Web Based Market Research Methodology For Unmet Customer Needs: Estimating Cost Functions For Design Pallet by Shyn-Ren Chen MS Communication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (1995) BS Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1993) Submitted to the System Design and Management Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Business Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 2001 2001 Shyn-Ren Chen. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Shyn-Ren Chen System Design and Management Program May, 2001 Certified by_- _.._. Glen L. Urban Professor of Management Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Paul A. Lagace LFM/SDM Co-Director Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and Engineering Systems Accepted by___ A Stephen C. Graves MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY G 0Abraham LIBRAKIt LFM/SDM Co-Director BAUGARK BARKER Siegel Professor of Management Web Based Lead User Market Research Methodology For Unmet Customer Needs: Estimating Cost Functions For Design Pallet by Shyn-Ren Chen Submitted to the System Design and Management Program on May 4, 2001 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Business Management Abstract With the rapid adoption of Internet technology, consumers are actively doing product research online to get more information before making a buying decision. The end result of this process is the product selection but many product improvement and development opportunities are exposed in this researching process. Previous MIT works focused on generating trusted Virtual Advisor to help consumers make product selection decisions. Virtual advisor could also identify consumers' unmet needs that became excellent new product opportunities for corporations. This thesis extends past MIT research and focuses on how to conduct online market research to help corporations design and develop a better product that fits into the Based on the concept of Quality Function identified unmet customer needs. Deployment (QFD) and lead users innovation, a qualitative methodology - Virtual Engineer and a quantitative methodology - Design Pallet are both proposed to achieve this objective. The major contribution of this thesis is to estimate the cost functions, which provide Design Pallet with interactive features to complete design iterations with users. These functions are estimated based on statistical analysis of existing pickup trucks data and significant result is achieved. For example, a R2 = 0.929 was found in predicting price as a function of the truck size, 4WD, the transmission, and the engine type. Other models were built to predict fuel economy, payload, and towing capacity with average R2 = 0.80. Thesis Supervisor: Glen L. Urban Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management 2 Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Glen Urban for the opportunity to work on this research project. His insights into consumer market research, product development and internet marketing have enhanced and extended my MIT education experience. To my diligent and intelligent team members in this research project, Thomas Cheng, Jim Ryan, Stanley Chueng, Brian Chan, , and Ray Ro. I thank you for your cooperation and assistance to make this research experience rewardful and enjoyable. I would also like to thank the director, Denny Mahoney, and the staff members of MIT System Design and Management program for providing a challenging, innovative and comfortable education environment. To my fellow classmates in the System Design and Management program, I thank you for your friendship and wish you all success and happiness. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitute to my family members and dear friends. To my parents, Mr. King-Chen Chen and Mrs. Yu-Mei Cheng Chen, I thank your for your constant support and encouragement of my academic pursuits. To my amazing wife, Hui-Ying, I thank you for your endless love that keeps you wait for me in the dark night when I went home late. To my dear friends, I thank you for giving hapiness to me with your kindly sharing. 3 Table of Contents I 2 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction ........................................................................................................... Background ....................................................................................................... Previous W orks on Virtual Advisor ................................................................... Detecting Unm et N eeds.................................................................................. 8 8 11 18 1.4 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 21 Literature Review ............................................................................................. 2.1 Quality Function Deploym ent ........................................................................ 24 24 2.2 Lead User and User Innovation...................................................................... 29 2.3 Internet Im pacts ............................................................................................... 34 Study of Unm et Needs ...................................................................................... 3.1 Qualitative Study of Unm et Needs - Virtual Engineer.................................. 3.2 Quantitative Study of Unm et Needs - Design Pallet .................................... 37 39 46 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Formulation System in Design Pallet ............................................................... System Overview ............................................................................................... Statistical Regression Result ........................................................................... Logical Considerations for Regression M odels ............................................. Final M odels .................................................................................................... 53 53 58 68 75 5.1 5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................78 Contributions and Benefits............................................................................. Future Research Areas.................................................................................... 78 80 4 5 Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 84 Appendix A Virtual Engineer Dialogues .......................................................................... 86 Appendix B Residual Analysis of Design Pallet Formulation System........................... 4 100 List of Tables Table 1: Strong conflict pairs that trigger Virtual Engineer............................43 Table 2: Available user input features and options in Design Pallet ...................... 50 Table 3: Initial Regression Model for Price.............................................63 Table 4: Initial Regression Model for City Fuel Economy................................64 Table 5: Initial Regression Model for Highway Fuel Economy.......................65 Table 6: Initial Regression Model for Payload............................................66 Table 7: Initial Regression Model for Towing Capacity................................67 Table 8: Modified Regression Model for Price............................................70 Table 9: Modified Regression Model for City Fuel Economy............................71 Table 10: Modified Regression Model for Highway Fuel Economy..................73 Table 11: Modified Regression Model for Payload.....................................74 Table 12: Modified Regression Model for Towing Capacity.........................76 Table A: Virtual Engineer dialogue list ................................................................. 86 Table B: Towing capacity outliers summary for Ford F150 truck models ............... 103 5 List of Figures Figure 1: Top ten product types people research online and purchase offline.......... 9 Figure 2: Flow chart of trusted Virtual Advisor..................................................... 13 Figure 3: Constant-Sum question from Virtual Advisor.......................................... 14 Figure 4: Example Virtual Advisor's attribute question for usage and feature..... 16 Figure 5: Continuously rising utility profile from Virtual Advisor dialogue........... 19 Figure 6: Drops in maximum overall utility identify unmet needs ......................... 20 Figure 7: The House of Quality from Quality Function Deployment..................... 26 Figure 8: System architect's view of QFD ............................................................. 28 Figure 9: Matrix of market research methods ........................................................ 35 Figure 10: Flow chart for Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet ........ 38 Figure 11: Partial display of correlation matrix used to identify conflict pairs .......... 40 Figure 12: Virtual Advisor introduces Virtual Engineer.......................................... 41 Figure 13: M eet with Virtual Engineer .................................................................. 42 Figure 14: Virtual Engineer dialogue for compact truck ....................................... 44 Figure 15: Virtual Engineer dialogue for high horse power .................................. 45 Figure 16: Virtual Engineer open-end dialogue ....................................................... 46 6 Figure 17: Introduce D esign Pallet......................................................................... 47 Figure 18: Design Pallet launch screen .................................................................. 48 Figure 19: Start D esign Pallet ................................................................................. 49 Figure 20: D esign Pallet layout ............................................................................... 49 Figure 21: Final comparison for Design Pallet ....................................................... 52 Figure 22: Correlation between horsepower and dim .............................................. 60 Figure 23: Relationship between horsepower and engine cylinders ........................ 61 Figure B 1: Histogram of residuals for price regression model ................ 100 Figure B2: GMCSierraC3 and Ford_F150_SVT .................................................. 101 Figure B3: Histogram of residuals for towing capacity regression model........ 102 7 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Inspite of the high tech stock market crash in 2001, Internet technology already dramatically changed people's buying behavior. surpassed radio and TV. The adoption rate of internet has According to International Data Corp., world wide internet users reached 318.6 million in 2000, which is up from 39.4 million in 1995. With the rapid adoption of internet, consumers are actively doing product research online to get more information before making a buying decision. process is the product selection. The end result of this However, many opportunities exposed in this product research process provide corporations with great product improvement and development opportunities. In the fourth quarter of 2000, the most extensive shopping season in United States, retail e-commerce reached $8.6 Billion, an increase of 67% from the fourth quarter of 1999 and 36% from the priori quarter of 2000 [1]. under-estimate the potential of e-commerce. However, this number may According to Forrest Research report [2], 29% of the online population researched purchases online but bought them offline. It shows part of online shopping population only conducts target products 8 information research online but somehow does not execute purchases over the Internet. Figure 1 shows the top 10 product types people did most research online but purchase offline. These 10 product types fall into two major categories. The first one is expensive, highly considered products like automobiles, computer hardware, and consumer electronics. This type of product usually requires a long research time, even an advisor, before making purchase decision. items, like books, CDs, and appliances. from local stores. The other one is convenience This type of product is rather easy to obtain For people who want to save shipping cost or own it right away they tend to buy it offline. 'What type of product did you most recendy research onfine and purchase offline?" Computer ha. dwart Trave Consumer electronmcs 4% SrAo tng goodi jM aCtH r g % Major applar ces 3% Researched puchases Cvernence items Healthcare Base- Onfine consumers who have researched a product online and purchased it offfne in the past three months Figure 1 - Top 10 product types people research online but purchase offline The extensive product research process before making a purchase decision provides corporations, like automobile manufacturer and consumer electronics designer, an excellent opportunity to understand market needs. 