] An the General Description experimental schematic is shown in Fig 9.2.1. equipment Much used for this experiment was inherited of from previous microwave scattering experiments on the Versator II tokamak [Richards.81]. An extended interaction oscillator (EIO) made by Varian is used as a 7 W CW source at Most of tokamak, the power is transmitted through waveguide to where a horn and lens are used to launch a (approx 4.5* FWHM) incident beam. off an 139 GHz. beam is received by similar vessel. The rotation in the poloidal plane and translation along the ports on are mounted. The apparatus. adjustable mirrors have two degrees of freedom: they narrow The incident beam bounces adjustable mirror and into the vacuum scattered the which This system permits complete flexibility COMPUTER SCOPE R F SHIELDED CABINE T APLI FIER FIL AMPLIFIER TER RECEIVING ANTENNA 800MHz SPECTRUM ANALY ZER A USTABLE MIXERL PREAMP WE DGE REFLECTOR TOR MON I9 DIOD E PLASM VAR. ATTEN. L-V POWER SUPPLIESANE EIO WAVEGUIDE TAN TUNER N TT A G Fig 9.2.1 EXPERIMENTAL SCHEMATIC - 30 - in choosing scattering geometry (location of scattering volume, scattering angle, and poloidal orientation) limited only by port access. A wedge shaped reflector inside the vacuum vessel is used to deflect unwanted microwave power and reduce stray signal. The power scattered by the 0.8 GHz lower hybrid waves is 139+0.8 GHz. The received scattered power is at transmitted by waveguide back to the main cabinet, where it is mixed with a local oscillator signal forward power line), (This is signal (taken by a 20 dB tap off the to produce an IF signal at 0.8 GHz. the standard homodyne detection method.) This IF is amplified, analyzer which is and then detected by set to a fixed frequency a spectrum (0.8 GHz) and The purpose of the amplifier is used as a tuned detector. to boost the signal power above the spectrum analyzer noise level. This receiver has a noise temperature of 6600 K, which corresponds to a sensitivity of about 3x10-1 (this bandwidth of 300 kHz bandwidth experiments except frequencyspectrum detected signal is 4 W in a used for all measurements). (output of the spectrum analyzer) is The driven by an amplifier through microwave filters and a triax line over to the control room, where it is smoothed and then stored in our computer. [9.3] EIO Source The 139 GHz source used in this experiment is a Varian - 31 - VKT 2438 El Extended Interaction Oscillator. linear The EIO is beam tube which offers a significant advantage conventional klystrons) millimeter wave sources (such as over reflex in that the beam power is not dissipated by delicate RF structure within the tube. sustained high power operation is feasible. a the Consequently, Our model is a water-cooled tube rated at 20 W nominal, although it is used at a more modest level of 7 W in order to prolong the tube lifetime. as well as The EIO requires 3 power supplies for operation, A Hipotronics 10 kV protection against high-voltage faults. 300 mA regulated supply; smaller operation at supply is used for anode supplies are used for the 5 kV, cathode the (typical < 1 mA) and filament (typical 1 A at anode power supply is used to switch the tube on The 6 V). power The power circuit is shown in Fig 9.3.1. Also, Fig and off. 9.3.2 shows the cooling system for the tube. An important consideration is how to get the into power through a transmission with 10 kV iron-loaded eventually that worked since any wire the RF shielded cabinet, hole in line. the cabinet looks like What is needed is a standoff. Our experiences compounds were not voltage high a microwave with entirely going co-axial filter graphite- and satisfactory; we designed and built multistage LC-type filters very well. These are - 32 - further described in RF Shielded Cabinet 1. G u Cathode Power Supply .0 .0 u kLine 1.v50WT iExternal Interlock to Shielded Cooling System .Anode Power Supply Filter -al I-- Bundle Voltage Filte -Hig Heater 12V DC from control room for turn on 12V relay Local Switchh P.S. F Interlock I EO truh RF Fig 9.3.1 EIO POWER CIRCUIT Note that the ground (= HV return) connection is through t1 e line cord supplying AC power to the RF shielded cabinet. to Cathode Power Supply Pump Heat Exchanger RF Shielded Cabinet Fig 9.3.2 EIO COOLING SYSTEM The two stage cooling system has a tap water primary and a distilled water secondary coupled through a heat exchanger. - 33 - Appendix [20]. By and large our EIO has served us well. the tube gave some difficulty turning on; A couple of times we found in cases that running the tube for a couple of hours with anode voltage (well below turn-on, typical beam such low current about 15-20 mA) was quite effective. Transmitting/Receiving Antennae [9.4] Gain standard horns with 25 dB gain are rectangular horns flared in both planes. the horns Quartz at [CRC.79] are As mentioned above them. and good were for chosen availability transmission properties. 25 GHz These have focussing lenses mounted in front of lenses microwave used. [von and Hippel.54] The refractive indices at frequencies optical focal were used to estimate a desirable (optical) length. (Suitable information at 140 GHz was not available.) The gain patterns of the horn + lens combination have measured; been this measurement is further described in Appendix [19.3]. The adjustable scattered assemblies. on the used to reflect the mirrors beams are simple aluminum mirrors One is shown in Fig 9.4.1. incident on and plexiglass A protractor scale the assembly permits the mirror angle to be set to 0.50; position is held by friction at the pivot. The assemblies bolt onto a plexiglass track (which has - 34 - mirror threaded - 35 - holes) that is mounted on the tokamak port. The position may be set to 0.5". The overlap of the incident and scattered beam patterns (which are reflected by the mirrors) defines the scattering volume, ie the volume from which electron density waves are detected. Some of the scattering volumes possible with this setup are shown in Fig 9.4.2. volumes are not small; this experiment. As is evident, the scattering spatial resolution is a problem with Typical scattering volumes are diamond shaped, with the long diagonal vertical and ~10 cm long; the short diagonal is typically ~5 cm. sizes vary scattering from one scattering volume volume scale lengths, somewhat to the volume, a given spread in dimensions are comparable to the the than comparisons spread in density across scattering angle also values Nonetheless The plasma of parallel scattering the plasma between scattering parameters computed at the vary refractive volumes scattering corresponds are cross-section, different regions of different scattering angles may be made. volume; another.) over the plasma volume (especially near the edge). of values the exact consequently the plasma parameters may Because smaller (Of course, index still and the a (Nil). somewhat meaningful plasma and Values quoted for in this thesis always refer the nominal center of to the to the scattering the nominal center is the point of intersection of the central rays of the incident and scattered beams. - 36 - The entire geometry is aligned using a CW beam, by adjusting the horn and mirror positions until maximum power is received at [19.4]). The receiving waveguide is attached to the machine by the end of the receiving waveguide (Appendix a 2-D sliding dovetail bracket (Fig 9.4.3) to facilitate this adjustment. system are copper losses, Waveguide transmission losses approximately 5 dB: in addition there are losses at waveguide for to this waveguide flanges and losses associated with transitions to and from the overmoded waveguide. Fig 9.4.3 SLIDING DOVETAIL BRACKET ciamp to Tokamak Allen lea Set Screws -- M'Horn A cy Waveguide Clamp - 37 - + Lens [9.5] Wedge Reflector A wedge reflector, vacuum stray shown in Fig 9.5.1, is installed in the vessel in order to minimize problems associated with multiply reflected signal getting into the receiver. The idea is that a multiply reflected beam will impinge once on the wedge (located on the inside wall) and be toroidally away from the scattering port. of deflected A salient feature the design is the absence of electrical contact various pieces and the vacuum vessel. eliminate between This was necessary to eddy currents and associated forces that ruined two previous assemblies. Insulating Block Macor) Bushing (S.S. Horizontal Member (S.S.) Vertical Member (S.S.) (b) (a) Fig 9.5.1 WEDGE REFLECTOR (a) shows wedge reflector and frame as assembled inside the tokamak. (b) shows corner detail. - 38 - [9.6] Microwave Receiver The microwave receiver comprises a mixer, and a mixer spectrum analyzer and is shown in is an Alpha/TRG model F9100. a pre-amplifier Fig 9.6.1. The Local oscillator drive at the 3 mW level is provided by a 20 dB tap off the forward power line, diode adjusted with a variable attenuator. is used to monitor the L.O. drive level; serves as a convenient power monitor. at low-noise MITEQ boosts This pre-amplifier with a 35 dB the signal above the spectrum also output (10-1000 MHz) nominal gain. analyzer noise The spectrum analyzer (Tektronix 7L12) is used as level. fixed this The mixer IF is fed directly into a broadband 0.8 GHz A crystal frequency detector, with usually 300 kHz a bandwidth. Owing to the wide dynamic variation of the scattered signal, 10 dB/div the Care log scale on the spectrum analyzer is taken to protect the spectrum analyzer with is block and a DC short on the RF input. mixer used. a Calibrations of DC the and preamplifier are covered in Appendices [19.21 and [19.5] respectively. It is worth pointing out that the receiver is sensitive suitably polarized radiation at 139+0.8 GHz, scattered the plasma. noise, it and aside from power there is also some background emission from Thus the detected signal has three components: and scattered signal. plasma emission, is the plasma emission and not the noise limits to the detection sensitivity. - 39 - In practice which usually The plasma emission is Fig 9.6.1 MICROWAVE RECEIVER (disassembled view) - 40 - tail be 4-5th harmonic cyclotron emission from to thought (ie energetic) electrons. Shielding [9.7] Excellent shielding is necessary for this experiment because we are trying to measure extremely weak (~10-1 3 W) signals at the same time as we are pumping ~50 kW of power at the same Shielding also serves to isolate frequency into the plasma. the noise electromagnetic from the substantial apparatus associated with a tokamak discharge. The entire microwave system is housed in a RF-tight cabinet, with finger-stock along the door Power inside. are all the lines going in and signal lines coming out filtered. This box is good preamp, are housed holes 60+ dB namely the mixer in along with their batteries second shielded box within the first. (Fig about for The most sensitive components, isolation. and sheets of microwave absorbing foam on and hinge, strips a double layer of aluminum foil along along the door frame, the absorber joints, 9.6.1) has a 32-screw lid, box This small brass and 3 ports. a tubular Two are for turning the devices on/off and for a battery- status LED indicator. These are 'safe' because the tubes are cut-off at 0.8 GHz. The third port is for the output signal. Unfortunately that we filtered. are the preamp output is at the trying to shield against, same and frequency cannot Instead there is a 6 dB attenuator on this - 41 - be port. Since the preamp output noise level is still higher than the spectrum analyzer adversely noise level, affect sensitivity. The the this attenuator signal to noise ratio does not or the shielding described above is adequate to provide a clean signal, free from pickup. [9.81 The Electronics detected analyzer scattered goes power signal through a simple from amplifier, the spectrum shown in Fig 9.8.1, whose purpose is to provide a low impedance signal to drive a microwave filter and 75' triax cable, isolate and also the control room and shielded cabinet grounds. to The amplifier is grounded at the control room through the middle triax conductor. shielded The triax outer shield is grounded at cabinet. In the control room the I RF SHIELDED CABINET 10k nput From I CONTROL ROOM n 0 LF 10k goes Filter Feedthroughs 10k14N Spectrum aly+351 I signal the 31'Cotti1N 4148 -:~b10k Cainet 75'1 triax 390 3906 2k Ground J- BNC out I Cabinet Ground - .47 * Ou -12 Ou 0 +12 Floating Power Supply Fig 9.8.1 SIGNAL AMPLIFIER AND TRANSMISSION LINE - 42 - Contraol Room Ground through a boxcar integrator set up as a filter with a 0.1 ms time constant, signal is computer displayed via integrator analyzer a also 10-bit low-pass typically. The smoothed on a scope and 12.8 kHz simple also goes digitizer. into The compensates the DC offset of the boxcar spectrum and amplifier so as to make efficient use digitizer's +5 from calibrated Volt the input range. spectrum The analyzer our of electronics is the to through the computer, 4.60 dB/Volt. [9.9] Lower Hybrid System A single 150 kW Varian klystron is used to power the 0.8 GHz lower hybrid RF system on Versator. fundamental is grill, through mode waveguides, used An array of 4 adjacent commonly called a 4 waveguide as an antenna. The fed are waveguides power splitters with independent phase controls for each line. Fig 9.9.1 shows the antenna, together with the waves in the 4 waveguides for the case of +900 relative waveguide phasing (waveguide 2 is 90* in phase ahead of waveguide 1, so The field pattern at the face of the antenna is shown on). for 4 successive time points a quarter period apart; seen and it is that the field pattern appears to move across the face of the antenna from right to left. array (phase In this way, the phased of waveguides is able to couple power to velocity less than the speed of - 43 - light) slow waves travelling Fig 9.9.1 LAUNCHING LOWER HYBRID WAVES Top View A top view of the tokamak and the hybrid lower launching antenna is shown. The waves in each waveguide are shown for the case of +900 e t=3T/4 t=T/2 relative waveguide phasing. The field pattern at the antenna shown at period intervals. shown face is quarter (T/4) Also are 4 Waveguide Grill 1 the 2 3 4 directions of the plasma current-I, the electron drift ye and magnetic field B. the toroidal direction. The component of the wavevector of the launched waves is to some extent determined by the wavenumber of the field preferentially toroidal pattern in the electron drift moving across the antenna face, broad spectrum of waves is launched. shown, 30% but in practice a (In fact for the case of the power is coupled to waves travelling from 0.30 Fig 9.9.2 SPECTRUM LAUNCHED FOR - +900 PHASING 0.20 This spectrum is computed as described in Section [13.2]. 