School Address
Ohio Northern University
525 S. Main St. Hill 013
Ada, OH 45810
Office: (419) 772-2142
Fax: (419) 772-2746
Dissertation Title:
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Graduate Minor: Neuropharmacology
An ethologically relevant animal model of post-traumatic stress
disorder: Physiological, pharmacological and behavioral
sequelae in rats exposed to predator stress and social instability
Major professor: David Diamond, Ph.D.
Thesis Title:
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Uncontrollable and unpredictable stress with a reminder
experience induces long-lasting effects on physiology and
behavior: A novel approach to modeling post-traumatic stress
disorder in rats
Major professor: David Diamond, Ph.D.
Thesis Title:
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV
Minor: Philosophy
Impact of the chemical senses on augmenting memory,
attention, reaction time, problem solving and response variability:
The differential role of retronasal versus orthonasal odorant
Undergraduate advisor: Bryan Raudenbush, Ph.D.
Associate Professor (w/tenure)
Department of Psychology, Sociology, & Criminal Justice
Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
(Aug 2015-present)
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, Sociology, & Criminal Justice
Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
(Sep 2009-July 2015)
Zoladz - CV
Adjunct Instructor
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
(Jan 2009-May 2009)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
(Dec 2008-Aug 2009)
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
(Aug 2006-Dec 2008)
Research Biologist
Research Service
James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa, Florida
(Aug 2004-Aug 2009)
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
(Aug 2004-Dec 2008)
Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia
(Jan 2004-May 2004)
Head Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, Psychophysiology Laboratory
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia
(May 2003-May 2004)
Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, Psychophysiology Laboratory
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia
(Jan 2002-May 2003)
BOOK CHAPTERS (* denotes supervised undergraduate student):
1. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2016). Psychosocial stress in rats: An animal model of PTSD
based on clinically relevant risk factors. In C. Martin, V. Preedy, & V.B. Patel (Eds.),
Comprehensive guide to post-traumatic stress disorder (pp. X-X). New York, NY: Springer.
2. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2016). Psychosocial stress model of PTSD based on clinically
relevant risk factors for trauma-induced psychopathology. In J.D. Bremner (Ed.), Post-traumatic
stress disorder: From neurobiology to treatment (pp. 125-142). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Zoladz, P.R., Kalchik, A.E.*, Cadle, C.E.*, & Lyle, S.M.* (2014). Amygdala-induced modulation of
cognitive brain structures underlies stress-induced alterations of learning and memory:
Importance of stressor timing and sex differences. In A. Costa & E. Villalba (Eds.), Horizons in
neuroscience research (Vol. 14) (pp. 1-40). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
4. Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., & Diamond, D.M. (2011). Neurobiological basis of the complex effect of
stress on memory and synaptic plasticity. In C.D. Conrad (Ed.), Handbook of stress:
Neuropsychological effects of stress on the brain (pp. 157-178). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Zoladz - CV
PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (h-index = 17) (* denotes supervised undergraduate
1. Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (in press). Predator-based psychosocial stress animal model of
PTSD: Progress toward understanding how traumatic stress generates psychopathology.
Experimental Neurology.
2. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (in press). Acute stress decreases but
chronic stress increases myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in rodents. Frontiers in
3. Diamond, D.M. & Zoladz, P.R. (2016). Dysfunctional or hyperfunctional? The amygdala is the bull
in the evolutionary China shop. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 94, 437-444.
4. Zoladz, P.R., Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Bui, A.D., Seeley, S., Fry, M.E.*, Johnson, B.L.*,
& Rorabaugh, B.R. (2016). Sex-dependent effects of sleep deprivation on myocardial sensitivity
to ischemic injury. Stress, 19, 264-268.
5. Rorabaugh, B.R., Seeley, S., Bui, A.D., Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson,
J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson, B.L.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (2015). Sex-dependent effects of chronic
psychosocial stress on myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury. Stress, 18, 645-653.
6. Zoladz, P.R., Peters, D.M.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Kalchik, A.E.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Dailey, A.M.*,
Brown, C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Earley, M.B.*, Knippen, C.L.*, & Rorabaugh, B.R. (2015). Postlearning stress enhances long-term memory and differentially influences memory in females
depending on menstrual stage. Acta Psychologica, 160, 127-133.
7. Cadle, C.E.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (2015). Stress time-dependently influences the acquisition and
retrieval of unrelated information by producing a memory of its own. Frontiers in Psychology, 6,
8. Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2015). Psychosocial predator-based
animal model of PTSD produces physiological and behavioral sequelae and a traumatic memory
4 months following stress onset. Physiology & Behavior, 147, 183-192.
9. Zoladz, P.R., Kalchik, A.E.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Lyle, S.M.*, Peters, D.M.*,
Brown, C.M.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Wolters, N.E., Talbot, J.N., &
Rorabaugh, B.R. (2014). ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced
enhancement of long-term memory in females. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 48, 111-122.
10. Zoladz, P.R., Peters, D.M.*, Kalchik, A.E.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Woelke, S.A.*,
Wolters, N.E., & Talbot, J.N. (2014). Brief, pre-learning stress reduces false memory production
and enhances true memory selectively in females. Physiology & Behavior, 128, 270-276.
11. Zoladz, P.R., Kalchik, A.E.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Burke, H.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*,
Pisansky, J.M.*, & Talbot, J.N. (2014). Brief, pre-retrieval stress differentially influences long-term
memory depending on sex and corticosteroid response. Brain and Cognition, 85, 277-285.
12. Zoladz, P.R., Burke, H.M.*, Robinson, C.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Wentz, B.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, McKay,
J.*, Dexter, K.W.*, & Talbot, J.N. (2013). Blunted corticosterone response to acute predator
stress results in long-term spatial memory impairment. SOJ Psychology, 1, 7.
13. Burke, H.M.*, Robinson, C.M.*, Wentz, B.*, McKay, J.*, Dexter, K.W.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, Talbot,
J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (2013). Sex-specific impairment of spatial memory in rats following a
reminder of predator stress. Stress, 16, 469-476.
Zoladz - CV
14. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2013). Current status on behavioral and biological markers of
PTSD: A search for clarity in a conflicting literature. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,
37, 860-895.
15. Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2013). Differential effectiveness of tianeptine,
clonidine and amitriptyline in blocking traumatic memory expression, anxiety and hypertension in
an animal model of PTSD. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 44,
16. Zoladz, P.R., Warnecke, A.J.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Burke, H.M.*, Frigo, R.M.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, Lyle,
S.M.*, & Talbot, J.N. (2013). Pre-learning stress that is temporally removed from acquisition
exerts sex-specific effects on long-term memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 100, 7787.
17. Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2012). Psychosocial animal model of PTSD
produces a long-lasting traumatic memory, an increase in general anxiety and PTSD-like
glucocorticoid abnormalities. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 1531-1545.
18. Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Halonen, J.D., Salim, S., Alzoubi, K.H., Srivareerat, M., Fleshner, M.,
Alkadhi, K.A., & Diamond, D.M. (2012). Differential expression of molecular markers of synaptic
plasticity in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and amygdala in response to spatial learning and
predator stress-induced amnesia. Hippocampus, 22, 577-589.
19. Zoladz, P.R. (2011). Post-traumatic stress disorder: A case for subtype identification. Ohio
Psychologist, 58, 34-37.
20. Van Elzakker, M.B., Zoladz, P.R., Thompson, V.M., Park, C.R., Halonen, J.D., Spencer, R.L., &
Diamond, D.M. (2011). Influence of pre-training predator stress on the expression of c-fos mRNA
in the hippocampus, amygdala and striatum following long-term spatial memory retrieval.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 1-13.
21. Roth, T.L., Zoladz, P.R., Sweatt, J.D., & Diamond, D.M. (2011). Epigenetic modification of
hippocampal BDNF DNA in adult rats in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45, 919-926.
22. Zoladz, P.R., Clark, B.*, Warnecke, A.*, Smith, L.*, Tabar, J.*, & Talbot, J.N. (2011). Pre-learning
stress differentially affects long-term memory for emotional words, depending on temporal
proximity to the learning experience. Physiology & Behavior, 103, 467-476.
23. Zoladz, P.R., Muñoz, C., & Diamond, D.M. (2010). Beneficial effects of tianeptine on
hippocampus-dependent long-term memory and stress-induced alterations of brain structure and
function. Pharmaceuticals, 3, 3143-3166.
24. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2010). Use of an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
in the study of pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders. Culture Psy Neurosciences, 15, 6-7.
25. Zoladz, P.R., Woodson, J.C., Haynes, V.F., & Diamond, D.M. (2010). Activation of a remote
(one-year old) emotional memory interferes with the retrieval of a newly formed hippocampusdependent memory in rats. Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 13, 36-52.
26. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2009). Linear and non-linear dose-response functions reveal a
hormetic relationship between stress and learning. Dose-Response, 7, 132-148.
Zoladz - CV
27. Conboy, L., Tanrikut, C., Zoladz, P.R., Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Gabriel, C., Mocaer, E.,
Sandi, C., & Diamond, D.M. (2009). The antidepressant agomelatine blocks the adverse effects
of stress on memory and enables spatial learning to rapidly increase neural cell adhesion
molecule (NCAM) expression in the hippocampus of rats. The International Journal of
Neuropsychopharmacology, 12, 329-341.
28. Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Muñoz, C., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2008). Tianeptine: An
antidepressant with memory-protective properties. Current Neuropharmacology, 6, 311-321.
29. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (2008). Hormetic and non-hormetic dose-response functions in
stress effects on memory and synaptic plasticity: Issues and mechanisms. American Journal of
Pharmacology and Toxicology, 3, 108-121.
30. Zoladz, P.R., Conrad, C.D., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2008). Acute episodes of predator
exposure in conjunction with chronic social instability as an animal model of post-traumatic stress
disorder. Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 11, 259-281.
31. Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., Conrad, C.D., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2008). Acute predator
stress impairs the consolidation and retrieval of hippocampus-dependent memory in male and
female rats. Learning and Memory, 15, 271-280.
32. Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., Muñoz, C., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (2008).
Pre-training administration of tianeptine, but not propranolol, protects hippocampus-dependent
memory from being impaired by predator stress. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 18, 8798.
33. Diamond, D.M., Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Halonen, J., & Zoladz, P.R. (2007). The temporal
dynamics model of emotional memory processing: A synthesis on the neurobiological basis of
stress-induced amnesia, flashbulb and traumatic memories, and the Yerkes-Dodson Law. Neural
Plasticity, 2007, Article 60803.
34. Zoladz, P.R., Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Danysz, W., & Diamond. D.M. (2006). Enhancement of
long-term spatial memory in adult rats by the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists,
memantine and neramexane. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 85, 298-306.
35. Zoladz, P. & Raudenbush, B. (2005). Cognitive enhancement through stimulation of the chemical
senses. North American Journal of Psychology, 7, 125-140.
36. Raudenbush, B., Koon, J., Smith, J., & Zoladz, P. (2003). Effects of odorant administration on
objective and subjective measures of sleep quality, post-sleep mood and cognitive functioning,
and alertness. North American Journal of Psychology, 5, 181-192.
MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION OR UNDER REVIEW (* denotes supervised undergraduate
Halonen, J.D., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., & Diamond, D.M. (under review). Predator-based fear
conditioning: A novel approach to studying the neurobiology of fear memories. Behavioral Neuroscience.
Zoladz, P.R., Cadle, C.E.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Peters, D.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Brown, C.M.*, Nagle, H.E.*,
Earley, M.B.*, Knippen, C.L.*, Duffy, T.J.*, Fiely, M.K.*, Mosley, B.E.*, Payment, K.P., & Rorabaugh, B.R.
(in preparation). Blunted cortisol response to stress reduces incorporation of misinformation.
Neurobiology of Learning & Memory.
Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (in preparation). Propranolol blocks predator stress-induced
enhancement, but not impairment, of spatial learning in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
Zoladz - CV
Zoladz, P.R., Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Johnson, B.J.*, Rose, R.M.*, Lombardi, C.J.*, Heikkila,
M.E.*, & Huntley, M.R.* (in preparation). Sensitivity to nicotine in an animal model of PTSD. Journal.
Zoladz, P.R., Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Johnson, B.J.*, Rose, R.M.*, Lombardi, C.J.*, Heikkila,
M.E.*, & Huntley, M.R.* (in preparation). Influence of estrous cycle on sensitivity to chronic psychosocial
stress. Journal.
