“Let your light so shine that the world will know... are an osteopathic physician pure and simple, and

“Let your light so shine that the world will know you
are an osteopathic physician pure and simple, and
that no prouder title can follow a human name.”
Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, Founder of Osteopathic Medicine
Tips, Tactics
and Truths:
A Guide to Making the Most of Your
Osteopathic Medical Education
Osteopathic Pledge of Commitment
A Few Important Thoughts on Osteopathic Medicine
A Brief History of Osteopathic Medicine
A Timeline of Osteopathic Medicine in History
The American Osteopathic Association: Your Connection to Your Osteopathic Family
What is the AOA?
AOA Student Benefits
Do I Need to Sign Up for the AOA?
Make Sure You Keep Your Contact Information Updated
What Else Can I do?
The AOA: Become Involved Now
Connect with the AOA
The AOA and the American Medical Association (AMA)
The AOA’s role in Approval and Accreditation
AOA Board Certification and Approval of Certification Standard
How to Make a Difference in Your State and in Washington, DC
DO Day on Capitol Hill – Students and DOs Advocate for the Profession
Make It Your GOAL to Help the Profession
International Osteopathic Medicine Osteopathic International Alliance
DOCARE International
Student Organizations
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)
Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP)
Getting Started: Your Life in Osteopathic Medical School
Osteopathic Medical Education: Where the Average is Above Average
Prevention is the Key to Health – Even for You
Your years in OSTEOPATHIC
OMS I: Prepare Yourself for Science Courses
Some Goals for Your First Year
Strategies for Studying and Time Management
Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM)
Your First-Year Classes
Ask Faculty for Help
Tutoring and Other Help
Your Second-Year Classes
The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination - USA (COMLEX-USA)
Level 1 Scores
| Next Page
Your Life After Residency
Let’s Get Board Certified
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC):
Your Commitment to Life-Long Learning and Assessment
Other Osteopathic Resources and Opportunities
Associations and Websites
Council of Student Affairs (CSA) – Be involved as a student 30
Council of Interns and Residents (CIR) – 30
Stay involved as your training continues
OMS IV – You’re Almost a DO!
COMLEX-USA Level 3 Your Completion of the Match Process
Important Match Dates for 2010-2011
Types of AOA-Approved Internship/Residency Programs
Selecting an AOA Internship/Residency Program or ACGME Program
How to Size Up a Program Interviewing for Internship/Residency
Ensure the Best Possible Match
Removal from One of the Match Programs
A Few Reminders on the Match
From Internship to Residency
Submitting Annual Residency Reports
The AOA and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s (ACGME)
Role in Approving and Accrediting
Residency Programs
Approval of ACGME Training as an AOA-OGME-1 Year
Clinical Rotations
The Start of Your Transition to Internship/Residency
Let’s Connect: Your Introduction to the Match
Introduction to the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)
The AOA Match
Important Match Dates for 2010-2011
NRMP Match
Military Match
State and Specialty Colleges
Financial Planning
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid: Your First Step
Types of Loans
Stafford Loans
Alternative Loans
Time to Repay
Grants Available
A Few Final Words on Your Future
Attachment One: Prominent DOs
Attachment Two: AOA Contact List
Attachment Three: Commonly Used Acronyms in Osteopathic Medicine
Attachment Four: OMT Terminology: Common OMT Techniques Defined
Attachment Five: Osteopathic Style Guide
Attachment Six: State and Specialty Societies
| Next Page
I pledge to:
• Provide compassionate, quality care
to my patients;
• Partner with them to promote health;
• Display integrity and professionalism
throughout my career;
• Advance the philosophy, practice
and science of osteopathic medicine;
• Continue life-long learning;
• Support my profession with loyalty in
action, word and deed; and
Osteopathic Pledge
of Commitment
• Live each day as an example of what an
osteopathic physician should be.
| Back to Table of Contents
A Few Important Thoughts on
Osteopathic Medicine
As an incoming student of osteopathic medicine, you probably
know that both DOs and MDs are fully-licensed physicians who
perform surgery and prescribe medication. This leads many
students to wonder about the difference between osteopathic
and allopathic medicine. There is an important difference.
In short, a DO is highly trained on the structural system of the
body. The added training educates osteopathic physicians on a
non-invasive hands-on treatment called osteopathic manipulative
treatment (OMT). In addition, the osteopathic medical student
devotes himself or herself to a very extensive education that
emphasizes the osteopathic principles of preventive medicine.
Together, the osteopathic principles and practices encourage
osteopathic physicians to regard the human body as an integrated
whole, rather than just a sum of its parts.
Patients recognize that DOs offer a patient-centered, hands-on,
“whole person” approach to medicine. The osteopathic principles
and practices can be seen each time an osteopathic physician
conducts a health assessment. DOs treat the overall health of
each individual patient – often asking questions about home and
work environments, stress levels and other factors, during an
The DO credentials signify an understanding of the body and
the foresight to ask patients the right questions to find the right
solutions and to provide the highest quality of patient-centered
care. The distinctive medical care that DOs provide has long been
known and celebrated as the “DO difference.”
Many influential business and political leaders have turned to
osteopathic medicine over the years, including John D. Rockefeller
and Henry Kissinger, as well as Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and George H. Bush.
DOs’ hands-on approach to medical care is often preferred for
professional athletic teams and Olympians. For instance, the
head physicians for both teams of the 2005 NBA Finals were
osteopathic physicians: Paul S. Saenz, DO, San Antonio Spurs;
and Benjamin J. Paolucci, DO, Detroit Pistons. While these two
osteopathic physicians maintain prominent roles in professional
sports to illustrate the “DO difference,” there are many others that
do so in different ways. Cmdr. Richard Jadick, DO, MC, USN,
was declared an American hero on the cover of Newsweek in
2006. The Newsweek article detailed how he provided emergency
medical care on the front lines of the Second Battle of Fallujah. His
valiant efforts helped save the lives of dozens of American troops.
Dr. Jadick’s commitment to serving his country and to osteopathic
principles and practices was appreciated across the country. See
Attachment One for a list of influential DOs who make their
professional family proud.
A Brief History of Osteopathic Medicine
You may already know about the history of osteopathic
medicine, but it never hurts to know more about the history of
the field you’re entering. Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, developed
osteopathic medicine in 1874. Dr. Still was dissatisfied with
the effectiveness of nineteenth-century medicine. He believed
that many of the medical treatments of his day were useless or
even harmful. Dr. Still was one of the first physicians to study
the effects of good health on disease, eventually pioneering the
concept of “wellness” more than 130 years ago.
In response to his studies, Dr. Still developed a philosophy of
medicine based on ideas that dated back to Hippocrates, the
father of medicine. The philosophy focuses on the unity of all body
parts. He identified the musculoskeletal system as a key element
in the achievement of good health. Dr. Still recognized the body’s
ability to heal itself and stressed preventive medicine, such as a
healthy lifestyle of eating well and staying fit. He believed that the
osteopathic physician acts as a teacher to help patients take more
responsibility for their own well-beings and to change unhealthy
Here’s a timeline beginning with osteopathic medicine’s founder.
For more detailed information, visit the History of Osteopathic
Medicine Virtual Museum or read one of the many books that
follow the proud history of our profession.
| Back to Table of Contents
A Timeline of Osteopathic Medicine’s
1828: Andrew Taylor Still is born in Virginia and eventually studies
medicine under his father. After serving as a physician in the Civil
War amid horrific health conditions and losing three of his children
to spinal meningitis, Dr. Still recognizes the limitations of allopathic
medicine. Osteopathic medicine is born from Dr. Still’s goal of
trying to prevent disease rather than treat it afterward. He pursues
a medical system independent of drugs, except for antiseptics
and antidotes for poison, because he believes that diseases are
the result of anatomical abnormalities followed by physiological
1874: Dr. Still identifies the principles and practices of
osteopathic medicine, which support the belief that the
human body, much like a machine, ought to function well if it
is mechanically sound. You can learn more about Dr. Still’s life
and work by visiting the A.T. Still University’s online Still National
Osteopathic Museum.
1892: The first osteopathic medical school opens in Kirksville,
Missouri. Originally named the American School of Osteopathy,
A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine has
only 18 students in its first graduating class in March 1894.
1896: Vermont is the first state to license DOs.
1897: The American Association for the Advancement of
Osteopathy, now the American Osteopathic Association, is
founded by students of the American School of Osteopathy.
1910: The Flexner Report is published. Professor Abraham
Flexner writes the report that radically changes the way medical
schools operate in the United States. After visiting all 155
American medical schools and reviewing their different entrance
requirements, sizes, training facilities, financial conditions
and relationships with hospitals, Flexner’s report makes
recommendations to standardize the system.
Today, osteopathic medical schools in the United States still
follow Flexner’s recommended format. In fact, almost 100 years
later, osteopathic medical schools train each physician to be a
“social instrument . . . whose function is fast becoming social and
preventive, rather than individual and curative.”
1917: Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, passes away.
1918: The Great Swine influenza pandemic. As antibiotics
are not yet used in medical practices, people are frequently
infected with bacterial pneumonia after contracting the flu. The
conventional treatment is a mercury compound, calomel, which
acts as a cathartic. To ease a patient’s suffering, doctors give
Dover’s powder, a substance primarily made from opium, for
aches, and strychnine for heart trouble.
However, osteopathic physicians perform OMT to increase the
hyper sympathetic tone, improve breathing and facilitate immunity
functions. DOs also apply preventive measures like isolation,
hygiene and fluid intake.
The differences in patient outcomes are remarkable. Patients
treated by DOs report a mortality rate less than 1% while others
treated by allopathic physicians suffer from a mortality rate of
1918: Harrison H. Fryette, DO, a graduate of the Chicago
College of Osteopathic Medicine, publishes Physiologic
Motion, which describes Principles I and II of thoracic and
lumbar spinal motion.
1941: Signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Military
Appropriations Act officially recognizes DOs in the nation’s
military services. However, DOs are still excluded from the armed
forces’ medical corps.
1950s: The osteopathic medical profession requests a hearing
before the Armed Services Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate in
the mid-1950s. The request is granted and the hearing results in
legislation granting DOs eligibility for military commissions.
He recommends modeling medical education after Johns
Hopkins University. Many schools do not meet his recommended
standards and nearly half of the 155 schools close or merge
with other institutions. By enforcing the Flexner standards, the
AOA revolutionizes the colleges of osteopathic medicine, which
ensures the survival of osteopathic medicine.
| Back to table of Contents
1953: Dr. Cline meets with DOs and the AOA. He reports
his conclusions to the AMA that DOs are not “cultists.” He
recommends osteopathic medical school site visits to prove
that the institutions meet the same criteria as allopathic medical
1955: The AOA grants site visits to osteopathic medical
colleges. The report from the campus visits establishes that
osteopathic medical students spend more time in school than their
allopathic counterparts. In addition, the report communicates to
the AMA that osteopathic medical students are better educated in
the basic sciences, especially anatomy.
Finally, the report asks again that the “cultist” label be removed
from osteopathic medicine. Unfortunately, the AMA refuses.
1957: It is discovered that California State officials have secretly
eliminated statements of DO separateness and independent
thought. The officials propose that the AOA do the same.
1961: The California Medical Association and the California
Osteopathic Association merge. The merger replaces the
College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (COPS) with an
allopathic medical college, the California College of Medicine in
Los Angeles. The new school gives MD degrees to its DO faculty.
DOs are offered an MD degree after attending 12 Saturday classes
and paying a $65 fee. A year later, Proposition 22 abolishes the
California osteopathic licensing board. Approximately 85% of
practicing California DOs exchange their DO credentials for MD
credentials. However, the credentials are not recognized outside
the state. A new state osteopathic organization is promptly
organized by the AOA to facilitate retention of the osteopathic
identity among California DOs.
Surprisingly, the challenges in California become the catalyst for
obtaining full licensure in all 50 states. The argument for licensure
is based on the COPS’ conversion to an allopathic medical school
with few curriculum changes and no additional training for DOs.
1966: DOs are accepted as physicians and surgeons in all
branches of the military. Additionally, DOs are commissioned
into the U.S. Military and Medicare programs accept the AOA
as an accrediting agency for osteopathic health care facilities.
1952: John Cline, MD, is appointed to a national committee to
investigate the American Medical Association’s (AMA) position
on DOs as “cultists.” The AMA considers it unethical for an MD
to associate with a DO. The consequence of association with an
osteopathic physician is expulsion from the AMA.
1969: The AMA changes its bylaws to allow DOs to train in
allopathic residencies.
1970: The AOA approves a policy allowing osteopathic medical
school graduates to train within the AMA graduate medical
education system.
1973: All 50 states and the District of Columbia grant DOs full
practice rights.
1994: The AOA inaugurates its first African-American President,
William G. Anderson, DO.
1998: The AOA launches the Campaign for Osteopathic Unity.
The campaign has three goals: accentuating the distinctiveness of
DOs and osteopathic medicine, making “DO” a household word,
and unifying the osteopathic medical profession.
2000: The AOA unveils a public education component of the
Campaign for Osteopathic Unity in October. The new element
includes national advertising. The ads are created to impact
the primary health care decision-makers in the home—women
between the ages of 35 and 54. The series promotes relevant
medical specialties for this market such as family practice,
obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine and pediatrics. The
ads run periodically in Redbook, Reader’s Digest Family Edition,
Oprah, American Baby, Self and Parents magazines through May
2002: The Campaign for Osteopathic Unity continues to spread
the word about DOs and osteopathic medicine with a new
advertising campaign, “I Can DO Anything …Thanks To My
DO.” The two-color ads run periodically in People and US Weekly
through March 2003.
2004: As the first phase of the Campaign for Osteopathic Unity
ends, the AOA creates Unity II. The second campaign found on
unity within the profession to instill a greater sense of professional
loyalty among all DOs and osteopathic medical students.
| Back to Table of Contents
2005: Research from Unity II results in the AOA re-branding
initiative. The AOA unveils its new brand, including a new logo
and tagline, in October. The new brand renews the AOA’s position
as a DO’s professional family.
The AOA visits the White House for the fourth time in five years in
support of the patient bill of rights.
2006: The AOA launches the AOA President’s Blog on its website,
allowing members of the osteopathic family to connect directly
with the 2006-07 President, John A. Strosnider, DO.
2008: The AOA creates group pages on social media sites,
MySpace and Facebook.
2009: The DO magazine becomes a strictly online publication.
2010: The AOA inaugurates its first female president, Karen J.
Nichols, DO.
For current statistics on the osteopathic medical profession,
including statistics on the number of living DOs, number of
students enrolled in colleges of osteopathic medicine, and
their breakdown by gender, ethnic group and college, visit the
Osteopathic Medical Profession Report on Osteopathic.org.
| Back to table of Contents
What is the AOA?
The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is the professional
family for osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical
students. There are over to 18,000 osteopathic medical students
and more than 70,000 DOs. More than 20% of the DO population
is under the age of 35.
The AOA is more than just a membership organization. The AOA
supports quality education throughout the entire osteopathic
medical education continuum. Through its Commission on
Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), the AOA is the
federally-recognized accrediting authority for colleges of
osteopathic medicine. It supports osteopathic postdoctoral
training institutions, osteopathic internships and residencies, and
osteopathic continuing medical education providers throughout
the country. The AOA is also the recognized authority for
osteopathic certifying boards and has deeming authority from the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to accredit hospitals
and health care facilities.
More than 60% of the AOA’s annual budget supports these
regulatory activities, which ultimately affect your ability to attend
medical school and practice as an osteopathic physician.
The organizational structure of the association facilitates your
education and future practice as well. Currently, the AOA has 13
Department of Accreditation
Department of Internal and External Affairs
Department of Communications
Department of Education
Executive Department
Department of Finance
Department of Government Relations
Department of Human Resources
Department of Information Technology
Department of Membership
Department of Publications
Department of Quality, Research and Public Health
Department of State, Affiliate, Socioeconomic and Internal
perspectives on AOA strategic policy and other medical issues.
Members of this division are always accessible to you. Contact
the Division of Student, Intern, Resident and Member Affairs with
questions or to request assistance, at sira@osteopathic.org or
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8126.
American Osteopathic Association:
Treating Our Family and Yours
Within the Department of Education, the Division of Postdoctoral
Training facilitates the Match, internship and residency
opportunities, the Electronic Residency Application Service
(ERAS), and individual training approval. For questions about
these issues contact the division staff at (800) 621-1773, ext.
