Web-based Change Management Support Tool by James S. Wilson M.S., Computer Science (1983) University of California Los Angeles B.S., Mathematics (1980) Loma Linda University Submitted to the System Design and Management Program in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, FEBRUARY 2001. @ 2001 James S. Wilson, All Rights Reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author: James S. Wilson System Design and Management Program Certified by: Thesis Supervisor: Dr. John S. Carroll Professor of Behavioral and Policy Sciences Accepted by: LFM/SD I Co-Director: Stephen C. Graves Abraham Siegel Pofessor of Management Accepted by:_____ LFM/SDM C&Director: Paul A. Lagace Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and Engineering Systems MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 0 1 2002 LIBRARIES BARKER This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2 1. Abstract Modern organizations are constantly making changes. While some work has been done in identifying the issues that a change agent should consider when evaluating change processes, currently no automated tool exists to assist change agents in organizations to analyze, monitor and benchmark the processes used to make those changes. This thesis explores the development of such a tool. The requirements of the tool are developed by looking first at the existing body of work that is available for use in evaluating change initiatives. Then a holistic look is taken at the environment in which such a tool would operate. This is accomplished by conducting a series of interviews with various levels of management and with senior change management consultants. The thesis then proposes the architecture for a tool that will meet both the management and technical requirements of the system. The design and implementation of the system is then described. A prototype of the tool was developed using a combination of Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Visual Studio. The tool is then tested on three change initiatives. Based on the results it appears that while the tool can identify the significant obstacles to the implementation of the change initiatives, these were not always within the change agent's perceived domain of control. Organizational culture also played a role in obstructing the resolution of some significant impediments to success. The tool is most useful in helping organizations that have a genuine interest in improving their change management practices. It would also allow consultants to quickly identify problems in an organization's change process and put together a solution that includes their services. Author James S. Wilson Subject: Web-based Change Management Support Tool Thesis Supervisor Dr. John S. Carroll Professor of Behavioral and Policy Sciences 3 2. Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement of my thesis supervisor Dr. John Carroll, who made my thesis project an enjoyable and beneficial experience. His willingness to assist in identifying and contacting several change management consultants was immeasurably helpful. I would like to give special thanks to Michael Beer, Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. His understanding of how change initiatives work helped me convert the facts I had gathered into insight. I would like to thank Joel Yanowitz, Vice President of Arthur D. Little, and Jeff Clanon of The Society for Organizational Learning for taking the time to share their knowledge with me. I would like to thank Joe LaRosa, my manager, and Richard Austin, Executive vice president of Printing Systems at Xerox, for their patience and support during my time in the SDM program. I would like to acknowledge the help and support of my wife, Pat, and my children Joneen, James & Jodi, during this hectic period in my life. Most of all I would like to thank God for always being my friend and providing the help and wisdom I need. 4 3. Table Of Contents 1 . A bs tra ct ..................................................................................................... .......---..... 3 2. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. 4 3 . Ta ble O f C o ntents .......................................................................................................... 5 4 . Intro d u ctio n ..................................................................................................................... 9 M otiva tio n ............................................................................................................. 9 4 .1 4 .2 T hesis G oa l..................................................................................................... .. 9 4.3 Premise Behind The Tool................................................................................9 5. Existing Body Of Knowledge................................................................................ 5.1 Management Literature ................................................................................ 11 11 13 5.1.1 Establish A Sense Of Urgency...................................................... 5.1.2 Forming A Powerful Guiding Coalition......................................... 14 5.1.3 Creating A Vision............................................................................. 14 5.1.4 Communicating The Vision........................................................... 14 5.1.5 Direct Face-To-Face Communication .......................................... 14 5.1.6 Remove Obstacles .......................................................................... 15 5.1.7 Empowering Others To Act On The Vision ................................. 15 5.1.8 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges .................... 15 5.1.9 Make Connections Between New Behaviors And Success ....... 15 5.1.10 Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins............................. 16 5.1.11 Consolidating Improvements And Producing Still More Change 16 5.1.12 Instilling Mental Disciplines .......................................................... 5.1.13 U nw ritten R ules............................................................................... . 16 5.1.14 Cultural Barriers ............................................................................. 5 16 17 5.1.15 Institutionalizing New Approaches ................................................ 17 5.1.16 Task Alignment ................................................................................ 17 5.1.17 Understanding The Strategy........................................................ 17 5.1.18 Alignm ent Of Rewards And Incentives ........................................ 18 5.1.19 Resource Allocation ...................................................................... 18 5.1.20 Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence ............................... 18 5.2 Categorizing Change Initiatives .................................................................... 18 5.2.1 Top-Down Versus Bottom -Up ....................................................... 19 5.2.2 Increm ental Versus Radical........................................................... 19 5.2.3 Continuous Versus Discontinuous ................................................. 19 5.2.4 Planned Versus Em ergent............................................................. 19 5.3 5.4 Managem ent Interviews ................................................................................ 19 5.3.1 Participative Management ............................................................ 20 5.3.2 Top-Down Laissez-Faire Management......................................... 21 Consultant Interviews ................................................................................... 23 5.4.1 M ichael Beer ................................................................................... 24 5.4.2 Jeff Clanon ........................................................................................ 25 5.4.3 Joel Yanowitz.................................................................................... 27 6. Building The Tool..................................................................................................... 28 6.1 Planning ........................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Concept Development ................................................................................... 28 6.2.1 Identifying Customer Needs .......................................................... 29 6.2.2 Concepts........................................................................................... 29 6.3 System Level Design......................................................................................... 30 6 6.4 6.3.1 Use Case: Accept Survey Prediction ........................................... 31 6.3.2 Use Case: Accept Survey Responses ......................................... 31 6.3.3 Use Case: Generate Report .......................................................... 32 Detailed Design ............................................................................................. 32 6.4.1 Accept Survey Prediction............................................................... 33 6.4.2 Accept Survey Responses............................................................. 33 6.4.3 Generate Report .............................................................................. 34 6.5 The S u rvey .......................................................................................................... 34 7 . T esting T he T ool.......................................................................................................... 41 7 .1 N o S h ows............................................................................................................. 41 7.2 The Tests 41 7.2.1tP 7.3 .......................................................................................... .. ................................................ ..................................... . 41 IT Change Initiative............................................................................................ 45 ...... 45 7.3.1 IT SurveyPr..s.mr............................................ 7.3 .2 IT Results .. .............................................. 7.3.3 IT Analysiss................................................................................... .................................... . 45 7.4 Software Process Improvement (SPI) Initiative ................................ 52 53 7.4.1 SPI-A Survey ................................................................................. 53 7.4.2 SPI-A s .................................................................................... 53 7.4.3 SPI-A Analysis ............................................................ 61 7.4.4 SPI-B Survey .............................................................. 64 7.4.5 SPI-B Results................................................................................... 64 7.4.6 5PI-B Analysis ................................................................................ 71 su 8. Feedback On The Tool...........................................................................................73 7 Respondent's Feedback .............................................................................. 73 8.2 A nalysis O f Respondent's Feedback........................................................... 76 M anagers' Feedback ...................................................................................... 77 9. Statistical A nalysis O f Data ................................................................................... 78 8.1 8.3 9.1 M eans A nd Standard Deviations .................................................................. 78 9.2 C luster A nalysis............................................................................................. 79 9.3 Bivariate C orrelations ................................................................................... 81 9.4 Principal C om ponent Analysis .................................................................... 83 10. R efinem ent O f The Tool...................................................................................... 10.1 Refining The List O f Issues ......................................................................... 84 84 10.1.1 Adding Issues................................................................................. 84 10.1.2 D ropping Issues.............................................................................. 84 10.2 Refining The Input Page .............................................................................. 86 10.3 Refining The O utput Page ............................................................................ 87 11. C onclusions ......................................................................................................... 90 11.1 Thesis S um m ary ........................................................................................... 90 90 11.1.1 Technical Aspects O f The Tool................................................... 11.1.2 Functional Aspects O f The Tool................................................... 90 11.2 Further Study .................................................................................................. 92 12. References ........................................................................................................... 93 8 4. Introduction 4.1 Motivation Modern organizations are constantly making changes. While some work has been done in identifying the issues that a change agent should consider when evaluating change processes, currently no automated tool exists to assist change agents in organizations to analyze, monitor and benchmark the processes used to make those changes. 4.2 Thesis Goal The goal of this thesis is to explore the use of a software tool to address a management problem. This document will examine: * Issues associated with managing change in an organization. " How a web-based tool could help managers monitor and measure their activities while implementing change. " The development of the tool. * Testing the tool on real change initiatives. 4.3 Premise Behind The Tool It was the author's assumption that change agents (those responsible for orchestrating change) did not have a useful method for identifying the nature of the problem they were facing and finding the right ways to address the issues. The tool seeks to identify the problem by surveying the people affected by the change and comparing their responses with those of the change agent. It then matches the shortcomings noted with issues identified in the popular management literature on effective change management. It uses the web as the vehicle for the survey, which makes the results immediately available to the change agent in a readable and understandable format. By 9 carefully reviewing the results the change agent can identify where changes can be made to improve the prospects of the change initiative. 10 5. Existing Body Of Knowledge 5.1 Management Literature A number of excellent articles have been written covering such topics as how to implement change in an organization and the common pitfalls to avoid when making change. Notwithstanding, 50% to 80% of change initiatives will either fail or not live up to their full expectations.' There are two distinct classes of issues that prevent the successful implementation of change. The first are structural problems in the organization, and the second are tactical problems in the implementation of the change initiative. The first is like the disease; the second is like the symptoms. While tactical problems in implementation can exist all by themselves, structural problems will always lead to tactical problems. Although this tool can be configured to identify either type of problem, for this prototype the tool was set up to look for the existence of tactical problems in implementation. Many organizations have structural problems that inhibit strategy implementation and learning. These organizations, however, tend mostly to be in denial. They have difficulty seeing or discussing these problems. That is why these issues are rightly called "Silent Killers". 2 Discussions of these structural problems are most likely to occur when the organization has tactical problems that resist resolution. As such it is most useful to identify the tactical problems first. There are many tactical problems that inhibit the successful implementation of a change initiative. Some are more common than others. It would be impractical to develop a tool that would attempt to identify all possible problems, as the tool would be too cumbersome to be practical. At the same time if the tool looked for too small a subset of the possible problems, change agents might find it ineffective, as it might be incapable of identifying their particular problems. The right list can best be achieved by the refinement of the tool over time. 11 As a starting point, this tool uses John P. Kotter's list of reasons why transformation efforts fail 3. In addition problems with change initiatives raised in the management interviews and the author's own experience were also included. An attempt was made to strike a balance between not covering enough issues, which could result in glaring problems not being detected by the survey, and having a survey that is so long that it becomes a burden to administer. The following issues list, although incomplete, should be adequate for the intended purpose. 