Effects of a high fat-high carbohydrate diet on cardiac susceptibility to ischemic injury in a
rodent model of post-traumatic stress disorder
Role: Advisor
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $1,500
Submitted by supervised graduate research assistant, Eric Eisenmann
5/2015-4/2018 Time-dependent effects of stress on learning: Physiological and genetic associations
Role: PI
NIMH, R15MH104836
Total Direct Costs = $300,000
Effects of brief, pre-learning stress on forced confabulation of misinformation
Role: PI
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $2000
The Effect of Caffeine Withdrawal on Spatial Learning and Memory
Role: Advisor
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $1,500
Submitted by supervised undergraduate research assistant, Eric Eisenmann
Effects of sleep deprivation on cardiac susceptibility to ischemic injury
Role: Advisor
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $1,500
Submitted by supervised undergraduate research assistant, Anna Krivenko
Influence of ADRA2B deletion variant and menstrual cycle hormones on emotional
learning and memory
Role: Advisor
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $5,000
Submitted by supervised undergraduate research assistant, Chelsea Cadle
Temporal dynamics of stress effects on false memory production
Role: PI
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $2000
Effects of stress on the retrieval of emotional and non-emotional words
Role: PI
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $2000
Zoladz - CV
Age-related influences on the production of intrusive emotional memories in rats
Role: Advisor
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $1,450
Submitted by supervised undergraduate research assistant, Hanna Burke
Daily tianeptine treatment initiated after stress onset blocks the effects of chronic
psychosocial stress on physiology and behavior in an animal model of PTSD
USU Amygdala, Stress and PTSD Conference Travel Award = $500
Impact of the chemical senses on augmenting memory, attention, reaction time, problem
solving, and response variability: The differential role of retronasal versus orthonasal
odorant administration
Association for Chemoreception Sciences Travel Award = $225
Augmenting memory, attention, reaction time, problem solving, and response variability
through orthonasal odorant administration
Role: PI
Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
Total Direct Costs = $1,010
ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced enhancement of long-term
memory in females
Role: PI
Summer Research Grant, Ohio Northern University
Total Direct Costs = $6500
Temporal dynamics of stress effects on false memory production
Role: PI
Summer Research Grant, Ohio Northern University
Total Direct Costs = $6500
Will a blunted corticosteroid response to stress exacerbate the development of PTSD-like
sequelae in rats?
Role: PI
Summer Research Grant, Ohio Northern University
Total Direct Costs = $6500
Motivation and emotion
General Education Course Development Grant, Ohio Northern University = $2000
Temporal dynamics of acute stress effects on learning
Role: PI
Undergraduate Faculty Development Grant, Ohio Northern University
Total Direct Costs = $500
Validation of an animal model of PTSD: Psychosocial stress in rats produces a reduction
in basal glucocorticoid levels and an increase in sensitivity in the dexamethasone
suppression test
Graduate and Professional Student Council Conference Presentation Grant, University of
South Florida = $400
Zoladz - CV
Daily tianeptine treatment initiated after stress onset blocks the effects of chronic
psychosocial stress on physiology and behavior in an animal model of PTSD
Graduate and Professional Student Council Conference Presentation Grant, University of
South Florida = $400
Uncontrollable psychosocial stress followed by a reminder experience produces
persistent effects on physiology and behavior: A novel approach to modeling PTSD in
Graduate and Professional Student Council Conference Presentation Grant, University of
South Florida = $270
Predator stress, but not fear conditioning, induces retrograde amnesia in rats trained in
the radial arm water maze
Graduate and Professional Student Council Conference Presentation Grant, University of
South Florida = $350
Impact of an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder on myocardial ischemic injury
Role: co-Investigator (PI = Boyd Rorabaugh)
Total Direct Costs = $300,000
A cross-species approach to mechanisms underlying hyperarousal that results from
uncertain threat
Role: co-PI (other PI = Tamara Newton – University of Louisville)
Total Direct Costs = $325,229
Acute predator exposure and chronic social instability as an animal model of PTSD
Role: PI
Total Direct Costs = $87,060
PAPER PRESENTATIONS (* denotes supervised undergraduate student):
1. Cadle, C.E.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2015). Hormonal correlates of emotional memory in females.
To be presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
2. Kalchik, A.E.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Lyle, S.M.*, Peters, D.M.*, Brown, C.M.*,
Cadle, C.E.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Talbot, J.N., Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (April,
2014). ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced enhancement of long-term
memory in females. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium,
Ada, Ohio.
3. Zoladz, P.R. (January, 2014). Neurobiology of predator-induced fear. Presented at the Gordon
Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions, Ventura, California.
Zoladz - CV
4. Diamond, D.M., Roth, T.L., Fleshner, M., & Zoladz, P.R. (September, 2012). Animal model of
PTSD based on clinically relevant features of trauma susceptibility and expression. Presented at
the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, New York,
New York.
5. Zoladz, P.R. (May, 2012). Stress effects on learning: It’s all a matter of timing. Presented at BIT’s
3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk 2012, Beijing, China.
6. Diamond, D.M. & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2008). Hormetic and non-hormetic dose-responses in
emotional neuroscience. Presented at the Seventh Annual International Meeting of the
International Dose-Response Society, Dose-Response 2008: Implications for Toxicology,
Medicine, and Risk Assessment.
7. Diamond, D.M., Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., Lee, A., Fleshner, M., & Munoz, C.
(June, 2005). Complex involvement of glucocorticoids in stress and antidepressant actions on
hippocampal functioning. Presented at the Proceedings of the Neuroendocrinology of Stress, San
Diego, California.
8. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., & Lilley, S. (April, 2004). Impact of the chemical senses on
augmenting memory, attention, reaction time, problem solving, and response variability:Tthe
differential role of retronasal versus orthonasal odorant administration. Presented at the
Conference of the Association for Chemical Reception Sciences, Sarasota, Florida. Abstract
published in Chemical Senses, 29, supplement.
9. Zoladz, P. (April, 2004). Impact of the chemical senses on augmenting memory, attention,
reaction time, problem solving, and response variability: The differential role of retronasal versus
orthonasal odorant administration. Presented at the Wheeling Jesuit University Research and
Scholarship Symposium, Wheeling, West Virginia.
10. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., & Lilley, S. (July, 2004). Impact of the chemical senses on
augmenting memory, attention, reaction time, problem solving, and response variability: The
differential role of retronasal versus orthonasal odorant administration. Presented at the
Conference of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Cincinnati, Ohio. Abstract
published in Appetite, 42, 416.