0 0 4 -0-10 0 0.00 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Parallel Refractive Index - 44 - 10 NO 15 left to right. be seen in launches The computed spectrum of waves launched may Fig 9.9.2.) waves direction, is The +90* preferentially associated with in the current (The 180* phasing, phasing is not. phasing, because electron drive; it drift the with a symmetric -90* wave and higher wavenumbers is associated with electron spectrum heating.) It is conventional to speak in terms of the index refractive N = c k / w , where and k are w wave the wavenumber and (angular) frequency of the lower hybrid wave. The subscripts , and I components the are used to denote (as in NU or k,) parallel and to perpendicular the (predominantly toroidal) magnetic field. Other Diagnostics [9.10] The loop primary (utility) diagnostics are the plasma voltage, In monitor. density interferometer and the addition, second current, in/out harmonic position cyclotron (2wce) diagnostic provides valuable information on emission plasma emission. The plasma current is measured by a Rogowski coil encircling the plasma voltage across derivative as shown cross-section of this the coil is encircled in proportional (the loops at the corners of the vacuum - 45 - The the time signal is Figure 9.10.1 also the toroidal loops used to measure the 4 9.10.1. to the current; integrated to yield the plasma current. shows Fig loop voltage vessel cross- section are in series). Fig 9.10.1 PLASMA CURRENT AND LOOP WINDINGS The VOLTAGE return COIL conductor of ,.-Rogowski the Rogowski coil is fed back through the middle of Coil for Plasma Current the coil. Diagnostic Vacuum Vesse One of 4 turns of Loop Voltage Diagnostic (series wound) The density is measured by a 80 GHz interferometer. An O mode beam is launched from the bottom of the machine; the transmitted beam is received at the top. the transmitted sampling rate. The phase shift of beam is measured modulo 27 This at a phase shift is proportional 100 kHz to the electron density averaged over the line of propagation. The calibration constant for our instrument (line average) per 2r phase shift. is 2.26 x10 1 2 cm-3 (A phase shift of 2r is commonly known as a fringe.) The in/out position monitor consists of two sets of coils, each oriented to measure the poloidal magnetic field, one on the inside difference signal of of the machine and one on the two signals upon proportional to the displacement 46 - The outside. integration current column from the geometric center. - the of yields the a plasma Our second harmonic a cyclotron emission horn antenna feeding consists of receiver [McDermott.84]. a This radiation (2 wce) 71 GHz detector heterodyne comes primarily from electrons with substantial perpendicular energies, Its usefulness for provides information on tail electrons. the that microwave the 2 wce and scattering experiments stems from the signal correlates quite well with the fact plasma emission seen by the receiver of the scattering system, thus providing an monitor indirect emission. - 47 - of the 139 GHz plasma Section Outline [10.1] [10.1] Outline [10.2] Setting Up Equipment [10.3] Planning Datapoints [10.4] Running the Experiment [10.5] Shutting Down Setting Up Equipment [10.2] Three EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE [10] are systems experiment -- required to be the 0.8 GHz RF System, the tokamak, this for operational and the 139 GHz scattering system; all require some setting up. Setting the up the tokamak involves (1) keeping machine clean between runs (2) turning on various power supplies and the keeping clean: machine gettering. titanium (3) tuning discharge cleaning The latter introduces changing and wall conditions on a 1 - 2 hour timescale, In run, consistent retuning the on conditions. With discharge cleaning prior to hand, other quality and plasma gradual increase of the ohmic heating drive particular, is necessary during a run. a and and requires retuning in order to maintain plasma continual the Two strategies are in use on Versator machine during a run. for before a run and immediately diagnostics we were shots for several no increase in the ohmic - 48 - hours maintain to able with heating minimal drive. We naturally preferred to rely on discharge cleaning (4 second discharge out of a 12 second cycle; approximately also cold hydrocarbons time is It is 3 seconds) to keep the machine clean. necessary nitrogen the pump-out to trap, monitor the vacuum to prevent system's backstreaming liquid of water, and other impurities if and when the cold trap runs dry. A number of power supplies and diagnostics need to be turned on prior to a run. These include power supplies for the main field, the vertical field, breakdown oscillator, the ohmic heating the the filament, interlock and control system, system, the sequencer, the and the water cooling system. diagnostics include a 80 GHz (4 mm) interferometer, Utility a second harmonic cyclotron emission (2wce) detector, a hard X-ray crystal monitoring voltage. currents, It plus detector, plasma wire various position, and loops for plasma loop is standard practice to test fire the magnetic field systems before a run. various The computer must also be set up for data acquisition. Tuning the machine in order to get suitable plasmas may take from one to several hours. (Versator runs one shot every 120 seconds, field typically.) The main tuning knobs are the vertical system controls and the gas puffer features of good shots are density and centered position, reproducibility, - 49 - controls. current low level Some flat-tops, of 2 wce emission (more on this later), absence of disruptions. low level of hard X-rays, and Attaining such shots is an art, often difficult. The RF system requires preferably, purpose but not periodic necessarily, waveguide before each sending The This is done by short pulses of power (typically 1 ms every second) through the system into vacuum, increasing the power levels keep up with what the waveguides will pressure order run. of this is to clean the waveguide walls and improve the waveguides' power handling capability. to conditioning, handle. waveguide reflected powers are and to watch for plasma breakdowns in the The gas monitored in waveguide. 0* relative phasing between waveguides is used for conditioning because it couples well to vacuum. up setting and the RF system requires going through a warm-up procedure, appropriately It Other than conditioning, and setting the (usually +90* waveguide turn-on phasing for current-drive experiments). is also necessary to have the radial position of the 4- waveguide grill suitably adjusted for good coupling of power to the plasma. In practice this position is not too critical, and once set needs no adjustment. Setting up the scattering system is straightforward. The EIO power supplies are turned on slowly and the EIO checked. The on; spectrum the power electronics and spectrum analyzer are analyzer is locked to an 0.8 GHz - 50 - is turned signal taken from the RF system. Mixer and preamplifier are turned on; their batteries are replaced if necessary. .[10.3] Planning Datapoints An experiment may be thought of as measurement of power over specified magnetic namely a by set of datapoints, (1) the field plasma where a conditions, and density (2) the RF scattered datapoint especially is the system parameters, the RF power and the waveguide phasing, and (3) the parameters characterizing the detected wave, namely parallel N,, , wavenumber In location. perpendicular orientation and one experiment the one usually only spatial of these parameters is varied. parameters are chosen and may be set more or less directly, but the situation regarding the specification is more complicated. scattered wave waves terms in The plasma conditions and RF of order [Brambilla.76] are variable in expressed. so However, spectra the scattering angle is related to Nfl, that a given Nil will correspond to different angles different locations in the at complication is to needing The the for a chosen spatial location necessary scattering volume. (described more fully in Appendix [21]) mirror scattering plasma. back-calculate positions the is the during propagation and also because this computed Nil is conserved which the specify We prefer to of N11 , both because to Oth system computer these reasons a For second mirror of the program used determine positions for a given N,, and spatial location. - 51 - is The program uses the cold plasma electromagnetic relation the to determine the scattering angle, dispersion and then does coordinate geometry calculation to determine the mirror positions. The program also draws a sketch of the scattering geometry and computes some quantities required for data the mirror positions for each desired datapoint are determined at the beginning of a run. analysis. Of In course, this manner some experiments (frequency scan, comparison of waveguide power phasings) require only scan, a single scattering geometry. [10.4] Once Running the Experiment things collection for of a may begin. as waveguide is tuned, a except for breaks. The usual this takes about 5 positions positions or changing the spectrum analyzer frequency and may be accomplished cycle; the where Some minutes. changes do not require changing mirror phasing) data continuous breaks is needing to change the mirror disrupting without machine The tokamak is run on new datapoint; datapoint (such set up and the typically 120 seconds, cycle, cause are between the shots is this possible preferable, as breaks affect shot reproducibility. After a 5 minute break, normal. Other fault it typically takes 1 or 2 shots to return to causes of breaks are less of some sort, required a need to check something, by some other concurrent experiment -- means infrequent. - 52 - -- predictable a or a break but by no Most shots taken are for data, scattered power. These ie with the aim of measuring shots are judged good or bad good shots are used for analysis, bad ones are immediately; ignored. Shots may be judged bad for a variety of reasons: (1) wrong density (2) poor plasma position (3) misfire of some system (4) high The 2 wce emission last merits some elaboration. the [9.6], As mentioned in section scattered to emission may blocking off the incident scattering be seen independently of scattered signal 2 wce well with the beam. The in plasma background This signal. addition correlates emission system detects plasma scattering by emission emission and is thought to be 4-5th harmonic cyclotron emission from tail electrons. Since the the scattered signal sensitivity is limited by may emission high emission, make the scattered plasma power measurement meaningless, especially if the emission jumps up when the RF turns on. Fortunately it is generally possible to run with emission levels low compared to scattered signal levels. large Unfortunately, tail populations emission levels are good for current drive and wave absorption, regimes where so and high lower-hybrid that our measurements are limited effects current-drive strongest. - 53 - are not at to their RUN 4006 RUN 4006 VERSATOR VERSATOR SHOT SHOT 233 233 3S. 0. 