While these two divisions directly relate to your osteopathic
medical education, the entire AOA is your osteopathic professional
family. Please contact staff in any department at any point in your
osteopathic career for assistance.
The AOA maintains two official office locations: Chicago and
Washington, DC. The Washington, DC, office houses the
Department of Government Relations. This department handles
federal legislative and regulatory issues. The remaining 12
departments are housed within the Chicago office. Refer to
Attachment Two for a complete contact information list.
The AOA’s mission is to advance the distinctive philosophy and
practice of osteopathic medicine. The AOA’s vision is to be the
professional home for all osteopathic physicians.
The AOA’s Student Benefits
As your professional family, the AOA offers every osteopathic
medical student complimentary membership to facilitate
participation within the organization and provide you with the
resources you’ll need throughout your career.
Your AOA membership card will arrive in the mail at the beginning
of your first year of osteopathic medical school. Your AOA
membership card will provide your assigned AOA number. This
number will remain the same throughout your life. It is with
this identification number that the AOA will maintain important
credentialing information for you to begin your practice.
The Division of Student, Intern, Resident and Member Affairs is
within the Department of Membership. This division is in constant
communication with osteopathic medical students to gather
| Back to table of Contents
The AOA also works closely with affiliated organizations. These
organizations offer great benefits to ease your transition from
osteopathic medical student to osteopathic physician, such as
online forums, osteopathic medical meetings and conventions.
Your involvement in affiliate organizations can assist you in
securing the optimal internship, residency or future practice.
If you haven’t yet received your AOA membership card, you can
register here on Osteopathic.org or contact the AOA Member
Service Center at msc@osteopathic.org or (800) 621-1773,
option 1.
Do I Need to Sign Up for the AOA?
Some of Osteopathic.org’s features for students include:
• The AOA President’s Blog, which offers the entire
osteopathic family an opportunity to speak directly with 20102011 AOA President, Karen J. Nichols, DO.
• The iLearn AOA Mentor Program, which matches
osteopathic medical students with practicing osteopathic
physicians in specific specialties and/or locations so that
they may communicate via e-mail, in person, on rotation, or
however is most beneficial.
• The Mentor Recognition Program to nominate a
deserving mentor.
• Links to social networking sites, Facebook, LinkedIn and
• The Opportunities page, a searchable database of all
osteopathic internships and residencies.
• Information on postdoctoral internship and residency policy
and procedures.
• Frequently Asked Questions for students, including details
about the Performance Evaluation (PE) clinical assessment
component of the exam.
• DO Jobs Online, the profession’s job board that includes
residencies and unfilled post-match internships.
• Advocacy news and resources.
• Tips to update your contact information and other items
through the online AOA Member Service Center.
Other student benefits include DO Day on Capitol Hill; free
registration to OMED, The AOA’s annual Osteopathic Medical
Conference & Exposition; free online subscriptions to The DO and
the JAOA—The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association;
discounts on GEICO auto insurance, Epocrates software, and
T-Mobile phone plans, and financial products and services.
No. Your membership automatically began when you became an
osteopathic medical student. If you have yet to receive information
from the AOA, contact the AOA Member Service Center to ensure
the AOA has your correct contact information.
Make Sure You Keep Your Contact
Information Updated
We know your schedule is busy but it’s important to keep
your contact information up to date in AOA records. Keeping
your contact information accurate allows the AOA to remain in
contact with you throughout osteopathic medical school to offer
educational, leadership and other opportunities along the way. In
addition, as your career progresses, you will need the information
the AOA accumulates for professional credentialing. So keep in
What Else Can I Do?
Your AOA number is your vehicle for accessing the membersonly portal of Osteopathic.org. Visit the Student section of
Osteopathic.org, specifically designed to meet the needs of
osteopathic medical students. This section contains all of the
information students need as they try to navigate through
osteopathic medical school.
Joining osteopathic medical student organizations like the Student
Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) and state or specialty
organizations can help you network nationally with other students
and may help shape your interests in leadership, specialties,
advocacy or community service. The importance of creating
relationships within the osteopathic medical profession cannot be
overstressed. Being an active participant in your profession will
enhance your career and make you feel closer to the osteopathic
You may also apply to serve as a student representative on
one of the AOA’s many bureaus, councils and committees. The
application process begins in January of each year for students
to serve from July to June. Each student representative serves
alongside the leaders and experts of the osteopathic medical
profession and there are positions available in every aspect of
the profession: education, research, international affairs, federal
policy, and communications.
| Back to Table of Contents
As a future DO, you can be a part of change! Issues like health
care reform and professional liability insurance (PLI) premiums are
problems that practicing physicians face everyday.
Ultimately, the AOA is the only organization that advocates for and
protects the welfare of the osteopathic medical profession and
its DOs.
Championing these and other issues is important for the entire
profession. Moreover, your advocacy will further enrich your
passion for osteopathic medicine as you witness the effects of
your efforts on your community.
The AOA’s Role in Approval and Accreditation
Keeping yourself abreast of medical news within and beyond
osteopathic medicine is also extremely important. Issues and
concerns about practice management change as often as new
developments in medical technology.
Connect with the AOA
Through the AOA groups on social media sites, you can network
with your osteopathic family, receive multi-media updates, and
join in the conversation.
•Subscribe to the AOA’s YouTube Channel
• Join the AOA group page or “like” the DO page on Facebook
• Network with other osteopathic professionals on LinkedIn
• Follow The DO magazine on Twitter
• Follow the AOA’s Department of Government Relations’
activities on Twitter
The AOA and the American Medical Association
The AOA is the organization distinctly created for the osteopathic
medical profession and the American Medical Association (AMA)
is its counterpart within the allopathic profession. However, the
AOA has authority to accredit hospitals and other health care
facilities; approve internship and residency programs; and accredit
continuing medical education (CME) sponsors.
The AOA is the accrediting authority for colleges of osteopathic
medicine through its Commission on Osteopathic College
Accreditation (COCA). Conversely, the free-standing Liaison
Committee on Medical Education (LCME) is the accrediting
authority for allopathic medical schools in the United States and
There are many institutions and programs for which the AOA
provides regulatory oversight. “Accreditation” and “approval” are
two forms of recognition the AOA uses to certify the quality of
osteopathic institutions and programs. Institutions and programs
that the AOA accredits and those that it approves follow:
Accreditation of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) recognizes the AOA’s
COCA as the only accrediting agency for colleges of osteopathic
medicine (COMs). AOA accreditation means that a COM correctly
and appropriately defined its mission; secured the resources to
accomplish that mission; shows evidence that it is accomplishing
its mission; and demonstrates the determination to continue that
mission. Other requirements for accreditation through COCA
• Each COM must incorporate the science of medicine;
osteopathic principles and practices; the art of caring; and the
power of touch within a curriculum that teaches the importance
of the interrelationship of structure and function for diagnostic
and therapeutic purposes.
The AOA: Become Involved Now
• Each COM must educate osteopathic medical students to
address the body as a whole in both disease and health; and
each institution should teach homeostasis and self-regulation
as the cornerstones of preventive health care.
Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Program Approval
Your internship and residency are fundamental parts of becoming
a DO. While educating you in the skills you will need in practice,
these programs reinforce the hands-on approach that is central to
the ideals of osteopathic medicine.
• The AOA’s Program and Trainee Review Council (PTRC)
reviews, evaluates and approves osteopathic graduate medical
education programs.
• The AOA assists directors of medical education (DMEs),
residency program directors, faculty and other professionals
in providing interns and residents with the highest quality
graduate medical education (GME).
Both the AOA and the AMA share many of the same goals and
agenda items. Both are committed to physicians’ professional
lives; improving the nation’s health care; advocating for both
physicians and patients; and PLI reform.
| Back to Table of Contents
must be accredited by the AOA. OPTIs allow a number of facilities
to combine resources so that they can provide osteopathic interns
and residents with an optimal education experience and quality
rotations within their OPTI.
Through the AOA, specialty certifying boards offer certification
in both primary specialties, such as family practice, internal
medicine, neuromusculoskeletal medicine and general surgery;
and in subspecialties, like cardiology, gastroenterology, sports
medicine and sleep medicine.
There are many reasons to pursue AOA board certification:
• Approximately 85% of practicing physicians in the United
States are board certified. Certification demonstrates a high
standard of physician excellence.
• Patients seek out physicians who have taken the extra step
to receive board certification. Your professional credentials
demonstrate your commitment to quality of service and to life
long learning.
Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program
This program accredits hospitals and other health care facilities.
The AOA’s accrediting authority is recognized by the federal
government; state governments; Medicare and Medicaid carriers;
and insurance companies including managed care organizations.
• Many health care facilities, insurance companies and managed
care organizations require physicians to be board certified.
CME Sponsor Accreditation
The AOA also accredits osteopathic continuing medical educa­tion
(CME) sponsors. These individuals are authorized to provide AOA
Category 1-A credit to DOs. Category 1-A CME credits are earned
by attending formal osteopathic education programs designed to
enhance clinical competence and improve patient care.
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2013, the process for recertification will
change from being a single event to a continuous, life long
process, known as Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC).
OCC will serve as a way in which you, as a board-certified DO,
maintain currency and demonstrate competency in your specialty
area. To maintain your certification as a DO, you will be required to
participate in the five components of the OCC process.
The AOA established its CME requirements to ensure that its
members keep current in their chosen medical specialty and
continue to include osteopathic principles and practices to benefit
the health and well-being of their patients. In addition, many
states require physicians to earn CME to maintain their license.
All AOA certifying boards require DOs to earn CME to maintain
certification. After completion of residency, AOA members are
required to earn a minimum of 120 credits of CME, 30 credits
which must be in Category 1-A over a set three-year cycle.
Residents who complete training mid-cycle will have a pro-rated
requirement depending on when the cycle ends.
• Component 1- Unrestricted Licensure
AOA Board Certification and Approval
of Certification Standards
• If you wish to serve as a program director for an osteopathic
residency program or a director of medical education, you must
be AOA board certified.
OPTI Accreditation
In 1995, the AOA adopted a new system of osteopathic
graduate medical education (OGME). The system is based on
osteopathic postdoctoral training institutions (OPTIs). Every OPTI
is a community-based training consortium that includes at least
one AOA-accredited college of osteopathic medicine and one
AOA-accredited hospital, but most OPTIs partner with additional
institutions including ambulatory care facilities, rehabilitation
centers and surgery centers. The AOA requires that all OGME
training programs belong to at least one OPTI. Then, the OPTIs
• Component 2- Life Long Learning/Continuing Medical
• Component 3- Cognitive Assessment
• Component 4- Practice Performance Assessment and
• Component 5- Continuous AOA Membership
For answers to frequently asked questions about OCC and
more details on each component, visit the OCC section of
The AOA oversees the work of the 18 specialty certifying boards,
reviewing each board’s requirements for certification to ensure that
each board creates a valid and defensible certification process.
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The AOA’s Department of Government Relations (DGR) advocates
on your behalf to the U.S. Administration, Congress and other
federal agencies. In addition, the AOA’s Division of State
Government and International Affairs collaborates with state and
specialty organizations in advocating for favorable legislation on
a local level.
The AOA’s legislative priorities are selected by the AOA Bureau
of Federal Health Programs every two years to coincide
with each two-year congressional term. The DGR prepares
recommendations for the bureau based on policies set by the
AOA House of Delegates, the current political environment and
the AOA’s mission.
The Bureau of Federal Health Programs meets three times a year
to discuss policy and make recommendations on health care
issues before Congress.
In addition, state and specialty osteopathic medical associations
participate in the AOA’s advocacy activities. You can influence
change by becoming involved with these organizations.
Osteopathic medical students offer fresh insight on issues that
affect the profession and shape the future of health care.
Current hot topics:
• Health System Reform
• PLI (Personal Liability Insurance) Reform
• Access to health care for the uninsured
•Rural health care
• Medicare and Medicaid
• Patient safety
Go to the Advocacy page on Osteopathic.org to read more
about AOA’s legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts.
DO Day on Capitol Hill – Students and DOs
Advocate for the Profession
Each spring, osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical
students unite in Washington, DC, for DO Day on Capitol Hill.
During DO Day, DOs and osteopathic medical students educate
members of Congress and their staff on osteopathic medicine and
challenges facing physicians, as well as propose ideas to improve
health care for their patients.
Prior to DO Day, participants receive literature on the key issues
to be discussed with these politicians. The AOA also hosts events
to prepare students for the meetings, such as an Advocacy 101
session the evening before DO Day and a legislative briefing
breakfast the morning of the meeting.
DO Day is exhilarating – the AOA hosts many events throughout
the day to educate members of Capitol Hill, including press
conferences and visits to individual Congressional offices. In
addition, the occasion offers an excellent opportunity for you to
network with other osteopathic medical students, DOs and the
nation’s top health policy makers.
How to Make a Difference in Your State
and in Washington, DC
While it can be intimidating to have an appointment with your
state’s senator or representative, it is important to facilitate their
understanding of osteopathic medicine and the important issues
facing physicians and students. This type of political involvement
helps secure the osteopathic medical profession’s future.
In 2010, DO Day on Capitol Hill united more than 700 members of
the osteopathic family to advocate for the profession. Osteopathic
medical students accounted for 507 of the participants. DO Day
participants visited over 245 House of Representatives’ offices
and 84 Senate offices to discuss osteopathic medicine and
Medicare reimbursement. 
The date for 2011’s DO Day on Capitol Hill is April 7.  Please plan
on attending; your professional family needs your enthusiasm
and passion to continue its proud tradition of advocacy and
Make It Your GOAL to Help the Profession
The Grassroots Osteopathic Advocacy Link (GOAL) provides
DOs, osteopathic medical students and other members of the
osteopathic family with information and advocacy tools to help
them participate in the political process. After arming GOAL
members with up-to-date health care policy information, members
can proactively educate policy makers and help shape the future
of health care.
• For more information on GOAL, go to the Grassroots
Advocacy page on Osteopathic.org.
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The AOA works with health care providers and networks
throughout the world to establish practice rights and define
the U.S. osteopathic medical model versus the international
osteopath model. Below are some examples of how the AOA
addresses international osteopathic medicine. Contact the AOA
Division of State Government and International Affairs for more
information at (800) 621-1773, ext. 8196.
Osteopathic medicine, as practiced in the United States, continues
to gain recognition throughout the world. American-trained DOs
currently have unlimited practice rights in more than 50 countries,
with limited practice rights in several more. This list is continually
growing and continually updated on Osteopathic.org. Simply log
in and select “International Licensure” from the Advocacy tab and
then scroll to the bottom to download the “International Licensure
Summary” document.
The AOA has assigned responsibility for international activities to
the Bureau on International Osteopathic Medical Education and
Affairs (BIOMEA). The bureau, which was founded in 1996, is a
representative body created to provide organizational leadership
that unifies osteopathic medical education and practice
throughout the world. In addition, this bureau was created to
advance the recognition of the American model of osteopathic
medicine internationally.
BIOMEA provides leadership and programs that focus on
international interests of AOA members. Activities include:
• Securing and monitoring licensure and registration practices
in countries outside of the United States for American-trained
• Hosting an Annual BIOMEA International Seminar and Student
Poster Competition at OMED, the AOA’s annual osteopathic
medical conference & exposition.
• Acting as the liaison to the Canadian Osteopathic Association
(COA), Global Health Council (GHC), International Association
of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA), Osteopathic
International Alliance (OIA), Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO), World Health Organization (WHO), and World
Osteopathic Health Organization (WOHO), among other
• Distributing information on international activities of interest to
the osteopathic medical profession.
• Distributing information about the AOA and American
osteopathic medicine to parties outside of the United States.
• Coordinating international activity with osteopathic medical
students, colleges of osteopathic medicine, interested specialty
colleges and DOCARE International.
Osteopathic International Alliance
Founded in 2004, the Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA) is an
international network of osteopathic organizations. The OIA is the
primary international organization entrusted by the osteopathic
medical profession to work for global osteopathic unity and to
advocate for osteopathic health care. There are several charter
members from the United States, including the AOA, AACOM,
AOSED, SOMA and numerous colleges of osteopathic medicine.
The Alliance represents the interests of the osteopathic medical
profession around the world and aspires to be the primary
source of information on osteopathic medical education and
research, licensure/registration, and osteopathic association and
organizational contacts.
