AN INVESTIGATION OF ARSENIC IN SPY POND by Kathryn J. MacLaughlin B.S. in Civil Engineering B.A. in History Bucknell University, 1994 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 1999 @ 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved Signature of Author LI) (% partment of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 7, 1999 Certified by James E. Gawel Doctor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by Harold F. Hemond Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Reader Accepted by Andrew J. Whittle Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Studies MASSACHUSETTS OF IWO MAY 2 8 LIBRARIES An Investigation of Arsenic in Spy Pond by Kathryn J. MacLaughlin Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 7, 1999 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT In early 1997, high concentrations of arsenic were discovered in the sediments of Spy Pond in Arlington, Massachusetts. Further investigation revealed that the highest concentrations of arsenic were closest to the surface of the sediments. Spy Pond is a hypereutrophic lake with a residential-based catchment area draining into it. A multi-pronged investigation of the source type and location of the arsenic contamination was conducted including stormwater sampling, sediment sampling, catch basin sampling, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis and historical research. With average concentrations of arsenic in Spy Pond's surface sediment samples around 500 ppm to 800 ppm, estimates of the total quantity of arsenic in the surface sediments range from 1,200 to 1,920 kg. Contouring of the sediment sampling results identify a concentration of arsenic in the North Basin of the Pond. Preliminary results indicate less than 4 kg/yr of arsenic enters Spy Pond through the stormwater drainage system. Less than 1 kg arsenic has been attributed to the historical use of pesticides. The result of this study points towards a groundwater plume entering the Pond in the vicinity of the North Basin. Thesis Supervisor: James E. Gawel Title: Doctor of Civil and Environmental Engineering LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ 6 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 7 1.1 SPY POND .......................................................................................................--- 9 1.1.1 Spy Pond Limnology...................................................................................... 13 1.2 THE W ATERSHED .................................................................................. -..-------......... 1.3 GEOLOGY ..........................................................................................- 2. PREVIOUS STUDIES ............................................................................................. 14 14 19 2.1 SEDIMENT SAMPLING WITHIN SPY POND ............................................................... 19 2.2 W ATER COLUMN CHEMISTRY ............................................................................... 2.3 DRAIN OUTFALL SAMPLING................................................................................... 23 28 3. STORMWATER AND SEDIMENT SAMPLING AND MAPPING.........30 3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 30 ..---...-.--.. 3.2 METHODS...................................................................................................3.2.1 Stormwater Sample Collection ...................................................................... 3.2.2 Catch Basin Sample Collection...................................................................... 3.2.3 Surface Sediment Sample Collection............................................................. 3.2.4 Stormwater Sample Preparationand Analyses ............................................. 3.2.5 Energy DispersiveX-Ray Fluorometer(ED XRF) Sample Preparationand A n a lysis....................................................................................................................... 30 30 31 33 33 3.3.1 Stormwater Sampling Results......................................................................... 3.3.2 Catch Basin Sampling Results...................................................................... 3.3.3 Sediment Sampling Results............................................................................. 35 35 35 52 53 3.4 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS)........................................................ 58 3.4.1 GIS Software.................................................................................................. 3.4.2 Data Sources.................................................................................................. 3.4.3 Raw Analytical Data Layers........................................................................... 3.4.4 Derived DataLayers ...................................................................................... 3.5 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 3.5.1 Arsenic Loading to Spy Pondfrom Stormwater Runoff ................ 3.5.2 Road Salt Runoff as a Potential Source......................................................... 3.5.3 PreliminaryQuantificationof Arsenic in Spy Pond....................................... 3.5.4 Mass Balance Calculations........................................................................... 58 58 61 61 62 62 64 64 66 3.3 RESULTS ..........................................................................................-. .---.----......... 4. HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION......................................................................... 68 4.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 68 69 69 75 76 4.2 M ETHODS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................... 4.2.1 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Spy Pond.................................................. 4.2.2 PresentDay Uses........................................................................................... 4.2.3 LiteratureReview .......................................................................................... 4.3 POTENTIAL ARSENIC SOURCES IN SPY POND ........................................................ 3 79 79 80 80 83 83 ........ 84 4.3.1 Ice Harvesting............................................................................................... 4.3.2 Market Gardening.......................................................................................... 4.3.3 Treatment History of the Pond ...................................................................... 4.3.4 Gypsy Moth Infestation.................................................................................. 4.3.5 Other PotentialSources.................................................................................. 4.4 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................ REFERENCES.................................................................................................................85 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS...................................................................87 4 List of Figures 1-1: 1-2: 1-3: 1-4: 1-5: 1-6: 1-7: ... ...... 