Understanding data assimilation: how observations and a model are weaved into the analysis via statistics Tomoko Matsuo NCAR Thanks: Doug Nychka, Jeff Anderson, Kevin Raeder, Alain Caya, Art Richmond, Gang Lu … What is data assimilation?! Combining Information prior knowledge of the state of system empirical or physical models (e.g. physical laws) complete in space and time x observations directly measured or retrieved quantities yo incomplete in space and time Bayes Theorem “Bayesian statistics provides a coherent probabilistic framework for most DA approaches” [e.g., Lorenc, 1986] prior knowledge P((xx) ~ N ( xf , Pf ) x = xf + εf observations P( y | x) ~ N ( H ( x), R ) yo = H ( x ) + ε o o Note: observations y conditioned upon the state x posterior P ( x | y o ) ∝ P ( yo | x ) P ( x ) PP((xx|| yyoo))~~ NN((xxaa ,,PPaa)) H is linear where xa = xf + K ( y − Hxf ) Pa = (I − KH )Pf Assumption: Normal Distribution Importance of Covariance prior observations [e.g. Rodgers, 2000] P( x) ~ N ( xf , Pf ) P( yo | x) ~ N (Hx, R ) update posterior P ( x | yo ) xf = (2.3 2.5) ⎛ 0.225 0.05 ⎞ ⎟⎟ Pf = ⎜⎜ ⎝ 0.05 0.15 ⎠ H = (1 0 ) x1 : observed x2 : unobserved Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics [Richmond and Kamide, 1988] xa = xb + K ( y − Hxb ) prior knowledge [Foster et at., 1986] observations [Lu et al., 1998] Inhomogeneous / anisotropic covariance Adaptive Covariance Estimation Using Maximum likelihood Method [Dee 1995; Dee and da Saliva 1999] xa = xb + K ( y − Hxb ) K = Pb (α ) HT HPb (α )HT observations [ +R [Matsuo et at., 2002; 2005] ] −1 Use of Dynamics xt +1 = M ( xt ) M P( xt | Py(t −x1t ,...) ) P ( xt P +1( x| ty+t1, |y ty−t1),...) P ( x P | ( y x , | y y ) ,...) t t tt−1 forecast P( y t | xt ) update P( yt +1 | xt +1 ) xa , t xf , t +1 M Assumption: linear dynamics Pa , t Pf , t +1 Ensemble Kalman FIlter Let’s work with samples! Challenge posed by the size of the covariance matrix (1012 –1016) Issues with sampling error [e.g., Furrer and Bengtsson, 2005 ] spurious correlations in the area of large lag distance. EnKF v.s. 3D-Var comparisons [Caya et al., 2005] Temperature Increments xa = x f + K ( y − H x f ) (T-obs at 850 hPa, initial time) EnKF With Localization 3D-Var Issue with sampling error: covariance localization (tapering) is necessary to remove spurious correlations in the area far from observation location. Summary • Bayesian statistics as an overarching framework. • By confronting a model with observations via first/second moment statistics, data assimilation – improves the state estimation. – provides a means to evaluate the quality of the model and the value of observations. • Inhomogeneous and anisotropic covariance. • Ensemble Kalman Filter does not require linearization of forward operator (H) and model (M), and has an advantage in capturing flow-dependent covariance structure. – See http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART Challenges and Future • Observation is still sparse... (blessing?!) • Dissipative system and strongly forced system in comparison with meteorological and oceanic systems. (forcing prediction is key to forecasting) • Observing system design analysis or adaptive observation [e.g., Bishop et al., 2001]. (feedback to the design of observational campaigns ) Why is data assimilation in a data sparse region challenging? Large Correlation Distance Inhomogeneous & Anisotropic Autocorrelation function 1000km 6000km Correlation Distance i-j [Km] Adaptive covariance estimation using maximum likelihood method OI analysis: optimal estimation of α α a = K OI y ' , where y ' = y o − H (xb) T T K ΟΙ = [(EOF ) R −1EOF + Pb−1 ]−1 (EOF ) R −1 Background error covariance: Pb = α⋅ α T ( ) ≈ diag Pb νν ≈ ζ 1ν − ζζ22 Observational error covariance: R ≈ diag(R ) ≈ f (ζ 33 , ζζ44 ) ν = 1, …,11 Maximum-likelihood method: optimal estimation of ζ Innovation covariance: [Dee 1995; Dee and da Silva, 1999] < y ' ⋅ y 'T > = R + EOF Pb (EOF ) T ≈ S( ζζ Cost function: ) {ζ k | k = 1 → 4} J ( ζ ) = log det S( ζζ ) + y ' S −1 ( ζ ) y ' T