International Osteopathic Medicine
The OIA also hosts educational forums to increase understanding
of the differences within the osteopathic medical profession
globally. It serves as a communication network for the osteopathic
medical profession and aims to facilitate outreach programs and
joint research projects for the osteopathic family around the world.
• More about the Osteopathic International Alliance can be found
at www.OIAlliance.org
DOCARE International
Since 1961, DOCARE International has brought much-needed
medical care to underserved areas across the globe. DOCARE is
a non-profit organization comprised of health care professionals
representing many disciplines. The all-volunteer membership
includes DOs and MDs, nurses, dentists, veterinarians,
pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, physician assistants
and interested non-medically-trained volunteers who contribute
special skills. DOCARE’s primary objective is to bring needed
health care to primitive and isolated people in remote areas of
Western Hemisphere countries.
• More about DOCARE International and student rotations can
be found at www.docareintl.org or through your COM.
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Student Osteopathic Medical Association
In addition to your student membership in the AOA, you can also
join SOMA. SOMA can help you get acquainted with practicing
DOs and osteopathic medicine through conventions, scholarship
opportunities, forums and conferences, volunteer opportunities,
and more.
Founded in 1970, SOMA’s more than 11,000 members form the
largest osteopathic medical student organization in the country.
Every osteopathic medical student is eligible for membership in
SOMA and each college of osteopathic medicine has its own
SOMA chapter.
SOMA’s mission is to promote osteopathic ideals and unity within
the profession; to educate future osteopathic physicians; and to
establish and maintain lines of communication among health care
professionals to improve the quality of today’s health care.
While individual chapters at the COMs meet often, the national
SOMA meetings are usually held three times a year: once in
the spring in conjunction with the AOA’s DO Day on Capitol Hill,
once in the fall at OMED, and once in Chicago prior to the AOA
House of Delegates each July. SOMA also plans a Unity Project
in the winter for any of its national members to complete a large
community service project together.
SOMA is recognized by the AOA as the nation’s professional
society for osteopathic medical students. Accordingly, the
association has one voting seat within the AOA’s House of
Delegates to provide student representation for AOA policies and
While membership in SOMA gives students a voice in shaping
the future of osteopathic medicine, it also serves as a vehicle for
communication among the 26 osteopathic medical schools in 32
SOMA member benefits range from discounts on insurance and
bookstore items to a free online newsletter, the StudentDO. In
addition, SOMA organizes many local and national projects that
offer students the opportunity to be involved in their communities
and their profession, as well as scholarships.
• Visit SOMA online at www.studentdo.com to complete a
membership application. You may also contact your campus
SOMA chapter president for more details.
Council of Osteopathic Government Presidents
Another way to get involved is through COSGP, which is part
of the formal structure of the American Association of Colleges
of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). Your campus’ student
government president works with each of the other osteopathic
medical schools’ student government presidents to form a
cohesive unit that makes recommendations on how to improve
your education and AOA policies that affect students. COSGP,
together with SOMA, embody the voice of the entire osteopathic
medical student population. Both organizations are committed to
supporting student interests.
Founded in 1974, COSGP is a student representative council
elected from the student body at each COM. The student leaders
in this group represent over 18,000 currently-enrolled osteopathic
medical students across the nation.
COSGP is recognized and supported by AACOM as its official
representative body of osteopathic medical students. Its
objectives are to relay student concerns or issues to leaders within
the profession or organizations that contribute to the profession
like AACOM, the AOA, the National Board of Osteopathic Medical
Examiners, the Board of Deans, each osteopathic medical school,
and osteopathic medical students.
Student Organizations
Quarterly COSGP conferences are held in conjunction with the
AOA House of Delegates, OMED and DO Day on the Hill. There
is one winter meeting hosted at an osteopathic medical school.
In addition to working to resolve student issues on campus,
COSGP hosts several student events and awards including:
The Student Seminar – an annual event held at OMED to update
and inform students on issues, helpful tips, and topics specific
to the osteopathic medical student. At the 2009 OMED in New
Orleans, the topic was National Health Care Reform, and in 2008,
Nevada State Senator Joe Heck, DO, discussed leadership and
political activity as a physician, in Las Vegas.
The National Osteopathic Student Caucus (NOSC) – each year
before the AOA House of Delegates meeting, COSGP and student
leaders from several osteopathic medical student organizations
meet to decide student opinion on each AOA HOD resolution that
pertains to students. Student representatives then vote on the
resolutions on the House of Delegates’ floor.
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• COSGP helps your voice be heard by leaders of the osteopathic
medical profession. For more information on COSGP, visit its
website at www.cosgp.aacom.org or speak to your student
government leaders.
The Student DO of the Year Award – an annual award given to
one student at each osteopathic medical school who exemplifies
service to their school, community and the osteopathic medical
profession. In addition to a monetary award, recipients receive a
plaque and recognition in several osteopathic publications.
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Orientation week is exhilarating! You already know that it’s going
to be exciting, rewarding and tough. That’s good; it means you’re
prepared for this incredible undertaking.
The environment is fast-paced and fact-oriented, especially
during your first two years. You’ll need to review, understand and
remember a large amount of information in a very short period.
You may be required to dissect a human cadaver, and be exposed
to death and dying.
Your days will be filled with lectures and labs that can, at times,
overwhelm you and make you feel like you’re the only one
who feels totally lost. You might find that forming a mentoring
relationship with your instructors is challenging. The exams – while
you may relish the opportunity to prove that you belong in medical
school – can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated if you don’t
fare well.
But don’t give up! An adjustment period is absolutely normal.
A rocky start does not necessarily mean a rocky end. There
are ways to help you prepare. Just read the first section of this
guide for some simple steps you can take to ease your entry into
osteopathic medical school. Refer to Attachment Three for a
complete list of commonly-used acronyms in the osteopathic
medical field.
Osteopathic Medical Education:
Where the Average is Above Average
Prevention is the Key to Health – Even for You
Stress can really pile up once your classes start. Many third- and
fourth-year students speak about tough first-year experiences.
One way to put the course load, the homework, the student
loans and the competition in perspective is to remember why you
entered medical school in the first place. Talk with students who
share your frame of mind, whether on campus or online.
Getting Started: Your Life in
Osteopathic Medical School
Also, try to lead by example. Your goal as an osteopathic
physician will be to show your patients preventive medicine to
keep their bodies in top form. As an osteopathic medical student,
you know the habits that invite illness. Keep them in mind, and try
to remember the basics of staying well:
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating a
sensible diet and participating in an exercise program.
• Meet your responsibilities one at a time. Prioritize as necessary
but don’t let the workload overwhelm you.
•Use your time wisely. Try to be flexible and accommodating, but
give yourself the necessary time to get the job done right.
• Find a healthy outlet for your stress, like exercise or talking with
a close friend.
• Schedule adequate time to study and avoid situations that will
create unnecessary stress.
•Recognize that sometimes you will be tired, stressed,
inconvenienced and less than confident about how you’re
doing in school. These feelings are completely normal; try to
take breaks when you need them to relax.
You’re one of the lucky few students accepted into osteopathic
medical school. You should feel proud of yourself. However,
this sentiment is often fleeting for first-year osteopathic medical
students after many discover that while they excelled as premeds, they are now average.
Keep in mind that the reason there’s fierce competition among your
peers is that most of you have similarly successful backgrounds.
Now the over-achievers are all in one place, trying for aboveaverage scoring on everything. Furthermore, even good grades
are not totally reassuring. In medical school an “A” on an exam
doesn’t mean much.
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OMS I: Prepare Yourself for Science
Science courses dominate the first year of osteopathic medical
school. In fact, the first two years of medical school are largely
devoted to the basic sciences. You will learn the basic functions
of the human body and a core set of clinical examination skills.
While curricula may vary from school to school, the following
pages provide a general guide for the first year of medical courses.
Some Goals for Your First Year
Here are some suggestions to set the mood for your medical
• Preserve a balanced schedule that includes work, relaxation,
rewarding relationships and varied interests.
• Be receptive to new concepts without forming definitive
judgments. Remember, answers are not always logical.
• Obtain a foundation of knowledge during your clinical years.
You will build on this foundation throughout graduate medical
• Accept that practicing medicine requires certain personal
sacrifices in terms of the hours you work, the locations at which
you train, and stresses on your personal life.
• Maintain an interest in health care and the communities that
you intend to serve.
•Understand that medical education is a continual learning
process with constant advancements and changing
Strategies for Studying and Time Management
Studying the human body is an intense undertaking. Here are
some tips to help you study the basic sciences:
• Start every study session with a list of goals and tactics. For
instance, you may want to convert notes on blood component
synthesis into a diagram or you may develop a chart of
chromosomal abnormalities.
•Review questions from old exams or medical board review
books to keep you sharp.
• Summarize information to help remember only what is
necessary. Expressing the information in your own words
makes it easier to understand and remember.
• Consolidate notes to a short format to facilitate studying
during short breaks. Rewriting notes will help you remember
the material.
• Create your own study tools like flashcards to make the
material less intimidating.
Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulative
Medicine (OMM)
During the first year of osteopathic medical school, you will be
introduced to osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM). As you
learn more about the musculoskeletal system, you will learn to
diagnose with your hands. It is important to remember that OMM
is a skill learned over time; it will not come all at once.
OMM is a series of hands-on techniques that relieve pain, restore
motion and align the body to facilitate the body’s proper function.
Patients may feel a deep sense of relaxation, tingles and the flow
of fluids as DOs use OMM. In fact, by gently applying pressure to
certain areas of the body, DOs promote movement of the body’s
fluids; eliminate dysfunction in the motion of tissues; and release
tightly compressed joints and bones.
After taking a patient’s history, DOs will ask questions about the
patient’s lifestyle and may incorporate OMM techniques to arrive at
a diagnosis. The osteopathic approach allows DOs to determine
whether factors like posture and stress contribute to a patient’s
poor health. Then, DOs teach their patients proper measures to
avoid the same outcome in the future.
The goal of OMM is to allow the body to heal itself. This unique
approach has provided an alternative treatment for many
common illnesses. While some MDs are beginning to embrace
the philosophies of OMM, they lack the training that prepares you
to use all of the osteopathic tools.
For a complete glossary of OMM terminology, refer to Attachment
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Your first year in osteopathic medical school is geared toward
understanding basic sciences, as well as clinical exam skills and
OMM. Specific courses and curricula differ from school to school,
but typical subjects of study include:
• OMM will expose you to the principles and practices distinctive
to osteopathic medicine. Instruction may include common
techniques like muscle energy; counterstrain; functional, soft
tissue or myofascial facilitated positional release; Spencer
lymphatic pump; cranial or facial release; and sinus drainage.
• Gross anatomy is primarily learned in the lab. You should plan
to spend time in the lab outside of class to study structures in
different cadavers. Develop a sense of both unpredictable and
consistent landmarks within the body. In addition, you should
mimic gross practical exams with classmates and switch roles.
• Histology focuses on the molecular scale, both practically and
conceptually. You will analyze the structures, functions and
mechanisms of molecules.
• Embryology offers students an opportunity to learn about
structures that are rapidly changing in form, composition
and geographic relationships. To excel in this course, create
timelines with marginal notes indicating the effects at each
interval. In addition, study the characteristics and causes of
common defects and syndromes.
• Neuroanatomy is the most complex anatomy course. Devote
extra time to preview material before lectures. Then, fill in
your notes after each lecture by referring to your texts until
your notes tell a story. Afterward, go through your notes and
separate main ideas into a master by sections. For example,
study the structural relationships first; then learn the functional
aspects; then the diseases that disrupt these relationships.
• Biochemistry is another tough subject. Look at old exams
to get an idea of the main focuses within biochemistry. Then,
create a study agenda from your leanings. Another helpful tool is
an old syllabi to understand unit objectives. If your school has a
note-taking list serve, use it to get last year’s notes and preview
the new vocabulary. This will prevent you from distractions due
to vocabulary while you’re trying to take notes in class. If you
were weak in organic chemistry, read the lecture topics related
to organic chemistry before those lectures. Review and refine
information from each lecture every two to three days until the
notes start to make sense.
Your First-Year Classes
Tip: To learn a pathway, try this:
• Learn the energetic level first.
• Learn where energy (ATP) is being used or produced.
• Learn the key enzymatic reactions.
• Learn which steps are reversible and which are irreversible.
• Learn where the substance enters the pathway and where
the pathway product goes next.
• Physiology teaches mechanisms that allow the body to
maintain homeostasis and to adjust to different environments
like higher temperatures and higher altitudes.
Try these tactics in order to stay on top:
•Understand the big picture. Know how the overall organ
system of the body works.
• Master the ways in which variables within that system
respond to external and internal change.
• Know the formulas that represent the interactions.
• Test your knowledge with practice questions.
• Know where substances like hormones and neuro­trans­
mitters are synthesized and stored; and what triggers or
inhibits them.
• Do not skip regulatory mechanisms.
• Know what lab tests are used to confirm emphasized
• Immunology is a course that teaches terminology for
processes and mechanisms. You’ll need to know the stages
of the immune response; the time frame for various responses;
factors that lead to immunosuppressant; and factors that
either stimulate or decrease response time. The coursework
facilitates flow charts instead of outline-formatted notes to
capture the information. You may also want to practice with old
exam questions.
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Ask Faculty for Help
Sometimes, the faculty may seem too intimidating to approach
for help. Remember, your instructors are dedicated professionals
who want you to succeed – that’s what makes them such great
If you can’t get an instructor’s help directly, ask for them to
recommend another resource. He or she may suggest another
student or an online resource. Take their advice. It’s easy to get
overwhelmed during lectures and labs, so if you don’t seek help
immediately it may delay other learnings in class.
• Don’t forget about iLearn, the AOA’s mentoring program. An
experienced DO may have the answer you need!
Tutoring and Other Help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many osteopathic medical schools
have a tutoring program available for first- and second-year
students. In addition, there are many study guides online to help
Past students will tell you that old exams are a valuable resource.
So, ask fellow students where to find the exams or try finding
them yourself.
Visit online forums to seek advice from current or former
students. Message boards on www.studentdo.com and
www.studentdoctor.net allow osteopathic medical students to
discuss tips on avoiding day-before test stress, the pressures of
studying and more.
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Congratulations, you made it to your second year of osteopathic
medical school! During this year, your course load will grow and
you’ll be introduced to the osteopathic and allopathic national
board exams.
Your Second-Year Classes
Your second year in osteopathic medical school is also geared
toward understanding basic sciences, as well as clinical exam
skills and OMM. Specific courses and curricula differ from school
to school, but typical subjects of study include:
The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical
Licensing Examination - USA (COMLEX-USA)
The COMLEX-USA sequence is an examination series with
three levels that serve as pathways for candidates to obtain their
osteopathic medical license after graduation. It is the osteopathic
equivalent to the United States Medical Licensing Examination
(USMLE). Created by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical
Examiners (NBOME), COMLEX-USA assesses candidates on
osteopathic medical knowledge and fundamental clinical skills that
are essential for the practice of osteopathic medicine. Hundreds
of volunteers in the basic sciences joined academic physicians
and practicing DOs to develop the examination.
• OMM will expose you to even more of the principles and
practices distinctive to osteopathic medicine.
• Microbiology educates osteopathic medical students on
how organisms invade the body. This course will introduce
you to organisms’ growth requirements, reproductive cycles,
genetics, drug sensitivity, vectors, etc.
Level 1 of COMLEX-USA is administered near the end of your
second year. You will typically take Level 2-CE and Level 2-PE
during your third or fourth year and Level 3 is taken during your
first year of GME.
To help understand, you may want to:
• Create charts of subgroups, known as the double-
stranded DNA viruses.
• Indicate similarities and differences within a group by highlighting shared features with one color and exceptions with a different color.
• Behavioral science is a challenging course that teaches the
communication, legal and psychological skills as they relate
to epidemiology and biostatistics. Your first step in mastering
behavioral science is learning the vocabulary. Then, learn the
basic principles and apply them. Finally, save sample problems
from your lectures and text to practice statistical problems and
judge study designs.
• General pathology is a course involving concepts and processes,
like the stages of wound healing, rather than disease-specific
information. Use flow charts to best understand the material.
Test yourself by applying what you know to actual questions.
• Systemic pathology teaches the incidence, etiology,
morphologic changes, gross and microscopic lab findings,
prognosis, and initial treatment of specific disorders. To learn
the material, color-code the different categories of information
in your notes. To study, follow each color to see how a group
of diseases vary in each of the categories identified above. You
may also want to make charts of important disease groups,
using the categories as column headers and the features of
the different diseases for each row title. Again, color-code the
key differences. In addition, look at old exams to identify the
important categories.