9 By observing customers' preferences and finding out what are the product features that customers want but not offered by existing products, corporate product designers can obtain useful information for new product development and also reduce the uncertainties for new products significantly. In response to the heavy utilization of the Internet to do product or service researches, current Internet websites offer many different kinds of shopping agents. The first generation of shopping agents is bargain finder, like www.dealtime.com. It purely However, this kind of performs price comparison and looks for best deal. single-dimensional comparison agents cannot fulfill customers who are looking for other purchase information, like quality or after sale service. The second generation shopping agents performs multi-dimensional comparison, like www.mysimon.com. It provides customers an "intelligent agents" service that can collect online retail shops information and adapt to each individual customer's shopping preference to make purchasing recommendations. But what will be the next generation shopping agents? Professor Glen Urban of MIT Sloan School of Management proposed trust will be the key element for future online shopping agents [3]. Among thousands of retail web sites, consumers want to visit the ones that can offer unbiased product or service information and provide guarantees for privacy, delivery, and after sales service. There are many different ways to build trust on web sites; one of them is "Virtual Advisor". A Virtual Advisor developed through a software program imitates the real time human advisor's behavior with the ability to serve many customers at the same time and lower cost to be implemented. In June 1997, Professor Urban conducted a study of trust-based Internet marketing and performed the Truck Town prototype to assess the viability of 10 a Virtual Advisor. 1.2 This research project forms the foundation of this thesis. Previous Works This basis work of this thesis was completed over several years by an extremely dedicated group of researchers and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Innovative Product Development. This original works focused on the facilitation and improvement of online consumer research and purchase process through the development and application of a trusted online advisor for use in the purchase of trucks. Several research papers and theses were published over the course of this research effort. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [2] Figure 2 shows an overview of the virtual trusted advisor's recommendation and dialog process that was developed from this research project. The process begins with the virtual trusted advisor introducing himself or herself to the consumer. The goal is to establish an initial basis of trust through the revelation of the Virtual Advisor's purpose and affiliations. Once the Virtual Advisor greets and engages the consumer, the dialogue between them is enabled through a set of questions that focus upon the identification of the customer's needs and their intended usage of the product. In general, the Virtual Advisor presents the dialogue and questions to the customer and iterates through a set of uses and needs questions. As the customer answers the questions, the Virtual Advisor dynamically calculates the 11 utility profile of the customer and locates a set of products with the highest utility based on the customer's response. At last, the Virtual Advisor leads customer to showroom for recommending the customer's the highest utility vehicles. The prototype of this virtual trusted advisor and Truck Town is available online at http://mishkee.mit.edu/trucktown/. 12 Virtual Advisor Greeting, Purpose Virtual Advisor Constant-Sum preference question Calculate initial utility value (EQ 1) Virtnal Advisor Ask highest information value attribute question Calculate Bayesian attribute effect (EQ 2) Calculate attribute information value (EQ 3) Populate recommendation with highest utility products 4 NO All attribute questions asked? YES Send customer to showroom for recommendations Figure 2 - Flow chart of trusted Virtual Advisor 13 The first question Virtual Advisor asks to build up initial utility value of the customer is a constant-sum preference question shown in Figure 3. The Virtual Advisor asks the customer to allocate a constant 100 points among price, performance, fuel economy, reliability and safety. Based on the customer's response, Virtual Advisor is able to understand this customer's personal trade-offs and preferences for making a purchase decision for a truck. Figure 3 - Constant-Sum question from Virtual Advisor Then Virtual Advisor calculates the customer's initial utility value based on EQ 1. This is done through the usage of the exponential logit function against the customer's stated preference along a set of perceptual dimensions of the products. of information are required for EQ 1. Two pieces The first is the customer's stated preference 14 along a sub-set of the product's perceptual dimensions and the second is a database of popular ratings of each perceptual dimension for each product within the Virtual Advisor's knowledge database. These two pieces of information are then used within an exponential logit function for the initial utility calculation and apriori purchase probability as seen below in EQ 1. X ed -Dda d e P(A)= -Dd, a (EQ 1) Yed a Aa = Product Alternative a P(Aa) = Probability of purchase of product alternative a a d = Dda Constant-Sum importance of dimension d given by customer = Standardized database value of dimensions d for product alternative a The standardized database value like consumer reports. Dd,a is obtained from impartial secondary sources By collecting data from independent sources, the Virtual Advisor is able to state that its recommendations are truly without bias. The values from the independent sources are normalized over the range of product ratings as a linear distribution. Once the initial utility of the customer is calculated for each product alternative, the Virtual Advisor continues the product recommendation dialogue with the customer by asking usage and feature questions. After each attribute question is asked, the Virtual Advisor is able to update product recommendations based on customer's 15 response using EQ 2. (EQ 2) = P(Aa)P(Rq IAa) P(Rrq ) P'(At) = P(A I Rq P'(Aa) = Updated probability of buying product alternative a P(AalRr,q) = Probability of buying product alternative a given a customer response r to Virtual Advisor's attribute question g P(Rr,qIAa) = Conditional probability of answering Virtual Advisor's attribute question _q with response r given preference for product alternative a P(Rr,q) = Marginal probability of response r on attribute question g, i.e., P(Rrq)= P(A,) P(Rrq I A) An example of Virtual Advisor's attribute question is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 - Example Virtual Advisor's attribute question for usage and feature 16 As the consumer answers these usage and feature dialogue questions, the Virtual Advisor translates the responses into model level attribute responses. These features responses are then used within a Bayesian updating formula to account for attribute level effects on consumer utility. This utility profile updating procedure will repeat until all attribute questions are asked. These attribute questions are asked in the order of greatest Bayesian information value which is defined in EQ 3. ) YP( A, IR,,) - P(,, (EQ 3) I(q) = n2 a Pb(Aa) = P(Aal all the answered attribute questions) = baseline probability for each vehicle IP(AaIRr,q)-Pb(Aa)I = Bayesian attribute effect influence of each possible response n = total number of possible responses For Virtual Advisor, asking usage and feature questions in the order of highest Bayesian information value will provide the most useful information about the customer's preference in order to build up a complete customer utility profile. all attribute questions recommendations are asked, Virtual Advisor can then make and take customer to showroom for demonstration recommended products. After product of the For more information about the Virtual Advisor, please refer to the related papers for this research project as mentioned above. 17 1.3 Detecting Unmet Needs In the latest work of this research project, a "Listening In" approach is proposed to detect customer's unmet needs. Mann [10] defined customer's utility as Max[P'n(Aa)] which, by the definition of EQ 2, means the maximum probability to buy product alternative a after attribute question n. Figure 5 shows a customer's response example case to the Virtual Advisor's attribute questions result in a continuously rising utility curve. On the vertical axis, the Virtual Advisor's attribute questions are shown in the order from top to bottom and the customer's responses to each question are labeled by question title, the customer's response in brackets [], and the name of the highest utility vehicle after the question response. This kind of continuously rising utility curve occurs when a product is currently available within the Virtual Advisor's product database whose product dimensions combined with its model level features meet all of the customer's needs. this will not always be the case. Obviously Another example case shown in Figure 6 demonstrated customer's utility drop occurred while asking questions about styling and commercial usage Off road/Towing/Hauling. The mathematical representation of how to detect the customer's utility drop is shown in EQ 4. (EQ 4) Max[P'n(Aa)] < Ma[P'n-I(Aa)] Where Max[P'n(Aa)] = Maximum utility value after attribute question n Max[P'nI(Aa)] = Maximum utility value after previous attribute question n-1 18 Listening In! - Utility Profile EOriginal Utility 0 0.0 1) Constant Sum Pref - ($)(FE)(R)(HP)(S) [70,30,0,0,0]MazdaB2300_(2WD) 33 0 0 35 6) Price Range [14K - 16K] MazdaB2300(2WD) 2) Conpact/Full [Compact] MazdaB2300_(2WD) 10.0861 3) # Passengers (1-5) [1] MazdaB2300_(2WD) 1 10) Driver Height [Under 6'] MazdaB2300_(2WD) U) 4) a1 0 0.1200 15) 2w d / 4w d [2w d] MazdaB2300_(2WD) 12) Engine Size [6 Cyl] FordRanger_(2WD) 10.1243 8) # in Front Seat [1] FordRanger_(2WD) 14) Styling (1-5) CI 26 [2] FordRanger_(2WD) 0 1376 9) Biggest Avail (1-5) [1] FordRanger_(2WD) 01440 4) Off road/Towing/Hauling [N,N,N] FordRanger(2WD) 145,9 0.1440 13) Quiet & Comfort (1-5) [2] FordRanger_(2WD) . 11) Bed Length [Short] FordRanger-(2WD 5) Construction/Plow ing [N,N 0.1467 01467 Ford-Ranger_(2WD) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Utility 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 II Listening In! - Unmet Needs e Original Utility 005 1) Constant Sum Pref - ($)(FE)(R)(HP)(S) [70,30,0,0,0] Nbzda_B2300_(2WD) 6) Price Range [14K - 16K] WzdaB2300_(2WD) 7 3 y ,7 2) Corrpact/Full (Corrpact] bzdaB2300_(2WD) 3) # Passengers (1-5) (1] 0 0 B1 WzdaB2300_(2WD) 0.11 i 0. 10) Driver Height [Under 6] WzdaB2300_(2WD) 0.1 200 15) 2w d / 4w d [2w d] t1zda_B2300_(2WD) U) *a 01243 12) Engine Size (6 Cyl] FordRanger_(2WD) 8) # in FrontSeat [1]FordRanger_(2WD) 0 14) Styling (1-5) 0.1328 [4] FordRanger_(2WD) "DROP" 0,195- SDrops 13) Quiet & Cornort(1-5) [2] FordRanger_(2WD) 4) "K "' Offroadfrow ing/Hauing [NY,Y]FordRanger(WD) Utility 0DROP 1 Q 1177 9) BiggestAvail (1-5) [1] FordRanger_(2WD) 11) Bed Length [Short] FordRanger12WD 1192 5) Construction/Plowing [NN] Ford-Ranger_(2WD) 41, 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 utility 0.1 inC 0.1297 ''Maximum 1192 0.12 0.14 The Listening-In methodology defines any drop in the maximum utility value from attribute question to attribute question as the identification of an unmet customer need. Realizing there is an unmet customer needs provides at least three benefits to corporations. First, by clustering customers' unmet needs into categories, corporations can identify new product introduction opportunities and estimate the potential market share for the new product assuming the product mix is the same within the market when the new product is introduced. This analysis process can dramatically reduce the uncertainty risk in marketing the new product. Furthermore, through adequate design of analysis tools, corporations can understand profoundly the unmet customer needs and come out with a better solution to fulfill the unmet needs. At the same time, if adequate analysis tools are applied to innovative customers, like lead users that we will discuss more in the next chapter, corporations can even get new product innovation idea from customers. 1.4 Objectives After Virtual Advisor identified customers' unmet needs, further studies about these unmet needs should be conducted to translate them into new product development opportunities. The objective of this thesis is to design a web based market research Two analysis tools, Virtual Engineer and methodology for unmet customer needs. Design Pallet, are proposed to help corporations understand the specific unmet customer needs and assess innovative users' new product introduction ideas. 