Document 10605686

Note: If the Lincoln Memorial University equivalency has the number 199 or 299, this signifies
that LMU does not have an equivalent course but will transfer the course as elective credit using
the title from RSCC.
Transfer Equivalencies
Fall 2013- Summer 2014
Roane State Community College
Lincoln Memorial University
ACCT 1010 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 1020 Principles of Accounting II
AGRI 1020 Introduction to Animal Science
AGRI 1030 Introduction to Plant Science
ANTH 2150 Native American Studies
ARTH 1030 Art Appreciation
ARTH 2010 Survey of Art History I
ARTH 2020 Survey of Art History II
ARTH 2030 Survey of Contemporary Art
ARTP 1000 Studio Fundamentals: Drawing
ARTP 1010 Drawing I
ARTP 1020 Drawing II
ARTP 1110 Two Dimensional Design
ARTP 1120 Three Dimensional Design
ARTP 1130 Painting I: Introduction
ARTP 1140 Painting II
ARTP 1200 Drawing III
ARTP 1310 Photography I
ARTP 1320 Photography II
ARTP 1330 Photography III
ARTP 1340 Photography IV
ARTP 1350 Photography V
ARTP 1360 Photography VI
ARTP 1410 Beginning Graphic Design
ARTP 1420 Computer Art
ARTP 1430 Computer Art II
ARTP 1440 Computer Art III
ARTP 1450 Computer Art IV
ARTP 1510 Ceramics I: Handbuilding
ARTP 1520 Ceramics II: Throwing
ARTP 1610 Printmaking I
ARTP 1620 Printmaking II
ACCT 210 Financial Accounting
ACCT 199 Principles of Accounting II
VET 199 Introduction to Animal Science
BIOL 199 Introduction to Plant Science
SOCI 299 Native American Studies
ART 100 Art Appreciation
ART 299 Survey of Art History I
ART 299 Survey of Art History II
ART 299 Survey of Contemporary Art
ART 199 Studio Fundamentals: Drawing
ART 110 Drawing I
ART 210 Drawing II
ART 105 Design I: 2-d
ART 205 Design II: 3-d
ART 220 Painting I
ART 199 Painting II
ART 199 Drawing III
ART 230 Photography I
ART 199 Photography II
ART 199 Photography III
ART 199 Photography IV
ART 199 Photography V
ART 199 Photography VI
ART 199 Beginning Graphic Design
ART 199 Computer Art
ART 199 Computer Art II
ART 199 Computer Art III
ART 199 Computer Art IV
ART 240 Ceramics
ART 199 Ceramics II: Throwing
ART 199 Printmaking I
ART 199 Printmaking II
ARTP 1650 Video I
ARTP 1660 Video II
ARTP 1670 Video III
ARTP 1810 Visions Seminar I
ARTP 1820 Visions Seminar II
ARTP 1830 Visions Seminar III
ARTP 1840 Visions Seminar IV
ARTP 2050 Web Design I
ARTP 2060 Web Design II
ARTP 2070 Animation I
ARTP 2080 Animation II
ARTP 2090 Animation III
ARTP 2110 Watercolor I: Introduction
ARTP 2120 Watercolor II
ASTR 1010 Introduction to Astronomy I
ASTR 1020 Introduction to Astronomy II
BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2015 Environmental Science
BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2110 Field Biology
BIOL 2120 Cell Biology
BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 2530 General Ecology
BUSN 1010 Introduction to Business
BUS 112 Personal Finance
CHEM 1000 Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHEM 1010 Introduction to Chemistry I
CHEM 1020 Introduction to Chemistry II
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2020 Organic Chemistry II
COMM 1010 Survey of Mass Communications
COMM 1020 Intro to Media Writing
COMM 1030 Intro to Electronic Media
COMM 1110 American Media & Social Inst
COMM 2100 Television Studio Production I
COMM 2110 Television Studio Production II
ART 199 Video I
ART 199 Video II
ART 199 Video III
ART 199 Visions Seminar I
ART 199 Visions Seminar II
ART 199 Visions Seminar III
ART 199 Visions Seminar IV
ART 299 Web Design I
ART 299 Web Design II
ART 299 Animation I
ART 299 Animation II
ART 299 Animation III
ART 299 Watercolor I: Introduction
ART 299 Watercolor II
SCI 199 Introduction to Astronomy I
SCI 199 Introduction to Astronomy II
BIOL 111 General Biology I
BIOL 112 General Biology II
BIOL 261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
ENVS 299 Environmental Science
BIOL 262 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 299 Field Biology
BIOL 299 Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Microbiology
BIOL 270 Ecology
BUSN 100 Introduction to Business
BUSN 199 Personal Finance
NO Credit
CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 199 Introduction to Chemistry II
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II
COMM 110 Intro to Mass Communications
COMM 260 Writing For Mass Media
COMM 199 Intro to Electronic Media
COMM 199 American Media & Social Inst
COMM 299 Television Studio Production I
COMM 299 Television Studio Production II
CISP 1010 Computer Science I
CISP 1020 Computer Science II
CISP 1090 Intro to Programming