8 Spy Pond Locus Map..................................................... Spy Pond Bathymetry.......................................................................10 .... 11 .... Profile of Spy Pond........................................................ Spy Pond Drain Outfall Locations..........................................................12 ...15 Spy Pond Watershed .............................................. Spy Pond Landuse..................................................................16 ..-17 Surficial Geology Spy Pond Region.................................................. 2-1: Distribution of Arsenic in the Surface Sediments of the Alewife Brook and Mill ........ 20 Brook Watersheds....................................................... 2-2: Spy Pond Sediment Core...................................................................22 2-3: Change in Amount of Solid Material with Depth in Spy Pond Sediment Core.......22 2-4: Spy Pond Temperature vs. Depth.........................................................25 2-5: Spy Pond Dissolved Oxygen vs. Depth....................................................26 2-6: Spy Pond Arsenic vs. Depth..............................................................27 3-1: Timed Stormwater Sampling Data Sheet................................................32 3-2: Catch Basin Sediment Sampling Locations.............................................34 3-3: Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Nitrate and Sulfate Results..........................37 3-4: Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Drain 36 & 36A Phosphate Results...................38 3-5: Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Drain 20 Phosphate Results............................39 3-6: Stormwater Sampling 12/8/98 Nitrate and Sulfate Results............................41 3-7: Stormwater Sampling 1/24/99 Arsenic Results............................................43 3-8: Stormwater Sampling 1/24/99 Nitrate, Sulfate and Chloride Results...................44 3-9 Stormwater Sampling 1/24/99 Phosphate Results......................................45 3-10: Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Arsenic Results........................................47 3-11: Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Nitrate, Sulfate and Chloride Results..............48 3-12: Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Phosphate Results.......................................49 3-13: Drain 4 2/18/99 Phosphate, Nitrate, Sulfate and Chloride Results.................51 3-14: Arsenic Contours Surface Sediment Samples............................................54 3-15: Arsenic vs. Lead Surface Sediment Samples 12/11/98 and 2/19/99..................57 3-16: Arsenic as a Function of Chloride.........................................................65 3-17: Arsenic in Spy Pond.................................................................67 4-1: Spy Pond - 1900s................................................70 71 4-2: Spy Pond - 1910s........................................................ 4-3: Spy Pond - 1920s.......................................................................72 ... 73 4-4: Spy Pond - 1951............................................................ -...... 74 .... 4-5 Spy Pond - 1971...................................................... 5 List of Tables 1-1: Spy Pond B asins............................................................................. 9 2-1: Surface Sediment Sample Collection Summary........................................19 29 2-2: Drain Outfall Sampling July 1998....................................................... 36 3-1: Stormwater Sampling Results 11/11/98................................................ 3-2: Stormwater Sampling Results 12/8/98..................................................40 42 3-3: Stormwater Sampling Results 1/24/99.................................................. 3-4: Stormwater Sampling Results 2/18/99..................................................46 3-5: Stormwater Sampling Results 2/18/99 Drain 4 Sequenced Results..................50 3-6: Selected Catch Basin Sampling Results..................................................53 3-7: Sediment Sampling Results 12/11/98....................................................55 3-8: North Basin Sediment Sampling Results 2/19/99......................................56 60 3-9: G IS D ata Sources.......................................................................... 3-10: Spy Pond Stormwater Runoff Loading Calculations.................................63 4-1: Summary of Weed Control in Spy Pond...................................................82 6 1. Introduction In early 1997, Ivushkina collected sediment samples from Spy Pond (the Pond) as part of an investigation of toxic elements in the sediments of the Alewife Brook and Mill Brook Watersheds (see Figure 1-1) [Ivushkina, 1999]. The sediment samples were analyzed for a number of trace metals, including arsenic. Unexpectedly, the results indicated exceptionally high concentrations of arsenic in the Spy Pond's sediments. The discovery of high concentrations of arsenic in the sediments prompted a number of studies including, a water column investigation; sediment mapping; and the foci for this thesis, stormwater monitoring, and a historical investigation of potential arsenic sources. Compounds containing arsenic have been used for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes and as a pesticide [National Research Council, 1977; Aurilio, 1992]. Despite this history of medicinal use, arsenic is known to be acutely toxic to humans at high doses [International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1980; Aurilio, 1992]. Strong epidemiological evidence also shows that some forms of arsenic are carcinogenic [International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1980; Aurilio, 1992]. Background arsenic concentrations of 0.4 to 40 mg/kg are considered typical for soils with no natural or anthropogenic arsenic inputs [National Research Council 1977; Aurilio, 1992]. Arsenic concentrations in surface sediment samples in Spy Pond, however, are generally above 500 ppm, with a maximum concentration of 2,650 ppm. Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not adopted maximum concentration limits (MCL) for sediments, they currently use Ontario Ministry of the Environment standards of 30 ppm for arsenic. Additional studies focusing on possible ecological effects and human exposure may be warranted. Finally, it should be noted that dredging the Pond has been considered as a possible solution to improve the degraded conditions of the Pond. Removing the arsenic-laden sediments from the Pond would involve treating them as hazardous materials, according to regulations promulgated by EPA and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP). 