The geometry of lightlike surfaces in Minkowski space New Directions in Exterior Differential Systems A conference in honor of Robert Bryant’s 60th birthday July 18, 2013 Jeanne Clelland University of Colorado, Boulder (Joint with Brian Carlsen) Definition 1: Three-dimensional Minkowski space is the manifold R2,1 defined by 0 x 1 0 1 2 2,1 R = x = x : x , x , x ∈ R , x2 with the indefinite inner product h·, ·i defined on each tangent space Tx R2,1 by hv, wi = −v 0 w0 + v 1 w1 + v 2 w2 . Definition 2: A nonzero vector v ∈ Tx R2,1 is called: • spacelike if hv, vi > 0; • timelike if hv, vi < 0; • lightlike or null if hv, vi = 0. Definition 2: A nonzero vector v ∈ Tx R2,1 is called: • spacelike if hv, vi > 0; • timelike if hv, vi < 0; • lightlike or null if hv, vi = 0. The set of all null vectors v ∈ Tx R2,1 forms a cone in the tangent space Tx R2,1 , called the light cone or null cone at x. Definition 2: A nonzero vector v ∈ Tx R2,1 is called: • spacelike if hv, vi > 0; • timelike if hv, vi < 0; • lightlike or null if hv, vi = 0. The set of all null vectors v ∈ Tx R2,1 forms a cone in the tangent space Tx R2,1 , called the light cone or null cone at x. Figure: Spacelike and timelike “spheres” and null cone Definition 3: A regular surface Σ ⊂ R2,1 is called: • spacelike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is positive definite; • timelike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is indefinite; • lightlike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is degenerate. Definition 3: A regular surface Σ ⊂ R2,1 is called: • spacelike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is positive definite; • timelike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is indefinite; • lightlike if the restriction of h·, ·i to each tangent plane Tx Σ is degenerate. Figure: Spacelike, timelike, and lightlike planes Goal for this talk: Use Cartan’s method of moving frames to give a local characterization of the lightlike surfaces in R2,1 . Goal for this talk: Use Cartan’s method of moving frames to give a local characterization of the lightlike surfaces in R2,1 . Examples: lightlike planes, null cones Let Σ ⊂ R2,1 be a lightlike surface. The method of moving frames starts by associating a collection of “adapted” frames (e0 , e1 , e2 ) to each point x ∈ Σ. Let Σ ⊂ R2,1 be a lightlike surface. The method of moving frames starts by associating a collection of “adapted” frames (e0 , e1 , e2 ) to each point x ∈ Σ. Question: What should “adapted” mean? Let Σ ⊂ R2,1 be a lightlike surface. The method of moving frames starts by associating a collection of “adapted” frames (e0 , e1 , e2 ) to each point x ∈ Σ. Question: What should “adapted” mean? For surfaces in Euclidean space R3 , we typically choose orthonormal frames (e1 , e2 , e3 ), and “adapted” frames at a point x ∈ Σ are those for which (e1 , e2 ) span Tx Σ and e3 is normal to Tx Σ. In R2,1 , the orthonormal frames (e0 , e1 , e2 ) are defined by the conditions he0 , e0 i = −1, he1 , e1 i = he2 , e2 i = 1, heα , eβ i = 0 if α 6= β; i.e., e0 is a unit timelike vector, e1 , e2 are unit spacelike vectors, and e0 , e1 , e2 are mutually orthogonal. Orthonormal frames are easily adaptable to the geometry of timelike or spacelike surfaces: a timelike surface has a spacelike normal vector field, and a spacelike surface has a timelike normal vector field. Orthonormal frames are easily adaptable to the geometry of timelike or spacelike surfaces: a timelike surface has a spacelike normal vector field, and a spacelike surface has a timelike normal vector field. Figure: Normal vector fields on timelike and spacelike surfaces But the normal vector field to a lightlike surface is a null vector field, contained within the tangent plane at each point. But the normal vector field to a lightlike surface is a null vector field, contained within the tangent plane at each point. Figure: Normal vector field on lightlike surface But the normal vector field to a lightlike surface is a null vector field, contained within the tangent plane at each point. Figure: Normal vector field on lightlike surface Upshot: orthonormal frames are not easily adaptable to the geometry of lightlike surfaces. But the normal vector field to a lightlike surface is a null vector field, contained within the tangent plane at each point. Figure: Normal vector field on lightlike surface Upshot: orthonormal frames are not easily adaptable to the geometry of lightlike surfaces. So instead, we will choose frames as follows: • Each tangent plane Tx Σ contains a unique null line. Choose e0 parallel to this line. • Choose e1 to be any vector in Tx Σ linearly independent from e0 (and hence spacelike) with he1 , e1 i = 1. • The plane orthogonal to e1 contains two linearly independent null directions, one of which is parallel to e0 . Choose e2 parallel to the other null direction, scaled so that he0 , e2 i = 1. • If necessary, reverse the sign of e1 so that (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is positively oriented. • Each tangent plane Tx Σ contains a unique null line. Choose e0 parallel to this line. • Choose e1 to be any vector in Tx Σ linearly independent from e0 (and hence spacelike) with he1 , e1 i = 1. • The plane orthogonal to e1 contains two linearly independent null directions, one of which is parallel to e0 . Choose e2 parallel to the other null direction, scaled so that he0 , e2 i = 1. • If necessary, reverse the sign of e1 so that (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is positively oriented. • Each tangent plane Tx Σ contains a unique null line. Choose e0 parallel to this line. • Choose e1 to be any vector in Tx Σ linearly independent from e0 (and hence spacelike) with he1 , e1 i = 1. • The plane orthogonal to e1 contains two linearly independent null directions, one of which is parallel to e0 . Choose e2 parallel to the other null direction, scaled so that he0 , e2 i = 1. • If necessary, reverse the sign of e1 so that (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is positively oriented. • Each tangent plane Tx Σ contains a unique null line. Choose e0 parallel to this line. • Choose e1 to be any vector in Tx Σ linearly independent from e0 (and hence spacelike) with he1 , e1 i = 1. • The plane orthogonal to e1 contains two linearly independent null directions, one of which is parallel to e0 . Choose e2 parallel to the other null direction, scaled so that he0 , e2 i = 1. • If necessary, reverse the sign of e1 so that (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is positively oriented. In other words, the vectors (e0 , e1 ) span the tangent plane Tx Σ at each point x ∈ Σ, the frame (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is positively oriented, and the frame vectors (e0 , e1 , e2 ) satisfy the inner product relations: he0 , e0 i = he0 , e1 i = he1 , e2 i = he2 , e2 i = 0, he0 , e2 i = he1 , e1 i = 1. We will call a frame satisfying these conditions 0-adapted. (1) The Maurer-Cartan forms (ω α , ωβα ) associated to a 0-adapted frame field (e0 , e1 , e2 ) on Σ are the 1-forms on Σ defined by the equations: dx = eα ω α , deβ = eα ωβα . (2) The Maurer-Cartan forms (ω α , ωβα ) associated to a 0-adapted frame field (e0 , e1 , e2 ) on Σ are the 1-forms on Σ defined by the equations: dx = eα ω α , deβ = (2) eα ωβα . The ω α are the dual forms (or solder forms), and the ωβα are the connection forms. The Maurer-Cartan forms (ω α , ωβα ) associated to a 0-adapted frame field (e0 , e1 , e2 ) on Σ are the 1-forms on Σ defined by the equations: dx = eα ω α , deβ = (2) eα ωβα . The ω α are the dual forms (or solder forms), and the ωβα are the connection forms. They satisfy the Maurer-Cartan structure equations: dω α = −ωβα ∧ ω β , dωβα = −ωγα ∧ ωβγ . (3) Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 1: Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 1: Since the tangent plane Tx Σ at each point x ∈ Σ is spanned by (e0 , e1 ), it follows from the equation dx = e0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 + e2 ω 2 that ω 2 = 0, and that ω 0 , ω 1 are linearly independent 1-forms which span the cotangent space Tx∗ Σ at each point x ∈ Σ. Differentiating the inner product relations (1) shows that the connection forms satisfy the following relations: ω02 = ω11 = ω20 = 0, ω12 = −ω01 , ω22 = −ω00 , (4) ω21 = −ω10 . Differentiating the inner product relations (1) shows that the connection forms satisfy the following relations: ω02 = ω11 = ω20 = 0, ω12 = −ω01 , ω22 = −ω00 , (4) ω21 = −ω10 . So the matrix Ω = [ωβα ] of connection forms may be written as 0 0 ω0 ω10 ω20 ω0 ω10 0 0 −ω10 . Ω = ω01 ω11 ω21 = ω01 ω02 ω12 ω22 0 −ω01 −ω00 How many 0-adapted frames are there? How many 0-adapted frames are there? Any two 0-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ must differ by a transformation of the form λ2 µ λ − 2µ λ ẽ0 ẽ1 ẽ2 = e0 e1 e2 (5) 0 1 − µ , 1 0 0 µ with µ 6= 0 and λ ∈ R. Furthermore, if (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is any 0-adapted frame based at a point x ∈ Σ, then any frame (ẽ0 , ẽ1 , ẽ2 ) at x given by (5) is also 0-adapted. How many 0-adapted frames are there? Any two 0-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ must differ by a transformation of the form λ2 µ λ − 2µ λ ẽ0 ẽ1 ẽ2 = e0 e1 e2 (5) 0 1 − µ , 1 0 0 µ with µ 6= 0 and λ ∈ R. Furthermore, if (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is any 0-adapted frame based at a point x ∈ Σ, then any frame (ẽ0 , ẽ1 , ẽ2 ) at x given by (5) is also 0-adapted. The 0-adapted frame fields on Σ are the local sections of a principal G0 -bundle π : B0 → Σ, where G0 ⊂ GL(3) is the subgroup of all matrices of the form (5). Under a transformation of the form (5), The Maurer-Cartan forms (ω̃ α , ω̃βα ) associated to the frame (ẽ0 , ẽ1 , ẽ2 ) are related to those of the original frame by the equations: 1 0 λ 1 ω − ω , µ µ ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃ 0 = ω̃00 = ω00 − λω01 + 1 dµ, µ ω̃01 = µω01 , 1 0 ω̃10 = ω1 + λω00 − 12 λ2 ω01 + dλ . µ (6) General strategy: General strategy: • Find relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 0-adapted frame field on Σ. Typically these relations contain functional coefficients. General strategy: • Find relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 0-adapted frame field on Σ. Typically these relations contain functional coefficients. • Determine how these functional coefficients transform if we change from one 0-adapted frame field to another. General strategy: • Find relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 0-adapted frame field on Σ. Typically these relations contain functional coefficients. • Determine how these functional coefficients transform if we change from one 0-adapted frame field to another. • If possible, restrict to the subset of 0-adapted frames for which these coefficients have some particularly simple form. Call this subset of frames “1-adapted.” General strategy: • Find relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 0-adapted frame field on Σ. Typically these relations contain functional coefficients. • Determine how these functional coefficients transform if we change from one 0-adapted frame field to another. • If possible, restrict to the subset of 0-adapted frames for which these coefficients have some particularly simple form. Call this subset of frames “1-adapted.” • Repeat this process until (if we’re lucky!) we have determined a unique adapted frame at each point satisfying the desired conditions. Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 2: Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 2: When in doubt, differentiate! Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 2: When in doubt, differentiate! Differentiating the equation ω 2 = 0 yields 0 = dω 2 = −(ω02 ∧ ω 0 − ω12 ∧ ω 1 ), and applying the relations (4) (in particular, ω02 = 0, ω12 = −ω01 ) yields ω01 ∧ ω 1 = 0. Relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms, Part 2: When in doubt, differentiate! Differentiating the equation ω 2 = 0 yields 0 = dω 2 = −(ω02 ∧ ω 0 − ω12 ∧ ω 1 ), and applying the relations (4) (in particular, ω02 = 0, ω12 = −ω01 ) yields ω01 ∧ ω 1 = 0. By Cartan’s lemma, we have ω01 = a1 ω 1 for some function a1 on Σ. Now, if we change from one 0-adapted frame to another, how does the function a1 transform? Now, if we change from one 0-adapted frame to another, how does the function a1 transform? From the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms, we have ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃01 = µω01 . Now, if we change from one 0-adapted frame to another, how does the function a1 transform? From the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms, we have ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃01 = µω01 . It follows that ã1 = µa1 . Now, if we change from one 0-adapted frame to another, how does the function a1 transform? From the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms, we have ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃01 = µω01 . It follows that ã1 = µa1 . So a1 is a relative invariant: at each point x ∈ Σ, a1 is either equal to zero for every 0-adapted frame based at x or nonzero for every 0-adapted frame based at x. Now, if we change from one 0-adapted frame to another, how does the function a1 transform? From the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms, we have ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃01 = µω01 . It follows that ã1 = µa1 . So a1 is a relative invariant: at each point x ∈ Σ, a1 is either equal to zero for every 0-adapted frame based at x or nonzero for every 0-adapted frame based at x. We will assume that Σ is of constant type with respect to a1 ; i.e., that a1 is either identically zero on Σ or never equal to zero at any point of Σ. First we consider the case where a1 ≡ 0. First we consider the case where a1 ≡ 0. Proposition 1: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 , and suppose that a1 ≡ 0 for every 0-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a lightlike plane in R2,1 . First we consider the case where a1 ≡ 0. Proposition 1: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 , and suppose that a1 ≡ 0 for every 0-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a lightlike plane in R2,1 . Proof. If a1 ≡ 0 on Σ, then we have ω01 = 0, and therefore de0 = e0 ω00 . In particular, the line spanned by e0 is constant on Σ. Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Differentiate: df = hdx, e0 i + hx − x0 , de0 i Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Differentiate: df = hdx, e0 i + hx − x0 , de0 i = he0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 , e0 i + hx − x0 , e0 ω00 i Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Differentiate: df = hdx, e0 i + hx − x0 , de0 i = he0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 , e0 i + hx − x0 , e0 ω00 i = f ω00 . Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Differentiate: df = hdx, e0 i + hx − x0 , de0 i = he0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 , e0 i + hx − x0 , e0 ω00 i = f ω00 . Since f (x0 ) = 0, the existence/uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations guarantees that the only solution of this equation on Σ is f ≡ 0. Choose a point x0 ∈ Σ, and consider the function f (x) = hx − x0 , e0 i on Σ. Differentiate: df = hdx, e0 i + hx − x0 , de0 i = he0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 , e0 i + hx − x0 , e0 ω00 i = f ω00 . Since f (x0 ) = 0, the existence/uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations guarantees that the only solution of this equation on Σ is f ≡ 0. Therefore, Σ is contained in the lightlike plane passing through the point x0 and orthogonal to the (constant) null direction e0 . 2 Now suppose that a1 6= 0 at every point of Σ. Now suppose that a1 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã1 = µa1 , we can adapt frames to arrange that a1 ≡ 1. We will call such a frame 1-adapted. Now suppose that a1 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã1 = µa1 , we can adapt frames to arrange that a1 ≡ 1. We will call such a frame 1-adapted. Any two 1-adapted frames differ by a transformation of the form (5) with µ = 1; i.e., 1 λ − 12 λ2 ẽ0 ẽ1 ẽ2 = e0 e1 e2 0 1 −λ . (7) 0 0 1 Now suppose that a1 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã1 = µa1 , we can adapt frames to arrange that a1 ≡ 1. We will call such a frame 1-adapted. Any two 1-adapted frames differ by a transformation of the form (5) with µ = 1; i.e., 1 λ − 12 λ2 ẽ0 ẽ1 ẽ2 = e0 e1 e2 0 1 −λ . (7) 0 0 1 Moreover, the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to any 1-adapted frame field on Σ satisfy the condition ω01 = ω 1 . Differentiate again! Differentiate again! 0 = d(ω01 − ω 1 ) Differentiate again! 0 = d(ω01 − ω 1 ) = −(ω01 ∧ ω00 + ω11 ∧ ω01 + ω21 ∧ ω02 ) + (ω01 ∧ ω 0 + ω11 ∧ ω 1 ) Differentiate again! 0 = d(ω01 − ω 1 ) = −(ω01 ∧ ω00 + ω11 ∧ ω01 + ω21 ∧ ω02 ) + (ω01 ∧ ω 0 + ω11 ∧ ω 1 ) = (ω00 − ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 . Differentiate again! 0 = d(ω01 − ω 1 ) = −(ω01 ∧ ω00 + ω11 ∧ ω01 + ω21 ∧ ω02 ) + (ω01 ∧ ω 0 + ω11 ∧ ω 1 ) = (ω00 − ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 . By Cartan’s lemma, we have ω00 = ω 0 + a2 ω 1 for some function a2 on Σ. Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a2 transform? Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a2 transform? Substituting µ = 1, ω01 = ω 1 into the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yields ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , ω̃00 = ω00 − λω 1 . Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a2 transform? Substituting µ = 1, ω01 = ω 1 into the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yields ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , It follows that ã2 = a2 . ω̃00 = ω00 − λω 1 . Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a2 transform? Substituting µ = 1, ω01 = ω 1 into the transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yields ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 , It follows that ã2 = a2 . So a2 is an invariant function on Σ. ω̃00 = ω00 − λω 1 . Since the value of a2 is the same for all 1-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ, we need to... Since the value of a2 is the same for all 1-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ, we need to... Differentiate AGAIN! Since the value of a2 is the same for all 1-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ, we need to... Differentiate AGAIN! This time, differentiate the equation ω00 = ω 0 + a2 ω 1 to obtain: (da2 + 2a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. Since the value of a2 is the same for all 1-adapted frames based at a point x ∈ Σ, we need to... Differentiate AGAIN! This time, differentiate the equation ω00 = ω 0 + a2 ω 1 to obtain: (da2 + 2a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. By Cartan’s lemma, we have da2 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 for some function a3 on Σ. Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? The transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yield ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 . Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? The transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yield ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 . Since ã2 = a2 , we have dã2 = da2 , and so Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? The transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yield ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 . Since ã2 = a2 , we have dã2 = da2 , and so −2ã2 ω̃ 0 + ã3 ω̃ 1 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? The transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yield ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 . Since ã2 = a2 , we have dã2 = da2 , and so −2ã2 ω̃ 0 + ã3 ω̃ 1 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 ⇒ −2a2 ω 0 + (ã3 + 2a2 λ)ω 1 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 . Now, if we change from one 1-adapted frame to another, how does the function a3 transform? The transformation rules (6) for the Maurer-Cartan forms yield ω̃ 0 = ω 0 − λω 1 , ω̃ 1 = ω 1 . Since ã2 = a2 , we have dã2 = da2 , and so −2ã2 ω̃ 0 + ã3 ω̃ 1 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 ⇒ −2a2 ω 0 + (ã3 + 2a2 λ)ω 1 = −2a2 ω 0 + a3 ω 1 . Therefore, ã3 = a3 − 2a2 λ. So the ability to normalize a3 depends on the value of a2 : • if a2 = 6 0, then we can adapt frames to arrange that a3 = 0; • if a2 = 0, then a3 is invariant. So the ability to normalize a3 depends on the value of a2 : • if a2 = 6 0, then we can adapt frames to arrange that a3 = 0; • if a2 = 0, then a3 is invariant. This leads to another constant type assumption: we will assume that a2 is either identically zero on Σ or never equal to zero at any point of Σ. First we consider the case where a2 ≡ 0. First we consider the case where a2 ≡ 0. Proposition 2: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 with a1 6= 0, and suppose that a2 ≡ 0 for every 1-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a null cone in R2,1 . First we consider the case where a2 ≡ 0. Proposition 2: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 with a1 6= 0, and suppose that a2 ≡ 0 for every 1-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a null cone in R2,1 . Proof. If a2 ≡ 0 on Σ, then we have ω00 = ω 0 , and so de0 = e0 ω00 + e1 ω01 First we consider the case where a2 ≡ 0. Proposition 2: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 with a1 6= 0, and suppose that a2 ≡ 0 for every 1-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a null cone in R2,1 . Proof. If a2 ≡ 0 on Σ, then we have ω00 = ω 0 , and so de0 = e0 ω00 + e1 ω01 = e0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 First we consider the case where a2 ≡ 0. Proposition 2: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface in R2,1 with a1 6= 0, and suppose that a2 ≡ 0 for every 1-adapted frame on Σ. Then Σ is contained in a null cone in R2,1 . Proof. If a2 ≡ 0 on Σ, then we have ω00 = ω 0 , and so de0 = e0 ω00 + e1 ω01 = e0 ω 0 + e1 ω 1 = dx. Therefore, d(x − e0 ) = 0, and so there exists a point p ∈ R2,1 such that x − e0 = p for every point x ∈ Σ. Therefore, d(x − e0 ) = 0, and so there exists a point p ∈ R2,1 such that x − e0 = p for every point x ∈ Σ. But then we have x − p = e0 , from which it follows that x − p is a null vector for every x ∈ Σ. Therefore, d(x − e0 ) = 0, and so there exists a point p ∈ R2,1 such that x − e0 = p for every point x ∈ Σ. But then we have x − p = e0 , from which it follows that x − p is a null vector for every x ∈ Σ. Thus Σ is contained in the lightlike cone based at p, defined by the equation hx − p, x − pi = 0. 2 Now suppose that a2 6= 0 at every point of Σ. Now suppose that a2 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã3 = a3 − 2a2 λ, we can adapt frames to arrange that a3 ≡ 0. We will call such a frame 2-adapted. Now suppose that a2 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã3 = a3 − 2a2 λ, we can adapt frames to arrange that a3 ≡ 0. We will call such a frame 2-adapted. Any two 2-adapted frames differ by a transformation of the form (7) with λ = 0 — which means that, in fact, there is a unique 2-adapted frame at each point of Σ. Now suppose that a2 6= 0 at every point of Σ. According to the transformation rule ã3 = a3 − 2a2 λ, we can adapt frames to arrange that a3 ≡ 0. We will call such a frame 2-adapted. Any two 2-adapted frames differ by a transformation of the form (7) with λ = 0 — which means that, in fact, there is a unique 2-adapted frame at each point of Σ. Compute the remaining invariants: Compute the remaining invariants: So far, we know that the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 2-adapted frame satisfy the relations: ω 2 = 0, ω01 = ω 1 , ω00 = ω 0 + a2 ω 1 . Compute the remaining invariants: So far, we know that the Maurer-Cartan forms associated to a 2-adapted frame satisfy the relations: ω 2 = 0, ω01 = ω 1 , ω00 = ω 0 + a2 ω 1 . Moreover, since a3 = 0, we have da2 = −2a2 ω 0 . (8) Still more differentiating! Still more differentiating! Differentiating equation (8) yields 0 = d(da2 ) = −2da2 ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 dω 0 Still more differentiating! Differentiating equation (8) yields 0 = d(da2 ) = −2da2 ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 dω 0 = −2(−2a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 (−ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 ) Still more differentiating! Differentiating equation (8) yields 0 = d(da2 ) = −2da2 ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 