POSTER PRESENTATIONS (* denotes supervised undergraduate student):
1. Cadle, C.E.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Peters, D.M.*, Nagle, H.E.*, Earley, M.B.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Brown,
C.M.*, Fiely, M.K.*, Mosley, B.E.*, Duffy, T.J.*, Knippen, C.L.*, Mallernee, J.A.*, Rorabaugh,
B.R.*, Payment, K.E.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2016). Blunted cortisol response to acute prelearning stress prevents misinformation effect in a forced confabulation paradigm. To be
presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
2. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Rose, R.M.*, Fry, M.E.*, Heikkila, M.E.*, Huntley, M.R.*, &
Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2016). Decreased voluntary ethanol consumption in a predator-based
psychosocial stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder. To be presented at the Forty-Sixth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
3. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Rose, R.M.*, Fry, M.E.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Huntley, M.R.*, Heikkila, M.E.*,
Kohls, B.A.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2016). Influence of estrous stage on the behavioral
response of female rats to a predator-based psychosocial stress model of post-traumatic stress
disorder. To be presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA.
Zoladz - CV 10
4. Dailey, A.M.*, Nagle, H.E.*, Earley, M.B.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Brown, C.M.*, Fiely, M.K.*, Mosley,
B.E.*, Duffy, T.J.*, Mallernee, J.A.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Knippen, C.L.*, Rorabaugh,
B.R.*, Payment, K.E.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2016). Blunted cortisol response to acute prelearning stress prevents misinformation effect in a forced confabulation paradigm. Presented at
the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
5. Fry, M.E.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Rose, R.M.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Huntley, M.R.*, Heikkila, M.E.*,
Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2016). Clonidine prevents the anxiogenic, but not
cardiovascular, consequences of a predator-based psychosocial stress model of PTSD.
Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
6. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Rose, R.M.*, Fry, M.E.*, Heikkila, M.E.*, Huntley, M.R.*, &
Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2016). Decreased voluntary ethanol consumption in a predator-based
psychosocial stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Presented at the Ohio Northern
University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
7. Rose, R.M.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Fry, M.E.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Heikkila, M.E.*, Huntley, M.R.*,
Robinson, K.L.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2016). Altered behavioral sensitivity to nicotine in male
and female rats exposed to a predator-based psychosocial stress model of post-traumatic stress
disorder. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
8. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Rose, R.M.*, Fry, M.E.*, Johnson, B.L.*, Huntley, M.R.*, Heikkila, M.E.*,
Kohls, B.A.*, & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2016). Influence of estrous stage on the behavioral response
of female rats to a predator-based psychosocial stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
9. Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2015). Inhibitory avoidance, but not fear
conditioning, impairs spatial memory retrieval: Insight into how different forms of trauma memory
processing affect new memory processing. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
45, 812.03.
10. Dailey, A.M.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Brown C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Earley, M.B.*, Knippen,
C.L.*, Nagle, H.E.*, Kalchik, A.E.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R.
(October, 2015). Reactivation of a fear memory prior to learning sex-dependently influences longterm memory. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
Chicago, IL. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 45, 812.02.
11. Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson, J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson, B.L.*,
Hembree, M.L.*, Rose, R.M.*, Lombardi, C.J.*, Huntley, M.R.*, Bui, A.D., Seeley, S., Rorabaugh,
B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (October, 2015). Sleep deprivation increases ischemia-induced myocardial
injury in female rats. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
Chicago, IL. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 45, 815.11.
12. Zoladz, P.R., Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson, J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson,
B.L.*, Hembree, M.L.*, Rose, R.M.*, Lombardi, C.J.*, Huntley, M.R.*, Bui, A.D., Seeley, S., &
Rorabaugh, B.R. (October, 2015). Increased myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in an animal
model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
45, 623.14.
13. Bui, A.D., Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson, J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson,
B.L.*, Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (July, 2015). Increased myocardial sensitivity
to ischemic injury in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Council, New Orleans, LA.
Zoladz - CV 11
14. Eisenmann, E.D.*, Bui, A.D., Krivenko, A.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson, J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson,
B.L.*, Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2015). Increased myocardial sensitivity
to ischemic injury in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Presented at the Ohio
Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
15. Bui, A.D., Krivenko, A.*, Eisenmann, E.D.*, Fry, M.E.*, Lawson, J.D.*, Stoner, L.E.*, Johnson,
B.L.*, Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2015). Sleep deprivation increases
ischemia-induced myocardial injury in female rats. Presented at the Ohio Northern University
Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
16. Cadle, C.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Brown C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Earley, M.B.*, Knippen,
C.L.*, Nagle, H.E.*, Kalchik, A.E.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (April,
2015). Reactivation of a fear memory induces physiological responses that correlate with longterm memory modulation. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research
Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
17. Zoladz, P.R., Kalchik, A.E.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*,
Lyle, S.M.*, Brown, C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Wolters, N.E., Talbot, J.N., & Rorabaugh,
B.R. (November, 2014). ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced
enhancement of long-term memory in females. Presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of
the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 44, 644.02.
18. Cadle, C.E.*, Kalchik, A.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Brown, C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*, Dailey, A.M.*, Earley,
M.B.*, Knippen, C.L.*, Scholl, E.D.*, Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2014). Postlearning stress facilitates long-term memory consolidation and differentially influences emotional
memory in females depending on stage of menstrual cycle. Presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual
Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract published in Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, 44, 644.07.
19. Kalchik, A.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Cadle, C.E.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Brown, C.M.*, Scharf, A.R.*,
Dailey, A.M.*, Earley, M.B.*, Knippen, C.L.*, Scholl, E.D.*, Rorabaugh, B.R., & Zoladz, P.R.
(April, 2014). Post-learning stress facilitates long-term memory consolidation. Presented at the
Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
20. Kalchik, A.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Findley, K.L.*,
Wolters, N.E., Talbot, J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2013). Stress administered immediately
before learning reduces false memory production and selectively enhances true memory in
females. Presented at the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 43, 386.05.
21. Zoladz, P.R., Warnecke, A.J.*, Burke, H.M.*, Frigo, R.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Pisansky, J.M.*,
Robinson, C.M.*, Wolters, N.E., & Talbot, J.N. (November, 2013). Pre-learning social evaluative
stress exerts sex-specific effects on long-term picture memory. Presented at the Forty-Third
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, 43, 386.12.
22. Kalchik, A.E.*, Peters, D.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Findley, K.L.*,
Wolters, N.E., Talbot, J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2013). Stress administered immediately before
learning reduces false memory production and selectively enhances true memory recall in
females. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
Zoladz - CV 12
23. Zoladz, P.R., Burke, H.M.*, Robinson, C.M.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Wentz, B.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, McKay,
J.*, Dexter, K.W.*, & Talbot, J.N. (October, 2012). Blunted corticosterone response to acute
predator stress results in long-term spatial memory impairment. Presented at the Forty-Second
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in Society
for Neuroscience Abstracts, 42, 774.17.