7 Spy Pond Locus Map Source: MassGIS 1:25,000 scale Community Boundaries Datalayer, 1991 and 1:25,000 Hydrography Datalayer. Figure 1-1 8 1.1 Spy Pond Spy Pond (42' 24' 30"N, 71' 9' 19" W) is a 39.8-hectare kettle-hole pond with a surface level 9 meters above mean sea level (MSL) in the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, about 12.9 kilometers northwest of Boston (see Figure 1-1)[MassGIS, 1998]. The pond has a volume of 1.43 million cubic meters with a maximum depth of 11+ meters and an average depth of 4 meters [Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife; MassGIS, 1998] The pond is split into two distinct basins by Elizabeth Island (14,620 meters squared, m2 and a relatively shallow sill (water depth of less than 2 m). The North Basin is considerably larger and deeper than the South Basin (see Table 1-1 and Figures 1-2, 1-3) [MassGIS, 1998]. The bottom consists of sand overlain by deep muck deposits [MacLaughlin, 1998; Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife]. Table 1-1: Spy Pond Basins North Basin South Basin (M ) 235,956 171,432 Perimeter (m) 2,199 1,941 11+ 6+ Area 2 Maximum Depth (m) Note: areas and perimeters calculated using Arcview 3.1 Although Spy Pond has no natural inlet, a total of 43 drains empty into the pond, 40 of which are municipal storm drains (see Figure 1-4) [MacLaughlin, 1998; Chesebrough and Duerring, 1980]. During this investigation of the Pond, the author noted only one drain, Drain 20, has dry weather base flow. Drain 20 drains the largest portion of the watershed, Figure 1-2 Spy Pond Bathymetry 9 Bathymetry Bathymetry Figure 1-2 Source: Mass GIS 1:5000 scale Black & White Digital Orthophoto Images Massachusetts Fisheries, Wildlife & Environmental Law:Fisheries & Wildlife Division Bathymetry A-A' Profi le 0 0 0 Q) C4 0 4 C1) LCO 0) Distance (m) Figure 1-3 Profile of ~Spy Pond Storm Drain Outfall Locations Figure 1-4 Source: Arlington Department of Public Works record drawvings and Chesebrough and Duemrng (1982) as well as directs flow from Hills Pond located in Menotomy Rocks Park to Spy Pond to help maintain a constant water level in Spy Pond. The remainder of the drains flow during wet weather and carry urban runoff into the pond. The outlet from Spy Pond is a rectangular standpipe with wooden flashboards located in the south corner. From the standpipe, Spy Pond's overflow enters a large culvert and flows about 300 m underground, and then enters Little Pond. From here the water flows into Alewife Brook [Shanahan, 1997]. 1.1.1 Spy Pond Limnology Spy Pond is a dimictic lake and, depending on the season, shows a particular temperature and dissolved oxygen profile. During the summer season, the epilimnion, or warm surface water, occupies the top zone and is well mixed by wind action. Below this is a metalimnion that is characterized by a thermocline, the zone of rapid temperature change with depth. The bottom waters, or hypolimnion, contain colder waters that tend not to circulate nor replenish oxygen. During the spring and fall, these regions break down due to temperature change and the entire lake circulates as one body. A high level of productivity in the surface waters often results in low concentrations of oxygen in the bottom-waters. This is the case for Spy Pond [Chesebrough and Duerring, 1982]. Spy Pond is a hypereutrophic lake, meaning it has depleted oxygen levels and an overabundance of aquatic weeds. Eutrophication is a normal lake degradation process that occurs at a slow rate under natural conditions. This process is accelerated by the addition of excessive nutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates, into lakes and ponds. The hypolimnion becomes anoxic during summer stratification and water transparency is very low. 13 1.2 The Watershed The 340-hectare Spy Pond watershed lies within the Mystic River Basin and is divided between the towns of Arlington and Belmont (see Figure 1-5) [MassGIS, 1998]. Approximately 73 percent of the watershed is in Arlington and 27 percent is in Belmont [Ivushkina, 1999]. Route 2, an 8-lane state highway, abuts the southwest shore of the South Basin of Spy Pond and forms the division between Arlington and Belmont [MassGIS, 1998]. The entire watershed of Spy Pond, with the partial exclusion of Menotomy Rocks Park (a small park to the west of Spy Pond), is serviced by a stormwater collection system that empties into the Pond. The watershed is defined by steep slopes to the northwest (Arlington Heights, Menotomy Rocks) and flat terrain to the east and southeast. With the exception of Menotomy Rocks, the entire area is developed, mainly as single- and multiple-family homes (see Figure 1-6). The watershed has an average annual temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, a mean annual precipitation of 110.2 cm, and the average snowfall is 1.3 m [Logan International Airport Data, 1999]. 1.3 Geology Spy Pond is located within an area known as the "Fresh Pond Buried Valley." This is a deep sediment-filled bedrock valley that extends from the town of Wilmington southeastward to Boston Harbor (see Figure 1-7). This geologic feature underlies Halls Brook Holding Area, Woburn; Wedge Pond, Winchester; the Mystic Lakes, Winchester and Arlington; Spy Pond, Arlington; Fresh Pond, Cambridge; and the Aberjona River. A thin, discontinuous layer of till covers the highlands bordering the buried valley while stratified deposits predominate in the valley itself. The northeast portion of Spy Pond lies along the central axis of the buried valley. 14 F~I44~ tU, 1 2 3 4 405,289 213,481 133,582 163,607 3,627 2015 1,756 1,661 5 194,829 2227 6 163,658 7 1,570,760 1,693 6,108 8 115,102 2,081 9 45,583 1,026 10 315,637 2,465 11 23,236 12 SA430 644 10s0 Figure 1-5 \0 0 &~~ e bounda jorabost m Town Landuse Clmmifcations Puncip~um Roc..don SPY .,...,.,nr....ln too0.20 2 lre -\ Reeidbntll ->3.2 hAm~r \ Spydnd -Lnduse --. FgurbnOpen Traportedon ---s - Spy Pond 000 Landuse -eFigure 1-6 Source: MassGIS statewide 1:25,000 21 -category landuse classifications interpreted from 1:25,000 scale aerial photography taken 1971, 1985 and in some areas 1990 or 1991/1992. Street lines are combined linework of MassGIS 1:100,000 scale roads datalayer and supplemental linework provided by Massachusetts Highway Dept. [ II a ii I Surnm an c Co.4b4a ,*~ / swamp dp.wcA . ut#ft h ,. & E e e 2 iW144E Zd sa~md -4 Figure 1-7 Surficial Geology Spy Pond Region 17 Igneous outcrops are common to the northwest of the lake in and around Menotomy Rocks. The soil of the eastern and southern section of the pond's watershed is composed primarily of sand, gravel, and clay. The depth to bedrock here is about 50 meters. The land between Spy Pond and Fresh Pond was once all a swamp known as "the Great Swamp." The land has been filled artificially and reworked over hundreds of years to make it "usable" land [Shanahan, 1997]. 18 2. Previous Studies 2.1 Sediment Sampling within Spy Pond To determine the kinds and amounts of inorganic elements of public concern present in the Alewife Brook and Mill Brook watersheds, Ivushkina and Durant performed an investigation of surface sediments in 1997. Three surface sediment samples, one from the North Basin and two from the South Basin of Spy Pond were collected as part of the study. The samples were collected at depths of 4 to 5 meters in the South Basin and 8 meters in the North Basin using a 0.125 ft3 Ekman Dredge. The sediment samples were analyzed using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). A summary of the results is shown in Table 2-1 [Ivushkina, 1999]. Table 2-1 Surface Sediment Sample Collection Summary [Data from Ivushkina, 1999] Sample No. SPSS SPSS2 SPNS Depth 4-5 meters 4-5 meters 8 meters Location South Basin South Basin North Basin Arsenic 69 ppm 860 ppm 300 ppm Arsenic concentrations found in water bodies other than Spy Pond range from 73 ppm (Lower Mystic Lake) to 10 ppm (Mystic River). Concentrations of arsenic in surface sediment samples within the Alewife Brook and Mill Brook watersheds are shown in Figure 2-1. Overall, Spy Pond's sediments were representative of an urban environment, having elevated concentrations of metals. However, analyses of these sediments revealed inordinately high concentrations of arsenic, as well as selenium and lead [Ivushkina, 1999]. 