Administrative Services 2008 Presentation

Administrative Services
2008 Presentation
Natural Resources
The people of Administrative Services are our most fundamental
and essential natural resource.
Natural Resources
We are full of renewable energy.
Natural Resources
We work individually and in teams to solve problems and
accomplish goals.
Natural Resources
We engage in sustainable work by doing increasingly more with
increasingly less.
We Are
Administrative Services
Administrative Services Office
Provides oversight responsibilities for departments in the
Administrative Services area.
• Contract Review
• Insurance – Property, General Liability,
Employers’ Legal Liability, Master
Venue, SURMA
• Employee and Public Service Programs,
including SECA and
Ethics Training
• University-wide All Hazards Emergency
• Computer Security Training
• Liaison to COAP and CSEC
Legal Support Services
Legal Support Services offers general legal assistance to campus
constituencies through a contract agreement with a local law firm.
Administrative Information
Management Systems (AIMS)
Provides accurate, timely, and complete information to all qualified
users in the most usable and appropriate format.
• Business Data
• Processing
• Database Management and Support
Business Services
Conducts the essential business operations of the University while
complying with applicable statutes, rules, and governing regulations.
• Accounting
• Billing and Receivables
• Financial Systems
• Payroll
• Post-Award Contract
Document and
Publication Services
Provides a diverse array of services that meet the publishing needs of
our constituents.
• Prepress Services – Design, Layout, Editing
• Digital Print, Press Print, Four-Color Press, and Duplicating
Services – Custom Color, High-Volume, Off-Campus Printing
• Premail and Mail Services
Human Resources
Provides equitable and consistent administration of human resource
• Benefits
• Classification/Compensation
• Employment Examinations
• Labor Relations
• Staff Training and Development
Illinois Law Enforcement
Training and Standards Board
Executive Institute and Media
Resource Center
Addresses public policy and management
challenges facing top-level law enforcement
administrators through research, training,
and technical assistance.
• Research
• Resources for Senior Law Enforcement
• Media and Web-Based Training
Public Safety
Ensures a safe, secure, and peaceful campus environment.
• Campus Security
• Key/Access Control
• Parking Operations
Physical Plant
Maintains and improves University facilities to foster an attractive,
safe, and high-quality physical environment, which is conducive to
living, learning, and working.
• Maintenance
• Planning and Design
• Capital Construction
• In-House Construction
Purchasing Office
Procures goods and services in a timely manner while complying
with state statutes, rules, and governing regulations.
• Requests for Purchase
• Bidding Analyses
• Purchase Contracts
• Procurement Cards
Strategic Plan – Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and Administration
Respond to Student Concerns
Develop and Implement Strategies that Streamline
Improve Environmental Sustainability
Expand and
Improve Facilities
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
DPS assumed responsibility for the Office Supplies Store from
Physical Plant, which, by combining staff and resources, will
allow this valuable service to continue indefinitely and free up
valuable space for the Physical Plant.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
Administrative Information Management Systems (AIMS), UCSS, and
ESS collaborated to install an uninterrupted power source and
generator to power the enterprise computing facilities in Morgan Hall
103 in the event of an electrical outage. Additionally, they installed a
card access security system to monitor access to Morgan Hall 103.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant and the Office of Public Safety served on a
planning committee to propose the closure of the portion of
C. T. Vivian Way between Stadium Drive and Western Avenue
so that it can serve as a pedestrian mall.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant . . .
• Spent $200,000 on classroom improvements in Tillman Hall 307,
Horrabin Hall 26, and Sallee Hall 228.
• Continued to coordinate the Memorial Hall remodeling design with the
Capital Development Board and multiple colleges.
• Completed facility condition assessments for the Auxiliary
Facility System buildings.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant also continued to coordinate with the Capital
Development Board and the College of Fine Arts and Communication in
the design of the Performing Arts Center on Western’s Macomb Campus.
The program analysis and schematic design have been completed.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant . . .
• Collaborated with Public Safety to review
parking lots for maintenance and construction
in accordance with the Master Plan. The
Physical Plant assistant director for Facilities,
Planning, and Construction (FPC) attended
an extensive training seminar on
transportation and parking issues. A
transportation and parking planning study is
being initiated.
• Established mechanical engineering oversight
for the Mechanical Maintenance
and Heating Plant.
• Continued to modernize the Physical Plant
with new training rooms and a new
emergency generator that supports a back-up
emergency operations center.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant . . .
• Significantly updated the landscape maintenance department to better
serve departmental needs.
• Initiated design documents and an RFP for dredging Lake Ruth.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant continued to update the maintenance management
system by . . .
