Three Tier Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Strategic Roles and Mechanical Design by Alankar Chhabra B.S., Mechanical Engineering (1998) Massachusetts Institute of Technology SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICAL & ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN AERONAUTICAL & ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 1999 © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved Signature of Author............. ........ . ...... . ............ ... Department of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering May7, 1999 Certified by ....................... .. t..e... ""o . ... .. / ol. Peter Young Visiting Lecturer of Aeronautical & Askonaucal Engineering , ~I~Thesi Supervisor \ S j A Charles W. Boppe Senior Lecturer Thesis Advisor Accepted by....................... Jaime Peraire Professor of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Thesis MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,JUL 1 1999 Three Tier Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Strategic Roles and Mechanical Design by Alankar Chhabra Submitted to the Department of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering On May 8, 1999 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering ABSTRACT This thesis documents the systems approach, strategic role and mechanical design elements of a three-tier unmanned aerial vehicle prototype being developed by the MIT/Draper Technology Partnership. This parent-child concept incorporates three classes of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). A parent vehicle of 3.4-meter wingspan is maintained at the mother level while a mini-vehicle of one-meter wingspan and microvehicles of six inches maximum dimension make up its children. Because of this hierarchical structure, the aerial system designed and developed has been named the Parent-Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (PCUAV). Two major components of the PCUAV system are covered extensively in this document. The first component consists of the systems engineering approach used in the research and development of the vehicle system. This section presents why a PCUAV system is needed and what strategic roles are to be performed by the vehicle. The PCUAV is a novel concept designed to be used as an intelligence-gathering tool for platoon-sized units, Navy ships, and numerous commercial applications. It is designed for incorporation into both military and commercial missions and is to be deployed in both urban and suburban settings. Such a system will perform missions in reconnaissance, bomb damage assessment, micro aerial vehicle deployment and communication, and other unspecified applications. This UAV is designed to be two-man portable, allow short takeoff and landing, and be adaptable to various types of environmental conditions. The second component of this document consists of the preliminary vehicle design and development. This component that takes the concept to a preliminary design stage will lay the foundation for a future design and build of a PCUAV. The prototype vehicle described in this thesis is designed to verify the PCUAV systems concept and to study its mechanical structure and layout. Its development and design is part of a two-year joint venture by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. Thesis Supervisor: Col. Peter Young Title: Visiting Lecturer of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering Acknowledgments I would like to thank and acknowledge the following people for their valuable contributions to this project. I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Col. Peter Young, for the guidance and aid in the development of such a novel concept. I would also like to thank my project advisors, Mr. Charles W. Boppe and Prof. John Deyst, for the direct support and direction. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a member of the MIT/Draper partnership team. Finally, I would like to thank my father for helping me and for giving me some great guidance through the last twenty-three years and counting. Without your help and support I would have never reached this milestone in my academic career. Contents ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 2 LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... 6 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 8 1.1 MIT/DRAPER PARTNERSHIP ............................................................................... 8 1.2 U A Vs ............................................... 1.2.1 Predator U A V ................................................................................................................. 1.2.2 G lobal H awk UA V ............................................. ...................................................... 1.2.3 Sender U A V ................................................................................................................... 9 10 12 14 1.3 MICRO ARIAL VEHICLES .............................................................. 15 1.4 NEED FOR A PCUAV VEHICLE ......................................................... 19 1.4.1 Potential A dvantages ......................................................................... ....................... 19 1.4.2 Applications ............................................................... ............................................... 20 1.5 THESIS OBJECTIVES ........................................ ..................................................... 22 2.0 PROBLEM DEFINITION & STRATEGIC ROLES ...................................... 23 2.1 SCOPE OF THE PCUAV PROJECT ............................................................................. 23 2.2 CUSTOM ER N EEDS.......................................... ......................................................... 24 2.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 25 2.4 REQUIREMENTS PRIORITIZATION.................................................. 27 3.0 VEHICLE CONCEPT STUDY ............................................................................ 29 3.1 ARCHITECTURE TRADE STUDY PROCESS................................ 29 3.1.1 Architecture 401: The Preferred System Concept ...................................... ..... 3.2 PCUAV MEETS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 3.2.1 Three-Tier System ........................................................................... ......................... 3.2.2 Strategic M issions...................................................... ............................................... 3.2.3 Potential Users .............................................................................. ............................ 3.3. PCUAV MISSION SCENARIOS ......................................................... 29 31 31 34 34 34 3.4 COMPETITORS ................................................ 42 3.5 MECHANICAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS ................................... 43 4.0 VEHICLE PRELIMINARY DESIGN ........................................ 4.1 SYSTEM OUTLINE .......................................... ......................... 44 .......................................................... 44 4.2 VEHICLE G EOM ETRY ............................................. .................................................. 44 4.2.1 Parent Vehicle Configuration ........................................................... 44 4.2.2 Parent Vehicle Internal Component Packaging ....................................... ..... 48 4.2.3 M ini-V ehicle C onfiguration ................................ .................................................... 49 4.3 INTEGRATED DESIGN........................................................................................... 50 5.0 PARENT-CHILD INTEGRATION DESIGN ....................................... 55 ..... 5.1 MINI DEPLOYMENT .................................................................... 5.2 INTEGRATED FUEL/SEPARATION SYSTEM ........................................ 5.3 RENDEZVOUS ................................................. 55 ............... 55 60 6.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................... 65 6.1 PROTOTYPE .................................................................................................................. 65 6.2 FUTURE EFFORT .......................................... ............................................................ 65 6.3 COST ................................................. 67 6.4 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 68 6.5 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 68 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 70 APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A PPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX 72 73 74 75 77 79 81 A B C D E F G POWER/PROPULSION STUDY .......................................... ........... TUBE LAUNCH FOR PCUAV.................................................................... CHILDREN PACKAGING ON PARENT ....................................... ........... DRAPER GROUND STATION ....................................... SYTEM S .......................................... .......................................................... PCUAV WRINKLES ........................................ PCUAV-STINGER MISSILE ........................................... ................... H SENDER TRIP REPORT ................................................................................ I MOTOR TABLES ................................................................ 82 84 List of Tables & Figures TABLE 1.2.1 TABLE 2.3.1 TABLE 2.4.1 TABLE 3.1.1 TABLE 3.2.1 TABLE 5.3.1 INITIAL UAV TRADE STUDY .......................................... ........... STRUCTURING CUSTOMER NEEDS................................................................ REQUIREMENT PRIORITIZATION ..................................................................... TRADE MATRIX DERIVATION OF THE CONCEPT........................................... PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE MATRIX....................................... ................... RENDEZVOUS CABLE ANALYSIS ......................................... ............... 16 26 27 30 32 64 FIGURE 1.2.1 PREDATOR UAV........................................................ 10 FIGURE 1.2.2 GLOBAL HAWK UAV .......................................................... 12 FIGURE 1.2.3 H A E MISSION ........................................... .............................................. 13 FIGURE 1.2.4 SENDER U A V ............................................................... ........................... 14 FIGURE 1.3.1 MICRO AERIAL VEHICLES. .......................................... ................. 18 FIGURE 1.4.1 PCUAV - POTENTIAL MISSIONS - VERSATILITY ....................................... 22 FIGURE 2.1.1 SCOPE OF THE PCUAV PROJECT ......................................... ............ 23 FIGURE 2.4.1 TOP SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR PCUAV ...................................... 28 FIGURE 3.2.1 PCUAV CLASSES ............................................................... 32 FIGURE 3.2.2 PCUAV SCOPE ............................................................... 33 FIGURE 3.2.3 PCUAV CLASSIFICATION BY SIZE ....................................... ........... 34 FIGURE 3.2.4 POTENTIAL USERS ............................................................. 35 FIGURE 3.3.1 POTENTIAL T/O MISSIONS................................................... 36 FIGURE 3.3.2 POTENTIAL DEPLOYMENT MISSIONS ....................................... ......... 37 FIGURE 3.3.3 MULTIPLE DATA COLLECTION ......................................... .............. 38 FIGURE 3.3.4 POTENTIAL MISSIONS - DATA RELAY................................... ............ 38 FIGURE 3.3.5 POTENTIAL MISSIONS - VERSATILITY ...................................... ......... 39 FIGURE 3.3.6 POTENTIAL MISSIONS - HARMS WAY ....................................... ........ 41 FIGURE 3.3.7 POTENTIAL MISSION - LANDING ........................................ ............ 42 FIGURE 4.2.1 INITIAL PARENT STRUCTURE LAYOUT........................................................ 45 FIGURE 4.2.2 LIFT FORCE ON PARENT VEHICLE................................................................. 46 FIGURE 4.2.3 SKIN FRICTION COEFFICIENTS .......................................... .............. 47 FIGURE 4.2.4 PARENT VEHICLE INTERNAL COMPONENT PACKAGING ............................. 49 FIGURE 4.2.5 LIFT FORCE ON THE MINI-VEHICLE ....................................... .......... 49 FIGURE 4.3.1 FIXED WING MINI-VEHICLE................................................................ 50 FIGURE 4.3.2 ALL WING MINI-VEHICLE (DIMENSIONS IN CM) ..................................... 51 FIGURE 4.3.3 PARENT-MINI INTEGRATION (BOTH FIXED WING) ..................................... 52 FIGURE 4.3.4 PARENT-MINI INTEGRATION (BOTH ALL WING) ...................................... 53 FIGURE 4.3.5 INTEGRATION CONCEPTS ........................................... ............. 54 FIGURE 5.2.1 PARENT-MINI SEPARATION SYSTEM (SIDE VIEW - DIMENSIONS IN CM)......... 56 FIGURE 5.2.2 PARENT-MINI SEPARATION SYSTEM (FRONT VIEW - DIMENSIONS IN CM) ...... 56 FIGURE 5.2.3 DETAILED PARENT-MINI SEPARATION SYSTEM ..................................... 57 FIGURE 5.2.4 FUEL SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 58 FIGURE 5.2.5 EMBEDDED APPROACH ................................................................................. 59 FIGURE 5.2.6 PARENT-MINI FREE BODY DIAGRAM ....................................... .......... 59 FIGURE 5.3.1 FIGURE 5.3.2 FIGURE 5.3.3 FIGURE 5.3.4 FIGURE 6.2.1 CONTROLLABLE DROGUE (WITH AIRFOIL)............................. PASSIVE DROGUE (BASED ON C130 DESIGN) .................................................. DROGUE CAPTURE .............................................................. MINI RENDEZVOUS SYSTEM............................... ........................... STATE OF UAVs ............................................................... 61 61 63 63 67 CHAPTER 1 Introduction There has been a growing interest, in the past few years, in designing and developing small Unmanned (uninhabited) Air Vehicles (UAVs). These electromechanical systems conduct unmanned operations for the direct use of human beings, while keeping them from harms way. While humans may assist, they are not at a direct risk during the conduct of these operations. Such vehicles can be efficient and inexpensive tools for collecting information in dangerous or hostile environments. For instance, equipped with a camera, a UAV could be used in a short duration surveillance or reconnaissance mission of interest to the military. These UAVs are currently being used for a small yet expanding branch of military technology intended to tackle problems that humans alone cannot solve. Present research in the field is aimed at making these vehicles low-cost, small, and with greater intelligence and autonomy. (Ref. 1) 1.1 MIT/DRAPER Partnership The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Draper) Partnership was started in 1996 with a goal to develop and demonstrate an innovative first-of-a-kind system judged to be important to our national needs. This partnership includes and is led by selected MIT faculty in the Aeronautics and Astronautics department and by selected Draper technical staff members. A MIT student team is made from several Master of Engineering students, Master of Science students and Undergraduates in the Aeronautics and Astronautics department. Professor John J. Deyst and Senior Lecturer Charles W. Boppe head the PCUAV project. Other MIT faculty supporting the project includes Col. Peter Young, and Professor John Chapin. The primary Draper Engineers involved in the project include Dr. Brent Appleby and Mr. Richard Martorana. In order to develop and demonstrate an innovative technology important to industry and society, a systems engineering strategy has been chosen. Such an approach includes analyses of customer needs, establishing technical and system requirements, concept trade studies, benchmarking, and mathematical analysis. The PCUAV project was started in July of 1998 and will end in June of 2000. The initial goal of the project is to develop a prototype vehicle and to demonstrate important technologies necessary to the overall concept. 