1. -0.1 T I M E M I L L I S E C O I N N D S Fig 10.4.1 TYPICAL LOW DENSITY SHOT (+90* phasing) - 54 - the plasma discharge has an current trace, plasma shown As typical shot is shown in Fig 10.4.1. A the by initial turn-on phase of about 3 ms followed by a quiescent phase of 22 ms during which the plasma current decays about The density circuit, fringe for and from a is trace (one shows the fractional part of the fringe beam); is a phase shift of 27 in the interferometer The loop voltage and 2.26x1012cm- 3 line-average per fringe. position is factor our interferometer the (linear) calibration in/out counting fringe so-called slowly. radius) coils (for the plasma major were The hard X-ray trace comes from described in section [9.9]. a portable detector consisting of a NaI crystal coupled to a and measures bremsstrahlung radiation photomultiplier tube, the limiter. at plasma boundary (The stainless steel limiter defines is subject and to substantial the particle bombardment.) The traces of particular interest to our experiment are the at three Tokamak Bottom Port I The scattered signal is shown on a log scale; clearly Piece of Aluminum Foil ALUMINUM FOIL TO DEFLECT INCIDENT BEAM - during - the is RF frame is the signal seen with incident scattering (by Aluminum foil see Fig 10.4.2), 55 signal Also shown on the same blocked USE OF seen the pulse. the Fig 10.4.2 bottom. the so that beam -- the receiver sees noise and plasma emission, signal. This shows that (1) there is but no significant emission (2) the emission (3) the scattered signal is detectable level of pickup scattered emission correlates well with It 2wce the above the emission and (4) the system is free problems. plasma the from is worth pointing out that the RF usual procedure is to measure the scattered power during the first after millisecond measured during this During rising, 2 wce RF turn-on and subtract the last millisecond before the emission RF turn-on. first millisecond the plasma emission may be but not so as to introduce serious error. Where the and 139 GHz emissions jump is usually later in the RF pulse, say after 2 or 3 ms. Typically, and we take 2 or 3 good data shots at each datapoint move on to the next datapoint. then In cases where a break is not necessary between datapoints, datapoints may be changed each shot. Besides data shots, shots are occasionally taken. matter) receiver. that This of The first are baseline shots, no plasma (with or without the fields does with shots two other kinds are used to measure the noise level of not the is necessary since our system is calibrated for the scattered power measured in units of noise The second kind of shots are 'Aluminum foil' shots, power. where the incident beam is blocked off by a piece of Aluminum foil (see Fig 10.4.2). This serves to check that our system remains 'clean' and free from RF pickup, and also to monitor - 56 - the plasma emission and ensure that our meaningful. Aluminum Care foil the EIO, the tokamak. analyzer is taken with the measurements placement of so as not to reflect the beam power back but rather to deflect it downwards and away Another precaution is to check frequency every once in a while; it the are the to from spectrum occasionally drifts a little. [10.5] Very Shutting Down little equipment off. for the usually is involved in shutting down besides As a matter of good practice, scattering recorded. system and the 0.8 GHz RF The EIO power, the the 57 - settings system spectrum frequency and the mirror positions are checked, too. - turning are analyzer Analysis Section [11] The purpose of the analysis is to take the measured and compute the lower hybrid wave power, signal since this is the quantity of interest. Consider are accelerated in the electric field and consequently radiate. For a straightforward to kg beam. electron waves re- density power are radiation with and Scattered from with wavevector where k, is the wavevector of the incident in the regions of higher electron electrons Those of fields compute. arises kw = +(kg - k1 ) n(k,w) scattered the fluctuations, wavevector spectrum of electrons The Wo. frequency at radiation (0 mode) S, plasma illuminated with a Poynting flux a density contribute scattered fields in phase, which are only by cancelled incompletely fields the electrons in the regions of low density, wavevectors scattered radiation frequency of the was indicated also is fewer the giving rise to net (The relationship between the coherent scattered radiation. various from scattering in frequency wave. Fig 8.1.) shifted The by calculation The the is performed in Appendix [17]; the result obtained there is I R -l) - where $ (w) frequency w, is _6q R)(21) T power per unit area per unit - 11-01 (17.1.32)frequency at ro is the classical electron radius, RR is the - 58 - distance between scattering volume and receiving antenna, is a geometric factor computed in Appendix J [17.2], n2 (i ,w-w1 ) is a quantity related to the Fourier transformed wave amplitude squared (defined in Eqn 17.1.28), the time over which the receiver measures and T power. is The receiver sees power P 5 PS = AR CL l(w) dw B R 11.02 where AR is the effective area of the receiving antenna, is the receiver analyzer), bandwidth (determined we measure PS, practice In scattered power to the noise power. the instrumental referred the BR spectrum and CL is the transmission loss of the receiving waveguide. to by - noise to the input. of the ratio of the Here noise power refers the microwave receiver, This noise is primarily associated with the mixer and preamp. The density amplitude of the lower hybrid wave can also used to calculate the lower hybrid wave power. electromagnetic amplitude Poynting theory is used to relate to the electric field amplitude, be Cold plasma the density from which the The calculation is performed flux is calculated. A.i in Appendix [18]; the power flow Se in direction e is 2Ec ~ 0 Se ~ (27) da wo cos,,da 27c 27 o o ____ 5 0- - cB 2A F 3 n e 2 A (**kldk, d 11 dki - 59 2d0 n (k"Wo T - - 11.03(18 .2. 08) - where is the frequency of the lower-hybrid waves, ne, 60 , are dimensionless quantities depending on plasma B, kill kL have their standard meanings, and F2 and F3 parameters (Eqns 18.1.13 and 18.1.17). angle between k. and e. power c, w, and Nil, 11.03 to calculate the total power. and spectrum of measured -- The angle wave is compromises are and then use Eqn In practice this is not necessary. The frequency the lower-hybrid waves in the plasma has the the Ideally one would measure scattered for many values of a, feasible, and been used measured bandwidth of 300 kHz is to perform the w integral. The a integral is performed by using the neutral inwards have the waves same amplitude radially propagating that assumption outwards for have radially propagating all zero a, and waves amplitude. (In practice this semi-isotropic assumption is found to be poor; this will be the subject of further discussion in [12] and [14]). The Nil integral is left Sections undone; we are content to calculate lower hybrid wave power per unit Nii. We eliminate equations power, and the lower hybrid wave amplitude from the for the scattered power and the lower hybrid wave use (1) the transmission system calibration of Appendix [19.4] to eliminate SI AR CL in favor of measurable quantities and (2) the mixer calibration of Appendix [19.2] for the noise power. Thus the master equation is obtained - 60 - 2 (27) 3/ 2 .I() I(N11 2 c -FcB F - -n PL 2. N, dN. dN ) 1[i/RRRX JJX, F2. (R R+RX )rO BRBW ~ kTR VB 4+B / PC P R W S 11.04 - per I(N1 ) is the lower-hybrid wave power per unit N,, where unit area per unit launched power, and most other quantities kTRBR is the noise power in the been mentioned above. have the wave bandwidth BW=3 0 0 kHz, PL is receiver bandwidth BR, RX is the distance from the measurement of Appendix [19.4]. This volume. scattering the to antenna transmitting calibration the from power transmitted CW 139 GHz the is PC and lower-hybrid power 0.8 GHz launched the equation is of the form parameters and is calculated in Appendix 1 the emission log and and the of - 61 - interactive scattered the subtracting and units, before get involves power scattered to C by multiplies just (measured noise CPL (described an using 'real' to signal measured. experiment. calculates signal measured is SBATPREP2 done program computation The ). converting the the from power an is This PL and planning analysis 2MM4016. program and - plasma known from computed be SCATBACL while data 11.05 geometry, programs [21]) actual The I(N scattering by 11S can CPL product the where P C = ) I(N the 0.8 GHz system is turned on.) Details on 2MM4016 may be found in Appendix [21.41. The significance of the quantity I(NO) is that, to the extent that the model assumptions are valid, AW dN I(Nl) = 1 11.06 where AW is the cross-sectional area of the lower - hybrid beam measured normal to r. Data are presented in terms of I(N,), except for experiments such as the power scan where the scattering geometry is the same for all datapoints. - 62 - Section [12.1] A EXPERIMENTAL [12] RESULTS Introduction [12.1] Introduction [12.2] Radial Scans [12.3] N 11 Spectra [12.4] Orientation Scan [12.5] Absorption Test [12.6] Other Experiments number of experiments have been performed, variation of lower hybrid wave power with The radial scans and N11 spectra parameters. measuring the different (sub-sections [12.2] and [12.3]) constitute the core of this thesis. section of the [12.41 covers an experiment that tests the isotropy lower hybrid power flow, subject the lower hybrid of of [12.5]. power antenna; frequency spectrum, was +900 and is the describes poloidal scan The experiments are summarized in scan. of power this sub-section [12.6] Lastly, three other experiments: and wave by comparing cases with indirectly phasing by varying the orientation Absorption of wavevector. detected investigated -900 Sub- Table 12.1.1. The drive current 0.8 GHz is 6 - density limit observed on [Luckhardt.82]. 7 x1012cm-3 Versator Almost at all experiments were performed at low density (4.5 - 5 x101 2 cm-3 line average, in the current drive regime) and - 63 - with +90* Table 12.1.1 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Experiment Conditions Run# Figure Radial Scan Low Density N11=3 4003 12.2.1 Radial Scan Low Density N11=5 4003 12.2.2 Radial Scan High Density N,,=3 4004 12.2.3 Radial Scan High Density N 11=5 4004 12.2.4 Nil Spectrum Low Density r/a=0.85 4006 12.3.1 Nil Spectrum Low Density r/a=0.0 4006 12.3.2 Nil Spectrum High Density r/a=0.85 4015 12.3.3 Nil Spectrum High Density r/a=0.0 4015 12.3.4 Nil Spectrum 1800 Phasing r/a=0.85 4018 12.3.5 Nil Spectrum 1800 Phasing r/a=0.0 4018 12.3.6 Orientation Scan r/a=0.5 N11=3.1 Low Density 4122 12.4.1 Absorption Test r/a=0.0 Nii=3,5 4030, +-90* Comparison Low Density 4103 Frequency Spectrum r/a=0.5 N11=3 Low Density 4204 12.6.1 Power Scan r/a=0.5 N1,=3 Low Density 4125 12.6.2 Poloidal Scan r/a=0.82 N,1=3.2 Low Density 4124 12.6.3 - 64 - Table 12.5.1 phasing of current drive the 0.8 GHz lower hybrid antenna (this phasing). A set of radial is scans the and Ni, spectra was measured at a density (8 x 101 2 cm-3 line average) above the density limit. Exceptions to the +90* phasing are a pair of Nil spectra measured for 1800 phasing, and the -90* phasing used in the absorption test. Other the parameters also assumed some 'standard' course toroidal field horizontal scan of 1.2 T Scattering typically. and plasma volumes were over run with were currents of 25 kA on centered the midplane for all experiments except the poloidal (sub-section [12.5]). oriented Plasmas the experiments. of values to look for The scattering waves propagating (specifically with k. within 1.20 of the geometry was horizontally horizontal); this The obvious exception to this is illustrated in Fig 12.1.1. is the orientation scan of sub-section [12.4]. [12.2] Radial Scans Radial scans were conducted at two values of Ni , nominally 3 and 5. size of the scattering volume; detect values. finite The parameters are 'nominal' because of the waves over Radial any scattering volume a spread in spatial and locations were performed with +90* scans - 65 - Nil waveguide phasing at densities both above and below the current density limit, as discussed above. will drive I - I I M 50a45 x1 N -345 l l~m | 1 I I 10- - I ng=4.5x10 3- SNi +90* WVGO PHASING BT - 5 +90* WVGD PHASING I .19T B RUN 4003 - 1.19T RUN 4003 I. I I 12 - 3 cm- 10-2 -- 0/\ / / - -- io-3 p -" "/ " 0.5- 10-4 X - Noise Level I x - NoseLee - I-I 10-5 0.5 I.C r/o Fig 12.2.1 RADIAL Low Density, N,,=3, Phasing Fig 12.2.2 RADIAL Low Density, N,1=5, Phasing SCAN +900 SCAN +900 which is a measure of tne normalized The graphs show I(N,,), lower hybrid power flow, and C, a scaling factor numerically equal to the noise level of the system, versus normalized minor radius r/a. - 66 - 10~' ~ 12 I I I I I fe =79 x 10 cm-3 As =-79x I Nil = 3 5 Ni-I-C +90 * WVGD PHA SING +90*WVGD BT PHASING 2 cm- I I I - 3 - By= 1.30T RUN 4004 1.30T RUN 4004 10-2 10-2 It /0 - - x 10-3 -x x.1/ -Noise Level x x x x 10-5 L 0 : x Noise Level 10-4 i x 0 0.5 r/a Fig Fig 12.2.3 RADIAL SCAN High Density, +900 N,1=3, Phasing 12.2.4 N11=5, RADIAL SCAN High Density, +900 Phasing The graphs show I(Na ), which is a measure of the normalized lower hybrid power flow, and C, a scaling factor numerically equal to the noise level of the system, versus normalized minor radius r/a. - 67 - 12.2.1 shows the low-density radial profile for NH = 3. Fig Before discussing the data, in order. quantity First, I(N11), the a couple of general remarks are quantity plotted is the a measure of the lower-hybrid discussed in section [11], derived wave power versus r/a, the normalized minor radius. Also convert scattered power to lower hybrid wave power via shown for reference is the quantity C used to Eqn 11.05. (11.05)1 - I(NI) = C PS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- (1 When PS = 1 (scattered power equals noise power), so that . -5 I(N1 ) the location of C on the plot may be used to the noise level of the system. Second, = C, judge one notices a shot- to-shot variation in the signal levels by a factor of 1.5 to 2. This variation independent The is always present, and is essentially parameter. of signal level or any experimental variation does increase for smaller spectrum analyzer bandwidths, however, and is thought to be principally due to spectrum analyzer noise. The mean of several shots should be a reliable indicator of the true signal level; also, a A factor of 2 is not serious when I(No ) varies by factors of 10 or more between different datapoints in an experiment. Returning to Fig 12.2.1, we see a strong peak at r/a = 0.65, with the power level decaying by about 2 orders of magnitude from there to the plasma center. thought to be The peak in the power the 1st pass resonance cone - 68 - of rays is with positive (450) N from travelling the short way around the hybrid scattering plane, (sections observe the and and noise level, to of the discussed broadening reach The measured resonance cone 300 cm 2 beam and refraction and to drop even if all the wave power center of the plasma. might have an area (normal to r) did that Consider (this is the area of the face of the antenna), is quantity would cause the measured signal the to the Saying how much reaches the center is from edge to center, penetrate We the signal is 10 dB above and loss of directivity (due to scattering) going highly below). the directional power flow per unit area, really the calculations and conclude that power does another matter. quite tokamak grill because power flow (Fig 12.4.1, center of the plasma. wave [14]) that even at the center, however waveguide both because of ray-tracing [13] directional lower the of lower a about hybrid a magnetic surface at r = 5 cm has a surface and area of around 8000 cm2 , so that beam broadening alone could account for Therefore