... LIVING OUT WEST: SHELTER, NEIGHBOR AND GARDEN by Dara Ann Youngdale A.B. Architecture University of California, Berkeley 1976 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1983 c Dara Ann Youngdale 1983 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author.. Department of Architecture, February 15. 1983) .... Certified by..... Shun Kanda, Associate Proessor oi ArclStechture, Thesis Supervisor ........................................ Accepted by.... Edward Robbins, Chairman Departmental Committee for Graduate Studies Rotchi MA SSACHUSETTS INSTITV)TE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 2 6 1983 LIBRARIES V, 4i *a 2 2 'K Living Out West: Shelter, Neighbor and Garden by Dara Ann Youngdale Submitted to the Department of Architecture on February 15, 1983 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture. ABSTRACT In cluster housing each house becomes more than a single entity-it is connected to and a member of a community of dwellings. Their designs focus on both the formation of the "home" and the "neighborhood" in which they exist. This thesis is the design exploration of medium density cluster housing on a twenty-five acre site in Northern California. It investigates the making of housing which retains qualities associated with single-family houses, residential form which supports a community while providing privacy, and the incorporation of "formal/physical" variety to build diversity and choice in housing. The thesis design explores the translation and adaptation of architectural attitudes and forms expressed in a number of California houses. It also investigates the building of shared and private space and the transition between the two. A trio of building forms were designed and the spatial principals to assemble the cluster and neighborhood forms which they comprise. Throughout the design process three attitudes guided decision making; connection and extension to outdoor spaces, provision for neighboring and privacy, and identity and choice through the repetition and variation of physical form. Thesis Supervisor: Shun Kanda Title: Associate Professor of Architecture :3 Thu ~&A1i'V i~wu~t' 4 .-, A4vi "The Wart found he had no clothes on. He found that he had tumbled off the drawbridge, landing with a smack on his side in the water. He found that the moat and the bridge had grown hundreds of times bigger. He knew that he was turning into a fish. "Oh Merlyn," he cried, "please come too." "For this once," said a large and solemn tench beside his ear, "I will come. But in future you will have to go by yourself. Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance." T. H. White w LtJe4 jd')6, k~s IV tv - rwpbtf2LL (ZV(t)Yv4jA Iv tht 6ante n abu& 44atMfN 5c"Pkw Tkbv (dkbm rA I ft ri4'- aMA f Fwnao {0Y'Yw\COft $10 ~Fw4 the f+ 4t owjinowt (negh t~ D o for 11ui fu W'A ti W i war4' In 'texvt LiovP (or Rei 6Al44 nwmeroujs Ocensto e*a erolI Aerje )rA Merwits 0 Kt rest--- M Sv o (W} /A vzf r~ ed4A' ' 4& /mrA~(verln. fL4 v N4, 85/ foaon JAw bu 6yr 5 .' 6 Tehvi& 146~- 1Y9 NV 01-., A rv MiYv FMeI nFr,4th" V(Oit*M , Des1r5Te4teW Ne~j~ikr~j t7 31 57 I RA;NWv A5 oi "&Z W. WMtw I3 7 Lt 8 I! 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April ...... July ...... October ... Year ...... 45 56 70 62 58 35 42 53 46 43 Airt1 yV The, (i w 4+ cmtul- roUte A 1Wttub O CMtkoI r ' (meta/ "i Tki At r "fr / wkf t "4hahte4tf-4o i A"ag koWu) 1,LL' LUg 22 Suvrz A sc- 4 p.m. 90 70 60.4 68.6 60 50 50 40 70 50 34.2 51.1 utoie A 414 ur4, E4f "j::s lw .i& 04T 6- t IV artuhawl/vtcwesthd wite thm lagri Av o f-emteICr HUMIDITY noon hm-Stit t. 4 4Ae. o C00W.t-'brawwk Nk-A&M4A&, ~sfwd'lix(t 6fntV 1w1 4 a.m. arw~A be- Ac or"0141 w Ao ivt A~r f4irv aw~rnut4'. W4AlkV Lkitoi gi~acr v'"tIu /coaetul- weov ~i re," ivnterp4TM.