• Incorporating an inventory control module.
• Implementing Building Services supervisory inspection reporting.
• Developing new codes for the maintenance system database in order to
enhance reporting and overall maintenance management.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant coordinated construction of the Multicultural Building
and the Wright Guest House.
FY08 Accomplishments
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
Executive Institute (ILETSBEI) continues to research and implement
construction of two “live” shoot houses for training special response
and weapons of mass destruction teams.
Develop and Foster
a Superior Staff and
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Administrative Services staff served the campus community on several . . .
• Task Forces – Technology, WIU Emergency Alert System, I’9
• Committees – Master Plan, Strategic Plan, Energy Utility Master Plan,
Campus Landscape, Sustainability, Fiscal Advisory, and Background
• Search Committees – Assistant Vice President for Administrative
Services, Assistant Director of Development – Annual Fund, Director of
Administrative Information Management Systems, Assistant to the
Director of Human Resources – Diversity, and Human Resource
Associate – Staff Development and Training
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Business Services staff attended treasury management training
seminars and hired an accountant position to assume more duties in
connection with cash management and the new implementation of
new investment software.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
DPS . . .
• Continued to facilitate quality
control regarding the
University’s image by educating
the campus community.
• Successfully assumed the State
Library Courier Service, which
ended in December, and then
reassigned the courier position
to fill a vacancy in DPS mail.
• Improved premail operations by
reassigning a staff member with
the technical and administrative
skills necessary to manage
premail operations.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Several employees have received recognition.
Cathy Smith
Employee of the Month
April 2007
Sean O’Donnell-Brown
Community Service Award
April 2007
Marilyn Helton
Employee of the Month
November 2007
Annette Davila
Employee of the Month
January 2008
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Sandy Larimer
Employee of the Month
February 2008
Chris Smith
Employee of the Month
March 2008
Michael Hott
Employee of the Month
May 2008
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Purchasing Office . . .
• Updated the purchasing procedure manual and its training presentation.
• Became members of the Emergency Notification System Committee,
the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC)
Procurement Card Service Provider Team, and the Emergency
Operations Planning Committee.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Purchasing Office also held a vendor fair in April. The fair had 41
vendors ranging from computers, furniture, building maintenance,
travel, and office supplies. University providers included DPS, UCP,
University Relations, and Sodexo. Attendance was slightly over 100
even though it was a rainy day.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Physical Plant . . .
• Provided new training opportunities for and assigned computers to
mechanical maintenance management personnel who previously had not
had computers.
• Assigned a person to be responsible for scheduling the new training rooms,
which can be scheduled using an online Web page reservation form.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Human Resources . . .
• Implemented a parental leave program
for Civil Service and Administrative
personnel through which an employee
may take up to four weeks of paid leave
commencing upon the birth or adoption
of a child by the employee, the
employee’s spouse, or a domestic
partner. The secondary parent may also
take up to two consecutive weeks of
• Developed a salary structure and base
pay system using market data.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Human Resources . . .
• Posted a link on its website for access to McDonough County senior
care resources that provides information about the various types of
living facilities available to those individuals interested in learning
more about senior citizen living.
• Continued to be active with the Human Resources Directors
Advisory Committee.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Human Resources . . .
• Successfully negotiated a three-year contract
with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and a
wage agreement with the American Federation
of State, County, and Municipal Employees
• Attended job fairs at Southern Illinois
University–Carbondale, Northern Illinois
University, Illinois Institute of Technology,
University of Iowa, and Black Hawk College,
and made presentations to the Dean’s Council,
the McDonough County NAACP, and the
Latin American Student Organization.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Additionally, Human Resources . . .
• Successfully passed the biennial audit conducted by the State
Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS).
• Became part of a subgroup of the Human Resources Directors Advisory
Committee (HRDAC) and the Employees Advisory Council (EAC) to
collaborate on issues affecting the administration of the Civil Service
• Conducted quarterly meetings between the Human Resources director
and Western’s EAC representative.
• Increased the number of employment exams administered in the last
ten years by approximately 40%.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Human Resources . . .
• Provided information about free GED classes held at Spoon River College.
• Revised the job audit process.
• Participated in the Illinois Consortium on Human Capital in Higher
• Formed a Pay for Exceptional Performance Committee, which developed
a pay for performance structure to benefit non-collective bargained
University Civil Service and Administrative employees.
• Challenged the SURS 6% rule and effectively avoided the University from
approximately $78,000 in payments to SURS.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Western Well Program . . .
• Sponsored Western Walks in October, which had 500
• Enrolled 64 female employees in Heart Smart, which
was funded by the Illinois Department of Public
Health, Division of Women’s Health.
