LTC Claims Advisory Committee Toolbox Cognitive Impairment

LTC Claims Advisory Committee Toolbox
Cognitive Impairment
A. Comparison of Cognitive Tests
A1. Description
The purpose of the table of “Popular Cognitive Screens” is to provide insurers with
information about some of the cognitive test that we see in claimant’s medical
records. These tests are presented here because we see them most often when
evaluating a cognitive claim. They may be part of the medical record obtained from
a primary care physician, neuro-psychiatrist, or provider of care and services.
Therefore it is important for the claim reviewer to be familiar with the tests and
interpretation of test results. An insurer may require the claimant to go through one
or more of these tests when evaluating a claim for cognitive impairment.
The table contains:
• the test name,
• a brief description of the test,
• the validation of the test,
• the standardized scoring for the test,
• the site which describes each test and
• comments that relate to the specifics of the test.
Each test has its own purpose as described in the table. However, the one currently
used most often in an assessment is the Mini-Mental State Exam. When evaluating
the insured’s cognitive status, it is always advisable to interpret the results of
cognitive tests in conjunction with medical, social, behavioral, functional and other
pertinent information documented in the insured’s clinical record.
LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2009