12 Frn-A Powerful Guid0ngq7 C C- c CD C - ) ) :3 %- z CL o CD3@(D 0 oreaCDCA D CD CD = (DD 0) :3 toCDC C0 CD 0D C W ~ W Ei CD (a :- CW : 3Visin CD ~ 0 : a) S, r 0 CD 05 CDD0 CDDC CD CD m mnatCD CD : -. 3, CDz CDCDCD C CA) 2 13 Continuous Versus Discontinuous 4 Establish ASenseOfUrenc Forming A Powerful Guiding 6 7 / 8 / r- CreatingAVision V - Communicating The Vision A Direct Face-To-Face Communication Chg 16 10 Remove Obstacles 11 Empowering OthersToActOn The Vision 12 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges 13 MakeConnections Between New 14 V Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins 15 Consolidating Improvements And Producing Still More Change 16 v I Behaviors And Success Instilling Mental Disciplines Unwritten Rules 17 Cultural Barrier 18V 19 Institutionalizing New Approaches 20 Task Alignment 21 Understanding The Strategy Alignment Of Rewards And Incentives Resource Allocation Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence 22 23 Outside Interference 5. 1.1 24 25 V -- -V - V - T - Top-Down Versus Bottom-U Incremental Versus Radical V/ - V V - =3- - - - - - -nd -t- V- CDCD Table 5-1 - Sources Of Issues V - - V -V V V V/ VV V V VV V -V V/ -V 1 -6 VT Establish A Sense Of Urgency A change effort will not succeed if most managers are not sure that it is necessary. The change agent must examine the market and competitive realities 13 and identify and discuss crises, potential crises or major opportunities. In short the change agent must show that the risk involved in change is far outweighed by the benefits of change or that there is real danger in failing to change. 5.1.2 Forming A Powerful Guiding Coalition The change agent needs to assemble a group with enough power to lead the change effort and encourage the group to work together as a team. Without a strong visible commitment from most of the influential people in the organization, the change initiative will struggle to get people's attention. 5.1.3 Creating A Vision The change agent must create a vision to help direct the change effort. He or she must develop strategies for achieving that vision. Without a coherent and sensible vision the change effort will disintegrate into a group of confusing and incompatible projects. If the vision of the change cannot be communicated in five minutes or less and get a reaction that indicates both understanding and commitment then the work of creating the vision is not complete. 5.1.4 Communicating The Vision The change agent must use every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategy. The vision must be taught not only in words but also in the actions and practices of the guiding coalition. Holding a few meetings or sending out memos will not suffice. Communication of the vision must be incorporated into the routine acts of the business. 5.1.5 Direct Face-To-Face Communication Mistrust of management runs high among the rank and file, who look instead to their frontline supervisors for direction. Many studies show that employees are The studies conducted jointly by the International Association of Business Communicators and Towers, Perrin, Foster & Crosby in 1980, 1982 and 1984 and by TPF&C in 1990. 14 most receptive in small-group face-to-face meetings with their immediate supervisors as the source of information. For this to work, the change agent has to enlist the support of the people closest to the frontline workers - their supervisors. The best approach is to hold face-to-face meetings with the supervisors explaining the planned changes, gathering their reactions, and preparing them to pass the word on the their direct reports. 5.1.6 Remove Obstacles Change systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision. If the actions of managers who obstruct or undermine the implementation of the change initiative are ignored, employees become cynical and doubt the commitment to the change initiative. 5.1.7 Empowering Others To Act On The Vision The change agent should encourage risk taking and non-traditional ideas, activities and actions. Employees should be encouraged to develop new ideas and to provide leadership. The only constraint is that their actions must fit within the broad parameters of the overall vision. 5.1.8 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges This is essentially a re-socialization process. Instead of simply rolling out plans concocted at the top, change agents need to recognize the important contributions employees make to the organization's principal challenges. Employees need to be encouraged to foster proactive efforts and imaginative thinking. They should be encouraged to take an active role in shaping the implementation of the change initiative. 5.1.9 Make Connections Between New Behaviors And Success If new behaviors are to become established, the change agent needs to make a conscious effort to articulate the connections between the new behaviors and corporate success. With this connection made the new behaviors are then more 15 likely to become embedded in the social norms and shared values of the corporation. 5.1.10 Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins Plan for visible performance improvements. Create these improvements. Recognize and reward employees involved in the improvements. These early victories will help convince doubters that the effort involved in making the change is worthwhile. 5.1.11 ConsolidatingImprovements And Producing Still More Change As progress is made in implementing the change initiative, the change agent should use increased credibility to change systems, structures and policies that do not fit the vision. Management will need to reinvigorate the process with new projects, themes and change agents. 5.1.12 InstillingMental Disciplines For the change to be lasting the principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the change initiative that shape reactions and govern employee behavior must become widely adopted and internalized. To make this happen the change agent must understand the business thoroughly, from detail to big picture. Performance should be discussed frankly. Setbacks should be viewed as representing opportunities. Employment should be described as more than making a living; it should be meaningful and substantive. Employees must be encouraged to always improve. 5.1.13 Unwritten Rules Employees and organizations have reciprocal obligations and mutual commitments. Much of this is implicit - especially the parts having to do with the psychological and social dimensions of the work relationship. The unspoken understandings are powerful indeed. Companies that overlook them may find their change efforts stonewalled. Change agents must insure that these unwritten rules 16 that govern how employees ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have been changed to be consistent with the change initiative. 5.1.14 Cultural Barriers One role of the change agent in the change process is to surface and challenge or re-interpret assumptions (mental models and conceptual schema), and to recognize and help the organization's members deal with the cognitive, normative and emotional issues involved in cultural change. 5.1.15 InstitutionalizingNew Approaches Take sufficient time to ensure that the next generation of top managers really does personify the new approach. If the requirements for promotions do not change, the momentum of change may be stopped or even reversed. One bad top-level management placement decision can undo a decade of hard work. Hiring, promoting and developing employees who can implement the vision will help to consolidate the improvements. 5.1.16 Task Alignment Managers sometimes assume that corporate renewal is the product of company wide change programs -- and that in order to transform employee behavior, they must alter a company's formal structure. Formal structure is the last thing a company should change, not the first. The most effective way to change behavior is to place people in a new organizational context, one that imposes new roles, responsibilities and relationships. Once the behaviors have changed then the structure should be changed accordingly. 5.1.17 Understanding The Strategy The role of the change agent is that of organizational architect (finding the appropriate design) and communicator of the strategy (making sure that people have the information they need to understand the strategy and their role in implementing it). 17 5.1.18 Alignment Of Rewards And Incentives Incentives should clearly link performance to pay and should directly link performance to specific standards and objectives. Rewards should relate directly to the nature of performance required. Rewards should be directly linked to objectives that are within the group's or individual's power to control. Match measurement periods to relevant performance periods. The reward system should be guided by the principle of equity not equality. 5.1.19 Resource Allocation Units created by the strategic groupings process must have sufficient resources to achieve their goals. Sufficient resources to be effective must accompany the linking mechanisms. Resources here include time, people, money, equipment and most importantly information and expertise. Often people will need training to carry out new tasks. It is the role of the change agent to insure that all the resources needed for success are available. 5.1.20 Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence The change agent must be a negotiator and coalition-builder. The change agent must: * * * Identify and map the relationships among the different stakeholders involved. Uncover the most salient interests and goals the different stakeholders bring to the interaction and the extent to which they conflict or are congruent. Assess the amount and source of power of the different stakeholders. With this analysis in mind the change agent can then design and implement group and organizational processes to produce joint gains or acceptable compromises among the stakeholders and their interests. 5.2 Categorizing Change Initiatives Over time a number of models have been developed for categorizing change initiatives. The following have been singled out because they allow the 18 identification of the source, the scope, and the pacing of the change as well as process used to rollout the change initiative. 5.2.1 Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Top management initiates top-down change and imposed it on the organization. Front-line employees in the operating units initiate bottom-up change. 5.2.2 Incremental Versus Radical Incremental change builds from a series of small sequential changes. Radical change involves simultaneous and significant change in many aspects of the organization's design, political system, and cultural system. 5.2.3 Continuous Versus Discontinuous Peter Senge's Learning Organization 1 3 typifies continuous change. These are organizations change continuously to respond to rapidly changing environments and to maintain their capacity for change. On the discontinuous end of the continuum is the "unfreezing-change-refreezing" model of change. 5.2.4 Planned Versus Emergent Change can be planned, that is, driven by a strategy and a "blueprint" for change. Emergent change is unpredictable and dependent on circumstances and a variety of different initiatives. 5.3 Management Interviews The interviews with the managers proved to be unexpectedly insightful. Some managers did not feel comfortable going on record with their opinions so the names of all the individuals and their companies are being kept confidential. However, the issues seem to be quite common. Two general styles of change management were observed during the interviews. The first is a participative style of management. In organizations that practice this style, top management will bring in the key contributors from the affected areas to 19 discuss the problem and then develop a solution. The other approach observed was a top-down laissez-faire style of management. In this approach top management will identify a solution, largely in isolation, and roll it out within the organization in a hands off manner. The latter approach appears to be the most popular one. Both approaches can be used to roll out top management initiated initiatives. They differ primarily in the timing in which lower levels of management become involved, and the amount and type of upward communication involved. 5.3.1 ParticipativeManagement This approach while less common had the advantage of producing more predictable results. The discussions by top management with knowledgeable participants tended to prevent embarking on change initiatives that were destined to fail. It also ensured early buy-in by influential people within the organizations. Organizations who use this style tend to have lines of communication that allowed top management to receive feedback from frontline workers and allowed frontline workers to understand the motivation behind changes. As frontline workers understand what they are trying to accomplish and agree in principle on how it is to be accomplished, they can take corrective actions as soon as problems occur. The reader may be wondering why all organizations would not strive to use this style. It can best be explained by one of the interview comments made by the director of an emergency room at a hospital in Southern California. Not everyone can handle the type of discussion that would result from that style of management. Our company provides the doctors that staff the emergency room at this hospital. The administration of the hospital has installed a new computer system that prompts the emergency room physicians to contact the on-call physician when certain diagnosis or lab results are entered into the system. Ostensibly the system will reduce the risk that a patient is sent home when they should have been admitted to the hospital. The on-call physicians expect the emergency room physicians to 20 use good professional judgment to determine when a patient needs to be admitted into the hospital. They become annoyed and sometimes openly hostile when they believe the emergency room physician is calling them on marginal cases. While it is true and well understood that increasing the admission rate will reduce the incidence of patients being sent home wrongfully, it is also true that this will also increase the number of patients that are hospitalized unnecessarily. It should be noted that this hospital is not on a capitation system, so every additional patient admitted increases the revenue for the hospital. If the administration were to bring in the emergency room physicians and the on-call physicians to discuss their plan before implementing it there would be a lot of venting that they do not care to hear. There would be talk about greed and unnecessary increases in medical expenses. As it is, they put pressure on us to improve the quality of service by not sending home patients who should be admitting. We put pressure on the emergency room physicians to call unless it is completely unnecessary. Not all managers have the self-confidence that is required to have their ideas scrutinized in their presence. In addition, having an open discussion does not guarantee consensus. The top managers must be prepared to say to the key practitioners, "We have discussed it, and we disagree, and now let us do our best to implement it," knowing full well that they have given the dissenters a head start at stalling the project. It is the willingness of some management teams to paper over their differences that prevents commitment and allows irreconcilable differences to go unnoticed. Managed conflict is healthy and even desirable.14 5.3.2 Top-Down Laissez-Faire Management All but two of the organizations interviewed use this approach. It allows the top management of the company to be more focused on problems and to handle them serially. This technique is typically characterized by top managers who 21 identify a problem in their o rganization and among themselves come up with a solution or identify a solution from industry best practices. They then customize the change initiative for their organization by dividing the responsibilities along organizational lines. Each group manager is then brought in and told what his or her contribution to the endeavor is, and assured that top managers have confidence in his or her managerial ability to deliver the appropriate results. They will also either explicitly or implicitly suggest that if the group manager cannot deliver the goods they will find someone who will. The initiative is cascaded through the organization in a similar manner. In this approach very little in the way of follow-up supervision is required so top managers can go on the next big problem. The following example from a corporate vice president of a big multinational company shows how "efficient" this approach is: Let us say that we are choosing between one of three options that all require multi-year implementation plans. And someone comes forward and says, "Let us go with the first option. If I get the resources I need I can give you the results you want." So every one goes ahead and picks the first option. If two years later he comes back and says, "I cannot deliver because I did not get what I asked for," then it is too bad for him. He has to figure out how to do it. The other product lines have already been shut down so there is no going back to any of the other two options. So he will need to use his managerial expertise to get the job done. If he had good judgment he would not have asked for things that he could not get. In these organizations managers who can get results in adverse situations are highly valued. The emphasis is on strong clear downward communication. Upward communication is useful primarily for determining how well subordinates understand what is expected of them. These organizations tend to have less predictable results, as crucial information present in lower levels of the organization may not be available when decisions are being made. This is not to suggest that unexpected results are always worse. 