21 New product development brings key competitive advantage to corporations. Ulrich and Eppinger [11] argue that the economic success of manufacturing firms depends on their ability to identify the needs of customers and to quickly create products that meet these needs and can be produced at low cost. McGrath [12] argues that listening to customer needs is an opportunity driven innovation strategy for high-tech companies that want to achieve growth through product innovation. It takes the solution to a specific problem and generalizes it to provide a broader set of problems. In this way, the solution addresses a market opportunity rather than a customer specific fix. Customers are an obvious source of innovation ideas. Professor Hippel [18] proposed the concept of lead users and user innovation to help corporations design a better product. Customers, or lead users, are the ones living with the problems that an innovation can solve and they form the eventual market for the innovation. In some cases, a customer may challenge a company to solve a particular problem and force the company to come up with an innovative solution. Subsequently, there may be opportunities to generalize this solution to create an innovative product. A good example of identifying product innovation opportunities from customer needs is the microprocessor. In 1969, a Japanese calculator manufacturer asked Intel to design a set of chips for a family of programmable calculators. at least 12 custom chips. single-chip The original design called for But Intel engineers came up with a solution to develop a general-purpose logic device thus they opened the history of custom-designed integrated circuit. Identifying innovation opportunities from listening to customers provides insights to their unmet needs, especially for those customers who are at the forefront and solving 22 emerging problems. listening to them. The key is to identify these customers and invest time in However, it could be a vast investment. Traditional market research methodologies to listen to customers include questionnaire survey, individual interview and focus group. But they either lack interaction (questionnaire) or require huge cost (individual or group interview). This thesis proposes a complementary method that is web based to accomplish this task. By taking the advantage of Internet technology, it is low cost but provides a certain level of interaction. The structure of this thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 served as an introduction and chapter 2 will review several literatures that stimulate the idea of this thesis. Chapter 3 will introduce the solution to this web based market research tools, Virtual Engineer (qualitatively) and Design Pallet (quantitatively). Chapter 4 provides insight to the key component behind the Design Pallet, the cost model that enables Design Pallet to interact with customer and understand the tradeoffs for the customer. At last, chapter 5 concludes this thesis and discusses some future development directions for online market research methodologies. 23 Chapter 2 Literature Review Following the previous research work done on Virtual Advisor, an appropriately designed market research toolkit should be able to help corporations introduce new In this chapter, recent academic research in product development area is products. examined. This research inspired me to consider a web-based system to help corporations design and develop better products to fulfill customers' unmet needs. 2.1 Quality Function Deployment To be successful, all product development projects need a heavy dose of external reality [13]. "Voice of customers" is usually the guideline and customer requirements represent the beginning of new product design and development [11]. Although this principle seems obvious, many engineering organizations with product development responsibility get so excited about their advanced technology that they often neglect to confirm with their intended customers what features and attributes are actually viewed as desirable and worth paying for. A poor design of interface between marketing and technology always leads to this category of new product failure [14]. 24 Well-established research in management of technology suggests that cooperation and communication among marketing, technology development, engineering, and manufacturing leads to greater new product success and more profitable products [15]. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is known as a very useful tool to increase the cooperation inside the corporations. It uses perceptions of customer needs as lenses through which to understand how product characteristics and service policies affect customer preference, satisfaction, and sales. It offers a high-level overview of a range of issues in customer driven product development, including identification of key product features, relation of these features to perceived customer requirements, identification of product technologies for their delivery, and assessment of competing products. The other advantage of QFD is that it improves communication among marketing, R&D, engineering, and manufacturing by linking the voice of customers to corporate decision. QFD uses a visual data presentation format that both engineers and marketers find easy to use. This format provides a natural link among functions in the product development organization. QFD uses four houses to present data. As shown in Figure 7, the first house, House of Quality, links customer needs to design attributes. customer needs, are listed in the left column. format. The voices of customers, or It is usually presented in a qualitative For example, a computer customer might say that he or she needs something makes it "easy to read what I am working on the computer." One solution to this need is to provide computer customers with monitors for viewing their work in progress. 25 Conflict Between esign Attribute Design Attributes Customer Needs 0 Relationship between Customer Needs and Customer Perceptions Design Attributes Engineering Measures Figure 7 - The House of Quality from Quality Function Deployment Design attributes are descriptive specifications of product performance. usually presented in a criteria format. They are In the computer monitor example, design attributes for the monitor might be the physical measurement like the illumination of alphanumeric characters, the focus of the characters, the judged readability at certain distances, etc. Engineering measures are the specifications of design attributes. presented in a quantitative format. They are usually For example, in order to achieve the judged readability at certain distances for the design attribute of a computer monitor, the engineering measures might be the number of pixels, the size of the screen, the 26 intensity of the pixels, or the screen refresh rate. The product development team in corporations may work according to the following process. First, marketers contact customers to define "quality," or requirements, in the customer's own terms through techniques such as perceptual semantics and attribute trade-offs. These customer requirements are then transformed into design attributes under the cooperation of marketing and R&D organization. After the design attributes are collected, engineering and manufacturing people will work with marketing and R&D people to finalize engineering specifications for those design attributes. Through an integrated design effort that evaluates alternative product designs and production processes simultaneously, the product is designed to meet both functional specifications and manufacturing constraints and efficiencies. The best part of QFD is that it makes the product development team realize the design trade-offs. If trade-offs are made, they reflect all three aspects of customer preference: engineering requirements, product reliability and manufacturing cost. The product is then manufactured with strict quality control and active worker participation. A strong customer service function is charged with ensuring that the customer ultimately receives the benefits originally identified as the purpose of the new product. This product development process is intended to force integration of customer needs, responsive product design, manufacturing quality control, and service. The most challenging work for the product development team is how to establish the correct relationship between customers needs and design attributes, i.e., the center of the House of Quality. It is also the "integrated design" part of the House of Quality. 27 To do a better job on this part, the marketing and R&D people must understand clearly the customers' preferences and trade-offs, especially how to quantify them. This thesis provides two toolkits; Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet, to help marketing and R&D people achieve this goal. Another point of view for QFD is provided by Crawley [16]. In his lecture notes, Crawley proposed the following framework for a system architect: Form Concept Figure 8 - System architect's view of QFD Crawley defined function to be "what the system eventually does, the behavior which emerges" and form to be "how the system is eventually implemented and operated." The most important is the concept, which "maps function to form and embodies working principles." A system architect, or product architect, generates the concept to perform functions in certain forms. The idea is similar to QFD if the following mapping is done: 28 Function = Customer Needs Form = Design Attributes Concept = Integrated Design In other words, marketing and R&D people are playing the role of system architects to create amazing concepts that link the function, customer needs, to the form, design attributes. In a more specific description of the two toolkits proposed in this thesis: Virtual Engineer collects the function, or the customer needs, in a solution-neutral format from unsatisfied customers; Design Pallet detects the form, or the design attributes, from customers' minds in a solution-specified format. Through study of how unsatisfied customers link the functional requirements in Virtual Engineer and the design attributes in Design Pallet, corporations can learn more innovative product concepts from customers. 2.2 Lead User and User Innovation However, not every customer can provide advanced product concepts for corporate product design teams. The concerns that "customers do not know what they want until they see it" and that "the technology is changing so fast that marketing research will soon be out of date" [14] are valid. concerns by reaching "lead users". But corporations can overcome these Lead users are the customers who not only have 29 unmet needs but may also have developed solutions to the problems resulting from their needs. They are the users far ahead of the majority of the market in understanding technology and struggling today with needs that the remainder of the market will only face well into the future. Under this definition, lead users can provide an opportunity to understand future customer needs and buying behavior so the product development team can forecast much better. Involving customers in the product innovation process is a good solution to reduce the high risk related to newly developed products or services. The summary of empirical studies including 10,963 innovation projects in Luthje's recent paper [17] suggests that not only are customers involved in the product innovation process but they also contribute at three different levels: * Customer as initiator - Users initiate innovations by introducing their needs and requests into the organization of corporations. " Customer as idea generator - Users provide concrete ideas or concepts for product innovations. * Customer as inventor - Users who are highly active develop prototypes without participation of corporations. The evidence of the existence of lead users is also presented in Luthje's empirical study about outdoor sport related consumer products [17]. Within Luthje's usable 153 questionnaires, more than one third of the customers (37%) generated at least one idea for improved or new products. This share of innovating users seems very high; however, only 3% out of the 37% actually cooperate with corporations in the new product development process. The other 34% either did not contact with the 30 corporations or did not cooperate with the corporations. The reasons that these innovative users did not work with corporations can be concluded as: > Disappointing prior experiences with corporations > No expectation for appropriate rewards > Fear of a time-consuming cooperation with corporations > Fear of being cheated by corporations > No general interest of realization of idea by corporations Loss of the chance to work with lead users is a big opportunity cost for corporations. The product development team in corporations should put more focus on how to get these frustration factors out of the communication channel with lead users in order to avoid the gap between lead users and corporations. As the empirical studies has proven the existence of lead users and user innovation did play an important role in the product development process of corporations, the next problem would be how to provide an appropriate tool for lead users to communicate with corporations about their innovative ideas. Professor Hippel [18] highlighted the following five objectives to design an effective toolkit for user innovation. These objectives can help corporations eliminate some of those frustration factors for lead users. Trial-and-error to complete desian cycles It is crucial that toolkits for user innovation enable users to go through complete trial-and-error cycles as they create their designs. A properly designed toolkit would allow users to have a temporarily final product prototype so that they could try it out by a simulation test and see what happened. For example, an electronic circuit simulator should be able to show the output waveforms for the user-input waveforms. 