Earth and Space Sciences, UCLA MAGNETOTAIL TRNSIENTS and their Role in Energetic Particle Transport towards the Inner Magnetosphere A. Runov, C. Gabrielse, S. Kiehas, J. Liu, S. Li, D. Turner, X.-Z. Zhou, and V. Angelopoulos IGPP/ESS UCLA Thanks to THEMIS team NASA Grants NAS5-0299, 1-LWSTRT11-0048, NNX13AE10G NSF grant 1044495 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 1 Outline Introduction “Average” Plasma Sheet, Dungey cycle time scale Transient - a definition Overview of magnetotail transients Bursty-bulk flows Flow bursts and rapid flux transport events Dipolarization fronts Common characteristics "Bubble" model as an "envelope" model for the transients Origin: RX, kinetic interchange 3. Their role in particle energization and transport towards the inner magnetosphere 4. Summary & Open Questions 5. Perspectives Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 2 Introduction The Magnetotail Plasma Sheet (PS) Nominal PS geometry and the GSM (Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric) Coordinate System jmp Z dawn jct X PS thickness at X~-15 RE varies 3 – 10 RE; The current sheet with thickness of <1 – 3 RE is embedded into the PS; “Neutral sheet” is a region near min(|Bx|). dusk Y Average quiet-time PS parameters @ X=-19 - -13 RE The magnetotail PS is the major source N ~ 0.3 cm-3 <|B|> @ NS ~ 5 nT of ring current and outer radiation belt <Bz> @ NS ~ 3 nT Ti ~ 5 keV particle populations. Te ~ 0.5 keV <| j |> ~ 3 nA/m2 β = 2μ0nkT/B2 > 1 rLi = 1000 km Active PS often far from the average di =c/ωpi= 400 km Transients: temporal large-amplitude deviations from “nominal” parameters Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 3 Introduction What is “Transient” Definition of TRANSIENT 1 a : passing especially quickly into and out of b : passing through or by a place with only a brief stay 2: affecting something or producing results beyond itself Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 4 Introduction: Dungey Cycle Timescale What means “temporal”? Is there any “steady” time scale? “Dungey Cycle” after Dungey (1961): “steady” magnetospheric convection; “Dungey cycle timescale”: time from the opening of the field lines at the dayside to the closing of the field lines on the nightside. The Dungey cycle time in the Earth’s magnetosphere is ~ 1 hr (Cowley, 1982) Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 5 Transient Processes in the Active Magnetotail Transient phenomena (transients) are spatially and temporally localized large-amplitude deviations from the average parameters: BBFs, RFT, transient dipolarizations, plasmoids & flux ropes, FACs, high-energy particle bursts, beamlets, etc… Time scale of transients varies from seconds to several minutes (i.e. 0.001 – 0.1 of the Dungey cycle timescale). Caution: spatial structures In this tutorial: • Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs) • Rapid Flux Transport (RFT) events • Dipolarization Fronts (DF) Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 Sharma et al., Ann. Geo. 2008: A review of transient processes with temporal scales of 10s – 10 min and spatial scales of a few RE in the magnetotail 6 BBFs, Flow Bursts, & RFT BBF time scale: ~10 min Cross-tail extent ~2 RE. BBFs consist of a set of flow bursts (FB) with time scale ~100 s |V|>400 km/s Rapid flux transport events: ~100 s-long enhancements of the convective electric field. Angelopoulos et al., 1992 E>2.0 mV/m Rapid Flux Transport, RFT Schoedel et al., 2001 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 7 RFTs in Reconnecting TCS Bx By Bz Vx<0 Ey Vx>0 C3 & C4: Impulsive behavior with the characteristic time of 1 min. Simultaneous peaks up to 7 mV/m at C3 (Bx<0) and at C4 (Bx>0), associated with local Bz peaks. Duration of a peak ~ 60 s Interval between peaks ~100 s ⇒ Micro loading-unloading ⇒ Birth of RFTs Ey Runov et al., JGR, 2008 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 8 Dipolarization Fronts First reported by Russell & McPherron (1973); Injection front (Moore et al., 1981) Earthward expanding current disruption (Ohtani, 1998; Ohtani et al., 1998) R. Nakamura et al, 2002: “DF” Sitnov et al., 2009: DF in PIC THEMIS observations: • • • • • Runov at al, 2009, Lyons et al., 2012 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 Sharp increase in Bz Often preceded by a dip Decrease in density Embedded into earthward flow Change in energy spectra A moving boundary between two distinct plasma populations: the intruding hot tenuous plasma and the ambient plasma sheet. 