1.2 UA Vs The acronym UAV stands for "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" or "Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle," which refers to a vehicle that possesses different levels of autonomy. UAVs do not have on-board human pilots. These aerial vehicles generally possess the following characteristics: * unmanned operation * flight capabilities * data gathering capability * ability to deliver/transmit that data for analysis In general, UAVs are not limited in size, shape, or performance characteristics. They fly, sense and gather data, transmit this data where it is required, and operate with some autonomy. Unmanned operations are duties performed without the direct use of a human operator. Latest technologies have allowed UAVs to understand certain directives and to perform them under various conditions. As presently configured, UAVs have been able to perform various operations for extended periods of time under the guidance of computer navigation. Using Global Positioning System (GPS), dead reckoning, radar, and other navigation tools, UAVs can operate with various levels of autonomy. (Ref. 7) These unmanned vehicles are currently being designed and built for a small yet expanding branch of the military. Some UAVs are as large as a ten-meter wingspan plane (e.g. Predator vehicle described below) or they can be as small as a model rocket. The issues of reconnaissance and surveillance are very important to the military. When obstacles or environments disrupt the line of sight, it is important for the military to see what can not be seen. Such an objective needs to be carried out quickly and effectively, and without risk of losing a soldier. This requirement makes data gathering one of the primary objectives for UAVs. While there are many types of data to be gathered, one of the simplest types of desired data are visual information. To be able to see what's on the other side of a hill is very important before a soldier is to climb over that hill. There are several sensors available for gathering vision-type data. Today's UAVs can sense virtually anything using photography, sonar, radar, metal detectors, lasers etc. While data gathering is important it is even more imperative to make use of such information in a timely fashion. Vehicles must have a way to communicate the acquired data to a place where it can be analyzed or else the mission would be a failure. Use of video transmission and other telecommunication sensors are very important in the design of such vehicles. In many instances, vehicles have a single chance to transmit their data. Such communication can involve modem use, direct cable link, or even tele-transmission. It is widely accepted that UAVs will become an integral part of the future for both military and commercial missions. In 1997, the world market revenues for the military component of this industry made up nearly $2 billion, while the civil market made up $80 million. Post-2000 growth acceleration has been predicted to be 10.4 % (military) and 11.8 % (civil). Experts believe that because such advances are crucial to world's interests certain factors will drive the market. Further advances in payload miniaturization using the Micro-mechanical Electro-Mechanical systems (MEMs) technology, communication capabilities, system ruggedness, and introduction into civil environments will drive the future market while present interim UAVs are being used to satisfy immediate reconnaissance needs. Leaders in the market will be those with a mature and effective vehicle that is prepared to work as a reliable data and imaging instrument. Once the full breadth of vehicle technology is developed, the benefits of these types of vehicles would become apparent and extremely valuable. Examples of UAVs included the operational Predator vehicle, pre-operational Global Hawk, and the applied research Sender vehicle. (Ref. 2) 1.2.1 PredatorUAV Predator, a Medium Altitude Endurance (MAE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, seen in Figure 1.2.1, is an operational asset in the USAF having transitioned out of the Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration Program being managed by the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office some time ago. Built by General Atomics, Predator has been developed with a 20 million-dollar budget. The vehicle is similar to a small aircraft, powered by a four-cylinder fuel-injected reciprocating engine driving a fixed-pitch propeller and incorporates electro-optic, infrared, and synthetic aperture radar sensors. Predator can fly at altitudes up to 25,000 ft., has a maximum endurance of 40 hours, and a dash speed of 110 knots. It has a wingspan of 48 feet and a body length of 28 feet. Imagery and air vehicle commands can be transmitted to and from the UAV either by CBand line-of-sight or one of two SATCOM data links (UHF or Ku-Band). This UAV is designed to operate autonomously for extended periods (up to 24 hours on station) of time. Predator taxis and launches conventionally from a semi-prepared surface under RF control. (Ref. 4) Figure1.2.1: PredatorUAV Predator UAV systems are designed to provide long-range, long-dwell, near realtime data gathering intelligence to satisfy reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition mission requirements. The system was first deployed in Bosnia in July 1995, where it conducted almost daily reconnaissance operations in combat environments for the U.S. and NATO forces. Such a system is slated for use in the future for many military, governmental and commercial programs. It will allow the military to have better detection of obscured targets, laser targeting, mine detection, and airborne early warning. Other applications for this system could include border surveillance, countering narcotics, environmental monitoring, meteorological monitoring/research, law enforcement support, and disaster area surveys/assistance. Commercial projects could range from surveying, mapping, and natural resource monitoring. (Ref. 4) 1.2.2 Global Hawk UAV Global Hawk is a Tier II Plus High Altitude Endurance (HAE) UAV Program. A high altitude, long endurance aerial reconnaissance system, it will provide military field commanders with high-resolution, near real-time imagery of large geographic areas via worldwide satellite communication links and the UAV's ground segment. Global Hawk, as seen in Figure 1.2.2, is optimized for low-to-moderate threat reconnaissance missions where range, endurance and persistent coverage are paramount. The vehicle with its 116foot wingspan and 44-foot length carries both synthetic aperture radar and electro-optical /infrared sensors. (Ref. 5) Figure1.2.2: GlobalHawk UA V This standoff sustained high altitude surveillance and reconnaissance UAV is able to survey, in one day, an area equivalent to the state of Illinois (40,000 square nautical miles), while providing imagery with a three-foot resolution. Alternatively, the system can provide more detailed (one-foot resolution) spot images if needed. For a typical mission, as seen in Figure 1.2.3, Global Hawk can fly to a target area 3,000 nautical miles away, and stay airborne for 24 hours collecting data before returning. It flies at altitudes up to 65,000ft. It is capable of both wide-band satellite and line-of-sight data link communications. Numerous air-worthiness evaluation and payload demonstration flights are planned for this vehicle. Figure 1.2.3: HAE Missions Global Hawk is being developed within the two-vehicle High Altitude Endurance UAV Program, managed by Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency for the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office, with US Air Force, Navy and Army participation. Cost is an important constraint. Contractors are required to meet a $10 million unit flyaway price for the average cost of air vehicles 11-20. They can trade off all other system attributes, including performance, against this cost constraint. With its advanced technology and range greater than half way around the world, and the ability to remain on station at extremely high altitudes for prolonged periods of time, Global Hawk has opened the door to the future. It is leading the way for a battlefield commander to obtain vital intelligence information needed to achieve information dominance throughout a given battle space well into the 21st century. (Ref. 5) 1.2.3 Sender UAV Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has developed a stage 6.2 (Applied Research) unmanned aerial vehicle called the Sender. The vehicle is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA) fits the new requirement of UAVs heading into the next century. Sender, presented in Figure 1.2.4, was designed to be an electric drone having high endurance, long range, and yet small in size. It can be transported by one soldier and packed in a suitcase can have a one-way range of 100 miles. While being four feet in wingspan and carrying a 2.5 lb. payload it has speeds in the range of 50 to 90 knots as well as an endurance of two hours. Figure1.2.4: Sender UAV Sender is part of a broader UAV venture with DARPA, with funding of over $35 Million. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is in its 3rd year of its five-year program with a funding of $7 Million. New demands by DARPA on UAV performance characteristics have provided the impetus for such technology advances as seen in the Sender design. (Ref. 6) This vehicle was initially designed in a period of two months with three people. Future technology advances with this vehicle would possibly include using fuel cells as a replacement for batteries. Research goals have led the NRL to work with IGR enterprises in the implementation and development of solid oxide fuel cells. Solid oxide fuel cells are carbon-air based and DARPA funded. This system has problems with high thermal generation, yet the goal is to use it to replace lithium batteries. These cells will decrease weight (electric batteries approximately make up 30% of the Sender's weight), increase power, and increase extraction rate. NRL has also internally developed an autopilot system, staggering tails design, and a unique composite aerodynamic airframe. The new type of airframe is a fiberglass, thin shell construction that weighs 1.5 to 2 lbs. Sender was optimized in order to maximize flexibility. This was paramount because of the changing nature of military spending and with increasing number of leaders calling for the design of a vehicle which can perform numerous, diverse missions. NRL designed a vehicle that would be capable of integrating various sensors and thus perform multiple missions. Manufacturing cost for the Sender is listed between $5K to $7K that does not include the avionics. Its cost breakdown consists of motors ($500), airframe ($2K), batteries ($500), avionics ($1 OK), and sensors ($2K). Sender has a total target price of less than $20K. (Ref. 6) Sender vehicles were considered seriously during the team's development and analysis of an UAV. This unmanned aerial vehicle with new innovative features is a benchmark for future work in the small UAV market. Table 1.2.1 shows how Sender vehicles compare in the desired small UAV market categories. 1.3 Micro Aerial Vehicles A combination of radically changed geopolitical environment and continuous technological progress will have profound implications for the way that wars are fought and for the kinds of forces and weapon systems that will dominate future battlefields. A need for information in multiple forms and with redundancy is quite apparent. New tactical operations such as close air support with long-range precision strikes (i.e. lasertargeted bombs) will create a need for very small (micro) UAVs to support the surveillance needs of platoon level ground troops. Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) potentially could be extremely useful in reconnaissance and data gathering missions. Table 1.2.1: Initial UAV Trade Study They may also be useful for timely sensing of threats such as chemical/biological agents, damage assessment, small weapons delivery, or observing an objective just prior to mission execution. Such missions are staged in multiple, diverse environments including desert, high foliage, sea, and urban. Many experts in the industry feel that urban environments will be especially challenging. Other non-military needs such as area surveillance to support non-combatant evacuation operations in foreign countries, and drug interdiction have also become apparent. Various other commercial applications have also been noted. By using MAVs, researchers could gain a tool in exploring areas once unable to be explored. Civilian applications possibly could include fire fighting, police assistance, border surveillance, etc. (Ref. 3) The last twenty-five years have seen an enormous growth in the enabling technologies that support development of autonomous vehicles. Capabilities in the supporting technologies such as mission planning, navigation, sensing, compact processing, and platform maneuverability have yielded a host of valuable assets with aerial vehicles such as Darkstar, Exdrone, Global Hawk, Predator, Pointer and many others that are smaller like the Flyrt, Dragon Drone etc. UAVs have proven to be highly effective in certain support roles. Over the past three years, the Department of Defense (DoD) has made use of UAVs for reconnaissance in Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia. The predator has received significant press in its military application during the Gulf war and Bosnia operations. Given expected further advances in the sub-miniaturization (e.g. MEMS), guided munitions such as ERGM, GPS, battery power, short takeoff and landing, and changing concepts of operation the direction of UAVs is likely to be toward smaller but still more capable systems. Smaller vehicles would include MAVs. Technology advances must tackle two problems with micro vehicles: 1) Stability and controllability of flight, 2) Endurance, and 3) Subsystem miniaturization. The numerous studies, assessments, and reviews have distilled the needs for the very small air vehicles to a few performance drivers. In order