31 It provides feedback to users so they can start their designs over if there is anything they are not fully satisfied with. Without this element, users have no way to test the functional effects of their choices before first field use and if users regret the outcome, it is too late for corporations. An appropriate solution space Some certain design rules should apply to the user design toolkit. A reasonable design solution space encompasses the designs users want to create. Large solution spaces allow users to manipulate and combine relatively basic and general-purpose building blocks and operations of products. It is helpful when corporations are looking for the next generation of products or long-term solutions. In contrast, small When corporations are solution spaces allow users to make combination of options. looking for relatively short-term solutions, small solution spaces usually work better. The reason to enforce design constraints on the toolkit is that custom products can only be produced at reasonable prices when user designs can be implemented by simply making low-cost adjustments to the production process. An appropriate design solution space maintains the customer's trust to the corporation and reduces the fear that customers have of being cheated by corporations. User-friendly design interface Toolkits for user innovation are most effective and successful when they are made user friendly by enabling users to use the skills they already have and work in their own customary and well-practiced design language. have to learn the typically corporation-based designers. different design This means that users don't skills and language used by It will require much less training to use the toolkit effectively and thus reduce customers' fear of getting into a time consuming process 32 to work with corporations. A friendly or even interesting user interface design can also help the toolkit increase general interest of customers to see the realization of their ideas by corporations and provide certain rewards to customers, like gifts to the winner of a design competition. Module libraries Toolkits should contain libraries of commonly used modules that the users can incorporate into their custom designs immediately. This will allow users to focus their design efforts on the truly unique elements of that design. For example, designers of custom integrated circuits find it very useful to incorporate pre-designed elements in their custom designs ranging from operational amplifiers to complete microprocessors that they draw from a library in their design toolkit. It is also a good method to facilitate the design process for users who just want to make a little improvement on currently existing products instead of making a completely new design since they can build their own designs from a starting point. Translatini user desikns for production A properly designed toolkit will ensure that customer products and services designed by users will be producible on suppliers' production equipment without a great modification of the current production system. The language of a toolkit for user innovation must be convertible without error into the language of the intended production system at the conclusion of the user design work. If this is not so, then the entire purpose of the toolkit is lost because corporations receiving a user design essentially have to do the design all over again. Translation between user design language and production language could be a painstaking effort and probably take a long time to execute. Without this feature in the user design toolkit, the cycle time 33 to feed back a real product to customers will increase and the market dynamic could wash the outstanding product out and thus corporations might lose great profit opportunity. User innovation could give corporations competitive advantages. The question is how to locate lead users, how to attract lead users to work with corporations, and how to provide an appropriate toolkit for lead users. Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet, proposed later in this thesis, offer an example of design toolkits for the automobile industry and hopefully they can motivate more discussions on this topic and extend the application to a broader area. 2.3 Internet Impacts As mentioned in Chapter 1, after Virtual Advisor has identified unmet customer needs, the next step is to explore what corporations can do with these unmet needs. With the introduction of QFD and lead user innovation toolkit concepts, two Internet-based tools, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet, will be proposed in the next chapter. But can the Internet bring benefits to this process? Traditional methods to interact with customers in front-end product development processes are questionnaires, individual or group interviews, and observations of the product in use. If we examine these methods in the dimensions of cost and interactive degree, we can find that Internet based tools offer a medium solution beyond the traditional market 34 research methods. Interactive degree High Low Low Internet based tools Questionnaire Cost Individual interview Focus group Observation of use High Figure 9 - Matrix of market research methods Figure 9 shows how Internet-based tools provide a low cost solution with a higher level of interactivity to communicate with customers. With JAVA applet running on the Internet, the program can feed back in real time based on customer choices. Traditional questionnaire cannot achieve this level of interactivity. However, Internet tools are not able to substitute for questionnaires and interviews. Face to face interviews and observations definitely have irreplaceable value since the product development team has the chance to talk to customers, watch their responses, and interacts with customers in real time. 35 Questionnaires also have irreplaceable value because of their popularity and ease of use. But leveraged by the Internet technology, Virtual Advisor, combine with Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet, supplies corporations a total solution toolkit on the Internet to get involved and interact with customers. In the next chapter, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet will be proposed and examined. Some further discussions on Design Pallet will continue in Chapter 4. Then the conclusion of these two Internet toolkits and the future development of Internet-based marketing research tools will be presented in chapter 5 as the conclusion of this thesis. 36 Chapter 3 Study of Unmet Needs After the detection of unmet needs as described in chapter 1, this chapter will introduce Virtual Engineer dialogue based on conflicts identified through trusted Virtual Advisor product research process and Design Pallet that enables customers to There are two differences between Virtual make their own design over the Internet. Engineer and Design Pallet. First, Virtual Engineer focuses on collecting functional requirements or reasons why customers have specific unmet needs while Design Pallet focuses on exploring user innovated solutions to specific unmet customer needs. Second, Virtual Engineer uses simple questionnaire format that only allows one-way communication while Design Pallet offers interactive features that users can get real time feedback for their design activities. Figure 10 shows the process flow chart for the overall system including Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet. updated progress in this research project. It is based on Mann's thesis [10] with Based on customers' preference, they can choose if they want to meet Virtual Engineer and use Design Pallet. Advisor will lead customers directly to showroom for recommendations. 37 If not, Virtual Virtual Advisor Greeting, Purpose , Virtual Advisor Constant-Sum preference question Virtual Engineer Detect drop in highest utility Virtual Engineer Greeting, Purpose Drop in highest utility? Virtual Engineer Generate dialogues based on conflict pairs recorded before NO YE Virtual Engineer Identify and Record conflict pairs Calculate initial utility value (EQ 1) Virtual Advisor Ask highest information value attribute question Virtual Engineer Comment and Open-end question Ask for permission to introduce Design Pallet System Calculate Bayesian attribute effect (EQ 2) Agree to introduce Design Pallet System? Calculate attribute information value (EQ 3) YES Populate recommendation with highest utility products NOAll attribute questions asked? Design Pallet System Launch design pallet system ~ YES Ask for permission to introduce Virtual Engineer Design Pallet System Allocate preferences between recommended and self-desi ned truck < gree to Vita -NO introduceYE nier Send Customer to showroom for recommendations and record data for analysis Figure 10 - Flow chart for Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet 38 NO Qualitative Study of Unmet Needs - 3.1 Virtual Engineer Virtual Advisor and the process to detect drop in highest utility in Figure 10 already covered in Chapter 1. The next process will be for Virtual Engineer to identify and record conflict pairs for the customer. This process is not included in Virtual Advisor but parallel to it while the customer has dialogue with Virtual Advisor. At this time, Virtual Engineer will not show up on the screen but instead, Virtual Engineer will keep track of the customer's highest utility drop and record unmet needs, i.e., conflict pairs. The conflict pairs are identified through the correlation matrix that Mann proposed [10]. In the correlation matrix, the numbers represent the relationship between the initial perceptual dimensions of the constant-sum preference question and the conditional probabilities. These variables and relationships are developed through the calculation of the correlation coefficients of variables both within and across the vehicle information database, Again, Dd,a Dd,a, and the conditional probability database, P(Rr,qIAa). values are the normalized ratings of each product across the initial dimensions of the constant-sum preference question. P(Rr,,qAa) values, if derived from actual consumer surveys, show there are true preferences for vehicle alternative a given a response r to question _q. These correlations are aggregated into a single correlation database that is used by the Virtual Engineer for the identification of the unmet need, i.e., conflict pairs. Of note, this correlation database does not include any engineering variables for the products. This is due to the current focus upon identification of the unmet needs and not of the actual design constraint behind the 39 unmet need. Engineering variables will be used later to clarify the design level attributes that have been traded-off to create the unmet needs. Figure 11 shows a partial display of the correlation matrix that is employed in this research project. The numbers in the correlation matrix can be calculated based on following procedures: Let C = a combined array of [P(RrqIAa), Dd,a] For every conflict pair (p,q): pcp, Cq Cov(Cp, Cq) = 0-Cp * -Cq where Cov(Cp,Cq) = Covariance between the variable dataset aCp = Standard deviation of the values of Cp full compact full standard trans-yes automatic-trans-yes 2WD-yes 4WD-yes Price_10-12K Price 12_14K Price_14_16K Price 16.18K Price 18_20K Price 20 22K Price 22_24K Price_24_26K Price 26_28K Price_28 30K Price_30_32K Price Over 32K Offroad-no Off road yes Towing.no Towing yes Hauling-no Hauling._yes Construction no Construction yes PlowingSnow no PlowingSnow.yes 0.005410503 -0.005410503 0.048051704 -0.048051704 -0.529521584 -0.583792879 -0.607009827 -0.63212606 -0.62617736 -0.580651496 -0.533990298 -0.481917364 -0.458538711 -0.454721244 -0.486512772 -0.511823935 0.048051704 -0.048051704 0.658706625 -0.658706625 0.544807837 -0.544807837 0.709915857 95 0 7 1 0 46 3 3 4 . ME 5 i_ 654 automatic trans yes standard trans yes 4WDyes 2WD yes 1 -0.005410503 1 0.005410503- -1 0.136960734 -0.048051704 0.048051704 0.529521584 0.583792879 0.607009827 0.63212606 0.62617736 0.580651496 -0.136960734 -0.44453167 -0.437685613 -0.433023613 -0.422416365 -0.409068678 -0.399617359 -0.424919018 -0.445451404 -0.456431315 -0.438524454 -0.410555551 -0.428609593 0.136960734 -0.136960734 0.007356298 -0.007356298 -0.137472634 0.137472634 0.13753186 -0.13753186 0.533990298 0.481917364 0.458538711 0.454721244 0.486512772 0.511823935 -0.048051704 0.048051704 -0.658706625 0.658706625 -0.544807837 0.544807837 ARM"15 0.709915957 .AN1, , ~10 0.715046334 0.099543638 -0.099543638 1 -0.136960734 0.136960734 0.44453167 0.437685613 0.433023613 0.422416365 0.409068678 0.399617359 0.424919018 0.445451404 0.456431315 0.438524454 0.410555551 1 1 1 -0.362888M38 -0.415216264 -0.430180713 -0.409952188 -0.370894928 -0.342501871 -0.325221981 -0.29115608 -0.286854363 -0.272214269 -0.282587142 -0.299523983 0.428609593 -0.136960734 1 0.136960734014ii -0.007356298 0.092220117 0.007356298 -0.092220117 0.137472634 -0.050251303 -0.137472634 0.050251303 -0.13753186 0.070327295 0.13753186 -0.070327295 0.732628719 -0.099543638 0.099543638kl.4i 627t 0.362888638 0.415216264 0.430180713 0.409952188 0.370894928 0.342501871 0.325221981 0.29115608 0.286854363 0.272214269 0.282587142 0299523983 1 0.092220117 0.092220117 0.050251303 -0.050251303 -0.070327295 0070327295 , ' Correlation Matrix compact o 0.732628719 Figure 11 - Partial display of correlation matrix used to identify conflict pairs In Figure 11, every negative correlation coefficient, which is marked, stands for a 40 conflict pair. The smaller the negative number, the stronger the conflict. Each conflict pair represents a possible unmet customer need based on current products available on market. For example, in Figure 11, there are conflict pairs for the customer who wants a compact truck that can be used for commercial application like construction and plowing. The current available trucks on the market do not combine these features so there is a smaller than -0.7 correlation coefficient, which is a strong conflict. Of note, for those conflict pairs with correlation coefficients equal to -1, it means an intra-attribute conflict and is not reasonable. a -1 For example, there is in Figure 11 when customer wants a truck with both compact and full size. Under rational circumstance, this kind of conflict should not happen. After Virtual Advisor finished