• Sponsored a 10-week personal training program
through the Department of Kinesiology and achieved
the following:
• 4.5 pound average weight loss
• 3% body fat loss
• 96% of participants increased flexibility
• 98% of participants increased muscular strength
• Purchased walking trail signage, which has been
strategically placed throughout the campus.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Western Well Program also . . .
• Arranged to co-sponsor, along with the University
Theme Committee, Zonya Foco, a motivational
speaker on nutrition. This will serve as a kickoff to
Western’s FY09 theme of Health and Wellness. In
conjunction with this event, a second Western
Walks will be conducted.
• Formed a Western Well Committee, composed of
VP Thompson, Pam Bowman, Milly MacDonell,
Judy Yeast, Cathy McMillan, and Anita Sells, to
discuss the coordination of faculty and staff health
and wellness activities,
which will be under the
direction of Judy Yeast.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Public Safety . . .
• Had all officers participate in a rapid response (a tactical approach to
dealing with an active shooter) training with the Illinois State Police, the
Macomb Police Department, and the McDonough County Sheriff’s Office.
• Had all officers attend a four-hour seminar on cultural diversity and
sensitivity sponsored by the Western Illinois Police Training Unit.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Since March 2007, Western has placed eight trainees and six
learners. The racial composition of those placements is 64% White
and 36% African-American/Black. The gender composition is 57%
female and 43% male. Sixty-four percent of the trainees and learners
placed contributed to the diversity of our workforce.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The ILETSBEI continues to promote professional development with
weekly staff meetings and on-campus workshops and by encouraging
continuing education among its staff.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
FY08 departmental presentations included the following:
• The Purchasing Office held training sessions for PCard holders,
Quad Cities fiscal agents, non-Purchasing personnel, and
Purchasing staff.
• Human Resources presented sessions for supervisors related to
gaining employee respect, effective communication, and
continuous improvement planning, as well as a Microsoft Word
2007 training for all employees.
• Provided two-day training for all supervisors in a required
National Incident Management System Incident Command
System (NIMS ICS) 300-level course.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Office of the VPAS hired a new Assistant Vice President for
Administrative Services in July 2007 to fulfill risk management
responsibilities for the University.
Respond to Student
FY08 Accomplishments
Respond to Student Concerns
• Public Safety administrators participated in
the selection of the WIU Emergency Alert
System (WEAS) and the Call24 public
address system.
• The instructional video, Shots Fired: When
Lightning Strikes was purchased. It provides
guidance on how to recognize and respond
in an active shooter situation. It will be
made available to faculty, staff, and students
through facilitated open forum sessions and
our University website.
FY08 Accomplishments
Respond to Student Concerns
• AIMS, in conjunction with Business Services, Billing and
Receivables, and the Registrar’s Office, developed a program to
allow students to authorize parent and guest access to their
information on STARS and decide who should view information.
Business Services worked with AIMS to develop a parent and
guest logon process for access to students’ billing and payment
• The Purchasing Office participated with the Financial Aid team in
reviewing and recommending student loan providers.
FY08 Accomplishments
Respond to Student Concerns
AIMS fulfilled a request from SGA and Faculty Senate to provide
access on STARS to expanded course information, including
textbook information, extra class meeting times, extra fees, and
additional required materials.
FY08 Accomplishments
Respond to Student Concerns
DPS . . .
• Continued to offer full-time internships to graphic
communications students in order to help them fulfill their
graduation requirements.
• Continued to meet the demand for using Flex Points to make
purchases by adding public copiers with card readers.
FY08 Accomplishments
Respond to Student Concerns
DPS also continued to provide easy student accessibility by
(1) providing convenient drop-off points for student organization
projects; (2) allowing free, convenient parking; and (3) working with the
Physical Plant to add a new sidewalk that extends from Boyer Field to the
DPS/PARC building, allowing pedestrians safe access to the building.
Develop and
Implement Strategies
that Streamline
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
DPS purchased a state-of-the-art, four-color offset printing press that . . .
• Retains thousands of dollars in University funding, benefiting
departments, DPS’s cost-recovery mission, and the University as a
• Eliminates the outsourcing of a large percentage of print projects,
reducing University printing costs by as much as 20%.
• Generates substantially more administrative assessment funds for the
• Dramatically improves print quality for projects formerly printed
in-house using digital print equipment.
• Significantly shortens prepress and preproduction timelines while
significantly reducing work for Purchasing, Business Services, and DPS.
• Increases stock and ink options while improving quality.