24. Burke, H.M.*, Robinson, C.M.*, Wentz, B.*, McKay, J.*, Dexter, K.W.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, Talbot,
J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (October, 2012). Sex-specific impairment of spatial memory following a
reminder of predator stress. Presented at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 42,
25. Woelke, S.A.*, Burke, H.M.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, Hoffman, M.M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.L.*, Kalchik,
A.E.*, Talbot, J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (October, 2012). Brief, pre-retrieval stress selectively impairs
long-term memory in males who exhibit a reduced cortisol response to stress. Presented at the
Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Abstract
published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 42, 797.07.
26. Warnecke, A.J.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Burke, H.M.*, Frigo, R.M.*, Pisansky, J.M.*, Holcomb, E.D.*,
Talbot, J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (October, 2012). Pre-learning stress selectively impairs long-term
memory in males who exhibit a robust cortisol response to stress. Presented at the Forty-Second
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in Society
for Neuroscience Abstracts, 42, 797.05.
27. Burke, H.*, Robinson, C.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Wentz, B.*, Pisansky, J.*, McKay, J.*, Dexter, K.*,
Talbot, J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2012). Blunted corticosterone response to acute predator
stress results in long-term spatial memory impairment. Presented at the Ohio Northern University
Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
28. Burke, H.*, Robinson, C.*, Wentz, B.*, McKay, J.*, Dexter, K.*, Pisansky, J.*, Talbot, J.N., &
Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2012). Sex-specific impairment of spatial memory following a reminder of
predator stress. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, Ada,
29. Woelke, S.A.*, Burke, H.*, Pisansky, J.*, Hoffman, M.*, Aufdenkampe, R.*, Kalchik, A.*, Talbot,
J.N., & Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2012). Brief, pre-retrieval stress selectively impairs long-term memory
in males who exhibit a reduced cortisol response to stress. Presented at the Ohio Northern
University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
30. Warnecke, A.J.*, Woelke, S.A.*, Burke, H.*, Frigo, R.*, Pisansky, J.*, Holcomb, E.*, Talbot, J.N.,
& Zoladz, P.R. (April, 2012). Pre-learning stress selectively impairs long-term memory in males
and is mediated by corticosteroid-dependent mechanisms. Presented at the Ohio Northern
University Student Research Colloquium, Ada, Ohio.
31. Halonen, J.D., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2011). Neurobiology of forgotten baby
syndrome. Presented at the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
Washington, DC. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 41, 603.05.
32. Zoladz, P.R., Clark, B.*, Warnecke, A.*, Smith, L.*, Talbot, J., & Tabar, J.* (November, 2010).
Stress exerts differential effects on the recall and recognition of emotional words, depending on
proximity to the learning experience. Presented at the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 40,
Zoladz - CV 13
33. Roth, T.L., Zoladz, P.R., Sweatt, J.D., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2010). Hypermethylation of
the BDNF gene in the hippocampus of adult rats exposed to a predator-based psychosocial
animal model of PTSD. Presented at the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 40,
34. Diamond, D.M. & Zoladz, P.R. (November, 2010). Chronic psychosocial stress in adult rats
produces PTSD-like sequelae, including heightened anxiety and predator-based fear
conditioning, more than 4 months following the initiation of stress. Presented at the Fortieth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, 40, 265.12.
35. Roth, T.L., Zoladz, P.R., Sweatt, J.D., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2010). Stress-induced
changes in hippocampal DNA methylation following exposure to a predator-based psychosocial
animal model of PTSD. Presented at the New York Academy of Sciences conference on
Behavioral Epigenetics.
36. Clark, B.*, Smith, L.*, Warnecke, A.*, Tabar, J.*, Talbot, J., & Zoladz, P.R. (May, 2010). Stress
differentially affects memory for positive and negative words independent of its proximity to the
learning experience. Presented at the Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium,
Ada, Ohio.
37. Zoladz, P.R., Cooper, D., Carter, G., Muñoz, C., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2009). Effects of
corticosterone and predator stress on alternative splicing of acetylcholinesterase: Potential
relevance to PTSD-related pathology. Presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
39, 841.2.
38. Seetharaman, S., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2009). Daily social stimulation
ameliorates PTSD-like behavioral and physiological sequelae induced by psychosocial stress in
rats. Presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 39, 841.3.
39. Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Corticosteronedependent and corticosterone-independent effects of predator stress on the consolidation versus
retrieval of long-term spatial memory. Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress, Coping
and Disease, Arlington, VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P43.
40. Seetharaman, S., Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J.D., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Daily social
stimulation blocks the development of conditioned fear and heightened anxiety in an animal
model of PTSD. Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress, Coping and Disease, Arlington,
VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P73.
41. Muñoz, C., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Differential effectiveness of
tianeptine, clonidine and amitriptyline in blocking PTSD-like physiological and behavioral
sequelae in rats. Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress, Coping and Disease, Arlington,
VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P72.
42. Philpot, R.M., Diamond, D.M., Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J.D., Engberg, M.E., Fleshner, M., &
Wecker, L. (November, 2008). Activation of the memory of a traumatic experience increases
CREB phosphorylation in the rat hippocampus. Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress,
Coping and Disease, Arlington, VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P29.
Zoladz - CV 14
43. Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Validation of an animal model of
PTSD: Psychosocial stress in rats produces a reduction in basal glucocorticoid levels and an
increase in sensitivity in the dexamethasone suppression test. Presented at A Brain Research
Meeting: Stress, Coping and Disease, Arlington, VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual
Supplement, P71.
44. Halonen, J.D., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Neoclassical fear conditioning
with the CS and US presented in different contexts: Adverse effects of combined administration of
D-cycloserine and propranolol on extinction. Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress,
Coping and Disease, Arlington, VA. Abstract published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P74.
45. Srivareerat, M., Alzoubi, K.H., Alkadhi, K.A., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Halonen, J.D., & Diamond,
D.M. (November, 2008). Differential expression of CaMKII, BDNF and calcineurin in the
hippocampus and amygdala in response to spatial learning and predator stress-induced amnesia.
Presented at A Brain Research Meeting: Stress, Coping and Disease, Arlington, VA. Abstract
published in Delegate Manual Supplement, P28.