all attribute questions, the recorded conflict pairs triggered Virtual Engineer dialogue. In order to make a smooth transfer from Virtual Advisor to Virtual Engineer, Virtual Advisor finished the dialogue with an option for the customer to meet with Virtual Engineer or go directly to the showroom: Figure 12 - Virtual Advisor introduces Virtual Engineer 41 If the permission is granted, Virtual Engineer will greet the customer with a statement of dialogue purpose: Figure 13 - Meet with Virtual Engineer Now Virtual Engineer is ready to generate dialogue with the customer based on his unmet needs that are identified through the Virtual Advisor dialogue. Since this dialogue focuses on collecting functional requirements for specific unmet needs, the dialogue must be pre-defined. Due to the limitation of program execution time and storage, 71 strong conflicts, which have correlation coefficients smaller than -0.7 are assigned to trigger Virtual Engineer dialogue in this research project. list of the 71 strong conflicts is shown in Table 1: 42 The detailed Table 1 - Strong conflict pairs that trigger Virtual Engineer First conflict attribute Second conflict attribute High Fuel Economy High Horse Power High Safety Full Size Hauling Construction Plowing Biggest available Long Bed 8 cylinder engine 10 cylinder engine Big & comfortable High Horse power Compact Smallest available Short Bed 4 Cylinder engine Low Budget High Safety Compact Smallest available Short Bed 4 cylinder engine Compact Hauling Construction Plowing Biggest available Long Bed 8 cylinder engine 10 cylinder engine Big & comfortable Tall passenger High Budget Full Smallest available Short bed 4 cylinder engine Low Budget Off Road driving 2 W D Towing 2 WD Hauling Smallest available Short bed 4 cylinder engine Construction Smallest available Short bed Big & comfortable 4 cylinder engine Plowing Smallest available Short bed Big & comfortable 4 cylinder engine Smallest available Long bed 8 cylinder 10 cylinder Big & comfortable High Budget Biggest available Short bed 4 cylinder Low Budget Short bed 8 cylinder engine 10 cylinder engine Big & comfortable 43 Take the (High horse power - Compact) conflict pair as an example. wants a compact truck with a high horse power engine. The customer Under current truck design it is a strong conflict because usually a compact truck comes with a low horsepower engine but the customer specifies that high horse power is required for the ideal truck. In order to understand the reason why customer wants this combination of truck features, Virtual Engineer asks questions about why customer needs a compact truck and a high horse power engine separately as in Figure 14 and Figure 15: Figure 14 - Virtual Engineer dialogue for compact truck 44 Figure 15 - Virtual Engineer dialogue for high horse power There are two advantages for Virtual Engineer to ask questions separately. First, according to the axiom design principle, it is better to collect functional requirements independently so engineering design team can face fewer trade-offs. Second, it is helpful to reduce system load because if Virtual Engineer dialogue is generated by conflict pairs, it will need at least 71 different pre-defined dialogues; if Virtual Engineer dialogue is generated by attributes independently, it will only need 20-30 dialogues. After Virtual Engineer goes through all conflict pairs based on the identified unmet needs, there will be an open-end comment space for the customer to input any other functional requirements that were not covered in pre-defined dialogue. It gives customers opportunities to make all different kinds of requests for their ideal truck. The open-end comment space of Virtual Engineer is shown in Figure 16. 45 Figure 16 - Virtual Engineer open-end dialogue With all the responses collected from customers, the new product development team can understand the problem that users face everyday and design a better product accordingly. It is also helpful if the new product development team can make statistical clustering to estimate market potential for a new product feature. The detailed Virtual Engineer dialogue is attached as Appendix A. Quantitative Study of Unmet Needs - 3.2 Design Pallet Design Pallet is a design toolkit for user innovation. After Virtual Engineer collects functional requirements from customers about their unmet needs, the new product 46 development team in corporations should clarify the problem customers had. Furthermore, customers may help the new product development team by providing solutions to their own unmet needs based on the concept of lead users. It can help marketing managers and R&D engineers get new ideas from a larger candidate pool instead of a limited number of team members. As usual, the customer should have the privilege to skip Design Pallet and go to the showroom for recommended product directly. Virtual Engineer will end the dialogue with the transfer to Design Pallet: Figure 17 - Introduce Design Pallet If the customer grants permission, Design Pallet will launch with an option to go through a tutorial about how to use Design Pallet. The tutorial is designed to help customer understand the user interface of Design Pallet and realize the design features and options available for each design feature. Also the interpretation of the design outcome will be explained so that the user can make design decision and completes 47 the design iteration. Figure 18 - Design Pallet launch screen If the customer chooses to start Design Pallet right away and skip the tutorial, Design Pallet will start with the truck model that recommended as a result of Virtual Advisor Design Pallet will also start with guidance for customers to encourage dialogue. them to solve their identified unmet needs. Figure 19 shows the initial screen for Design Pallet. For example, suppose the customer wants a compact truck with a high horsepower V8 engine. The word "compact" is fuzzy to truck designers because it depends on the customer's perception to decide exactly what size a truck can be categorized as a compact truck. Design Pallet presents this question that a new product development team will ask and asks customers to use Design Pallet to clarify the meaning of "compact". 48 Figure 19 - Start Design Pallet Design Pallet screen contains three areas as depicted in Figure 20. the user input area. The first area is Customers can pick different options for product features in this area and the resulting design outcome will be displayed in the graphic output area and/or the parameter output area. The available user input features and options are listed in Table 2. Graphic Output Area User Input Area Parameter Output Area Figure 20 - Design Pallet layout 49 Table 2 - Available user input features and options in Design Pallet Design dimension Power Design option Engine 2WD/4WD Transmission Haul capacity Tow capacity Steering Bed length Size Cab size (by doors) Cab size (by dimensions) Color Body style Interior Exterior Style Feature 50 The output of Design Pallet includes graphic output and parameter output. The graphic output will change according to the customer's design decision on truck size, color, and body style. The graphic output needs extensive advance effort to prepare hundreds of truck pictures for different sizes and colors and styles. It is not possible to have high resolution on both user input and graphic output so the trade-off must be made between technical limitation and the user's design degree of freedom. The parameter output includes price, fuel economy, payload capacity, towing capacity, and dimension. These parameters are widely considered to be the major decision criteria in order for customers to choose the right truck. One or more parameters will change based on the selected design options in the user input area. The details of the formulation system between parameter output and user input will be further explained in Chapter 4 and Appendix B. The principle in designing the graphic and parameter output of Design Pallet is that at least one item should change in response to any design decision made in the user input area. This important principle enables Design Pallet to interact with customers and help customers complete design iterations. After asking customers to provide more specific information regarding their identified unmet needs, Design Pallet will ask customers to create their own design freely. This helps corporations capture other market needs from users that are not accommodated by Virtual Advisor. This kind of market need has very high potential value for next generation products. When customers finish their creative design and want to go to the showroom, a 51 side-by-side comparison of the recommended product and the user-designed product will be made at the end of Design Pallet and customers will be asked to allocate preferences between them. Figure 21 illustrates this comparison. This comparison concludes design iterations with a perceptual satisfaction measurement so that corporations can understand customers' evaluations of new products and estimate the market potential for them. original new 1frn done with mylevaluatiol, original new Est. Price: $19588 $19588 Towing Cap.: 4700 lbs 6795 lbs Bed Size: 4 x5x2 4 x 5 x 2 (L-AfH in feet) Payload Cap.: 103 lbs 103 lbs Cab size: 12 x 5 x 5 12 x 5 x 5 (LW'xH in feet) Wheel Drive: 4WD Fuel Econ (city): 15.921 mpg 15.921 mpg Transmission: Manual Fuel Econ (hiwy): 20.798 mpg 19.574 mpg Engine: original 4WD 6 Cylinders new Manual 6 Cylinders Figure 21 - Final comparison for Design Pallet This concludes the system overview of Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer, and Design Pallet. In the next chapter, the formulation of cost model in Design Pallet is presented and discussed. 52 Chapter 4 Formulation System in Design Pallet In this chapter, a formulation system in Design Pallet is presented to enable real-time interaction with users. The system converts users' design inputs for trucks to output parameters including price, fuel economy, payload, and towing capacity so that users can start another design iteration based on the output of their design. This is a very important feature that distinguishes Design Pallet from traditional market research methodology since it involves real time feedback to customers at very low cost. 4.1 System Overview The formulation system is a subsystem of Design Pallet. It captures design activities in the user input area of Design Pallet and then displays necessary changes in the parameter output area. To aid understanding, the formulation system can be represented graphically as a system block diagram or, mathematically, as a matrix. As a system block diagram, it can be represented thus: 53 User Input 1 Formulation System 0 Parameter Output In matrix terms, it can be represented as: Y1 X1 Fii * * * F * 0 0 *Xi Xi Y1,e F, -Fi Fin Inu paa =j e 000 o e ficF e eters e Xi,... Xi= Output parameters iS Y,..Y F11 , .. I = Input parameters Fj = Formulation system coefficients F X Y =Xi for I=1..i z:' Cost functions for output parameters k =1 This chapter will discuss how to determine the formulation system coefficients, F1 1.. .Fij. Before entering into the discussion of how to determine formulation coefficients, the input and output parameters of the formulation system must be clarified. Input parametersof the formulation system Input parameters are captured from the user input features and options listed in Table 2. It is essential that they be able to be represented in numerical form so that the formulation system can process them mathematically. 