FALL 2015
MATH 141 - ASSIGNMENT (3.1-3.3)
DUE: 10/7/15
All steps must be written clearly and neatly to get full credit. If you use your calculator for anything beyond an arithmetic calculation, please indicate how at the appropriate step.
1. (25pts) Set up and solve the following linear programming problem.
AntiFam, a hunger-relief organization, has earmarked between $2 million and $2.5 million
(inclusive) for aid to two African countries, Country A and Country B. Country A is to receive between $1 million and $1.5 million (inclusive), and Country B is to receive at least $0.75
million. It has been estimated that each dollar spent in Country A will yield an effective return of $0.60, whereas a dollar spent in Country B will yield an effective return of $0.80. How should the aid be allocated if the money is to be utilized most effectively according to these criteria?
2 ASSIGNMENT (3.1-3.3)
2. (15pts) Solve the following linear programming problem.
Minimize C = 3 x + 3 y subject to 2 x + y ≤ 6 y − x ≤ 3 x + y ≥ 3