22 A supervising judge in one of the municipalities of New York State gives the following example that shows that unexpected results can exceed plan: Our city was having budget overruns because the state only paid a fraction of the cost of keeping prisoners incarcerated in city jails. Before they were convicted they would stay in city jails but once they were sentenced they would go to state facilities where the city did not have to be involved in the expenses. So for minor offenses our city changed the sentencing guidelines to a "time plus" arrangement. Whenever a person was convicted for a given minor offense they got a fixed amount of time plus whatever time they had already spent in jail waiting for trial. Simultaneously they put in place a fast track judicial system that allowed people who wanted to plead guilty without any explanations, to see a judge within days of being arrested. The expectation was that this would reduce the numbers of prisoners in the city jails to a manageable level. Instead we are looking to close down some of the city jails and laying off wardens. Although when they come before the judge in the fast track system they are asked to be sure that they are indeed guilty, some people wonder whether the fact that they will spend less total time if they plead guilty than if they are found innocent affects their plea. If the wardens had understood the full implications of the change they most likely would have opposed it. However, the state, which is saving a significant amount of money, will not consider reverting back to the previous system. This style of management is one that reduces the probability of successful implementation of change initiatives because it is based on the myth that a wellconceived strategy communicated to the organization is equivalent to implementation. 15 5.4 Consultant Interviews Three senior change management consultants were also interviewed and asked to discuss their experiences helping companies manage change. They were 23 Michael Beer, Ph.D., Chairman of the Center for Organizational Fitness and Cahners-Rabb Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, Jeff Clanon of the Society for Organizational Learning, and Joel Yanowitz, Vice President of Arthur D. Little. The interviews confirmed that many of the attitudes expressed in the management interviews were indeed widespread in business. The following is a summary of the information gathered during the interviews. 5.4.1 Michael Beer The central problem in the management of change is that warning signs that a change effort may not go well are the ones that managers either do not want to listen to or do not have access to. The problem is that change is determined at the top with no dialog or conversation with the people who are going to implement it, the people who know how the organization is supposed to work. Quite often someone at the top sees a problem, designs a solution for it, creates a set of objectives that are in line with it, then announces it to the organization and then expects people to carry it out. What they do not do is to involve people in the lower levels of the organization in critiquing the solution. They do not tell them what the objective is, or why the objective is important. They do not pose their solution as a tentative way of thinking about how to solve the problem and invite critique, discussion, dialog and resolution of tension about what the lower level sees and what the higher level sees as the problem. Many times organizational defensive routines come into play. Top managers do not want to engage in dialog because the critique is threatening. It threatens their authority. It opens up the possibility that there is not a clear simple, logical, and easy to implement solution to the problem. It threatens their understanding of the problem. It may threaten their role and responsibilities; they may find that part of the problem comes back to them in the way in which they manage and the decisions they have made in the past. 24 Another significant factor is speed. Many times top managers think that dialog will slow down the process. In fact it does not. It prevents unnecessary adjustments and many times outright failure. The Center for Organizational Fitness uses a method that is precisely intended to overcome these problems. Organizations are encouraged to follow a guided process that involves creating a task force of eight of their best people that represent one hundred others. They are asked to tell top management what are the barriers to achieving its goal. The starting point is not a solution instead it is a goal. Management crafts a solution and takes it to the task force and asks them if it meets the conditions they outlined as problematic. The task force is given the opportunity to critique the solution. The people who create the solution and the people who will implement it are engaged in a substantive dialog. This process engages the people who know a lot about the organization and what goes on in it in the building and developing of the solution. Top managers are encouraged to expose what they are doing, which creates the dialog that creates commitment and understanding. There is a small minority who are willing to create this dialog. The majority are not interested. The question is what to do about it. The best approach is to force a dialog before and during the time that a solution is being created. The people who are not inclined to have the dialog are the ones that are not in touch with their own predisposition to mismanage change. These top managers do not want to hear, and lower management has been conditioned to understand that they are not to tell. 5.4.2 Jeff Clanon Learning, being able to do things or think differently is core to any cha nge process. Learning is not typically incorporated into work processes. People are not clear as to what they want, what their aspirations are. While they may realize that they are not where they want to be, not a lot of energy is directed to correcting the problems. 25 It is very common for people to run into problems while implementing a change initiative and not know what to do. As Einstein said, "You can not solve problems at the level of the thinking that created them." To create change one has to be able the get at people's mental models and the behaviors that are required to maintain them. Organizations develop cultures and tacit ideas about how they operate that may be useful in some stages but counterproductive in others. People will have a resistance to top-down roll out of change initiatives because of bad experiences with previous such endeavors. There seems to be less resistance to grass-roots change initiatives, where compliant or passive aggressive behavior is less prevalent. To have sustained change, compliance is not an option. Commitment is required, otherwise, when the pressure is off people stop. All the people who can directly affect the outcome have to be involved. Sometimes the group in question does not realize that they need other group's involvement before embarking on a change initiative. They have to invite and involve them not coerce them. The prevailing thinking is top-down. A decade of data shows that is not the preferred choice. The changes that have the largest impact and are most sustained are ones that start in the middle; it may connect to some executive who is at least tolerant. Notwithstanding this, the hierarchical mental model dominates. Leaders are needed at all levels in the organization to make changes work. Most managers in the middle do not have the information on how to manage changes. There is a lot of information "about" managing change but there is not a lot of information "how to" implement the change in his or her organization. Managers tend to approach things in a reductionistic, sequential, prioritizing manner. Problems are dynamic, holistic and systemic. So the approach does not fit with the reality. 26 5.4.3 Joel Yanowitz Organizations try to manage change in a business environment that is very harsh, one that is not forgiving of any short-term decrease in performance. People are being asked to do everything they were doing before while they try to adopt new technology or redesign their process. Businesses need to monitor existing performance measures while making changes. In the process they struggle to determine how quickly to react to changes in their existing performance measures. They endeavor to measure the activities that are planned in the change initiative to determine if they are on schedule with their implementation. They also need to monitor the outcome to determine if they getting the results they are trying to achieve. Most companies are best at determining existing performance measures; some are good at managing the activity measures in the change. Most managers are weak in their understanding of how change management works. Some think that change management is a waste of time, and that all that is needed is good project management. Some think that their approach works quite well. This suggests that the managers have not stuck around long enough to see the unintended consequences that emerge, or the changes that they have been doing are more bounded. When they get into more complex changes and their process starts to break down they do not know what to make of it. They do not know if their problems arise because they are way in over their heads and do not know what they are doing and need something more complex or systemic; or if they need to buckle down and push harder at their old way of doing things. Two-way communication is a significant issue in change management. Regrettably, some organizations use it only as a means of understanding how those below them understand their directions, not as a means of understanding how the world looks from other people's point of view. 27 6. Building The Tool The standard product development cycle 16 was used to build the prototype of the tool used in this study. It consists of the following steps: planning, concept development, system level design, detailed design, and testing and refinement. The following sections describe the activities that took place in each of these phases of the project. Planning 6.1 In this phase the project objectives were developed. " Product Description: An easy to use web-based tool for evaluating the current state of a change initiative. " The Target Market: Companies that wished to inspect the state of their change initiatives. * The Key Assumptions: All affected parties have access to the web to fill out the survey and the change agent has access to the web to review the results. " Stakeholders: Change agent/manager and affected parties/group members. " Budget Eight months were allocated for the research, design, implementation, and testing of the tool. 6.2 Concept Development In this phase the needs of the market were identified, alternate concepts were generated and evaluated and one concept was selected for further development and testing. 28 6.2.1 IdentifyingCustomer Needs A series of interviews were held with managers ranging from Vice-Presidents of a large multinational organization, middle managers, frontline supervisors, a supervising judge and the director of an emergency room. They were all asked to describe how they managed change within their organizations and to discuss their needs in that area. Three senior change management consultants were also interviewed and asked to discuss their experiences helping companies manage change. From these interview a holistic view of the environment in which the tool would operate was developed. 6.2.2 Concepts The initial survey concept had one statement for each issue and asked the user to choose from a range that started with strongly disagree to strongly agree. However, because of concerns that the answers could be biased by only having positive statements, the decision was made to go with a pair of statements for each issue. It was later observed that using a pair of statements could better focus the issue and reduce ambiguity. Figure 1- Initial Survey Concept 0 _) o For each of the following, check the box that best fits your view. 1. Most managers are genuinely convinced that the status quo is more dangerous than launching into the unknown. : > > U)> D CD o CD CD D D D D D The initial survey concepts did not explicitly ask the respondents to rank the importance of the issues. Interviews with the consultants pointed out that some 29 C issues had more weight than others and that the weight could not be known in advance as they varied with the details of the change initiative. The interviews with the managers caused a number of issues to be added to the survey. The initial report concept did not include the A indicating the change agent's expectation of the results. However, this was added to help the change agent recognize gaps in their perception of what was going on with the change initiative. 1. This change initiative will meet all of its stated objectives. This change initiative will not meet one or more major objective. 50% 40% 30%, 20% 10% 0% Al 6.3 System Level Design The system level design was done using use case diagrams17 . Use case diagrams consist of two parts: the actors and the use cases. The actors are external sequence of actions that influence the system. A use case is a response to a stimulus of the actor. This type of modeling shields the external behaviors from the internal structure in that it describes the system from the viewpoint of the users. The following use case diagram was used to characterize the way in which users of the change management tool will interact with it. 30 Change Management System Accept Survey Response Affected parties Accept Survey Prediction Report 6.3.1 Change agent Use Case: Accept Survey Prediction Precondition: All affected parties must be identified. A clear concise description of the change initiative must be generated. The change management system must be installed on the web server and be operational. Description: The change agent will be prompted to predict the responses to the survey questions. The responses will be stored in the system. The change agent will be notified that the input was stored. 6.3.2 Use Case: Accept Survey Responses Precondition: All affected parties must be notified to fill out the survey. The change management system must be installed on the web server and be operational. 31 Description: The affected parties will be provided with the description of the change initiative. They will then be prompted to provide responses to the survey questions. The responses will be stored in the system. The affected parties will be thanked for their input. 6.3.3 Use Case: Generate Report Precondition: The change management system must be installed on the web server and be operational. All affected parties have filled out the survey. The change agent has predicted the responses to the survey questions. Description: The report describing the staie of the change initiative will be generated for the change agent using the responses provided by the change agent and the affected parties. Exception: If either the responses from the change agent or the affected parties are missing, a report will be generated identifying the missing items. 6.4 Detailed Design Function flow diagrams are a graphical representation of the system design requirements. They illustrate relationships and establish a hierarchy of system functions. The following functional flow diagrams were used to characterize the internal operations of the three major subsystems. 