54 Based on this principle, these design options in Table 2 can be further consolidated into three categories: " Powertrain: Engine, horsepower, transmission, and wheel drive are the major factors in designing the powertrain system for a truck. They determine the performance of the truck. * Appearance: Length (including bed length), width, height, color, style, and cab type are the major factors in designing the frame of a truck. external look of a truck. They determine the However, color is not suitable for treatment as an input parameter in Design Pallet because it has no mathematical meaning. Instead, color is a very important factor for the graphic output, which is not covered in this thesis. Someone consideration. might argue that style should also not be taken into Nevertheless, based on the analysis of observations in the truck database that will be disclosed in the next section, truck style is an important factor for many output parameters. Therefore four different body styles are coded into formulation system. " Optional parts: Entertainment equipment, interior decoration, wheels/tires, and extra packages are optional parts that are not included in the base model of the truck. They can be added at the customer's request. These optional parts usually do not affect powertrain and appearance, but only price. In Design Pallet, optional parts are dealt with independently because of their less interaction with powertrain and appearance. Thus, based on the information from the truck database on the market and the analysis of user input choices of Design Pallet in Table 2, the input parameters of the 55 formulation system are: " Engine (4, 6, 8, 10 cylinders and diesel engines) " Horsepower (in HP) " Transmission (automatic or manual) * Wheel drive (2WD or 4WD) * Length (in inches) * Width (in inches) " Height (in inches) " Style (four body styles: traditional, rugged, sporty, very sporty) " Cab type (three cab types: regular, extended, crew) " Optional parts Output Parameters of the formulation system Output parameters of formulation system should correlate to customers' needs segmentation so users can determine if the design outcome can fulfill their needs. In Mann's thesis [10], he defines primary need dimensions for trucks as the following 10 attributes: * Price * Power " Fuel economy " Hauling capacity " Overall size * Style " Passenger compartment 56 * Reliability " Safety * Luxury In Design Pallet, the above 10 attributes are consolidated. Since the output parameters are presented in numerical format, reliability, safety and luxury are not considered to be good candidates because they are highly perceptual attributes. Moreover, style and passenger compartment are considered better presented in graphical format; thus they are reflected in the graphic output area. The other need dimensions are discussed in the following. * Price: A very important attribute and often the major requirement for customers purchasing a truck. " It is one of the output parameters. Fuel economy: A similar attribute to price. Customers often think about the future investment on the truck, so fuel economy is another important decision factor. In fact, both city fuel efficiency and highway fuel efficiency are usually listed. * Power: Towing capacity is considered to be a good measurement of truck power. Although truck frame strength also has influence, towing capacity will be used to stand for power need segmentation in Design Pallet. " Hauling capacity: The major purpose for purchasing a truck is to take advantage of the specifically designed truck bed, so hauling capacity is also a major criteria to select a truck. Payload is the standard representation of hauling capacity of a 57 truck today. * Overall size: This attribute is important because the driver needs this number to decide if the truck is small enough to fit into a garage or big enough to provide comfortable space. market. It is presented in (Length x Width x Height) format on the In Design Pallet, Dimension is used to represent overall size. Based on the analysis of need segmentations and today's truck data format on the market, the following parameters are selected as the output parameters of the formulation system: * Price (in dollars) " City Fuel Efficiency (in Miles Per Gallons, MPG) " Highway Fuel Efficiency (in Miles Per Gallons, MPG) * Payload (in lbs) * Towing Capacity (in lbs) * Dimension - Length x Width x Height (in inches or square inches) 4.2 Statistical Regression Result There are many different ways to determine the formulation system coefficients. The most straightforward method is to ask partner truck manufacturers in this research project to provide the internal cost function model. this method. There are two disadvantages to First, the whole system from Virtual Advisor to Virtual Engineer to Design Pallet is based on trusted marketing, which means this system is not biased 58 toward any specific corporation. trust will be lost. If the internal cost function model is used, then the Second, as shown in the truck database collected for this research project, the cost function is very different across different manufacturers even different truck models. It is not robust if the formulation system is built based on limited information. A better and unbiased method to build the formulation system is to use the statistical regression technique. Since the required input and output for the formulation system are determined, applying regression analysis over current on-market truck data will In order to do this, a truck data survey for deliver better and unbiased cost functions. 112 Year 2001 models is done. It covers 8 different manufacturers with different models and related input and output parameters are all collected for regression analysis. SPSS is the statistical analysis tool used for this thesis and the coefficient of determination R2 is used to represent if the resulting model is a good fit to real data. Before getting into regression analysis, there are three problems. representative measurement for overall truck size is needed. First, a Length, width and height individually are not good enough to represent overall truck size. A better measurement for overall truck size should cover the material cost for making the truck frame. Thus surface area is a good measurement. In this thesis, a derivative input parameter dim is used to represent overall truck size: Dim = 2* (Length*Width + Width*Height + Height*Length) unit: inch2 Of note, the length in this formula includes bed length of the truck. dim stands for dimension of the truck but is truncated to avoid confusion with the Dimension in output parameters. It is a measurement of surface area for a cubit that is able to 59 Someone may argue that there is a big empty space accommodate the whole truck. over the truck bed that should be taken out. However, the empty area is not consistent across different manufacturers and models. It also depends on the body style and the cab type and these two factors are already taken into consideration. So the empty area over the truck bed is not treated as a key factor in the model. The second problem is multi-colinearity, which occurs when multiple regressions are performed over highly correlated independent variables. If two independent variables have an effect on each other, i.e., X, changes when X 2 changes, it is hard to interpret the final regression model. A good method to get rid of this problem is to add one derivative input variable called the interaction term. With this interaction term, the second order effect of the linear regression model is taken into account. For the truck database used, a high correlation between horsepower and dim is observed: 400 s um 300 a aa 1 a 200 130M 0i a3 2P on a I 100 50000 as0 a x aw asa ri1 a0 w W a a a r ana a 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 110000 DIM Figure 22 - Correlation between horsepower and dim And the correlation coefficient is 0.824 between these two attributes. 60 Thus an interaction term hpdim is used. It is simply the product of horsepower and dim: hpdim = hp * dim This interaction term corrects the model if both horsepower and dim are used to predict a dependent variable. As we will see in later discussion, hpdim usually has different sign from horsepower and dimension in the regression model. Finally, nonlinear regression is also considered to improve the regression result. However, nonlinear regression is not very helpful in this application since many independent variables are bivariate variables. In this application, an obvious Instead of using the log-linear function of non-linearity is found on the horsepower. horsepower to represent its non-linearity, an observation of horsepower and engine cylinders proves that engine cylinders can represent the non-linearity of horsepower: 400 -F--- 300' CB8 - 200, 1 100. 65 0J N= 16 4.00 59 71 6.00 8.00 StandNumCyl Figure 23 - Relationship between horsepower and engine cylinders 61 Thus in the regression analysis of this thesis, the engine cylinders are often used to represent the engine performance whenever the dependent variables have nonlinear relationship with the engine. However, using both horsepower and engine cylinders in one cost function may distort the effect of the engine performance and increase the correlation between independent variables. This is not appropriate. If only one out of horsepower and engine cylinders should be used in one cost function, which one should be used will base on a trial-and-error basis. The SPSS output for regression models of the five output parameters are shown below. Of note, "Dimension" does not need regression because it can be directly obtained from users' input. Many input parameters are coded as bivariate variables here. Following is the list of bivariate variables: * wd4 " trans = = 1 if the truck has 4 wheel drive and wd4 = 0 if the truck has 2 wheel drive 1 if the truck has automatic transmission and trans = 0 if the truck as manual transmission * cabO = 1 if the truck has a regular cab otherwise cabO = 0; cabl = 1 if the truck has an extended cab otherwise cabi = 0; cab2 = 1 if the truck has a crew cab otherwise cab2 = 0. For a truck, only one of cabO, cabl, cab2 can equal 1 and the others must equal 0. " body1 = 1 if the truck has a traditional body style otherwise = 0; body2 = 1 if the truck has a rugged body style otherwise = 0; body3 = 1 if the truck has a sporty body style otherwise = 0; body4 = 1 if the truck has a very sporty body style 62 otherwise = 0. For a truck, only one of body1, body2, body3, body4 can equal 1 and the others must equal to 0. * V4 = 1 if the truck has a 4 cylinder engine otherwise = 0; V6 = 1 if the truck has a 6 cylinder engine otherwise = 0; V8 = 1 if the truck has an 8 cylinder engine otherwise = 0. For a truck, only one of V4, V6, V8 can equal 1 and the others must equal 0. 63 Table 3: Initial regression model for price Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate a. Predictors: (Constant), HPDIM, BODY4, CABI, WD4, TRANS, BODY1, CAB2, V4, BODY3, V8, DIM, HP Coefficients a Standardi zed Coefficie Unstandardized nts Coeff icients Model B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) -3278.649 6096.168 WD4 2747.136 295.029 .281 TRANS 2089.795 354.847 .185 CAB1 1955.281 336.794 .196 CAB2 2903.414 410.658 .244 HP 41.374 23.357 .501 V4 -129.875 559.509 -.009 V8 203.859 627.319 .020 BODY1 791.152 649.854 .055 BODY3 617.651 488.543 .061 BODY4 3302.549 631.531 .193 DIM .185 .086 .424 - 1AP - A7 -1 V7ra-b Ann HPndim a. Dependent Variable: MSRP t -.538 9.311 5.889 5.806 7.070 1.771 -.232 .325 1.217 1.264 5.229 2.154 Price = - 3278.649 + 2747.136*(wd4) + 2089.795*(trans) + 1955.218*(cabl) + 2903.414*(cab2) + 791.152*(body1) + 617.651*(body3) + 3302.549*(body4) - 129.875*(V4) + 203.859*(V8) + 41.374*(hp) + 0.185*(dim) - 0.000107*(hpdim) + Optional parts 64 Sig. .592 .000 .000 .000 .000 .080 .817 .746 .226 .209 .000 .034 Table 4: Initial Regression Model for City Fuel Economy Model Summary Model R R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Adjusted R Square a. Predictors: (Constant), HPDIM, BODY4, CAB1, WD4, TRANS, BODYI, CAB2, V4, BODY3, V8, DIM, HP Model 1 (Constant) WD4 TRANS CAB1 CAB2 HP V4 V8 Coefficients a Standardi zed Coefficie Unstandardized Coefficients nts B Std. Error Beta 30.567 4.181 -.610 .202 -.114 6.735E-02 .243 .011 .420 .231 .077 .318 .282 .049 -4.46E-02 .016 -.989 3.987 .384 .523 -1.756 .430 -.314 BODY1 BODY3 BODY4 DIM -. 161 -.487 -. 856 -1.95E-04 HPndimn 1t-07 Vra t 7.310 -3.014 .277 1.817 1.128 -2.782 10.389 -4.082 Sig. .000 .003 .783 .072 .262 .006 .000 .000 .446 .335 .433 -.021 -.088 -.091 -. 360 -1.454 -1.975 .719 .149 .051 .000 -.823 -3.321 .001 1A6l e 7CF EC7 a. Dependent Variable: CFECON City Fuel Economy = + 30.567 - 0.610*(wd4) + 0.06735*(trans) + 0.42*(cabl) + 0.318*(cab2) - 0.161*(body l) - 0.487*(body3) - 0.856*(body4) + 3.987*(V4) - 1.756*(V8) - 0.0446*(hp) - 0.000195*(dim) + 0.0000005918*(hpdim) 65 Table 5: Initial Regression Model for Hi2hway Fuel Economy Model Summary Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Square the Estimate R n*1 279 ina R9A__ 1 WD4, CAB1, BODY4, HPDIM, a. Predictors: (Constant), TRANS, BODY1, CAB2, V4, BODY3, V8, DIM, HP Model R Coefficients a Standardi zed Coefficie Unstandardized nts Coefficients Std. Error Beta Model B 1 (Constant) 32.413 5.415 WD4 -1.435 .262 -.251 TRANS -9.67E-02 .315 -.015 CAB1 .119 .299 .020 CAB2 -3.97E-02 .365 -.006 HP -4.38E-02 .021 -.908 V4 3.261 .497 .399 V8 -1.060 .557 -.177 BODY1 .582 .577 .069 BODY3 -.380 .434 -.064 BODY4 -.618 .561 -.062 DIM -1.29E-04 .000 -.507 7ep-e7 e A: IFE A1 Vra1 HPa.M nno a. Dependent Variable: H-FECON Highway Fuel Economy = + 32.413 - 1.435*(wd4) - 0.0967*(trans) + 0.119*(cab1) - 0.0397*(cab2) + 0.582*(bodyl) - 0.38*(body3) - 0.618*(body4) + 3.261*(V4) - 1.06*(V8) - 0.0438*(hp) - 0.000129*(dim) + 0.000000447*(hpdim) 66 t 5.986 -5.478 -.307 .397 -.109 -2.112 6.562 -1.902 1.009 -.875 -1.102 -1.693 Sig. .000 .000 .760 .692 .913 .037 .000 .060 .315 .383 .273 .094 7An oa _A1 777 -r2gq Table 6: Initial Regression Model for Payload Model Summary IModel R R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Adjusted R Square , a. Predictors: (Constant), HPDIM, BODY4, CAB1, WD4, TRANS, BODYl, CAB2, V4, BODY3, V8, DIM, HP Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Std. Error B Model 1 (Constant) 7604.566 2248.401 WD4 -84.803 108.813 TRANS -394.738 130.875 CAB1 -285.973 124.217 CAB2 -364.157 151.460 HP -43.689 8.615 V4 -148.096 206.359 V8 -169.555 231.369 BODY1 -313.568 239.681 BODY3 -203.444 180.185 BODY4 -453.245 232.922 DIM -8.20E-02 .032 77P AYL O A AQQFe-AVa r HPim a. Dependent Variable: PAYLOAD a Standardi zed Coefficie nts Beta -.038 -.153 -.126 -.134 -2.316 -.046 -.072 -.096 -.088 -.116 -.825 Payload = + 7604.566 - 84.803*(wd4) - 394.738*(trans) - 285.973*(cabl) - 364.157*(cab2) - 313.568*(bodyl) - 203.444*(body3) - 453.245*(body4) - 148.096*(V4) - 169.555*(V8) - 43.689*(hp) - 0.082*(dim) + 0.0006399*(hpdim) 67 t 3.382 -.779 -3.016 -2.302 -2.404 -5.072 -.718 -.733 -1.308 -1.129 -1.946 -2.592 Sig. .001 .438 .003 .023 .018 .000 .475 .465 .194 .262 .055 .011 Table 7: Initial Regression Model for Towing Capacity Model Summary I Model R RAa R Squa Std. Error of the Estimate Adjusted R Square Rqare qae 29071 WD4, CAB1, BODY4, HPDIM, a. Predictors: (Constant), 1 TRANS, BODY1, CAB2, V4, BODY3, V8, DIM, HP Coefficients Model 1 L7R11R Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error 15558.764 9819.808 -252.640 475.238 -341.720 571.594 -275.448 542.514 404.360 661.495 -37.815 37.624 -2.876 901.266 1961.355 1010.496 -1831.437 1046.796 -2200.940 786.953 -2083.256 