PROBLEM SET 9, 18.155 DUE MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 2011 Mostly about unbounded self-adjoint operators which are linear maps A : D −→ H from a linear subspace D ⊂ H into H such that (1) D ⊂ H is dense (2) A is symmetric:- hAu, vi = hu, Avi for all u, v ∈ D. (3) If v ∈ H and D 3 u 7−→ hAu, vi extends to a continuous linear functional on H then v ∈ D. The last condition is important of course – it actually says that the ‘maximal’ domain of the ‘adjoint’ is D. Note that the domain D is part of the data for ‘an unbounded self-adjoint’ operator. The discussion below effectively extends the spectral theorem from to the case of unbounded self-adjoint operators. After doing the problmes you might consider the problem of showing that it f : R −→ R is a continous function then f (A) is a well-defined unbounded self-adjoint operator (defining the domain is part of the question). This is not required for the problem set. Note that one important example of such an unbounded self-adjoint operator is the Laplacian on any (geodesically) complete manifold. (1) Show that an unbounded self-adjoint operator is closed in the sense used in the last problem set. (2) Derive the Closed Graph Theorem from the Open Mapping Theorem: That is, show that if B : H −→ H is a linear map with a closed graph (on a Hilbert space but it works between Banach spaces) then B is bounded. Hint: The graph ΓB is a closed subset of H ⊕ H so is itself a Hilbert space with the projections onto the two factors πi : ΓB −→ H both bounded. The first projection π1 is a bijection and B = π2 ◦ (π1 )−1 . (3) If A is unbounded self-adjoint and t ∈ R \ {0} show that A + it Id : D −→ H is a bijection with graph closed in H ⊕ H and hence has a bounded inverse – meaning a bounded map B : H −→ H with range contained in D such that (A + it)B = IdH , B(A + it) = IdD . (4) Show that (A ± i)−1 : H −→ D are adjoints of each other. (5) Show that U = (A − i)(A + i)−1 is (defined and is) a unitary operator on H and that if λ ∈ R then A − λ is a bijection from D to H if and only if (λ − i)(λ + i)−1 is not in the spectrum 1 2 PROBLEM SET 9, 18.155 DUE MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 2011 of U. Hint: The map R 3 λ 7−→ s = (λ − i)(λ + i)−1 is a bijection to the complement of 1 in the unit circle and has inverse λ = i(1 + s)(1 − s)−1 . With this relationship between s and λ you can check that (A−λ)−1 = (1−s)−1 (A+i)−1 (U −s)−1 .