32 6.4.1 Accept Survey Prediction 1. Request 2. Accept 3. Validate responses responses responses -A4. Save responses - 5. Thank user This subsystem is implemented in HTML using Microsoft FrontPage 2000. The response is stored in a database on the server. This subsystem requires Microsoft FrontPage 2000 server extensions to be loaded and operational on the server. 6.4.2 Accept Survey Responses 1. Display 2. Save description timestamp 3. Request 4. Accept 5. Validate responses responses responses 6. Save responses -57. Thank user This subsystem is implemented in HTML using Microsoft FrontPage 2000. The response is stored in a database on the server. The timestamps, which indicate that the description of the change initiative was viewed, are stored in a database on the server. This subsystem requires Microsoft FrontPage 2000 server extensions to be loaded and operational on the server. 33 6.4.3 Generate Report 1. Check for or inputs 2. Generate error report 3. Compute 4. Compute 5. Compute distribution data prediction data importance data 6. Generate 7. Generate 8. Display Graphs Report Report Modules one through seven are implemented using Microsoft Visual Studio. They require Microsoft Active Server Page support to be installed and operational on the web server. They use server side scripting, Microsoft Excel 2000 and Word 2000 to generate the data used by module eight, which is a HTML page with client side scripting used to display the report online. Module seven also generates a printable report. The distribution data is a frequency distribution table that contains the responses of the affected parties. The importance data summarizes the importance information provided by the affected parties. 6.5 The Survey The survey used in this research consists of three web pages. One describes the change initiative. The following is an example of one of the descriptive pages. 34 u urn I . . u -- -- in -rn r-. - - - I Figure 2 - Sample Description Of Change Initiative Tell Us About This Change Initiative A pproimately one year ago, the IT De part ment was reconfigured with a goal of improving internal customer service. Instead of one group of people working to meet all of the technology needs of the company, there are now four teams with individual responsibilities. This allows for specialization and designation of responsibility for key areas and tasks to ensure proper monitoring, developing and follow through. Therefore, when an issue comes up, instead of just anyone handling it, a specific person is responsible so that all the information related to the issue is collected and not dispersed among any number people. Continue 1##Vemtrte jone The second web page consists for the most part of pairs of statements. The respondent is asked to pick one statement and state how strongly he or she agrees with it. The third page thanked the respondent for filling out the survey. 35 Figure 3 - Start Of Survey Tell Us About This Change Initiative Your responses to these questions are confidential. Please be open and honest. For each pair of statements, choose the one statement that best reflects your preference. Then rate how strongly you agree with the statement. change initiative will not iThis 1.is cn OR meonoroemar This change initiative will meet oeve. all of its stated objectives. objective. Strongly Agree Slightly Agree 2. This change initiative was OR rolled out in a top-down manner C Strongly Agree r Agree Slightly Agree Strongly Agree This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner C Slightly Agree Slightly g A Agree Strongly Agree The following are the twenty-six pairs of statements used in the survey. These - statements are based on the literature review and the interviews. Table 5-1 Sources Of Issues lists the origin of each of the issues. 36 1. This change initiative will meet all of This change initiative will not meet one or more major objective. its stated objectives. 2. This change initiative was rolled out in a top-down manner This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner 3. This change initiative was built up from a series of small, incremental changes This change initiative involves many simultaneous and significant changes 4. This organization continuously changes. This is one in a series of many changes. This organization is usually in a stable state. This change will result in a new stable state. 5. This change initiative follows a planned change strategy. This change initiative emerged from a variety of circumstances. 6. Most of the managers are genuinely Most managers believe that change is convinced that the status quo is more not needed or that it can be postponed. dangerous than launching into the unknown. 7. Most of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. Fewer than half of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. 8. The vision for the change can be communicated in five minutes or less. This communication will result in both understanding and interest. Many people affected by the change either do not understand the change initiative or cannot succinctly articulate it. 9. The vision is communicated only in Every available communication vehicle is being used to get the vision meetings or only in memos. out. The change initiative was introduced 10. A frontline supervisor in a face-toface meeting introduced the change in a large impersonal meeting. initiative. 11. Most obstacles to the implementation Significant obstacles to the implementation of the vision are being of the vision (either in the organizational structure or people in ignored. the organization) have been addressed. 12. Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. 37 Most people do not feel that they can carry out the vision. Most people affected by the change feel that they have a valuable contribution to make in shaping the implementation of this change initiative. Most people affected by the change feel that someone else would tell them how to carry out their role in implementing this change initiative. 14. Most people affected by the change believe that the new behaviors and approaches have improved performance. Most people affected by the change believe that any changes in behaviors and approaches have not made a significant difference. 15. Clearly recognizable victories have been accomplished within the early part of the change initiative. There is currently no reason to believe that this change initiative will make a difference. 16. Early successes have led to increased progress. There is a premature belief that the change initiative has served its purpose. 17. The principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the change initiative that shape reactions and govern behavior have been widely adopted. Only the words and phrases used to describe the old behaviors and values have changed to match the change initiative. 18. The unwritten rules that govern how The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they people ought to behave and what can expect from the company have they can expect from the company have changed to be consistent with not changed; as a result they are the change initiative. inconsistent with the change initiative. 19. This change initiative is consistent with the organization's culture. The shared assumptions of the organization's culture are altered by this change initiative. 20. The next generation of top management embodies the new approach. The next generation of top management is indifferent to o r opposes the new approach. 21. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing attitudes and knowledge. 22. Every one has adequate information Some people either do not understand about the change initiative and each the motivation for the change initiative individual understands his or her role or their role in its implementation. in its implementation. 38 123. Rewards and incentives clearly link performance to specific change initiative standards and objectives, and are within the group's or individual's power to control. The reward and incentive programs were not adjusted to insure alignment with the change initiative. 24. Sufficient time, resources and skills are available to implement the change initiative. Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 25. There are no political implications to There are individuals or groups whose influence or power will be reduced by this change initiative. the implementation of this change initiative 26. This change initiative will succeed or Other activities within this organization may determine the success or failure fail on its own merit. of this initiative. The first pair of statements is intended to provide an overall indicator of what the respondent believes is the likelihood of success for the change initiative. This is the most important question to the respondent and as such is placed first. Statement pairs two through five are intended to determine the respondent's understanding of the source of the change initiative and the nature of the organization. They are not intended to convey anything positive or negative about the change initiative. They are placed at the beginning to prevent a respondent from making an extremely negative response on every question because he or she does not like the change initiative. Most respondents should provide similar answers to these questions. For example, if the change initiative was clearly rolled out in a bottom-up manner most people should know that and say so. If, on the other hand, what should be simple and straightforward questions produce a wide spectrum of responses, then the change agent can expect to see even more divergence of opinions in the remainder of the survey. While the sample size was too small to produce a conclusive result, the statistical analysis of the results showed that the responses to these questions were largely independent of the 39 - respondent's view of how likely change initiative was to succeed. Table 9-1 Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Of Questions, questions two through five had four of the five lowest correlation coefficients when compared to question one. Questions 6 through 31 are intended to provide insight into the answer to question one. These are the most important questions to the change agent. Even if a change initiative is likely to succeed it is useful to know if bad practices exist in the organization. Questions 27 through 30 ask the respondent to identify the two most significant issues that will cause success or failure. They are used to assign importance scores to issues 6 through 26. Question 31 seeks to provide a qualitative look at the impact of the change initiative. The system also tracked how many users looked at the descriptive page but did not complete the survey. Across all the initiatives surveyed, only one individual looked at the descriptive page but did not immediately go on to complete the survey. 40 -- II~~. ElM I U EU~II IE~II - - -if. -. - - - - ~i---:~Lz - -~ ---- - - -- -- --- - -- 7. Testing The Tool 7.1 No Show A small liberal arts college in the northeast had agreed to be a test site for the change tool. However, after the president saw the survey they decided not to participate. It appears that the change in focus and direction at the college is an unpopular one with some of the departments. The survey if released might have encouraged an unwanted dialog. It appears that some organizations try to avoid situations that present corilict. They view them as disruptive and a hindrance to conducting business. This 19 incident may be an instance of silent killer #4-poor vertical communication. The administration chose to avoid potentially threatening or embarrassing issues. 7.2 The Tests The change initiative analysis tool was then tested on three change initiatives. Two of the groups were selected based on the author's prior relationships with the managers of the groups and their willingness to test the tool. The third group belonged to the same company as one of the other groups and was concurrently trying to implement the same change initiative. The first initiative is the restructuring of the information technology group at a chain of New York hotels. The survey results suggest that this change initiative is going smoothly. The second and third groups are trying to implement a software process improvement (SPI) initiative conducted by a large firm. The survey results showed that these two initiatives were having mixed outcomes. 7.2.1 Process In all cases the change agent was the manager of the group or responsible for managing the implementation of the change initiative. The managers were contacted and asked to have all the members of their groups complete the survey. None of the managers expected everyone to fill out the survey. However, they 41 expected to have a representative sample of the opinions held by their group. The following is a sample of the email sent to the managers providing them with the URL for the survey: [Managers name] Please ask every one in your group to fill out this survey. As I mentioned, I am studying the way changes are implemented at your company. As you better understand what works and what does not, in implementing change initiatives you will be able to implement the needed changes with less pain. http://people.ne.mediaone.net/jswilsonx/spi.htm I would like everyone to fill it out this week if possible. Thanks, James Each manager was also given another URL with a similar survey. They were asked to use this second survey to predict how their group would fill out the group survey. Each manager forwarded the note they received to their respective group asking them to fill out the survey. The notes simply asked the group to help by filling out the survey. The following is an example of the mail notes sent: Dear IT Department; James is doing a thesis on organizational behavior at MIT and I volunteered this department (with the approval of my manager) to fill out a survey on change. Please go to the website below to fill out a survey on the changes that took effect when the department was reorganized last year. There are approximately 35 questions, which will take about 20 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Friday as he would like to have all the input in by the end of the week. http://people.ne.mediaone.net/jswilsonx/itq.htm 42 Thank you for your assistance At the end of the week the report was generated and sent out. The managers were called and asked to discuss their understanding of the report. The followng is the page of the report that explains how the change agent is expected to interpret the remainder of the report. 43 How To Interpret The Survey Results First Section (Statement Pairs 1-26) The first part of the report lists the twenty-six pairs of statements found in the survey with a graph showing the frequency of each possible response. If the tallest bars are to the left that indicates that most respondents picked the statement on the left as the one that best reflects their view. The closer to the left the stronger is the preference indicated. This graph indicates that 50% strongly agree with the statement on the left, 33% agree while 17% slightly agree. The A indicates where you expected the response to be. 50 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Statement Pair I The result of statement pair one provide an overall indicator of what the respondents believe the likelihood of success for the change initiative will be. If the bars are to the left they think the change initiative will succeed. If they are to the right they think it will fail. Otherwise it is an indicator that there are mixed opinions on the outcome. Statement Pairs 2-5 Statement pairs two through five give the respondent's understanding of the source of the change initiative and the nature of the organization. They are not intended to convey anything positive or negative about the change initiative. If you see significant divergence here, you can expect to see more of the same throughout the remainder of the survey. Statement Pairs 6-26 Statement pairs 6 through 26 are the reasons why most change initiatives either succeed or fail. The statement to the left is more desirable than the statement to the right. Not all of these are equally significant factors in the outcome of the change initiative. SignificantFactors This section list the two most significant factors that affect the failure or success of the change initiative from the respondents' point of view. Expected Outcome This section provides a qualitative view of the respondents' impression of the change initiative. Any corrective action plan should address these statements in light of the statement pairs 6-26 44 7.3 IT Change Initiative Approximately one year ago, the IT department at the chain of hotels was reconfigured with a goal of improving internal customer service. Instead of one group of people working to meet all of the technology needs of the company, there are now four teams with individual responsibilities. This allows for specialization and designation of responsibility for key areas and tasks to ensure proper monitoring of tasks, developing of personnel and follow through on reported problems. Therefore, when an issue comes up, instead of just anyone handling it, a specific person is responsible so that all the information related to the issue is collected and not dispersed among any number of people. 