46. Park, C.R., Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Corticosteronedependent and corticosterone-independent effects of predator stress on the consolidation versus
retrieval of long-term spatial memory. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 38, 196.17.
47. Seetharaman, S., Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J.D., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Daily social
stimulation blocks the development of conditioned fear and heightened anxiety in an animal
model of PTSD. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 38, 726.27.
48. Muñoz, C., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Differential effectiveness of
tianeptine, clonidine and amitriptyline in blocking PTSD-like physiological and behavioral
sequelae in rats. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 38, 762.26.
49. Philpot, R.M., Diamond, D.M., Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J.D., Engberg, M.E., Fleshner, M., &
Wecker, L. (November, 2008). Activation of the memory of a traumatic experience increases
CREB phosphorylation in the rat hippocampus. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of
the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 38, 489.3.
50. Zoladz, P.R., Fleshner, M., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Validation of an animal model of
PTSD: Psychosocial stress in rats produces a reduction in basal glucocorticoid levels and an
increase in sensitivity in the dexamethasone suppression test. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society
for Neuroscience Abstracts, 38, 762.29.
51. Halonen, J.D., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2008). Neoclassical fear conditioning
with the CS and US presented in different contexts: Adverse effects of combined administration of
D-cycloserine and propranolol on extinction. Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 38, 489.2.
52. Srivareerat, M., Alzoubi, K.H., Alkadhi, K.A., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Halonen, J.D., & Diamond,
D.M. (November, 2008). Differential expression of CaMKII, BDNF and calcineurin in the
hippocampus and amygdala in response to spatial learning and predator stress-induced amnesia.
Presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.
Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 38, 489.1.
Zoladz - CV 15
53. Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J., Muñoz, C., & Diamond, D.M. (April, 2008). Daily tianeptine treatment
initiated after stress onset blocks the effects of chronic psychosocial stress on physiology and
behavior in an animal model of PTSD. Presented at the 3rd Annual Conference on Neurobiology
of Amygdala and Stress: Amygdala, Fear, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, Maryland.
54. Van Elzakker, M., Spencer, R.L., Jarvis, E., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Halonen, J., & Diamond,
D.M. (November, 2007). C-fos expression in the hippocampus increases in response to a spatial
memory retrieval process, but does not require successful memory retrieval. Presented at the
Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. Abstract
published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 37, 840.11.
55. Conboy, L., Tanrikut, C., Campbell, A.M., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., Halonen, J., Mocaёr, E.,
Sandi, C., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2007). Chronic administration of agomelatine prevents
acute predator stress-induced impairment in spatial memory and modulates post-training
hippocampal NCAM expression. Presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society
for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 37, 937.2.
56. Seetharaman, S., Zoladz, P.R., Muñoz, C., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2007). Acute
administration of the antidepressant tianeptine delays bicuculline-induced seizure onset in rats.
Presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego,
California. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 37, 166.7.
57. Halonen, J., Zoladz, P.R., Park, C.R., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2007). Propranolol blocks
the stress-induced enhancement, but not impairment, of long-term spatial memory in adult rats.
Presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego,
California. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 37, 745.15.
58. Zoladz, P.R., Halonen, J., Muñoz, C., & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2007). Daily tianeptine
treatment initiated after stress onset blocks the effects of chronic psychosocial stress on
physiology and behavior in an animal model of PTSD. Presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual
Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. Abstract published in Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts, 37, 171.7.
59. Halonen, J., Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2006). Post-training immobilization of rats
during predator exposure increases the magnitude and resistance to extinction of conditioned
fear. Presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta,
Georgia. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 36, 829.6.
60. Diamond, D.M., Zoladz, P.R., Campbell, A.M., Park, C.R., Schaefer, D., & Danysz, W. (October,
2006). Enhancement of long-term spatial memory in adult rats by the uncompetitive NMDA
receptor antagonists, memantine and neramexane. Presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting
of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 36, 267.7.
61. Zoladz, P.R., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2006). Uncontrollable psychosocial stress followed by a
reminder experience produces persistent effects on physiology and behavior: A novel approach
to modeling PTSD in rats. Presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 36,
Zoladz - CV 16
62. Bui, V.H., Zoladz, P.R., Conrad, C.D., & Diamond, D.M. (October, 2006). Reduced adrenal and
parasympathetic inhibition during traumatic stress: A physiologically relevant animal model of
PTSD. Presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta,
Georgia. Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 36, 829.5.
63. Raudenbush, B., Wilson, I., Zoladz, P. (July, 2006). Effects of sham intoxication: Impact on
mood, pain perception and threshold, level of aggression, and physiology. Presented at the
Conference of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Naples, Florida. Abstract published
in Appetite, 46, 377.
64. Zoladz, P.R. & Diamond, D.M. (November, 2005). Predator stress, but not fear conditioning,
induces retrograde amnesia in rats trained in the radial arm water maze. Presented at the
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Abstract published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 35, 684.15.
65. Wilson, I., Zoladz, P., Lilley, S., Rawson, A., & Raudenbush, B. (April, 2005). Effects of sham
intoxication: Impact on mood, pain perception and threshold, level of aggression, and physiology.
Presented at the Conference of the Association for Chemical Reception Sciences, Sarasota,
Florida. Abstract published in Chemical Senses, 30, supplement.
66. Wilson, I., Zoladz, P., Lilley, S., Rawson, A., & Raudenbush, B. (March, 2005). Effects of sham
intoxication: Impact on mood, pain perception and threshold, level of aggression, and physiology.
Presented at the Conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Abstract published in Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, supplement.
67. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., & Lilley, S. (March, 2005). Impact of the chemical senses on
augmenting memory, attention, reaction time, problem solving, and response variability: The
differential role of retronasal versus orthonasal odorant administration. Presented at the
Conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract published
in Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,
68. Wilson, I., Zoladz, P., Lilley, S., Rawson, A., & Raudenbush, B. (October, 2004). Effects of sham
intoxication: Impact on mood, pain perception and threshold, level of aggression, and physiology.
Presented at the Conference of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Abstract published in Psychophysiology, 41, supplement.
69. Zoladz, P. (May, 2004). Impact of the chemical senses on augmenting memory, attention,
reaction time, problem solving, and response variability: The differential role of retronasal versus
orthonasal odorant administration. Presented at the WV EPSCoR Undergraduate Research
Competition, Charleston, West Virginia.
70. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., & Lilley, S. (October, 2003). Effects of chewing gum flavor on
measures of memory, reaction time, and hand/eye coordination. Presented at the Conference of
the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in
Psychophysiology, 40, supplement.
71. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., Fronckoski, R., & Price, N. (June, 2003). Differential effects of
retronasal vs. orthonasal odorant administration on athletic performance, mood, and workload.
Presented at the Conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and
Physical Activity, Savannah, Georgia. Abstract published in Journal of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, 25, supplement.
Zoladz - CV 17
72. Zoladz, P., Raudenbush, B., Fronckoski, R., & Price, N. (April, 2003). Differential effects of
retronasal vs. orthonasal odorant administration on athletic performance, mood, and workload.
Presented at the Conference of the Association for Chemical Reception Sciences, Sarasota,
Florida. Abstract published in Chemical Senses, 28, supplement.
73. Zoladz, P. & Fronckoski, R. (April, 2003). Differential effects of retronasal vs. orthonasal odorant
administration on athletic performance, mood, and workload. Presented at the Wheeling Jesuit
University Research and Scholarship Symposium, Wheeling, West Virginia.
74. Raudenbush, B., Koon, J., Smith, J., & Zoladz, P. (April, 2003). Effects of ambient odor
administration on sleep quality, post-sleep cognitive functioning, and alertness. Presented at the
Conference of the Association for Chemical Reception Sciences, Sarasota, Florida. Abstract
published in Chemical Senses, 28, supplement.
75. Koon, J., Smith, J., & Zoladz, P. (April, 2003). Effects of ambient odor administration on sleep
quality, post-sleep cognitive functioning, and alertness. Presented at the Wheeling Jesuit
University Research and Scholarship Symposium, Wheeling, West Virginia.
76. Raudenbush, B., Koon, J., Smith, J., & Zoladz, P. (October, 2002). Effects of ambient odor
administration on sleep quality, sleep latency, and post-sleep cognitive functioning, and alertness.
Presented at the Conference of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C.
Abstract published in Psychophysiology, 39, supplement.
Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
External Grant Funded Release Time Task Force
(August 2015-present)
Institutional Review Board, Chair
(May 2014-present)
ONU Student Research Colloquium Planning Committee
(Nov 2012-present)
Weir Memorial Scholarship Committee
(Oct 2012-present)
Faculty Advisor of Ohio Northern Christian Apologetics
(April 2012-present)
Faculty Advisor of Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology
(Apr 2010-present)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(Sep 2009-present)
Health Sciences Committee
(March 2013-Dec 2013)
Job Search Committee
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
(Sep 2012-Feb 2013)
College of Arts & Science General Education Course Development
Grant Review Committee
(April 2011)
Department Chair Search Advisory Committee
(Jan 2011-March 2011)
College of Arts & Sciences Committee on Assessment
(Nov 2010-May 2013)
College of Arts & Sciences Accommodations Appeals Committee
(Sep 2010-May 2011)
Zoladz - CV 18
College of Arts & Sciences Committee on Curriculum
(Sep 2010-May 2011)
Distinguished Achievement Scholarship Recognition Interviewer
(Feb 2010-Feb 2011)
Academic Honors Scholarship Recognition Interviewer
(Jan 2010-Jan 2011)
Presidential Scholars Competition Interviewer
(Jan 2010-Jan 2011)
Job Search Committee
Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology
(Jan 2010-May 2010)
Psi Chi Reviewer
(May 2013-present)
Award / Grant Reviewer for Undergraduate, Graduate and Faculty Submissions
AP Psychology Reader, Educational Testing Services
(June 2014-present)
Wyoming SAWS Rater, Educational Testing Services
(May 2014)
Annual Convention of the Ohio Psychological Association
Judge for Undergraduate and Graduate Research Presentations
(Oct 2009-Oct 2010)
Introduction to Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Learning & Behavior
Motivation & Emotion
Myths, Mischief & Pitfalls in Modern Science
Experimental Psychology
Sensation & Perception
The Stressed Brain (seminar)
Animal models of post-traumatic stress disorder
Neurobiology of learning and memory
Effects of stress on learning and memory
Trauma-induced changes in brain and behavior
Neuroscience & Molecular Biology: intracardiac perfusion, microdissection, stereotaxic manipulations, in
vitro electrophysiology, some staining techniques
Behavioral Assessments: radial-arm water maze (spatial memory), elevated plus maze (anxiety testing),
open field (locomotor assessment), startle testing, Pavlovian fear conditioning, inhibitory avoidance
training, novel object recognition, rat heart rate and blood pressure assessment, cold pressor test, Trier
Social Stress Test
Miryam Matute, Science Research Program, White Plains High School, White Plains, NY.
Zoladz - CV 19
Brooke Kohls
Kiera Robinson
Kelsey Hess
Julie Handel
Mackenzie Riggenbach
Moriah Rouch
Brooke Hertenstein
Paul D’Alessio
Kasey Mucher
Leighton Wireman
Jen Hipskind
Connor Ney
Hayley O’Hara
Megan Heikkila
Brianna Wither-Sword
Joseph Mallernee
Colin Lombardi
Robert Rose
Maddy Huntley
Brianne Mosley
Tessa Duffy
Miranda Fiely
Morgan Hembree
Brandon Johnson
Hannah Nagle
Elizabeth Scholl
McKenna Earley
Courtney Knippen
Kyle Pressley
Lauren Stoner
Joseph Lawson
Eric Eisenmann
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Fall ’15-present)
(Summer ’15)
(Spring ’15-present)
(Spring ’15-Summer ‘15)
(Spring ’15-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’15-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’15-present)
(Spring ’15-present)
(Spring ’15-present)
(Spring ’15-present)
(Spring ’15-Spring ‘16)
(Fall ’14-Summer’15)
(Fall ’14-Spring ‘16)
(Summer ’14-present)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘14)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘16)
(Fall ’13-Fall ‘14)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘15)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘15)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘15)
(Fall ’13-Spring ‘16)
Megan Fry
Callie Brown
Amanda Scharf
Chelsea Cadle
Alison Dailey
Amanda Colonna
Eric Karr
Alice Fox
Kassidy Beck
Sarah Lyle
Karlene Owsley
David Peters
Anna Krivenko
Kali Findley
Rachael Aufdenkampe
Kyle Dexter
Mackenzie Hoffman
Andrea Kalchik
Bethany Wentz
Jerel McKay
Cristina Robinson
Julia Pisansky
Sarah Woelke
Hanna Burke
Ericka Holcomb
Rachael Frigo
Ashlee Warnecke
Jen Tabar
Bri Clark
Lindsay Smith
Daniel Chido
Chris Stacko
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘15)
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘16)
(Spring ’13-Spring ‘14)
(Spring ’13-Fall ‘13)
(Spring ’13-Fall ‘13)
(Fall ’12-Spring ‘13)
(Fall ’12-Spring ‘13)
(Spring ‘12-Spring ‘13)
(Spring ‘12-Spring ‘15)
(Spring ‘12-Spring ‘15)
(Spring ‘12-Spring ‘13)
(Fall ‘11-Spring ‘14)
(Fall ‘11-Spring ‘14)
(Fall ‘11-Spring ‘13)
(Fall ‘11-Spring ‘14)
(Fall ‘11-Spring ‘12)
(Summer ‘11-Spring ‘12)
(Winter ’10-‘11-Spring ‘13)
(Fall ‘10-Spring ‘13)
(Fall ‘10-Spring ‘12)
(Spring ‘10-Fall ‘11)
(Fall ‘10-Summer ‘11)
(Spring ‘10-Spring ‘11)
(Fall ‘09-Spring ‘11)
(Winter ’09-‘10-Fall ‘10)
(Fall ‘09-Spring ‘10)
(Fall ‘09-Spring ‘10)
(Winter ‘09-‘10-Spring ‘10)
(Fall ‘09-Winter ‘09-‘10)
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2009-present)
Journal of Pharmaceutics (2012-present)
Thanks, Netflix for making my head hurt…erer: A panel discussion. (February, 2016). Ohio Northern
University, Ada, Ohio.