to be practically employed in a diversity of missions and environments, from open terrain to dense urban canyons and perhaps even to interior building operations, the DOD needs small back-packable air vehicles that are very simple to operate and can perform some basic military missions with a reasonable degree of autonomy. DARPA and Draper believe that MAVs should have much lower costs than existing large vehicles and be designed for quick reaction i.e. be quickly and easily set up and launched. Visual surveillance is clearly a fundamental need. These vehicles' prime value is that they can potentially extend the eyes of their users such that they can see things that are too dangerous or remote to be seen at very close distances. Ultimately, the vehicle should be highly maneuverable, take off and land autonomously, avoid obstacles, be operable by a single soldier, require little training to operate, and inexpensive enough to be considered expendable. The vehicle might be no bigger than six inches and sustain an autonomous surveillance mission for 60 minutes. Desirable attributes should include low logistics and high reliability. There are numerous military, quasi-military, and civilian applications that correspond to MAV use. These include operations such as battle damage assessment, signal jamming, friendly signal relay, obstacle tracking, and area grid generation. Although many different payloads would be considered to support such missions, the most fundamental requirement is for real-time vision. (Ref. 1) Micro Aerial Vehicles or MAVs are being developed to provide a highly portable and easy-to-use autonomous intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability for small groups of land-based warfighters in tactical operations. A typical MAV System consists of a MAV and a Ground Control Unit (GCU). There are numerous MAV projects under development across the world. The United States agency DARPA is presently considered to be the premier player in this industry. It is no secret therefore that DARPA is setting the requirements for a fieldable MAV. On its wish list are specifications that call for a micro vehicle with a wingspan of less than six inches and which has high maneuverability and endurance. Draper in conjunction with Lutronix Corporation is currently developing a rotary wing MAV, presented in Figure 1.3.1 along with an assortment of other candidate MAVS. This Draper vehicle is a proof-of-concept design and hovers like a helicopter. (Ref. 3) Hovering MAV stabilators camera internal structure Figure 1.3.1 Micro Aerial Vehicles 1.4 Needfor a PCUA V vehicle An autonomous vehicle serves the purpose of eliminating humans from hazardous environments. Autonomous vehicles serve humans and provide them with a tool that can be used to reduce harm and injury to society. For example, an UAV could be sent to fly over a war zone guarded with anti-aircraft weaponry. Such an UAV could take important pictures of the area and relay them to a command center miles away. The tools used by the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) unit of the Marines is another prime example of robots performing hazardous tasks. Marines have the undesirable duty of walking over zones where cluster munitions have been dropped and actually must pick them up and hand carry the unexploded bomblets to a disposal site. Such a task involves serious risk to these soldiers' lives. To mitigate such risk, EOD has contracted to create an autonomous ground rover that systematically searches an area, detects ordinances, picks them up, and carries them to a disposal unit, thus such a system eliminates humans from the inner and most dangerous loop. This is just an example of hazardous activities that can be done better, safer, and cheaper with autonomous vehicles. Biological systems such as flocks of birds, schools of fish, and colonies of ants, termites, and bees, provide existence proofs that systems comprised of many elements can exhibit interesting and useful behaviors. An attempt on similar lines is being made by the MIT/DRAPER technology demonstration program to build a swarm of MAVs and possibly miniature UAVs, deploy them from a mother-ship or a parent and coordinate their activities to execute a given mission. For this project it is envisioned to take advantage of the latest developments in technologies to mass-produce cheap MAVs that may be disposed off at the end of a mission. 1.4.1 PotentialAdvantages A Parent-Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (PCUAV) system has the following potential advantages over other conventional UAV systems: 1. Higher reliability of overall mission execution. 2. Multiple missions can be executed taking advantage of the modular nature of the Parent-Child (PC) system. 3. More efficient and faster search (for people, tanks, chemical/biological substances) in a given area. 4. Simultaneous acquisition of spatial and temporal data over a given region. 6. Partially autonomous, requiring only an untrained pilot to supervise a mission. 7. Cost effective (using low cost, low weight systems). Children UAVs are in effect the eyes and ears for the parent UAV but are smaller, lower cost, and can act alone or together. They can fill in for each other if one is lost providing redundancy to the integrated system. Because they have an ability to communicate via links back to the parent, children can have lower power sources, as opposed to having to link back home to the ground site requiring greater power output. Key advantage of the PC system is that due to parent long range and endurance, the children can be carried in from a long distance and deployed with extreme accuracy at a desired drop site. Multiple technology factors are also bound to enhance future PCUAV systems. Such technologies include micro GPS (for MAVs), robust communication links, high energy density and high power density energy sources, efficient propulsion designs, potential recharging, refueling or rendezvous capability, wireless LAN integration etc. Advances and subsequent integration into the PC concept will allow for future successes. Designing to allow for such changes has been a driving force in the current PCUAV system's design. 1.4.2 Applications The PCUAV system has many potential applications. A few are listed below and will be looked at in detail later. Armed forces: a) Surveillance - Bomb damage assessment, target geo-location b) Signal Intelligence - Collection, smart jamming c) Sensor Deployment. d) Data Relay. Environmental supervision: a) Studying chemical effluents. b) Wildlife and forest protection. c) Exploration. Hazard assistance in civilian environment: a) Surveillance of buildings on fire. b) Surveillance of collapsed structures. Commercial applications: a) Video exploration Civilian monitoring: a) Border patrol b) Narcotics c) Natural disaster assessments d) Traffic e) Coast Guard Figure 1.4.1 depicts a possible PCUAV mission. In this scenario, a parent vehicle of three to four meter wingspan travels to a distance of approximately 100 kilometers and deploys its cargo. Its cargo includes two mini-vehicles of one-meter wingspan each and potentially four micro-vehicles of six-inch size. These vehicles could include the MAVs discussed earlier, unmanned ground vehicles, or other types of sensors. Such vehicles would stick to a parent-child strategy where the mother vehicle supervises the children, who perform the desired mission. Individual responsibilities and assets will be looked at later. One of the core attributes of such a PCUAV system is its versatility. It can deploy multiple types of vehicles in diverse environments. PCUAV has the ability to perform a mission, which entails ground, low-altitude, and high altitude data gathering. Most other UAVs are designed to target a singular mission. ~Shp PCUAV ~ ~L urban environment 100 km Figure 1.4.1: PCUA V - Potential Missions - Versatility 1.5 Thesis Objectives This thesis details the layout for the design and development of a prototype UAV (parent), which carries and cooperates with other smaller (children) vehicles. The systems approach in choosing such a vehicle and the initial mechanical design of a prototype is presented. This Parent-Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (PCUAV) design is intended to prove the concept and demonstrate the potential technology "unobtainiums." This work will allow for further research in the area leading to a finalized product. This thesis will lay a documented foundation for future work in the parent-child unmanned vehicle area. CHAPTER 2 2.1 Problem Definition & Strategic Roles Scope of the PCUA Vproject PCUAV system has been projected to be operational by the year 2003, which coincides with DARPA's targeted maturity date for other MAV systems. Because the PCUAV system has utilized such emerging technologies, the MIT/Draper team has set such a timeline. An immediate two-year timeline, as seen in Figure 2.1.1, lays the foundation for the PCUAV team's design and development. (Ref. 24) MIT/Draper Technology Dvmt. Partnership Cooperative Autonomous Parent-Child Vehicle System - Process Elements & Relationships Initialystem Requirements haracterization system Studies . Research rojet Proces System Existing Capabilitie sA Pro osall i Relevant Tec, Es ncept Preferred 9Tt Design-Dvmt. Process an Vehicle I System r rsi. Fmsrwovs Rqmt I eepment Plan CoDesign Review System .Pmoapm Concept Dvmt. um ear Technology Development v."Yeaa"e April 1999 May 1999 June, July P May 1998 &August 1998 Sept. 1998 Oct. 1998 Nov. 1998 ................................................................................................................................. Generate ubsystem SSstem Simu ation ehicle Cocept Baselines Variant var & Augus t Iant.' Subsystm Trade Studies SW Dvmt. IPreferred IVehicle Subsystem Interface Dvmt Concepts aran InitialVehicle Sept. Oct. Figure Vw No. Field 2.1.1. Dec. 1998 Jan. 1999 with a PrA system's engineering approach belief that such a process would concept. First step in this process was & August 1999 Sept. 1999 Oct. 1999 Nov. 1999 March 1999 System & F ina l Integrated System Field Fabrication Design For Mfg &Assy. v IVo Scope &Assembly been optimn detReport Dec. 1999 System Field Testing rle Dec. has best the Fe . 1999 Simulation Jan. of the Feb. March Design Upgrades 1 April System Performance Performanc May June & July PnitialCUA Teh og c Revrse, and Re-En ineerin 4Technology na Mee Adopted/Adapted Subsystem Aquisition & Invention nceptDesignd ProcessPlan Scenaros ommeria, &Civil LL ea Military, I c&WIot I Applications/ L Posa Aplication o pn, P Adaptation, nd ConceOP-t L*Su . Operational - System Dvmt. &Mi e Studies SCProcess S Assessment Functionalm a IBVananta Variant, Requ Context .) Plan for Ris Generate System ncept I Tech Demosd ize Require into lopment of the Jan. 2000 Feb. 2000 FamlbncPlsa two-year of the new, customer needs. this March 2000 schedule, innovativena April 2000 Report May 2000 June &July 2000 Figure2.1.1. Scope of the PCUAVproject A system's engineering approach has been integrated into this two-year schedule, with a belief that such a process would best optimize development of the new, innovative concept. First step in this process was the determination of the customer needs. 2.2 Customer Needs To establish what the potential customers for the PCUAV project wanted in an aerial vehicle, which could transport micro aerial vehicles, a number of contacts and industry meetings were arranged. These customer needs were weighted against conceived system requirements, in order to develop a proper concept, which could be marketed within the industry. Because no one had really tackled this issue or conceived such a vehicle, this task was very difficult but very interesting. A number of needs for an aerial vehicle had already been established based on vehicles such as the Sender (see section 1.2). These requirements included developing a vehicle which would be two-man portable on the back of a Humvee or small ship as well as being able to takeoff and land in a short area (-20m). Other aspects of autonomy, such as autopilot integration and potential vehicle emergency procedures, were also considered. While identifying customer needs, it was also a goal to learn about potential UAV & MAV applications, discuss new technologies and advancements, military and commercial operational requirements, and establish contacts with potential future customers. An important member of the UAV community, who conveys interest in the team's project, is Dr. James McMichael. Dr. McMichael is the DARPA MAV program manager. From a meeting with him, a number of customer needs were derived. Dr. McMichael felt that the parent vehicle should be able to have a range of 100 nautical miles, two ways. It should be able to loiter and relay for approximately two hours and have a payload of three to four micro vehicles. He also felt that the parent need not be fast unless the mission called for it but should be able to operate in 25 knots of wind gust. Dr. McMichael also has strong interest in a number of possible scenarios for the system. They include: targeting for artillery, signal jamming, and series deployment for surveillance. He pointed out that because soldiers would be the largest markets for such systems, the vehicle should be designed targeting that group. On a final note, he also had some thoughts regarding possible sustainable missions where the parent could replenish or rendezvous with its children to allow for longer missions. (Ref. 8) In order to tackle the issue of making the PCUAV system flexible and versatile, the team felt it was important to understand the need of other sectors in the UAV industry, such as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). UGVs could also be a potential candidate for children deployed by the parent. To this effect, a meeting was arranged with Col. John Blitch of the Army, the present DARPA UGV Project Manager. He felt that the parent should be able to deploy different types of UGVs, yet the deployment did not need to be very precise, as the children can be smart. By smart, the Colonel explained that UGVs would be equipped with the Global Positioning Systems or GPS and potentially other means for terrain mapping. He felt the minimum deployment range should be 40 km. An important issue he brought up regarded the weight of the system and its assembly. He felt the system should be light and easy to assemble, as soldiers would have to carry and operate these devices. On a final issue, he felt the cost of such a system should not exceed $50K. (Ref. 9) Other meetings were also arranged with the following UAV, military, and, reconnaissance specialists: Rick Foch (Naval Research Lab, MAV director), Bob Parisien (FBI Technology Department), Prof. Sheila Widnall (Ex-Secretary of Air Force), Matt Keennon (Aerenvironment MAV engineer), Bill Harvey (UAV engineer), and Bob Davis (MIT/Lincoln Lab MAV program manager). From these meetings, other customer requirements were identified including the elimination of nets for landing, use of common fuels, day/night capability, all weather operations, low cost of ownership, low mission cycle time, low objective location error, interoperability, spectrum of data collection, and portability. From these meetings, it also became clear that there was a potential commercial as well as military use for the PCUAV system. 