7.3.1 IT Survey The survey was conducted over a one-week period. The manager contacted all members of the IT department with a request to fill out the web survey. In the request they were informed that their management consented to them providing the information. Six of the twelve (50%) staff members filled out the survey. 7.3.2 IT Results The following is the report generated using the data from the IT survey; it includes both the manager's input and the input of the team. 45 . will ..This change initiative meet all of its stated objectives. not meet one or more major objective. 50% 30% 30% " initiative will change This 20% A 2. This change initiative was rolled out in a top-down manner k 10% 1 40% This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner 30% 20% 10% 0% 3. This change initiative was built up from a series of small, incremental changes This change initiative -------involves many simultaneous and significant changes 30% 20%1 10%It A 4. This organization continuously changes. This is one in a series of many changes. This organization is usually in a stable state. This change will result in a new stable state. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5. This change initiative follows a planned change strategy. This change initiative emerged from a variety of circumstances. 40% 30%] 20%- o 0%_ 46 6. Most of the managers are genuinely convinced that the status quo is more dangerous than launching into the unknown. Most managers believe that change is not needed or that it can be postponed. 50% 40% 30% 10% 0% 7. Most of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. 80% 6 0% Fewer than half of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change 40% initiative. 20%, 0%' 8. The vision for the change can be communicated in five minutes or less. This communication will result in both understanding and interest. Many people affected by the change either do not understand the change initiative or cannot succinctly articulate it. 40/ 30% 20% - 10%- 9. Every available communication vehicle is being used to get the vision out. The vision is communicated only in meetings or only in memos. 100% 80% 60% 40%20%f 0%1 10. A frontline supervisor in a face-to-face meeting introduced the change initiative. The change initiative was introduced in a large impersonal meeting. 60% 40%20% 47 11. Most obstacles to the implementation of the vision (either in the organizational structure or people in the organization) have been addressed. Significant obstacles to the implementation of the vision are being ignored. 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%. 12. Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. Most people do not feel that they can carry out the vision. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 13. Most people affected by the change feel that they have a valuable contribution to make in shaping the implementation of this change initiative. 14. Most people affected by the change believe that the new behaviors and approaches have improved performance. Most people affected by the change feel that someone else would tell them how to carry out their role in implementing this change initiative. 80/......V 60 40% 20% 0 Most people affected by the change believe that any changes in behaviors and approaches have not made a significant difference. 40% 30% 10%- 0% 15. Clearly recognizable victories have been accomplished within the early part of the change initiative. 40% 30% 10% 0%- 48 There is currently no reason to believe that this change initiative will make a difference. 16. Early successes have led to increased progress. There is a premature belief that the change initiative has served its purpose. % 60% 40% 20% 0% 17. The principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the change initiative that shape reactions and govern behavior have been widely adopted. Only the words and phrases used to describe the old behaviors and values have changed to match the change initiative. 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 18. The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have changed to be consistent with the change initiative. The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have not changed; as a result they are inconsistent with the change initiative. 60%. 4 0% . 0%AM 19. This change initiative is consistent with the organization's culture. The shared assumptions of the organization's culture are altered by this change initiative. 40% 30% 20%10%- 0%20. The next generation of top management embodies the new approach. The next generation of top management is indifferent to or opposes the new approach. 80% 60% 40/a 20% 0%- 49 21. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing attitudes and knowledge. % 30% 10% 10% A 22. Every one has adequate information about the change initiative and each individual understands his or her role in its implementation. Some people either do not understand the motivation for the change initiative or their role in its implementation. 80% 60% 40% 20% 23. Rewards and incentives clearly link performance to specific change initiative standards and objectives, and are within the group's or individual's power to control. 40% 30%- The reward and incentive programs were not adjusted to insure alignment with the change initiative. 20% 0%" 24. Sufficient time, resources and skills are available to implement the change initiative. Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 30% 10%4 initiative. 50% There are individuals or groups whose influence or 40% power will be reduced by 30% -the implementation of this change initiative - 25. There are no political implications to this change 20% 10% 0%- 50 26. This change initiative will succeed or fail on its own . merit Other activities within this organization may determine the success or failure of this initiative. 60% 40% 20% 0% Al Issues most likely to * vision. 40% of first place, 0% second place. cause the initiative to fail Most people do not feel that they can carry out the * Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 20% of first place, 20% second place. Issues most likely to * 40% of first place, 0% second place. cause the initiative to succeed Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. * Most people affected by the change believe that the new behaviors and approaches have improved performance. 20% of first place, 20% second place. Expected Outcome [quotes from the final comment question] * The reorganization has changed our whole way thinking. With buy in from other departments, Training and education of our end users we can have a well run organization. We as a group have to communicate better within our department as well as with the rest of our colleagues. * Continued personal and professional growth. Greater overall departmental accomplishments. Improved customer service. Improved creativity. I think everyone involved will have greater responsibility and empowerment. * I expect this change to develop skills in specific areas for individuals to help them and the company in growing. 51 7.3.3 IT Analysis This organization puts a lot of effort into planning change initiatives. They use John Kotter's "Leading Change" 20 as the guide to making organizational changes. They develop the vision and validate it with the organization and use a group that they consider to be powerful in "titles, information and expertise, reputations and relationships, and the capacity for leadership" for rolling out the plan. As a result the transition to the new structure was smooth. Most of the respondents feel very positive about the change and all believe that the change will be for the better and will succeed without any significant problems. This organization is capable of having the difficult conversations that are required for meaningful communication within a company. The change agent/managers explains it this way: Our top management knows what they are doing and they are comfortable talking about it even when there is not complete agreement. For example, top management say that the guests come first. Some of the staff feels that there are certain items that some guests expect that are not standard items but should be. While top management will allow the guests who insist to get these items for free they have so far refused to provide them as standard items as it would reduce the profitability of the hotels. It is the ability to have these discussions and to negotiate how things are done that ensures the best business results as well as customer and employee satisfaction. Unlike the administration at the hospital mentioned earlier in the paper these top managers are willing to be engaged in a discussion about the tradeoffs that they feel are necessary to maximize profitability. 52 7.4 Software Process Improvement (SPI) Initiative The second change initiative was a software process improvement (SPI) initiative conducted by a large firm. The change initiative is a major undertaking at the company. Millions of dollars have been spent over a number of years to implement this initiative. It involves the use of a number of trained consultants and independent certified evaluation groups. Two different groups were surveyed. 7.4.1 SPI-A Survey The survey was conducted over a one-week period. The manager contacted all members of the department with a request to fill out the web survey. Sixteen of the thirty-five staff members (46%) filled out the survey. The survey was done in mid December and some staff members were on vacation. The previous week the group underwent a major external audit of this change initiative. The assessment indicated that they were making acceptable progress towards their goals. 7.4.2 SPI-A Results The following is the report generated for the group: 53 will . Thisinitiative will 40This change initiative change meet all of its stated objectives. not meet one or more major objective. 40% 30% % 20 10% A 2. This change initiative was rolled out in a topdown manner This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner 50 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%. 3. This change initiative was built up from a series of small, incremental changes This change initiative involves many simultaneous and significant changes 80% 60% 40% 20%-. 0% 4. This organization continuously changes. This is one in a series of many changes. This organization is usually in a stable state. This change will result in a new stable state. 60% 50% 40% 30% 10% 0% 5. -- This change initiative follows a planned change strategy. 20% 10% 0%_ 54 - ---- - - This change initiative emerged from a variety of circumstances. 6. Most of the managers are genuinely convinced that the status quo is more dangerous than launching into the unknown. Most managers believe that is not needed or that it can be postponed. 50%change 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%, 7. Most of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. Fewer than half of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%1 8. The vision for the change can be communicated in five minutes or less. This communication will result in both understanding and interest. Many people affected by the change either do not understand the change initiative or cannot succinctly articulate it. 40% 30 % 20% 10% 0% 9. Every available communication vehicle is being used to get the vision out. The vision is communicated in meetings or only in memos. 4only 30% 20% 10% 0% 10. A frontline supervisor in a face-to-face meeting introduced the change initiative. The change initiative was introduced in a large impersonal meeting. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%. 55 11. Most obstacles to the implementation of the vision (either in the organizational structure or people in the organization) have been addressed. Significant obstacles to the implementation of the vision are being ignored. 40% 30% 20% 0% 12. Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. Most people do not feel that can carry out the s 4 4ithey 30% 20% 10% 0%, 13. Most people affected by the change feel that they have a valuable contribution to make in shaping the implementation of this change initiative. Most people affected by the change feel that someone else would tell them how to carry out their role in implementing this change initiative. 50% 40% 30% 20%fl -. 10% 0%14. Most people affected by the change believe that the new behaviors and approaches have improved performance. 20% 15% Most people affected by the change believe that any changes in behaviors and approaches have not made a significant difference. 5% 0% 15. Clearly recognizable victories have been accomplished within the early part of the change initiative. There is currently no reason to believe that this change initiative will make a difference. 40% 30% 10% 0% 56 16. Early successes have led to increased progress. is a premature belief that the change initiative has served its purpose. 4There 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%. 17. The principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the change initiative that shape reactions and govern behavior have been widely adopted. Only the words and phrases used to describe the old behaviors and values have changed to match the change initiative. 25% 20% 15% . 5% 0% LA 18. The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have changed to be consistent with the change initiative. 19. This change initiative is consistent with the organization's culture. The unwritten rules that how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have not changed; as a result they are inconsistent with the change initiative. 4%govern 30% 20%' 0% The shared assumptions of the organization's culture are altered by this change initiative. 20% 10%-( 5% % 0 20. The next generation of top management embodies the new approach. The next generation of top management is indifferent to or opposes the new approach. 30% 20% 10%- 0% 57 21. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. 40% 30 % ... This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing attitudes and knowledge. 20% 10% 0%. 22. Every one has adequate information about the change initiative and each individual his or her understands . . role in its implementation. IMF- 5 50/ 40% 30% 20% Some people either do not understand the motivation for the change initiative or their role in its implementation. 10% 0%. 23. Rewards and incentives clearly link performance to specific change initiative standards and objectives, and are within the group's or individual's power to control. 24. Sufficient time, resources and skills are available to implement the change initiative. The reward and incentive programs were not adjusted to insure alignment with the change initiative. 40% 30% 20% 0% Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% There are individuals or groups whose influence or power will be reduced by the implementation of this change initiative 20% 15% % 10 5 % 25. There are no political implications to this change initiative. 0%- 58 26. This change initiative will succeed or fail on its own merit. Other activities within this organization may determine 50% the success or failure of this initiative. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Issues most likely to * Insufficient time, resources or skills are available cause the initiative to to insure proper implementation of the change fail initiative. 40% of first place, 29% second place. " Fewer than half of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. 20% of first place, 0% second place. Issues most likely to * cause the initiative to succeed Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. 27% of first place, 0% second place. " This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. 