a drop by a factor of 25 - 30 in I(N1 ). we are unable to conclude from the radial profile whether or not the bulk of the power reaches the center. separate the to experiment was performed specifically question of absorption during current (A address drive; it is discussed below in [12.5].) For same comparison, run, but Fig 12.2.2 shows a radial profile from the for N11 = 5. - 69 The power level - is generally computed the of our knowledge from expected as lower, peak and the (shown in Fig 9.9.2), is launched spectrum missing. I(N1 ) does drop by an order of magnitude from edge to center. and 12.2.4 show radial profiles for 12.2.3 Figs density case, at N,, = 3 and 5 respectively. that the reproduced experiment of rapidly Consistent the point to and It would appear that the lower extremely well.) at N,, = 5 the signal Ni penetrates further into the plasma, drops mentioning repeated, was 12.2.1 Fig graph Neither the peak of Fig 12.2.1 (It is perhaps worth has high the where equals signal noise. the observation for the low density with case, the power level for N,, = 5 is lower than for N11 = 3. N11 Spectra [12.3] Fig 12.3.1 shows an N11 spectrum for the low density case at Except for a couple of exponential is a location near the outside edge. shots at one datapoint, the fit to an excellent. The computed launched spectrum is also shown for comparison (this match the data). factor The agreement is quite good. Fig 12.3.2 shows the spectrum measured at the center of the plasma. expected, we see less power than at the edge. at the center is noticeably flatter, too. farther into the plasma. - 70 - As The spectrum This would appear hard to reconcile with the previous statement that lower penetrates to has been scaled by a constant However a look at N11 the I~*~- I I I 10- 2 f I - J I liq 5 x 10 cm-3 I 12 5 x 0 r/ =0.0 +90*WVGD r/a =Q85 #90*WVGD I PHASING _ 1.23T BT a 1.23T RUN 4006 RUN 4006 BTy I I cm- - 3 PHASING 10-3 'I computed spectrum exp(-Nu /1.85) xi0- x 4 xX x -x X~ x Noise Level 10-61 X xx 10~ X i i | Fig 12.3.1 NU X- x X 0 10 0 Low r/a=0.85, +900 Phasing - Noise Level SPECTRUM Density, Fig 12.3.2 r/a=0.0, +90* N11 Low SPECTRUM Density, Phasing The graphs show I (N11), which is a measure of the normalized lower hybrid power flow, and C, a scaling factor numerically In Fig equal to the noise level of the system, versus Nl,. 12.3.1 the exponential fit (....) are also shown. - (- 71 - - -) and the computed spectrum 10 I I I - I I 10 21 I ' I ' I I I1 I - 2 n\ = 79 x I02 cm-3 A,= 79x 10 cm-3 r/o =0.85 + 90* WVGD PHASING BT= 1.34T UN 4015 r/a =0.0 +90*WVGD PHASING 34 BT= 1. T RUN 4015 IP\ ** 10-3 10-3 - x Noise E 0 x Level. - U x 10-4 x- 10-45- x xx - - Noise Level I 10 0 10-6 1 5 Fig 12.3.3 N 1 r/a=0.85, High +90* x 5 0 Fig 12.3.4 N11 r/a=0.0, High SPECTRUM Density, +90* Phasing II SPECTRUM Density, Phasing The graphs show I (NII) , which is a measure of the normalized lower hybrid power flow, and C, a scaling factor numerically equal to the noise level of the system, versus N,,. - 72 - I '.- *I F I I I I 10-2 - 395 x 10 2 cm- r/a 20.0 180* WVGD PHASING BT a 1.24T RUN 4018 10-3 n.- 5 x 10 2 mn-3 ri/oa 0.85 180* WVGD PHASING E BT'. 1.2 4T. RUN 4010 E U x x - 10-4 - x x -5 10- Noise Level -x x x Noise i 1 1 K Level1 10-6 106 1 0 - . Nil Fig 12.3.5 Low r/a=0.85, 1800 Phasing 1 0 5 Fig 12.3.6 Nil Low r/a=0.0, 1800 Phasing SPECTRUM Density, 5 SPECTRUM Density, The graphs show I(Nii),, which is a measure of the normalized lower hybrid power flow, and C, a scaling factor numerically In Fig equal to the noise level of the system, versus N . (....) 12.3.5 the computed spectrum - 73 - is also shown. radial profiles Fig 12.2.1 and 12.2.2 shows that the shapes of the two radial profiles are quite that different, indicating comparison of edge and center Nil spectra is not a good indicator of how far the various waves penetrate into the plasma. Figs 12.3.3 and 12.3.4 show likewise the Nil spectra for the high density case, for r/a = 0.85 and r/a = 0 respectively. The remarkably similar spectra look to the low-density spectra. Figs 12.3.5 experiments reasonably spectrum 12.3.6 show Nil spectra from a pair of In the light of the fit between experiment and theory for the which in a sense failed. good of Fig 12.3.1, computed Nil phasing; and an attempt was made to verify the spectrum for the case of 1800 relative waveguide this spectrum should have a peak around Nii = 6. Fig 12.3.5 shows the experimental result near the edge, with the computed spectrum also marked in. spectrum makes one at the center. wonder Fig 12.3.6 shows the The failure of these about the validity of the experiments N spectra measured for the +900 case (Figs 12.3.1 through 12.3.4). is natural to speculate whether the experiment is in It some way biased towards small Nil or small scattering angles. This is the subject of further discussion in Section [14]. other point to be noted about the Nil spectra is that by definition of I(N11 ), - 74 - The the AW fdNi 1I(Nil) = 1 12.3.1 (11.06) yet even using 1 m2 the - (the area of a magnetic surface) for AW, discrepancy between Eqn 12.3.1 and Fig 12.3.1 is over one and a half orders of magnitude. [12.4] The Orientation Scan orientation scan, shown in Fig 12.4.1, is perhaps the most exciting result to emerge in our experiments. Here set spatial of scattering volumes was taken with the same location and orientation. directional, 100. 40 scattering The wave angle, power but is with seen varying to ki highly be dropping by an order of magnitude in less than There is also a noticeable offset in the peak, from horizontal. poloidal a Other orientation scans at locations also showed the steep drop, cleanly on both sides. - 75 - about different though not 10 1 0 100 Noise Level x 10- 31 1 -100 00 Angle a 10" (deg) Fig 12.4.1 ORIENTATION SCAN r/a=0.5 N11=3.1 Low Density and +90* Phasing. A set of scattering volumes was chosen at the same spatial location, with the same scattering angle, but oriented differently in the scattering plane. [The inset shows the scattering geometry for a positive angle a.] which is a measure of The graph shows I(N,,), the normalized lower hybrid pgwer flow, versus a, the angle between k., of the detected wave and the horizontal. - 76 - Absorption Test [12.5] A special experiment was performed absorption during current drive. phasings of +90* and -90* opposite directions. absorbed during scattered and so infer look for launch identical spectra, Waves with positive Ni so that from shots with +900 something wave The idea is that waveguide current drive, signals to about one and but in should be compare may 900 phasings, The absorption. wave measurements were performed at the plasma center, get away from the strong resonance cone near the edge. basic assumption in refraction, scattering and toroidally symmetric (This The due to the wave power is diffuse and experiment this to so as by the time it that is reaches the center. assumption is neither clearly good nor clearly bad.) Table 12.5.1 shows the results gathered over three runs with two different values of Nil; we see that the signal from -90* shots higher consistently is Table 12.5.1 than BETWEEN +90* COMPARISON from +90* shots AND -9 0 * PHASING <Expectation SCATTERED POWER PS AT PLASMA CENTER. and standard deviations are indicated. RUN <P3(+900)> P5 <43(-900)> Ps (+900) (-90*) <Pg(- 9 0 *)> <Pg(+90*)> 8.73+0.28 8.73+ 0.88 10 shots 6.21+0.22 6.21+ 0.72 11 shots 1.40+0.07 4103 N 11=3 7.97+0.84 7.97+ 2.51 9 shots 5.87+0.31 5.87+ 0.81 7 shots 1.36+0.16 4103 N1=5 3.54+ 1.40 1.95+0.21 1.82+0.28 __ 13 1.95+ 0.71 11 shot_ - 77 - shots ON Values> 4030 Ni=3 3.54+0.39 -- If our assumption is valid, this is evidence for wave absorption during current drive. Also, by much (40%). not although the wave absorption is not strong first absorption (if it were, the difference between -90* pass and +90* would have been greater). Other Experiments [12.6] Several other 12.6.1 a basic experiments were In Fig spectrum was performed. frequency spectrum is shown; this measured with the receiver set to a 30 kHz bandwidth. The figure also shows two fitted spectra; one a Gaussian and the a peaked spectrum characteristic of weak other The as the FWHM of the Gaussian spectrum is 400 kHz, not the same for from an older experiment) used the value (300 kHz, data analysis, scattering. but the systematic error introduced is inconsequential. A power verify launched scan was performed, linear dependence power (although as shown in between differs suggests of magnitude is excellent; from unity by nearly 20%. 12.6.2, power high to and power The log-log fit over two unfortunately the The excellence slope of fit that the problem lies in calibration of either the scattering system or the RF system. the scattered parametric decay at levels may affect the dependence). orders Fig scattering returned a system A repeat calibration of value of 4.90 dB/Volt instead of the old value 4.60 dB/Volt; this is not enough to - 78 - 10- 1 1 1 Frequency Spectrum Run 4204 N,, a 3.0 r/a Z 0.50 Low Density 0 g +90* Phasing 1%1 0 Gaussian Fit exp -(:of 10-2 I.0 0 0 Jo: 0 -0.6 -0.3 0 Frequency Offset f-f0 0.3 (MHz) 0.6 (f =800MHz) Fig 12.6.1 FREQUENCY SPECTRUM r/a=0.5 N,,=3.0 Lgw Density and +90* Phasing. The graph shows I (N,,), which is a measure of the normalized power flow, versus the frequency difference between detected wave and pump wave. Measurements were made with a 30 kHz bandwidth. The inset shows the scattering geometry used. A fitted Gaussian is shown (- - -) as well as a more peaked fit - 79 - 1000 I I I i I I I I I 0 0 oo 0 Ln I 00 Power Scan o Run 4125 =3.0 0N 100 I- r/a 0Low 0=.50 Density +90* Phasing L Lo - 010 ~ 10 ~~ ~~ 1 N Launched Lower Hybrid Power P 100 3.0 (kW) Fig 12.6.2 POWER SCAN r/a=0.5 N11 =3.0 Low Density and +90 Phasing. The normalized scattered power is shown as a function of the launched lower hybrid power PL. The inset shows the scattering geometry used. - 80 - 10-1 I I *1 II II I Poloidal Scan Run 4124 NUe 3.1 - 3.4 0.81 - r/a 0.84 Low Density +90* Phasing -90* 10- 3 L (b 0 0 8 10- -900 0 -60* -30* POLOIDAL If 00 I +300 I +600 i +90* ANGLE Fig 12.6.3 POLOIDAL SCAN r/a=0.81-0. 8 4 +900 Nii=3.1-3.4 Low Density and A set of scattering volumes Phasing. was chosen with the same scattering angle and orientation, at the same distance from different but at plasma center, the the shows [The inset poloidal angles. scattering 7 detected wavevectors for the The graph shows I(Nii), volumes used.] which is a measure of the normalized lower hybrid power flow, versus poloidal angle. - 81 - account for the discrepancy in the power scan, so at the present time the RF system calibration is still suspect. Results from a poloidal scan are presented in Fig 12.6.3. As shown in the inset, several scattering volumes were the plasma periphery (r/a = 0.85), around look for waves with horizontal wavevectors. graph is waveguide poloidal taken all oriented to The flat peaked entirely reasonable in view of the fact that the grill the is angles -46* in contact with the < e< 460 of Fig 12.6.3). - 82 - plasma over (this is shown in the inset Section [13] [13.1] THEORETICAL MODELLING Outline [13.1] Outline [13.2] Launched Wave Spectrum [13.3] Ray Tracing [13.4] Results [13.5] Computation Details In order to relate the experimental results to theory, it is necessary to compute from available theories quantities that be may related to experiment. numerical in This section describes study of the lower-hybrid wave power distribution a poloidal cross-section of the tokamak (the plane). are discussed; in scattering details of the model, and results The computation, covered a comparison between experiment and theory the following section. The idea is that is the lower hybrid power flow can be thought of as a composite of rays; each the ray can be followed independently to power flow. of computation followed tracing. in the Sub-section [13.2] initial spectrum of discusses the waves, launched sub-section [13.3] by a discussion of the Results are presented in [13.4], miscellaneous determine computation details in too voluminous to permit ray followed by some [13.5]. inclusion Program in this listings are thesis: listings and more computation details are provided in a separate document [Rohatgi.85b]. - 83 - [13.2] A Launched Wave Spectrum code used due to M Brambilla [Brambilla.76, to hybrid compute the wave spectrum launched 4 assuming waveguide antenna. plasma density)/24cm. ignored. are the calculated at the grill mouth) magnetic -15 < N11 < 15 total a chosen arbitrarily to be (central field and grill mouth curvature Vacuum is assumed inside the waveguides. -1 < N11 < 1 ); an with the are Fields matched using 4 evanescent waveguide modes in range lower The launch geometry is shown in Fig 13.2.1. addition the Plasma waves are computed over to the launched waves. the This spectrum is (w2e/2=10 density gradient, Poloidal by is a finite waveguide grill mouth in contact with overdense linear Knowlton.85] (no lower hybrid waves exist in wave powers are normalized so that the launched power equals 1. The computed spectrum case of +900 relative waveguide phasing was for presented The phase of the launched waves is previously in Fig 9.9.2. also computed, for subsequent use during ray tracing. Fig 13.2.1 GEOMETRY FOR SPECTRUM COMPUTATION BRAMBILLA decreases linearly The density towards the mouth of the 4 waveguide grill. - 84 - slope n W = [13.3] Ray Ray Tracing tracing is used to follow a keeping track through the scattering plane. large number of rays, of what the rays 'look like' when they Paul Bonoli's ray pass tracing code ZIPRAY [Bonoli.82] was suitably modified and used. The geometry is shown in Fig 13.3.1. Waves are launched at the grill mouth, lie along a magnetic surface. 