All students must register, submit payment and schedule their
COMLEX-USA examination by using the registration program
available on the NBOME Website, www.nbome.org. If you are
unable to register online, contact the Dean’s office of your school
because eligibility is initiated by your Dean through a secure Web
Osteopathic medical students are advised to familiarize
themselves with the most current content on the NBOME website. Furthermore, osteopathic medical students are required to
read the information contained in the “Bulletin of Information” as
a pre-requisite to registering for the test. The NBOME has strict
regulations regarding confidentiality and irregular conduct prior
to, during and after the administration of any COMELX-USA
NBOME recently introduced Biometric ID Management programs
for all osteopathic medical students entering the testing sequence.
When you arrive at the test center, you will be fingerprinted for
identification purposes. You must bring two pieces of identification,
at least one of which is a current and valid form of governmentissued, photo-bearing identifica­tion. A driver’s license or passport
will suffice. You will be fingerprint-identified each time you enter
and leave the test area and again when you return to a test center
for the next level of COMLEX-USA.
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disease processes in the first Level.
COMLEX-USA Level 1 is a one-day, computer delivered,
multiple-choice examination covering the basic medical sciences
of anatomy, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology,
osteopathic principles, pathology, pharmacology, physiology
and other areas relevant to medical problems in an integrated
manner. The examination consists of two four-hour sessions,
containing questions generally presented as case vignettes related
as clinical presentations across all basic science disciplines. Health
promotion and disease prevention principles are also included in
this level, but to a lesser degree than in Levels 2 and 3.
Each level of the COMLEX-USA is important because you cannot
progress to the next exam until you pass its predecessor; with
the exception of Level 2-CE/PE. The two parts of this exam will
be explained later. All osteopathic medical schools require that
osteopathic medical students pass the first and second levels of
COMLEX-USA to graduate. In addition, GME programs often use
examination results to select students for their residency training.
• For a detailed explanation of COMLEX-USA Level 1, visit
the NBOME’s website at www.nbome.org. The NBOME
website also contains information on fee schedules, scores,
applications, practice items, practice exams, test dates and
ADA procedures.
COMLEX-USA is a medical problem-solving examination. So,
you are expected to employ osteopathic principles and practices
to solve clinical problems. Each level of the exam contains
problems that involve clinical presentations and tasks. The clinical
presentation identifies high-frequency or high-impact health issues
that osteopathic primary care physicians commonly encounter
in practice. The physician task evaluates the steps osteopathic
physicians take in solving medical problems. Osteopathic medical
students are tested on medical concepts and principles necessary
for understanding the mechanisms of medical problems and
Level 1 Scores
The percentage of examinees that pass or fail the COMLEX-USA
is not predetermined. The passing score for each level is based on
a candidate’s performance on the total examination, not individual
content areas. In addition, scores are not adjusted or based on
any curve due to the performance of others who tested at or
about the same time.
To arrive at each score, the number of items answered correctly
in the cognitive examination of Level 1 is converted to a standard.
The standard score is also calculated to allow comparisons with
other Level 1 exams administered on different dates. Then, the
score is used to report a pass or fail status.
The NBOME issues a two-digit and a three-digit score to each
student. Scores are also forwarded to the Dean of his or her
COM. Upon students’ request, NBOME will forward scores to
Electronic Residency Application Service, GME programs, and
other regulatory agencies. The two-digit score is not a raw score
or a percentile ranking of the candidate. Instead, the two-digit
score is offered to comply with some licensing boards that use
this format. In these cases, osteopathic medical students must
receive a score of at least 75 to pass. However, in the three-digit
format, the standard scores for Level 1 have a mean of 500 and
osteopathic medical students pass with a score of 400. Therefore,
a two-digit score of 75 equates to a three-digit score of 400 for
Level 1. COMLEX-USA score reports also include a graphical
performance profile, summarizing strengths and weaknesses for
Dimension 2. Students may visit the NBOME website for more
details on score interpretation.
Some test items may be included in COMLEX-USA solely for
research purposes and will not be scored. To assure validity, those
items are not identified as research items. Scores are typically
returned to the student within four to six weeks after taking
Level 1.
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Now that you’re halfway through osteopathic medical school,
you begin a full curriculum of clinical rotations. This year is
usually comprised of six basic clinical rotations: obstetrics and
gynecology, internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine,
surgery, and psychiatry. Your role will vary in each rotation and
setting, from performing physicals and participating in procedures
to listening and observing. In some instances, rotations are held at
facilities that require osteopathic medical students to spend time
traveling from one rotation to another.
During your rotations, you may make mistakes. Worse yet, you
may provide appropriate care and have negative patient outcomes.
This type of experience during your rotations will prepare you to
respond appropriately if this occurs during your internship or
residency. You’re going to face many tough challenges: a limited
amount of free time; being away from your classmates, family and
friends; and total exhaustion. You will also begin to use or observe
all your earlier classroom education. This becomes very exciting,
so try to enjoy it.
Clinical Rotations
Clinical rotations are very important to your medical education.
You can use this time to determine which specialty you will pursue.
Try to keep an open mind. You may think that you have always
wanted to be a surgeon, but really enjoy the problem-solving
methods you employed during an internal medicine rotation. Go
into every rotation with the stance that you’ve always wanted to
study that specialty.
During your rotations, you will be graded on: your clinical skills;
your rapport with the medical staff, interns, residents and
other students; and your enthusiasm. Remember to request
letters of recommendation from members of the medical staff
who supervised you during your best rotations, especially the
supervisor for the specialty you want to practice.
You may be wondering if you need liability coverage while on
rotation. This is usually not a concern for students rotating at a
hospital, since they are under the hospital’s watchful eye. The
hospital is ultimately responsible for the osteopathic medical
student’s actions. However, it is important to know how you are
covered, either by the school, hospital or both. When completing
a rotation in a program that interested you, be sure to make formal
presentations during rounds or present articles at journal club
meetings. This will help you later if you interview for an internship
or residency at the same facility.
By the way, the best way to understand medical journal articles
is to read those related to your studies. The premier journal for
the osteopathic medical profession is the JAOA—The Journal of
the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), available online at
www.jaoa.org. As with most journals, start with the conclusion
and then read from the beginning to see how the study was
approached and completed.
The Start of Your Transition to Internship/
• When you start to consider internship and residency programs,
remember your osteopathic family can help. The AOA provides
a searchable database, “Opportunities,” of all AOA-approved
training programs.
Let’s Connect: Your Introduction to the Match
The Match is a big deal – it’s the mechanism by which you select
where you’re going to serve at least your first year of OGME. There
are two different matches: The AOA Intern/Resident Registration
Program (“AOA Match”) and the National Resident Matching
Program (NRMP). The AOA Match is for osteopathic medical
students who plan to enter osteopathic postdoctoral training. The
NRMP matches both osteopathic and allopathic medical students
into residency training programs accredited by the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The AOA
Match is held typically the second week in February; the NRMP
Match is held mid-March.
As you enter the Match process, keep in mind that four states
require completion of an AOA-approved internship to be eligible for
state licensure as a practicing DO: Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma,
and Pennsylvania.
Students entering the AOA Match will find specialties fall into one
of three categories for their first year of training:
OPTION 1 is considered OGME 1-Residency. Students enter
residency training immediately after graduation in OPTION 1
specialties. These specialties include: Anesthesiology, Emergency
Medicine, Family Practice, FP/EM, Integrated FP and NMM,
General Surgery, Internal Medicine, IM/Pediatrics, Neurological
Surgery, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedic
Surgery, Otolaryngology Facial Plastic Surgery, Pediatrics and
Urological Surgery, and Psychiatry.
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There are two ERAS components, osteopathic and allopathic.
If applying to osteopathic programs, you must register through the
osteopathic ERAS. If applying to allopathic programs, you must
register through the allopathic ERAS.
OPTION 3 specialties (OGME 1-T) represent a traditional rotating
internship that stands alone. Specialties that have chosen this
option prefer residents in their specialty complete a traditional
rotating internship before entering their specialty. In addition,
this option is available to students who are undecided on future
plans or for students planning on entering programs accredited
by the ACGME, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education. Students completing a traditional rotating internship
and then selecting option 1 or 2 specialties must contact that
specialty college to determine whether advanced standing will
be granted. Specialties who chose OPTION 3 are Dermatology,
Occupational/Preventive Medicine, and Proctology.
There is a complete overview of ERAS on Osteopathic.
org. If you have technical questions, contact ERAS’s help line at
(202) 828-0413 or by e-mail at myeras@aamc.org. For all other
questions, contact your dean’s office.
Introduction to the Electronic Residency
Application Service (ERAS)
ERAS is a service created to enhance medical students’
transition to residency by reducing the amount of time spent
on the application process. Using the internet, ERAS transmits
a standardized application, letter of recommendation, the
Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) or dean’s letter,
transcripts, and other supporting documentation/credentials from
applicant and designated dean’s office to program directors.
The ERAS process starts at your designated dean’s office. They
will issue you an electronic token which you will use to access and
register at the MyERAS website. After completing registration,
you will complete your MyERAS application, select programs
and assign supporting documents. Your dean’s office will receive
notification of your completed application and begin scanning and
transmitting supporting documents. The examining boards will
receive and process requests for score reports to be sent to your
designated programs. Finally, programs will contact the ERAS
Post Office to download all application materials.
OPTION 2 specialties require a preliminary first year of internship
training. Programs will not grant residency credit but indicate
completion of designated preliminary year curricular rotations, as
prerequisites for entry into the first year of residency in the second
postdoctoral year of training. Matching successfully assures entry
into both the preliminary year and the subsequent second year in
residency training. Specialties who opted for OPTION 2 include
Diagnostic Radiology, NMM/OMM, Ophthalmology, Pathology,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Radiation Oncology.
The first step in your transition to residency is to review osteopathic
programs on “Opportunities,” located on Osteopathic.org.
Then, if more information is needed, contact the OGME programs
that interest you the most.
During the Match, you rank the GME programs in order of your
preference. The programs also rank “student profiles” in order
of their preference. A computerized cross-reference of the two
submissions creates a ‘match’ for both parties.
There are three steps to the Match: registration, ranking and
1.Registration: You can register electronically on the NRMP
websites. The AOA and the NRMP charge a non-refundable
registration fee at the time of registration of $60 and $50,
respectively, though fees are subject to change from year to
2.Ranking: Please note that a program will not rank an applicant
if the program did not grant the applicant an interview. The
process proceeds as follows:
• An applicant submits a list of the programs at which he or she has interviewed, in order of preference.
• Every program submits a list of applicants in its order of
• The lists are compared against one another, using a computerized matching algorithm program.
3.Results: You will receive an official letter from the AOA or the
NRMP informing you of your match results.
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The AOA Match allows you to obtain an AOA-approved position in
an osteopathic internship or residency. You can learn more about
the AOA Match on Osteopathic.org. The general timeline below
includes specific information for 2010-2011. Much of the match
process will take place in your fourth year.
The AOA has restructured the first postdoctoral year of training.
However, students should note that all OGME-1 positions,
whether internship (OPTION 2 and 3) or residency (OPTION 1),
will be offered to students through the Match, as described below.
June of your third year – Forms to participate in the AOA Intern/
Resident Registration Program (“AOA Match”) are distributed
by osteopathic medical schools. In addition, you may obtain
instructions and forms from the National Matching Services
Inc. (NMS) website.
After submitting your application, contact GME programs through
MyERAS online. The AOA’s version of ERAS is available for AOAapproved programs in July, a full month earlier than the ACGME’s
ERAS. Once you have submitted your forms online, the programs
receive your information and may contact you for an interview.
February before graduation – The AOA Match results are
released. You must follow up with your respective program as
Important Match Dates for 2010-2011
Beginning in June, 2010, students can download the Agreement
form for participation in the AOA Intern/Resident Registration
Program (AOA “Match”) from the Match website. Alternatively,
agreement forms can be mailed to students on request. To
register for The Match, each student must return a signed
Applicant Agreement to NMS accompanied by the appropriate
registration fee.
July 2010 - January 2011
Applicants apply and interview with programs separately from the
AOA Match. Applicants should contact programs for deadline
August - September 2010
Each institution offering osteopathic internship positions must
provide program information to NMS. A List of participating
programs in the AOA Match will be available on the NMS website.
Each GME program receives hundreds of applications. So, set
yourself apart by focusing on your personal statement. There are
many different options in writing a personal statement. Consult
with your peers and your advisers, and write a statement that
reflects what you value and why you want to be an osteopathic
physician in the specialty you have chosen. In addition, make
sure that all of the information within your submission is accurate
throughout your application.
Nov. 1, 2010 – Recommended date by which students should
register for the AOA Match.
While every program you applied to may not call for an interview,
when you are called for an interview, you’ll schedule it with the
individual program, not through ERAS. Interviews occur between
July and January of your fourth year. Schedule your interviews
efficiently to allow interviews at multiple programs in the same
Feb. 14, 2011
Results of the Match are released to all Match participants as
well as to the colleges of osteopathic medicine. Institutions must
complete an institutional contract for each matched student,
and send it to the student for signature within 10 working days
of receipt of the Match results. Each matched student must
sign and return the contract to the institution within 30 days of
receiving the contract from the institution. 
November before graduation – Registered students and
programs receive instructions for submitting their rank order lists
and obtaining their match results.
January before graduation – The final chance to submit your rank
order. You may submit as many or as few programs within your
list as you like.
The AOA Match
Nov. 26, 2010
Instructions for submitting rank order lists and obtaining Match
results will be provided to registered students and programs.
Jan. 28, 2011
Rank order lists are due.
NRMP Match
Also known as the ACGME Match, the National Resident Matching
Program (NRMP) follows the same basic procedure as the AOA
Match but occurs approximately one month later. You can register
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The AOA understands that not all of the military programs give
you the chance to complete the AOA’s required rotations, so use
your elective time to complete as many of the requirements as
Military Match
In addition, you may seek AOA approval of your military internship
and subsequent residency training, which allows you to become
eligible for AOA board certification in your specialty. To do this,
you have to request and submit an application to the AOA Division
of Certification and Trainee Services. You can also download the
application for military internship and/or federal military/
ACGME residency approval forms.
There’s a GME Match specifically for the military. This program
is primarily used by students already on active duty in funded
educational programs (ROTC, HPSP, USUHS and others). DOs
and MDs who graduate from accredited schools fill first-year
graduate medical education (FYGME) positions in the military,
which are equivalent to internships. To apply, you must qualify for
appointment as a commissioned officer in the armed services.
for both matches, but if you match in the AOA process, the NRMP
drops you from its process so that there is no chance of matching
in two concurrent programs. If you do not match into an AOA
program, you continue seamlessly into the NRMP Match.
Military programs also use ERAS. In addition to those documents
required through the AOA or NRMP Match, each branch of the
military may require other applications. You will be required to
take a physical exam and fill out military paperwork regarding your
background. Be sure to meet the deadlines in submitting your
paperwork because if you don’t, your medical school scholarship
entitlements might be suspended or even revoked.
Since the military match occurs first and the military doesn’t have
a surplus of FYGME openings, you may still register for the AOA
or the NRMP Match. If you’re seeking training in a specialty that
is in high demand, you may be deferred from obligatory military
programs. It’s your responsibility to tell civilian programs about
your military obligations when you interview. You must inform
them that you will withdraw from their matching program if you are
appointed to a military program. In fact, you will be automatically
withdrawn from the NRMP if you are appointed to a military
program. However, you must personally remove yourself from the
AOA Match through the NMS website.
If you train in an FYGME military program, you can apply for AOA
approval of this program as an osteopathic internship. To obtain
AOA approval, you must maintain AOA membership; register
with the AOA Division of Postdoctoral Training; and meet the
core expectations of an AOA internship. Then, be sure that your
program meets the AOA’s rotational requirements.
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So this is it – your last year. Congratulations! You are well on your
way to becoming a DO. There are only a few things left to deal
with before graduation, like COMLEX-USA Part 2 and Part 2-PE,
and your completion of the Match process.
This portion of COMLEX-USA emphasizes the medical concepts
and principles necessary for making appropriate medical
diagnoses through patient history and physical examination
Level 2-CE is a one-day, computerized, multiple-choice
examination, covering the clinical disciplines of family medicine,
emergency medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and
gynecology, osteopathic principles, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery,
and other areas necessary to solve medical problems in an
integrated manner. The examination consists of two four-hour test
sessions, containing questions related to clinical presentations
and clinical disciplines. Basic science, disease prevention, and
health promotion principles are also tested.