2.3 System Requirements From the customer meetings listed in Section 2.2, each need was weighted in regards to the agency they originated from. These weightings are presented in Table 2.3.1. From this table, a number of core technical approaches or system requirements were derived to allow the PCUAV system to meet customer needs. The first requirement was defined as Integrated Vehicle Design. Basically the team felt, as the PCUAV was going to have multiple vehicle or children, that it would be advantageous to use the children in helping the parent perform its goals. For example, if a PCUAV system were chosen with miniature UAVs or minis under its wings, it would make sense to use the mini's propulsion to aid the parent. Thus an integrated approach would help meet the customer needs of endurance, range, short takeoff and landing etc. Table 2.3.1 Structuring Customer Needs Customer Needs a ar A.) tv CL E 0 0 U, 0 .3 am E 2 t5 0 _ 100 90 50 60 30 10 20 10 10 5 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 . Environmental Protection 5 9 9 3 5 Meteorology Presidential Protection 5 5 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 3690 3690 i..-....---,-~-~ -~-~~~~-- 9 9 3 3 5 9 9 5 9 9 9 5 3 5 3 5 5 9 5 9 3 3 9 5 3 9 3 3 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9.84 9.24 2 3 c U) 3 2 a) Z 0) 0 3 0, 0 -J 9 9 5 9 9 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 5 9 5 5 5 9 5 5 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 5 3 5 3 3 3 9 5 9 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 5 9 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 9 5 5 9 5 9 5 3 5 3 3 3 9 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 9 9 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 9 5 3 9 9 9 3 9 9 3 9 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3640 3630 3410 3410 3340 2970 3060 2820 10 9.864 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 5 5 5 9 9 Ea C.) cc to CL DARPA r ARMY W NAVY SSOF Ca MOUT" FBI/Police Road Traffic News Media c Hazard Assistance Emergency/ Crisis/Nuclear E Border Patrol a 0, Z 9.24 9.05 8.05 8.29 7.64 2880 2640 2460 7.8 7.15 6.67 2260 2030 1690 6.121 5.5 4.58 13 14 ~'~"""'~""' ~"""""' Ranking ............ 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .... Efficient aerodynamic control design and stable platform were system requirements chosen in order to allow the vehicle to meet range and endurance requirements. Such a requirement was compared to the Sender vehicle. From the industry meetings it was evident that the sleek bullet-like design of Sender aided in its top-level performance. Another requirement defined was multiple sensor data fusion and efficient data collection and processing. This would allow the system to be versatile in collecting different types of data and to perform multiple missions. Autonomous Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC), expert mission planning, and night sensor capability were also identified in order to meet ease of use, day/night operations, and optimization of mission time needs. Other requirements include rugged/robust design, low specific fuel consumption, lightweight structure, and child vehicle management and control. 2.4 Requirements Prioritization To better understand the technical challenges, technical requirements were prioritized and compared to the customer needs. Table 2.4.1 presents the QFD requirement matrix developed by the team for the PCUAV project. Customer needs were weighted using the matrix results presented in Table 2.3.1. The development of the QFD matrix is very important as it lays a foundation for the design of the PCUAV system. It will be used in verifying technical designs, approaches, missions, and performance characteristics. (Ref. 26) Table 2.4.1 Requirement Prioritization PrioritizedRequirements 2 . 2 A .. 2 ! 8 o A C 0 m Ec >' = Eo .2 egj " o E o- C .a C - Oi -.0 9 3 9 9C U 5 0 5 9 3 9 91 9 9 10 9.9 2 0 0 0 5 9 0 0 0 20 0 0 9 0 0 All weatherOperations 9.8 0 9 5 9 9 5 9 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 3 Low Cost ofOwnership Low Objective Location Error 9.2 0 9.21 00 9 0 9. 0 0 0 9 0 9 d 0 9 0 50 5 9 0 0 9 0 5 O 0 0 0 0 ,a.c 92 90 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 01 0 09 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 9 5 0 0 09 0 5 0 0 00 3 9 0 0 0 9 3 0 5 0 0 0 00 0 0 01 0 0 0 7.6 3 9 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 9 7.8 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Long Range Large Area Coverage 7.2 6.7 5 0 5 3 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 55 9 5 5 3 0 9 Short Landing 6.1 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 2. 3 0 5 kteroperatabiity 5.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 Long LieofSystem 4.6 5 0 0 3 3 0 5 0 101-9 9 8.3 LongEndurance oShort T/O Rating Index Effects Greatly 0 "8'I7'77 0 01 0: 5 00 3 02 00 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 5 0 00 0 0 3 9 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 2 5 0 9 3 0 0 0 9 0 5 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 3 9 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 2 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 2 01 9 0 0 5 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 55 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 5 2 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 9 o0 00 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 9 2 o0 1) 2) 3) 4) Integrated Vehicle Design Efficient Aerodynamic /Control Design Multiple Sensor Data Fusion Autonomous GNC 3 9 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0. 0 0_2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 3 0 20 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 00 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 2 0 5. 9 3 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 9 0 0 3 " i Technical requirements were prioritized, as seen in Figure 2.4.1,in the following manner: 0 0 0 9~~~ 0.I 9 5 0200 Effects Moderately5 Effect 'No 2 0 202 02000 0 0 0 9 , ~P 2 0 0 E -21 U! OLs 0 3 0. 9 1 Ow wa. CC 0 3 9 0 0 00 515 (Zn g 0 0 54 : Imp t 3 31 0 2 0 5 02202022 0 0 00 0 5 E - 5 00 6 , 2 0 6 0 l 0 0 3 0 ( O E O _ 9as 9 0 9 00090 32 0 !2 0 0 9 6 (5 9 5 0 5 w 5 00 0 <o U1 0 0C CC "0 CL.b .o .2 3 3 0 22 0 530 9 I I 10 0 i9 cc > Compatible fuel (safe handling) Day/NightCapability SPortable 2 <I 0 . Easy to Use * Low MisionCycleTirns 9.1 oSpectrum ofcollection Capabilities 8 3 O "C' Ec E CL Mo 0 (3 2 a% C ~U0 ~p Me 0 Z CC c~ B 3 5) Stable Platform 6) Expert Mission Planning 7) Rugged/Robust Design 8) Night Sensor Capability 9) Efficient Data Collection and Processing 10) Low Specific Fuel Consumption 11) Light Weight Structure 12) Child Vehicle Management and Control Figure 2.4.1 Top System Requirements for PCUAV After having prioritized requirements, a number of different concepts were developed, with a goal of down-selecting them against customer needs and the system requirements. CHAPTER 3 3.1 Vehicle Concept Study Architecture Trade Study Process Three feasible concepts were derived and developed by the team. Concepts were to fit in the parent-child genre and possibly be valuable to potential customers. The first concept derived was a fleet or flock of Sender-class UAVs, each of which could carry a MAV as their payload. The flock would cooperate and act autonomously in performing the desired mission. A second concept was focused on the integrated design approach. This system would be made up of a parent and two mini-vehicles. Each mini-vehicle would be mounted on the external of the parent and assist in flight. At the required deployment site, the minis would separate and cooperatively perform the mission with the parent. Finally, a third concept conceived originated from the MAV deployment mission. Four micro-pallets, which would house MAVs, UGVs, or other sensors, would be carried in the parent fuselage. At the required deployment site the parent would drop the pallets using a steerable parafoil system to the necessary zone. The parent would then act cooperatively with the micro-vehicles and also relay information from the micro-vehicles to the ground station unit. Current Micro Aerial Vehicle concepts are hampered by their inability to transmit data from more than a one-kilometer range. Thus a loitering parent could extend the range of useful MAV or UGV missions by acting as a relay station. A trade study or matrix was performed, as presented in Table 3.1.1, comparing the three concepts or architectures. Weightings were also assigned to each need to allow for better fidelity results. As seen in the matrix, Architecture or Concept III scored the highest marks but as it turned out all three concepts were closely ranked. This led to the derivation of Architecture 401 presented below. 3.1.1 Architecture 401:The PreferredSystem Concept Architecture 401, the preferred system concept, is a stand-alone system, which deploys minis, MAVs, UGVs, & sensors in hazardous environments. Two minis would be integrated into the parent design and aid in the parent mission. This concept also offers a potential relay communication between vehicles extending range between the MAV to mini to parent. At present MAVs can only transmit within 1 km. Each mini potentially can relay the MAVs transmission to the parent. The parent who can transmit and receive information from greater than 100 km will be the key link in this architecture. Building on Concept I above, the PCUAV can also be integrated with a HAE (High Altitude Endurance) UAV (i.e. Global Hawk) to allow for longer endurance, SATCOM, and redundancy. Potentially a number of PCUAVs could be deployed from the Global Hawk and work as a flock of birds. This architecture will also allow for retrieval and refueling of the children by the parent. Because the minis assist in parent propulsion, such a refueling network will be closely coupled with the mechanical separation design. This system will also be two-man portable with the capability to perform short takeoff and landing. Approaches for this will be discussed in later sections but the techniques for accomplishing this include a parafoil landing and bungee-rail launch. Table 3.1.1 Trade Matrix Derivation of the Concept Characteristic M ultimission Unobtainium Reu s ability Gather Info/Payload Cap Reliability (Mission Execution) Short T/O and Landing Portability Feasibility Covert/Stealth A 11W eather Cost Maintenance (Refuel-charge) Weighting Arch I Arch II Arch m Arch I' Arch II' Arch II' 10 10 8 8 8 3 3 5 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 5 4 5 2 30 30 40 24 40 40 40 24 32 24 50 50 32 40 16 8 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 2 5 1 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 24 14 25 10 20 4 12 32 28 20 15 16 8 12 24 28 15 25 12 12 12 273 291 SMAX 400 The chosen PCUAV system has a number of technical challenges. This complex three-level architecture is an integrated UAV concept not found in either production or proposal. Technical challenges include: high performance, integrated multi-vehicle configuration, mission planning for multiple aircraft, parent mini-micro TD&C 316 communication and onboard data multiplexing, parent-mini-micro TD&C communication links, and ground station command of a n-vehicle system. Other challenges include the avionics design for the parent UAV, deployment, and precision delivery of the MAVs, deployment of the mini UAV, and the integrated fuel system. Potential benefits are associated with a system-of-systems concept, such as swarms of bees, school of fish etc. Advancement in micro-mini UAVs, sensors, ground rovers are also needed for the advancement of the PCUAV. DARPA has design development experience with a cross-section of vehicle types, launch vehicles, ground rovers, submersibles, rotorcraft, projectiles etc. The key to the PCUAV will be the communication, control, and autonomous cooperation with the children. Because the system is flexible to perform multiple missions and there is high redundancy and therefore higher reliability of mission execution, the team felt that Architecture 401 was the best choice. 3.2 PCUA V meets Requirements To verify the choice of the PCUAV concept, the system was analyzed with respect to the prioritized system requirements and customer needs. Table 3.2.1 is the product attribute QFD matrix, comparing product attributes and technical requirements. In the QFD it is evident that the PCUAV architecture derived from the down select meets many of the technical requirements established in the QFD requirement matrix. The attributes noted for the system were conceived in formulating architecture 401. These attributes will be discussed in later sections. 3.2.1 Three-Tier System The Parent-Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle was initially sized in order to meet cargo, payload, and sub-component capacity. The vehicle is designed to be approximately 3.4-meter wingspan and weigh 10 to 15 kg. It is to have a range of 100 km (two-way) and an endurance of 2.5 to 4 hrs. Its payload includes two mini-vehicles and four six inch pallets (devices that hold UGV or MAV). The mini-vehicle was initially scaled at one-meter wingspan and weigh five kg. It has a possible payload of deployable sensors. Figure 3.2.1 depicts the PCUAV system and its classes. The derivation of the sizes for the parent vehicle was a function of internal payload/component space, endurance, altitude, weight, and wing loading. Table 3.2.1 ProductAttribute QFD Matrix M- .9 ,(0 0 r0 0 CLu 8 0 0 Q Z CC CC C 0 N rO 0 2~u 0 lntegratedDesign W u V J Efficient Aero/Control Design MultipleSensorDataFusion Autonomnous GNC Top Stable Platform Technicat E VpertMissionPlanning Requrements Rugged/RobustDesign Night Sensor Capability Efficient Data Collect &Process Low Specific Fuel Consumption Light Weight Structure ChildVehicle Mangmt &Control ______Total Ratings C- Z6 .u C Q.ZW ttW 9 u 0 C> E G + ++ + Cu 0 + + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + C C .6 + + C 0 cMW0M + + Cu c~~ m OME~5 + + o> < < Q. + + 9 8 7 7 + 7+ 7 6 6 6 6 1881 24 5 -0 u Oa C + + E + 0 u C LL 10 + + + .t E ~~2JCtu0 Cu Cu ___-LL . + CuPrcessL+++ 0 LL5 ECu C~ C0~ U 1i 0~ .~uC Eu 0 U, C N t S o Ef fCiunt o 4 Eo 0 C0 + + + + + + + + 47.23 29 23 29 13 28 39 39 30 28 33 30 20 19 23 20 29 37 7 30 21 39 53 23 23 21 22 13 Parent Mini 4, g ' MAV I- UGV 4-- Sensor Figure3.2.1 PCUA V classes Classification of the PCUAV system is very interesting. There is no precedent for this class of unmanned aerial vehicle. While the parent is in a class similar to other three to five meter UAVs like the Exdrone it is designed for longer endurance. Scope of the PCUAV system, as seen in Figure 3.2.2, is one, which encompasses multiple classes or tiers of UAVs. The three main tiers include the tactical, close range, and micro UAVs, thus generating the three-tier unmanned aerial vehicle. There also is a possibility for a fourth tier, which includes the High Altitude Endurance and Medium Altitude Endurance unmanned aerial vehicles. Thus the PCUAV system could potentially be deployed like a child from its parent vehicle such as Global Hawk. As the Figure 3.2.2 notes no other single system compares to PCUAV. By creating the fourth tier and integrating a HAE UAV into the PCUAV system it will potentially allow for pin-point deployment of sensors, MAVs, & UGVs from thousands of miles away. (Ref. 16) UAV Wingspan (m) HAE UAV Global Hawk * Darkstar 20- MAE UAV Predator PCUAV "SCOPE" 1 100 1000 Very Far Two-way Range (km) Figure 3.2.2 PCUA V Scope Complementing the development of the PCUAV by the team, a vehicle database was compiled listing all classes, subclasses, and performance specifications of operational and developmental UAVs. Figure 3.2.3. shows where the PCUAV could potentially fit in the UAV classes relative to size. & Figure 3.2.3. PCUA V Class by Size PCUAV system fits it with fixed wing UAVs, similar to the Exdrone, Sender, and Dragon. (Ref. 16) 3.2.2 Strategic Missions Versatility is very important to the potential customers of PCUAV. To have a single system which can perform multiple missions reliably is extremely valuable, especially in the defense industry. 