0; kr is which is assumed to ke is initially taken to determined from N11 and the dispersion relation. The initial power of the various waves is chosen to fit (previously) spectrum. During into account; parametric decay and low-frequency fluctuations are not. tracing, Phased 4-Waveguide Grill B z=O e Scatterin $=1T/4 GEOMETRY FOR RAY TRACING - 85 - scattering from Most rays are followed till they damp (more on this in [13.5]). Fig 13.3.1 ray the damping and electron and ion Landau damping are collisional taken computed be The ray tracing code assumes the density and temperature profiles within the plasma n -e = (neO -n e ea) (r /a)2 -e n +n E ea 13.3.1 e n-1 -(r T e = (T -T )- e 0Oa 1 - - /a) 2 M -E-_-E - + Ta e 13.3.2 - 13.3.3 - 13.3.4 - and outside the plasma - e e - ea -rm /1.5cm -b/1.5cm - e -a/1.5cm -b/1.5cm - e e T (b-r ) + T (r -a) Tb mm _a T - -b a 1 - where rm is the magnetic surface radius, minor radius, and b is the wall radius. a is the plasma Other parameters of the plasma model, including the profile factors E, are shown in Table 13.3.1. shifts, axis incorporates flux Shafranov[.67] in the small displacement following approximation. magnetic The magnetic geometry For is the parameters displaced by of Table about a/8, approximation is not good near the plasma edge. 13.3.1 the and this Also, the model assumes a circular vacuum vessel, whereas the Versator cross-section is square. Following ray tracing, a number of analyses can be performed These form the subject of the next on the computed dataset. sub-section. - 86 - Table 13.3.1 PLASMA PARAMETERS USED IN RAY TRACING CODE Value Quantity Symbol Toroidal Field BT Plasma Current Ip Electron Temperature Center Edge Te0 Tea 300 eV 10 eV Wall Teb 5 eV Profile Factor (e 3.5 Tio 150 eV Edge Tia 10 eV Wall Tib 5 eV Profile Factor Ei 3.5 Ion Temperature Center Density Center 1.2 T 25 kA ne 1 6.78 x 10 23 or cm-3 1.19 x 101 Edge nea 0.10 x neO Wall neb 0.0 Profile Factor En -0.571 Major Radius R 40.5 cm Minor Radius a 13.0 cm Wall Radius b 15.0 cm Impurity Atomic Number Zimp 6 Effective Atomic Number Zeff 1.5 - 87 - [13.4] Results Four cases were run: low density (6.78 x1012 cm-3 peak) with waveguide relative phasing), -90* peak) phasings and 1800, at +90*. of +90* (the current drive and high density (1.19 x101 3 cm-3 (These densities correspond closely to the 'low' and 'high' densities of the experiments.) Variations from case to case, while noticeable, were not dramatic. results presented in this sub-section are restricted to the low-density launched +900 case, spectrum. terminated several The which Fig As indicated above, normally toroidal for via damping, passes. 9.9.2 most but not shows rays (84%) before The ratio of total the making power flow across the scattering plane to the total launched power, in some sense the Q of the tokamak, was typically about 5. Fig 13.4.1 shows a power map in the scattering plane for the low-density spectrum. while do +900 The case; the inset shows the launched power map may be characterized as splotchy; wave power does penetrate to the center, so evenly, it does not despite making a number of toroidal passes. (A mechanism such as scattering of lower hybrid waves low frequency map.) to fluctuations could greatly smooth the Figs 13.4.2 and 13.4.3 which toroidal towards power To identify the rays in the brighter regions, we turn negative NH rays respectively, by from show, for positive puncture plots separated out We see that the bright pass number. the outside is caused as expected by the - 88 - and crescent 1st pass 1.0 0.3 0 OUTSIDE INSIDE Fig 13.4.1 POWER MAP IN SCATTERING PLANE Contour plot of computed power density in scattering plane. Contour levels are separated logarithmically as indicated. The peak power density has been arbitrarily scaled to 1.10. - 89 - 4 PASS PUNCTURE PLOT -- RAYS WITH POSITIVE N Top - ;-/ Pass 2 Pass 1 *- Pass Pass 3 Fig 13.4.2 PUNCTURE PLOT FOR +ve N11 RAYS, SEPARATED BY PASSES One dot corresponds to one ray. - 90 - 4 PASS PUNCTURE PLOT -- RAYS WITH NEGATIVE Ni Top -. Pass 2 Pass 1 as **- - Pass >4 Pass 3 Fig 13.4.3 PUNCTURE PLOT FOR -ve Nil RAYS, SEPARATED BY PASSES One dot corresponds to one ray. - 91 - positive Nil rays, together with some contribution from the 2nd pass negative Nl center is due rays. The bright region at the to 1st pass negative Nil rays and positive Nfl rays. plasma 2nd pass To further study the rays near the center we look at Fig 13.4.4 which shows the local N H spectrum and a spectral/orientation diagram. The latter diagram shows the rays in the chosen spatial region (2cm square, center) of on a diagram of N1 vs orientation. 2cm from the The orientation a ray is the direction of the poloidal component with 0* as important outward and 900 as upward. for a scattering experiment, experiment is orientation-specific. of k, Orientation is since a Notice, scattering though, that the lower-hybrid wave is a backward wave and so the poloidal component of the group velocity is exactly opposite to this. The positive Nil directions. (The diagram the and 13.4.4 mostly propagating in rays area of the - 2400 1800 the the shows rectangles on a proportional to the ray is normalized so that the strongest ray on any spectral/orientation power, in diagram spectral/orientation diagram is One may wonder what happened is a fixed size.) first pass negative Nil rays that should show up at to the center; they do, but in a spatial location adjacent to that of 13.4.4. Fig Fig spectral/orientation the narrowly the the 0*. about - spectrum and where both and 2nd pass negative Ni rays positive Nil rays appear to centered Nil diagram near the outside, 1st pass positive Ni visible; shows 13.4.5 92 - A have closer are orientation look at the 1.0 Spectral Orientation NSpectrum (a) 10 Diagram (b) 8 6 1.6 i .Q 44 02 0 00 .0 o o -2 to -4 (c) 2 T/ Top -6 Region of Interest TT -8 0 ,21T77 n'J -10 Outside -1? Orientation of k.L Plasma Cross-Section (radians) Fig 13.4.4 Nil SPECTRUM AND SPECTRAL ORIENTATION DIAGRAM NEAR CENTER (c)) Rays passing through the region of interest (shown in are plotted on two diagrams. (a) shows the Nil spectrum. (b) is a spectral orientation diagram, where a rectangle is plotted for each ray at a coordinate determined by the Nil The area of the rectangle is and orientation of the ray. proportional to the power in the ray. The relation of the orientation angle to spatial direction is also indicated in (c). - 93 - 1.0 Nil Spectrum 10 (a) 4J 8 .4i (a Spectral Orientation Diagram (b) (a .6 21 2 13, 04 - 0 (c) u/2 Top -6 Region of Interest -8 + 0,27r Outside -10 -12 I - ('4 , Orientation of k, Plasma CrossSection L (radians) Fig 13.4.5 Nil SPECTRUM AND SPECTRAL ORIENTATION DIAGRAM NEAR EDGE (c)) Rays passing through the region of interest (shown in spectrum. Nil the shows (a) diagrams. two are plotted on (b) is a spectral orientation diagram, where a rectangle is plotted for each ray at a coordinate determined by the Nii is The area of the rectangle and orientation of the ray. The relation of the proportional to the power in the ray. orientation angle to spatial direction is also indicated in (c). - 94 - 1. 0 90* Top Region of Interest + 1800 00 Outside 270* Plasma Cross-Section 0 0 Orientation of k. (degrees)- Fig 13.4.6 ORIENTATION SPECTRUM NEAR EDGE Plot of power vs orientation angle for the rays passing The through the region of interest (shown in the inset). plot is restricted to rays with N1i between 2.5 and 3.5. - 95 - orientation spectrum, width of 10*, the in Fig 13.4.6, peaked at +3*. shows a 10 dB full- Noticing from Fig 13.4.2 that 1st pass rays are shifted upwards (as expected for rays following the field lines), component of k corroborated remains by this means that essentially orientation the poloidal radial. spectra This further is from the midplane. One question of interest is how loss of coherence depends on Ni. To address this question, a quantity related to the wave coherence called the cell size is defined - - - - - - - A = - - -a f IN - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - 3f 3f1 3y z 13.4.1 ray where f is the wave phase and y and z are the launching coordinates as shown in Fig 13.3.1. (The phase - f is corrected to lowest order for the phase difference k-Ar that should exist between coherent waves.) interest for a scattering This quantity is experiment since of scattered electric fields add for coherent waves, but scattered powers (Incoherent waves have a broader add for incoherent waves. k spectrum.) coordinate space) of number The waves retaining coherence (in at launching the the scattering plane is directly proportional to the cell size. grouped according to their Nil (0 to 3, Rays were etc) and the evolution of cell size from pass to studied. The results are shown in Fig - 96 - 13.4.7. 3 to pass It 6, was would Pd 102 I I -1 2 +++ 4--I+ - i i- + 10 +PP4 _r -t-a 4 -'~,- 3 w N U, 0 ~ ~ 10 N w '3 -I+ w U 0 U 1-4 2 I -12 Fig 13.4.7 I I I -9 -6 -3 I 3 I 6 I I 9 12 EVOLUTION OF COHERENCE For each pass, rays are grouped according to their N11 and the coherence cell size is plotted versus Ni1 . The correspondence between symbol and pass is shown in the key at the right, which number also shows the average cell size for all rays. - 97 - appear that lower Nil rays are consistently than higher Nil , more less coherent perhaps because longer wavelength waves are affected by spatial gradients of density and magnetic 13.4.8 shows a radial profile of power for IN1, between field. Fig 2.5 and 3.5, and orientation within 100 of horizontal. E-01 (a) top 3 - a te 2 E-02 0 "4 S 2 (b) b E-03 4 0 4 3 3 2 E-04 2 E-05 - - I I (inside) Fig 13.4.8 I 1 - x (cm)-.- -- (outside) RADIAL POWER PROFILE The power density is plotted in (a) across the horizontal chord shown in (b). The plot is restricted to rays with N1 |between 2.5 and 3.5, and with kL orientations within 100 of the horizontal. - 98 - [13.5] The Computation Details computation proceeds in 5 stages. each The output files stage serve as the input files of the next stage. of The first stage is the computation of the launched wave spectrum (sub-section [13.3]). used to follow passage of spread a large number of each of In the second stage, rays ray tracing is and ray across the scattering rays is launched, with 2 record plane. dimensions spatial location and the 3rd dimension for Nil. each A for the traced plane ray's spatial location and Nil. one by one; (450 record is wavevector, The each time a ray crosses the spatial (2) it power, location, A ray is its initial 8000 integration steps or (3) it either (1) it damps to 1% exceeds output some starting coordinate tags power and phase, until are scattering to identify the ray, and the toroidal pass number. followed into rays toroidally from the waveguide grill) an written containing the ray's the The starting power and phase of each ray are suitably chosen taking account 3-D of undergoes 20 radial reflections. In practice 84% of the rays terminate due to damping, with most of the rest executing 20 radial reflections. In order to obtain smooth graphs, it is necessary to have several thousand rays. however, runs at Computation about 100 rays per minute on a time, Cray-1. Consequently, the approach taken is to follow about 300 rays directly, set. Also, containing and the use Nil linear interpolation to expand the range is broken into several significant power; - 99 - each interval ray intervals is run separately. This avoids wasting computer time on i intervals containing little power. Thus the 3rd stage of the computation and is the interpolation to a 'complete' ray set, the 4th stage is the merge of the output files from the different Nil intervals. The fifth analysis and last stage of computation consists and graphics. The graphics capabilities for generating radial power maps, Nil spectra, plots of of data program has profiles, wavevector contour orientation and puncture plots (one dot for each ray crossing the scattering plane). Many selectivity. of the plots may be done with either Nil or N, Some statistical performed. - 100- analysis may also be Section [14] Results COMPARISON from been experiments presented the of the power a r which and are second not rays of may measured be the The partial agreement resonance The with is 2 cm to (1) Perhaps the a both horizontal; by the a computation (Fig - 13.4.6). 