CRMJ 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRMJ 1020 Introduction to the Legal Process
CRMJ 1100 Juvenile Delinquency
CRMJ 1110 Criminal Procedures
CRMJ 2010 Introduction to Law Enforcement
CRMJ 2020 Introduction to Corrections
CRMJ 2130 Criminal Investigation
CRMJ 2140 Understanding Terrorism
CRMJ 2200 Police Administration & Organization
CRMJ 2210 Criminal Law
ECON 2010 Macroeconomics
ECON 2020 Microeconomics
EDU 101 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EDU 111 Intro to Educating Exceptional Children
EDU 121 Intro to Early Childhood Education
EDU 210 Child and Adolescent Development
EDU 211 Educational Psychology
EDU 212 Child & Adolescent Psychology
EDU 223 Instructional Aids & Equipment
EDU 231 Field Experiences I
EDU 232 Field Experiences II
EDU 240 Children’s Literature
ENGL 1010 Composition I
ENGL 1020 Composition II
ENGL 2040 Screenwriting
ENGL 2110 Survey of American Literature I
ENGL 2120 Survey of American Literature II
ENGL 2150 English Practicum
ENGL 2210 Survey of British Literature I
ENGL 2220 Survey of British Literature II
ENGL 2310 Survey of World Literature I
ENGL 2311 Introduction to Technical Writing
ENGL 2320 Survey of World Literature II
ENGL 2520 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 2530 Seminar in Creative Writing
ENGR 2110 Statics
ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ISYS 199 Computer Science I
ISYS 199 Computer Science II
ISYS 199 Intro to Programming
CRIM 105 Intro to Criminal Justice
CRIM 199 Introduction to the Legal Process
CRIM 199 Juvenile Delinquency
CRIM 199 Criminal Procedures
CRIM 205 Introduction to Law Enforcement
CRIM 299 Intro to Corrections
CRIM 299 Criminal Investigation
CRIM 299 Understanding Terrorism
CRIM 299 Police Adm & Organization
CRIM 210 Criminal Law
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 199 Intro to the Teaching Profession
EDUC 270 Teaching the Exceptional Learner
EDUC 199 Intro to Early Childhood Educ
PSYC 221 Child &Adolescent Development
EDUC 299 Educational Psychology
EDUC 299 Child & Adolescent Psyc
EDUC 299 Instructional Aids & Equipment
EDUC 299 Field Experience I
EDUC 299 Field Experience II
EDUC 299 Children’s Literature
ENGL 110 Freshman Composition
ENGL 210 Writing about World Literature
ENGL 299 Screenwriting
ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit I
ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit II
ENGL 299 English Practicum
ENGL 299 Survey of British Lit I
ENGL 299 Survey of British Lit II
ENGL 299 Survey of World Lit I
ENGL 299 Intro to Technical Writing
ENGL 299 Survey of World Lit II
ENGL 299 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 299 Seminal in Creative Writing
PHYS 299 Statics
PHYS 299 Dynamics
FREN 1010 Beginning French I
FREN 1020 Beginning French II
FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
GEOG 1220 Human Geography
GEOG 2010 World Regional Geography
GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GERM 1010 German I
GERM 1020 German II
GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
HEA 131 Elementary Nutrition
HEA 201 Principles of Nutrition
HEA 221 Safety, First Aid & CPR
HEA 225 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries
HEA 227 Intro to Exercise Science
HEA 241 School Health
HIST 1010 Survey of Western Civilization I
HIST 1020 Survey of Western Civilization II
HIST 1210 Survey of World History I
HIST 1220 Survey of World History II
HIST 2010 Survey of U.S. History I
HIST 2020 Survey of U.S. History II
HIST 2030 Tennessee History
INFS 1010 Computer Applications
MATH 1130 College Algebra
MATH 1410 Number Concepts/Alg. Structures
MATH 1420 Problem Solving Geometry
MATH 1530 Probability & Statistics
MATH 1630 Finite Mathematics
MATH 1720 Trigonometry
MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 1830 Calculus for Business
MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 2000 Matrix Computations
MATH 2010 Matrix Algebra
MATH 2050 Probability & Statistics (Cal. based)
MATH 2100 Discrete Mathematics
FREN 111 Beginning French I
FREN 112 Beginning French II
FREN 299 Intermediate French I
FREN 299 Intermediate French II
GEOG 211 Intro to Human Geography
GEOG 110 World Regional Geography
GEOL 100 Intro to Geology
GEOL 199 Historical Geology
HUMN 199 German I
HUMN 199 German II
HUMN 299 Intermediate German I
HUMN 299 Intermediate German II
HLTH 199 Elementary Nutrition
HLTH 210 Nutrition
HLTH 120 Safety, First Aid & CPR
ATTR 199 Care & Prev. Athl. Injuries
KINE 200 Foundation to Physical Education
HLTH 299 School Health
HIST 199 Survey of Western Civ I
HIST 199 Survey of Western Civ II
HIST 121 World History to 1500
HIST 122 World History Since 1500