With the addition of the four-color offset printing
press, DPS was able to print the Parking Services
Rules and Regulations maps in-house rather than
outsourcing, saving Parking Services $311.80 (23%).
2007: 10,500 maps = $1,350.80
2008: 10,500 maps = $1,039.00
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
DPS also . . .
• Developed a work plan for the newly created webmaster position,
which will primarily be responsible for Web support, training, and
development for the Administrative Services division. This position will
also have backup network duties in Public Safety and other related
duties at DPS.
• Continued to streamline and improve
premail operations by integrating
mail functions.
• Continued to pursue and receive —
either directly or through
subcontracting—external funding in
the form of grants and contracts,
providing financial support for DPS
and the University as a whole.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
AIMS purchased an IBM 2096-N92 central processing unit (CPU) mainframe
upgrade because the old CPU was often running at 100% capacity. The new CPU
capacity is 214 million instructions per second (MIPS) as compared to 171 MIPS
on the old CPU. In addition, memory was doubled. Response times have improved
since the installation, and the second shift batch workload completes 1 to 1.5 hours
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
• The Physical Plant increased funding for its multi-year geographic
information system (GIS) initiative by 50% and began to locate utilities
using global positioning system (GPS) technology and to upload
information as a new layer in the completed campus base map.
• Public Safety received a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm
System and Homeland Security for six Starcom radios, valued at
$12,000. These radios are used for interoperable communications with
all emergency responders throughout the state.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
AIMS and Business Services collaborated in . . .
• Examining the benefits of popular university enterprise accounting
• Studying the feasibility of Remote Deposit Capture (RDC), which will
create opportunities for Western to decrease the cost of handling
thousands of paper checks.
• Implementing online student timecards. Business Services has finished
testing the system and has put into production the student time screens.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
Business Services . . .
• Implemented new Sunguard APS-2
investment accounting software and
has been running the system in
parallel with Western’s old
investment reporting system.
• Interviewed several vendors that
provide laser check-writing systems
and is continuing to evaluate the
cost effectiveness of these types of
systems in light of the PCard
system’s development at Western.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
Additionally . . .
• The directors of Business Services and the Physical Plant continue to
participate in the Utility Infrastructure Master Plan, focusing on the cost
effectiveness of burning coal versus natural gas and the funding to
support the development of a new centralized heating plant.
• The VPAS and director of Business Services participated in the student
government legislative process to successfully pass a resolution requiring
that student paychecks and financial aid disbursements be distributed via
electronic deposit beginning fall semester 2007.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
Human Resources . . .
• Worked with Financial Systems to
evaluate document imaging and to
purchase a license to use Western’s
laser fiche system, which stores data
on the existing Business Services
• Made the Civil Service Employment
Application available online;
applications can now be signed via
electronic signature.
• With the advent of e-testing, started
using the retooled SUCSS tests for
the secretary series as of April 2008.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
AIMS . . .
• Created a new system for telecommunications billing. The system was
written to create monthly bills for long-distance, equipment, and local
charges and taxes for students.
• Wrote a Web-based I-9 data collection system to store information from
the federal I-9 form for employment.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
• Continued to implement its strategic plan by transitioning
to operate as a cost-recovery entity and promoting itself
throughout the United States at conferences and via direct
mail and a listserv.
• Continued the process of transferring homeland security
awareness courses to the Web.
• Revised Police Executive Role in the 21st Century (PER21C) and
Enduring, Surviving, and Thriving as a Law Enforcement Executive
(EST) curricula.
• Developed curriculum in the area of strategic planning.
• Completed the creation of a portal for Web-based courses;
developed a model for out-of-state usage of part-time, basic
law enforcement curricula; and designed the interface for a
Law for Police course.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
Additionally, the ILETSBEI Media Resource Center . . .
• Completed implementation of an online ordering system.
• Expanded its subscription service for out-of-state agencies and increased
its customer base by marketing the resource center at conferences and
via direct mail and e-mail.
• Continued to review its inventory.
• Archived outdated items.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
The Office of the VPAS . . .
• Worked with AIMS, Public Safety, Purchasing, and others to implement the
WIU Emergency Alert System (WEAS) in November 2007, which enables
delivery of voice, text, and e-mail messages to students, faculty, and staff on
both the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses in the event of an emergency.
• Used WEAS three times to announce closures of the Quad Cities campus due to
inclement weather in December, January, and February.
• Administered a full-scale test of the system on January 30, 2008, by delivering
over 17,500 voice messages, 24,000 e-mail messages, and over 5,000 text
messages. Test revealed a 72% rate of successful deliveries; and for the issues
identified, resolutions have either been achieved or are in progress.