dω 0 = −2(−2a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 (−ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 ) = 2a2 (ω10 − a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. Still more differentiating! Differentiating equation (8) yields 0 = d(da2 ) = −2da2 ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 dω 0 = −2(−2a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 0 − 2a2 (−ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 ) = 2a2 (ω10 − a2 ω 0 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. By Cartan’s lemma, we have ω10 = a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 for some function a4 on Σ. Finally, this gives a complete set of relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms for a 2-adapted frame field: ω 2 = 0, ω01 = ω 1 , ω00 ω10 0 (9) 1 = ω + a2 ω , = a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 . Finally, this gives a complete set of relations among the Maurer-Cartan forms for a 2-adapted frame field: ω 2 = 0, ω01 = ω 1 , ω00 ω10 0 (9) 1 = ω + a2 ω , = a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 . We already know that the invariant function a2 satisfies the differential equation da2 = −2a2 ω 0 , and differentiating the last equation in (9) shows that a4 satisfies the differential equation da4 = ((a2 )2 − 2a4 )ω 0 + a5 ω 1 for some function a5 on Σ. This is just about all we can learn from differentiating. So what do we do next? This is just about all we can learn from differentiating. So what do we do next? When you can’t differentiate — integrate! Canonical coordinates and local normal forms Canonical coordinates and local normal forms First, observe that dω 0 = −ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 Canonical coordinates and local normal forms First, observe that dω 0 = −ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 = −(ω 0 + a2 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 0 − (a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 1 Canonical coordinates and local normal forms First, observe that dω 0 = −ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 = −(ω 0 + a2 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 0 − (a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. Canonical coordinates and local normal forms First, observe that dω 0 = −ω00 ∧ ω 0 − ω10 ∧ ω 1 = −(ω 0 + a2 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 0 − (a2 ω 0 + a4 ω 1 ) ∧ ω 1 = 0. By Poincaré’s lemma, locally there exists a function u on Σ, unique up to an additive constant, such that ω 0 = du. Next, we have dω 1 = −ω01 ∧ ω 0 − ω11 ∧ ω 1 Next, we have dω 1 = −ω01 ∧ ω 0 − ω11 ∧ ω 1 = ω0 ∧ ω1. Next, we have dω 1 = −ω01 ∧ ω 0 − ω11 ∧ ω 1 = ω0 ∧ ω1. By the Frobenius theorem, locally there exist functions v, σ on Σ, with σ 6= 0, such that ω 1 = σ dv. Next, we have dω 1 = −ω01 ∧ ω 0 − ω11 ∧ ω 1 = ω0 ∧ ω1. By the Frobenius theorem, locally there exist functions v, σ on Σ, with σ 6= 0, such that ω 1 = σ dv. The independence condition ω 0 ∧ ω 1 6= 0 then implies that (u, v) form a local coordinate system on Σ, and so σ may be regarded as a function σ(u, v). Substituting ω 0 = du, ω 1 = σ dv into the equation dω 1 = ω 0 ∧ ω 1 yields σu du ∧ dv = σ du ∧ dv. Substituting ω 0 = du, ω 1 = σ dv into the equation dω 1 = ω 0 ∧ ω 1 yields σu du ∧ dv = σ du ∧ dv. Thus the function σ satisfies the partial differential equation σu = σ, and hence σ(u, v) = eu σ0 (v) for some nonvanishing function σ0 (v) on Σ. Let ṽ be the function Z ṽ = σ0 (v) dv; then we can write ω 1 = eu σ0 (v) dv = eu dṽ. Let ṽ be the function Z ṽ = σ0 (v) dv; then we can write ω 1 = eu σ0 (v) dv = eu dṽ. Replacing v with ṽ (and dropping the tilde) produces local coordinates (u, v) on Σ such that ω 0 = du, ω 1 = eu dv. (10) Let ṽ be the function Z ṽ = σ0 (v) dv; then we can write ω 1 = eu σ0 (v) dv = eu dṽ. Replacing v with ṽ (and dropping the tilde) produces local coordinates (u, v) on Σ such that ω 0 = du, ω 1 = eu dv. (10) These coordinates are unique up to transformations of the form u → u + r, where r, s ∈ R are constants. v → e−r v + s, (11) Now consider the functions a2 , a4 on Σ as functions of (u, v). Now consider the functions a2 , a4 on Σ as functions of (u, v). The equation da2 = −2a2 ω 0 is equivalent to the PDE system (a2 )u = −2a2 , (a2 )v = 0. Now consider the functions a2 , a4 on Σ as functions of (u, v). The equation da2 = −2a2 ω 0 is equivalent to the PDE system (a2 )u = −2a2 , (a2 )v = 0. Therefore, a2 = ce−2u for some (nonzero) constant c ∈ R. Now consider the functions a2 , a4 on Σ as functions of (u, v). The equation da2 = −2a2 ω 0 is equivalent to the PDE system (a2 )u = −2a2 , (a2 )v = 0. Therefore, a2 = ce−2u for some (nonzero) constant c ∈ R. By a coordinate transformation as above, we can arrange that c = ±1, and by reversing the orientation of Σ if necessary, we can assume that c = 1, so that a2 = e−2u . The equation da4 = ((a2 )2 − 2a4 )ω 0 + a5 ω 1 is