3.2.3 Potential Users A number of potential users have been identified for the three-tier system. These users are listed in Figure 3.2.4. 3.3 PCUAV Mission Scenarios In this section, PCUAV missions will be dissected and analyzed so that the advantages of the system can be better identified. Every scenario is a composition of primitive "building blocks." The six main functional primitives of the PCUAV mission are: 1. Launch & Recovery 2. Point-to-Point Navigation 3. Target Identification & Acquisition 4. Target Tracking 5. Payload Operations 6. User Command Response ,------------------------PCUAV - users Army Navy Special Forces FBI/Police Border Patrol Presidential News and Media Exploration Traffic Managm Emergency/Crisis Hazard Assistanc ire Departmen Figure3.2.4 PotentialUsers Launch and recovery is very important to the PCUAV system as there is a customer need for the system to be easy to use and be able to takeoff and land is a small area (-20 m radius). A number of factors related to launch and recovery must be looked at including: * simplicity of pre-flight preparation (assembly, checkout), * turn-around time (refueling, payload servicing, etc), * minimal support hardware/personnel, * simplicity of launch procedures, * flexibility of location/conditions, * prepared/unprepared surfaces, * ship fantails, * in-flight, * ground vehicle, * varying weather, and * day or night The whole concept of an aero vehicle to be rocket launchable imposes many problems: a) stabilized flight during boost; b) tailoff and rocket motor ejection; c) transition from ballistic to aerodynamic controls; and d) safety of subsystems during setup and prelaunch ops. Figure 3.3.1 depicts potential Take-Off (T/O) options. This system will be able to be packaged in the back of a military Humvee truck or in a small area in the stern of a military ship. Two men should be able to unpack the system and to mount the vehicle on the bungee rail. The system must achieve a balance between simplicity and automation. It would be desirable that the operators simply had to mount the vehicle. Then a simple lever would eject the vehicle. Other factors, which must be considered, include the effect of wind shear on the PCUAV wings when the vehicle is initially launched. If the force is too high for the structural integrity of the vehicle the wings could possibly be ripped off. PCUAV HAE UAV PCUAV PCUAV Land/Truck Launch* NAVY ship Launch* HAE UAV deployed Figure 3.3.1 PotentialT/O Missions A typical deployment scenario for the PCUAV is presented in Figure 3.3.2. PCUAV system has the ability to strategically deploy children at 100 km away from the ground station. Using a parafoil guided deployment mechanism a MAV, UGV or sensor could potentially be delivered in a window, at a drop zone, or even at the foot of an under-ground military facility. Figure 3.3.2 Potential Deployment Missions An ability to collect multiple types of data is a key part to the PCUAV system, as depicted is Figure 3.3.3. The parent will have the capability to perform video surveillance while the mini-vehicle will also have video surveillance, potentially chemical and biological sensors, weather reading sensors, and radar jamming equipment. MAVs will potentially have video and mine detection capabilities. Because MAV technology is advancing quickly this area is still to be determined. As noted earlier, the parent adds value to its children by extending their transmission range. Figure 3.3.4 depicts a typical scenario where the micro vehicles are at or one km above ground level. The mini-vehicles are loitering at a two-km altitude with the parent at a strategic altitude of around five-km. Each mini-vehicle can also potentially act as a redundant backup to the parent or visa versa, if either were to fail. Basically if the mini-vehicle were to fail, the parent would fly to a lower altitude and perform the mini-vehicle's mission. Figure 3.3.3 Multiple Data Collection -5 km P, -2km VCU T -1km 100 km Under Ground Facility Figure 3.3.4 Potential Missions - Data Relay Parent-Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle has the ability to perform a number of diverse missions due to its ability to hold interchangeable cargo pallets in its fuselage as well as have two mini-vehicles as its children. As seen in Figure 3.3.5, the PCUAV can fly to multiple deployment zones and perform multiple types of data collection. Imagine a Global Hawk being deployed from an airstrip at a friendly base. The HAE UAV is carrying two PCUAVs. These PCUAVs are equipped with two maneuverable minivehicles each carrying video, biological, and chemical sensors. Within the parent fuselage are a MAV (hovering with radar jamming transmitter), a UGV (carrying video and mine detection sensors), a MAV (fixed wing with detailed video sensors), and a number of miniature sensors (auditory sensors or small beacons used for terrain mapping). With this concept, the PCUAV can perform a number of missions. Figure 3.3.5 Potential Missions - Versatility One such mission is signal jamming. Because MAVs can fly close to enemy assets without being detected, besides collecting data they may also be able to act offensively. By placing small one-watt signal jamming transmitters in hovering or fixed wing MAVs, the PCUAV can disrupt enemy radar. MAVs could potentially stick onto the enemy's radar dish and wait there. Another mission involves terrain mapping. A PCUAV can drop mapping sensors over most drop zones. Suppose these sensors were designed similar to micro-sonar buoys. The parent, via its pallet system, could drop these sensors at a pinpoint area, in order to detect enemy submarines thereby mapping an under water grid. Because MAVs can get extremely close to enemy targets they can perform bomb damage assessment. By getting into missile craters, bombed buildings, doorways etc. and ascertaining different views by different micros, the PCUAV can attain valuable reconnaissance data. The minis, which hover at a two-km altitude, have the ability to relay data as well as perform missions that require high maneuverability and speed. Such missions include following a train or a cargo vehicle in close pursuit. Each mini could also potentially activate, deactivate, or recharge dropped sensors in order to maximize mission time. Recharging of sensors was studied using microwave transmissions to recharge batteries. Such research is very preliminary but potentially could be extremely valuable to the PCUAV project. The three-tier system has three classes of vehicles with different sizes. Such a class system allows the system as a whole to have high flexibility without being in harms way. A parent that is 3.4 meters in wingspan is in greater danger at low altitudes than a six inch MAV. This is due to enemy radar sensitivity. It is very feasibly for a three to seven meter wingspan reconnaissance drones to be easily shot down in hostile territory at low altitudes. The parent may be in danger at altitudes of 500 meters to one kilometer. While one meter minis and six-inch MAVs may be undetectable at extremely low altitudes such as ten meters to ten feet. MAVs are also on the order of ten to fifteen times less in cost than the parent and it contributes to the added advantage of having multiple classes. Figure 3.3.6 shows the benefits that the PCUAV tier system allows regarding safety, expendability, flight, and zone coverage. A number of assumptions were made in the derivation of such thinking. Basically, as size of an UAV increases, it is assumed to be safer farther from the ground where there is the greatest threat. The ground, which is home to enemy surface-to-air weaponry, can target a vehicle of 3.4 meters wingspan pretty easily if it can be seen. This is due to the ease in detectability of the vehicle by enemy sensors, thus causing the vehicle to be more vulnerable to hostile actions. Due to the existence of the minis, the tier system allows the bigger parent to loiter at high altitudes away from potential harm's way. The base PCUAV system is not a vertical take-off and landing system. But through a number of concept studies, including looking at rocket assisted landing, airbag deployment, skid landing, and runway landing, an approach was chosen which could meet the recommended requirement of landing in a less than twenty-meter area. Figure 3.3.6 Potential Missions - Harms Way This generated approach, as seen in Figure 3.3.7, involves the use of GPS and a controllable parafoil system. The parafoil system shown, which will be packed and deployed from the parent fuselage can also be used with the minis. Using GPS and lasers a number of off-the-shelf hardware systems are available for such an application. GPS-laserbased parafoillandingsystem PCUAV ---- ~ NAVY ship Landing * Can be usedfor land-basedmissions Figure3.3.7 PotentialMission - Landing A parafoil system supplies a number of characteristics to the PCUAV concept. The system: 1) aids in recovery, 2) allows precise landing in a 20 meter radius, 3) eliminates use of nets, 4) is tested and proven to work (multiple video tests available), and 5) may require a human supervisor. Riegel Company has developed a GPS based parafoil landing system called the LD90-31K GN&C system. System allows for an accurate real time distance measurement from the vehicle (UAV) to the ground, in order to plan course, trajectory & parafoil landing maneuvers. It has a range of 1500 meters and an accuracy of 0.5 meters. Weight of the package is approximately 1.5 kilograms. Its size is 200mm long x 130mm wide x 76 mm high, which potentially can be incorporated in the parent vehicle's fuselage. Control of the parafoil could be coupled with the parent wing flap actuators and the GPS guidance system with the parent avionics. (Ref. 17) 3.4 Competitors The PCUAV system is a novel idea to the UAV industry. But the team has assessed a number of potential competitors. A main competitor seems to be the small Sender-class UAVs. This new type of UAV technology exhibits high performance similar to the tactical range UAVs yet is much smaller. A flock of these UAVs could potentially perform a number of the PCUAV missions. Competition must be studied further through meetings with potential military users. 3.5 MechanicalDesign Considerationsand Constraints The system concept of the PCUAV system leads to a number of technical challenges as mentioned earlier. There are a number of major mechanical interface and layout issues involved with this vehicle. One of the main system goals is to integrate mini-vehicles into the parent design and propulsion. This involves mechanical attachment and release points as well as potentially an integrated fuel and power system. Integrated system would pass fuel and power to the mini-vehicles from the parent until the minis are released. Such integration will also affect the minis, regarding having a propeller in the front or back as well as possibly forming an airfoil/wing, which can be embedded in the parent wing. A detailed pallet deployment mechanism also must be designed for the PCUAV. This will affect the sub-component layout of the parent as well as the fuselage structure and robustness. The pallets could be deployed from the top, bottom, one at a time, or all at once. Such a deployment could be performed with an ejection mechanism or passively with cargo doors. Finally everything must be packed into or on the parent structure. Internal layouts must be optimized for potential parents. Parent vehicles may be either fixed wing, all wing, delta wing, or boom configurations. These configurations must be compared by payload capacity, endurance, maneuverability, speed, loiter ability etc. The vehicle also must be two-man portable thus size is a major constraint. CHAPTER 4 4.1 Vehicle Preliminary Design System Outline During the preliminary design phase of a parent vehicle the constraints listed above need to be considered. A number of possible parents were studied and designed. Vehicle types ranged from a fixed-wing to an all-wing vehicle configuration. Another design constraint was to keep as many potential options open as possible for future flexibility in the integration process. For example, one type of fixed wing design was unsuitable for integrated design. In this example the mini-vehicle's propulsor was acting entirely as a drag force and not assisting the parent. But such a vehicle configuration was not eliminated as it allowed for easier rendezvous and other important desirable characteristics. The goal of this vehicle study was to find a number of potential parentmini combinations which could best meet the requirements generated by the team. 4.2 Vehicle Geometry Vehicle geometric configurations, which will be shown in a later section, were developed by the team in an effort to optimize performance characteristics of the parent. 