101 - 12.2.1): the (r/a=0.65 at the are as center. at least The were (1 theory and (Fig experiment a cm volume). scattering between with in is picture scan. features least 13.4.8) profile agreement these at the orientation fine-grained spread NH -- wider measured than not positive experiment is smaller narrow of the more orientation very a (Fig computed a dramatic the showed in does edge (Fig power the much most is experiment 12.4.1) less being size; cell has rays 11 center the profile in of it at experiment farther features due power radial and sharper partly well available r/a=0.8), against than NU N 14.01) the at negative the reach The region negative used; to lower computed cone The in in. pass (Fig seen being because spread. is further first volumes what amplitude partly by scattering limited bright orientation large the edge, power rays. NU and demonstrate the be have By predicted to their the well a positive because that shows at less determined pass seen match was sections. cone EXPERIMENT modelling Both and 13.4.1 AND theoretical consistent. directions, Fig THEORY two resonance e of center rays strong from previous are and map the the features presence both and in gross BETWEEN small matched offset from extremely 1.0 9 20 - ' nanr0n, . Angle of k, (degrees)-e Fig 14.01 ORIENTATION SPECTRUM NEAR CENTER Plot of power vs orientation angle for the through the region of interest (shown in the - 102 - rays passing inset). Another lies point in of agreement between experiment and theory the frequency spectrum of the lower hybrid waves. Andrews and spectral broadening of lower hybrid waves in a tokamak to Perkins scattering [Andrews.83 from low frequency radiative transport diffusion. They obtain a formula equation N11 c Wpe (r=0) 2 - a W have calculated fluctuations, incorporating 2 T. (r=a) VT for T<<1 2 T for T>1 ce m-c using the due a frequency 14.01 - for the half-width (HWHM) Aw, where Ni , c, me, wpe, Wce and Ti have their usual meanings, a is the tokamak minor radius and T is the optical depth given by w 2 - Using 110 kHz (r=0) m c 2T. 2 2 X2 1 c Vce ci the parameters in Table 14.1, we obtain a or 220 kHz FWHM. for the half-width, 14.02 value - of This agrees Table 14.1 PLASMA PARAMETERS USED FOR CALCULATING FREQUENCY BROADENING DUE TO SCATTERING OF LOWER HYBRID WAVES FROM LOW FREQUENCY FLUCTUATIONS Symbol Value Minor Radius a 13 cm Central Density neO Edge Ion Temperature Tia Toroidal Field BT 1 T Wave Frequency f 0.8 GHz Parallel Refractive Index Nil 3 Quantity - 103 - 5x 10 1 2 cm-3 10 eV as well as one might expect with the experimental value 400 kHz, considering Versator is theory that (1) edge not well known, ion temperature and (2) assumptions of in in the regarding edge conditions and fluctuation level may or may not be valid for Versator plasmas. We also notice from Figs 13.4.4 and 13.4.5 that the computed Nil spectrum at the edge falls off more increasing Ni than the spectrum at the center, same with which is the result as obtained in the experiment (Figs 12.3.1 12.3.2). all steeply and these computed spectra include rays with However possible orientations. Fig 14.02 shows 1.0 the computed 1.0 1.8 4J .H .46 S-4 0 .0 ~2 .0 (b)) (d) top S top outside side (::7 Fig 14.02 COMPARISON OF Nil SPECTRA AT CENTER AND EDGE, WITH RESTRICTED ORIENTATIONS (a) and (c) show the Nil spectra of the rays passing through The plots are the regions of interest shgwn in (b) and (d). restricted to rays with k,- orientations within 50 horizontal. - 104 - of the of including only rays with orientations within 50 spectra It is apparent that the shape of the center the horizontal. between agreement and altered, somewhat is spectrum experiment and theory on this point is tenuous at best. are also two notable discrepancies between theory and There First, the measured signals are low by at least experiment. A Recall that I(Nil) one and a half orders of magnitude. must satisfy Eqn 11.06 AW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114.03 - - - - - be may area beam the shows, 14.2 Table As = INgN - - (11.06) - - - - -2 - m 0.03 between 2 of a magnetic surface). integral in the small and not 10~1, terms. Second, strictly 1. Table 14.2 GHz 0.8 the all TERMS OF ESTIMATE - 105 - IN Eqn for 10-3 here. both is 14.03 goes power graph for Eqn of m-2 mention reasonable more side hand right the Not is value 0.03 between is terms deserve points of number estimated lower the First, A 1. two the of product the Thus Nil. the extrapolates one how on depending , m- 0.1 between to that shows 12.3.1 Fig evaluate may 14.03 Eqn 2 and of Inspection area (the m 1.0 and mouth) grill waveguide the of area (the 14.03 into not the detected resonance cone. Imperfect coupling between waveguide and plasma, waveguide transmission losses, and the fact that about 30% of the power is launched in waves negative with N11 are all reasons that the right hand side should be more like 0.5 than 1. Third, the calculation of I(N 1 ) required assumptions about the distribution of power flow as To calculate I(N11 ) (see Section a function of orientation. 11) we assumed the power flow to be isotropic for all inward directions, however orientation The two experiment distribution clearly shows is sharply peaked that (Fig 12.4.1). issues here are (1) is our measured value peak of the orientation distribution ? the orientation distribution ? distribution assumption is less than at the and (2) how wide is The width of the orientation 100, whereas an effective width of 900. has the our isotropic the On other hand, judging from the offset of the peak in Fig 12.4.1, our value may be down a factor of 2 or 3 from the peak measured value. In sum, however, the true value of I(N11 ) is likely to be lower (by perhaps a factor of 3) than our calculation. There is signal most definitely a discrepancy between measured the best estimate is perhaps 2.5 levels and theory; orders of magnitude. Assuming for the time being that there is no fundamental mistake in the experiment or analysis, there are a number of possible explanations however, are for the low signal particularly convincing. - 106 - levels; (1) The none, receiving scattered antenna may not be properly positioned to see the It is possible that, radiation. despite the CW alignment, scattered radiation is shifted toroidally away from the the receiving horn. Some toroidal deflection is anticipated due however, to the wave's k11 , (half-width of 0.9 cm'1), power tilt Ak1 so that this cannot account for Other causes of toroidally much signal reduction. scattered resolution the is smaller than 0.7 cm'1) (typically as shown in Appendix [17.2], k11 shifted or could be a mis-aligned mirror pivot of the scattering plane out of the vertical. The so and a scattered beam spot size of 3 cm (full-width), hard to see how toroidal misalignment could account more than one order of magnitude signal reduction. power scattered either power, k,, above corresponds to an angular half-width of 2 resolution is a may due or to plasma instability cyclotron absorption [Mazzucato.84). for (2) The beam incident be low due to loss of it relativistic We have, however, used the 2 mm system as an interferometer in similar plasmas, and transmitted signal may drop to about 30% of the while vacuum observed value (probably due to refraction), worse transmission than this. is unlikely to be a severe problem. we have the never Loss of beam power (3) Since scattering is stronger from coherent waves, loss of coherence would appear to be a likely reason for Unfortunately Parseval's relation - 107 - reduced scattered power. dk- ~2 ( d 2 - f 14.04 that loss of coherence redistributes scattered shows in (2) but k-space, does not reduce the power measured (4) We may not be looking in the right place for the power. hybrid waves. lower integrated - Lower hybrid waves at a spatial point exist with two degrees of freedom: magnitude of the k-vector and the orientation of k,, whereas our spectral scan is one- dimensional (N 11 from ~3 to ~8, with a single orientation for Given the narrow measured orientation width and t% ). each our restricted scan, But waves. we have been quite generous in our assumptions of k-space width of the power flow, isotropic in orientation. power total substantially we measured, resonance cone (5) Possibly structure to large k 1 or k,, flow, we assuming it to be semi- In order to raise our estimate of would require therefore that more power exists at orientations other than first pass and this is not likely since the appears to have been found turbulence destroys the satisfactorily. hybrid lower exists the point where much of the power and so escapes detection, consistent with the narrow orientation width summary, strongest we may just have missed the but wave at this is not measured. In while some of the shortfall in scattered power may be explainable, this issue is as yet unresolved. The second unresolved discrepancy concerns the Nil - 108 - spectrum for the case of 180* waveguide phasing. +90* spectrum for launched spectrum, on the first pass, downshifted phasing (2) spectrum strongly (3) systematic experimental errors or unequal the in drive checked, powers are are not aware of any serious problems. The phasing. Forward monitored; we second possibility, possibility, by also waveguide relatively insensitive to small errors in supported 4 spectrum [Luckhardt.85] has shown the launched calculation be launched are The waveguide phasing has been waveguides. (Fig off way The first possibility could be due to bias towards low NH. waveguide is computed the with (1) possiblities the different from calculated, spectrum to 1800 case the but Briefly, 12.3.5). quite well agrees edge The measured reflected and waveguide namely strong downshift, results. ray-tracing And systematic bias towards low N1 , is simply not third the for whatever reason (broadening due to loss of coherence, for example, or a geometric effect due to the smaller scattering angle cannot explain why there is good larger scattering volume), agreement for the +900 case. - and 109 - CONCLUSION Section [15] A at A measured. in We and is case) than wave absorption +900 case +90* the for center for during are drive. current decreasing exponentially - 110 - is as Nil and power density seen at of evidence for spectra fit the drive current (the interpreted be may which -900, phasing waveguide central power lower Consistently high.) quite the that how tell to difficult it makes space suggests tracing (Ray much. k in and spatially both broadening though plasma, the of center the reach to found is Power computation. the in well very reproduced were features which of both 4*, about by horizontal from offset and 100) than (less narrow very be to found was spectrum kLorientation The directions. poloidal radial the in both extent spatial in limited edge, plasma the towards cone resonance a detecting in succeeded have done. been has code tracing ray a using modelling theoretical addition, In drive. current during absorption wave for look to performed was experiment comparison phase specific A made. been also has direction poloidal the scan spatial A performed. been has scan power been have spectra orientation and spectra Frequency density drive current the below measured been have spectra Nil and above both densities limit. and profiles Radial regime. drive current the in waves hybrid lower of propagation the study to performed been has experiments of series the computed the Brambilla spectrum quite well. Measured spectra at the center are noticeably flatter than at the edge, although in the Nil outer regions penetrate case as well. of 180* computed the plasma the is between The other theory significant and experiment the short by about 2 to 3 orders reasons not spectrum is do not for the from the source of waveguide phasing differ markedly level of measured power; absolute higher Unfortunately the Nil spectra spectrum. disagreement level of well understood. The lies in experimental of power magnitude, measured consistent with the broadening the for frequency calculated by waves Andrews and Perkins due to scattering of lower hybrid by density fluctuations. this last issue, Regarding ray we note that agreement between tracing computation and experiment is reasonable, though very narrow. from Also the orientation spectrum fluctuations. frequency scattering ray tracing code ignores the even low is Thus we conclude that scattering in k-space is unimportant at these (relatively low) densities. Comparison density the ray of available data between the cases shows no dramatic differences tracing computation.) low and high (neither does Differences in wave propagation characteristics are therefore unlikely to be the cause of the observed current drive density limit. - 111 - The two limitations of our setup that most seriously limited the scope of the measurements were resolution, and (2) incomplete (1) marginal access for spatial scattering geometries. Regarding potential usefulness of microwave experiments, two comments may be made. that very little distribution. Since measurement plane exists there are Our results indicate in 4 the wave parameters (2 spatial degrees of freedom in the 2 and symmetry scattering components of k in the power to any poloidal plane), same any reasonably complete scan over all 4 parameters in order to produce power of a measurements, Further may not even there wave power, map would require a very large for a single set of plasma parameters. is the frequency spread of the lower hybrid and also the fact that a power map in one plane be indicative of other toroidal locations tokamak, set so that global power mapping prohibitive at least very expensive. seems in if the not The second comment is that the microwave scattering experiment measures intensity, or power per unit area, and beam area is not easily measurable. On the other hand, microwave scattering is a unique tool for probing waves inside the plasma, and a number of interesting and useful measurements can be made. 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[17.1] We [17.1] Main Scattering Calculation [17.2] k Resolution of Scattering Geometry Main Scattering Calculation are in interested frequency w -I- >> W -pe a ,o electromagnetic wave of incident on a plasma in the 0-mode _ce E = E0 f(r) plane cos(k -r-wIt) 17.1.01- -A quantities are real. all where is a constant and F f(Z') accounts for the radiation pattern of the transmitting horn. f(Y) is |IE=RX, defined where so as to have a maximum value and the scattering volume. the relatively e j(W~t- ) (The 1/r scattering small 2 variation volume 1 on transmitting RX is the distance between the horn of is over ignored.) is more convenient to work with, so write ----- --- j ( t-k E0f()cos(k-oWt) = 2 o f()e f - ak 1 r) =-E -j(0 +__ f(r) t-kIr) e Then for the time being consider an incident wave - 116 - 17.1.02- j( I t-k- r) - At E' high f (r) = E - e17.1.03 frequency the electrons may be treated particles and the ions may be ignored. accelerated and consequently radiate. may as single The electrons are The radiation fields be computed from the Lienard-Wiechert formulae. In the non-relativistic limit, a single electron at r generates A fields at R = R R in the far field given by j(w 1 t-k-r) r E'(Rt) _ e = RX (RXE) H ,(R,t) = c 0 c RXEi 17.1.04- 17.1.05- where e = -r0 - - - 4-rE c 0m - - -4T- 0 2 2.82 - - fm - - -c 17.1.06- is the classical electron radius and - T = t - -- -- - c 17.1.07- is the retarded time. Writing A - IR-r(T)I ~ R - R-r(T) 17.1.08- which is good for k1 -r2 << R and r(T) ~ r c(t--) c 17.1.09- which is good for (v/c).k 1 -r << 1, we can simplify - 117 - + k-r(t 1 ) wI t T-k - r(T) WI - - 17.1.10- where we have defined -t =t R - - - tkR - k c is (w of frequency the = -- e Then wave.) scattered the -ir(ti)) ti j(W r9 A - 17.1.12- I -E-R,t) ) RX(RxE f(r) 17.1.13- fields radiated scattered be may I r OA - _rt For -- 0 Rx(RxE e A(k) k A() n dr ) t e 1 r7,,r4 r~ jk 17.1.15- -1(2Tr) the _ - dr a dk jk-r l 270 = e A(W)B(Z) obtained readily is formula convolution 3 A(k 1 (27) which may be applied k t f(r)g(r) convention transform Fourier - 0J(o Rf = our by found electrons over summing function total receiver the into coupled field electric couple weight a the Then )). f($) to not do is there rather, analogous (exactly g(E) electrons various antenna; the into equally the from the pattern, radiation antenna's receiving the of Because - 1 _0l to - 118 1 ) 17.1.16- 17.1.14 Eqn )B(k-k - to -r)- get - and dk 1 re E (R,t) = - the time R'Rx(RxE0 )f (2) Fourier '(RJA) ne (k C(k-k t e 3W I nt - 17.1.17- transform RX%(EXE~wr Rx(RxE - dk e e 1 ) i ,f2 w-I )C(k-k 1 ) r17.1.18- -( where C(K) =fdr e f(r) g(r) 17.1.19- But this calculation is field electric of the Eqn component we 17.1.02, of the incident For 17.1.03. Eqn in written field electric for total the obtain -A r - E S (R,w) = AA dk ) 2R 1 + .