All this work is going into OE but how will... whether it was a success?

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Home > All this work is going into OE but how will we know whether it was a success?
All this work is going into OE but how will we know
whether it was a success?
OE is striving primarily for the following end-points: improved and consistent service,
improved systems and accessible data, staff job satisfaction and cost savings. Each individual
factor as well as a composite of these factors will drive OE?s success. The measure of that
success will evolve throughout implementation and beyond.
Does OE work? UCSF?s faculty and staff, the performance metrics and the financial data will
tell us.
Faculty and staff will come to their own conclusions based on their individual
The ?word on the street? will also reflect a variety of reactions
The OE Cost-Savings Tracking Tool [1] has been in place since October 2010. Currently,
$42.3M has been recorded in savings. A valid concern is that OE winds-up costing more
for some individual departments. The answer may be that OE does achieve its savings
goals in the aggregate but that some individual departments may experience some
increased costs.
Importantly, there are the OE metrics ? tracking and extracting valid and valuable
information to identify OE strengths and weaknesses.
Assessments by UCSF Leadership
Pre-award (RMS), IT and Human Resources are gathering data that evaluates the
effectiveness of their respective initiatives. (This website posts this data as it becomes
available to us.)
RMS posted the initial Baseline Faculty Satisfaction Questionnaire [2], the ?How?s My
Driving?? [3] results and their comprehensive RMS Six-Month Progress Report Plan [4].
Below is a brief summary of the pre-award metrics plan.
RMS Metric
Client Satisfaction
Department satisfaction with RMS
Faculty satisfaction with RMS
Quality of Work Measures
Quality of proposals
Quality of RMS work
Internal Processes - Staff
Job satisfaction level for Associate RSC, RSC, Team
Manager, Director
Staff Attrition
RMS Metric
Efficiency performance targets
Cycle times
Internal Processes - Performance
Training Program
Participant response
Increased knowledge
Application of information
Cost Measures
Cost per proposal
Cost of RMS operation
Implementation Progress
Implementation schedule
Implementation environment
Model integrity
IT has a robust measures program in place. Below is a sample.
IT Metric
Client Awareness and
Survey ratings average 4.8 out of 5 (or similar scale) on
95% of all tickets
Meeting established SLA's 98% of the time
Achieve device to tech FTE ratio
Achieve client per tech FTE
Incident Management
Time to respond
Time to resolution by tier
Ticket escalation percentage is less than 5%
Resource Management
Achieve targeted device to FTE ratio
Job satisfaction
UCSF Human Resources continues to develop their metrics program and will build
upon feedback and experiences as each Service Center rolls out.
HR Metric
Quick Customer Satisfaction Survey on email signatures
Periodic Satisfaction Surveys
Client Satisfaction
Service Level Agreements
Activity Measures
The OE Finance leadership are embarking on four main priority projects listed below.
Their detailed metrics will be forthcoming.
OE Finance
Priority Projects
Chart of Accounts Redesign
Organizational framework for coding all financial
Foundation for budgeting and financial reporting and
Enterprise-wide Financial and
Managerial Reporting
Design & development of enterprise-wide consistent
financial and managerial reports
Implementation of robust reporting solution/set of tools
to produce reports
Budgeting and Financial
Planning Analysis
Simplification of budget workflow and approval processes
Implementation of integrated budgeting and forecasting
Delivery of an FP&A toolset to produce annual budget,
rolling forecasts and long-range financial plan
Resource Allocation Model
Designing financially sustainable enterprise-wide model
to support tripartite mission of UCSF
Realigning the UCSF funds flow in response to UCOP
financial model
We are very interested in what you think [5]. Please click on the link and let us know how
you will decide if OE is a success.
Thursday, February 9, 2012 - 8:30am
OE General [6]
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