COMLEX-USA Level 2-Performance Evaluation (Level 2-PE) is a
clinical skills examination that assesses the fundamental clinical
skills required for osteopathic medical school graduates.
In this evaluation, patient-centered skills are examined in the
context of clinical encounters with standardized patients.
COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE is only administered at the NBOME’s
National Center for Clinical Skills Testing in Conshohocken,
Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia). The Center has the appearance of
an outpatient clinic featuring examination rooms that are equipped
with examination/treatment tables, diagnostic equipment and
sinks. In this examination, candidates rotate through a series of
12 standardized patient encounters. In each meeting, students
have up to 14 minutes to evaluate and treat the patient. This can
include conducting a case-appropriate history; performing caseappropriate physical examination maneuvers; communi­cating
with and counseling the patient; and performing osteopathic
manipulative evaluation and osteopathic manipulative treatment
(OMT) as warranted. Following each assessment, students have
up to nine minutes to complete a written SOAP note (Subjective,
Objective, Assessment, Plan).
The AOA recommends taking the COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE early.
By taking it early, you may have your scores before residency
program interviews or the Match; and you have time to retake the
examination if you do not pass the first time. Students are eligible
upon passing Level 1 and receiving approval from their dean, and
test sessions are open more than one year in advance. Another
consideration is to get the examination out of the way, provided
that you are ready to test, so that your energy can be focused on
finding a residency position.
OMS IV: You’re Almost A DO!
Each level of the COMLEX-USA is important because you cannot
progress to the next level until you pass its predecessor, with the
exception of Level 2-CE/PE. The two parts of the exam can be
taken in any order, but both must be completed before Level 3.
All osteopathic medical schools require that osteopathic medical
students pass the first and second levels of COMLEX-USA to
graduate. In addition, GME programs often use examination
results to select students for their residency training.
COMLEX-USA Part 2-CE/PE Scoring
Level 2 consists of two exams: Level 2-CE, the computerized
cognitive evaluation; and Level 2-PE, the performance evaluation.
Scoring for Level 2-CE is reported as two- and three-digit standard
scores. The number of items answered correctly is converted to
a standard score. The standard score is also calculated to allow
comparisons with other Level 2-CE exams administered on other
dates. Then, the score is used to report a pass or fail status. There
is a mean standard score of 500 for Level-2 CE. Osteopathic
medical students who receive a standard score of 400 pass. Level
2-CE scores are typically available within four to six weeks.
The COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE is scored on a pass or fail basis
within each of two domains:
1.The humanistic domain: doctor-patient
interpersonal skills and professionalism; and
2.The biomedical or biomechanical domain: history-taking and
physical examination skills, osteopathic principles and OMT
skills, and the written SOAP notes.
| Back to Table of Contents
Program (AOA “Match”) from the Match website. Alternatively,
agreement forms can be mailed to students on request. To
register for the Match, each student must return a signed
Applicant Agreement to NMS accompanied by the appropriate
registration fee.
Osteopathic medical students must pass both Level 2-PE
domains to receive a passing score for the examination. Scores
are typically returned to the student within 10 to 12 weeks after
taking Level 2-PE. Some test items may be included in COMLEXUSA solely for research purposes and will not be scored. To
assure validity, those items are not identified as research items.
Further information regarding interpretation of Level 2-PE score
reports is available on the National Board of Osteopathic Medical
Examiner’s (NBOME) website.
July 2010 - January 2011
Applicants apply and interview with programs separately from the
AOA Match. Applicants should contact programs for deadline
The third level of COMLEX-USA is usually taken during your first
year of GME. Level 3 emphasizes the medical concepts and
principles required to make appropriate patient management
August - September 2010
Each institution offering osteopathic internship positions must
provide program information to NMS. A List of participating
programs in the AOA Match will be available on the NMS website.
Level 3 is a one-day, computerized, multiple-choice examina­tion,
covering the clinical disciplines of family medicine, emergency
medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology,
osteopathic principles, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, and other
areas necessary to solve medical problems in an integrated
fashion. The examination consists of two four-hour test sessions,
containing questions related to all clinical presentations and
Nov. 1, 2010 – Recommended date by which students should
register for the AOA Match.
Osteopathic medical residents must receive a standard score
of 350 to pass the COMLEX-USA Level 3 and enter their third
year of residency. The percentage of examinees that pass or
fail the COMLEX-USA examination is not predetermined. The
passing scores for all COMLEX-USA levels are based solely on a
candidate’s performance on the total examination.
Your Completion of the Match Process
As a fourth-year osteopathic medical student, you should have
already taken the initial steps in securing your first year of GME
through the Match process. During your fourth year, you will
complete the Match process by interviewing for the internship/
residency positions that interest you most, submitting your rank
order list, and obtaining your Match results. Then, it’s off to your
Visit the AOA’s Match information page on Osteopathic.org
anytime for the most updated information about the Match.
Important Match Dates for 2010-2011
Beginning in June, 2010, students can download the Agreement
form for participation in the AOA Intern/Resident Registration
Nov. 26, 2010
Instructions for submitting rank order lists and obtaining Match
results will be provided to registered students and programs.
Jan. 28, 2011
Rank order lists are due.
Feb. 14, 2011
Results of the Match are released to all Match participants as
well as to the colleges of osteopathic medicine. Institutions must
complete an institutional contract for each matched student, and
send it to the student for signature within 10 working days of
receipt of the Match results. Each matched student must sign and
return the contract to the institution within 30 days of receiving the
contract from the institution.
Types of AOA-Approved Internship/Residency
All programs offered by the AOA Match provide OGME-1 training.
However, the programs offered through the AOA Match can be
classified into two types:
• Traditional Rotating Internship: These programs involve a oneyear commitment between the student and the institution
for an OGME-1 internship position only, commencing in July
2010. These positions will be of interest to students who wish
to pursue an Option 3 specialty (dermatology, occupational/
preventive medicine, proctology), who are undecided on future
plans or are planning on entering ACGME training after OGME-
| Back to Table of Contents
•Residency: These programs involve a multi-year commitment
between the student and the institution for training in a
specialty. These programs combine both an OGME-1 position
commencing in July 2010 followed by continued training in an
OGME-2 residency position in a specialty beginning in July
2011. (Note: The trainee must successfully complete OGME-1
training in order to continue into the OGME-2 position.) Both
Option 1 and Option 2 specialty programs will be offered as
residency programs in the Match.
Selecting an AOA Internship/Residency
Program or ACGME Program
Deciding whether to enter an AOA or an ACGME-accredited
residency is a major decision. Before you decide, consider the
•Remember, there are four states that require you to complete
an AOA-approved first year of training to obtain licensure:
Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.
• Consider if you want to hold a leadership position by teaching
or training osteopathic medical students, interns and residents
because you would need to be AOA board certified. The easiest
avenue to AOA board certification is through an osteopathic
residency. However, approval pathways for ACGME programs
also exist.
• Training in OMM and osteopathic principles and practices are
part of your continuum of osteopathic medical education.
• Every year, the AOA’s Program and Trainee Review Council
(PTRC) approves new training programs and training slots.
The AOA has several initiatives underway to increase training
slots in specialties and locations according to student interests
and workforce needs to serve patient populations. However,
the ACGME offers specialties that are not available in AOA
programs. If you are interested in one of those specialties, you
should take advantage of ACGME training.
• The ACGME offers training programs in locations where there
are no osteopathic programs available.
• The number of AOA/ACGME dually-accredited programs is
continually growing. A dual program will allow DO trainees to
take either/both AOA or ABMS boards after completion of the
1. Institutions have some flexibility in designing the composition
of a traditional rotating internship. When interviewing for
positions, students should discuss and negotiate directly
with the institution about the curriculum included in a rotating
• Quality programs are widely available at both AOA and ACGME
training sites. All programs vary, but both the AOA and ACGME
work to develop programs that meet or exceed established
It’s important to remember that you can still sit for osteopathic
board certification in your specialty area. Make sure to call the
AOA to find out how. Whatever decision you make, you will always
be a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
How to Size Up a Program
Even if you already have a great training program in mind, you
should be asking questions regarding educational issues like
didactic schedules, electives and on-call schedules. Ask questions
about the health care facility sponsoring the program; the number
of active beds; the department size; number of other residents;
the salary and benefits like insurance and vacation. Also, find out
if you are expected to buy meals when on service and pay for your
own lab coat.
You should be curious about the quality of each training program.
When you interview, you should prepare good questions and talk
to other residents about their satisfaction with the quality of the
program. You could ask, for example, what percentage of trainees
pass COMLEX-USA Part 3 and what percentage of DOs who
trained in the program become board certified? Is housing difficult
to find in the area?
As a reminder, the AOA has restructured the first postdoctoral
year of training. Most OGME-1 positions are offered as residency
positions; but some internships are still required in certain
specialties. For AOA-approved programs, all this information
is located on the “Opportunities” page of Osteopathic.org,
under the Student Resources section. For ACGME-accredited
programs, you can look in the “Medical Student Section” of the
American Medical Association’s website. The student affairs office
at your osteopathic medical school can also help you locate this
Interviewing for Internship/Residency Programs
An interview usually consists of a tour of the institution at which
you’ll be working. After the tour, you’ll have a one-on-one
interview or possibly an interview in a small group. You’ll be asked
to answer questions about yourself, your accomplish­ments and
why you’re interested in the program and specialty.
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• If you have extenuating circumstances, contact the AOA’s
Department of Education. The AOA is your professional family,
and we will support your osteopathic medical career to the best
of our ability.
Remember, answers to personal questions, such as “Are you
planning to have a baby during residency?” are not mandatory
and you do NOT have to respond. Use your best judgment, but
know that you are not required to provide an answer to that type
of query.
• You are appointed to a position in a GME program sponsored
by the U.S. military or any other matching service.
Refer to Attachment Five, the AOA Style Guide, for details on
the industry standards regarding verbiage and terminology used
within the osteopathic medical profession; these tips may come in
handy during your interviews.
Ensure the Best Possible Match
While the AOA cannot guarantee that you’ll get the exact match
you want, following these common-sense suggestions can
improve your chances:
• Don’t overestimate your chances of matching with your
top choice. Even if you are absolutely positive that you’ll
match, don’t make it your only choice. If your top choice is
an osteopathic program, the odds of matching are between
70% and 95%. If your top choice is an allopathic program, the
odds of matching into your top choice are lower (averaged 69%
between 2000 and 2005).
• Don’t underestimate your chances, either. If you really want to
Match into a specific program, but consider the competition
too heavy, go ahead and rank it anyway. Maybe the program’s
choices will surprise you. It’s not going to hurt to keep them in
your ranking.
• Don’t rank programs you don’t want.
•Remember that the order in which you rank programs is crucial
to the process. Take time to carefully consider each program
you’ve selected. You may discover reasons you would rank one
over another. You may have to evaluate whether a program’s
academic reputation or its location is more important. The
match computer is fair, but only to the rank ordered list.
• Avoid submitting a short list, especially if you’re choosing very
popular programs or specialties.
• Check online or ask your dean to find programs that didn’t fill
and would interest you if you don’t match. It is not true that
only “bad” programs don’t fill. It is possible that you will find
openings in specialties that ranked you as a second choice.
Remember to stay personable during this high-stress day. Try
to make your interviewers feel comfortable with you and be
sure to smile and make eye contact. Use all the techniques for
interviewing that you would use for a job interview. After all, that is
exactly what this process is. You are interviewing for a job as an
intern or resident in this program.
Removal from one of the Match Programs
Occurs When:
• You are participating in both the NRMP and the Canadian
Resident Matching Service and you are matched into a
Canadian program. You’ll be expected to accept the Canadian
position and NRMP will ask you to withdraw.
• You participate in the AOA Match and the NRMP for concurrent
positions; this is prohibited. The earlier schedule of the AOA’s
Match allows students to compete for openings without
entering the NRMP for positions.
You may also be removed from the NRMP for the following
• You match through the AOA Match.
• You obtained an advanced position through either the current
year’s NRMP specialty services or the previous year’s NRMP.
You will be removed from the current NRMP unless you have a
waiver to participate again.
• Your medical school cannot confirm your attendance at
• You have not paid fees for services provided by the NRMP.
A Few Reminders on The Match
Since the AOA Match process begins one month earlier than the
NRMP, the AOA Match results are typically posted one month
earlier. Therefore, AOA Match results are generally distributed in
February, and the NRMP results are issued in March.
Remember, you’re legally bound to complete the process after
matching into a program. If you decide not to participate after
being matched, you can be sued for breach of contract and be
removed from all programs and matches. In addition, during
the interview process, neither you nor any institution may solicit
information about rankings in either the AOA or NRMP program.
Even if your top choice asks for a guarantee of your selection, you
must refuse. However, you can say that you are very interested in
their program and its one of your top choices.
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Accreditation is a credential that shows that a program has
substantially complied with the AOA or ACGME’s training
standards. To develop and refine these standards and to review
accredited programs for continued compliance, the AOA and
ACGME rely on industry professionals, usually physicians, to
review programs. Representatives from 18 specialty colleges
provide support for this process. These specialty colleges have
review committees that update standards for residency training
in their specialties and review previously accredited programs
against those standards.
From Internship to Residency
AOA postdoctoral training standards are reviewed and updated
on a continuous basis through the Council on Postdoctoral
Training. The AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Education then reviews
recommendations and policy before sending them to the AOA
Board of Trustees for final approval.
Residency programs are designed to provide DOs specialty
training in their chosen field of study. A residency is a formal, fulltime, concentrated training period in your field of interest.
The training might be taken with your intention to get board
certified in a specific osteopathic or allopathic specialty. You’ll
receive a certificate of completion at the end of an AOA-approved
program. You can find information about these programs on the
“Opportunities” page on Osteopathic.org.
Submitting Annual Residency Reports
All programs must provide a predetermined number of patients
and procedures for a resident to meet accreditation standards.
Most residencies also have electronic medical record tracking
software to record all of the patients you’ll see and the procedures
you’ll perform; however, it can’t hurt to have your own back-up of
this information.
You must also maintain your membership in the AOA. Applicants
who apply for the pathway during their internship/residency will
be required to complete all AOA-approved traditional internship
requirements within the ACGME program or meet the firstyear curricular requirements of the specialty and participate
in an osteopathic medical education activity. The activity can
be attending an AOA state specialty or national convention,
participating in an OMM program or conducting research. Finally,
the application is reviewed by members of the AOA’s Program and
Trainee Review Council for approval.
Approval of ACGME Training as an AOA OGME1 Year
During ACGME training or after graduating from ACGME training,
an osteopathic physician may be eligible for AOA training approval
by the “Approval of ACGME Training as an AOA-Approved OGME1 Year” policy.
To initiate this process, you must complete and submit the
appropriate application to the AOA. Visit “Applications” within the
student section of Osteopathic.org.
The AOA and the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education’s
(ACGME) Role in Approving and
Accrediting Residency Programs
The AOA approves internships and residency programs and the
ACGME accredits residency programs. Basically, it is a similar
process for both accrediting organizations.
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The typical length of a residency depends on your chosen
specialty. Since OGME has about 87 specialties or sub­specialties,
this can vary. In addition, there are more opportunities available to
you after the residency, like post­doctoral fellowships.
You can enter fields like oncology, endocrinology, pulmonology
diseases, rheumatology, hematology, and more if you have
completed an internal medicine residency. For those who have
finished an OB/GYN residency, opportunities abound in fields
such as maternal and fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology,
and gynecologic oncology. Many other specialties and subspe­
cialties exist for OGME, including programs like sports medicine,
anesthesiology, neuromusculoskeletal medicine, pediatrics,
radiation oncology and orthopedic surgery.
Let’s Get Board Certified
It is never too early to start thinking about board certification.
Board certification is often confused with the COMLEX-USA or
USMLE exams, which are licensing exams.
The board certification process typically begins after or just
prior to completion of your residency program in your chosen
specialty.Depending upon the specialty, AOA certification exams
may consist of written, clinical and oral components. To find
specific requirements for each of the AOA specialty boards, visit
On completion of your training program, you are eligible and
qualified to become board certified. AOA Board Eligibility Status
is effective until Dec. 31 of the sixth year following completion
of your training program. Visit Osteopathic.org for any specific
requirements for each specialty certifying board.