HIST 131 American History to 1877
HIST 132 American History since 1877
HIST 299 Tennessee History
ISYS 100 Computer Literacy
MATH 115 College Algebra
MATH 105 Transitional College Math
MATH 110 Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 270 Probability & Statistics
MATH 199 Finite Math
MATH 120 Trigonometry
MATH 199 Pre-Calculus
MATH 199 Calculus for Business
MATH 130 Differential Calculus
MATH 230 Integral Calculus
MATH 299 Matrix Computations
MATH 299 Matrix Algebra
MATH 270 Probability & Statistics
MATH 299 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2110 Calculus III
MATH 2120 Differential Equations
MUS 1030 Music Appreciation
MUS 110 Music Theory I
MUS 111 Ear Training I
MUS 120 Music Theory II
MUS 123 Ear Training II
MUS 131 Pop Music in America
MUS 140 Fundamentals of Music
MUS 210 Music Theory III
MUS 215 Ear Training III
MUS 220 Music Theory IV
MUS 222 Ear Training IV
MUS 230 Intro to Music Literature I
MUS 231 Music History Survey
MUS 240 Intro to Music Literature II
NSG All courses
PHED 1750 Concepts of Wellness
PHED all other courses
PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 111 Elementary Logic
PHIL 121 Elementary Ethics
PHIL 201 Intro to Religions of the World
PHIL 231 Medical Ethics
POLS 1025 Introduction to Political Science
POLS 1030 American Government
POLS 2010 State & Local Government
PHYS 1020 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 2010 Non-Calculus Based Physics I
PHYS 2020 Non-Calculus based Physics II
PHYS 2110 Calculus Based Physics I
PHYS 2120 Calculus Based Physics II
PSYC 1030 General Psychology
PSYC 2110 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 2120 Social Psychology
PSYC 2130 Life Span Psychology
PSYC 2220 Biological Basic of Behavior
PSYC 2230 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 1010 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1020 Social Problems
MATH 235 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 299 Differential Equations
MUSC 100 Music Appreciation
MUSC 111 Music Theory I
MUSC 199 Ear Training I
MUSC 112 Music Theory II
MUS 121 Ear Training I
MUSC 199 Pop Music in America
MUSC 199 Fundamentals of Music
MUSC 211 Music Theory III
MUSC 199 Ear Training III
MUSC 212 Music Theory IV
MUSC 122 Ear Training II
MUSC 299 Music Literature I
MUSC 299 Music History Survey
MUSC 299 Music Literature II
Approval of Department Chair
PHED 199 Concepts of Wellness
UACT Activity Elective
PHIL 200 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 199 Elementary Logic
PHIL 199 Elementary Ethics
PHIL 299 Intro to Religions of the World
PHIL 299 Medical Ethics
POLS 199 Introduction to Political Science
POLS 211 American Government: National
POLS 212 State & Local Government
PHYS 100 Intro to Physics
PHYS 211 General Physics I
PHYS 212 General Physics II
PHYS 299 Calculus Based Physics I
PHYS 299 Calculus Based Physics II
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 199 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 299 Social Psychology
PSYC 221 Child & Adolescent Development
PSYC 299 Biological Basic for Behavior
PSYC 299 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 299 Social Problems
SOCI 2110 Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 2120 Prehistoric Anthropology
SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPCH 1010 Fundamental of Speech
THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 110 Theatre History I
THEA 111 Theatre History II
THEA 112 Musical Theatre Dance
THEA 115 Costuming
THEA 117 Lighting Design
THEA 119 Scenic Design
THEA 231 Fundamentals of Acting I
THEA 232 Fundamentals of Acting II
THEA 233 Fundamentals of Play Directing
THEA 234 Dramatic Theory
THEA 235 Intro to Theatre Technology
THEA 236 Media Production I
THEA 261 Jazz Dance
THEA 262 Modern Dance
THEA 263 Tap Dance
THEA 264 Beginning Ballet
WELL 1010 Wellness
SOCI 299 Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 299 Prehistoric Anthropology
SPAN 111 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 211 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 212 Intermediate Spanish II
COMM 200 Fund of Speech Comm
COMM 100 Introduction to Theatre
COMM 199 Theatre History I
COMM 199 Theatre History II
COMM 199 Musical Theatre Dance
COMM 199 Costuming
COMM 199 Lighting Design
COMM 199 Scenic Design
COMM 230 Fundamentals of Acting
COMM 299 Fundamentals of Acting II
COMM 299 Fund of Play Directing
COMM 299 Dramatic Theory
COMM 299 Intro to Theatre Technology
COMM 299 Media Production I
HUMN 299 Jazz Dance
HUMN 299 Modern Dance
HUMN 299 Tap Dance
HUMN 299 Beginning Ballet
HLTH 220 Lifetime Wellness