Executive Council Brief – July 2, 2007

Executive Council Brief – July 2, 2007
Fostering Partnerships
• PCA Manual. Partnered with Arizona Crop Protection Association (AzCPA) to
revise education materials for PCA licensing. Joint funded through ACPA and an
APMC IPM grant (Federal 3(d) funds).
• Pesticide Database for regulatory analyses. Established collaboration with Arizona
Dept of Agriculture (ADA) and USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service to
develop, proof and refine a 1080 database of pesticide use reporting information.
• Arizona Pest Diagnostics Network (AZ-PDN). Coordinate with the AZ-PDN to
publish “Pest Alerts” on the Arizona Crop Information Site (ACIS).
• Regional Lygus Management. Collaborated with more than 20 researchers across 4
states to develop and lead a successful $2.5 USDA-RAMP grant to fund research and
outreach on area-wide Lygus management across multiple crops.
Improving Communications and Visibility
• Arizona Pest Management Center website launched, October 2006.
http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/. Includes Inventory of IPM Projects.
• Arid Southwest IPM Network. Developed regional network of contacts to
coordinate responses to Federal pesticide information requests for AZ, NM, NV and
Southern CA. Submitted reports on 12 information requests in 2006.
• Represent UA IPM Programs to the Western IPM Center, WERA-069 Regional
IPM Committee and National IPM Committee. Serve as state contacts, regularly
participate in regional and national meetings. Outgoing Chair & host for WERA-069.
• Western IPM Center Advisory Committee. Al Fournier appointed as
representative, 2007.
• Federal Reporting. Now submit all required federal IPM reports on time.
• “IPM Delivers.” Developed marketing piece highlighting IPM impacts and outcomes.
Successfully Competing for Extramural IPM Resources
• APMC Foundation. $150K for salary support and basic function, including Arid
Southwest IPM Network and Crop Insect Losses & Impact Assessment.
• Stakeholder Engagement. $32K for Pest Management Strategic Plans and
similar activities to identify IPM priorities.
• APMC Enabled Projects. $3.1M for research & outreach projects enabled by
our organizational structure.
• APMC Supported Projects. $190K awarded to faculty for grants we reviewed or
provided input or support to.
Documenting Stakeholder IPM Needs
• Arizona Pest Management Center Summit brought together over 100 UA faculty
and diverse stakeholders from urban, agriculture and natural resource sectors in a
forum to identify interdisciplinary pest management research and outreach priorities
for Arizona (http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/Summit.html). June 6, 2006.
• National Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) for IPM in Schools. The
APMC helped organize forum for school pest management stakeholders to identify
and document IPM priorities. PMSPs are widely recognized as a conduit for
communication from growers and other IPM practitioners to regulators and granting
agencies. Oct 23–24, 2006.
• Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT): Needs and Resources Forum. At request of
faculty members, we organized forum including broad stakeholders to discuss PAT
needs and resources in Arizona, and facilitated a discussion on how these needs might
be better addressed. Nov 2, 2006.
• Desert Cotton Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP). Interested stakeholders,
including growers, pest control advisors, industry representatives, regulators and UA
Cooperative Extension personnel met to initiate a Desert Cotton PMSP for Arizona
and desert valleys of California. The APMC coordinates this effort on behalf of the
ACGA and AzCPA. May 24. 2007.
Measuring IPM Adoption and Impact
• Evaluating IPM Adoption and Impact. New tools, such as the pesticide database
described above combined with innovative analyses, allows us to quantitatively assess
adoption of IPM practices, and to understand barriers to IPM adoption. A current
project, funded by a Western IPM Competitive grant, focuses on adoption of crosscommodity IPM guidelines.
• Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment Working Group is a regional
collaboration funded by the Western IPM Center. We document detailed economic
and insect pest management data for cotton, melons and lettuce in Arizona and
Southern CA through interactive stakeholder workshops. Recently extended our
model of Cotton Losses workshops to TX. Project is being expanded to include alfalfa
losses and data for weeds and plant pathogens.
• Program Evaluation Working Group, funded through Cooperative Extension, is
developing resources to support faculty evaluation of programs across CALS (not
just pest management). Conducted 2006 faculty survey of program evaluation skills
and needs.
APMC Personnel
• Dr. Peter Ellsworth, IPM Coordinator and Director
• Dr. Al Fournier, IPM Program Manager, Associate Director
• Ms. Becky Papp, Writer/editor (10hrs/wk)
• Ms. Theresa Smith, Web Developer (10hrs/wk)