• Used the system in March to announce an off-campus anonymous threat of a
shooting on campus.
FY08 Accomplishments
Develop and Implement Strategies that
• Established a University-wide committee to begin working on a revised
Emergency Operations Plan for the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses in
order to develop an all-hazards emergency preparedness plan that is
comprehensive and compliant with federal requirements.
• Developed expertise in emergency management and campus safety through
participation in both online and instructor-led National Incident Management
System (NIMS) training and the All-Hazards Planning and Emergency
Management Institute in Austin, TX.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
DPS . . .
• Has implemented an online ordering system for prepress, print, and
copy jobs eliminating hundreds of paper tickets.
• Dramatically increased the use of paper containing post-consumer
(recycled) material.
• Started accepting used copier toner cartridges for recycling.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
The Purchasing Office . . .
• Examined ways to buy “greener,” including
microcomputers, appliances, janitorial
supplies, and vehicles.
• Educated the University community on the
benefits of green purchasing and assisted in
organizing a Green Vendor Fair for the
annual Environmental Summit conference.
• Continued working with the Sustainability
Committee to further the University’s
commitment to sustainability.
• Obtained approval of the Green Policy in August.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
The Physical Plant has led campus sustainability efforts by . . .
• Co-chairing the Sustainability Committee.
• Representing Western at the Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the American Council On
Renewable Energy (ACORE), the EPA ENERGY STAR program, and
the Lt.Governor’s Green Solutions.
• Making substantial investments in sustainable solutions utilizing campus
Permanent Improvement funds.
• Sponsoring Steven Hamstra, lifetime energy professional award recipient
from the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), as a guest speaker at
Western’s Environmental Summit.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
• Purchasing a $14,000 compost
machine for University landscape
• Developing the Illinois University
Wind Energy Consortium, which
currently includes ten state
universities that have committed to
continued analysis to support a major
wind farm in Illinois.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
The Physical Plant . . .
• Hosted We Care activities for
Homecoming Week and on Earth Day.
• Has organized an environmental event for
June 7, 2008, to be held at the
Quad Cities Riverfront facility.
• Supported the 2008 participation in
• Began demolition and implementation of
environmental remediation at the
Quad Cities Riverfront facility with a
$247,500 HUD Grant.
• Received a grant from the Illinois Clean
Energy Foundation for $101,700 for
lighting upgrades in Malpass Library.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
In addition, the Physical Plant . . .
• Completed the Building Services Supervisory Customer Advocacy Program
that streamlined data management and reduced paper use.
• Allocated 15% of all Permanent Improvement funding utilized on deferred
maintenance to energy management or sustainable initiatives.
• Began researching the science of composting to generate cost estimates and
make recommendations.
FY08 Accomplishments
Improve Environmental Sustainability
The VPAS and the Physical Plant director continued to collaborate with
Ameren CIPS, the City of Macomb, and legal counsel on improving the
appearance of University Drive and the Lamoine River with lighting
upgrades and environmentally friendly landscaping. There are also
collaborative efforts underway to improve the appearance of the electrical
substation at the corner of Western Avenue and University Drive.
Purchases from
Reallocations and
FY08 Accomplishments
Purchases from Reallocations and Pooling
Through the Administrative
Services FY08 year-end process
of accumulating attrition dollars
and utilization of indirect cost
recovery funds, departments
are receiving funds to cover
operating and overtime deficits
and to purchase computers and
related computer equipment,
furniture, software, printing
equipment, and equipment to
meet other departmental needs.
Internal Reallocations
and Reorganizations
FY08 Accomplishments
Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations
• The Administrative Assistant for the Office Supplies Store was
transferred to Building Services to oversee the large inventory of
cleaning supplies and paper products.
• The Office Supplies Store has been merged with DPS, allowing DPS to
strengthen customer relations, optimizing delivery services through
shared student labor and vehicles and providing uniform pricing on
campus paper commodities.
• The management of Transportation Services, which was the
responsibility of a single office manager, is now shared among three
existing Physical Plant administrative positions.
FY08 Accomplishments
Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations
• The Physical Plant is reducing the contract
for outside laborers and hiring one
additional pipefitter and one additional
plumber since there has been a demonstrated
need for these positions.
• Business Services is reorganizing operations
to address changes in government accounting
standards that have increased management’s
responsibility over internal control of financial information reported
in year-end audit reports. Separate functionality is planned to focus
attention on improvements and enhancements to University financial
reporting and compliance audits.
FY08 Accomplishments
Internal Reallocations and
In FY08, the 2% contingency that was held back from Administrative
Services became a 1% holdback when President Goldfarb approved the
return of these funds. The $136,100 returned to Administrative Services
was utilized to cover overtime costs and the dredging of Lake Ruth.