equivalent to the PDE (a4 )u = e−4u − 2a4 . The equation da4 = ((a2 )2 − 2a4 )ω 0 + a5 ω 1 is equivalent to the PDE (a4 )u = e−4u − 2a4 . The general solution to this equation is a4 = − 12 e−4u + f (v)e−2u , where f (v) is an arbitrary function of v. (12) It is straightforward to check that with ω 0 , ω 1 , a2 , a4 as above, all the Maurer-Cartan structure equations are satisfied. It is straightforward to check that with ω 0 , ω 1 , a2 , a4 as above, all the Maurer-Cartan structure equations are satisfied. Thus we have: Theorem 1: Let Σ be a connected, regular lightlike surface of constant type in R2,1 with a1 , a2 6= 0. Then there exists a local coordinate system (u, v) on Σ (unique up to translation in v) and a unique 2-adapted frame field (e0 , e1 , e2 ) on Σ with associated Maurer-Cartan forms w0 = du, ω01 = eu dv, ω 1 = eu dv, ω00 = du + e−u dv, ω10 = e−2u du + (− 12 e−3u + f (v)e−u )dv for some smooth function f (v). (13) According to the general theory of moving frames, the converse is true as well: for any smooth function f (v), locally there exist smooth functions x, e0 , e1 , e2 : U ⊂ R2 → R2,1 (unique up to an isometry of R2,1 ) such that Σ = x(U ) is a lightlike surface in R2,1 and (e0 , e1 , e2 ) is a 2-adapted frame field along Σ whose Maurer-Cartan forms are given by (13). We can construct the surface associated to a given function f (v) as follows: We can construct the surface associated to a given function f (v) as follows: The equations dx = eα ω α , deβ = eα ωβα are equivalent to the compatible, overdetermined PDE system: xu = e0 , xv = eu e1 , (e0 )u = e0 , (e0 )v = (e−u e0 + eu e1 ), (e1 )u = e−2u e0 , (e1 )v = (− 21 e−3u + f (v)e−3u )e0 − eu e2 , (e2 )u = −(e−2u e1 + e2 ), (e2 )v = ( 12 e−3u − f (v)e−3u )e1 − e−u e2 . Start with the equations for the u-derivatives of the eα : Start with the equations for the u-derivatives of the eα : From (e0 )u = e0 , we obtain e0 = eu G0 (v) for some R2,1 -valued function G0 (v). Start with the equations for the u-derivatives of the eα : From (e0 )u = e0 , we obtain e0 = eu G0 (v) for some R2,1 -valued function G0 (v). Substituting this expression into the equation for (e1 )u yields (e1 )u = e−u G0 (v), and therefore e1 = −e−u G0 (v) + G1 (v) for some R2,1 -valued function G1 (v). Now the equation for (e2 )u becomes (e2 )u = e−3u G0 (v) − e−2u G1 (v) − e2 , and therefore, e2 = − 21 e−3u G0 (v) + e−2u G1 (v) + e−u G2 (v) for some R2,1 -valued function G2 (v). Next, we substitute these expressions into the equations for the v-derivatives of the eα to obtain the following ODE system for the functions Gα (v): G00 (v) = G1 (v), G01 (v) = f (v)G0 (v) − G2 (v), G02 (v) = −f (v)G1 (v). Next, we substitute these expressions into the equations for the v-derivatives of the eα to obtain the following ODE system for the functions Gα (v): G00 (v) = G1 (v), G01 (v) = f (v)G0 (v) − G2 (v), G02 (v) = −f (v)G1 (v). This system is equivalent to the third-order ODE 0 0 G000 0 (v) − 2f (v)G0 (v) − f (v)G0 (v) = 0 for the function G0 (v), together with the equations G1 (v) = G00 (v), G2 (v) = f (v)G0 (v) − G000 (v) for G1 (v), G2 (v). (14) It turns out that solutions of (14) are related to solutions of a second-order Sturm-Liouville equation associated to the function f (v): It turns out that solutions of (14) are related to solutions of a second-order Sturm-Liouville equation associated to the function f (v): Proposition 3: Let h(v) be any real-valued solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation ! 2 d (15) − 12 f (v) h(v) = 0. dt Then the function g(v) = (h(v))2 is a real-valued solution of (14). Moreover, any real-valued solution g(v) of (14) is a linear combination of solutions of this form. Proof. Direct computation shows that for any real-valued solution h(v) of (15), the function g(v) = (h(v))2 is a solution of (14). Proof. Direct computation shows that for any real-valued solution h(v) of (15), the function g(v) = (h(v))2 is a solution of (14). Now, let h1 (v), h2 (v) be a basis for the real-valued solutions of (15). Since the solution space of (14) must contain all linear combinations of squares of solutions of (15), it must contain all linear combinations of the the three independent functions (h1 (v))2 , h1 (v)h2 (v), (h2 (v))2 . (16) Proof. Direct computation shows that for any real-valued solution h(v) of (15), the function g(v) = (h(v))2 is a solution of (14). Now, let h1 (v), h2 (v) be a basis for the real-valued solutions of (15). Since the solution space of (14) must contain all linear combinations of squares of solutions of (15), it must contain all linear combinations of the the three independent functions (h1 (v))2 , h1 (v)h2 (v), (h2 (v))2 . (16) But the solution space of (14) is precisely 3-dimensional; hence every real-valued solution of (14) is a linear combination of the functions (16). 