18% of first place, 10% second place. Expected Outcome [quotes from the final comment question] " Either there is heroic behavior of vital few to help it succeed or we would fail to achieve the goal. " Process improvement will occur, but at a price to those who believe in it (time consuming) and to those who don't believe in it. Those that don't utilize it shall be left behind. * Better software quality assurance * To have the architect team more involve in implementation of the process * There will be continuing friction until everyone is convinced this is a good direction to take. My attitude is that we are driven to improve based on a 59 cookbook rather that serious inspection of the business and what is takes to be a high performance team. This is a significant barrier to success. * More bureaucracy and little other change * This initiative is a monumental waste of time. Currently 65% of development time is spent on paperwork for this 'process' (and this will increase in the future) leaving 35% or less for real, productive work. Its just another in a long line of bureaucrat initiated processes ([list of initiatives deleted] ad nauseam) that will have no real, positive effect on production. Fortunately, it, like all the other pointless processes will run its course and fade away. Unfortunately it will be replaced by the next useless process or processes thought up by some bureaucrat or 'team' of bureaucrats who wouldn't know a line of code or piece of hardware if it bit them on the ass. [Competitor's name deletedidoes not use this crap and is unbelievably successful. [Company's name deleted] on the other hand buys into every mindless piece of drivel they can and then wastes millions on it. [Competitor's name deleted]= SUCCESS!! [Company's name deleted]= verge of bankruptcy!! See a pattern??? * The more management supports, the more success it will be. " Improved productivity, division self-gratification and a more harmonious working environment " It will be successfully internalized in the way we do business. * By gathering pertinent data and following consistent procedures we should be able to do more accurate and realistic schedules which will HAVE to be used for launch dates rather than a marketing or upper management promise to an influential customer. This may be a good thing or it may cause us to miss the window of opportunity and the salesy promises customer relationships are build on. * Many of the questions are poorly written. For example, #25 gives a choice of little political effect or reduced influence/power. In reality, it increases the power of some groups and makes the bureaucracy untenable. All of this is at the cost of customer satisfaction. The entire program has all the 60 evidence of being designed by people who could not complete a project outside of [Company's name deleted] if their life depended on it and it doesn't have to be that way. " Why bother with a survey? Its just more money and time wasted because of another pointless process. Plus even if all the answers are negative we are stuck with all the useless processes so why bother. Managements JOB is dependent on supporting this BS no matter how worthless. " Efficient software development practices will have to be adopted for industry survival. This is a start. 7.4.3 SPI-A Analysis Although all members of the group did not fill out the survey, there was every indication that the opinions expressed were representative of the group as a whole. This is also borne out by the fact that the manager was quite good at predicting the group's response to the issues. The results of the survey are typical of what you would expect to see in a change initiative under a top-down laissez-faire management. In discussing the results it became apparent that many managers did not believe that this change initiative was the solution to a clearly defined problem. While the software development managers knew that their development process needed to be improved they believed that there were other more efficient approaches available. The results should be discouraging to top management if they were to see it, considering the amount of money they put into this initiative. While most of the group believes that the initiative will succeed, nearly half do not think it will. Interestingly, the group manager does not hold himself responsible for the lackluster performance of the change initiative. As far as he is concerned he is doing a reasonable job under the circumstances. His assessment is based on his record of meeting or exceeding the company guidelines for progress in this change initiative. 61 The nature of the survey discourages the change agent/manager from making an excessively positive projection of their group's view of the issues, as they know that their responses will be compared to the responses from their group. This insures that the survey results will highlight the problems encountered by the change initiative a nd indicate the extent to which management is aware of them. The manager involved took great pride in his ability to properly assess his group's position on the issues. A number of significant issues were uncovered by the survey. For example, most managers believed that the change initiative was not needed. The change agent's explanation for this finding is that most managers are promoted to management for doing what they do well. So they do not like having the rules changed as it may decrease their overall job performance. However, he does not believe that their general reluctance to change will inhibit his ability to meet his objectives as far as the implementation of the change initiative is concerned. Also troubling was the finding that many people did not understand the change initiative and could not explain it. The manager believed this to be a very complex change initiative and did not think it necessary for every one to understand everything as a prerequisite to carrying out their job. As long as the people with oversight understood what was going on and kept everyone in line progress would be made. The results also show the effect of the training programs associated with the change initiative. The third of the respondents who believe that everyone should understand the change initiative were probably largely composed of those who had extensive training on the change initiative. The individuals with specialized training are responsible for rolling out specific aspects of the change initiative and are also aware of how they compare to other groups that are also trying to implement the change initiative. This may account for the bimodal response on this issue as well as on some of the other issues. It is not surprising that most of the respondents expected someone else to tell them how to carry out their role in implementing the change initiative. They did not understand the change initiative and were not expected to. However, this deprived 62 the company of their creativity and their ability to tune the solution based on their intimate knowledge of their job. Based on the previously mentioned statements it was to be expected that most respondents felt that some people did not understand the motivation for the change initiative or their role in its implementation. Most respondents felt that significant obstacles to the implementation of the change initiative were being ignored. The change agent felt that many if not most of the perceived obstacles stemmed from the respondent's incomplete understanding of the change initiative. It should also be noted that this change initiative clashed with the culture of the company. No explicit steps were being taken to address this dissonance. Almost 70% of the respondents felt that inadequate time, resources and skills was one of the most important barriers to the implementation of this change initiative. The change agent did not see this as a response peculiar to this change initiative. Regardless of the task, this group, he claims, always complains about inadequate time, resources and skills. The most significant gap between the change agent's expectation and his group's responses was on the issue of outside interference. The change agent expected the group to think that the change initiative would succeed or fail on its own merit. However, after seeing the response from the group, he acknowledged that their position is that some of the other challenges facing the company are so significant that their results could inhibit the completion of the change initiative. Looking at the common threads that run through the results we find: " The strategy is not clearly understood. * A sense of urgency was not created. " A clear vision for the change was not established. " Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 63 0 Managers seem not to recognize the important contributions employees can make to address the organization's challenges. 0 Other activities in the organization could prevent this change from succeeding. For a top down initiative most of these problems point to sources outside of the local group. It appears that there is inadequate communication between the lower levels in the organization and top management. It seems that they would both benefit from a frank discussion on what the business needs of the company are and where this change initiative fits into the picture. With a common understanding they would be both able to move forward and make better progress. Interestingly one of the key promises of this change initiative is to insure that activities have sufficient time, resources or skills available to insure proper implementation. Clearly, respondents do not perceive that this objective is not being met. 7.4.4 SPI-B Survey The survey was conducted over a one-week period. The process-engineering manager contacted members of the department with a request to fill out the web survey. Only four staff members filled out the survey. This is probably because the request was sent with the following note: Anyone interested in participating in this study regarding change. Please fill out the survey by accessing the URL. The survey was done in mid December and some staff members were on vacation. 7.4.5 SPI-B Results The following is the report generated for the group: 64 This change initiative will meet all of its stated objectives. This change initiative will not meet one or more major 50% 40% objective. 30% 20% 10% 0% A 2. This change initiative was rolled out in a top-down manner This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner % 40% 30%20%10%: 0%. 3. This change initiative was built up from a series of .. small, incremental 40% changes 30% This change initiative involves many simultaneous and significant changes 20% 10% 0% 4. This organization continuously changes. This is one in a series of many changes. This organization is usually in a stable state. This change will result in a new state. 40% 30%stable 20% 10% 0% 5. This change initiative follows a planned change strategy. This change initiative emerged from a variety of circumstances. 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%9 65 6. Most of the managers are genuinely convinced that the status quo is more dangerous than launching into the unknown. Most managers believe that change is not needed or that it can be postponed. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 7. Most of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. r1 Fewer than half of the influential people have developed a shared commitment to this change initiative. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%1 A 8. The vision for the change can be communicated in five minutes or less. This communication will result in both understanding and interest. Many people affected by the change either do not understand the change initiative or cannot succinctly articulate it. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 9. Every available communication vehicle is being used to get the vision out. The vision is communicated only in meetings or only in memos. 80% 60% 40% 13 20% 0% 10. A frontline supervisor in a face-to-face meeting introduced the change initiative. The change initiative was introduced in a large impersonal meeting. 20% 15% 10%- 5%- 0%- 66 11. Most obstacles to the implementation of the vision (either in the organizational structure or people in the organization) have been addressed. 12. Most people feel empowered to act on the vision. Significant obstacles to the implementation of the vision are being ignored. 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Most people do not feel that they can carry out the vision. 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 13. Most people affected by the change feel that they have a valuable contribution to make in shaping the implementation of this change initiative. Most people affected by the change feel that someone else would tell them how to carry out their role in implementing this change initiative. 40% 30% 10% 0%- 14. Most people affected by the change believe that the new behaviors and approaches have improved performance. Most people affected by the change believe that any changes in behaviors and approaches have not made a significant difference. 50% 40% 30% 10% 0%0 15. Clearly recognizable victories have been accomplished within the early part of the change initiative. There is currently no reason to believe that this change initiative will make a difference. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 67 There is a premature belief that the change initiative has served its purpose. 16. Early successes have led to increased progress. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 17. The principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the change initiative that shape reactions and govern behavior have been widely adopted. Only the words and phrases used to describe the old behaviors and values have changed to match the change initiative. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 18. The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have changed to be consistent with the change initiative. -. - 220% 15% 10% The unwritten rules that govern how people ought to behave and what they can expect from the company have not changed; as a result they are inconsistent with the change initiative. 0%. 19. This change initiative is consistent with the organization's culture. The shared assumptions of the organization's culture are altered by this change initiative. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 20. The next generation of top management embodies the new approach. The next generation of top management is indifferent to or opposes the new approach. 20% - 5% 0%-F 68 21. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing attitudes and knowledge. 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 22. Every one has adequate information about the change initiative and each individual understands his or her role in its implementation. Some people either do not understand the motivation for the change initiative or their role in its implementation. 40% 30% 20% 10/% 'A 23. Rewards and incentives clearly link performance to specific change initiative standards and objectives, and are within the group's or individual's power to control. The reward and incentive programs were not adjusted to insure alignment with the change initiative. 60% 20% 0%- 24. Sufficient time, resources and skills are available to implement the change initiative. 80%...... ...... 60% 40% Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. 20% 0% There are individuals or groups whose influence or power will be reduced by the implementation of this change initiative 25. There are no political implications to this change initiative. 30% 10% 0%- 69 26. This change initiative will succeed or fail on its own merit. 100/aOhratvteihnti 80% 60%/ Other activities within this organization may determine the success or failure of this initiative. 40% 20% 0% Issues most likely to cause the initiative to * Most managers believe that change is not needed or that it can be postponed. * Some people either do not understand the motivation for the change initiative or their role fail in its implementation. cause the initiative to " A frontline supervisor in a face-to-face meeting introduced the change initiative. succeed " Most of the managers are genuinely convinced Issues most likely to that the status quo is more dangerous than launching into the unknown. Expected Outcome [quotes from the final comment question] 0 Business as usual with the additional work of trying to look like we are using SPI. The code is the only deliverable; it contains the requirements and the design. * A lot of hand waving and cool slogans * I expect the outcome to be positive. If we continue to pursue the change initiative, [Company's name deleted]will prevail and become an even stronger company. But to do so, everybody needs to act. 70 7.4.6 SPI-B Analysis Although all members of the group did not fill out the survey, the change agent was just as likely to be more positive as she was to be more negative than the respondents. So it is likely that the results are somewhat representative of the group as a whole. This group tended to be more negative in their responses than the group in SPI-A. Most of the respondents did not believe that the change initiative would succeed, as most managers do not think it is needed. They also felt that the motivation for the change initiative was not clear nor did they think people understood their role in the change initiative. A number of significant issues were uncovered by the survey. Like the group in SPI-A, most managers believed that the change initiative was not needed. This group also did not feel empowered to help define the implementation of the change initiative, and instead were waiting to be told what to do. This deprives the company of their creativity and their ability to tune the solution based on their job related knowledge. Unlike the group in SPIA they felt they had already received whatever benefit was to be gained by the initiative. This group also felt that changes in management were increasing resistance to the change initiative. All respondents felt that the rewards and incentives were out of alignment with the change initiative. Like the Group in SP A most respondents felt that significant obstacles to the implementation of the change initiative were being ignored. They also felt that inadequate time, resources and skills were available to carry out the change. This group also felt that some of the other challenges facing the company are so significant that their results could overshadow the effect of the change initiative. Looking at the common threads that run through the results we find: 0 The strategy is not clearly understood. 