19 0.5 Niorth 05 1 ile 1k I t0 My= k- LUnkre Source: Ivushkina, 1999 Distribution of Arsenic in the Surface Sediments of the Alewife Brook and Mill Brook Watersheds Figure 2-1 20 Following the Spy Pond surface sediment results, a 1-meter deep sediment core sample at the deepest point (11 meters) within the North Basin of Spy Pond was collected on January 30, 1998 [Ivushkina, 1999]. Arsenic concentrations were measured with depth using INAA. The results of this analysis are given in Figure 2-2. The concentration of arsenic was highest in the top 20 cm of the core, varying from 310 to 510 ppm. At depths greater than 20 cm, arsenic concentrations drop to between 13 and 91 ppm [Ivushkina, 1999]. One interpretation of the sediment core results suggests that a major event in the depositional history of sediments in Spy Pond might have been the 1968 filling of 2 hectares in the southwest end of the South Basin for the expansion of Route 2. The expansion involved the removal and redistribution through the Pond of all organic matter from the 2 hectares [Cortell, 1973; Senn, 1998]. This, along with the vibration associated with heavy construction may have caused a large increase in sediment deposition in a short time. Some 15 to 30 cm of sediment may have been deposited over the course of several months as a result of the filling [Cortell, 1973]. This deposit may explain observations of an approximately 40 cm section of the sediment core which is highly enriched in crustal material and has a substantially higher percent solid ratio than the rest of the sediment core (see Figure 2-3) [Senn, 1998]. If the "bulge" in percent solids from 15 to 50 cm can be attributed to the extension of Route 2 in 1968, then the sediment depositional rate can be estimated as approximately 0.5 cm per year (15 cm accumulated from 1968 to 1998). Several theories have been postulated to explain the core sample's arsenic profile. One interpretation is the major increase in arsenic concentrations began around 1968 (-45 cm depth) and continues to today, suggesting that the source still injects arsenic into the pond. Another possible explanation is arsenic inputs began at 60 cm (approximately 1940s using 0.5cm/yr depositional rate) depth and the rapid sediment deposition that occurred with the filling of the Pond "diluted' the concentrations of arsenic during that period. This event caused a low concentration arsenic profile from 45 cm to 20 cm depth. 21 Figure 2-2: Spy Pond Sediment Core Figure 2-3: Change inAmount of Solid Material with Depth inSpy Pond Sediment Core Arsenic (ppm) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Change in Percent Solid Material (%) 0 0 0 20 10 20 40 t") 30 E 0. E 60 40 2 50 (D o' 60 80 70 100 80 90 1201 100 5 10 15 20 The same source from 60 cm then "reappears" in the profile above 20 cm depth and continues to input arsenic to the Pond today. Finally, a possible explanation for the arsenic profile is the Pond's hypereutrophic condition. Arsenic has a tendency to be remobilized within the sediment during anoxia potentially resulting in the continual upward mobilization of arsenic. This interpretation of the sediment core profile suggests that a past input of arsenic may be migrating towards the sediment-water interface (see Section 4-2) [Harrington, 1998]. Lead-210 dating of the core has yet to be performed and may reveal new information on sedimentation rates. A possible alternative to accurately date the core sample is to further investigate the source of a sharp spike in copper concentration at approximately 10 cm depth. The sediment core sampling results indicate a strong correlation between arsenic, chloride, and selenium. These chemical associations indicate the potential source of the contamination is from road runoff, specifically runoff concentrated with road salt, into the Pond. This correlation implicated runoff from runoff from Route 2 as a potential source of high levels of arsenic in Spy Pond [Senn,1998; Ivushkina,1999]. 2.2 Water Column Chemistry In the summer of 1998, Senn and Gawel began collecting water column data from the North and South Basins of Spy Pond to observe trends in arsenic concentrations and speciation as well as monitor other constituents in the water. Samples were collected biweekly until October, when sampling was increased to every week in order to capture the Pond's seasonal turnover (loss of thermocline). As of this writing, water column sampling continues. For each sampling date, water samples are collected from a designated location in the center of the North Basin at depths ranging from 1 to 10 meters. Samples are also collected from a designated central location in the South Basin at depths ranging from 1 to 6 meters. Representative data from two sampling dates for 23 temperature, dissolved oxygen, and total arsenic are shown in Figures 2-4 through 2-6 [Senn and Gawel, 1999]. The amount of oxygen in Spy Pond is relevant because it influences arsenic cycling. Arsenic predominately occurs in the oxidized pentavalent state as arsenate (As(V)) or in the reduced trivalent state as arsenite (As(III)). The depletion of oxygen in the bottom waters initiates the remobiliztion of arsenic from the sediments to the water column. Under highly reducing conditions (as evidenced by the presence of sulfide), arsenic has been observed shifting from As(V) to As(II) [Spliethoff, 1995]. The biological availability and physiological and toxicological effects of arsenic depend on its chemical form. As(III) is much more toxic, more soluble, and more mobile than As(V) [Nriagu, 1994]. The water column study results show a thermocline forms at -4 meters in both the North and South Basins in the summer. The thermocline erodes in both basins in late fall, with the shallower South Basin turning over before the North Basin [Senn and Gawel, 1999]. Bottom waters of Spy Pond during stratification are anoxic and highly reducing, as evidenced by the presence of sulfide. These conditions allow for the remobilization of arsenic from the sediments to the water column and the predomination of As(I) (results not shown). Preliminary evidence suggests the As(III) may reoxidize with the turnover of the Pond, bind to particles, and settle into the sediment again [Senn and Gawel, 1999]. The remobilization of arsenic in a highly toxic state may have some significance for the recreational use of Spy Pond. Traditionally, the EPA has considered toxic metals in sediments to be of minimum concern because they are difficult to remobilize. However, in extremely reducing and anoxic conditions, like Spy Pond, arsenic may be reduced to its more toxic, soluble form and released to the overlying waters [Senn and Gawel, 1999]. 