Please note: The ABMS no longer recognizes the term or process
of “board eligibility,” but it is still commonly used and recognized
in hospitals.
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Once you’ve completed your residency, you’ll have to continue
your clinical education, per the AOA’s CME requirement. If you elect
to become AOA Board Certified, you will be required to maintain
membership in the AOA. All members of the AOA are required
to complete 120 CME credits within a specified three-year cycle,
with 30 of these credits obtained from an accredited Category 1-A
sponsor. Category 1-A credit is granted for participation in formal
face-to-face programs. The remaining 90-credit-hour requirement
can be satisfied from Category 1-A, 1-B, 2-A or 2-B credits. When
you complete your residency training, it will likely be mid-cycle,
so your requirement will be pro-rated accordingly. For details on
other CME requirements, contact the AOA Division of Continuing
Medical Education.
Your Life After Residency
An AOA board-certified physician must complete at least 50
Category 1 or 2 credits in their specialty each three-year cycle.
Some specialties require additional credits for board certification.
The requirement of CME assures DOs and their patients that
osteopathic physicians are knowledgeable about the best
practices and procedures available. Most states require CME
for licensure and some specialties may require additional CME
credits beyond AOA membership require­ments. The AOA accepts
CME credit submitted by members from the Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the American
Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), but it is typically Category
2 credit.
Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC):
Your Commitment to Life Long Learning and
As a board-certified osteopathic physician, you are held to a
higher standard that requires a commitment to life long learning
and assessment. Your commitment is demonstrated through
continuing medical education and through the Osteopathic
Continuous Certification (OCC) process to maintain your board
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OCC is a continuous, life long process that will serve as a way
in which you, as a board certified DO, maintain currency and
demonstrate competency in your specialty area. Beginning on
Jan. 1, 2013, to maintain your certification as a DO, you will be
required to participate in the five components of the OCC process.
• Component 1- Unrestricted Licensure
• Component 2- Life Long Learning/Continuing Medical
• Component 3- Cognitive Assessment
• Component 4- Practice Performance Assessment and
• Component 5- Continuous AOA Membership
For answers to frequently asked questions about OCC and
more details on each component, visit the OCC section of
Life long learning and assessment may seem overwhelming right
now, but the fact that you chose to be an osteopathic physician
proves that you are up to the challenge!
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As you progress through osteopathic medical school, some of the
following references may serve as a resource.
Associations and Websites
You’re probably already familiar with the osteopathic websites and
resources available to you. A short list of associations with great
websites for the osteopathic medical student include:
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA):
• National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Inc.
(NBOME): www.nbome.org
• Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents
(COSGP): www.cosgp.aacom.org
• Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA):
• Opportunities: opportunities.osteopathic.org
• AOA on Facebook: www.facebook.com
• AOA on LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com
• AOA on YouTube: www.YouTube.com/
• The DO magazine: www.Osteopathic.org/TheDO
• The DO magazine on Twitter: http://twitter.com/
• AOA’s Department of Government Relations’ Activities on
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AOA_GOAL
These websites will allow you to participate in forums, find the
best study guides, sign up for mentoring relationships, search for
clinical rotations, explore internships and residencies, and more.
Remember to network!
Residents, the Council of New Physicians in Practice, and the
Bureau of Membership. The CSA is Chaired by the Student
Representative to the AOA Board of Trustees. The Council
represents students to the AOA and offers suggestions on how to
improve services and programs for osteopathic medical students.
You may comment to the CSA by e-mailing sira@osteopathic.
org or calling (800) 621-1773, ext. 8126. Your local SOMA and
student government chapters are a great place to get involved
at your COM.
Council of Interns and Residents (CIR) –
Stay involved as your training continues
The AOA’s CIR allows postdoctoral trainees an opportunity
to participate in the professional family. The Council has a
representative on the AOA Board of Trustees, and it encourages
professional development while representing the best interests
of interns, residents and fellows. Any postdoctoral trainee can
become a CIR Ambassador to share information on the state,
specialty, OPTI or program level, and the CIR will call upon
its Ambassadors to help represent the osteopathic medical
profession, comment on proposed resolutions, and be involved
in the AOA. For more Information, contact the CIR at cirexec@
osteopathic.org or (800) 621-1773, ext. 8147.
O T H E R R E S O UR C E S & O P P O R T U N I T I E S
Other Osteopathic Resources and
The AOA offers a mentoring program, iLearn, for osteopathic
medical students to e-mail, speak or meet with a DO about their
specialty, training facility or any other interest. Visit www.doonline.org/iLearn for a complete program overview and to find
a mentor.
State and Specialty Colleges
There is a complete listing of all state and specialty colleges on
Osteopathic.org featuring updated contact information and a
short description about each organization. The list is also provided
as Attachment Six in this guidebook.
Council of Student Affairs (CSA) – Be involved
as a student
The CSA is an official AOA council composed of osteopathic
medical students and liaisons from the Council of Interns and
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On average, medical students will borrow $168,000 to finance
their medical education, not including undergraduate loans.
One of the most pressing areas of successful medical school
management is financial planning.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):
Your First Step
If you think you will need financial aid, you need to complete a free
application for federal student aid (FAFSA). The application will
help your school assess the amount of money you will need and
your borrowing eligibility. You can get a copy of this form at the
financial aid office of most osteopathic medical schools or online
at www.fafsa.ed.gov. You should complete the application at
the beginning of your first year of school.
You will indicate within the application which school should
receive a copy of the report. The school you select will process
your FAFSA and send you a letter explaining your potential loan
total, based on the information you provided and the budget your
school has set for your expenses.
Once you receive the letter, sign it and send it back to confirm
that you want the aid amount listed. If you intend to borrow less
than the amount indicated, amend the letter to the amount you
would like, sign it and send it back. Importantly, remember that
you don’t owe anything until you receive the loan and are well into
your training program.
figures vary from student to student, so check with your financial
advisor for exact amounts.
You’ll need to fill out a Master Promissory Note (MPN) to get a
Stafford loan. You only fill this out and sign it once, and your loan
is renewed each year unless you change lenders. If you make a
change, fill out a new MPN with the new lender’s code on it and
give it to your financial aid office.
Alternative Loans
In addition to Stafford loans, most medical students have to
borrow additional money from private lenders like banks. If you
need to go this route, keep in mind that bank loans usually have a
much higher interest rate and are based on credit.
O T H E R R E S O UR C E S & O P P O R T U N I T I E S
Financial Planning
If you are going to apply for an alternative loan, you should fill out
the application and turn it in along with your MPN. If you have
doubts about taking the alternative loan, fill out the application
and go through the processing to become pre-approved. Then,
you can use your pre-approved status to get the loan later if you
so choose. Notably, unlike the federal loans you have to reapply
for the alternative loan every year. You fill out the application and
submit it to your financial aid office for processing.
Time to Repay
Lenders will usually offer a few different repayment plans.
Standard: The payment remains the same every month for the
entire repayment period.
Types of Loans
Stafford Loans
Stafford loans are the most popular form of loan because they are
financed by the U.S. government. There are two different types of
Stafford loans: subsidized and unsubsidized.
Graduated: The amount of the loan repayment is scheduled
to change from the start to the finish of the repayment period.
Typically, the loan payment begins small and increases as the
period progresses.
The government pays the interest on the subsidized Stafford
loans while the student attends school and for up to three years
during internship and residency training.
Income-based: A lender collects the borrower’s income
information each year and revises the monthly payment amount
However, if you request unsubsidized Stafford loans, you will
pay the interest. Generally, the interest is capitalized when you
graduate and may be capitalized again as you enter repayment.
Each time it’s capitalized, the last chunk of interest becomes part
of the principal sum and then you accrue interest on this new
balance—inevitably, paying interest on interest.
Extended: The borrower can extend standard or graduated
payments over 25 years.
Since every situation is unique, you should ask your financial
advisor or lender for advice on your options.
Medical students can typically borrow a maximum of $8,500 in
subsidized and $30,000 in unsubsidized loans. Naturally, these
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Did you know that if you’re married, your spouse might be entitled
to a cash award? You can also receive money for excellent grades
in your first year of osteopathic medical school. In addition, there
are grant opportunities sponsored by the American Osteopathic
Foundation (AOF) and the AOA Council on Research that could
help fund your education. Try to take advantage of them.
Grants Available
For a description of available grants and information on application
deadlines, visit the AOF website and check out the AOA’s
research and grants on Osteopathic.org.
A Few Final Words on Your Future
Always keep in touch with your fellow members of the osteopathic
family. Network and enjoy your education. In addition to the myriad
of websites we’ve listed, give your school’s library a try and attend
some conventions and seminars outside of what’s required of you.
Consider attending the AOA’s annual OMED conference and DO
Day on Capitol Hill. Registration is free for osteopathic medical
students, and these are wonderful opportunities to meet the
leaders of the profession, DOs from across the country, and other
osteopathic medical students.
Find something about osteopathic medicine that really inspires
you and concentrate on it. Get involved and stay involved. The
AOA is here to help you every step of the way throughout your
career as a DO. Call the Member Service Center at (800) 6211773, option 1, any time to ask for help or if you have a question.
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Osteopathic physicians (DOs) have treated presidents and Olympic
athletes. They have contributed to the fight against AIDS and the
fight for civil rights. From state-of-the-art health care facilities to a
clinic in the Mississippi Delta, DOs continue to practice the kind of
medicine that Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, envisioned 100 years
ago when he founded the osteopathic medical profession. What
follows is a list of DOs who have made great contributions to
society through their service in government, the military, medical
research, athletics, the media and through humanitarian efforts.
Government & Military
Rear Admiral Clinton E. Adams, DO, MC, USN—Achieved rank
of Rear Admiral in the United States Navy. Upon retirement, he
joined Western University of Health Sciences as the Dean of the
College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.
Sue M. Bailey, DO—Past administrator for the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Her first task was handling
the recall of Firestone tires, mostly involving Ford vehicles, blamed
for more than 100 deaths. She proposed new safety tests for
tires and legislation that require manufacturers of auto parts
to report foreign recalls. Before she was administrator for the
NHTSA, Dr. Bailey served as assistant secretary of defense for
health affairs in the Department of Defense (DoD). In this role, Dr.
Bailey was the principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense for all
DoD health policies, programs and activities. Her responsibilities
included maintaining the medical readiness of all branches of the
U.S. military. She also oversaw the general health care services
provided to current and retired members of the uniformed services,
their family members and other people entitled to medical services
through the DoD.
Vincent A. Berkley, DO—Chief Medical Officer of the Phoenix
Area Office for the Indian Health Service (IHS). In 2006, Dr.
Berkley was promoted to the Rear Admiral (RADM) rank in the
U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, placing him as
the highest ranking DO in the Corps. In October 2009, Dr. Berkley
was assigned as the first full-time representative from the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services to the U.S. Embassy,
Kabul, Afghanistan.
Lt. Gen. Ronald R. Blanck, DO, MC, USA (Ret.)—Former
Surgeon General of the U.S. Army and Commanding General of
Medical Command. While serving as Surgeon General, Dr. Blanck
was the highest ranking DO in the commissioned services. A
three-star general, he is the first osteopathic physician to serve
as Surgeon General in any of the U.S. commissioned services.
Prior to serving as Surgeon General of the U.S. Army, Dr. Blanck
was the commander of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in
Washington, D.C. Dr. Blanck also served as the Chief of Health
Policy during the first Gulf War.
Attachment One:
Prominent DOs
Bradley S. Feuer, DO, JD—Appointed as Chief Surgeon to
the Florida Highway Patrol and promoted to rank of auxiliary
lieutenant colonel on May 23, 2006. Dr. Feuer was appointed as
the first troop surgeon in the State of Florida Highway Patrol in
2003. While in this position, he created a voluntary medical unit
within the State Patrol and has volunteered thousands of hours
in assisting the Florida Highway Patrol in responding to sick or
injured troopers, assisting with investigations, directing a newlyformed Critical Incident Stress Management Team and serving as
medical director of the patrol’s Troop L Tactical Response Team.
Stephen C. Gleason, DO (Deceased)—In April 2003, the late Dr.
Gleason was appointed Chief of Staff for Iowa’s Governor. Former
Director of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Dr.
Gleason works to uphold the IDPH mission to protect the health
of people living in Iowa. He is former senior medical advisor to
the administrator for the Health Care Financing Administration
(HCFA). His duties included developing HCFA partnerships with
consumers and providers, acting as physician liaison for fraud
and abuse, as well as counseling on the consumer bill of rights,
regulatory review, public health for seniors, Medicare Plus Choice
options, and new prevention benefits. Dr. Gleason also served as
the chairman of the National Health Policy Review, chairman of the
presidential candidates’ health policy debate, senior consultant to
the assistant secretary for health, and White House health advisor
during the Clinton administration.
Murray M. Goldstein, DO—Former member of the National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (NCCAM) National
Advisory Council on Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
retired medical director of the United Cerebral Palsy Research
and Education Foundation, former director of the National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, former Assistant Surgeon
General and rear admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service;
former President of AOCOPM and member of the AOBPM. Dr.
Goldstein wrote “A Challenge to the Profession: Initiate Evidence
Based Osteopathic Medicine Now,” an editorial published in
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John T. Hinton, DO—Member of the national Medicare Coverage
Advisory Committee (MCAC). Dr. Hinton was appointed to the
committee in 2002 by Thomas Scully, who at the time served
as administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS). MCAC is charged by the federal government
with deciding which medical services and items will be covered
for Medicare beneficiaries. Currently Dr. Hinton also serves as
vice president of clinical information management for Catholic
Healthcare Partners, the 5th largest non-profit health system in
the United States. He is a 1973 graduate of the Kirksville College
of Osteopathic Medicine-A.T. Still University, past president of the
Indiana Osteopathic Association and a contributor to the End-ofLife Care National Osteopathic Workshop curriculum.
Rear Adm. Joyce M. Johnson, DO, USPHS (Ret.)—A former
U.S. Coast Guard chief medical officer and director of health and
safety. Dr. Johnson retired in November 2003 as rear admiral,
upper half in the U.S. Public Health Service and the first female
DO to reach flag rank in the U.S. commissioned services. She is
the first woman ever to wear the Coast Guard’s female flag officer
uniform and the first woman and first osteopathic physician to
serve on the board of trustees of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
in New London, Conn. She currently serves as the vice president
of health sciences at Battelle Memorial Institute, Arlington, Va. Dr.
Johnson also was selected as one of the AOA’s “Great Pioneers.”
Col. Ronald A. Maul, DO, MC, USA—Commander and CEO of
Womack Army Medical Center, a 258-bed, tertiary care center
at Ft. Bragg, NC, providing health care support to the largest
troop population in the U.S. Army and a total population of over
178,000 military beneficiaries in the primary service area. Dr. Maul
is also the former command surgeon for U.S. Central Command,
also known as CENTCOM, and former assistant surgeon general
for force sustainment at the U.S. Army Medical Command at Ft.
Sam Houston, Texas.
Robert S. Muscalus, DO—Former Physician General of
Ray E. Stowers, DO—The first DO to be appointed to the
Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC), a group charged
with advising Congress on Medicare and other health care issues.
Dr. Stowers also served two three-year terms as a member of
the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee, better known as
MedPAC, the successor to PPRC. He is currently the dean of
the Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic
Medicine in Harrogate, Tenn.
JAOA – The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association,
and was selected to serve on a committee developing a National
Center of Excellence of Osteopathic Manipulation Research.
He served on the Commission for Alternative Health Care; U.S.
Olympic Committee on Sports Medicine; and produced “The
Scientific Status of the Fundamentals of Chiropractic: A Report
to Congress.”
Medical Research & Education
Laurence H. Baker, DO—Chair of the Southwest Oncology Group
(SWOG), one of the nation’s largest National Cancer Institutefunded clinical trials networks. With more than 5,000 physicianresearchers at institutions throughout the United States, including
19 Comprehensive Cancer Centers, SWOG conducts large
Phase III trials and initial trials that lead to new drugs and new
standards of care to control and prevent cancer. A professor
of internal medicine at the Michigan State University College of
Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Dr. Baker has more than
30 years experience in treating sarcoma—a type of cancer that
develops from certain tissues, like bone or muscle—as well as
designing clinical trials for new sarcoma therapies.