4.2.1 Parent Vehicle Configuration An initial pre-prototype design of the parent vehicle, as presented in Figure 4.2.1, has a wingspan of 3.40 meters and a fuselage length of 3.40 meters. The aspect ratio chosen for the wing is 5, given a chord length of 0.68 meters. Wing planform area is calculated to be 2.31 m2. This Figure was drawn through the use of the ProEngineer design tool which is useful for designing complex three dimensional vehicles. Fuselage width was designed to allow for a diameter of 0.34 meters. Such a dimension was chosen to allow for the internal packaging of the sub-components, which include the micro pallets themselves. A first-order feasibility of this preliminary design vehicle layout can be derived through computations of lift and drag forces and then balancing them against weight and .68 m D .34 m .58 m .68 m 3.4 m 3.4 m Figure 4.2.1. Initial Parent Structure Layout thrust available. This parent can have an approximate weight of 12 kg. Lift on the parent vehicle can be computed by: Lift = 1 p CSV 2 (1) where p is the mass density (1.228 kg/mA3), C1 is the lift coefficient, S is the planform area of the wing (neglecting other lifting surfaces) and V is the parent velocity. For a velocity of 15 m/s lift is computed as presented in Figure 4.2.2. For a weight of 12 kg (118 Newtons), lift coefficient required to fly the parent is 0.37. This value of lift coefficient is a reasonably attainable number. Similar to the lift force drag force on the parent vehicle can be computed by: Drag= p Cd(WSA)V 2 (2) Here Cd is the drag coefficient and WSA is the wetted surface area of the parent vehicle. A first order estimate of the parent-vehicle drag coefficient can be made as follows: * The skin-friction drag coefficient of a vehicle is a function of its relevant Reynold's number given as: R = VLk/ (3) where V is the velocity, L is the characteristic length and v (1.45e-5 m^2/s) is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Lift Force versus Lift Coefficient 400 350 300 250 200 150 - 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Lift coefficient Figure 4.2.2 - Lift Force on Parent Vehicle * The characteristic length for the parent was approximated to be 3.40 meters. A velocity of 15.0 m/s gives a Reynold's number of 3.52e+6. * Reference 10 gives several equations for computing skin-friction drag coefficients as a function of Reynold's number. Three distinct equations valid for smooth and plane surfaces in incompressible flow are plotted in Figure 4.2.3. The laminar boundary layer curve is as given by equation 5.6.10 in Reference 10. This curve is valid up to Reynold's numbers equal to 5 X 105. The transient equation is given by equation 5.6.18 in Reference 10 that is valid between Reynold's numbers equal to 5 X 105 and 107. The turbulent boundary layer equation valid for Reynold's numbers greater than 107, known as the Schoenherr equation (Ref. 11) is plotted as squares in Figure 4.2.3. An approximation (Ref. 11) to the Schoenherr equation is written as equation (4) below. V1/-C = 3.46 log (R,)-5.6 (4) where Cf is the skin-friction coefficient and R1 is the relevant (length) Reynold's number. This equation, valid for turbulent flow, can be extended into the transition and the laminar region if forced turbulence is assumed. Skin-Friction Coefficient 0.01000 0.00100 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 Length Reynold's No. - Schoenherr approx. --a- Schoenherr - Laminar - Transient Figure4.2.3 - Skin Friction Coefficients * The skin-friction coefficient computed from equation (4) is 0.0034. * The form factors for a wing-shaped body are a function of thickness to chord ratios. Assuming 40% increase in drag coefficient due to form-factor effects, Cd is estimated to be 0.0048. * WSA can be estimated from the wing and fuselage surface areas. Starting from the wing planform area and multiplying by 2.2 (2 sides and 10% increase due to thickness of wing) and then adding the surface area of a cylinder that has the diameter equal to the maximum diameter of the fuselage and a length equal to 3 meters would give a conservative value for the total wetted surface area. This value was computed to be 8.29 m2 . * Drag force is now computed using equation (2) to be 5.51 Newtons which for 15 m/s velocity translates to 82.71 watts of power. Additional drag due to appendages could increase the power required. * As a comparison a 0.2 horsepower engine with an efficiency of 0.7 would provide 104.44 watts of power. 4.2.2 ParentVehicle Internal Component Packaging Internal packaging of the parent must be considered for all designs of the parent. The parent has requirements to hold a number of sub-components in its fuselage and wings. These initial components with estimated dimensions include: 1. Engine: 99mm L X 70mm W 2. PC104: 90mm L X 96mm W X 15mm H 3. Camera: 47mm L X 22mm D 4. GPS: 179mm X 100mm X 18mm 5. GPS Attenna: 114mm D X 100mm thickness 6. IMU: 75mm X 75mm X 80mm 7. PCMCIA: 90mm X 54mm X 5mm 8. Transmitter: 165mm X 100mm X 20mm 9. Cargo Pallets: 200mm X 200mm X 200mm 10. Fuel Tank (6): 100mm X 100mm X 100mm 11. Batteries: 100mm X 50 mm X 50mm These dimensions were fed into the ProEngineer tool to obtain Figure 4.2.4, which illustrates how these components were packaged in the parent fuselage. (Ref. 17) 4.2.3 Mini-Vehicle Configuration The mini-vehicle has a wingspan of one meter and a fuselage length of one meter. The aspect ratio chosen for the wing is five, given a chord length of 0.20 meters. Wing planform area is calculated to be 0.20 m2 . Fuselage width was designed to allow for a diameter of 0.15 meters. A mini would weigh approximately 1.2 Kg. Similar to the parent vehicle, for a velocity of 15 m/s lift is computed as presented in Figure 4.2.5. foil Batteries amera Engine U Parafoil Fuel GPS/Attenna Figure 4.2.4 Parent Vehicle Internal Component Packaging Lift Force versus Lift Coefficient 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Lift coefficient Figure 4.2.5 - Lift Force on the Mini-Vehicle 1 1.2 For a weight of 1.2 Kg (11.8 Newtons), the lift coefficient required to fly the parent is 0.43. This value of lift coefficient is a reasonably attainable number. For the drag force computations Reynold's number is 1.04e+6, Cf is 0.0043, and Cf with 40% increase due to form-factor is 0.0061. The value for WSA is 0.82 m 2 that includes a 0.8-m long, 0.15-m dia cylindrical surface allowance for the fuselage. Drag force is now computed using equation (2) to be 0.68 Newtons which for 15 m/s velocity translates to 10.24 watts of power. Additional drag due to appendages could increase the power required. As a comparison a 0.04 horsepower engine with an efficiency of 0.7 would provide 20.89 watts of power 4.3 IntegratedDesign A number of factors are important in the integrated design of the parent and its component mini-vehicles. Mini-vehicles must be mounted to the parent in a certain manner to obtain stability in flight of the integrated system. This mounting is very important, as it potentially will dramatically affect the aerodynamics of the system. In some designs the mini-vehicle can also be embedded in the parent wing or the airfoil. The mini could also be above the fuselage, at the wind tips, or under the wing. Design of the mini itself also comes to play in this integration. A fixed wing mini potentially will have a different integration then an all-wing mini. Figure 4.3.1 depicts a fixed wing mini with a one-meter wingspan and a one-meter fuselage length (propeller in the front). (Ref. 23) Figure 4.3.1 Fixed Wing Mini Figure 4.3.2 depicts an all-wing mini with a wingspan of 1.20 meters and overall length of approximately 0.40 meters (propeller in the back). An aspect of the integration, which is paramount to system success, is rendezvous or the process of retrieving the 10 12 a. C. 120 Note 1 chord at root i 40 mean aerodynamic chord 1 28 wing area 1 0.3 sq, Meter AR : 4.8 Figure 4.3.2 All Wing Mini (dimensions in cm) children by the parent for the purposes of refueling or recharging them. Because potential of rendezvous and refueling is a desired characteristic of the system, the integration must be one that can be repetitive. Basically the minis should be able to redock with the parent and thus re-integrate. Interaction of two flying-vehicles in proximity operations is a complex aerodynamic phenomenon that needs to be studied very carefully. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes could be used to study these interaction forces and moments. Initial integration layout of these minis is seen in Figure 4.3.3 and Figure 4.3.4 respectively. For the fixed-wing mini, the parent holds the mini under its wings. Because mini's propeller is in front, its propeller adds forward thrust based at the front of the parent wings. Each mini potentially will be embedded in the airfoil of the parent wing. Lift and drag of this configuration should be studied for its ability to sustain flight. The combined weight of the system is 13.2 Kg or 129.49 Newtons. If it is assumed the lift to be generated only by the parent wings (Figure 4.2.2), there will be a need for a lift coefficient of 0.41 which is not much greater than the parent-alone value of 0.37. Assuming the drag adds (a conservative value as some surfaces are overlapping), total drag would be 6.20 Newtons that relates to 92.94 watts of power at 15.0 m/sec velocity. Again a 0.2 horsepower engine (rI = 0.7) would generate 104.44 watts of power. Mini Parent Figure 4.3.3 Parent-Mini Integration (both fixed wing) For the all-wing mini (Figure 4.3.4), the propeller is in the back; thus the attachment must be in the rear of the vehicle. By attaching the mini at the wing tips of the parent, the PCUAV system will have increased its wingspan, which has potential benefits in terms of lift generation while attached. The propeller in this case also adds a pushing thrust to the parent. Mini Parent Figure 4.3.4 Parent-Mini Integration (both all-wing) The above integration concepts were conceived and developed by the team. Figure 4.3.5 shows some developed integration concepts. While other potential methods to achieve integration exist, these were considered the most viable. 2 n *fl4~ 3 ~r~4 K--LI Lp ~ ~Gct~1~a =-f~"==4 ~ t~L~ a-~~A 7o Figure 4.3.5 Integration Concepts Each of the twelve concept depicted above has unique positive and negative attributes and further trade studies and refinement would be necessary to select an optimum concept for a unique mission or class of missions. (Ref. 23) CHAPTER 5 5.1 Parent-Child Integration Design Mini Deployment Deployment or launch of the mini-vehicle from the parent vehicle is a difficult problem, as potentially the parent will also need to retrieve the mini at the same point. Requirements for such a launch and docking procedure include: 1) Transfer fuel, power, and electric signal before deployment. 2) Deploy mini safely away from parent structure. 3) Retrieve and re-dock mini in a reasonable amount of time. 4) Have some autonomy. 5) Safely re-dock mini with parent. 6) Re-establish fuel, power, electric signal transfer. 7) Have no leaks or faulty connections. 8) Prevent entanglements, propeller hazards etc. 9) Avoid structural detachment or failure from the complex two-body dynamics. To meet these initial mini deployment requirements an integrated fuel/separation system has been initially designed. 5.2 Integrated Fuel/Separation System The team felt that integration will serve a number of customer needs such as: 1) ease of use, 2) all weather operations, 3) long endurance, 4) low mission cycle time, and 5) spectrum of collection capabilities. The design of this system will be very challenging. During cruise out, the mini will be pulling/pushing, vibrating, and under different bending load conditions than those of the parent. During this time, once again fuel cannot leak. Upon mini-parent separation, the mini must be operating with its own fuel and connection must be severed with no residual leaking. The challenge in the design is coupled with the fact that there may be no precedent for an interface-system like this. Integrated fuel/separation system was also designed to allow for ultimate retrieval or rendezvous. The system depicted in Figure 5.2.1 and Figure 5.2.2 uses one-way fuel Figure 5.2.1 Parent-Mini Separation System (side view - dimensions in cm) Figure 5.2.2 Parent-Mini Separation System (front view - dimensions in cm) nozzles, clamps, a retractable pulley system, and precision contact points. A detailed description of the Parent-Mini separation system is presented in Figure 5.2.3. System functional flow consists of the following steps: 1) Fuel/Electrical transfer via one way fuel nozzle system and electric contact points. 2) Mini-vehicle is supported by clamping mechanism and a pulling mechanism (rendezvous system). 3) After mini-vehicle is released, pulley tension is released, clamp is opened, parent fuel door is closed, and fuel/electric transfer is ceased. Figure 5.2.3 Detailed Parent-Mini Separation System Separation of the system must be performed reliably, under high tension, direst and unstable conditions, and without fuel leaks. The system must also be easily setup (parent-mini mounting) by the operator. The fuel system, which is represented in the above Figure by an one-way nozzle on the mini-vehicle and the fluid plumbing on the parent, can be better seen in Figure 5.2.4. Fuel pumps on both minis created the necessary pressure difference to allow for fuel transfer. One-way nozzles on both minis prevent leakage after separation. Parent fuel doors, which close as the parent clamp is opened (release mini) and open as the parent clamp is closed (hold mini) prevent leakage in the wings. As seen earlier, Figure 5.2.2 depicts how the fuel-line door is coupled with the clamp. One-way nozzles on the mini are triangular in shape to both prevent leak and jamming caused by high moments on the separation interface. t--- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - Enginemini I m i 1....... __ Engineparent Door One way fuel nozzles Doo r---------------------------------------- pump Enginemini . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 5.2.4 Fuel system Because the mini potentially could be embedded under the parent wing or within its airfoil, the separation system has been initially designed for such an application. Figure 5.2.5 shows how the system can be altered to such a configuration, if desired. The embedded mini adds to the efficiency of the PCUAV system as there is extra propulsion but limited exposed wetted surface area for drag. After the mini is deployed the airfoil, with the remaining hollow region, is designed to remain efficient. The penalties assumed in this design are being considered and further researched. Integration is being considered for aerodynamic efficiency, structural integrity or weight reduction, high-lift integration concepts, controls, payload separation etc. An initial attempt at calculating a preferred airfoil design led to a chord/length ratio of approximately five. (Ref. 25) In the design of the separation system, the first-order computation of forces (lift, drag, weight, suction around airfoil) and moments acting at the points of attachment are necessary to weigh the feasibility of the approach. This is a major constraint on the design of the attachment for the minis. The free-body diagram, presented in Figure 5.2.6, allows for the moment of a simple attachment approach. Internal Structure Parent wing (sidp vipuw \UU KVl Parent wing Parent wing (bottom view) Figure5.2.5 Embedded Approach (cross section views of parentwing) Flift Fdrag Fweight Figure5.2.6 Parent-MiniFree Body Diagram As computed in Section 4.3 the combined weight of the system is 13.2 Kg or 129.49 Newtons. The lift force has to equal that value for equilibrium. For a 15 m/sec flight, the drag and thrust of this system equals 6.2 Newtons. The moment on the attachment point would be the lift force multiplied by the moment arm, which would be on the order of 0.25 m given a moment of around 1.55 N-m. 5.3 Rendezvous Development of a rendezvous system to retrieve children vehicles (Minis) by the parent allows for sustainable, lower cost missions. Initial designs presented here for this system are greatly influenced by the C-130 and flying boom aircraft refueling process. In both systems, an aircraft that is to be refueled captures a drogue apparatus. Refueling drogues can be passive (not controllable but stable) or controllable using an airfoil-rudder arrangement. In the design of the PCUAV rendezvous system a drogue whether controllable or passive is captured by the minis. After capture and drogue insertion into the mini's fuselage, the parent pulls the mini back to its wing, the same point at which it was initially separated. The mini is pulled upward to a wing contact point where it is simultaneously forced horizontally by the dynamic wing pressure. The mini is then positioned and aligned properly by the parent clamping system. This alignment allowed for the pinpoint insertion of the mini one-way fuel nozzle and the reestablishment of contact between the electrical surface points. As the parent clamps the mini, the fuel-line doors are opened allowing for free transfer of fuel. The completion of this final step completes the rendezvous of the PCUAV system. Figures 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 present the initial designs for a controllable drogue and a C130-type passive drogue respectively. The mini captures these drogues, approximately five to ten centimeters in maximum dimension. Key characteristics that these drogues must portray are stability. They must stay in a fixed position for as long as possible. Such a position fix will allow the minis enough time to perform the potential planning and control in the capture procedure. (Ref. 21, 22) )13 Figure5.3.1 ControllableDrogue (with Airfoil) 9,0942 Figure 5.3.2 PassiveDrogue (Based on C130 Design) Capture of the drogue by the mini is crucial to this strategic design. The mini must align its flight path with that of the drogue using a camera in its fuselage nose. After the alignment process occurs the following procedure steps occur: 1) Mini opens its fuselage mouth via a pulley-track system. 