24 North Basin South Basin Temperature (C) 0.00 10.00 20.00 Temperature (C) 30.00 0.00 0- 0- 2 1 E 3- -4-8/17 6 -- CL 30.00 10/27 +-8/17 c24 0-4 8 10 20.00 2 4(A 10.00 5 W 12 - 6 7 Source: Senn and Gawel, 1999 Figure 2-4 Spy Pond Temperature vs. Depth South Basin North Basin Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L 0.00c 5.00 10.00 0.00 0 15.00 0- 5.00 10.00 15.00 2 2 4 -+-- E 6 E3 -*-8/17 -A- -A- 10/27 0. 4 4) 0 8/17 8 5 10 6 12 7 Source: Senn and Gawel, 1999 Figure 2-5 Spy Pond Dissolved Oxygen vs. Depth 10/27 South Basin North Basin Total Arsenic, unfiltered (nM) 0.00 100.00 200.00 Total Arsenic, unfiltered (nM) 300.00 0.00 0 0- 2 1 E -+-8/17 6 CL -A- 10/27 a) 0 8 E 3 CL 4 1000.00 2000.00 -+- 8/17 -A- 10/27 5 10- 6 12 7 Source: Senn and Gawel, 1999 Figure 2-6 Spy Pond Arsenic vs. Depth 2.3 Drain Outfall Sampling Preliminary drain outfall sampling, conducted over a period of three field sessions in July, 1998, revealed the presence of arsenic in low concentrations in stormwater runoff entering the Pond [Gawel, 1998]. Drain 36A, which drains a portion of Massachusetts Avenue, showed the highest concentration of arsenic (9.9 ppb), while other drain samples showed trace amounts. A summary of the results is in Table 2-2 (see Figures 1-2 and 1-4 for watershed boundaries and drain locations). Initial sampling results indicate potentially significant amounts of arsenic entering the Pond via the stormwater drainage system, however further sampling and investigation is necessary to define the impact of the stormwater drainage system on total arsenic loads. 28 Table 2-2 Drain Outfall Sampling July 1998 [Data from Gawel and Chin, 1998] 29 3. Stormwater and Sediment Sampling and Mapping 3.1 Introduction The overall goal of this thesis work was to locate and define potential sources for the elevated levels of arsenic found in Spy Pond sediments. Past investigations have prompted the author to further explore the potentially significant arsenic input of 43 storm drain outfalls carrying urban runoff into the Pond. Based on a strong correlation between arsenic and chloride, road salt entering the Pond via runoff was investigated as another potential source. Also, drains which carry stormwater runoff from Massachusetts Avenue were targeted because preliminary stormwater sampling indicated rather high concentrations of arsenic in Drain 36A. Furthermore, Massachusetts Avenue is the only commercial area in Spy Pond's watershed. The sampling strategy had a multi-pronged approach. 1. Determine the amount and location of arsenic entering Spy Pond via the stormwater drain system. 2. Establish a more accurate quantification of the total amount of arsenic in Spy Pond sediments through intensive surface sediment sampling. 3. Analyze and interpret the results using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and establish a preliminary mass balance for arsenic in Spy Pond.3.2 Methods 3.2.1 StormwaterSample Collection Stormwater sampling is the collection of grab samples from stormwater drains flowing into the pond during a rain event. Two sampling methods were employed for Spy Pond. 1. Time-sequenced samples were collected at one location over a period of 2 or more hours. " November 11, 1998 " December 8, 1998 * February 18, 1999 30 2. Grab samples were collected at various locations around the pond. " January 24, 1999 e February 18, 1999 An example of the data sheet used for the time-sequenced samples is included in Figure 3-1. The majority of samples were collected by directly placing a 15 ml plastic vial (acidwashed using 1 M HCl) into the storm runoff streamflow coming from the drain outfall. Some samples were collected using an ISCO autosampler programmed to collect 12 samples at specific times over a period of 2 hours. Samples collected by the autosampler were placed automatically into 1-liter plastic containers cleaned using soap and reverse osmosis (R.O.)-treated water. All samples were immediately put on ice in the field and transferred to a refrigerator at 4'C for storage prior to analysis. 3.2.2 Catch Basin Sample Collection To fully understand the stormwater collection system's influence on arsenic and other contaminants within the Pond, the author conducted sampling of sediments from 11 catch basins around Spy Pond on April 12, 1999. Samples were collected at selected catch basins elected to represent sediment from the entire watershed. 31 Spy Pond Storm Sampling Drain Number: Samplers: Date: Weather: Sample No. Sample Real Time (min) Time (hr:min) fl (Rtc~ 9 nnI~A 0 00 1 0.30 2 5.00 3 10.00 4 15.00 5 20.00 6 25.00 7 30.00 8 45.00 9 60.00 10 90.00 11 120.00 Temp pH Notes: 1 Figure 3-1 Timed Stormwater Sampling Data Sheet Samples were collected in 125 ml acid-washed (1 M HCl) plastic jars. Sample locations are shown in Figure 3-2. 3.2.3 Surface Sediment Sample Collection Surface sediment samples were collected using a Russian Corer and a 0.125 ft3 Ekman Dredge on two dates, November 18, 1998 and February 19, 1999. Sample locations were recorded using a Trimble GPS unit with a differential correction unit to measure the geographic coordinate location of the sample. To collect sediments near the shore (water 0.75 m to 1.35 m deep), the researchers waded into the Pond and used a Russian Corer to collect sediment at soil depths ranging from 0 cm to 33 cm. The remainder of the samples were aquired using the Ekman Dredge from a boat to collect the top 20+ cm of sediment at each specified location. All samples were transferred to 125 ml acid-washed (1 M HCl) plastic jars using a stainless steel spoon. The dredge and spoon were rinsed with surface pond water (having arsenic concentrations <200 ppb)between sample locations. Sediment samples were stored on ice in the field. 3.2.4 Stormwater Sample Preparationand Analyses Stormwater samples were analyzed for total arsenic, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, and phosphate. Sulfate, nitrate, chloride and phosphate samples were analyzed within 1 week of collection. Total arsenic was measured using a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF-AAS). Samples were acidified with 5 percent nitric acid (5 mls concentrated HNO 3 added to 95 ml sample) and allowed to equilibrate overnight. Five-point calibration curves were established at the beginning of each analysis run. The curve was quality assured for stability every 6 to 10 samples. The author measured phosphate using the Stannous Chloride Method (Standard Method #424E). Nitrate, sulfate, and chloride were 33 Catch Basin Sediment Sampling Locations Figure 3-2 Source: Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings and Chesebrough and Duerring (1982). measured by ion chromatograph with an attached chart recorder. Five-point standard calibration curves were run each day and checked after every 5 samples. 