Budget Enhancement
Outcomes for FY08
FY08 Accomplishments
Budget Enhancement Outcomes for FY08
Enhancement Department/Unit Funds
WIU Emergency Alert System
Public Notification System Used in
the Call Box (Blue Light) System
Portable and Permanent Chillers for
Currens, Horrabin,and Stipes Halls
Lake Ruth
University Memberships
Classroom Upgrades
Overtime for Physical Plant
Match to the Illinois Clean Energy
Grant to Relamp Malpass Library
Public Safety Wireless
Connection to 9-1-1
$10,000 (Student Services)
$101,700 (Grant from
Clean Energy Foundation)
FY08 Accomplishments
DPS received . . .
• $36,648 in funding from ISBE for the
design, editing, and production of the
Reading First Professional Development
• $78,567 for the layout, editing, and
production of the Illinois Reading Council
• $58,504 in funding from the Illinois
Library Delivery Service.
FY08 Accomplishments
• ILETSB provided funding for
programming related to the
Executive Institute and Media
Resource Center. $1.4 million
was provided in FY08 for the
employment of four full-time
staff members and four student
• ILETSBEI received $425,00 in
external funding for Homeland
Security Training.
FY08 Accomplishments
• The Physical Plant received $101,700 from the Illinois Clean
Energy Foundation for a lighting upgrade in Malpass Library.
• Public Safety received a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement
Alarm System and Homeland Security for six Starcom radios,
valued at $12,000.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and
Improve Facilities
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant will . . .
• Spend $200,000 on classroom upgrades. They will collaborate with
the Provost’s Office to determine the classrooms to be addressed.
• Allocate $20,000 in Permanent Improvement funds each year for
small preventative maintenance projects at the Farm facilities and at
Horn Lodge.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
The Physical Plant will . . .
• Complete the entire design development and
progress with preparation of contract
documents for the Performing Arts Center.
• Complete facility condition assessments for
appropriated campus buildings. Complete the
comprehensive Utility Infrastructure Master
• Bid the remaining contract work for Memorial
Hall and begin remodeling the facility.
• Bid the remaining contract work for the Quad
Cities Riverfront facility and begin remodeling
the facility when funds are available from the
State of Illinois.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
• Collaborate with the City of Macomb on the University Drive
Realignment Plan and the Adams Street Overlay Project.
• Plan and implement improvements in customer and fleet parking
at Transportation Services so customers will be able to find their
vehicles more quickly.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
• Continue to modernize shops and offices, which includes the central
break room, trades restrooms, mechanical maintenance staff offices,
and the new night shift building maintenance superintendent’s office.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
Parking Services will fund the resurfacing of portions of Q lot.
FY09 Objectives
Expand and Improve Facilities
The ILETSBEI will work to secure a permanent location for the
Executive Institute and the Media Resource Center.
Develop and Foster
a Superior Staff and
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
DPS will continue to facilitate quality
control regarding the University’s
image by educating the campus
community through workshops and
other forms of communication.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
AIMS will . . .
• Transition the method by which mid-term and final grades are
collected from bubble-sheet processing to an online method.
• Enhance the Space Master and classroom scheduling system to
allow use by colleges.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The ILETSB Executive Institute will . . .
• Promote professional development at the University of Illinois
Women’s Conference.
• Implement a personality assessment instrument.
• Add two program managers and two graduate assistants to its staff.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Office of the VPAS will . . .
• Request funds to hire a full-time Risk Management and Emergency
Planning director.
• Facilitate/coordinate National Incident Management System
(NIMS) training opportunities for administrators and staff who
need to be trained.
• Request funds to hire a full-time Environmental Health & Safety
(EH&S) manager/director.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
• Continue to implement strategies to attract quality individuals in
diverse populations through hiring practices for positions in the
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Human Resources will . . .
• Review and develop compensation models and methods for the University,
including implementing pay-for-exceptional performance.
• Participate in the Human Resources Directors Advisory Committee of
• Establish a Training and Development
Advisory Committee.
• Utilize the new Physical Plant
and Morgan Hall training rooms
for staff training.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
Additionally, Human Resources . . .
• Offers additional workshops under the direction of the associate director
of Human Resources to further enhance the program.
• Sponsors workshops on employee benefits and supplemental retirement
• Provides health and wellness information to employees.
FY09 Objectives
Develop and Foster a Superior Staff and
The Western Well Program will . . .
• Seek permanent program funding.
• Develop a comprehensive, organized program coordinated by Judy
• Expand the Western Well Committee.