71 * A sense of urgency was not created. * A clear vision for the change was not established. " Insufficient time, resources or skills are available to insure proper implementation of the change initiative. " Managers seem not to recognize the important contributions employees can make to address the organization's challenges. * Other activities in the organization could prevent this change from succeeding. Again these problems point to sources outside of the local group. It appears that there is inadequate communication between the lower levels in the organization and top management. It seems that they also would both benefit from a frank discussion on what the business needs of the company are and where this change initiative fits into the picture. With a common understanding they would be both able to move forward and make better progress. 72 8. Feedback On The Tool Feedback on the tool was obtained from the respondents who filled out the survey and also from the managers or change agents of the groups. Their feedback is provided in the following sections. 8.1 Respondent's Feedback After filling out the survey the respondents were presented with a web page that asked them to fill out a short survey on the tool itself. This short survey had the same format as the one used in the tool. It inquired about three issues and asked a qualitative question on the survey tool. The following is the web page used. 73 Figure 4 - Feedback Survey Tell Us About This Survey Help us to improve the survey you just mued out. For each pair of statements, choose the one statement that best reflects your preference. Then rate how strongly you agree with the statement. yorpeec. The ate ow 1. The survey was easy to OR The survey was confusing. understand. r: Strongly Agree r r r Slightly Agree Slightly Agree 2. The survey allowed me to provide useful feedback on the change initiative. Strongly Agree Slightly Agree OR r r Strongly Agree The survey did not ask the rit questions. Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree I did not lear anything from 3. The survey helped me to OR better understand change out the survey. proceses.filling processes. rc r r c r Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 4. In one or two sentences state your overall reaction to the survey and or suggestions on how it could be improve d. 11 74 I -, U ~I'E I~E - ~E - ~I Here are the results of that survey: Figure 5 - Feedback On Survey 1. The survey was easy to understand. The survey was confusing. 60/ 50/ 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2. The survey allowed 1 1 1 1 = I The survey did not ask 40% the right questions. me to provide useful feedback on the 30% change initiative. 20% 10% 3. The survey helped me to better understand change processes. I did not learn anything from filling out the survey. 30% 20% 10% 0% Reactions And Suggestions [quotes from the final comment question] 0 Nice job. Congratulations. 0 * The first six questions did not have appropriate responses to the situation. 1think that the survey is a good way to identify problems and benefits brought by the change initiative. * Good survey, perhaps some more ability for analysis of the outcome of the change. * Can it be shorter...? 0 I feel that the survey did not get to some of the heart of the issues. For instance, guidelines and processes and the bureaucracy drive us rather that a common view as to what will improve the business. The survey didn't allow me to capture this. 0 Too many question seemed to be of the, "When did you stop beating your wife?", variety. * The last four questions required scrolling up and down earlier questions. Should think of a way of making it easier. 75 8.2 Analysis Of Respondent's Feedback From the response to the first issue, it would appear that most people found the survey easy to fill out and understand. The response to the second issue suggests that almost half of the people filling out the survey felt that there were issues about the change initiative that they were not allowed to comment on. This indicates that some additional issues need to be added to the survey or some of the issues should be replaced. Alternately, an open-ended question could be added to the survey simply asking, "Are there any additional issues with this change initiative you would like to comment on?" The dissatisfaction with the questions was also echoed in one comment. There seems to be mixed feelings as to how effective the survey is as an educational tool. There were some comments that suggested that the respondents found filling out the survey a positive experience. The comment "Too many question seemed to be of the, 'When did you stop beating your wife?' variety" would suggest that the questions were viewed as pointing out weaknesses in the change process. Only one person looked at the description of the change initiative but did not complete the survey immediately (they may have filled it out later but that is not clear). This suggests that, although the survey was long it was not long enough to cause many people to quit in the middle of filling out the survey. The last fo ur questions required a significant amount of scrolling on the part of the respondents. From some of the discussions it seemed to take half the time to answer that group of questions. A solution to this problem is proposed later in this document. 76 8.3 Managers' Feedback All the managers found the tool easy to use as far as gathering the information was concerned. They also found that the report was easy to understand. They could also readily spot the problem areas. The more freely communication flowed between top-management, the change agent/managers and the individuals in their group, the less problematic they found the survey. This makes sense as the survey produces a report on how well the manager was doing in implementing the change initiative. Their success at implementing the change initiative is significantly impacted by the organization's capacity to communicate. Most managers who had reports that indicated problems existed within their group seemed to externalize the problems noted in the report. They seemed to think that the problems originated outside of their local group and were not within their domain of control. Some managers expected the results to include a probability of success. While the printed version of the report was easy to use, the managers seemed to find the online report cumbersome to work with, as they had to scroll back and forth to compare results on different questions. A solution to this problem is proposed later in this document. The manager of the IT group thought that the tool might be something they could use to evaluate progress on their change initiatives if it could be enhanced to show the results for multiple groups simultaneously. He noted that change initiatives affect different groups in different ways and the enhancement would help to highlight those differences. He also felt that the survey should specifically ask if the change initiative was the right solution to the problem. 77 9. Statistical Analysis Of Data This tool has the ability to collect the data needed to perform quantitative analysis of change initiatives. While the sample size gathered in this research is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions, the following sections are provided to show the types of analysis that can be performed on the data. It should be noted that about 62% of the responses are from one of the three change initiatives. 9.1 Means And Standard Deviations The following table lists the means and standard deviations for each question grouped by the sites. A response of -3 is the most favorable response while a response of +3 is the most adverse response to an issue. 0 C CD 0 IT SPI-A SPI-B -2.50 -2.50 0.00 -0.33 -1.50 -1.17 -2.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.67 -1.83 -2.00 -2.50 -2.17 -1.50 0.55 0.55 2.00 2.25 1.38 1.83 0.52 1.37 1.63 1.21 0.52 0.75 0.63 0.55 0.75 0.84 -0.19 -1.75 1.06 -0.88 -0.25 0.63 0.19 1.13 -0.19 0.44 1.00 0.06 0.63 0.50 -0.25 0.19 2.26 1.44 1.73 1.78 1.73 1.93 1.91 1.86 1.83 1.93 2.03 1.95 1.89 2.00 1.69 1.83 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -2.00 -1.67 -1.67 -2.00 -2.33 -2.00 -1.50 -1.67 -1.83 -2.00 0.63 0.52 0.82 0.63 0.82 0.63 1.87 1.51 0.75 0.63 0.19 0.75 0.38 -0.19 0.13 0.44 0.31 1.00 0.38 0.81 1.87 1.69 1.67 1.64 1.75 1.93 1.85 2.19 1.71 1.91 Issue a (7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 _ 1.89 Succeed Versus Fail 0.82 Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up 1.73 Incremental Versus Radical 1.26 Continuous Versus Discontinuous 2.22 Planned Versus Emergent 2.45 Establish A Sense Of Urgency 2.06 Forming A Powerful Guiding Coalition 0.96 Creating A Vision 2.00 Communicating The Vision 1.29 Direct Face-To-Face Communication 1.83 Remove Obstacles 2.06 Empowering Others To Act On The Vision 0.96 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges 1.73 Make Connections Between New Behaviors And Success 1.15 Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins 0.96 Consolidating Improvements And Producing Still More Change 0.75 1.50 Instilling Mental Disciplines 0.50 2.38 Unwritten Rules 0.75 1.50 Cultural Barrier 1.00 2.16 Institutionalizing New Approaches 1.25 1.50 Task Alignment 2.50 0.58 Understanding The Strategy 1.75 0.50 Alignment Of Rewards And Incentives 1.25 1.50 Resource Allocation 1.25 2.06 Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence 2.00 0.00 Outside Interference 0.75 -2.00 0.50 -0.75 0.25 1.00 0.25 1.25 1.00 -0.50 1.00 1.25 2.25 1.50 2.00 1.25 78 - I II~II II' I II~ ~ ~ liii IEIEhIIIEIII~IIEEIIIIIEIEI I U -- - - ~fl~~fl-'~iq-- The data show that the respondents viewed the IT change initiative favorably, SPI-A change initiative evoked a mixed response while the SPI-B change initiative was viewed somewhat unfavorably. The standard deviation of the responses provided by the IT respondents tended to be smaller than those of the other two, suggesting that there is more agreement among these respondents on the issues. 9.2 Cluster Analysis Cluster analysis is a technique for grouping rows of data together that shares similar values across a number of variables. It allows the clumping structure of the data to become visible. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the data was performed Wd thk %A ar ImI usngi tL oI .I I '6 0.7 2.5U03201UU 12 2I 23 2.59430716 22 2.65332779 21 2.69202743 20 2.75695372 19 2.87982899 18 2.88044480 17 2.98424009 16 3.20255516 15 3.21042636 14 3.26502763 13 3.29202207 12 3.37305592 11 3.45946210 10 3.68103315 9 3.99753009 8 4.26879463 7 4.57179018 6 4.91029004 5 5.01861803 4 5.55228594 3 5.78361045 2 7.48913323 1 16.79828704 2 3 13 1 3 9 10 17 11 6 13 2 6 9 2 3 1 5 5 1 5 3 1 7 25 15 16 12 14 23 19 20 26 18 4 24 17 13 10 2 6 11 9 8 5 3 Z4 .4 13 -5 117 -17. 254 1 - ---- "20 The clustering history table shows that the data points remain fairly close to each other up until there are only two clusters, at which point there is a big jump in the 79 -u distance between the groups of data being joined. This indicates that the data naturally fall into two clusters. 80% 60%40% The graph on the left shows the composition of 20% the two clusters. 0% 1 2 E SPI-A * SPI-B 0 IT It is interesting to note that all of the IT responses are in cluster two. The clustering result probably captures the bimodal responses seen in SPI-A. The following table shows some typical responses. This change initiative will not meet one or This change initiative will meet all of its stated objectives. more major objective. There is currently no Clearly recognizableresntbliv victories have been accomplished within the early part of the change initiative. be that t that this change initiative will make a difference. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing roles, responsibilities and relationships. This change initiative seeks to change behavior by changing attitudes and knowledge. E Cluster 1 UCluster 2 They show that cluster two has across the board more positive responses than cluster one. 80 The clustering results suggest that respondents that are negative about one aspect of the change initiative tend to be negative about many aspects simultaneously. However, respondents who are generally negative about a change initiative do not all think that the change initiative will fail. In addition, individuals who are negative about most aspects of the change initiative seem to be able to find a few things to be positive about. 9.3 Bivariate Correlations The data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. If there is an exact linear relationship between the two variables the correlation is either 1 or -1 depending on whether the variables are positively or negatively correlated. It is interesting to note the many high correlations between questions six through twenty-six. This is consistent with the findings of the principal component analysis which follows and the cluster analysis which preceded this section. 81 Table 9-1 - Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Of Questions 1 1 .264 .133 -.143 .258 .573 .508 .414 .280 .424 .644 .701 .643 .584 .597 .576 .564 .393 .453 .342 .151 .468 .359 .534 .398 .431 2.264 1 .282 -.227 .157 -.036 .156 .042 .144 .346 .281 .369 .345 .434 .143 .226 .076 Gk .143 00$ -.013 .0149 .259 . .06 -.002 .429 -.164 .038 .176 .109 .571 .248 .235 .336 .376 .194 .432 .319 .266 .299 -.012 .001 .432 410 .393 .443 .402 3 .133 .282 1 W -. 143 -.227 -.002 1 -. 2 -.390 -.333 U .258 .157 .429 -.226 1 .341 .255 .575 .583 .318 .390 .384 .581 .488 .505 .625 .440 .300 .549 .402 .266 .509 .395 .598 .433 .378 U .573 -.036 -.164 -.390 .341 1 .592 .683 .398 .285 .688 .599 .599 .486 .60.9 .477 .448 .516 .47 ,04- .269 ;.47 -.31 6653 .391 .451 7 .508 .156 .038 -.333 .255 .592 1 .649 .410 .576 .694 .714 .572 .639 .669 .559 .658 .621 .657 .617 .495 .480 .371 .464 .366 .708 .042 .176 -.609 .575 .683 .49 U 1 1 1 1 .280 .144 .109 .424 .346 .571 .644 .281 .248 .701 .369 .235 1 .530 .443~ .770 .640 .714 .696 -.549 .583 .398 .410 .530 1 .247 .511 .403 .408 .402 .559 .468 .437 .409 .518 .544 .353 .458 .117 .323 .395 .275 -.373 .318 .285 .576 .443 .247 1 .568 .582 .551 .619 .470 .783 .819 .745 .713 -.510 .390 .688 .694 .770 .511 .568 1 -.439 .384 .99 .714 .640 .403 .582 .7 1 .843 .779 .825 .855 .770 .643 .345 .336 -.390 .581 .599 .572 .714 .408 .551 .819 .843 1 .575 .429 .323 A.6 .169 .196 .499 384 .516 .246 .529 .668 .619 .700 .788 .674 .409 .695 .591 .712 .600 .681 .769 .77 .607 .A24 .528 .321 3.70363 &62 .581 .4821k .741 .598 .568 .670 .668 .399 .817 .729 .858 .680 .660 U.584 .434 .376 -.457 .488A.86 .639 .6965 ._40j2 .619 .745 .779 .855 1 1 .597 .143 .194 -.382 .505 .609 .669 .708 .559 .576 .226 .432 -.317 625 .477 .559 .671 .46 .564 .075 .319 -.307 .440 .463 .658 .710 .437 .393 .033 .266 -.446 .300 .516 .621 .754 .40!9 * .453 .193 .299 -.273 .549 .478 .657 .677 1 1 1 2 .342 .M08 2 .151 2U.468 2 .359 2U.534 E .398 2 *431 -.013 .201 .099 .259 .070 .006 .470 .713 .825 .770 .775 1 .828 .773 .640 .716 .538 .601 .733 .669 .550 .589 .677 .842 W M . .547 AN N697 .69 .666 1 .575 .668 769 .741 .787 .828 1 .429 .619 .747 .598 .662 .773 .842 1 .792 .714 .473 .505 .708 .576 .516 .756 .697 AW N! 64 &-132 .4W435i &V78 .3,20 .7N0A67 .568 .585 .640 W5 .712 .518 .436 .788 .624 .670 .713 .716 .787 .714 .628 1 .012 -364 .402 .614 .617 .666 .544 .169 .674 .528 .668 .554 .53*8 .465 .47 .608 .567 .705 .644 .571 .599 .739 ,2RI 0Ng,' .4161 596 .48 .&17 .616 .611 .567 .515 .436 .320 .584 .001 -.083 .266 .269 .495 .486 .353 .196 .409 .321 .399 .544 .601 .517 .505 .322 .567 .451 1 .432 -.315 .509 457 AS40 .606 .8 .499 .695 1o3 .817 .790 .733 .806 'f AN.4 M.F?0 .WI.N2.~8.53.9 .663 .651 .678 .410 -.147 .395 .316 .371 .553 .117 .384 .591 .633 .729 .639 .669 .697 .576 .496 .644 .468 .515 .722 1 6 .51% 4AW ?i .I A35 -:.7 3 ,%.41 I,9 .393 -. 171 .$6W .A3 .464 .5k .323 .516 .712 .662 .858 .705 .55 .680 .591 .651 .641 1 .648 .443 -.276 .433 .391 .366 .621 .395 .246 .600 .581 .589 .656 .756 .787 .599 .618 .320 .783 .402 .181 378 451 .708 .652 275 .529 681 .582 660 .690 677 .708 .697 657 .730 6 .584 7% .678 591 .648 1 82 Principal Component Analysis 9.4 The principal components are derived from an eigenvalue decomposition of the correlation matrix of the variables. Principal component analysis is a way to picture the structure of the data as completely as possible by using as few dimensions or composite variables as possible. The first principal component accounted for almost 55% of the variation in the data. The rest of components were insignificant relative to the variation that could be caused by a single individual's response. This is consistent with the results of the cluster analysis that there are indeed two major groupings of responses. 