-4 a4zi4.-4 Lae1WJ At vk,- ftq/, e(- CIOA2'" a44" k4b Lifcr,- A. tic Ifl va4*Wv -tf* ttw tv ea WM,,9hrw a Fz~eo e eW.:: poim:w ~c~ NoW%(WIbmt4 fl4 6,CvrriA ItLAt~ I&'4"r( lA 4~ 6. - 4r lk't& £4aA ev WZ 6 aW4- Wsv.t44 C et44 ":54~t1J f0 AMA54 dp fk TMMV~ tv I*V ± 44X ft~A -dtW-dr?! 'li"W vhtoyvtfe, 9dvL' al aMA 5ervt- aUA fit.- rfel"1wW Atw.rbAWiaT~4~ wolv "-'_ tHu4 C4"'~w4 t£i, 40Wvfrj Dw 6vt46u 6- 1W w&JuAjA 4 ~zTe 44%-1 ffrotdMv 6uWc9 ifv Ahi kfm w4AI:,. work ut - ob orU~t~ e-4% wt4t au,/ o ~t Jv 4t- -(oo a4LA ?4116 M4"/~ ~ 4~ ka Ml, U ftft4 t, 4O W1. , Z frw WMAttr f1W4,4- tk4 w* w4t av OL4oo M- aA441 # (um Wek'1z 6W,-6 of I~ ,-ce 1: 2 wrtl(/ Th- (n)wwL I1ks' Iff e~ 1-vus uth,t-ftym ~Ae4I'b eoA~ J4tAA~ AC*V4 r'viv4- of- tt' h~4 i r'ss 6f9/ WkVAV47 r WA4&1 W14 Wt mAtz fit r4 -5W- -: ~LmmAm UmLAw4e rit--e- w~b ho use AtJ*tZi t4 garden flt control mVlce7 t~rit NVVL4 ferruivrj1 A*ki trivA VIA614 OaX,i Oo-0r "Z'tiy'U4 IfUi P AtdV 4~~LM'dt I 11-- a* & e k4f - n ht RY moY~~ U"aL4?t: ~~''4IA4W6AA tju t -15 Loki( . 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CPvrv4/0 a"t niLhOwuW t"4 i~ et A *& - ~ /I iv& l7 It" K 4o A- I ~1 / I ~t OEV(4&V dL4Jfrt-: E ' I' ~ / 1 .2- / v-i 80U iwo owSw4&FE 80 I, ~ I ~ ~ 11tM JV, CWS1" (MreVu"iA U' A' I ~'~.~im- / ' I *tiii I OrAWrLZFI 81% -I TIM or)- O44frrrClAO_ _ T-41 , " ____-I- I ?~9 .gi Four b7WkL cohw6u-p jo nl NA - to - I 4 I -,)0orl4/joLka 83 84 f i -7z r4~ -r ** "1") -MI -A IT I- foar c-qf"j f(vrmn, v wL fv h oko4io Elm) JI~1LLJ 85 I h I I Lh dV ... cfd4a rff? kOA e MCf6c fyVlifl am k re&44e h4 M.LMdW r~*L'n44 wor (& r4&1~z~) o~~1~iy 1Ve~ abl Iti4hv iofv~ rKS~AZWWr A- r4 5~c-frWeI46 r~~-w hrwM hM5 ea'ft~ fkf&tti C-1A&h K, 4If ~4 ~i zi' ~z-rtW ee~y1c vtvv~ 87 85 I f 21 . IA ~ q7 77. w A/a e'v 6ArAwi, A. ,- 4f~/ff A142ec4- fkerevyine/'L~W Inlvl. If (4out&7 1177. b Lvfu~i'm )69rk PAVUj Thu F'orv 66mlr"Y' Mll. '5 A-v oF M4 /s~ / FVPJ I A,#AA 11 I ''-'-"'-' "' OV~aA" o f h&!5m Fi-4wco "vion)3 1 cI'O117f. FA oF vat'. 1 La'. 0. - hw , 5a41~dvl~1 w t-Nav" Fj24? ri nt, '~'tflL4L4Ae~ -.. _____________ I E4Ivre,,- NLWV&-' r"-I- 1. 1ci go. PZe5idW&i'4z Arimabaw voAftv6Arw) f~e4b ) )cy ~3 /4r~ericd'4v (,wfli7iW ~9f A I89 c$ , J-mw ~ ~ ~ W i ' vrwA, ('4zsffrie -,; do - FirAk- H~ PhIU &&O f$% I' AA W-! a~Ui2 '51u4i (AAWf,!knPi Art . VOL+Ucn4Ft5o:,,14( vL4 64azoA4 ) LC4Me, 6vm4N, ) lq4uJ IL1 q'177. AAt,A Art~4AfKWWL Mno~re~4' ~ T4 /krzu PeAo4 WT4 Wt~~44/ 90 T & W64 ri 4- 1977. allA UM~t J4I OvThe4/n&M4fj4 A C41 (. caw4er 4.~e~u WOOA iy iajz ) To W,,- A 6 fuxdt tv l7riA r) "k,-d t4,?,-tAftw 5yv"'fh', (vl&. 1-174, WO'0'4 t3" riAje) Cy,(:bv-A (ZV6,e*-f- A (-fv NeW YoW TjAU CA 92. "fAr4o41A* WIeV W.Wt4vl-- Wt' (e. 11teA r nc A;4 rL4 fvj-(k elf CiV L~Ori' IM4 V-0i~ , amA-' -d44ez7 fkt Aeiw of- ovew Iwo W64id r, f vztw ft4 4ibw.6, a hou%! &1'?4M vT M. Lt T tA (v UOwi W (A7j Cru 4M49.l F~~vvvwWtdP A' ~We~ W.Y-a AdA~ mm"4(4, W~ -!woI O4-/yi lhdAWaA hAMA 12 Clzo 1-fe, tt-, o "tftor tleo( o&thi"0 riZ, 4 fltk t3 9 tt k, kivmt& iVztwj 6--r~orj~ I4v M4r6cw ~ 1O . T2 r6 - 14JI1V t& um " fk4 V5 kous&, [3 5wC6v1 W. WUA-tel ar4t4 1-i l U& kj4o 14~~~14A MfIro,~~ u" s,M/aJr4- 6rt) I 94 22 6wMi" 2g wA.v r i nisfw A VIm4&ta Y 4 41 '179>. ~w- W~v &eO C'h4.J 125 /I 64j "I$L) ~~4 YZ "2-- t t1oow zteAi, 39 WAM t-lv 9 -CY&. oue & MA 87 U 6 ~UrA-Ar '. AAe-i414 K~) 7 )C . I14 I Th4o, r~j 4M4%*dr, ,A-otd vCA C IU&, I . &w~t ' H Arvrmi 'zrz bw4(45 , mr rM0'ifr1C(A. I10 95