Why am I taking this
assessment exam?
The LMU MBA Program requires all applicants to the program to submit a
standardized test score for consideration by the Admissions committee. Applicants
may submit a GMAT or GRE test score, or you may complete this examination and
submit your score. The LMU MBA program will use these scores as part of their
consideration for admission. This examination, unlike the GMAT or GRE test, can
also be used to suggest areas where students may want to complete an
undergraduate refresher course or complete a leveling course.
How should I prepare for the
assessment exam?
The comprehensive exam covers topics covered throughout a traditional
undergraduate business program and relevant to today’s business environment.
Does this assessment exam
affect my grade?
No, the results of this exam will only be used as part of your admission
determination. The exam will not be used to waive any MBA coursework.
What do I need to access the
assessment exam?
You will need a computer with Internet access. No other plug-ins are required.
What is the cost of the
assessment exam?
The cost for the CPC-based Comprehensive Exams is $40.00 each. Students are
required to pay the fee when registering for the exam.
How do I get my login and
Students obtain their exam password by self-registration from a micro-site:
http://www.peregrineacademics.com/lmu. On the right-hand side of the screen,
enter the password: LMU-1001 and complete the self-registration process. Students
should select CPC Comprehensive Entrance Exam. Your password will arrive by email from Receipt@PeregrineAcademics.com. The exam password is also shown at
the end of the registration process. Click the hyperlinked password to initiate the
exam process.
I know I am registered, but I
never received the e-mail.
Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the e-mail from Peregrine
Academics. If the e-mail is not there, then e-mail us at
Support@PeregrineAcademics.com. Peregrine will verify your registration status
and register/re-register you as appropriate. You can also have the password re-sent
to you using the password retrieval form at:
My assessment exam site
password doesn’t work
A student has 48 hours to complete the exam and only 3 log-in attempts are allowed.
These restrictions are in place to protect the academic integrity of the testing process.
Contact your instructor if you need the exam re-set.
How do I log into my
Student/Learner site?
The login instructions to access the student/learner site are included with the e-mail
received with the password. The login name is the student’s e-mail address on file
with the school or university. It is imperative the student registers using the same email address that you used with the self-registration for the password. The login
password is listed within the e-mail with the passwords. The login password is not
the same as the password used to take an online exam or training session.
With the login information, navigate your Web browser to
http://www.peregrineacademics.com/lmu. From this site, you can retrieve
completion certificates (log-in on the left-hand side of the screen using your e-mail
address and the password shown in the e-mail (Railsplitter + a numeric).
I have the e-mail, but how
do I access the assessment
exam site?
Click on the hyperlink included with the description of the password. The hyperlink
directs your Web browser to the appropriate site and auto-fills the registration
How much time do I have to take the
assessment exam?
You have 48 hours to complete the exam once the exam has been
The assessment exam did not start.
Double check your pop-up blocker and/or personal firewall settings.
The exam opens in a new window. Turn the pop-up blocker off. Add
this site to your “safe sites” list within your personal firewall settings.
Another option will be to select the link provided to launch the
assessment exam in another window.
Am I allowed to take breaks during the
Yes, two 15-minute breaks are allowed for the entire exam, which is not
based on the number of log-in attempts.
What if I need to stop during the
You are allowed to stop during an exam and restart a later time.
However, you only have 3 log-in attempts within the 48 hours.
How many questions are on the
assessment exam?
There are 120 multiple choice and True/False questions.
How long will I need to take the exam?
Typically, the exam should take about 60-120 minutes.
How much time is allowed to answer
each question?
You are allowed 5 minutes to answer each question. You will see the
time remaining on the screen for each question during the exam.
Can I “back track” during the exam?
No, you will not be able to go back to a question if you decide to skip it.
You need to do your best to answer each question within the allotted
time. Otherwise, it will be graded as 0 points.
Is the grade weighting the same for an
unanswered question versus a question
answered incorrectly?
What if 48 hours elapse or I attempt a
4th log in?
After 48 hours or more than 3 log-in attempts, the exam site is
inaccessible and a completion certificate will be generated, assigning 0
points to unanswered questions.
How do I print or save my completion
After completing the exam or training session, you will be asked to
view or save your certificate. If you have already completed your exam
or training session, login to your student/learner site using the login
instructions included within the e-mail with the passwords from
Receipt@PeregrineAcademics.com. From this site, you can view your
online activity and print or save completion certificates.
How should I submit the certificate to
my instructor?
At this time, students are not required to submit the certificate to the
I forgot to save my completion
certificate when I finished the
assessment exam.
The completion certificates are email upon exam completion. You can
also retrieve your completion certificate from your student login site
with Peregrine Academic Services. Your login user name is your e-mail
address. Your password is included with the registration e-mail.
I need help regarding:
Please contact Customer Support at:
• Password or Logging in
• Disconnected and need to resume
session in progress
• Exam did not start
• Certificate or Other Issues
E-mail: Support@PeregrineAcademics.com
What do the exams cover?
The examinations cover material from 12 Common Professional
components, divided up into 3 segments.
The Business Environment
• Marketing
• Management (Production Management, Operations Management,
Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management)
• Business Ethics
• Global Dimensions of Business
Business Financial Systems
• Business Finance
• Accounting
• Economics
• Legal Environment of Business
Business Integration and Evaluation
• Information Management Systems
• Quantitative Business Research Techniques & Statistics
• Leadership
• Strategic Management/Business Integration