David A. Baron, DO—Former deputy clinical director and director
of education of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH),
a branch of the National Institutes of Health, and chair of the
department of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Foundation for
the Advancement of Education in the Sciences at NIH. NIMH’s
mission is to reduce the burden of mental illness and behavioral
disorders through research on mind, brain and behavior. Dr.
Baron currently serves as professor and chair of the department
of psychiatry at Temple University School of Medicine, and
previously served as the university’s chair of the department of
psychiatry from 1998 to 2009. He also serves as psychiatrist-inchief at University Hospitals at the University of Southern California
and director of the University of Southern California Global Center
for Exercise, Psychiatry and Sport. In addition, he serves as the
chair of the section on exercise, psychiatry and sport of the World
Psychiatric Association and the president of the Group for the
Advancement of Psychiatry.
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Gilbert D’Alonzo, DO—One of the nation’s leading pulmonologists,
Dr. D’Alonzo is a professor of medicine at Temple University’s
School of Medicine in Philadelphia. In addition, he is editor-in-chief
of JAOA–The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.
Robin B. McFee, DO—A nationally recognized expert in
toxicology, bioterrorism and public preparedness. She consults
for medical, government and private organizations on a wide
range of threat reduction issues. Dr. McFee has been an invited
lecturer nationally and internationally, having given hundreds of
presentations on preparedness and other medical/health issues.
She continues to be a media resource on a wide range of terrorism
and health issues, and has written numerous articles, text book
chapters as well as coauthored two text books on weapons of
mass destruction and toxico-terrorism. Dr. McFee currently is
medical director of Threat Science, a faculty member at the Stony
Brook School of Medicine, and a medical toxicologist at the Long
Island Regional Poison Information Center.
Karen J. Nichols, DO—2010-11 president of the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA) and first woman to be elected
president of AOA. Dr. Nichols also serves as dean of the
Midwestern University/Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
in Downers Grove Ill.
Barbara Ross-Lee, DO—The first African-American woman to
serve as dean of a U.S. medical school. Dr. Ross-Lee is vice
president for Health Sciences and Medical Affairs at the New York
Institute of Technology and former dean of the New York College
of Osteopathic Medicine of New York Institute of Technology in
Old Westbury and the Ohio University College of Osteopathic
Medicine in Athens. In addition, she serves as executive
director of the National Osteopathic Institute for Health Policy
and Leadership. She also is the first osteopathic physician to
participate in the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship.
In 2003, she was one of the original women physicians profiled
in Changing the Face of Medicine, a National Library of Medicine
Carlo J. DiMarco, DO—Team ophthalmologist for the National
Basketball Association’s Philadelphia 76ers. The 2008-09
president of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), Dr.
DiMarco is a professor and regional dean of clinical medicine at the
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) in Erie, Pa.,
and serves as the director of LECOM’s ophthalmology residency
program. Aside from his positions at LECOM, Dr. DiMarco is part of
Medical Associates of Erie, a network of multi-specialty physicians
who practice throughout Erie County and teach in affiliation with
LECOM. In addition, he is a former president of the Pennsylvania
Osteopathic Medical Association and the American Osteopathic
Colleges of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Leonard H. Calabrese, DO—An HIV researcher and caregiver
who has a unique vantage point on AIDS and athletes. Long
before Magic Johnson brought new attention to AIDS issues,
Dr. Calabrese was a lone voice urging professional groups to
adopt sound AIDS policies. He is head of the Section of Clinical
Immunology in the Department of Rheumatic and Immunological
Disease at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Calabrese is the only dual
chair holder at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation serving as the
RJ Fasenmyer Chair of Clinical Immunology and the Theodore F.
Classen, DO, Chair of Osteopathic Research and Education.
Richard Emerson, DO—Former team surgery physician emeritus
for the National Basketball Association’s Phoenix Suns.
John H. Finley, Jr., DO—Longest serving physician for the
National Hockey League’s Detroit Red Wings.
Lawrence Lavine, DO— Personal physician to Olympic speed
skater Apolo Anton Ohno. Dr. Lavine accompanied Ohno in Salt
Lake City during the 2002 winter games and in Torino in 2006.
D. Matthew Maddox, DO—Team physician for the National
Hockey League’s Phoenix Coyotes.
Craig Phelps, DO—Team physician for the National Basketball
Association’s Phoenix Suns.
Robert L. Quarles, DO—Coordinator of medical services for World
Wrestling Entertainment from 2000 through 2005. Dr. Quarles is
also the author of Get Off Your Butt, America!: No-Nonsense
Advice on How to Get Us Back to Being the Best We Can Be, a
book tackling America’s obesity problem through suggestions on
ways people can incorporate fitness into their daily routine.
Paul S. Saenz, DO—Team physician for the National Basketball
Association’s San Antonio Spurs and medical staff member for
the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.
Michael J. Scott, DO— Appointed to the International Olympics
Drug and Substance Abuse Committee in 2000.
Paul M. Steingard, DO—Team physician emeritus for the National
Basketball Association’s Phoenix Suns.
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Raymond J. Tesner, DO—Team physician for the National Hockey
League’s Columbus Blue Jackets.
Jon W. Fong, DO—Served as a technical advisor for NBC’s
nighttime drama “ER.” In this capacity, he orchestrated medical
procedures on the show and trained the actors to realistically
mimic medical procedures and discuss medical topics.
William Kirby, DO—Dr. Kirby is at the forefront of dermatology in
the media. He is one of the featured physicians on E! Entertainment
Television’s “Dr. 90210” and he frequently makes appearances as
a guest dermatologist on the daytime, syndicated medical talk
show “The Doctors,” originally airing on CBS. Besides his work in
television, Dr. Kirby serves on the health advisory board for both
Healthy Aging and Skin & Aging magazines.
Charles Sophy, DO—Author of Side by Side: The Revolutionary
Mother-Daughter Program for Conflict-Free Communication, a
book designed to help mothers navigate relationships with their
daughters at any age. As a board-certified pediatric psychiatrist,
Dr. Sophy has appeared as a medical expert on national television
series including “Larry King Live,” “The Today Show,” and “The
Rachel Ray Show.”
Humanitarian Efforts
William G. Anderson, DO—1994-95 president of the AOA and the
first African-American to be elected AOA president. In addition, Dr.
Anderson was a civil rights activist who worked closely with Martin
Luther King, Jr., and was president of the Albany Movement. In
2004, Dr. Anderson and his wife, Norma L. Anderson, published
Autobiographies of a Black Couple of the Greatest Generation,
a book that tells the story of how the couple broke through the
glass ceiling of prejudice through faith, their involvement with the
civil rights movement and leadership in the osteopathic medical
Mitchel Storey, DO—Team physician for the Seattle Mariners
Major League Baseball Team.
Sister Anne Brooks, DO—Catholic nun whose work in
impoverished rural Mississippi was covered nationally in People
magazine, and on “Good Morning America” and “60 Minutes.” Dr.
Brooks joined Ronald Reagan and Ryan White as a recipient of
the first Norman Vincent Peale Positive Thinking Award.
Terrie E. Taylor, DO—Director of the Blantyre Malaria Project
in Malawi. For more than 20 years, Dr. Taylor has led research
and clinical support into severe malaria at the Queen Elizabeth
Hospital in Blantyre. Outside of her work in Africa, Dr. Taylor is
a professor of internal medicine at the Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing.
Lisa M. Valle, DO—Dr. Valle serves as on-camera medical expert
for the Discovery series “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant,” which airs
on Discovery Health and TLC. She also made an appearance on
the Discovery special “Twins by Surprise.”
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American Osteopathic Association
Division of Student, Intern, Resident
and Member Affairs
Student concerns
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8126
Intern and resident concerns iLearn Mentor Program
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8147
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8143
Member Service Center
Obtain your AOA number
Change or update contact
Government Relations,
Washington, DC
The DO
Approval of Postdoctoral Training
National Matching Services/
The Match
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8276
Osteopathic Internship (800) 621-1773, ext. 8091
Allopathic Internship, Military Training, Resolution 42
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8091
Osteopathic Residency
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8087
Allopathic Residency and Military Residency
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8087
(800) 621-1773, option 3
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8160
JAOA—Journal of the American (800) 621-1773, ext. 8166
Osteopathic Association
Student Osteopathic Medical
Association (SOMA)
Training Services
(800) 621-1773, option 1
Other Numbers
Attachment Two:
AOA Contact List
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8193
(800) 621-1773, ext. 8068
To find osteopathic medical intern and residency training
programs (including dually-approved programs), visit the
Opportunities page on Osteopathic.org.
| Back to Table of Contents
You may see many of these acronyms used throughout your osteopathic medical
education and your career. This list is accessible on Osteopathic.org. Log in to the
members-only section, then click on “AOA Basic Documents,” on the left navigation bar,
and select “Acronym Glossary.”
AACOM American Association of
Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Pain Management
AOSED Association of Osteopathic State
Executive Directors
ASO American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksville, Mo.(Consolidated with A.T. Still
University in July 1926 to form Kirksville
College of Osteopathic Medicine of A.T.
Still University of Health Sciences.)
AVP-Academic Assistant Vice President
— Academic Affairs
AAO American Academy of Osteopathy
AOBEM American Osteopathic Board of
Emergency Medicine
AAOA Advocates for the American
Osteopathic Association
AOBFP American Osteopathic Board of
Family Physicians
ACGME Accreditation Council for
Graduate Medical Education
AOBNMM American Osteopathic Board
of Neuromuskuloskeletal Medicine
ACHE American College of Healthcare
AOBOS American Osteopathic Board of
Orthopedic Surgery
ACOEP American College of
Osteopathic Emergency Physicians
AOBP American Osteopathic Board of
BOT Board of Trustees
ACOFP American College of
Osteopathic Family Physicians
AOBPM American Osteopathic Board of
Preventive Medicine
CAQ Certificate of Added Qualification
ACOI American College of
Osteopathic Internists
AOCD American Osteopathic College of
ACOOG American College of
Osteopathic Obstetricians &
AOCOOHNS American Osteopathic
Colleges of Ophthalmology and
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
ACOP American College of
Osteopathic Pediatricians
AOCOPM American Osteopathic College
of Occupational and Preventive Medicine
ACOS American College of Osteopathic
AOCP American Osteopathic College of
ACP American College of Physicians
AOCPMR American Osteopathic College
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
AOAAM American Osteopathic Academy
of Addiction Medicine
AOAO American Osteopathic Academy of
AOASM American Osteopathic Academy
of Sports Medicine
AOAPIPM American Osteopathic
Association of Prolotherapy Integrative
AOCR American Osteopathic College of
AODME Association of Osteopathic
Directors and Medical Educators
AOF American Osteopathic Foundation
AOIA American Osteopathic Information
Attachment Three: Commonly Used
Acronyms in Osteopathic Medicine
AZCOM Midwestern University/Arizona
College of OSteoapthic Medicine in
BHFA Bureau of Healthcare Facilities
BIOMEA Bureau on International
Osteopathic Medical Education and
CAO Chief Administrative Officer
CCME Council on Continuing Medical
CCOM Midwestern University /Chicago
College of Osteopathic Medicine
CHM Chairman
CIR Council of Interns and Residents
CMD Chief Medical Director
CME Continuing Medical Education
COGMET Consortium for Osteopathic
Medical Education and Training
COHE College of Osteopathic Healthcare
COHT Council of Hospital Trustees
COMLEX Comprehensive Osteopathic
Medical Licensing Examination
COPT Council on Postdoctoral Training
CORE Centers for Osteopathic Regional
| Back to Table of Contents
FACOS Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Surgeons
FOHS Foundation for Osteopathic Health
CORE/OUCOM Centers for Osteopathic
Regional Education/Ohio University
College of Osteopathic Medicine in
FACP Fellow of the American College of
FOSO Federation of Osteopathic
Specialty Organizations
FACS Fellow of the American College of
HFAP Healthcare Facilities Accreditation
JAOA—The Journal of the American
Osteopathic Association
DME Director of Medical Education
FAOAAM Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic Academy of Addiction
DMU-COM Des Moines (Iowa) University,
College of Osteopathic Medicine
FAOAO Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics
ED Education Director
FAOASM Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine
COSGP Council of Osteopathic Student
Government Presidents
FAAO Fellowship of the American
Academy of Osteopathy
FAAP Fellow of the American Academy
of Pediatrics, of Periodontology, of
FACC Fellow of the American College of
FACEP Fellow of the American College of
Emergency Physicians
FACGP Fellow of the American College
of General Practitioners in Osteopathic
Medicine & Surgery
FACN Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Neurologists and
FACOEP Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Emergency
FACOFP Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
FAOCA Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Anesthesiologists
FAOCAI Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Allergy and
FAOCD Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Dermatology
FAOCOPM Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Occupational and
Preventive Medicine
FAOCP Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Pathologists
FAOCPR Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Proctology
FAOCR Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Radiology
FAOCRH Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Rheumatology
FACOI Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Internists
FAOCRM Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic College of Rehabilitation
FACOOG Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Obstetricians &
FAODME Fellow of the Association
of Osteopathic Directors and Medical
FACOP Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Pediatricians
FOCOO Fellowship of the American
Osteopathic Colleges of Ophthalmology
and Otolaryngology, Head and Neck
FACOPMS Fellowship of the American
College of Osteopathic Pain Management
and Sclerotherapy
CORE/Medcon Centers for Osteopathic
Regional Education/Medical Consortium
JD Juris Doctorate
KCOM Kirksville College of Osteopathic
Medicine –A.T. Still University of Health
KCUMB-COM Kansas City (Mo.)
University of Medicine and Biosciences
College of Osteopathic Medicine
LECOM Lake Erie College of Osteopathic
LECOM-Bradenton Lake Erie College
of Osteopathic Medicine –Bradenton in
LMU-DCOM Lincoln Memorial UniversityDeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
MEDCON Medical Consortium
MSOPTI Mountain State Osteopathic
Postdoctoral Training Institution
MSUCOM Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine
MTN Mountain State OPTI
MWV/AZCOM Midwestern University/
Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
NEOMEN Northeastern Osteopathic
Medical Education Network
NSU-COM Nova Southeastern University
College of Osteopathic Medicine
NYCOM New York College of
Osteopathic Medicine of New York
Institute of Technology
OGME Osteopathic Graduate Medical
| Back to Table of Contents
OMT Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
OPTI Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training
OPTIK Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training
OSU-COM Oklahoma State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine
OTA Otolaryngology Allergy
OTL Otolaryngology
VP MedAf Vice President-Medical Affairs
VP-Acad Vice President-Academic
VPME Vice President Medical Education
VPMed Vice President Medical Education
WCU-COM William Carey UniversityCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
OMM Special proficiency in
Neuromuscular Medicine and
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
WesternU/COMP Western University of
Health Sciences College of Osteopathic
Medicine of the Pacific
WVSOM West Virginia School of
Osteopathic Medicine
OU-COM Ohio University College of
Osteopathic Medicine
PCOM Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
PCSOM Pikeville (Ky.) College School of
Osteopathic Medicine
SCOPE Still Consortium for Osteopathic
Graduate Education
SOMA Student Osteopathic Medical
TCOM University of North Texas Health
Science Center at Fort Worth-Texas
College of Osteopathic Medicine
TUCOM-CA Touro University College of
Osteopathic Medicine
TUNCOM Touro University Nevada
College of Osteopathic Medicine
UMDNJ-SOM University of Medicine
and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of
Osteopathic Medicine
UNECOM University of New England
College of Osteopathic Medicine
UNTHSC/TCOM University of North
Texas Health Science Center–Texas
College of Osteopathic Medicine
VCOM Edward Via College of
Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg
| Back to Table of Contents
Visit the online Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology Usage Guide
for a more complete glossary of osteopathic medical terms.
Common OMT Terminology
Reason for Applying: Applied to relieve the physical pain of
patients suffering from “tender points,” to relieve referred pain
from active trigger points and to normalize imbalances in the
autonomic nervous system.
Effect of Treatment: Identifies tender points and positions the
patient to eliminate the tenderness.
Articulation: Physician gently and repeatedly forces the joint
against the restrictive barrier, intending to reduce the barrier and
improve motion.
Attachment Four:
OMT Terminology: Common
OMT Techniques Defined
Thrust: Moving a restricted joint in the direction it is resisting.
Example of Technique: Physician slowly pulls joint in the direction
it is resisting. Once at the point of muscle resistance, the physician
continues to slowly pull against the muscle restraint, while applying
a quick force localized to the area of resistance often resulting in a
“pop” in the affected joint.