1017.280 -.174 .138 (Constant) WD4 TRANS CAB1 CAB2 HP V4 V8 BODY1 BODY3 BODY4 DIM HPDIM 7 QAAF-.OA a. Dependent Variable: TOWING a Standardi zed Coefficie nts Beta -.034 -.040 -.037 .045 -.606 .000 .253 -.169 -.288 -.161 -.527 o1 I A1A t 1.584 -.532 -.598 -.508 .611 -1.005 -.003 1.941 -1.750 -2.797 -2.048 -1.256 1 Towing capacity = + 15558.764 - 252.64*(wd4) - 341.72*(trans) - 275.448*(cabl) + 404.36*(cab2) - 1831.437*(body1) - 2200.94*(body3) - 2083.256*(body4) - 2.876*(V4) + 1961.355*(V8) - 37.815*(hp) - 0.174*(dim) + 0.0007944*(hpdim) 68 Sig. .116 .596 .551 .613 .542 .317 .997 .055 .083 .006 .043 .212 4.3 Logical Considerations for Regression Models 2 Although R2, the measurement of how much variation in the dependent variable can be explained by this model, for the above models are mostly close to 0.8, there are some logical considerations for using these regression models. several outliers found while making the model. First, there are Not only can taking out these outliers help improve the model but studying outliers can also find the new product trend of trucks. Second, some independent variables are not significant and some coefficients of the independent variables are not reasonable in predicting the dependent variable. constant. For example, the regression model for price has a negative Finally, for towing capacity, the R2 is only close to 0.6, which means only 60% of the variation is captured by the model. This model should be improved. This section discusses the logical considerations for fixing the models in Section 4.2 based on the analysis of outliers and dependent variables. In order to get models fit most usual trucks, some outliers are taken out before getting into the analysis of dependent variables. For outliers and residual analysis about regression models, please refer to Appendix B. In this section, the rationale and improvement of regression models for different independent variables, i.e., output parameters, are reviewed separately since they vary from variable to variable. Price The most unreasonable thing about the price model is the constant. constant means the linear model has negative interception. 69 A negative It is fine mathematically but for truck cost function, it makes no sense. The second problem is that the significance for V4 and V8 is low, which could be due to the nonlinear relationship between the engine cylinders and the horsepower. In order to get a positive constant and improve the significance of engine performance without decreasing R2 , the trial-and-error method is used to decide either the horsepower or the engine cylinders should be used to represent the engine performance. The final model for price is: Table 8: Modified Regression Model for Price Model Summary Model R R Square g7a Q-A Std. Error of the Estimate Adjusted R Square qqQ 11 a. Predictors: (Constant), BODY4, CAB2, WD4, BODY1, TRANS, V6, CABO, BODY3, V4, DIM Coefficients Model I Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error 6166.922 2087.112 .196 .024 -1914.605 284.104 1411.466 324.524 3050.159 250.302 2034.661 296.222 -2718.822 640.376 -1328.307 450.805 -405.970 528.159 -418.094 413.033 (Constant) DIM CABO CAB2 WD4 TRANS V4 V6 BODY1 BODY3 ROQY4 1?r%7 7Q1 a. Dependent Variable: MSRP a Standardi zed Coefficie nts Beta .490 -.206 .129 .337 .191 -.212 -.147 -.031 -.045 srARRR n72 t 2.955 8.263 -6.739 4.349 12.186 6.869 -4.246 -2.947 -.769 -1.012 2 1R2 Sig. .004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .004 .444 .314 Q3I Notice that all independent variables are very significant and the R2 is even higher than that in the initial model. Moreover, the coefficients make more sense. For example, the 4 wheel-drive feature costs about $3,000 based on the feedback from the project sponsor and is verified by this regression model that estimates $3,050 for the 4 70 wheel-drive feature. City Fuel Economy The initial cost function for city fuel economy has high R 2 ~ 0.865. But there are First, cab type and body style are not very significant. still two problems to discuss. If taking out cab type and body style from the independent variables does not dramatically decrease R 2, it is better to do so. The other problem is that only one of horsepower and engine cylinders should be kept in the cost function. iterations show that engine cylinders provide better prediction. Regression It can also conclude from the significant data since engine cylinders are indeed more significant than horsepower. Thus the resulting SPSS output for city fuel economy is: Table 9: Modified Regression Model for City Fuel Economy Model Summary d eI Alia 1 Std. Error of rSquarethe Estimate I djusted R Rua R AAn con9 a. Predictors: (Constant), V8, TRANS, WD4, V4, DIM Model 1 (Constant) DIM WD4 TRANS V4 V8 Coefficients a Standardi zed Unstandardized Coefficie Coefficients nts B Std. Error Beta 19.206 1.092 -4.03E-05 .000 -.173 -.625 .201 -.119 .142 .234 .023 4.619 .313 .619 -1 71A n -nq t 17.583 -2.536 -3.107 .605 14.764 -A 77r Sig. .000 .013 .002 .546 .000 nnnI a. Dependent Variable: CFECON Someone may ask why transmission type is necessary to keep in this cost function since it is not very significant. Based on logical considerations, transmission type 71 should affect fuel economy in city driving. Users expect to see different city fuel economy data between automatic and manual transmissions because people switch gear a lot for city driving. If users change transmission type but do not observe any change in city fuel economy, users may stop trusting Design Pallet. Thus transmission type is kept in the city fuel economy cost function based on this psychological reason. Hikhway Fuel Economy In the highway fuel economy cost function, engine cylinders still show better regression result than horsepower so engine cylinders are kept. Cab type is not significant and transmission type is no longer a psychological concern because users will not expect different highway fuel economy data for different transmission type. People usually do not need to switch gear frequently on highways. other psychological factor is body style. However, the Users expect to see different highway fuel economy data for different body styles since they have different wind resistance. the resulting cost function regression model is: 72 So Table 10: Modified Regression Model for Highway Fuel Economy IModel] Model Summary Adjusted R R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate a. Predictors: (Constant), BODY4, WD4, BODY1, V6, BODY3, V4, DIM Coefficients a Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error 1.942 21.177 (Constant) DIM -2.66E-05 .000 WD4 -1.523 .257 V4 5.591 .651 V6 1.536 .460 BODY1 1.271 .525 BODY3 8.719E-02 .400 Ra DY4 1e Vai bl: H7A 7FE Model a. Standardi zed Coefficie nts Beta -.107 -.272 .704 .274 .156 .015 t 10.905 -1.187 -5.922 8.592 3.338 2.420 .218 Sig. .000 .238 .000 .000 .001 .017 .828 Dependent Variable: HFECON Of note, the predictor now becomes V8 for this new highway fuel economy cost function. Payload The conflict between engine cylinders and horsepower can be easily solved in payload because engine cylinders are very non-significant in the payload regression model, so horsepower is used. The other non-significant independent variables, including wheel-drive type and body style, are also taken out. The psychological factors in the payload cost function are the cab type and the bed length. Users expect to carry less cargo if the truck has a extended or crew cab, or a short bed. Bed length is particularly used as an independent variable out of truck's total length in payload because of its significance. Thus the final cost function for payload is: 73 Table 11: Modified Regression Model for Payload Model Summary Model del R Square R Adjusted R Std. Error of th Asquaree the Estimate a. Predictors: (Constant), BEDLENG, CAB1, TRANS, CAB2, HP, DIM, HPDIM Coefficients a Standardi zed Coefficie Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) CABI CAB2 TRANS HP DIM 4207.399 -200.166 -44.881 -334.049 -32.058 -7.27E-02 HPDIM 5.067E-04 nts Std. Error RFnl FNQ 9A nQA a. Dependent Variable: PAYLOAD Beta 1594.935 115.572 196.319 120.507 6.517 .023 -.087 -.017 -. 127 -1.607 -.733 .000 2.916 Q 19R The R2 is higher than the initial regression model. t Sig. 2.638 -1.732 -.229 -2.772 -4.919 -3.162 .010 .086 .820 .007 .000 .002 5.633 99REr .000 O-r; One question that may be asked here is why there is a negative coefficient for horsepower and dimension. Dimension is necessary for payload because users expect to carry more cargo in a larger truck. Horsepower is also required to represent the effect of the engine since it is more significant than engine cylinders. The interaction term provides valuable correction in this cost function because it neutralizes the effect of adding horsepower and dimension to the regression model. The positive coefficient of the interaction term hpdim cancels out the negative coefficients of horsepower and dimension. 74 Towing Capacity 2 Of the cost functions, towing capacity has the lowest R. No independent variables are very significant; the residual analysis finds highly spread-out error distribution and more outliers. This is probably because the towing capacity provided on the market has no official standard. The towing capacity on the market is based on estimation and some trucks may have optional towing packages to increase towing capacity. In order to provide a better regression model for most trucks, more outliers are taken out of the regression database (refer to Appendix B). Because the R2 is very low, as many as possible independent variables are kept regardless of their significances. However, the cab type is taken out because of inconsistency; i.e., the extended cab has lower towing capacity than the regular cab while the crew cab has higher towing capacity than the regular cab. The conflict between horsepower and engine cylinders can be resolved by their significances. The 8 cylinders engine is a very significant factor in the regression model; therefore, engine cylinders are used to represent engine effect in this cost function. 75 The final regression result is: Table 12: Modified Regression Model for Towing Capacity Model Summaryb I Mdl R R Model Asna 1 Square 79-A Std. Error of the Estimate 1;'A RAM Adjusted R Square 7nq a. Predictors: (Constant), V8, TRANS, BODY4, WD4, BODY1, V4, BODY2 b. Dependent Variable: TOWING Coefficients a Standardi zed Coefficie Unstandardized Coefficients nts B Std. Error Beta Model 1 (Constant) 4415.606 415.071 WD4 -36.267 394.346 -.005 TRANS -371.878 435.494 -.048 BODY1 319.940 569.647 .033 BODY2 2415.443 584.181 .347 BODY4 985.574 737.743 .078 V4 -309.182 587.249 -.033 A22ai nA . r.AA547 57R 7A22 nn Vs a. Dependent Variable: TOWING t 10.638 -.092 -.854 .562 4.135 1.336 -.526 Sig. .000 .927 .395 .576 .000 .185 .600 Notice that rugged body style (body2) plays a very important factor in this cost The R2 is improved to 0.7, compared to 0.61 in the initial model. function. A further improvement in predicting towing capacity can be made if the official standard for testing towing capacity can be set up. 4.4 Final Models The final regression models, which are used in Design Pallet as the cost functions, are listed in this section. considerations. These final regression models already have added the logical Instead of showing SPSS output result, models are translated to text format for easy reading and understanding. Price = + 6166.922 76 + 0.196(dim) - 1914.605(cab0) + 1411.466(cab2) + 3050.159(wd4) + 2034.661(trans) - 2718.822(V4) - 1328.307(V6) + 428.668(V1O) - 405.97(bodyI) - 418.094(body3) + 1257.791(body4) + Optional parts City Fuel Economy + 19.206 - 0.625(wd4) + 0.142(trans) + 4.619(V4) - 1.716(V8) - 2.292(V1O) - 0.0000403(dim) Highway Fuel Economy + 21.177 - 1.523(wd4) + 1.271(bodyI) + 0.087(body3) + 0.163(body4) + 5.591(V4) + 1.536(V6) - 1.076(V1O) - 0.0000266(dim) Payload = + 4207.399 - 0.0727(dim) - 32.058(hp) + 0.0005067(hpdim) - 200.166(cabl) - 44.881(cab2) - 334.049(trans) + 26.096(bedleng) Towing capacity + 4415.606 - 36.267(wd4) - 371.878(trans) + 319.940(bodyl) + 2415.443(body2) + 985.574(body4) - 309.182(V4) + 4223.086(V8) + 4673.086(V1O) 77 Chapter 5 Conclusion This research project including Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer, and Design Pallet for 2001 truck models will be field-tested during summer 2001. gathered and analyzed after the field test. More data will be Before lead users' feedback for Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet can be summarized, however, some final thoughts about the contribution of this thesis and future research steps are suggested in this chapter. 