9 Dipolarization Fronts: Statistics Runov et al., JGR, 2011 δBz 1320 x-ings 30 0 δN Vx δBz 20 nT 0 10 mV/m 0 Ey δJi/Ji0 -120 δJe/Je0 -60 0 60 120 J.Liu et al., JGR, 2013 δN/N0 δTi/Ti0 δTe/Te0 Readily detectable marker for the intruding population; useful to organize statistics (superposed epoch analysis). Electric field pulse Vx 60 s δPth DF 60 s Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 10 Spatial Localization, Scale, & Plasma Vortices Maximum occurrence rate at -15<X<-8 RE 0<YGSM<5 RE -- similar to RX localization (e.g. Nagai et al., 2013); Cross-tail extent,~ 2 RE -- similar to BBFs’ (e.g., Nakamura et al., 2004) Vortical plasma flow around the front head ~1 RE J.Liu et al., JGR, 2013 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 11 DF Origin: Impulsive (transient) RX or/and Interchange Transient RX, Semenov et al., 1984 Bz E* Kinetic interchange (ballooning) Pritchett & Coroniti, 2010 Kiehas et al., 2009 Pritchett & Coroniti, 2011 •Timing of THEMIS observations suggests RX: PIC simulations of TRX, Sitnov et al, 2009 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 Angelopoulos et al., Science, 2008; Oka et al., GRL, 2011;Runov et al., JGR, 2012 •Contra-example: Panov et al., JGR, 2012 12 Summary I: “Plasma Bubble“ is an ‘envelope ‘model for the transients Magnetotail transients inter-relationship: BBF (~10 min) consists of individual flow bursts with the time scale of 100 s; Flow bursts (FB) or rapid flux transfer (RFT) events are a dipolarized, density depleted flux tubes – “plasma bubbles” (see e.g., Wolf et al, 2009 for review) generated by reconnection pulses; Dipolarization front (DF) is a gyro-scale boundary (magnetopause) separating the depleted flux tube from the ambient plasma sheet. Pembroke et al., JGR, 2012 Time scales of the magnetotail transients vary within 1 to a few 100 s The transients’ cross-tail extent is of 1 – 3 RE (<1 hr MLT) Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 13 Why Do We Care? Q: What large-scale uniform dawn-dusk electric field is to transport 10 – 30 keV electrons @~12 RE at midnight to the Van Allen Probes orbit? Dipole B-field Uniform E-field Edd = 0.5 mV/m 10 keV Initial energy: 20 keV 30 keV Dipole B-field Uniform E-field Edd = 5.0 mV/m 10 keV Initial energy: 20 keV 30 keV A: ~5 mV/m ~ 10 times larger than the typical one. Corresponds to the cross-polar-cap potential (30 RE) of 900 kV! Oops! Gabrielse et al., JGR, 2012 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 14 Localized Electric Field Pulse δBz Ey 10 mV/m Localized electromagnetic pulse (e.g., Li et al, 1998; Sarris et al., 2002; Zaharia et al., 2004, Gabrielse et al., 2012) ; Burst particle transport on top of slow convection in the global dawn-dusk E-field Seed population for the outer RB Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 Gabrielse et al., JGR, 2012 15 High Energy Electron Transport: A Seed Population for RB E=-VxB Dawnwarddrifting HE After Birn et al., 2013, SSR electrons 100 keV 100 keV 10 keV Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 Electrons (E>30 keV) Runov et al., 2013, JGR 16 Interaction with Ambient Ions: Localized Pressure Build-up Y, RE X, RE Plasma bubble Compressed plasma Earthward-streaming accelerated ions S.Li et al., JGR, 2011 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 J.Yang et al., JGR, 2011, 2012 17 Interaction with ions in PS & PSBL Observations and Modeling X-Z. Zhou et al., 2012, JGR Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 18 Interaction with Ions in PS & PSBL “Statistics” • Select simultaneous observations of PSBL and plasma sheet; • In 16 of 18 selected events the PSBL beam was followed with 1 – 2 minutes delay by earthward flow and dipolarization front in the PS. The PSBL beams are closely related to BBFs and dipolarization fronts in CPS (Baumjohann, 1988; Angelopoulos et al., 1993; Lennartsson et al., 2001, 2009). X-Z. Zhou et al., 2012, JGR Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 19 Summary II Open Questions The magnetotail transients (FB/RFT/DF) are spatially localized earthwardpropagating electric field pulses that provide burst transport of energetic particles towards the inner magnetosphere on a top of the slow global convection; bring energetic (~100 keV) particles towards smaller L-shells, providing the seed population for the outer radiation belt. DFs create localized pressure enhancements in the near-Earth PS and ion beams in PSBL ahead of them FAC generation, waves Open Questions How do 1-100 s time scale, spatially localized transients form large-scale injections, global dipolarizations, SCW? (Substorm onset FG, TIMI FG) FB/DF rarely reach GEO (<30%) - How and where to their kinetic and electromagnetic energy is converted? (TIMI FG) What determines spatial localization (premidnight) and characteristic time of reconnection pulses (100 s)? What are relative roles of RX and interchange? How do they (inter-)connected? (RX FG) Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 20 Perspectives The NASA Van Allen Probe mission was launched on August 30, 2012. THEMIS/Van Allen campaigns are planned THEMIS/ARTEMIS/MMS alignments at solar max: ideal for PS studies 2010-04-10 00:00:00 FY 14/15 Z MMS Phase2 or 1/3 P3 P4 X P4 P3 P2 RBSP LOS GEO P1 Y X or -X P5 MMS P5 A tetrahedron within a tetrahedron Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 MMS FY 15/16 New adventures are waiting! 21 Dipolarization Front Structure Δt Vt Δx = ∫Vt dt Runov et al., JGR, 2011 Summer GEM workshop, June 17, 2013 TCS ~1RLI 10 s 103 km 10 s 22