MAE 2101 Statics

MAE 2101 Statics
Practice Exam 3
Moment of inertia formulae will be provided.
1. Floor loadings in a shop are caused by the
weights of the objects shown. Each force acts
through its respective center of gravity, G. Locate
the center of gravity of all these components.
600 lb
2. Locate the y-component of the centroid of the
channel’s cross-sectional area. (y is measured
down from the top of the beam.)
12 in
3. Let h=4 m and r=2 m. Find the moment of
inertia of the 10 kg cone spinning about the yaxis.
R. Gist
1 of 2
Ver. A, Rev. 1
2 in
MAE 2101 Statics
Practice Exam 3
4. Which integral represents the correct way to compute the x-centroid
of the shape to the right? (Assume vertical rectangles as differential
5. Which integral represents the correct way to compute the moment of
inertia about the y-axis of the shape to the right? (Assume vertical
rectangles as differential areas.)
6. Find the minimum and maximum moments of inertia (Imin, Imax) for a
beam whose cross-sectional area has the following mass properties:
Ix=45 in4, Iy=300 in4, Ixy=110 in4
7. Let h=2 ft. Determine the surface area of the double
cone-shaped buoy using the Theorem of Pappus and
Guldinus (Show work)
8. Find the angle of equilibrium using the technique of virtual work for the two-segment frame
shown below. Each bar weighs 50N.
R. Gist
2 of 2
Ver. A, Rev. 1