5.1 Contributions and Benefits The major contribution of this thesis is to provide a formulation system for Design Pallet to accomplish design iterations with lead users. The formulation system interacts with users by reading users' design input and translating to parameters output so that users can complete design iterations. regression analysis The formulation system is based on the of existing product data. Design Pallet has very low implementation cost and provides a complementary market research method beyond traditional market research methodologies. This thesis also presents the development process of Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet. Virtual Engineer has the ability to study identified unmet customer needs 78 qualitatively and Design Pallet has the ability to study identified unmet customer needs quantitatively. Virtual Engineer dialogue is generated from conflict pairs in the correlation matrix based on a systematic process. Design Pallet helps lead users create their own design and provides solutions for their own unmet needs. The corporate product development team can then design a new product and estimate the potential market for the new product using information from Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet. The application of Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet in this thesis is pickup trucks. However, the same idea and development process can be well applied to any other consumer products on the market. As mentioned in Chapter 1, the consumer products that require long research time before users make the purchase decision are probably the best candidates to implement this system. The major benefit for corporations that implement Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet is to provide a low cost market research tool with tremendous feedback for the corporate product development teams. Not only market needs are gathered and analyzed; product innovation ideas from out of corporations can also be collected. corporations At the same time, customers for new product are more likely to cooperate with development because this system provides an appropriate user design toolkit that is easy to use and time saving. This system may also help both customers and corporations to find hidden new product development opportunities. Some new product development opportunities are not revealed unless discussions about existing products have happened among different interested parties. The overall system of Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer 79 and Design Pallet offers a good circumstance for this kind of discussion. The automatic detection of the highest utility drops in Virtual Advisor systematically analyzed customers' needs. Through the assistance of Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet, these potential new product development opportunities that are stimulated from unmet customers needs are turned into a realistic prototype. Furthermore, because the overall system is based on trust marketing, customers will feel comfortable and safe during the product discussion process. 5.2 Future Research Areas For the Virtual Advisor, future research about enhancing the dialogue process and clustering unmet customer needs would be useful. The current dialogue process is static. The questions about product attributes are fixed, although asked in Bayesian order. A dynamic dialogue process that has different attribute questions based on early identification of the customer's market segment can be done to improve dialogue process efficiency. Moreover, a robust and systematic clustering of unmet needs provides the corporate product development team with a better estimation of potential market for those unmet needs. This improvement can dramatically decrease market risks in developing new products. For Virtual Engineer, future research can focus on extending conflict pairs that triggered Virtual Engineer and improving the link among study questions for unmet needs. So far only the 71 conflict pairs with the correlation coefficient smaller 80 than -0.7 will trigger Virtual Engineer. If the system loading allows, more conflict pairs can be considered in the future. This improvement helps corporate product development teams cover more unmet needs, thus discovering more new product opportunities. When more conflict pairs are used to trigger the Virtual Engineer, the link among Virtual Engineer dialogue must be enhanced. Although independent design of Virtual Engineer dialogue offers advantages, as mentioned in Chapter 3, there are some weaknesses as well. Customers will feel the dialogue with Virtual Engineer is unnatural if they have many unmet needs and Virtual Engineer just goes through questions without any cross analysis done first. The cross analysis of unmet needs for the single customer may decrease or increase questions in the Virtual Engineer dialogue. However, the cross analysis prevents redundancy and irrational questions in Virtual Engineer dialogue. This improvement requires advanced computer programming skills to perform better Artificial Intelligence. For Design Pallet, the most important research for future is to extend the design space. Chapter 2 mentioned an appropriate solution space is a key objective for a user design toolkit. Currently Design Pallet is developed on an appropriate solution space that is achievable under present technologies. Corporate product development teams may also be interested in getting some design ideas that are not achievable under present technologies from lead users. These design ideas may indicate the next generation product trend, thus corporations can make basic research decisions for next generation technologies based on these information. However, it will be a big challenge for the formulation system. 81 Currently the formulation system uses existing product information to produce statistical regression models as the cost functions link the user design inputs and parameters outputs. The out of space design means there is no existing product information available so the cost functions will be very difficult to produce. One solution to this problem is to do time series data analysis for the previous technologies. By observing the maturity process of the previous technologies, forecasting cost functions for out of space design solutions can be achievable. Another future research area can focus on building further trust with customers by better the integration of Virtual Advisor, Virtual Engineer and Design Pallet. In real world, customers give more trust to professional sale persons who have profound product knowledge and provide not only current product information but also future product development insights. This is the same on the Internet. So far, Virtual Advisor for product research, Virtual Engineer for qualitative unmet needs study and Design Pallet for quantitative unmet needs study are individually designed. In the future, if a better-integrated system can be designed to perform all functions in one single user interface, the overall system can play similar roles as professional sales persons in real world. Finally, as the Internet technology advanced, many improvements from a technology point of view can be done on the overall system. High speed Internet can provide more dynamic and interactive features to the overall system. For example, Virtual Advisor and Virtual Engineer can be animated lively thus customers feel more comfortable to interact with them. Design Pallet can offer a real pallet so customers can freely draw the profile of their ideal trucks without any limited design space. A broader communication channel can then be built between customers and corporate 82 product development teams and the information exchanged can be very close to face-to-face meeting. 83 Bibliography 1. Census Bureau, U., U.S. Departmentof Commerce News. 2001. 2. Christopher, M.K., "Why People Research Online To But Offline?" 2000. Forrest Research Inc. 3. Urban, G.L., E Sultan, and W.J. Qualls, Placing Trust at the Center of Your . Internet Strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 2000.42(1), p. 3 9 4. Urban, G.L., F. Sultan, and W. Qualls, Trust based marketing on the Internet. 1998. Cambridge, MA. 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Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 18. 85 Appendix A Virtual Engineer Dialogues In Chapter 3, the Virtual Engineer is introduced and the detail dialogues for Virtual Engineer are listed in this Appendix. First, Table A summarized all truck attributes with the corresponding Virtual Engineer questions. Then the following pages show the detail Virtual Engineer questions in the order of right column of Table A. Table A - Virtual Engineer dialogue list Introduction 0 Towing 1 Compact 2 Smallest available 2 Budget too low 3 Big & comfortable 4 Passenger capacity 4 Hauling 5 Offroad 6 2 WD 7 Budget too high 8 Full 9 Biggest available 9 Short bed 10,11 Comments 12 Conclusion 13 Construction 14 Plowing 15 Long bed 16,17 4 cylinder 18 8 cylinder 19 10 cylinder 19 High Horse Power 20 Manuever 21 Easy rear entry 22 Tall passenger 23 High safety 24 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 -.- 95 I 96 97 98 7. 99 Appendix B Residual Analysis of Design Pallet Formulation System This Appendix discusses the outliers mentioned in Chapter 4. In order to get a regression model fitting better to the most trucks data on the market, some outliers that are discovered during statistical regression process must be removed to prevent misjudgment of the precision of regression models. are 112 truck cases collected from market. In the original database, there To analyze the residual of regression models, un-standardized residuals are saved for each case. For example, the un-standardized residual in the regression model for price is the difference between real truck MSRP and forecasted price based on the regression model. It shows which trucks are the most difficult to forecast. Figure B1 shows the histogram of residuals for the price regression model. There are two trucks have about $10,000 price difference based on the regression model. 40 30 20 10 Std. Dev = 1844.05 Mean = 0.0 N = 112.00 0 SNO' 0 o do 6 o 'o9 o 0 9 Unstandardized Residual Figure BI - Histogram of residuals for price regression model 100 The two outliers are GMCSierraC3 and FordF-150_SVT. They are both all-new 2001 models and equipped with an 8 cylinders engine under very sporty body style. Figure B2 - GMCSierraC3 and FordF-150_SVT There two trucks are deleted from the original database for the regression analysis about price, city fuel economy, highway fuel economy, and payload because they do not fit into the general design rules about trucks. new design direction for trucks is happening. However, they do represent that a Under traditional design rules, sporty trucks come with lower performance engines and rugged trucks come with higher performance engines. GMCSierraC3 and FordF-150_SVT come with high performance engines (8 cylinders) but the body styles are very sporty. The other outliers are found during the regression process for towing capacity. As mentioned in chapter 4, towing capacity does not have an official standard to measure so the market report could be very diversified among manufacturers and models. Moreover, some market report data may include optional packages to increase towing capacity. Figure B3 shows the histogram of un-standardized residuals for the 110 trucks after removing GMCSierraC3 and FordF-150_SVT from the original database. 101 30 20- 10Std. Dev = 2289.01 Mean = 0.0 N = 110.00 0 '97q,% 0fO ? 0 0 000 ' 0f0,, 7 0On00, 00 000 Unstandardized Residual Figure B3 - Histogram of residuals for towing capacity regression model The deviation is higher than the price regression model. for towing capacity, total seven outliers are taken out. the right hand side of Figure B3. their towing capacity. The first three cases are on It means the regressions model underestimates They ChevySilverado_2500HD_(2WD), In the regression process are ChevySilverado_2500HD_(4WD), ChevySilverado_2500HDExtended_(2WD). They all come with 8 cylinders, 300 HP engines and have optional towing modes. It is interesting that for the extended cab model, only 2WD is an outlier but 4WD is not. Based on Autosite, ChevySilverado_2500HDExtended_(2WD) capacity 15,800 reports towing lbs while ChevySilverado_2500HDExtended_(4WD) towing capacity 12,000 lbs. reports It is an error since the final regression model for towing capacity shows in average, 4WD trucks report 36 lbs less towing capacity than 2WD trucks of the same model. 102 On the left hand side of Figure B3, there are four outliers taken out. regression model overestimates capacity. towing their It means the They are FordF150SupercabFlareside_4X4, FordF150_SuperCabStyleside_4X4, Ford_F150_SuperCab_Styleside_4X2, Ford_F150_ RegularCabStyleside_4X2. Table B summarized some towing capacity related features for FordF150_Flareside and FordF150_Styleside models and the outliers are highlighted. Table B - Towing capacity outliers summary for Ford F150 truck models Towing wd4 HP 14 V6 V8 FordF150_Flareside4X2(RegularCab) 2000 0.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ford F150 Flareside_4X2(SuperCab) 2000 0.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.00 FordF150_Flareside 4X4j(RegulaCab) 1900 1.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 240 0.00 0.00 1.00 ei FordH F50 Flareside.4XMi6uperCab) .1600 . . _(120n) 2000 0.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.0 Ford F150 RegularCabStyleside_4X4_(120in) 3200 1.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.00 FordF150 SuperCab Styleside_4X2_(139in) 1600 0.00 202 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ford_F150.SuperCab..Styesde_4X4.(139in) 2000 1.00 240 0.00 0.00 1.00 FordP150_Regu1ar~abSty1eside It is obvious that the highlighted trucks report lower towing capacity compared to the similar models. For example, FlaresideSupercab_4X4 reports 400 lbs less towing capacity than FlaresideRegularcab_4X4 even it has a higher performance engine. Styleside_4X2 also reports 1,200 lbs less towing capacity than Styleside_4X4 while there is only 36 lbs towing capacity difference between 2WD and 4WD in average for all other truck models. Finally, for StylesideSupercab, both 2WD and 4WD models report less towing capacity than StylesideRegularcab but the cab type is not a significant independent variable for the other trucks. models seems to be manipulated under different criteria. 103 The towing capacity for these