3.2.5 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorometer(ED XRF) Sample PreparationandAnalysis Within 12 hours of collection, the samples were placed into a drying oven at 80'C for 5 days, or until dry. Once dried, 4 grams of sediment were placed in a stainless steel cylinder with a ball bearing and ground for 5 minutes using a mixer/mill (SPEX CertiprepMixer/Mill 8000). Then, 0.90 gram of binder was added and the sample was homogenized again for 1 minute. Once the sample was fully ground and homogenized, it was pressed into a pellet using a hydraulic press at 20 metric tons for 1 mintue. All equipment was cleaned thoroughly between samples. An Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorometer (ED-XRF) was used to analyze for a full suite of elements in the catch basin sediment samples and the surface sediment samples from Spy Pond. Instrument accuracy was confirmed using both San Joaquin soil NISTcertified standard materials (SRM #2709) and Spy Pond samples spiked with known concentrations of arsenic. 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Stormwater Sampling Results Stormwater sampling results are included in Tables 3-1 to 3-5 and Figures3-3 through 313. Several aspects of the nature of the urban runoff were discovered through the sampling. The time-sequenced samples show a definite "first flush" was captured on December 8, 1998 and February 18, 1999. A first flush is the high loading of nutrients such as nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate, that flows into the Pond with the storm runoff as urban pollution is mobilized by the rain. However, the timed samples do not show any variations in arsenic concentrations consistent with changes in nutrient loading. Since the GF-AAS is only accurate to ±2 ppb, many of the arsenic measurements are not 35 Table 3-1 Stormwater Sampling Results 11/11/98 Drain 36A Drain 36 Drain 20 Drain 19 Time Nitrate Sulfate Phosphate Arsenic (min) 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 90 120 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 90 0 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 90 120 0 (ppm) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 6.3 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.9 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.9 0.8 (ppm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 18.8 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.6 3.7 3.5 1.1 (mg P04-P/L) 0.293 0.311 0.284 0.255 0.250 0.257 0.259 0.256 0.348 0.267 0.316 0.330 0.345 0.325 0.248 0.242 0.225 0.222 0.042 0.444 0.622 0.600 0.585 0.514 0.497 0.429 0.489 0.543 0.397 0.473 0.042 (ppb) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: Although two significant digits are shown for all arsenic concentrations, the GF-AAS is only accurate to 2 ppb 36 Sulfate 11/11/98 4.0 3.5 3.03 E2.5 2.0 (U( 1.5 0.0 1.00.5 .0 20 0 60 40 Time (min) 80 100 120 140 Nitrate 11/11/98 36 7.0 6.00.0 5.0 36 200 200 20 1 - 3 10 0 20 40 80 60 100 120 140 Time (min) Figure 3-3 Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Nitrate and Sulfate Results 37 Drain 36A: Phosphate 11/11/98 North Basin 0.000 0.050 0.100 0 0 a. o> 0.150 - 0.200 3 S0.250 0. IA 5 0.300 0.35 0.400 40.0 20.0 0.0 80.0 60.0 120.0 100.0 140.0 Time (min) Drain 36: Phosphate 11/11/98 South Basin -- 0.000. ---- 0.050 0 0.100- a- 0.150- drain stopped flowing 0) E 0.200 0.2500. M) CL 0.3000.3500.f400 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 50.0 40.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 Time (min) Figure 3-4 Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Drain 36 & 36A Phosphate Results 38 Drain 20: Phosphate 11/11/98 0.700 - 0.600 0.500 0 0 0.400 co 0 MU 0.300 C. 0.200 0.100 0.000 - 0.0 20.0 40.0 80.0 60.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 Time (min) Figure 3-5 Stormwater Sampling 11/11/98 Drain 20 Phosphate Results Table 3-2 Stormwater Sampling Results 12/08/98 Drain 36A Drain 36 Drain 20 Time Nitrate Sulfate Arsenic (min) 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 90 120 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 90 120 0 2 3 8 18 33 53 78 108 153 (ppm) 10.1 6.3 1.9 2.3 2.0 1.1 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.7 4.9 4.7 4.8 4.7 3.6 1.4 0.9 1.2 1.6 (ppm) 15.6 14.6 8.5 9.9 7.0 3.9 4.3 2.6 2.3 2.5 2.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.6 16.4 15.1 15.5 15.4 25.1 5.6 2.0 3.3 4.4 (ppb) 2.5 2 1 0 0.5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1.5 1.5 3.5 1 1.5 0.5 0 0.5 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA = Not Available Note: Although two significant digits are shown for all arsenic concentrations, the GF-AAS is only accurate to 2 ppb 40 Sulfate 12/8/98 30.0 25.0 E 20.0 CL15.0 Co 10.0 5.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 100 80 120 140 160 180 Time (min) Nitrate 12/8/98 12.0 10.0 a CL e 8.0 6.0 U 4.0 2.0 0.04! 0 I 20 I 40 I 60 I 100 80 Time (min) 120 140 160 180 Figure 3-6 Stormwater Sampling 12/8/98 Nitrate and Sulfate Results 41 Table 3-3 Stormwater Sampling Results 1/24/99 Collected 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Drain Nitrate Sulfate Phosphate Chloride Arsenic Outfall (ppm) (ppm) (mg P04-P/L) (ppm) (ppb) 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 2.1 1.0 2.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.7 0.246 0.633 0.163 0.205 0.211 0.313 0.896 0.986 0.247 0.123 8.1 12.1 20.6 16.1 18.5 28.2 22.8 15.5 40.0 41.3 6 10 2.5 5 6 4 1.5 1 1.5 0 19 0.0 0.7 0.186 19.1 1.5 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 35 36 36A 37 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 7.5 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 NA 3.4 1.7 2.3 0.0 3.3 1.5 4.4 3.1 3.8 2.6 2.9 NA 0.203 0.237 0.423 0.132 0.184 0.27 0.165 0.288 0.171 0.74 0.193 0.198 95.8 37.7 64.8 5.6 73.2 19.7 17.8 16.1 18.7 22.3 46.3 30.3 1.5 3 2 0 3.5 5 0 3 0.5 1.5 1.5 3 NA = Not Available Note: Although two significant digits are shown for all arsenic concentrations, the GF-AAS is only accurate to 2 ppb 42 CL F E C*D I a r: a SI .3 ih t ; ~ ~ a0) D P -wo O co 00 JI co C'', j 43 002M Chloride 1/24/98 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 ' 0. 60.0 .8 _ 6 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Drain No. Nitrate 1/24/98 8.0 7.0 6.0 E 0. 5.0 4.0 z 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Drain No. Figure 3-8 Stormwater Sampling 1/24/98 Nitrate, Sulfate, and Chloride Results 44 Figure 3-9: Stormwater Sampling 1/24/99 Phosphate Results 3.500 9 3.000 - 3 2.500- 36 0 2.0000) E 10 *~1.500- 0. 0 0. 