UT SOUTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 2013-2014 TECHNICAL SKILLS COURSE OUTLINE Course title: Ultrasound Central Line Insertion & Thoracentesis Course director: Herb Phelan, MD, FACS Specialty: Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Surgery Additional course faculty: Colleen Stoeppel, MD Surgical Critical Care Fellow BTCC Faculty and Fellows Participants: PGY 1 Surgery residents # participants for course: Curriculum dates: 1st group: 2nd group: 27 6/21/13 AM N=13 6/21/13 PM N=14 Expected attendance: 27 Sessions assigned to each trainee 1 Duration of each session 1 Trainees per session hr(s) 4,5 Other assigned sessions: Duration of each session Trainees per session When other sessions are held? hr(s) UT SOUTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 2013-2014 TECHNICAL SKILLS COURSE OUTLINE Course Completion Verification - How do you know when a trainee has completed each component of the course and the overall course itself? Please specify for each course component, if applicable – for example, assigned reading component verified by written testing and skills component verified by attending 2 course-instructor led sessions. ☒ ☐ Attendance based: based on trainee attending all of the designated sessions ☒ Entire course - course solely based on attendance ☐ Part of course - attendance to designated sessions required in addition to other components listed below Repetition based: based on the trainee performing a specific number of repetitions Components: # of Repetitions: ☐ Proficiency based: based on the trainee performing a specified number of repetitions Components: Method for determining: ☒ ☒ Written testing: based on passing a written test Components: A written pre-test consisting of 10 questions with a passing score of 75% Documentation of watching videos/CD's/web-based materials: based on proctor or instructor verification that the trainee has watched the specified materials Components: ☒ Pre-view of Ultrasound Imaging of Thorax & Vessels slides Other (specify): Components: Retention of information on pre-course slide review UT SOUTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 2013-2014 TECHNICAL SKILLS COURSE OUTLINE Self-study or self-practice (Is self-study or self-practice an expectation of this course?) ☐ No ☒ Yes Self-study component(s): Preview demonstration slides Estimated time requirements for self-study: 0.5 hrs Phase of course where self-study completed: Prior to initial session Self-practice component(s): Estimated time requirements for self-practice: Phase of course where self-study completed: Training Location(s): hrs SCMIS Resources (Textbooks, CD-ROMs, Videos, etc.): Pre-Course Slide Review (Ultrasound Imaging of Thorax & Vessels) Educational Scope: ☒ ☒ ☒ Skills Components: Cognitive Components: Judgment Components: Essential practices and physics of ultrasound imaging; proper transducer selection and orientation in B mode (Brightness) Applications of ultrasound principles to clinical imaging in the SICU setting – vascular and thoracic imaging Understand indications and limitations of bedside ultrasound imaging of critically ill surgical/trauma patients Learning Objectives: Understand essential ultrasound practices and physics principles. Understand indications and limitations of bedside ultrasound imaging. Demonstrate ultrasound imaging and interventional/therapeutic modalities including central line and pleural drain insertion procedure with proctor Patient safety maintained by ultrasound imaging prior to invasive procedures. Summary of Curriculum, Teaching Methods, and Resource Utilization: (For each component, please specify what material will be taught during each session, how will the material be taught, and what teaching materials will be used. Please also specify the overall format for the course including expectations required for successful course completion) UT SOUTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 2013-2014 TECHNICAL SKILLS COURSE OUTLINE All residents will preview Ultrasound Imaging of the Thorax and Vessels Slide presentation sent two weeks prior to session. Complete Pre-test prior to session and obtain 70% passing score. Trainees have successfully completed the course if attendance is verified and if proficiency in CVP insertion and chest drain is determined. Completion of documentation on Ultrasound guided CVP insertion & Thoracentesis competency check-off sheet by proctors. Methods for giving feedback to learners (Formative and Summative): Formalized feedback will be given immediately to course participants by the course director and /or BTCC Fellow. Residents will perform 20 ultrasound-guided central line placements to be deemed proficient (will capture in SNIPS) and visit practice station annually. All SICU procedures, with or without the use of ultrasound guidance, will be observed by an SICU/Trauma attending. Immediate verbal feedback will be provided. Methods of assessment of learners: Direct instructor feedback Methods of course evaluation: Post-test questionnaires completed by trainees at the end of the course and faculty evaluations of skills sessions Materials: B&K ultrasound Unit Blue Phantom vascular and chest phantoms Pressure Injectable Multi-Lumen CVC Kit