Innovation Project Management 1. Outline of the course Nowadays, deep and wide project management knowledge is one of the core competitive advantages of a manager. Besides learning of general project management theory, there is a necessity to study some narrow, but deep aspects of project management. Thus, getting knowledge in the sphere of innovation project management permits to enhance competences of students, who obtain a Master’s degree. Innovation project management (IPM) can be separated out as an independent discipline. Though IPM is based on conventional project management methodology, theory of innovation management is strongly connected with this discipline. The way of such projects’ planning, implementation and closure essentially depends on type of innovation. IPM substantially difficult next to conventional project management and it has a lot of differences: high degree of uncertainty, risk propensity (ambiguity). That’s why there is a necessity to possess extra knowledge and skills to provide effective coordination of innovation project planning and implementation. On the basis of increasing popularity and demand of experienced innovation managers and innovation project managers specifically, learning of IPM theory and case studies is necessary for creation of project manager competitions pull. There are discussions and definitions of IPM are presented in the course, which lets to systematize knowledge and practical skills. The course purpose includes: 1. Introduction in general questions of IPM: its role in company development, elaboration of innovation management environment etc. 2. Discovering of the differences between conventional and innovation project management. 3. Learning the innovation project management meaning: adoption of project managers standards for IPM; managing projects by subject areas, role of ideas portfolio in IPM etc. 4. Analysis of innovation project management case studies, by the example of real innovation projects. 2. Syllabus of the course № Topic 1 Introduction management 2 Variety of definitions and classifications of innovation projects 24 3 Principles and approaches to innovation project management Project management standards in innovation project management 48 Project portfolio management and innovation project management Total: 7 4 5 to project Total amount of hours 17 48 Description - Survey of innovation projects management approaches - Conventional and innovation projects: general issues and peculiarities - Core definitions - Innovation project classifications - Innovation projects in SME and large companies - Innovation projects and manager competencies - Comparative analyses of the most frequently used project management standards and innovation project management: PMBok, P2M, PRINCE-2, ICB (HTK) in regards with the project subject areas: # project integration management # scope management # human resourse management # cost management etc. - Innovation portfolio and innovation portfolio management 144 120 3. Prerequisites of the course The Course is to be based on the acquisition of the following Courses (at the bachelor level): Project management Innovation management General (strategic) management The Course requires the following students' competencies and knowledge: Major approaches and tools of project management and innovation management 4. Author: Yakovleva Anna Yurievna, Candidate of Science, Senior Lecturer, (495)772-95-89 5. Examination type Type of Form of testing testing Current Intermediate Final Home assignment Parameters Reading and in-class discussion of the articles on the course topics, according to the list of questions, provided by the lecturer. Presentations (reports) on The problem is chosen by the student or offered the course topics extended by the lecturer problems analysis Group oral and written Performed in small groups (2-4 people). presentation Discussion, individual questions (Preparation time – 1 module) Quiz Written exam - test 90 min