2) Using the camera, the pilot operator at the PCUAV ground station must guide the mini, so that the stable drogue inserts into the mini rendezvous compartment. 3) After capture, the mini mouth closes, keeping the drogue in its mouth. Figure 5.3.3 depicts the mini mouth opening and closing. Mechanism was initially designed to guarantee redundancy in the capture. A mouth opening which is bigger than the drogue size allows the operator with sufficient error in capture. Other simplified mechanisms have been studied. Such designs include capturing the drogue in a wedge created on the mini's fuselage. This decreases complexity but there exists problems with pinpoint drogue insertion. Actual door opening and closing mechanism is seen in Figure 5.3.4. Slide-able door arrangement allows for a smooth and fast capture. A study was also performed to better understand what the maximum rendezvous distance (between parent and mini) could be achieved with out potential complications. Parent pulley-spindle system that pulls the captured mini back to the wing potentially could hold thirty meters of tethered cable. Cable thickness was estimated to be 0.5 centimeters. Tether cable could be designed to be thinner or potentially transfer data (i.e. fiber optics, Ethernet, WLAN, analog & digital signals). Table 5.3.1 presents the analysis performed. Figure5.3.3 Drogue Capture Drogue Sliding Door Figure5.3.4 Mini Rendezvous System Table 5.3.1 Rendezvous Cable Analysis Spool Diameter(cm) 1 Outer Diameter(cm) 12 Spool height (cm) 3 wraps wrap levels cable thickness (cm) 11 6 0.5 cable length 508.68 total cable length (cm) 3052.08 total cable length (m) 30.5208 CHAPTER 6 6.1 Summary, Recommendations, and Conclusions Prototype During the process of development of a complex integrated vehicle system PCUAV, a prototype design was required to test the identified technical challenges and potential hurdles. This prototype could be a full aerodynamically clean design as laid out in earlier sections, or it could be an off-the-shelf UAV (i.e. Telemaster) retrofitted to meet the PCUAV requirements. It was deemed extremely advantageous to design a parent-mini vehicle from the ground up. It is evident that the design of the mini is greatly affected by that of the parent and visa versa. Many members of the PCUAV team felt that the biggest hurdle for this project was the systems integration and cooperative mission performance planning (i.e. software, mission planning, etc.). By using a retrofitted off-the-shelf vehicle, the systems integration and software/electric development would be atop the team's priorities. A pragmatic approach can be efficiently achieved by performing both tasks in parallel. The team can thus learn from the generic UAVs performance, during a mission, and design appropriately. Generic UAVs, allow for tests to be performed sooner rather than later. This will allow team members to gather data important to the technical hurdles encountered. Such research is greatly beneficial to any project. An immediate goal for the PCUAV project should be to choose one of the PCUAV integration concepts as well as a parent-mini separation system, with potential for rendezvous. An important goal of this project is to build a prototype PCUAV system and evaluate it. As time is an important factor for this project, retrofitting a generic UAV in conjunction with the actual development maybe a good approach. 6.2 Future Effort In order to demonstrate a number of PCUAV technologies, a demonstration program objective must be established. By demonstrating new technologies derived by this concept or unobtainium, further research work can be targeted in the proper and most successful directions. DARPA feels that UAV platforms may also be used to test maturing subsystems and their technologies. For example, the Pioneer UAV was tested in April 1995 with a surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor, which can be used against chemical agents. DARPA has consistently maintained that a vigorous but disciplined approach to technology development is the key both to achieving objective architecture capabilities and keeping costs in an affordable range. (Ref. 12) A number of tests have been identified for potential immediate processing: Vehicle 1) Deployment and precision delivery of micro-UAVs. 2) Safe deployment of mini UAVs. 3) Integrated fuel/power system - transfer energy and then release. 5) Precision deployment of micro-sensors by mini UAVs or the parent UAV. 6) Precision deployment of Pallets. 7) In-flight recovery of mini UAVs - automation, GPS coordination. 8) In-flight refueling, recharging of mini UAVs. Electrical 9) Potential radio ranging. 10) Redundant computer integration. 11) Cooperative operation of multiple PCUAVs. 12) In-flight recovery mission planning. These demonstrations will lay the foundation for further advancements in the PCUAV field. The MIT/Draper team has a realistic outlook for future of the PCUAV initiative. In five to ten years, with the expected advance in technologies related to micro aerial vehicles, GPS, and other micro-mecahnical sensors, such a system could be operational. Figure 6.2.1 depicts the state of maturity for both present and future UAVs. DARPA initiatives are targeted to reach maturity by the year 2003. As DARPA is presently a major driver of MAV technology and because the PCUAV relies heavily on such vehicles, the team projects the PCUAV's operational capability to be in five plus years. UAVs Hunter Pioneer Pointer Exdrone Predator Operational Present Navy VSTOL Eacyle Eye Outrider Dracyon Sender Global Hawk Darkstar Operational 2-5 years DARPA initiatives NRL concepts PCUAV MAVs Technology 5+ years Figure 6.2.1 State of UAVs 6.3 Cost Cost of an unmanned aerial vehicle is an important subject. UAVs can range from thousands to millions of dollars. Predator vehicle's projected cost is $62 million per unit. On the other hand, Sender's projected cost is approximately $20K to $25K whereas MAVs are projected to be in the $5K to $15K range. Because the PCUAV system integrates three tiers of vehicles with different costs, expendability and costs are important issues. Many experts in industry feel that MAVs should be designed to be expendable. After a MAV accomplishes its mission, it either self-destructs or is lost in the mission zone. Minis on the other hand could potentially be valuable and nonexpendible. The PCUAV has the option of retrieving the minis, but presently does not capture the micros. (Ref. 12) Col. John Blitch of the DARPA UGV initiative, as mentioned earlier, believes the PCUAV system without the micro vehicle cargo, should not exceed $50K in cost. Thus the two minis and the parent would have to be designed to be affordable. (Ref. 9) Expendability can be measured in cost as well as potential data. Parent or minis could have on board data storage. If so, there exists the potential desire to have them return to friendly confines. Cost of the PCUAV system will be an important driver of the concept. If certain losses, such as MAVs or UGVs, are not acceptable the concept must be altered. While a proper cost analysis has not been a top priority for the PCUAV team thus far, it potentially should be in the near future. 6.4 Conclusions The three-tier unmanned aerial vehicle proposed in this thesis is a state of the art, innovative concept which has both national and international applications. UAVs aid humans in performing difficult or hazardous tasks. It allows operators to perform missions, which require high altitudes, medium altitudes and low or ground altitudes. The PCUAV is a multi-class vehicle. For military applications this is very beneficial, as it has the ability to perform an array of missions. Instead of having the need for three UAVs, that take up space in vehicle size and equipment and have high costs, only a single UAV system is needed. In five years, the PCUAV should be an important vehicle, as it has the ability to transport and extend the intelligence of smaller UAVs (i.e. MAVs). If industry's goal is to decrease the size of vehicles yet increase the ability of these vehicles the PCUAV concept is extremely favorable. 6.5 Recommendations For future development of the PCUAV concept, a number of issues must still be researched. While the tier system has advantages, tests and demonstrations must be performed in order to validate its importance. Such validation must be compared to potential competitors, for example a swarm of Sender vehicles. Because MAV technology is still in the development phase a proper understanding of what the future holds must be projected. Only then can a PCUAV system be successful. Future work in the PCUAV arena must also be targeted toward vehicle development. This will allow for better understanding of important design and system issues involved with the concept. A retrofitted off the shelf UAV, as mentioned earlier, may be a good test bed for testing. Such testing may include electronics validation, avionics performance, communication reliability, parent-mini separation and integration, software reliability, etc. Testing of the PCUAV concepts will potentially drive the advancement of the vehicle. It may also be beneficial to better understand what DARPA and other agencies want from the PCUAV. While numerous agency and industry contacts have been made, it is important and necessary to keep tabs on these contacts through future phases of vehicle development. Many agencies change personnel as well as philosophies extremely rapidly. It is imperative to the project's success to understand and identify these changes. All in all, the PCUAV concept will develop with hard work and the constant knowledge of how the UAV industry is changing. References 1) UAVs, 1998. 2) "World Markets for Military, Civil & Commercial UAVs," Report 5375. 1998. 3) Martorana, Richard. MAV System/Subsystem Specification. Draper Laboratory, Inc, 1999. 4) Predator Home Page, 1998. 5) Global Hawk, AUVSI99. Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, 1997. 6) "Sender Drone: Concept of Operations." Naval Research Laboratory Documentation. 1998. 7) "Man-Portable, Rocket-Propelled Surveillance Vehicle Model Rocket Design and Construction," by Alankar Chhabra, Bachelor's of Science Thesis, MIT, June 1998. 8) A meeting with Dr. James McMichael, DARPA MAV Program Manager, August 1998. 9) A meeting with Col. John Blitch of the Army, the present DARPA UGV Project Manager. October 1998. 10) Streeter, Victor L; Fluid Mechanics, Fourth Edition.McGraw-Hill, Inc. Copyright 1966. 11) Hoerner, S. F.; Fluid - Dynamic Drag, Published by the author. Copyright 1965. 12) 1997 DARPA UAV Annual Reports. 13) "MAGIC2, Multiple Aircraft GPS Integrated Command and Control System." Herley-Vega Systems, A Division of Herley Industries, Inc. 1996. 14) "Low Weight, Zero Maintenance Long Endurance SOFC for MUAV." IGR Enterprises, Inc. 1998. 15) "RF Decoys and Multimission Payload Delivery Platforms." Naval Research Laboratory. 1998. 16) 1998 Shephard's Unmanned Vehicles Handbook. The Shephard Press 1997. 17) Model Aviation. September 1998. The Academy of Model Aeronautics, Inc. 18) Genesys, In-flight Generator System. Model Airplane News Product Review. 1997. 19) Aveox web site, 1999. 20) R/C Report. January 1999. RC Report Corporation. 21) Douglas, John; "Controllable Drogue for Aerial Refueling." 1981 IBM Patent. 22) C-130 documentation: U.S. Air Force. 1999. 23) Collaboration with PCUAV teammate, Mr. Sanghyuk Park. 24) Collaboration with PCUAV director, Mr. Charles W. Boppe. 25) "The Parent Child Unmanned Air Vehicle Concept study," by Tarek S. Nochahrli, Master of Engineering Thesis, MIT, May 1999. 26) "Cooperative Parent Child Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Systems Approach," by Anand Karasi, Master of Engineering Thesis, MIT, May 1999. Appendices Appendix A Power-Propulsion Study IC Engine, Battery, Fuel Cell Database ISystem Power IC 100 cc single cyl 2-stroke IC 75 cc twin cyl (24X10 prop) IC 62 cc single cyl (18X10 prop) IC 40 cc single cyl (18X10 prop) IC 25 cc single cyl (17X8 prop) 3W-24 Engine Brushless 1412/6Y (8X6 prop) Brushless 1406/12Y (8X6 prop) Brushless 1406/4Y (8X6 prop) Brushless 1406/4Y (8X6 prop) Brushless 1406/2Y (7X6 prop) Brushless 1406/2Y (8X6 prop) 8 hp 6 hp 5 hp 2 hp 2 hp 2.5 hp 24 A @ 12 V ?A @ 12 V 17 A @ 7 V 30 A @ 10 V 47 A @ 7V 58 A @7V NiCad Tamiya Flight Pack NiCad Tamiya Flight Pack Lithium Sulfur Chloride - AA Lithium Sulfur Chloride - C 12 2 Ah Lithium Sulfur dioxide Advanced Lithium Batteries Nickel Hydrides on-board generator (gas to elec)) 1400 mAh 8.4 V 1800 mAh 8.4 V 1.6 Ah 3.8 V 6.2 Ah 3.8 V 150 (6V) 100 watts*hr/kg Strip Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Bipolar Platte Fuel Cell Strip Type Fuel Cell IGR Enterprise Fuel Cell 1 volt 2.8 volt 2.8 volt Cost Throughput Thrust Vendor Weight Volume ounce cubic inch ounce ($) 140 5 32:1 oil Zenoch 120 4.5 32:1 oil Zenoch 1850 80 3.8 32:1 oil Zenoch 599.95 70 2.3 32:1 oil Zenoch 269.95 55 1.4 32:1 oil Zenoch 259.95 2.6 Ib 1.42 3W Giant Scale Motors 10.02 1.47" DX 2.36" L electric Aveox 7 1.47" D X 1.76" L electric Aveox 6.9 2.6 electric 41 Aveox 119.95 6.9 2.6 electric 24 Aveox 119.95 6.9 2.6 electric 33 Aveox 119.95 6.9 2.6 electric 41 Aveox 119.95 20 20 4 6 40 14 14 .5" Dby 2" L 1" D by 2" L 14 electric electric electric electric electric electric 6 watts generated strikealite strikealite Great Batch Great Batch Saft, Inc. TADIRAN Genesys 16 9 hydrogen, air 27 solid-oxide 9 solid-oxide carbon Dr. Roland Nolfe Dr. Roland Nolfe Dr. Roland Nolfe DARPA-Gordon 216-464-1255 Appendix B Tube Launch for PCUAV. (smart missiles - controlled by operator) Potential Benchmarks for PCUAV Launch Tube-Launch Missiles Name Country BM-24 BM-27 BGM-71A TOW Swingfire LAW 80 M48 Chaparral Sidewinder DARD 120 SEP AT-4 Spignot A AT-4 Spignot B SAKR BM-21 RM-70 FGM-77A Dragon Bofors BILL M2 Carl Gustav B-300 MBB Cobra M20 Super Bazooka D-3000 FIM-92A Stinger FIM-43A Redeye Milan, Milan II Russia Russia US UK US US US France Russia Russia Egypt Russia Russia US Sweden Sweden Israeli France NATO Egypt US US Italy Length Diameter Weight Launch Type Range ft inch 10 8.6 6 6 5.