0 . _ ___ _Component__ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Issue 5 6 2 3 4 1 1 0.637 0.015 -0.284 0.422 0.10 -0.228 Succeed Versus Fail 2 0.24 0.431 -0.633 0.011 0.15 0.133 Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up 0.36 0.781 0.050 -0.268 -0.25 -0.058 Incremental Versus Radical 3 4 -0.451 0.324 0.500 0.376 0.27 -0.036 Continuous Versus Discontinuous 0.596 0.166 0.014 -0.531 0.31 -0.025 Planned Versus Emergent 5 0.654 -0.49 -0.152 0.173 0.144 -0.231 Establish A Sense Of Urgency 6 7 0.744 -0.27 -0.113 0.294 -0.13E 0.293 Forming A Powerful Guiding Coalition 8 0.839 -0.28 -0.005 -0.18C -0.11 -0.024 Creating A Vision 0.562 -0.30c -0.205 -0.567 0.09N 0.172 Communicating The Vision 9 10 0.605 0.377 -0.365 0.111 -0.21 0.254 Direct Face-To-Face Communication 11 0.882 -0.11 -0.191 0.091 -0.00 -0.078 Remove Obstacles 12 0.864 0.017 -0.251 0.233 -0.053 -0.087 Empowering Others To Act On The Vision 13 0.901 0.119 -0.120 0.061 0.234 -0.192 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges 14 0.881 0.154 -0.147 0.067 0.064 0.133 Make Connections Between New Behaviors And Success 15 0.876 -0.103 0.027 0.068 0.017 0.149 Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins 16 0.880 0.190 0.068 -0.03C 0.007 0.112 Consolidating Improvements And Producing Still More Change 17 0.832 -0.027 0.180 0.03 -0.304 0.030 Instilling Mental Disciplines 18 0.759 -0.191 0.113 -0.04 -0.47c -0.190 Unwritten Rules 19 0.839 -0.014 0.140 -0.051 0.027 0.192 Cultural Barrier 20 0.708 -0.389 0.117 -0.10 0.252 -0.149 Institutionalizing New Approaches 21 0.564 -0.141 0.420 0.05 0.235 0.554 Task Alignment 22 0.871 0.187 0.183 -0.05 0.07 -0.030 Understanding The Strategy 23 0.735 0.270 0.341 0.123 0.07 -0.077 Alignment Of Rewards And Incentives 24 0.788 0.230 0.031 0.028 0.36 -0.215 Resource Allocation 25 0.764 0.084 0.297 -0.17E -0.17 -0.392 Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence 26 0.813 0.072 0.330 0.156 -0.154 0.132 Outside Interference 83 _ - -- 10. Refinement Of The Tool 10.1 Refining The List Of Issues Feedback from one of the managers suggested that the survey should specifically ask if "the change initiative was the right solution to the problem." This is a very important issue as it is possible for the change agent to be using all the right techniques only to find the change initiative fails because it was not the right solution to the problem. The following techniques can be used to refine the issues monitored with the tool. 10.1.1 Adding Issues An additional open-ended question should be added to allow users to comment on issues not covered in the questionnaire. Over time issues that show up very frequently as responses to this open-ended question should be added to the questionnaire. 10.1.2 Dropping Issues Issues of lesser importance can be dropped from the survey to make it less burdensome to the respondents. The collected data can be used to rank the relative value of an issue once thirty or more change initiatives have been surveyed. The following techniques can be used to evaluate the importance of the issue presented in the survey. " How often an issue is listed as important in determining the success or failure of the change initiative is one measure of its value to the survey. The more often it is listed the more likely it is to be important. * How well it correlates with the answer to question one, which asks about the respondent's opinion on the likelihood of success of the change initiative. Questions with higher Pearson Product-Moment Correlations are 84 '~1 - -- ~ -- more likely to be valuable, as they are a better predictor of the success of the change initiative. How frequently respondents provide extreme responses to the issue. * Questions with more extreme responses are more likely to be valuable, as respondents are likely to use extreme responses on issues of greater importance. The following table shows the corresponding data from the surveys. _D 0 9 03 C U6- 0- 0 aM 0.1 0 0.28 oefl udn olto M CL 0 CmnD n;aMn 0 4 1 0 =.2 0 D 2 13 14 3 0.643 2 0.584 15 F 3 0L 7 0.573 2n 0.508 6 2 0.414 1 0.280 3 0.424 2 0.644 7 0.701 s (A U0 0.58 I.T. 6 7 11 8 9 10 11 12 n M 0 7E 0 - 10 > 2 0.40 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 Issue 3 Establish A Sense Of Urgency Reov 0btcA Powerful Guiding Coalition 35n Forming 4 Creating A Vision 0 Communicating The Vision 1 Direct Face-To-Face ommunication 5 Remove Obstacles 4 Empowering Others To Act On The Vision 3 3 Incorporate Employees Into Business Challenges 4 Make Connections Between New Behaviors And Success 2 4 Planning For And Creating Short Term Wins 0 1 0 1 1 Consolidating Improvements And Producing Still More Change 19 6 0.597 0 0.576 410.564 3 0.393 3 0.453 20 3 0.342 2 2 Institutionalizing New Approaches 1 2 1 Task Alignment 3 Understanding The Strategy 1 Alignment Of Rewards And Incentives 7 Resource Allocation 3 Resistance To Loss Of Power Or Influence 1 Outside Interference 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 3 5 5 131 21 41 0.151 0.468 0.359 0.534 0.398 0.4311 __3 __1 __2 ___3 2 Instilling Mental Disciplines 3 Unwritten Rules 1 Cultural Barrier These data so far indicate that question nine probably has the least value. Respondents do not seem to perceive a strong association with how the change initiative was communicated and its overall success. 85 Redundant issues are also candidates for removal. Once enough data are collected factor analysis may be able to identify redundancy. "Resource allocation" was one of the more important issues. It was most frequently listed as important and it also had the most extreme negative responses. "Empowering others to act on the vision" was another important issue. It was the second most frequently listed as important, it frequently received extreme negative responses, and it strongly correlated with the response to the question on success versus failure. Another important issue was the "Removal of obstacles". It strongly correlated with the response to the question on success versus failure and frequently received extreme negative responses. 10.2 Refining The Input Page The survey could be improved to include the importance ranking alongside each pair of statements. This would allow the affected parties to make one pass through the survey and eliminate the excessive scroling that currently takes place. 86 - MEM W _ - - - - - - - .' __ - . . - Mi - - - ___ Tell Us About This Change Initiative Your responses to these questions are confidential. Please be open and honest. For each pair of statements, choose the one statement that best reflects your preference. Then rate how strongly you agree with the statement. Rank the importance of the issue with respect to the change initiative Importance ROR meet mtonorormjr one or more major objective. v wl mThis change initiative will not T. i This change intiative winl meet all of its stated objectives Strongly Agree Agree 2. This change initiative was rolled out in a top-down manner Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Agree OR Slightly Agree This change initiative was rolled out in a bottom-up manner Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree High Med Low Importance High Med Low The tool should also be enhanced to make answering all questions mandatory. The initial tool did not require all respondents to answer questions 27 through 30 and as a result the percentages shown in the importance section seemed confusing. To further remove the opportunity for bias, the survey should randomly place some of the positive statements on the left and some on the right, instead of always placing them on the left. However, for reporting purposes all the positive statements should be on the same side. 10.3 Refining The Output Page While the current printed report seems adequate, the online display of results could be improved to make it more usable to managers. This could be 87 accomplished by modifying it to display all the graphs at the top part of the screen and the selected graph, statements and issue at the bottom of the screen (as shown on the following page). When the cursor is positioned over a graph, the border of the graph would change to red to show that it is selected and the appropriate statements and issue would be displayed at the bottom of the screen. This modification will allow visual comparison of all the results as well as a view of the details of any one result. This would remove the need for the change agent to scroll excessively while reviewing the results online. 88 40% 8%60% 40% 40% 40% 30% 20% 40% 100 10% 10% 80% 80% A 40% 20% 20% 0%0% 20% 80% 40% 2%0% 40% 20% 80% 30% 20% 40% 20% 20% 40-, 40% 40%4% AA 20% 60% 0% 0%. 0% 0% A 80% 60% A 20% 20%% 10%% 20% A A A 23 0%0% 0% 0% A A 20% 0% 8020% 80% 0% 0%40% 20% 20% 44 80% ..80%.. . . . . . 80% 20% 80% 40% 20% 40% 0% .4% 0 60% 0% 20% 0%33% 80% 40% 60% %% 20% 60% 40% 40% 20% 4% 0% S0% 10% 0% 30% 3%60% 0 0% 80% 40% 36 Rewards and incen tives clearly link performnance to specific change initiative standards and objectives, and are Within thegoup s or individual s power to control The reward and mntwe programs were not adjusted to insure aligument with the change initiative 20% 10% Alignent Of Rewairds And Incentives Incentives should clearly link performance to pay and should directly link performance to specific standards and objectives. Rewards should relate directly to the nature of performrance require d. Rewards should be directly linked to objectives thtat are within the group's or individual's power to control. Match measurement pexiods to relevant perods The reward system should be guided bythe of equity not equality. 0performance __________________ ______________________________prnnciple 89 11. Conclusions 11.1 Thesis Summary 11.1.1 TechnicalAspects Of The Tool Based on the results it would seem that the tool provides a useful mechanism for investigating change initiatives. Even though some work needs to be done to refine some aspects of the tool (as noted earlier) the tool proved easy to administer and the results were easy to understand. Although the survey period specified was one week, the majority of responses were received on the first day. This suggests that the survey period should be shortened to one day. This would dissuade people from putting off doing the survey and then forgetting about it. As the results can be made available online immediately, organizations could have an assessment of their change initiative the same day. Since the tool presented the results using frequency distribution graphs, it was easy to spot bimodal responses and other variations in distribution that would not have been possible if only averages had been reported. While the tool was designed for measuring and monitoring change initiatives, by changing the issues presented it could be used to measure and monitor other activities such as employee or customer satisfaction. 11.1.2 FunctionalAspects Of The Tool The tool provides a useful mechanism for discussing the progress of the change and assessing where the problems lie. Interestingly, managers with problem change initiatives seem to externalize the problems discovered. They tried to attribute them to sources outside of their control. While this may be true for some issues such as "establishing a sense of urgency" and "creating a vision", it would seem that other issues such as 90 "understanding the strategy" and "empowering other to act on the vision" should be within their control. It is noteworthy that the managers were aware of the majority of the problems with their change initiative but did not see a need to address them. This is consistent with the findings of Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton21 that most organizations have a gap between what they know and what they do. It is possible that the exposure of these problems to others in the organization may remove some of the barriers to action. The biggest surprise was the findings on the business environments in which change takes place. Top management faced with the choice of using a participative management style versus a top-down laissez-faire management style tended to pick the top-down style because it was more efficient for them. This choice seemed to discourage certain types of communication within the organization, which in turn lays the groundwork for the common failures that plague change initiatives. Companies that have a genuine interest in improving their change management capability can use tools like this one to develop the skills they lack to be successful in managing their changes. However, companies that have limited upward communications may have difficulty with the discussions that this tool will foster. This suggests that the tool should be positioned for use by those companies who are aware of their need and weakness in the area of change management. It may be of greatest interest to middle management as they are more likely to be placed in positions where their need to better handle change can not be denied. It would also appear that this tool configured with the appropriate issue statements could be quite useful in the hands of consultants, as it would allow them to quickly assess the state of a change initiative at a client's site. They coud use it to gain the information necessary to discuss specific problems and issues. 91 11.2 Further Study It would be desirable to use this tool to study groups that are actively seeking a solution to problems in their change initiative. It is possible that the reluctance on the part of managers to make changes based on the problems noted in their report was largely due to the fact that they were not actively seeking solutions. It would be desirable to have a much broader study covering a much larger number of organizations and change initiatives. This would allow data to be gathered on the frequency of different types of problems as well as correlations between problems. It is possible that change problems tend to cluster. Statistical analysis on the data provided by this tool would be able to detect and identify these clusters if they indeed exist. 92 12. References Anonymous; "Business: An inside job"; The Economist, London; Jul 15, 2000; Vol. 356, Iss. 8179; pg. 61, 1 pgs 2 Michael Beer and Russell A. Eisenstat; "The silent killers of strategy implementation and learning"; Sloan Management Review, Cambridge; Summer 2000; Vol. 41, Iss. 4; pg. 29, 12 pgs 3 4 5 John P Kotter; "Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail"; Harvard Business Review Boston; Mar 1995; Vol. 73, Iss. 2; pg. 59, 9 pgs John P Kotter; "Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail"; Harvard Business Review Boston; Mar 1995; Vol. 73, Iss. 2; pg. 59, 9 pgs T. J. Larkin and Sandar Larkin; "Reaching and changing frontline employees"; Harvard Business Review, Boston; May/Jun 1996; Vol. 74, Iss. 3; pg. 95,10 pgs 6 Richard Pascale; "Changing the way we change"; Harvard Business Review Boston; Nov/Dec 1997; Vol. 75, Iss. 6; pg. 126,14 pgs 7 Paul Strebel; "Why do employees resist change?"; Harvard Business Review Boston; May/Jun 1996; Vol. 74, Iss. 3; pg. 86, 7 pgs 8 Michael Beer, Russell A. Eisenstat and Bert A. Spector; "Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change"; Harvard Business Review Boston; Nov/Dec 1990; Vol. 68, Iss. 6; 8 pgs 9 Randy G Pennington; "Making changes"; Executive Excellence, Provo; Jun 2000; Vol. 17, Iss. 6; pg. 11, 1 pgs 10 William A. Schiemann; "Why Change Fails"; Across The Board, New York; Apr 1992; Vol. 29, Iss. 4; pg. 53, 2 pgs 93 1 Deborah Ancona, Thomas B. Kochan, Maureen Scully, John Van Maanen, & and D. Eleanor Westney; "Managing for the future: organizational behavior processes"; 2nd ed.; Cincinnati, Ohio: South Western College Pub. @1999. 12 David Nadler, Michael Tushman and Mark B.Nadler; "Competing by design: the power of organizational architecture"; New York: Oxford University Press, @1997. 13 Peter M Senge; "The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization"; 1 st ed.; New York: Doubleday/Currency, @1990; 424 pages 14 Schiemann(1992) 15 Beer (Summer 2000) 16 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger; "Product Design And Development"; 2 nd ed.; Boston, Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill, @2000. 17 Daryl Kulak & Eamonn Guiney; "Use Cases: Requirements in Context"; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; @ 2000; 329 pages and Putnam P. Texel & Charles B. Williams; "Use Cases Combined with Booch/OMT/UML: Process and Products"; Prentice Hall; @ 1997; 512 pages 18 Blanchard & Fabrycky; "System engineering and Analysis"; Prentice-Hall; @1981. 19 Beer (Summer 2000) 20 John P. Kotter; "Leading Change"; Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, @1996. 21 Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton; "The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action"; Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, @2000. 94