Respond to Student
FY09 Objectives
Respond to Student Concerns
DPS will continue to increase the number of public copiers with
card readers that allow students to use Flex Points.
FY09 Objectives
Respond to Student Concerns
Physical Plant will . . .
• Work with student representatives
to provide enhanced recycling
containers on campus and to
improve awareness of recycling.
• Together with Public Safety,
develop plans to upgrade exterior
campus lighting systems to address
student security concerns.
FY09 Objectives
Respond to Student Concerns
Public Safety will . . .
• Provide Rape Awareness Defense (RAD) classes and AWARE
classes for female students, staff, and community members.
• Continue educating students about safety on campus.
Continue to Develop
Strategies that
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
Public Safety will . . .
• Explore changing the current in-car videos from VHS to digital.
• Upgrade the 12-year-old parking software and hardware.
• Make operational a remote back-up for Public Safety computer
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
DPS will . . .
• Increase production resources by adding higher volume equipment
and/or print presses as well as bindery equipment.
• Increase enhanced electronic access to DPS services and facilities
via its website and the University network.
• Streamline premail operations.
• Pursue external funding in grants
and contracts.
• Survey all users of the University
Copier Program to better address
campus departmental copier needs.
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
• The Physical Plant will install additional electrical power
monitoring meters and energy management control devices in
campus buildings.
• The Purchasing Office and the Business Office will create and
implement (if possible) a joint project to explore PCard-based
accounts payable settlement.
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
The Purchasing Office will . . .
• Create a revision of construction bid
documents to develop a common set of these
documents throughout Illinois universities.
• Enhance the Illinois Procurement Bulletin as part
of a committee comprised of various
state universities.
• Improve the efficiency of the PCard program
by implementing a new PaymentNet
reconciling program and by improving
PCard auditing. They will also educate users
on fraud and review the PCard program for
fraud prevention.
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
Business Services will . . .
• Study and research the development of Web-based training courses
for administrative policies and procedures.
• Explore opportunities and features of Western Online to develop
business office training courses.
• Continue to collaborate with the director of the Physical Plant on the
Utility Infrastructure Committee and research energy services
financing solutions.
• Set up a pilot program in the Bursar’s Office for remote and
Internet-based check and Automated Clearing House (ACH)
capture systems.
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
• AIMS and Business Services will
collaborate in developing a paperless
online DPA voucher payment
• Human Resources will facilitate
updating its website, including adding
more electronic Human Resources
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
The Office of the VPAS will . . .
• Conduct at least one emergency preparedness exercise (e.g., table top,
mid-scale, or full-scale drill) on an annual basis.
• Facilitate/coordinate open forum discussions for students, faculty, and
staff regarding emergency preparedness on both the Macomb and Quad
Cities campuses.
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
The ILETSBEI will . . .
• Increase Law Enforcement Executive Forum journal subscriptions and will
work to distribute the journal exclusively via electronic subscription
and online services such as EBSCO.
• Develop curricula in the areas of civil liability, intelligence gathering,
and budget and finance, and revise the current Police Resource
Management (PRM) curriculum.
• Continue to implement a strategic plan for the organization.
• Work to implement a full research division by creating an online
database covering topics requested by the Illinois law enforcement
FY09 Objectives
Continue to Develop Strategies that Streamline
In addition, the ILETSBEI will . . .
• Market its online learning network to organizations within Illinois at
conferences and via direct mail and e-mail.
• Market its basic academy to organizations outside of Illinois at
conferences and via direct mail and e-mail.
• Develop a new website for the Executive Institute and the Media
Resource Center.
FY09 Objectives
Improve Environmental Sustainability
DPS . . .
• Will design and implement an online
ordering system for premail, resulting in
a streamlined ordering process that will
eliminate errors caused by lack of
information and will reduce paper usage.
• Will continue to increase the use
of paper containing post-consumer
(recycled) material as feasible.
FY09 Objectives
Improve Environmental Sustainability
Business Services will . . .
• Collaborate with the Director of Purchasing
to evaluate third-party e-payable solutions to
convert paper-based payments to electronic
• Help campus departments reduce space
dedicated to storing paper-based records.
Business Services will also follow-up to amend
the wording used by the Secretary of State
when authorizing Western to destroy paper
records that have been scanned into an
electronic storage device.
FY09 Objectives
Improve Environmental Sustainability
The Physical Plant will . . .
• Request a Sustainability Coordinator to organize, manage, and report
on the ongoing sustainability initiatives.
• Equip four Building Services foremen and sub-foremen with PDAs to
conduct rounds or inspections of campus buildings.