& - CCAf 0^ H S(R,w) (k oRE0f 2r 3[e e 2R =- ne o ,%- 1 rW 1)] -A T n 3 [e (k + (k n 2 - ))C(k I )Ckk1 ,O+w)C(-k-k (k dk2 RxEo 2 1 17.1.20- I 2 ,1o-o )C(k-k)I2 ,W+W )C(-k-k ) 2 17.1.21- - P = A - where area P AR. intensity spectral a Define $(w) by seen by $() 217.1.22- is the We have total for power $(w) - 119 - a receiver of effective - - - - $ (W) = where T - - -* - -2 2 - - - - - - - - Re E(w)XH () is the measures power; 17.1.23- time interval over which the receiver the scattered fields are assumed to be zero outside this interval. Putting 17.1.20-21 into 17.1.23, e - cdk 0 $ (w) = Re..40T.RxEo2 133f 2 dk22 C(k-k 1)C*(k-_k2 x where the because cross-terms and w+w1 terms 1) ne(kc3) is non-zero Z << w,; 2) w, > 0; bandwidth at interest (see <brackets> <n e (k,w-w )n*(ky,o-o>) is Eqn 17.1.22). non-zero 17-1-24- have only - been over 3) only dropped a is of Now the expectation value in k1 = k2 k, only if 1) w > 0 narrow and 2) satisfies the dispersion relation, which we shall denote by - kgl = H (k - ) )17.1.25- in terms of the components of k ~ k =kaz + k 17.1.26k -1 = k z + k lIt -L 17.1.27- Then we may write - n (k ,o-W)n*(k2 WWI) =<In (kl,ow-w) x The 6(k 2 -k) 6(k1 11 -H(k11)) dimensions of the bracketed term on the RHS are Introduce the incident Poynting flux - 120 - _ 17.1.28L~ 4 T 2. S ~ - 2 1 =-esc E 2 0 0 I 17.1.29- and use for our geometry ^ -2 2 X = 0 17.1.30- obtain to = $(-) Re 2 6 dk1d X We and ki see shall C that relatively it~ and 0 = S ) nFe(ki 1 -H(k 1 the in k ) ne(ki we )) 17.1.31- the k direction directions. Using finally obtain - -1 n(JrWW1 r (R - 1 broad in -2 -I $(W) 6(k relatively narrow = ki is 2 n (2 )6 - Q17.1.32- where -~ ~ 2 - - 1=dk1L C - (k]-k) 17.1.33- is below. computed In of radiation quantity geometry. this the we section overlap will The the the Fourier is the J (Eqn calculated. - 121 - 17.1.33) beams' how 17.1.31 of k-resolution integral scattered Eqn from clear C(K) transform and incident It to Volume Scattering compute of patterns. relates the of k-Resolution [17.2] the will this scattering also be and in the scattering plane x, 17.2.1) beams respectively, angle OS. scattered and incident the along xg (Fig non-orthogonal coordinates Define scattering with /incident we Assuming Gaussian beams, Tokamak X-Section Beam can write and the gain functions f(") Fig 17.2.1 NONORTHOGONAL IN COORDINATES SCATTERING PLANE receiving g(Y) for the transmitting and horns respectively: f(r) = exp[-(zb) 21 - ~ ~ -~~~~~~~~ ~ exp[-(x d) 2 - g(r) = exp(-(za) ] exp[-(x c) 2" - 17.2.01- - 17.2.02- 1 where Vln 2 Vin2 sinG R RE R 6 R sin 6 8 - - /n2 b =R R RX X - - - - - - -d -= -X-., - - RH- eXH - - - 17-2.03-06- -------- - RR is the distance from the nominal center of the scattering to the receiving antenna, volume y X and eRH are the half-widths angular /x 0RE and antenna, of the 3 dB receiving the suffix X denotes the e same quantities Measured antenna. INFig 17.2.2 OF TRODUCTION ORTHOGONAL COIN ORDINATES SCATTERING PLANE for the transmitting values [19.3]) are used. Define orthogonal coordinates - 122 - (Appendix x,y, as shown in Fig 17.2.2, with S 7T -0 4 2 17.2.07The transformation matrix is x S) sin 63 -sin a cos l x( -sin a x a Cos a ) Y) 17.2.08With introduction C(K) of (Eqn 17.1.19) orthogonal is evaluation coordinates, straightforward; we of get 2 3/2 - C(K) K 2 K K2 K 4CX 4B K D] ABCXxp whee4A 4B X CX 17.2.09- where 2 2 A X 1/2 + 6 2 ln2(R2 = XE R 17.2.10- RE 2 c-s B Cos ln2 = .2 2 a + 12 a sin R 2 e2 2 X sin a Cos a (peRH eXH 2 2 D 1n2 (R1 2 ( X- 17.2.11- XH 17.2.12- 2 2 RX 2 + 2 R l XeH Cos c 17.2.13- RH ) D2/(4B 2C2 17.2.14- This function has elliptical contours in the poloidal plane. Calculate the k-resolution terms Ak - = 1 Ak = dK1 C 2 (K=0) = /2TA 17.2.151 dK C 2- (K =0) C (K=0)) = 27BCX 17.2.16- and then J (Eqn 17.1.33) - 123 - (Ak)k - To we feel for these quantities, a get 17.2.17- in put parameters for our experiment: RR = RX = 0.4 m, FWHM ~ 4.5*. beams' Akil = 1.87 cm~1 We a obtain we need not typically about worry k,, system is aligned ( kj = 0 ), the for 0.7 cm~. the locating receiving antenna at the correct k,, orientation. the and resolution which is large compared to (FWHM) that means 63= 200 parallel lower-hybrid waves in our experiment, This typical As long as lower hybrid waves will be detected. poloidal the In 1.85 cm-1 plane Lk between varies (the extreme values lie along xy consistently 0.33 cm-1 ), which and is smaller than kg ~ 10 cm~1 of the waves we seek to detect. This means that the I1 S S receiver really is looking k a narrow spread of wavenumbers k7 (a) at Further scattering (b) we note that for angles es< 900, k-RSOLUION Fig 7.2. k-RESOLUTION Fig 17.2.3 OF SCATTERING VOLUME which is usually the case, the The spatial extent of a typical scattering volume is shown in (a). (b) shows the corresponding spread in kW' mostly - k1 124 - spread (see Fig 17.2.3) in wavenumber and is not The LOWER [18] Appendix quantity CALCULATION In Appendix [17] is the lower the scattered power was to the density amplitude of the lower hybrid waves. the density amplitude will be related this section, In WAVE of interest in our experiment hybrid wave power. related HYBRID to the lower hybrid wave power. [18.1] The [18.1] Single Wave Analysis [18.2] Total Wave Power Single Wave Analysis starting point equations comprising collisionless jmovj = 1 equations set and 0 = of the a 18.1.01- % - 1 . - the jk-r) dependence jk-n 0 jn- - - Maxwell's is cold plasma fluid equations linearized for wave with exp(jwt - for this calculation (El + vjxB) n0 q 18.1.02Use a slab wavevector B = B z model plasma with magnetic field k with ky = 0. component The cold and plasma electromagnetic tensor relation is obtained - jD S-N2 It2 jD - - - Na N where N,,, N = c k / w. P-N2 are P, S 0- Ey 0 S-NL0 N, E N,, N. 2 S-N,,-N2 Ezz ( components of 18.1.03- the refractive index and D are in the standard notation - 125 - of Stix[.621. In the lower hybrid regime 2 2 ~2 2 2 Wci <Wpi ZW<Wpe 1Wce they may be approximated 2 2 - P ~-w /o pe - S 18.1.04- ~1 218.1.05- + W o -eW .j/o /W - ce 18.1.06- 2 - D W e /WW - pe The ce18.1.07- dispersion relation determinant of bN - aN - the matrix in obtained Eqn by 18.1.03 to setting the zero 0 c= + is 18.1.08- - where - a= - b S 18.1.092 = -(P+S)N2 + 2 P(S + PS S - (1 D- 18.1.10- 2 -D ) - 2PSN2 + PN1 18.1.11- - This can equation plasma be parameters. equations solved Once to N1 for N is known, given 1 N,,, we can w and solve the local the fluid obtain in nle 0 cB ExF2 2 W 2 N_-P F2 F - = 2 To compute in terms Eqn 18.1.03 - w N ce N W of 11 2_ ce the N -. 18.1.13- NP N wave Ex. The and those power, we need components of of B - from 126 - the E components are easily of obtained E and from B ~18.1.14- - Then for a single wave we obtain the Poynting flux 3K.. - 2 ExB* + 2EowE S = -Re 0 90 - A -x = - 2 0 c( 1E 2 F3 " ~ 7 -E*~ i18.1.15- 3 + zS 18.1.16- 2 PN 2 - i 3 A 3 -P - 13 ' - N 2 2_ 18.1.17This power plasma, for contribute. been flux has been computed for a cold which 18.1.15 For typical Versator parameters correction is the drift contribution to term, <10%. does not The thermal and electron drift corrections have estimated. dominant the 2nd term in Eqn non-drifting the the Ex B All other corrections are at the <1% level. [18.2] Total Wave Power For a spectrum of waves, the component of the Poynting flux in the e direction, measured over a time T is S e = - fE(rt)xB(r.t) dt T1po 18.2.01- Introducing the Fourier transforms, we have S 2 =P T'Re e. 3 (do 2 k dk 1 /k B (k"o)B*k)e j(k-k 1 r -)(18.2.02Use the following (1) e = -r, we are intrested in radial power flow - 127 - -- lb A( (2) let at be the angle between -r and k (3) the expectation value in <brackets> is non-zero only for k = k (4) as in Appendix (18.1], E x B*= - j1ExF 3 to obtain - ( T 3 a - do dw dk Se = 2E: c F Cosa Re 2 3dk<E(k ,w)I /,6(k-k1 ) f (2T ) 18.2.03Now only waves satisfying the dispersion relation exist, so that we can write 1E (kw)12 > =<IE where the 2 (-,'.L quantity to (jn (kw)1> W) > 6 (k,, - on the RHS Th is 18.2.04exactly analogous defined in Eqn 17.1.28. In fact E(kw)>= >,2 (0 22)n 18.2.05- Then - - e e 3 (2Tr) (n2 (k c B 2( 2o c ,w) > 3 f27T n0 F 2 may k d nac COS<ine(k.,w)) T 27 be related to the scattering $(w) via Eqn 17.1.32. Write dkL = k. dk. da and use - dk = (dk.L/dk c dN 1 18.2.06intensity 18.2.07- to obtain - 128 - e 2Eocfc B 21F cosa da (dw 27 2r (21) 1\no F2)J 0** dk - < n 2(kL, w) > 18.2.08- x JdNk- Ideally one would measure the scattered n(k,o)I> for many values of w, a, and N,,, Eqn 18.2.08 to calculate the total power. is not feasible, power, and thus and then use In practice this and if an estimate of total power flux is desired, some modelling may be necessary. - 129 - Appendix [19] MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS [19.1] Outline In appendix this four different microwave measurements are presented, all of which are necessary for calibration of our experiment. and conversion The measurement of mixer noise temperature loss in presented is [19.2]. Antenna radiation pattern measurements are presented in [19.3]. CW calibration of the transmission system is And [19.41. lastly, in [19.5] the The in discussed preamplifier gain maeasurement is discussed. using Outline [19.2] Mixer Measurements [19.3] Antenna Patterns [19.4] Transmission System [19.5] Preamplifier Gain Mixer Measurements [19.2] The [19.1] mixer was calibrated and the hot cold load technique. The setup is shown in Fig 19.2.1. A tap off the EIO was used to provide the nalze local - Boxcar- Fluke DVM power oscillator (measured reHorn by a diode Eccosorb at -- 294K -- 77K biased Fig 19.2.1 Schottky Mixer detector - 130 - MIXER TEST SETUP [Alpha/TRG F965D]) to the Alpha/TRG F9100 mixer. A blackbody noise source gain for the RF input was simulated by mounting standard horn on the RF input and putting a Eccosorb dipped foam in in front of it. A piece of liquid nitrogen served as a 77 [Weinreb.73]; it noise power. stayed piece of Eccosorb K noise cold long enough to a foam source measure the Another piece of the same material served as a room temperature noise source. The noise power output of the mixer was amplified by its attached MITEQ preamplifier (gain 36 dB, analyzer. below) [19.5] see The measured and detected by a spectrum noise power P in a bandwidth B is given by P = -G k(T +2T ) B L R N TR where is temperature the the receiver noise temperature, TN is the of the RF input signal (blackbody noise), G is the preamplifier gain and conversion loss, Boltzmann's 19.2.1 constant. The L is k factor of 2 arises because +/- is the GHz). By making power measurements at two different temperatures, we receiver detects both IF sidebands (at 0.8 have two equations in two unknowns (namely TR and L ) are even easily solved. determined if G is not known.) In practice TR is much higher than room temperature, 77 K (Notice that TR may be thus which so that the change in noise power between quite and room temperature is precise measurement small. However, of P turns out not to be necessary very if the difference in power can be reasonably measured. In fact - 131 - 2P where (T P2~Pl 2R subscripts ) -T N2 _ T 1,2 Nl 2T denote Nl the 19.2.2 measurements at - two different noise source temperatures. With our analyzer setup P 1 was measured directly off scope display, and the the difference spectrum P2 P1 - was with measured by looking at the scope's vertical signal out a digital voltmeter, with the help of a boxcar integrator in between filter the signal and compensate its DC to experimental The results temperature and conversion loss as a function of LO power are shown in Figs 19.2.2 and for 19.2.3 respectively. noise level. A noise temperature of 6600 K is obtained with less than 2 mW of LO drive. Similar the results were obtained in another where noise power was measured with broadband diode detectors (Hewlett third experiment Packard 423A) instead of a spectrum analyzer. experiment using a spectrum analyzer and a A different preamplifier (Watkins Johnson 269) was performed to measure mixer characteristics at an IF of 2.45 GHz. Results obtained were shown these substantially worse than at 0.8 GHz; 19.2.2 Figs possible to use and 19.2.3. this mixer to detect launched by our 2.45 GHz S-Band system. auxiliary directional performed were measurements couplers, attenuators, - 132 - it As a result are waves a number Also, and not was lower-hybrid to also calibrate 139 GHz of our diode MIXER 19.2.2 Fig NOISE TEMPERATURE n Noise temperature is shown as a function power for of L.O. and 0.8 GHz both 2.45 GHz intermediate frequencies. 1 2 3 Local Oscillator (L.O.) Power 4 5 (mW) 0 0. 