1.000 - 22 11 0.500 - 19 20 13 4 8 24 31 36A 25 37 0.000 Drain Number Table 3-4 Results 2/18/99 Sampling Stormwater Sulfate Nitrate Drain Phosphate Chloride Arsenic (ppb) 0.5 1 0 4 2.5 9.5 Outfall Date Time (ppm) (ppm) (mg P04-P/L (ppm) 4* 5* 1 2 3 3A 2/17/99 2/17/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 18:00 18:00 11:40 8:45 8:40 8:35 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.9 2.3 3.3 4.5 2.5 0.5 7.5 5.2 6.4 0.057 0.036 0.081 0.077 0.140 0.101 11.6 23.2 23.2 554.4 372.0 388.4 5 2/18/99 8:58 2.7 17.1 0.124 1376.7 0 6 7 2/18/99 2/18/99 8:55 9:02 2.0 1.0 12.3 4.0 0.131 0.155 994.0 91.6 0.5 2.5 9 2/18/99 9:21 1.5 10.9 0.098 1492.5 0 9A 10 2/18/99 2/18/99 9:40 9:50 1.0 1.0 4.1 5.4 0.099 0.048 252.9 649.6 0 0 11 2/18/99 10:05 0.9 7.4 0.093 713.9 2 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 34 35 36 36A 37 2 3 3A 3*4 5 6 Hill's Pond Inlet* Hill's Pond Spring* 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 2/18/99 10:12 10:25 10:20 10:35 10:45 10:52 11:00 11:05 11:10 11:15 11:15 11:20 11:18 11:30 11:30 11:37 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 11:55 11:50 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 2.7 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0 5.5 1.9 4.2 2.6 3.0 2.3 2.2 2.4 1.3 1.4 0.1 4.8 3.6 0.3 1.6 0.7 1.8 0.3 1.0 0.0 1.2 1.0 0.051 0.045 0.111 0.090 0.104 0.087 0.094 0.153 0.128 0.065 0.088 0.000 0.042 0.043 0.087 0.079 0.069 0.037 0.071 0.051 0.101 0.102 0.086 0.061 391.8 177.9 298.8 109.3 247.4 205.1 106.3 141.0 35.5 47.8 11.9 9.4 47.1 24.6 55.1 18.5 61.0 12.5 53.5 5.6 41.6 38.5 1 1 1.5 0.5 2 3 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 2 0.5 2 0 0 0 523.7 0 24.6 0 2/18/99 7.1 7.3 * Collected while it was not raining Note: Although two significant digits are shown for all arsenic concentrations, the GF-AAS is only accurate to 2 ppb 46 Stormdraln Sampling Locations Arsenic Concentrations (ppb) Stormdrain Network Bathymetric Contours / Shoreline 1 - 3 Meters below mean surface 4 - 5 Meters below mean surface 4S 4 6 - 8 Meters below mean surface 9 - 11 Meters below mean surface -4 vi Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Arsenic Results Figure 3-10 Orthophotography Source: MassGIS Drainage Network Source: Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings Nitrate 2/18/99 3.5 3.0 34 3 2.5 E 2.0C. 26 6 9 )1.5~ 10 1 1.0 7 1130 0.5 213 2 35 3 37 0.0 1 -0.5 Drain No. Figure 3-11 Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Nitrate, Sulfate, and Chloride Results 48 Figure 3-12: Stormwater Sampling 2/18/99 Phosphate Results 0.180 0.160 7 0.140 - 25 3 6 26 5 0.120 - 20 2--' 6 0 9 22 2 a. 0.100 9A 24 11 3A 1 21 21 -1a 0.080 3A 0. 23 0 0.060 a- 13 2 3*4 30 19 0.040 35 10 1 0.020 - 0.000* Drain Outfall No. 34 Table 3-5 Stormwater Sampling Results 2/18/99 Drain 4 Sequenced Results Time Nitrate Sulfate (min) (ppm) 1.5 2.7 2.7 3.1 4.3 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.0 0.6 0.3 (ppm) 4.5 7.1 8.0 20.6 27.9 16.2 15.2 16.5 15.5 15.0 11.7 6.0 3.6 1.2 o 0 0.3 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 60 90 120 240 Phosphate (m P04-P/L) 0.057 0.048 0.054 0.125 0.081 0.100 0.246 091697.8 0.100 0.129 0.144 0.125 0.068 0.079 Chloride Arsenic (ppm) 41.6 482.7 604.2 1951.1 5354.2 1486.3 1449.3 (ppb) 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1612.9 1314.6 953.4 471.8 228.5 60.2 Note: Although two significant digits are shown for all arsenic concentrations, the GF-AAS is only accurate to 2 ppb 50 Drain 4: 2/18/99 0.3 0.25 3 02 CUD' - 00.15 -o 0)a E 0.1 E. 0.05 0 200 150 100 50 0 Time (min) -+- Drain 4: 2/18/99 N03- (ppm) --- S04 2- (ppm) 30 25 20 E 15 a. 10 5 0 200 150 100 50 0 Time (min) Drain 4: 2/18/99 6000 5000 - EA 4000 0. 0. . 3000 . 2000 - 1000 0 * 0 50 100 200 150 250 300 Time (min) Figure 3-13 Drain 4 2/18/99 Phosphate, Nitrate, Sulfate and Chloride Results 51 statistically significant from zero. Sampling performed on February 18, 1999 at Drain 4 appears to have captured two flushes of nutrients with no change in arsenic concentrations (see Table 3-5 and Figure 3-13). The grab sampling revealed several "hot spots" along the North Basin which showed sporadically elevated arsenic concentrations over the period of sampling. The first area of elevated arsenic concentrations is along the south cove of the North Basin, including Drains 3 through 8. The second area of interest is along the northwest shore, near Elizabeth Island. These areas had maximum arsenic concentrations of 10 ppb and 5 ppb, respectively. Drain 20 (Route 2) and drains 36 and 36A (Massachusetts Avenue), however, which account for the majority (59%) of the total stormwater inflow into Spy Pond, recorded low levels of arsenic. Two samples were collected from Menotomy Rocks Park on February 19, 1999 to compare to Spy Pond stormwater samples. One sample was collected from the drain outfall at Hill's Pond, prior to the mitigation wetland. The other sample was collected from a spring in the park that flows into drain 20. Analysis of both samples revealed no arsenic. Chloride was measured on several dates after roads were salted to determine the effect of road salt on Spy Pond arsenic loading. Very high levels of chloride were recorded at several drains, however, high chloride levels did not correspond to high arsenic levels. Direct analysis of road salt samples collected from the storage facility for this portion of Route 2 also revealed undetectable levels of arsenic. 3.3.2 Catch Basin Sampling Results Catch basin sampling results are included in Table 3-6. Sample locations are shown in Figure 3-2. The results indicate that the catch basin sediments mainly consist of sand and are low in arsenic. On the other hand, relatively large amounts of iron are present in the catch basin samples. Since arsenic is readily sorbed by iron oxides, the small amounts of 52 arsenic found in the catch basin samples may be associated with iron precipitates. The elevated lead concentrations in samples 75, 78, and 81 warrant further investigation. Table 3-6 Selected Catch Basin Sampling Results Sample Silicon Phosphorus Chlorine Iron Lead Arsenic Number % % % % ppm ppm 75 32.00 0.0477 0.01176 1.135 290.2 <3.1 78 31.07 0.0876 <0.0037 1.083 568.0 <4.3 79 32.71 0.02146 <0.0040 1.516 54.33 3.4 80 34.96 <0.0019 <0.0037 1.332 32.5 1.7 81 26.89 0.3096 <0.0033 3.012 314.9 8.6 82 33.85 0.02871 <0.0041 1.506 68.7 1.8 84 34.72 0.00963 <0.0041 0.9723 46.8 2.3 85 32.81 0.0407 <0.0039 1.056 75.9 2.8 86 29.90 0.0851 0.00399 1.364 92.4 <1.8 87 33.73 0.02406 <0.0039 0.9104 39.9 2.3 88 32.29 0.02396 0.0542 1.296 66.8 2.4 3.3.3 Sediment Sampling Results Results of our intensive sediment sampling program are included in Tables 3-7 and 3-8 as well as Figures 3-14 and 3-15. The results from the first sampling round (samples 1 through 40) show large concentrations of arsenic are found in surface sediments throughout Spy Pond. However, the North Basin has maximum concentrations almost 3 times as high as sediments in the South Basin. As one would expect, in general higher concentrations are found in deeper portions of Spy Pond due to sediment focussing However, comparing the concentration contours for the North Basin in Figure 3-14 to the bathymetry in Figure 1-2, one notices the highest 53 Arsenic Sediment Sample Contoum F 40-" inteval: 300 ppmn Acontour A A 300 -600 601-900 901 - 1200 4111 -1500 41201 *A 3 1501-2400 S A/ 18 Location A ASample 4 38 Pond Boundary seiment A9 33 A A 29 A - S34 Arsenic Contours Surface Sediment Samples Figure 3-14 Orthophotography Source: MassGIS Arsenic Samples Contoured using ArcView Spatial Analyst with a 4-meter grid and 300 ppm contour interval Table 3-7 Sediment Sampling Results Samples Collected 12/11/98 by Gawel and Lukacs Data Depth of Water Arsenic Lead Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Chromium Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (m) 2.5 1.9 3.1 1.8 4.0 7.0 9.8 3.7 3.8 7.9 10.2 7.5 4.2 1.2 2.0 6.8 2.8 2.5 2.7 1.9 4.9 3.2 0.9 5.5 4.0 2.2 5.7 6.1 1.7 1.0 5.0 5.5 5.8 4.8 1.0 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.5 5.3 (ppm) 146.3 221.2 826.8 87.5 1570.0 1858.0 2043.0 1720.0 1480.0 1736.0 1737.0 815.6 738.7 1577.0 2644.0 1415.0 696.6 