• Continue to take the lead role in promoting an Illinois University
Wind Energy Consortium that would seek to fund a major wind
farm in Illinois.
• Seek ways to improve campus recycling and participation in recycling
FY09 Objectives
Improve Environmental Sustainability
In addition, the Physical Plant will . . .
• Bring on line a new composting device to convert thousands of
pounds of campus landscape waste into viable compost.
• Continue allocating 10 to 15% of Permanent Improvement funds
toward sustainability solutions in campus facilities.
• Continue the design of new facilities and the remodeling of
existing facilities to meet minimum Silver LEED standards for
environmental sustainability.
• Continue replacing less efficient E85 vehicles in the Transportation
Fleet with hybrid vehicles.
FY09 Objectives
Improve Environmental Sustainability
• Complete a rain garden project.
• Continue to sponsor speakers and participate in environmental
summits and events.
• Continue to employ integrated pest management throughout campus,
which satisfies one of the pledges Western accepted in the
Lt. Governor’s Green Solutions Compact.
• Host a We Care event the week
of Homecoming and possibly a
second event in April on Earth Day.
Major Challenges
for FY09
Major Challenges for FY09
The single, most worrisome challenge is the lack of adequate financial
support from the State to maintain and modernize University
facilities. Western has received no capital renewal funding in FY05,
FY06, FY07, and FY08, which represents a loss of almost $4.5
million. Heating Plant boiler projects, elevator upgrades, and steam
line replacements have been deferred.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 1
Infrastructure Improvements – $500,000
Administrative Services requests the reinstatement of the $500,000
FY03 and FY04 base reduction to the Permanent Improvement line
item, which resulted in $3 million of work that was not accomplished in
University facilities to help address the total deferred maintenance
backlog in appropriated buildings in the range of $300 million.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 2
Centralized Chilled Water Plant and Heating Plant
Upgrades – $47,360,000
The most significant concern in the deferred maintenance backlog is
the provision of air conditioning to campus buildings.
Appropriated Building
Malpass Library
Chiller Year Installed
Chiller Age
Auxiliary Facility
System Building
University Union
Grote Hall
Chiller Year Installed
Chiller Age
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 3a
Director of Risk Management and Emergency
Planning and Operating Funds – $75,000
There is an unprecedented focus on emergency preparedness, loss
control, and risk mitigation strategies for colleges and universities.
This position would seek proactive solutions for risk exposures we
have on both the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses to ensure we
are providing as safe an environment as possible for our students,
faculty, and staff. Western is one of the few universities in Illinois
that does not have a full-time Risk Management and Emergency
Planning director.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 3b
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
Manager/Director and Operating Funds – $120,000
As risk management demands, environmental regulations, and
code compliance grow in complexity, it has become apparent that
the University needs this position to monitor regulatory overview
and respond to ever-growing inquiries received regarding safety
and health issues. Western is the only institution in the State of
Illinois that does not have a position dedicated to coordinating
environmental and safety issues.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 4
Physical Plant Staffing and Base Increase in Operating
Funds – $220,000
Two project managers are requested to accommodate the nearly
doubling of projects in the past two years and the anticipated continued
growth of construction on campus. A base increase in Physical Plant
operating budgets is also requested in order to continue providing
adequate service to campus departments.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 5
Western Well Program – $15,000
We now have the opportunity for a small amount of dollars to develop a
permanent program, the Western Well Program, with Judy Yeast from the
Recreation Center serving as the inaugural coordinator. Making this
program permanent through funding will promote lifelong benefits to our
employees. It also would serve as a conduit to the University’s FY09 theme
of Health and Wellness. Today, 53% of Western’s employees are age 50 or
older. Typically, with an increase in age, there is a corresponding increase in
healthcare costs and a potential decrease in productivity.
Major Challenges for FY09
Priority Request 6
Sustainability Coordinator and Operating Funds – $40,000
A Sustainability Coordinator is requested to organize, manage, and
report on the numerous ongoing sustainability initiatives and to oversee
the fulfillment of the ultimate sustainability goals envisioned by the
New Operating Resources
Requests for New Operating Resources for
Priority 1 – Infrastructure Improvements
Priority 2 – Centralized Chilled Water Plant
and Heating Plant Upgrades
Priority 3a – Director of Risk and Emergency
Planning and Operating Funds
Priority 3b – Environmental Health & Safety
(EH&S) Manager/Director
and Operating Funds
New Operating Resources
Requests for New Operating Resources for
Priority 4 – Physical Plant Staffing and Base Increase
in Operating Funds and Overtime
Priority 5 – Western Well Program
Priority 6 – Sustainability Coordinator and
Operating Funds