Reason for Applying: Treats motion loss and impaired or altered
functions of the body’s framework.
Effect of Treatment: Immediate increase in range and freedom
of motion.
Muscle Energy: Manipulative treatment in which the patient’s
muscles are actively used on request from a precisely controlled
position, in a specific direction, and against a distinctly executed
Example of Technique: The patient actively co-operates with the
physician to contract a muscle or muscles, inhale or exhale, or
move one bone of a joint in a specific direction relative to the
adjacent bone.
Reason for Applying: Applied to strengthen weak muscles,
activate inhibited muscles, and strengthen short, tight muscles.
Effect of Treatment: Mobilizes joints in which movement is
restricted, stretches tight muscles and fascia, or fibrous tissue
that envelops the body beneath the skin, encloses muscles and
groups of muscles, improves local circulation, and balances
neuromuscular relationships to alter muscle tone and improve
joint movement.
Example of Technique: Physician moves the affected joint to the
limit of all ranges of motion. As the restrictive barrier is reached,
slowly, and firmly the physician continues to apply gentle force
against the joint to the limit of tissue motion, or the patient’s
tolerance to pain or fatigue. The articulation is slowly repeated
several times, each time gaining increased range and improved
quality of motion.
Reason for Applying: Most often applied to postoperative
patients and elderly patients suffering from arthritis.
Effect of Treatment: Enhances the effect of passive articulating
motion by resisting it or permitting increased range of motion.
Myofascial Release: Also referred to as MFR, this procedure to
designed to stretch and release patterned soft tissue and jointrelated restrictions.
Example of Technique: Physician twists, shears, and compresses
joints while simultaneously feeling tissue and joints for shifting
tightness and looseness.
Reason for Applying: Applied to patients suffering from muscle
Effect of Treatment: Joint-related movements are assessed
and treated simultaneously. Joint and muscle movements are
improved and pain is decreased.
Source: Ward, RC, ed. Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1997
Counterstrain: Technique in which patient is placed in position
of comfort, maintains the position for a period of time, then is
assisted by the physician to slowly return to a neutral position.
Example of Technique: Patient is placed in position of comfort
for 90 seconds, then is slowly returned to a relaxed and neutral
| Back to Table of Contents
- Use the DO designation when referring to an osteopathic physician in the first reference:
Osteopathic Style Guide
• Osteopathic physician (DO) describes a physician who trained
in the United States and can prescribe medicine and practice
in all specialty areas including surgery. Osteopathic physician
should be used in all written and verbal communications over
osteopath. Osteopath should only be used to describe a health
care provider trained outside of the United States.
• Osteopathic medicine is preferred to osteopathy when
referring to osteopathic physicians trained in the United
States. Osteopathy should only be used when referring to
the occupation of non-physician osteopaths or those trained
outside of the United States.
• Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is the proper name for the
degree granted by osteopathic medical schools in the United
States and is represented by the acronym DO. Do not use
Doctor of Osteopathy, which is an outdated term for the degree.
DO also may be used in place of osteopathic physician.
Jane M. Jones, DO
- State a DO’s specialty as:
Dr. Jane M. Jones, an osteopathic radiologist
Dr. James A. Rodriguez, an osteopathic pediatrician
Attachment Five: Osteopathic
Style Guide
- Hold more than one professional degree? Use:
Jane M. Jones, DO, PhD
James A. Rodriguez, DO, MPH
-Utilize the terms family practice and family physician over general practice and general practitioner.
-Refer to osteopathic medical schools with their
osteopathic identification:
Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine
A complete list of osteopathic medical schools is available at
For more information on osteopathic medicine, contact
the American Osteopathic Association’s Department of
Communications at pr@osteopathic.org or (800) 621-1773
ext. 8291.
| Back to Table of Contents
State Osteopathic Medical Associations &
Osteopathic Specialty Societies
Alabama Osteopathic Medical
Association (AOMA)
Canadian Osteopathic Association
P.O. Box 1857
Winfield, AL 35594-1419
Phone (866) 294-2503
Fax (519) 681-1500
General E-mail
P.O. Box 24081
London Ontario N6H 5C4,
Alaska Osteopathic Medical
Association (AKOMA)
Phone Fax (800) 891-0333
(312) 202-8224
Arizona Osteopathic Medical
Association (AOMA)
Phone (602) 266-6699
Fax (602) 266-1393
5150 North 16th Street, Suite A-122
Phoenix, AZ 85016-3986
Arkansas Osteopathic Medical
Association (AOMA)
Phone (501) 374-8900
Fax (501) 374-8959
1400 West Markham Street, Suite 412
Little Rock, AR 72201
Osteopathic Physicians and
Surgeons of California
Phone (916) 561-0724
Fax (916) 561-0728
General E-mail
1900 Point West Way, Ste 188
Sacramento, CA 95815-4783
Colorado Society of Osteopathic
Medicine (CSOM)
Phone Fax Website
(303) 322-1752
(303) 322-1956
Connecticut Osteopathic Medical
Society (COMS)
Phone (800) 648-9777
Fax (312) 202-8401
General E-mail
142 East Ontario Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2864
Delaware State Osteopathic Medical
Society (DSOMS)
Phone Fax General E-mail
Phone Fax General E-mail
P.O. Box 986
Braselton, GA 30517
(678) 225-7571
(678) 225-7579
Hawaii Association of Osteopathic
Physicians and Surgeons (HAOPS)
For the most current listing of state and specialty affiliates, visit Osteopathic.org.
Each state is served by a local osteopathic medical association. Similarly, each specialty
is served by a national specialty college. In addition to assisting their members and the
osteopathic medical profession in a variety of ways, the state and specialty associations
can also help you find an osteopathic physician (DO) in your area. The following list
excludes those organizations that are currently inactive.
(256) 447-9045
(256) 447-9049
Georgia Osteopathic Medical
Association (GOMA)
Attachment Six: State and
Specialty Osteopathic medical
(302) 999-9464
(302) 999-7910
Florida Osteopathic Medical
Association (FOMA)
Phone (850) 878-7364
Fax (850) 942-7538
General E-mail
2007 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4867
Phone Fax E-mail
(800) 891-0333
(303) 329-6040
Idaho Osteopathic Physicians
Association (IOPA)
Phone Interim Fax (208) 890-6327
(916) 564-5105
Illinois Osteopathic Medical Society
Phone (312) 202-8174
Fax (312) 202-8224
General E-mail
142 East Ontario Street, 4th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611
Indiana Osteopathic Association (IOA)
Phone (800) 942-0501
(317) 926-3009
Fax (317) 926-3984
Web site
3520 Guion Road, Suite 202
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1672
Iowa Osteopathic Medical
Association (IOMA)
Phone (515) 283-0002
Fax (515) 283-0355
950 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309-1001
Kansas Association of Osteopathic
Medicine (KAOM)
Phone (785) 234-5563
Fax (785) 234-5564
General E-mail
1260 SW Topeka Boulevard
Topeka, KS 66612-1815
Kentucky Osteopathic Medical
Association (KOMA)
Phone Fax Website
(608) 443-2477 x138
(608) 443-2474
| Back to Table of Contents
Minnesota Osteopathic Medical Society
New Jersey Association of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (NJAOPS)
Phone (318) 385-7943
Fax (318) 385-7934
General E-mail
P.O. Box 110
911 Laura Street
Bienville, LA 71008-0110
Phone Fax General E-mail
P.O. Box 314
Lakeland, MN 55043
Phone (732) 940-9000
Fax (732) 940-8899
One Distribution Way, Ste 201
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Maine Osteopathic Association
Phone (207) 623-1101
Fax (207) 623-4228
General E-mail
693 Western Ave. #1 Manchester, ME 04351
Maryland Association of Osteopathic
Physicians (MAOP)
Phone (410) 683-8100
Fax (410) 683-8200
General E-mail
3603 Southside Avenue
Phoenix, MD 21131-1734
Massachusetts Osteopathic Society
Interim Phone (800) 621-1773 x8164
Interim Fax (800) 621-1773 x8464
General E-mail
142 East Ontario Street, 4th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611-2864
Michigan Osteopathic Association
Phone (800) 657-1556
(517) 347-1555
Fax (517) 347-1566
General E-mail
2445 Woodlake Circle
Okemos, MI 48864-5941
Association Of Military Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (AMOPS)
Phone Fax Website
1796 Severn Hills Lane
Severn, MD 21144-1061
(410) 519-8217
(410) 519-7657
(612) 623-3268
(612) 677-3200
Mississippi Osteopathic Medical
Association (MOMA)
New Mexico Osteopathic Medical
Association (NMOMA)
Phone (601) 366-3105
Fax (601) 366-2868
P.O. Box 16890
Jackson, MS 39236-6890
Phone (505) 332-2146
Fax (505) 332-4861
General E-mail
P.O. Box 53098
Albuquerque, NM 87153
Missouri Association of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (MAOPS)
New York State Osteopathic Medical
Society (NYSOMS)
Phone (573) 634-3415
Fax (573) 634-5635
General E-mail
1423 Randy Lane
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone (800) 841-4131
Fax (212) 261-1786
General E-mail
1855 Broadway
New York, NY 10023-7606
Montana Osteopathic Association
North Carolina Osteopathic Medical
Association (NCOMA)
Phone Fax Website
(701) 852-8798
(701) 837-5410
Nebraska Association of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (NAOPS)
9006 Harney Street
Omaha, NE 68114
(800) 617-5310
(303) 329-6040
Nevada Osteopathic Medical
Association (NOMA)
Phone (702) 434-7112
Fax (702) 434-7110
General E-mail
New Hampshire Osteopathic
Association (NHOA)
Louisiana Osteopathic Medical
Association (LOMA)
(919) 573-5437
North Dakota Osteopathic Medical
Association (NDOMA)
Phone (701) 852-8798
Fax (701) 837-5410
1600 2nd Avenue SW, Ste 27
Minot, ND 58701-3459
Ohio Osteopathic Association (OOA)
Phone (614) 299-2107
Fax (614) 294-0457
P.O. Box 8130
53 West Third Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201-0130
Phone (603) 224-1909
Fax (603) 226-2432
7 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301-4039
| Back to Table of Contents
Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
Wyoming Association of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (WAOPS)
Phone (405) 528-4848
Fax (405) 528-6102
General E-mail
4848 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3321
Phone (800) 444-8662 or (512) 708-8662
Fax (512) 708-1415
General E-mail
1415 Lavaca Street
Austin, TX 78701-1634
Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of
Oregon (OPSO)
Utah Osteopathic Medical Association
Phone Fax Website
Phone (801) 465-9545
Fax (801) 465-9546
General E-mail
462 South, 1240 E
Payson, UT 84651-8533
(503) 299-6776
(503) 241-4856
Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical
Association (POMA)
Phone (800) 544-7662 or
(717) 939-9318
Fax (717) 939-7255
General E-mail
1330 Eisenhower Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17111-2319
Rhode Island Society of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (RISOPS)
Phone Fax General E-mail
(312) 202-8205
(312) 202-8224
South Carolina Osteopathic Medical
Society (SCOMS)
Phone (312) 202-8162
Fax (312) 202-8424
General E-mail
southcarolina@ osteopathic.org
142 East Ontario Street, 4th Flr
Chicago, IL 60611
Vermont State Association of
Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons
Phone (802) 229-9418
General E-mail
72 Barre Street
Montpelier, VT 05602-3508
Virginia Osteopathic Medical
Association (VOMA)
Phone Fax General E-mail
(804) 784-2204
(866) 784-2231
Washington Osteopathic Medical
Association (WOMA)
Phone Fax General E-mail
P.O. Box 16486
Seattle, WA 98116-0486
(206) 937-5358
(206) 937-6529
South Dakota Osteopathic
Association (SDOA)
West Virginia Society of Osteopathic
Medicine (WVSOM)
Phone P.O. Box 89302
Sioux Falls, SD 57109-9302
Phone (800) 621-1773 x 8281
Fax (312) 202-8224
General E-mail wvsominc@osteopathic.org
142 East Ontario Street
Chicago, IL 60611
(605) 338-3427
Tennessee Osteopathic Medical
Association (TOMA)
Phone (615) 254-3687
Fax (615) 254-7047
General E-mail
618 Church Street, Suite 220
Nashville, TN 37219-2453
Wisconsin Association of Osteopathic
Physicians & Surgeons (WAOPS)
Phone Fax Website
(800) 617-5310
(303) 329-6040
American Academy Of Osteopathy
Oklahoma Osteopathic Association
Phone (317) 879-1881
Fax (317) 879-0563
Website www.academyofosteopathy.org
3500 DePauw Boulevard, Suite 1080
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1136
American Osteopathic Academy of
Addiction Medicine (AOAAM)
Phone (708) 338-0760
Fax (708) 401-0361
General E-mail
P.O. Box 280
La Grange, IL 60525-0280
American Osteopathic College of
Allergy & Immunology (AOCAI)
Fax (480) 585-1580
(480) 585-1581
American Osteopathic College of
Anesthesiology (AOCA)
Phone Fax General E-mail
(517) 339-0910
(517) 339-0910
American Osteopathic College of
Dermatology (AOCD)
Phone (800) 449-2623 or (660) 665-2184
Fax (660) 627-2623
General E-mail
1501 East Illinois Street
P. O. Box 7525
Kirksville, MO 63501
American College Of Osteopathic
Emergency Physicians (ACOEP)
Phone (800) 521-3709 or (312) 587-3709
Fax (312) 587-9951
142 E. Ontario Street, Ste 1250
Chicago, IL 60611-2864
(262) 619-9901
(262) 619-9902
| Back to Table of Contents
Phone (800) 323-0794 or (847) 952-5108
Fax (847) 228-9755
330 East Algonquin Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
American College of Osteopathic
Internists (ACOI)
(800) 327-5183 or (301) 656-8877
Fax (301) 656-7133
3 Bethesda Metro Ctr, Ste 508
Bethesda, MD 20814
American Osteopathic Academy of
Medical Informatics (AOAMI)
American Osteopathic Colleges of
Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology Head
& Neck Surgery (AOCOO-HNS)
(800) 455-9404 or (937) 233-5653
(937) 233-5673
General E-mail
aocoohns@aol.com or
American Osteopathic Academy of
Orthopedics (AOAO)
Phone Fax Website
(800) 741-2626 or (954) 262-1700
(954) 262-1748
American Osteopathic College of
Pathologists (AOCP)
American Osteopathic College of
Rheumatology (AOCRh) (118365)
Phone Fax 193 Monroe Avenue
Edison, NJ 08820-3755
(732) 494-6688
(732) 494-6689
American Osteopathic Association
of Prolotherapy Integrative Pain
Management (AOAPIPM)
(800) 471-6114 or (302) 376-8080
Fax (302) 376-8081
General E-mail
303 South Ingram Court
Middletown, DE 19709
Phone (312) 202-8148
Fax (312) 202-8448
142 East Ontario Street, 8th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone (312) 202-8197
Fax (312) 202-8224
General E-mail
142 East Ontario Street, 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611-2864
American Osteopathic Academy of
Sports Medicine (AOASM)
American College of Osteopathic
Neurologists & Psychiatrists (ACONP)
American College of Osteopathic
Pediatricians (ACOP)
American College of Osteopathic
Surgeons (ACOS)
Phone (248) 702-0207
Fax (248) 553-0818
General E-mail
28595 Orchard Lake Road,
Suite 200
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone Fax Website
Phone Fax General E-mail
123 North Henry Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
American College of Osteopathic
Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOOG)
Phone (800) 875-6360 or (817) 377-0421
Fax (817) 377-0439
General E-mail
8851 Camp Bowie West, Suite 120
Fort Worth, TX  76116
American Osteopathic College of
Occupational & Preventive Medicine
Phone Fax Website
(800) 558-8686
(601) 951-8324
(804) 565-6333
(804) 282-0090
American Osteopathic College of
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Phone Fax AT TA C H M E N T S I X
American College of Osteopathic
Family Physicians (ACOFP)
Phone Fax General E-mail
(608) 443-2477 ext. 138
(608) 443-2474
(703) 684-0416
(703) 684-3280
(908) 329-0270
(908) 213-8903
American Osteopathic College of
Proctology (AOCPr)
Phone Fax Website
(765) 342-3686
(765) 342-4173
American Osteopathic College of
Radiology (AOCR)
Phone (800) 258-2627 or (660) 265-4011
Fax (660) 265-3494
General E-mail
119 East Second Street
Milan, MO 63556-1331
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