Stress time-dependently influences learning and memory: Application to understanding traumatic memory
development. (April, 2015). Sigma Xi, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio.
Session Moderator, Neurobiology of predator-induced fear. (January, 2014). Gordon Research
Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions, Ventura, California.
Post-traumatic stress disorder: Neurobehavioral correlates. (October, 2013). Brain Trauma Support
Group, St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Ohio.
Zoladz - CV 20
Learning, the brain and stress. (November, 2011). Brain Trauma Support Group, St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima,
The psychology of stress and memory. (December, 2010). Social Studies Colloquium, Ohio Northern
University, Ada, Ohio.
The neurobiology of involuntary manslaughter caused by stress-induced memory loss and inattention
blindness: A case study. (February, 2008). Department of Psychology Brown Bag Presentation.
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Rats, the rat race and heart rates: The effects of stress on health & behavior. (October, 2007).
Psychology Department-Wide Colloquium. University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Animal models of traumatic stress as a means with which to understand the etiology of PTSD.
(December, 2006). Department of Psychology Brown Bag Presentation. University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida.
An animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder. (April, 2006). Department of Psychology Brown Bag
Presentation. University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Using nonparametric statistics in research. (November, 2005). Research Methods and Measurement
Graduate Course (PSY 6217), University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Behavioural Brain Research
Behavioural Processes
Behavioral Science
Biological Psychiatry
BMC Psychiatry
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
Hormones and Behavior
International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health
International Journal of Hyperthermia
International Journal of Psychophysiology
Learning and Individual Differences
Nature and Science of Sleep
Neuroscience Letters
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior
Physiology & Behavior
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology &
Biological Psychiatry
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
PLoS One
Science of Learning (Nature)
Alpha Sigma Nu – The National Honor Society of Jesuit Universities
Phi Sigma Tau – The National Honor Society in Philosophy
Psi Chi – The National Honor Society in Psychology
Sigma Xi – The Scientific Research Society
Society for Neuroscience
University of South Florida Center for Preclinical & Clinical Research on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
Zoladz - CV 21
Mortar Board Favorite Professor, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
Mortar Board Favorite Professor, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
Ohio Magazine Excellence in Education Recognition
Eve Levine Graduate Student Teaching Award, $250, University of South Florida, Tampa,
College of Arts & Sciences Publication Award for Doctoral Candidate & Faculty Mentor, $200,
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Initiation into Alpha Sigma Nu, National Honor Society of Jesuit Universities, Wheeling Jesuit
University Chapter.
Gloriam Award for Leadership and Academic Excellence, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling,
West Virginia.
Wheeling Jesuit University Outstanding Student Leadership Award, Wheeling Jesuit University,
Wheeling, West Virginia.
Certificate of Achievement in Research, State of West Virginia Office of the Chief Executive,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The Andrew Scott Wensel Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Psychology,
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia.
Reverend Frank R. Haig, S.J. Science Award, $2500, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West
Psi Chi / Allyn & Bacon Psychology Award, 2nd place, $650, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Dean’s Excellence Award, University of South Florida, Department of Psychology, Tampa,
Initiation into Phi Sigma Tau, National Honor Society in Philosophy, Wheeling Jesuit University
Alpha Chapter.
Gloriam Award for Leadership and Academic Excellence, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling,
West Virginia.
Award of Excellence, Stephen J. Laut Honors Program, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling,
West Virginia.
Initiation into Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology, Wheeling Jesuit University Chapter.
Presidential Scholarship, Wheeling Jesuit University.
Zoladz - CV 22
Dr. Judith Bryant
Professor of Psychology; Area Director: Program in Cognition, Neuroscience, and Social Psychology
University of South Florida
Department of Psychology
4202 E. Fowler Ave. PCD 4118G
Tampa, FL 33620-7200
(813) 974-0475
Dr. David Diamond
Professor of Psychology; Research Biologist
University of South Florida
Department of Psychology
4202 E. Fowler Ave. PCD 4118G
Tampa, FL 33620-7200
(813) 974-0480
Dr. Boyd Rorabaugh
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Ohio Northern University
Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences
525 S. Main St.
Ada, OH 45810
(419) 772-1695
Dr. Jane Noll
Director of Introductory Psychology; Coordinator of Undergraduate Affairs
University of South Florida
Department of Psychology
4202 E. Fowler Ave. PCD 4118G
(813) 974-6480
Dr. Kristie Payment
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ohio Northern University
Department of Psychology, Sociology, & Criminal Justice
525 S. Main St.
Ada, OH 45810
(419) 772-2143
Dr. Bryan Raudenbush
Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Undergraduate Research
Wheeling Jesuit University
Department of Psychology
316 Washington Ave.
Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 243-2330
Last Updated 4.20.16