8 GHz -10 0 K- x g 4 2.45 G1z -20 0 I I I Local Oscillator (L.O.) Power (mW) MIXER CONVERSION LOSS Fig 19.2.3 Conversion loss is shown as a function of L.O. power both 0.8 GHz and 2.45 GHz intermediate frequencies. - 133 - for A Hughes thermistor (Model 45777H) for a Hewlett detectors. these 432A power meter was used as a reference for Packard measurements. Antenna Patterns [19.31 The shown used setup directly determined plane The beam from the test antenna. horizontally was power EIO The 19.3.1. Fig in to measure antenna radiation by measuring power across patterns beamed out pattern was a approximately normal to the direction of at a distance of about one meter. waveguide open-ended suitable for pattern. To receiver, vertical propagation The receiver used was an which is detector, diode a with this purpose because of its broad radiation improve coupling of plane wave power into the edges of the is open-ended waveguide the were Y . 'Movable 'Diode Detector 4 cm 119 cm Measurement P lane laX 00S.Horn+Lens Antenna Power from EIO Fig 19.3.1 SETUP FOR ANTENNA PATTERN MEASUREMENT The dots in the measurement plane correspond to the at which measurement was made. - 134 - points sharpened. The detail is shown Fig in 19.3.2. dynamic The range of this setup was 25 dB. Diode Detector Measurements were made a rectangular lattice with on point-to-point spacing varying Pin Contact Sharpened Waveguide Mouth between 2 and 4 were Fig 19.3.2 DETAIL OF DETECTOR program. Results about cm. plotted with the aid unsophisticated an Contours of computer of a sample measurement are shown in Fig 19.3.3. From this measurement, the 3 dB FWHM of the horn and lens configuration was found to be approximately 5* in both planes. Y x Fig 19.3.3 - SAMPLE HORN PATTERN Contour Radiation pattern for setup of Fig 19.3.1. lines darker are plotted at 2 dB intervals, with 10 dB. - 135 - lines every [19.4] Transmission System To analyze the measured scattered power, we need to know (1) the transmission Poynting volume) flux loss CL in the receiving S, in the incident beam (at and (3) the effective area AR of line, the (2) the scattering the receiving antenna. When the system is aligned, a single measurement of the maximum power as shown in Fig CW 19.4.1 the yields quantity PC = SR AR CL, where SR is the Poynting flux at the receiving antenna. Defining RX and RR as the distances from the scattering volume to the transmitting antenna and to the receiving antenna respectively, we can write R S Fig 19.4.1 CW POWER MEASUREMENT R =S 2 X I RX+RR GEOMETRY 19.4.1 FOR LO TRANSMISSION Flux S1 and SR are the Poynting flux at the scattering volume and at the antenna receiving respectively. RR Poyntin Flux S Power from EIO - 136 - RX which is the required quantity, is easily so that SI AR CL, determined. In one such calibration experiment, PC was found to 19.3 be coupler involved and a a measured with mW, An detector. calibrated diode in this technique is that plasma assumption refraction not significantly change the Poynting flux. that directional calibrated does Our estimate is Poynting beam broadening due to refraction causes the flux to drop by less than 20%, a relatively small systematic error in this experiment. Preamplifier Gain [19.5] The preamplifier gain was measured using a low-power 0.8 GHz from source analyzer. battery the RF and system supply used, from the Owing to the to the the sensitivity of the gain The gain dropped 4 dB upon supply voltage from 15 V to 11 V, 15 V to 8 V. spectrum calibrated The gain was measured to be 36 dB. supply voltage was also checked. lowering a The gain change was 15 V and about 13.5 V. - 137 - and 10 negligible dB between Appendix [20] This HIGH appendix filter VOLTAGE FILTER FEEDTHROUGHS describes the development of high feedthroughs for the EIO power lines. voltage These devices are easy to make and perform very well. RF-tight high voltage feedthroughs provide high voltage power in the EIO inside The option of including experiment's shielded cabinet. power to (10 kV) are necessary to supplies within the shielded volume is view of the size of the power supplies; attenuation the tackled, they occupy two [At the time this or by filtering. possibility of doing an the impracticable RF at 0.8 GHz must be kept out, full-size racks. the either by issue experiment was with 2.45 GHz lower-hybrid waves was also a consideration.] Several options are available. down the center of a copper tube interspace Inner Wrap [Richards.81] of a wire with series inductors and ferrite chokes consists running The old scheme [Fig 20.1]. The is filled with a cement + graphite dust mixture. Cement + Graphite Composite Outer Conductor Fig 20.1 FILTER/ABSORBER RICHARDS' - 138 - FEEDTHROUGH A The principle is few layers of mylar provide insulation. ferrite beads and graphite all help that the inductors, problems: These devices suffered a few the TEM RF waves. attenuating (1) RF high voltage (2) the devices were not leaking (3) at least one was found to be to reproduce (possibly suitable the small inductors are not really for the 1.0 A drawn by the filament easy one that had been replaced earlier due motivation this was the direct fault); in a to for tackling this problem. Another material scheme is to use a commercial microwave that is rated for high voltage to fill a absorbing co-axial Attempts were made using EMAiron 7190 and line (Fig 20.2). 8190 (magnetically loaded materials made Communications' Electronautics Division), by Dielectric but the materials failed miserably to meet their high voltage specifications. Outer Co ductor Inner uctor EMA-Iron Microwave Absorber Fig 20.2 ABSORBER-FILLED FEEDTHROUGH - 139 - The third scheme is to use a lumped implemented sections as with conductors, thin shown in Fig 20.3. component The C's LC are very small spacing between inner filter co-axial and outer and the L's are co-axial sections with a coiled wire for the center conductor. provide insulation. A few layers of mylar Various configurations were tested and worked well. The final adopted design has 6-1/2 sections in a 1/2" diameter gauge and 5/8" long and the L sections are made tinned longitudinal of 22 in a the nominal length of an L section is copper plane; Two 5/8". also 0.478" The (brass) C sections are long brass tube. 8-5/8" I.D. wire with a single loop insulation wraps of 1.5 mil mylar provide good to over 11 kV. The filters measuring were tested transmission for RF tightness by of an 0.8 GHz signal and directly comparing 8 Inductive Half-Section Inner ctor 5Cond .5" Capacitive Half-Section Air 0.478" Outer Conductor B Mylar Wrap 0.500" Fig 20.3 6-1/2 STAGE LC FILTER FEEDTHROUGH - 140 - RF Shielded Cabinet Test Filter RF Signal Generator Fig 20.4 FILTER TRANSMISSION SETUP TEST Spectrum Analyzer with the transmission of a simple co-axial wire-in-a-tube (so as to account for mismatches and radiative power loss at input and difference in the output of the device; transmission The attenuation. is see Fig quoted as 20.4.) the The filter test results are shown in Table 20.1 for all six devices, measured after installation at both 0.8 and 2.45 GHz. The worst attenuations are 72 dB at 0.8 GHz 56 dB at the higher frequency. Table 20.1 OF 6-1/2 Filter # MEASURED TRANSMISSION STAGE LC FILTER Transmission (dB) @ 2.45 GHz @ 0.8 GHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 -78 -72 -72 -76 -76 -78 - 141 -57 -68 -65 -56 -61 -60 and PROGRAMS COMPUTER Appendix [21] Outline [21.1] this in described are data analyze to (2) and geometries scattering determine to (1) used programs computer The section. The codes They are SBATPREP2 [21.3] SCATBACL [21.4] 2MM4016 Versator. at file on and IV. Nova General Data the for FORTRAN in documented r/a and N 1 1 solving the computes the of sketch used to product the calculates convert may geometry scattering the (normalized) measured - 142 scattering angle relation, and As positions. mirror appropriate also program dispersion lower-hybrid - over looping for made the determines program The . is orientation poloidal and 1 1 Provision interest. of waves the N the (4) and volume, scattering made be CPL, the of location the (3) horns, receiving and incident the of orientation and location the (2) parameters, plasma the (1) provides user The measurements. scattering particular for required geometry the determine to performs It SCATPREP. of version current the is calculations factor [21.2] SBATPREP2 This The Outline all are [21.2] of [21.1] an (Fig where scattered by then a option, 21.2.1). C the is power central density magnetic field program version serial# N: SoATLEPX 8.0 r/a NEO 0.67SE 19 RA 0.s0e Nz 3.0 f--- nominal r Ni j horn coordinates .10 XMIt -260S.5 660. 176.5 3.5 RECV 364.5 645.0 183.0 3.6 ~ X MIRR-I 6.00 49.0 0.44 MIRR-S 5.00 49.0 0.32 TV 352. 0 TPK F2 -3.6394 F3 AREA 0.003931 M2 f mirror c Jcoordinates 0.2 scattering 0.01393 volume parameters Fig 21.2.1 PS into SCATTERING GEOMETRY PLOT FROM SBATPL2 lower-hybrid wave spectral intensity I(Nfl) = C PS (PL is the launched lower hybrid wave power). The plasma parameters to be specified are the line-average electron density and the toroidal field. The program assumes the following: on axis. centered With this simplified calculates the local plasma SCATANG (2) no poloidal (4) plasma position model, parameters, the cold plasma electromagnetic dispersion solves (see parabolic density profile, (3) field, (1) uniform toroidal field, Appendix angle scattering relation is to [18.1]) used e3. determine and electromagnetic The because N11 the electrostatic relation was found to be typically off by 10%. - 143 - subroutine and then relation then the dispersion dispersion The scattering plane, with the origin at the tokamak center (ie range, [0,360) Angles are specified in a at a major radius of 0). degree the used are 2-D Cartesian coordinates in coordinates 90* with 0* being horizontally outwards and vertically up. geometry calculations are performed by Coordinate and SBATM2. SCAT1 identifies the scattering SCAT1, SBATRS volume location and the incident and scattered are specified by a point and a direction). (rays rays SBATRS finds the and which the rays are reflected by the mirrors at points routines identifies the ports out of which the incident and scattered rays the finds SBATM2 emerge. mirror which locations appropriately reflect the rays. Subroutine SBATPL2 makes the scattering volume sketch, which the tokamak cross-section includes horns (routine PHORN) and mirrors (PMIRR), through the system, 3dB points The sketch is annotated identify values of numerous quantities that the the the central rays and the side rays at the which define the scattering volume. with CROSEC), (routine the particular case. The terms places; that go into C are calculated in appropriate the factor containing plasma and wave quantities is calculated and the geometry factor is computed in SCATANG, in SBATPL2. - 144 - SCATBACL [21.31 of version current complements SCATBACK, SCATBACL, the SBATPREP2 by returning positions. The problem positioned in 1/2" steps and rotated to 1/20 accuracy, NH and r/a only may is that the mirrors some fine-tuning is necessary to get mirror be and accuracy. SBATPREP2 returns mirror coordinates of arbitrary So mirror given for coordinates that may actually be set and yet have the right (or at least With SCATBACL, close enough) position and scattering angle. this fine-tuning may easily be done. The structure of SCATBACL similar is very that to of SBATPREP2. The user inputs the plasma parameters and horn positions. The program then sits in a loop where the user enters the mirror positions and the program returns the location of the scattering volume and the particulars of the detected wave. Subroutine SCAT2 traces the (central) rays to the nominal center of the scattering volume. Subroutine SCAT3 determines the local relation plasma for N11 . parameters and solves dispersion the Subroutine SBATPL2 is used to prepare the optional sketches of the scattering geometry. [21.4] This 2MM4016 program is used to analyze shot - 145 data: it computes scattered power multiplies by spectral lower-hybrid factor C to get the also and signal, measured the from intensity I(Nil). The experimental data files contain electronically processed of (described in Section 9.8) proportional to the log data measured the to log from power. Program 2MM4016 converts the signal the plasma 'real' units and out subtracts Let VN be the emission and noise from the measured signal. datafile voltage corresponding to the receiver noise (measured, level Let F be the for example, on a no-plasma shot). Then if VE is electronics calibration factor (in dB/Volt). the datafile voltage before the lower hybrid pulse is turned on (this corresponds to plasma emission and noise) and VS is A pulse hybrid lower the the power plus emission plus noi-se), (scattered scattered noise may be calculated (in units of the receiver P power during voltage datafile the power). F F_ P N E 10 (Vs-VN) 10 - 10 =10 21.4.01 S The quantities unchanged when the within noise ms intervals assumes calculation to and 1/2 typically power the plasma unit, RF 5 that the power is turned can emission acceptable entirely - 146 - on. RF be remains emission plasma after This points). 7 or over averaging by taken are (6 millisecond first changing V VE By measuring the turn-on, less to held when P - is V error due than one typically 5 in the 10 to 1000 range. VE is measured just before RF turnon. The enters (1) data array indices for user units, computer (= power) in (3) the electronics calibration factor in (2) the intervals, time two the level baseline noise dB/Volt, (4) the scattering channel on the A-to-D converter, (5) the run number, PL. program then sits in an outer loop where the The enters (7) Nil, calculated the outer and (6) the injected lower-hybrid power user loop (8) r/a and (9) the correction by either SCATBACL or SBATPREP2. factor Within is an inner loop where the user enters shot number, which is analyzed by the program. - 147 - CPL level At this may change data directories or stop. user (10) the a