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.5 4.5 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.75 2.75 - lbs 103 46 81 TLR TLR TLWGM TLGM TLGM TLS TLGM TLR TLGM TLGM TLR TLR TLR GTST TLGM TLGM TLWGM GLWGM TLR TLR SLR SLR TLR yds 11,00 30,000 500 - 4000 4370 550 16,000 655 70 - 2000 75 - 2500 30,00 15,00 15,000 70- 1000 2190 492 440 2190 109 1760 5200 2520 6.5 6.5 3.5 6 5 9.5 9.5 4 4 4.5 7 8 5 2.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4 8 5 4 4.5 185 190 28 30 30 39.5 42 24.4 94 16.5 17 22 10 35 29 38 GTST Gas Tube launcher (pyrotechnic generated), with side thrusters and sustainer rocket CLGP Cannon Launched Guided Projectile SLR Shoulder launched single rocket solid motor TLS Truck/trailer launched rocket with sustainer TLBS Truck/trailer launched rocket with boost and sustainer engines TBLR Trailer mounted Box launched single engine solid motor TBGM Truck/trailer mounted box launcher (i.e. similar to Patriot) TLGM Tube launched guided missile TLR Tube launched unguided rocket TLWGM Tube launched wire guide missile Speed mph 625 M2.5 Supersonic 230 M2.5 M2.5 Appendix C Children packaging on Parent (possibilities) * Wing Loaded -'--4- * Fuesalage Loaded I "ll C=== I BB~BD * Nose Loaded (0 Appendix D Draper Ground Station * * * * * * * * * Win NT/QNX system safety pilot in the loop 3 attenna: comm, GPS, video Automated mission planning, geolocation Demonstration planned in July (Helicopter with UGV) Old system tested w/ helicopter at 1500 ft max height Early development limited to 2 to 3 vehicles Mission planning performed at GS level Waypoint data streams GS Contacts: Comm RF Modem Multi-Vehicle Comm Hardware Lead Chris Sanders Bob Tingley Tony Larusso Steve Kolitz Summer Demo - Scenario Overview * UAV dispatched using a man portable Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) to zone within line-of-sight * UAV carries a UGV/sensor to perform a targeting and battle damage assessment mission * autonomous mission planning (VCU) determines waypoint list determined via UAV aerial imagery. * Waypoint list is uplinked so UAV will continue to execute plan if comm lost * UAV goalpoints include the UGV deployment point * At operation zone, UAV optically geolocates potential targets for precision weapon delivery and point placement UGV. * Operator uses video from UAV to provide goalpoints and constraints for the UGV * Autonomous mission planning system generates route plan for UGV mission PrimaryObjectives * * * * * * Estimate GPS coordinates of UGV destination via UAV maneuvers (geolocation) Independent (mutually exclusive) control of both UGV and UAV from VCU Continued autonomous operations when comm lost Basic UGV autonomous guidance using DGPS. High speed UAV flight Autonomous UAV and UGV mission planning FunctionalRequirements Air Vehicle * Digital compass providing +/-2 deg heading accuracy with +/-45 degree tilt. * Line-of-sight UAV to VCU communications (separate data and video links) Ground Vehicle (COTS) * Avionics kernel based on SARV avionics * Autonomous guidance capable electronics, including DGPS * Line-of-sight UGV to VCU comm (separate data &video links) * LOS Tele-operation capable from at least 1500' distance Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) * Independent (mutually exclusive) control of one UGV or UAV from the same unit * Provide interface(s) to human operator to support ground target geolocation, manual mission planning, payload control, vehicle location status, & vehicle systems health status * Optical geolocation will be performed using pilot assist commanded changes in bearing to the target along with human operator "target detection" * Provide inner loop control software capable of enabling > 50 MPH forward speed for SARV * Provide time tagged and correlated video frame/human designated pixels/onboard SARV navigation state information to situational awareness * Incorporate frame-grabber to allow capture of human designated ground target * Provide communications ground support equipment (GSE) capable of 19.2kpbs command uplink and telemetry downlink. * Provide communications GSE for UAV EO video and TBD ground robot drive/payload camera * Provide navigation ground support equipment for DGPS using Novatel ground receiver station to BOTH UAV and UGV. Appendix E Power Systems * Cylindrical Lithium cells developed by TADIRAN * TL-4903 C size * Nominal Voltage of 3.6 V * Nominal Capacity of 8.5 Ah * Dimensions: 1.031" diameter, 1.97" height * 5 to 8 cells in series may meet main power needs + 2 cells for auxiliary power * Use DC to DC converters to adjust power sources for subsystems. * Apex Micro-technology DC-DCconverters * Need to due trade studies between Nickel Hydrides and Lithiums * In Flight recharging of batteries may be a problem as take long time * Willing to review electrical power management system Engine Systems * COTS engine .75" to .90" 2-stroke engine * 2 to 2.5 horse power should be sufficient 3W-24 Engine by 3W Giant Scale Motors * 24cc/1.42 in^3 * 2.5 HP 1500 g common fuel * 2.65 lb 3.9"L X 2.75"W * Propl8X10 * $500 In-Flight Generator * Sullivan Products Genesys * Can provide up to 6 volts at 750 mA (max direct current) * Possible source for auxiliary power * MAVs (idle), camera, transceiver * Possibly recharge batts = 200 mA charge rate * $660 Batteries * * * * * * * Rechargeable TADIRAN Lithium Batteries Model TLR-7103 15.0 mm X 50.5 mm 17 grams 2.8 V @ 250 mA 250 mA max charging rate to 3.45 V Problems with recharging Temperature regulation * * Time Additional recharging circuits Microwave radiation refueling * * * * RF-DC conversion in some apps (85% efficiency) Jenn, Vitale of Navy tested system with Lutronix MAV & 12 kW - 1.3 GHz ground source Potential use with Mother & 500 watt power (amplified) source if MAV is 5 m away Use dish reflector attennae to transmit Fuel/Power Schematic Preliminary Fuel/Power System enerator Main Power Source Recharge AuxiliaryAuxiliary Power Source 20 V @ 500 mA Li FurA/D Li Li Li Li Con FPCMCIA MAV Figure E-1 Preliminary Fuel/Power System Li RF Xm RF Xt Appendix F PCUAV Wrinkles Parent 200 feet Umbilical Power Data Navigation Children rie3tllssllIsrr m ffi 11 IIIE*Bi~ _- w I --,Mr -ra I6M& ~ ~ Figure F-1 0 ....... -o°0... 0 -4- / / i -4-- I r/ ,. / \ ' rI\ s/ 1 I s S 0.. % ° s %% %% s * % %% % s %" % ' 'Cs~i~s~BB~iBB~$BB~ Figure F-2 %. Landing Technologies Air Bag System * Air bag: sodium azide (NaN 3) to decompose explosively, forming sodium and nitrogen gas * Pack system into a 6 " X 6" X 6" brick * Can substitute into modular fuselage with micros * Trigger system immediately before belly landing Appendix G PCUAV - Stinger Missile A lightweight, man-portable, shoulder-fired, missile weapon for air defense of troops. Crew consists of a chief, gunner, and vehicle carrying the basic load of missiles. Missile features a dual thrust motor, and an eject motor launches the missile a safe distance from the gunner prior to rocket motor ignition. * * * * Stinger Specs * * * * * 23.0 lbs 2.75 in. 5 feet 4 km 11.5 lbs Weight Diameter Length Range Launch (Tube) WASP stage Wing Deployment Parent Separation Ejector Propellant Ignition _- -t A r(l- ---1^1-I T --nouler Launcn Apparatus Rocket Propellant Ignition .... d___ Appendix H Sender Trip Report On October 22, 1998 Meeting with Barry Walden, Chris Bovis of the Naval Research Lab, Washington D.C. Discussion centeredaround the NRL Sender and Parent-Childconcepts. * * * * * Barry Walden works directly under Rick Foch, director of NRL UAV concepts. Extensive knowledge in the SENDER & development of UAVs. He is also involved in ship decoy system. ChrisBovis works directly under Rick Foch. Direct knowledge in UAV design and dynamic flight. NRL Vehicles include: SENDER, Swallow, MITE, FLYRT, Dakota, Eager, 12' Telemaster, Titan Tornado. Most designs were observedfirst hand. DARPA is on a 5 year project with a funding of 35 M. NRL is in its 3rd year of its 5 year program with a funding of 7M. SENDER * Developed in a period of 2 months with three people (but with the knowledge and experience of previous designs ( V tail - staggered tails etc.) * Sender is a Stage 6.2 - Applied Research vehicle * Present NRL goal is to develop SENDER II, which will have an increased payload volume yet keeps its suitcase storability. * Sender will close towards operation when requirements are specified. At this moment there are no customers. SENDER Technologies * NRL is working with IGR enterprises in the implementation & development of solid oxide fuel cells. These cell are carbon + air based and DARPA funded. Such a system has problems with high Thermal generation. Yet the goal is to use it to replace Lithium batteries. This fuel cell will decrease weight, increase power, and increase extraction rate. (Electric batteries equal 30% of Sender weight) * Electric power was used as it is quite, storable, easy of use, no need to flush system or refuel. * NRL has internally developed an auto-pilot system, staggering tails design, and a unique composite aerodynamic airframe. * This airframe is a fiber glass -thin shell construction that weighs 1.5 - 2 lb. Manufacturing took about a weeks time. * Sender's long range is determined by efficient DC brushless motor and low drag. They are having flight test trouble due to rolling winds as there is a limited aileron design. SENDER Manufacturing * Manufacturing cost for Sender is listed between $5K to $7K. This does not include avionics. Breakdown: Motors ($500), Airframe ($2K), Batteries ($500), Avionics ($10K), Sensors ($2K) * Sender was targeted to be < $20K. (Pointer range) PotentialResearch Opportunities * Electric Micro-radar UAV, deployed by soldiers for signal jamming. They have a 2km range and need less than 1W power consumption. (AUVSI -97 Proceedings) * Autonomous shipboard recovery system - ship detects the IR image of the approaching UAV and sends the corrections to the UAV. * Chemical sensors: piezoelectric crystals are excited with a frequency when exposed to a chemical cloud, the frequency changes and the chemical is detected. Such a sensor is a move away from existing laser systems. * FINDER - UAV deployed from Predator. Attached to existing harp points. Chemical detection (SolCad) after Tomahawk strike. Predator is used as a signal relay device. * SWALLOW has a unique BIO sensor. (A UVSI - 98 Proceedings) * Northrop-Grumman test - 4 UAV drone coordination from single ground station. Demo was 4 months ago. * Flight Navigation - Path following - NRL Jeff Barrows. * Special operations seem to be very important as they need these vehicles the most. Their performance and mission success is greatly improved with the use of these vehicles. They have the funds and the need. However their requirements are very difficult to meet. (Research Capstone Requirement document - Rich Bishop) * Don't use nets - Navy 'hates them.' Year 2003 Pioneer will be obsolete. Navy likes VTOL. Recommendations from NRL * NRL favors electric power, thought we should probably be using electric for our year design to keep the complexity down. * CREDA (Cooperative Research Development Agreement.) Means for sharing information and working together. * Build Parent with excess cargo margins & capacity * To handle unknowns * Flexibility * Attract additional customers * Suggestion for us to use Telemaster as a prototype test-bed. 1 st Appendix I Motor Tables - Aveox Model Airplane Motors Motor Stato Cont/ Max Speed Const. r/ Current or rpm/ volt (Kv) Roto Max Pwr r lengt Torque Ohms Const. (Rt) InOz /Amp (Kt) No Load Amps (Io) Weight, Length, Diameter (inches) Typ. Cell Recom. Prop Count (cells) Most efficient Current at specified voltage 8.7oz 2.06 x 1.47 8.9oz 3.3xl.5 lOoz 3.6xl.5 10oz 3.6x1.5 10.2oz 3.3x1.5 10oz 3.6x1.5 14oz 3.9xl.5 6.9 1.76xl.47 8.7oz 2.06x1.47 6.9 1.76xl.47 6.9 1.76x1.47 6.9 1.76x1.47 8.7oz 2.06x1.47 8.7oz 2.06x1.47 8.7oz 2.06x1.47 10.2oz 2.36xl/47 10.2oz 2.36x1/47 10.2oz 2.36x1/47 10.2oz 2.36x1/47 10.2oz 2.36x1/47 12.2oz 2.66x1.47 12.2oz 2.66x1.47 12.2oz 2.66x1.47 12.2oz 2.66x1.47 7 7-10 10 10-16 12-18 12-18 27 5-8 12 5-8 6-12 9-15 7-12 8-18 8-20 8-14 8-14 10-24 12-28 16-30 6-24 10-30 10-30 10-30 77A @6V 71A@ 6V 133A@8 V 91A@llV inche F5D Pylon F7LMR** F10 LMR* F12LMR* V12 F16 LMR* F27* RC 7 Oval Marine 12 1406/2Y 1406/3Y 1406/4Y 1409/2Y 1409/3Y 1409/4Y 1412/1.5Y 1412/2Y 1412/3Y 1412/4Y 1412/5Y 1415/1.5Y 1415/2Y 1415/3Y 1415/4Y .6 .6 .6 .9 .6 .9 1.2 .6 .9 .6 .6 .6 .9 .9 .9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 500W 500W 80A 70A 40A 60A 70A 34A/ 80A 35A/ 80A 35A/ 80A 25A 55A 18A/ 40A 40A/ 90A 25A /60A 20A/ 45A 40A/80A 45A/100A 30A/70A 22A/50A 17A/40A 70/150 50A/100A 40A /80A 25A/50A 3 versions 1000 1000 700 540 540 400 4000 1950 3000 2000 1500 2000 1333 1000 2085 1450 955 725 585 1500 1190 795 595 1.186 1.300 1.931 1.931 2.504 3.380 .451 .693 .451 .676 .901 .676 1.014 1.352 0.645 .932 1.416 1.865 2.311 .9013 1.136 1.699 2.27 .008 .0045 .009 .037 .018 .020 .018 .020 .018 .037 .060 .020 .040 .069 .010 .018 .045 .065 .105 .015 .020 .050 .080 5x5 (7) 14.5x10.5 12x9 14.5x10.5 12x9 APC 14.5x10.5 15x13(27) Oct. 1747 8x4 (7) 9x5 (8) 9x5 (10) 9x6 (10) 9x6 (12) 9x6 (14) 10x6 (10) 10x6 (10) 9x6 (18) 9x6 (21) 9x5 (24) 75A@18V 80A@25V 31A@7V 47A@7V 31A@7V 21A@ 0V 17A@14V 47A@7V 21A@10V 16A@14V 51A@10V 51A@10V 24A@ 16V 19A@24V 15A@30V 11x6 (14) 36A@14V 1817/2Y 1817/3Y 1817/4Y 2310/4Y 2310/6Y 2315/6Y 2315/8Y 40A/ 80A 25A/ 49A 19A/ 38A 3200W 3200W 3500W 3500W 650 433 325 450 360 248 185 2.080 3.120 4.160 3.004 3.756 5.452 7.308 .027 .060 .018 3.0 1.2 .6 .117 .147 20.2oz 3.43xl.79 20.2oz 3.43x1.79 20.2oz 3.43x1.79 26oz 2.75x2.25 26oz 2.75x2.25 30oz 3.25x2.25 30oz 3.25x2.25 20-28 20-36 20-40 12x6 (27) 42A@24V 19A@30V 13A@36V IndustrialMotors Aveox Industrial High power motors. (not designed for 11406 servo applications) V12Y __ Nominal Voltage(all motors at 6,000 rpm no load@ Vp) 12 Continuous stall torque *In-Oz @ 250 C 15.5 Motor constant (InOz/root watt 3.46 Friction Torque 5Krpm 1.299 Maximum Speed (rpm) 30,000 0.606 DC Resistance (Ohms) Speed Constant (RPM/Volt) 500 Torque Constant (InOz/Amp 2.69 Outside diameter 1.47" Shaft diameter 5mm length 1.76 weight 7.0 oz rotor/stator length 0.6" 1406 /24Y 24 15.5 3.46 1.299 30,000 2.422 250 5.38 1.47" 5mm 1.76 7.0 oz 0.6" 1406 /48Y 48 15.5 3.46 1.299 30,000 9.688 125 10.76 1.47" 5mm 1.76 7.0 oz 0.6" 1409 /8y 12 17.6 5.31 1.995 30,000 0.257 500 2.69 1.47" 5mm 2.06 8.7 oz 0.9" 1409 /16y 24 17.6 5.31 1.995 30,000 1.026 250 5.38 1.47" 5mm 2.06 8.7 oz 0.9" 1409 /32y 48 17.6 5.31 1.995 30,000 4.104 125 10.76 1.47" 5mm 2.06 8.7 oz 0.9" 1412 /6y 12 21.9 6.45 2.553 30,000 0.174 500 2.69 1.47" 5mm 2.36 10.2 oz 1.2" 1412 /12y 24 21.9 6.45 2.553 30,000 0.696 250 5.38 1.47" 5mm 2.36 10.2 oz 1.2" 1412 /24y 48 21.9 6.45 2.553 30,000 2.785 125 10.76 1.47" 5mm 2.36 10.2 oz 1.2" 1415 /5Y 12 28.5 7.62 2.034 30,000 0.143 467 2.88 1.47" 5mm 2.66 12.2 oz 1.5" 1415 /9Y 24 28.5 7.62 2.034 30,000 0.444 265 5.08 1.47" 5mm 2.66 12.2 oz 1.5" 1415 /119Y 48 28.5 7.62 2.034 30,000 1.994 125 10.76 1.47" 5mm 2.66 12.2 oz 1.5"