2 It follows from Proposition 3 that the entries of any R2,1 -valued solution G0 (v) of (14) must be linear combinations of the functions (16). It follows from Proposition 3 that the entries of any R2,1 -valued solution G0 (v) of (14) must be linear combinations of the functions (16). These entries are subject to the the inner product relations for the frame (e0 , e1 , e2 ) defined by G0 (v). Fortunately, the symmetries of the Maurer-Cartan connection forms guarantee that if these relations hold at any point of Σ, then they hold identically on Σ. We can arrange this by imposing appropriate restrictions on the initial conditions for the ODE (14). Finally, substituting the expressions for e0 , e1 into the equations for xu , xv yields xu = eu G0 (v), xv = −G0 (v) + eu G00 (v). Finally, substituting the expressions for e0 , e1 into the equations for xu , xv yields xu = eu G0 (v), xv = −G0 (v) + eu G00 (v). Integrating this equation (and translating so that x(0, 0) = 0) gives the following parametrization for Σ: Z v u x(u, v) = e G0 (v) − G0 (τ ) dτ − G0 (0). (17) 0 By an action of the Minkowski isometry group, we can arrange that at (u, v) = (0, 0): 0 0 1 −1 1 1 x = 0 , e0 = √ 1 , e1 = 0 , e2 = √ 1 . 2 2 0 0 1 0 By an action of the Minkowski isometry group, we can arrange that at (u, v) = (0, 0): 0 0 1 −1 1 1 x = 0 , e0 = √ 1 , e1 = 0 , e2 = √ 1 . 2 2 0 0 1 0 This corresponds to choosing initial conditions 1 1 √ √ (f (0) + 3 ) 1 2 2 2 1 G0 (0) = √ 1 , G00 (0) = √12 , G000 (0) = √12 (f (0) − 12 ) 2 0 1 1 for the function G0 (v). Together with Propositions 1 and 2, this proves the following classification theorem: Theorem 2: Let Σ ⊂ R2,1 be a regular lightlike surface of constant type. Then up to a Minkowski isometry, Σ is either: • contained in a lightlike plane in R2,1 ; • contained in a null cone in R2,1 ; or • locally parametrized by (17), where G0 (v) is the unique solution of (14) satisfying the initial conditions (54), and f (v) is an arbitrary function of one variable. Together with Propositions 1 and 2, this proves the following classification theorem: Theorem 2: Let Σ ⊂ R2,1 be a regular lightlike surface of constant type. Then up to a Minkowski isometry, Σ is either: • contained in a lightlike plane in R2,1 ; • contained in a null cone in R2,1 ; or • locally parametrized by (17), where G0 (v) is the unique solution of (14) satisfying the initial conditions (54), and f (v) is an arbitrary function of one variable. This theorem says that locally, a generic lightlike surface Σ in R2,1 is completely determined up to isometry by the choice of one arbitrary function f (v), and Σ can be constructed explicitly from solutions to the Sturm-Liouville equation (15) determined by f . As a consequence of the formula (17), we obtain the following corollary: Corollary: Every lightlike surface Σ of constant type in R2,1 is ruled by null lines. As a consequence of the formula (17), we obtain the following corollary: Corollary: Every lightlike surface Σ of constant type in R2,1 is ruled by null lines. Proof. The statement is clearly true for lightlike planes and null cones. For surfaces of the form (17), each u-parameter curve with v = v0 is a line parallel to the vector G0 (v0 ), which is a multiple of the null vector e0 at each point of Σ. Therefore, the u-parameter curves are null lines. 2 Examples! Examples! The simplest examples are those for which f (v) is a constant function, since then the Sturm-Liouville equation (15) can be solved explicitly. Example 1: f (v) = 0. Example 1: f (v) = 0. In this case, solving for G0 (v) and substituting into (17) produces the parametrization: 1 √ eu (3v 2 + 4v + 4) − (v 3 + 2v 2 + 4v + 4) 4 2 1 u 2 3 2 √ x(u, v) = 12 2 e (−3v + 12v + 12) + (v − 6v − 12v − 12) . 1 u 2 3 2 6 e (3v + 6v) − (v + 3v ) Figure: Lightlike surface with f (v) = 0 Example 2: f (v) = 1. Example 2: f (v) = 1. In this case, solving for G0 (v) and substituting into (17) produces the parametrization: x(u, v) = √ √ √ √ √ √ √ e 2v ((5 2+4)eu −5−2 2) + e− 2v ((5 2−4)eu +5−2 2) + 2 2(v−eu −2) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ e 2v (( 2+4)eu −1−2 2) + e− 2v (( 2−4)eu +1−2 2) + 2 2(−3v+3eu −2) √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 2v 2v u − u u e ((2 2+2)e −2− 2) + e ((−2 2+2)e −2+ 2) + 4(v−e + 1) 8 1 16 1 16 Figure: Lightlike surface with f (v) = 1 Example 3: f (v) = −1. Example 3: f (v) = −1. In this case, solving for G0 (v) and substituting into (17) produces the parametrization: x(u, v) = √ √ √ 1 √ 2(2 − eu ) cos( 2v) + (1 + 4eu ) sin( 2v) − 2(5v − 5eu + 6) 8 1 √ √ √ √ 2(2 + 3eu ) cos( 2v) + (−3 + 4eu ) sin( 2v) − 2(v − eu + 6) 8 √ √ √ 1 u u u 4 (2 − 2e ) cos( 2v) + 2(1 + 2e ) sin( 2v) − (2v − 2e + 2) Figure: Lightlike surface with f (v) = −1 For nonconstant functions f (v), equation (14) generally cannot be solved explicitly for G0 (v); however, we can still construct the corresponding surfaces x(u, v) via numerical integration. Figure: Lightlike surface with f (v) = v Figure: Lightlike surface with f (v) = v = sin v Happy Birthday, Robert!