274.7 252.4 617.6 605.9 870.1 594.6 1074.0 971.9 154.1 845.0 853.2 568.1 153.8 510.4 656.0 815.8 813.1 118.3 261.6 152.7 159.2 202.2 363.7 (ppm) 1347 1312 1713 483.9 1877 1901 2486 2164 2106 2395 2416 2232 1956 1977 2011 2395 1632 1124 1138 1844 1839 1836 1917 2032 2232 1063 2156 1899 1276 1353 1411 2104 1958 1745 610.3 932.3 500.2 856.6 555.5 1243 % 0.2346 0.2572 0.2649 0.1139 0.2745 0.3155 0.3036 0.2768 0.2663 0.3014 0.2725 0.3304 0.268 0.2665 0.2632 0.2832 0.3106 0.2184 0.206 0.2105 0.1872 0.2167 0.2155 0.2256 0.2285 0.2078 0.2449 0.25 0.2219 0.2049 0.2081 0.2311 0.2537 0.2411 0.287 0.2502 0.1619 0.0816 0.1613 0.3031 % 1.448 1.597 2.132 1.55 2.431 2.524 2.349 2.122 2.293 2.394 2.251 2.5 2.487 2.304 2.033 2.18 2.068 1.574 1.92 1.578 1.687 1.54 1.521 1.479 1.441 1.647 1.293 1.43 1.485 1.405 1.437 1.526 1.413 1.319 1.062 1.374 0.7244 1.196 0.8794 2.349 % 0.0763 0.1338 0.0841 0.3133 0.1288 0.1016 0.0987 0.0812 0.1194 0.1097 0.1203 0.1456 0.1942 0.1352 0.1128 0.1581 0.0848 0.0733 0.1609 0.1399 0.0682 0.1072 0.1521 0.1211 0.1271 0.1315 0.1192 0.3558 0.1662 0.0528 0.0936 0.2986 0.3622 0.0999 0.4941 0.9064 0.0677 0.1995 0.0995 0.00827 % 0.0153 0.00805 0.00586 0.00285 0.00826 0.00547 0.0051 0.00485 0.00598 0.00742 0.00454 0.00537 0.0024 0.00584 0.00765 0.00473 0.028 0.01021 0.0137 0.00553 0.00307 0.00409 0.00646 0.00595 0.00474 0.00457 0.0051 0.00491 0.00344 0.0166 0.00371 0.00645 0.00673 0.0052 0.00933 0.01031 0.0313 0.00283 0.00255 0.0039 Iron % 3.168 3.339 3.761 2.167 4.139 4.581 4.502 4.284 4.228 4.645 4.423 4.584 4.305 3.897 4.163 4.223 3.740 3.107 3.398 3.752 3.643 3.772 3.794 3.952 3.948 3.383 4.000 4.242 3.584 3.469 3.619 4.087 4.242 3.794 3.636 4.506 3.393 2.498 3.472 4.595 Copper Zinc i(ppm) (ppm) 643.7 606.1 809.1 408.0 927.2 888.5 968.4 890.1 882.0 1047.0 1010.0 971.5 918.8 930.2 882.1 935.6 733.4 569.7 606.5 782.0 768.9 753.5 804.3 763.3 766.6 712.0 811.2 807.7 621.9 682.3 600.9 799.0 780.7 752.2 677.3 742.2 270.4 331.6 266.7 774.4 643.7 300.7 450.7 149.4 634.5 520.5 425.5 407.4 415.5 466.2 484.7 355.8 350.9 503.1 502.1 502.6 432.8 327.3 426.3 437.5 428.4 427.5 398.3 426.2 416.7 244.4 408.9 339.9 343.6 248.0 352.5 330.7 323.0 363.9 270.2 304.6 100.8 113.8 115.9 929.4 Table 3-8 North Basin Sediment Sampling Results Samples Collected 2/19/99 by Gawel, Lukacs, MacLaughlin and Senn Data Points 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 Depth of Water (m) 0.75 0.9 0.75 0.75 0.7 1 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.2 0.9 1.35 1.35 1.2 5 7 9 9 7 5 6 5 1.2 Arsenic (ppm) 8.7 278.5 14.2 19.7 8.6 33.2 3.5 11.5 8.8 1.9 3.4 11.9 8.7 3.0 1.6 0.7 12.3 3.6 65.9 250.8 6.0 310.5 973.4 2314.0 2246.0 819.0 1212.0 522.1 960.2 3.6 Lead (ppm) 30.1 214.9 60.9 102.6 37.1 227.2 144.9 98.5 138.9 45.7 33.8 86.1 66.5 65.9 59.3 41.2 46.9 64.0 198.5 619.1 217.3 1106.0 2543.0 2453.0 2374.0 2651.0 2216.0 1999.0 1837.0 142.6 Phosphorus % 0.03013 0.1012 0.02693 0.0437 0.0506 0.1232 0.0698 0.0471 0.02187 0.02136 0.0437 0.0495 0.0339 0.0566 0.0304 0.02677 0.0543 0.0506 0.0665 0.1144 0.02225 0.255 0.273 0.3138 0.2979 0.3066 0.3021 0.2902 0.3015 0.02011 Sulfur % 0.04603 0.5886 0.2171 0.3638 0.07495 0.9651 0.194 0.0958 0.2267 0.2021 0.1786 0.3194 0.1447 0.08434 0.07305 0.05829 0.1273 0.1067 0.6013 0.7128 0.06217 2.246 2.491 2.456 2.463 2.217 2.286 2.318 2.163 0.04056 Chlorine % 0.0045 <0.0038 <0.0046 <0.0039 <0.0047 0.0995 0.01492 <0.0042 <0.0042 <0.0043 <0.0043 <0.0036 <0.0042 <0.0042 0.00844 <0.0042 <0.0039 <0.0044 0.0612 0.01933 <0.0044 0.2148 0.0946 0.0992 0.1562 0.184 0.1648 0.1191 0.096 <0.0044 Chromium % 0.01318 0.00256 0.00207 0.0287 0.00176 0.00359 0.0576 0.00456 0.00188 0.01717 0.01012 0.01714 0.0377 0.0729 0.0366 0.00687 0.0789 0.0355 0.01628 0.0324 0.077 0.01055 0.0056 0.00639 0.00438 0.0058 0.00494 0.0066 0.00531 0.1262 Iron % 1.702 3.448 1.304 1.282 1.938 1.601 1.646 1.898 1.252 1.267 1.285 1.576 1.390 1.913 1.637 1.276 2.170 2.139 1.730 2.449 1.867 3.889 4.514 4.539 4.599 4.390 4.375 3.985 3.847 1.788 Copper (ppm) <1.3 29.9 9.9 15.6 <1.3 50.3 23.8 13.1 9.3 <1.3 <1.3 18.7 2.6 3.0 16.0 3.6 4.9 1.4 55.0 73.2 9.9 297.7 394.3 480.1 522.0 416.3 445.2 369.8 413.8 4.4 Zinc (ppm) 53.7 134 78.6 90.5 52 277.2 166.9 74.7 48.4 28.8 20.1 116.2 58.2 48.4 39.9 24.1 52.5 47.8 193 281.8 59.6 560.5 974.6 1038 1044 1006 945.6 914.7 885.7 52.8 Sediment Core Sample Concentration Bars [ Arsenic (0.7 to 2,644) Lead (30.1 to 2,395) Concentration in ppm Stormdrain Network Arsenic vs. Lead Surface Sediment Samples 12/11/98 and 2/19/99 Figure 3-15 Orthophotogrpahy Source: MassGIS Drainage Network Source: Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings arsenic concentrations do not correspond to the deepest section of the Pond. An area of high arsenic concentrations appears in Figure 3-14 near the south shore of the North Basin which is inconsistent with what would be expected from standard sediment focussing. The second round of sampling (samples 41-76) concentrated on further defining the North Basin hot spot. High concentrations of arsenic were found close to the shore in the area of the hot spot (Sample 45, 278.5 ppm). Extensive near-shore surface sediment sampling in the North Basin area did not reveal any other area near shore where arsenic concentrations were as elevated. Figure 3-15 compares arsenic concentrations to lead concentrations in the surface sediments. A possible significant source of arsenic to Spy Pond is through the historical use of lead arsenate as a pesticide (see Section 4.3). A comparison of the two elements does not reveal any apparent correlation however, lead concentrations may be skewed by its use for other purposes (including leaded gasoline). 3.4 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 3.4.1 GIS Software The author established an understanding of the site and the sampling results using ESRI's Arcview 3.1 and ARC/INFO in conjunction with digital topography, land use, and orthophotography data developed by MassGIS, a Division of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. 3.4.2 Data Sources To accurately capture the many layers of geographic data in a consistent format, the author digitized all new data against the NAD83 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System. MassGIS is a valuable resource that is consistently maintained and updated. To ensure easy integration with future data supplied by MassGIS, the author converted all digitized data layers to the Metric System. 58 The author digitized the majority of layers using ESRI's ARC/INFO and CalComp 9100 48-inch digitizing tablet. Paper maps were registered to common features on the existing data, ensuring a maximum root mean square (RMS) error of 0.02. Typically, one aims at a lower RMS to improve absolute accuracy; however, given the nature of the project and the quality of the source documents, the RMS was appropriate [Thomas, 1999]. All digitizing was performed based on the State Plane Coordinate System. The watershed boundary delineation was created by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and adjusted according to topography and the existing stormwater drainage system. The author digitized the stormwater drainage system using current Arlington Department of Public Works (DPW) records. The drainage system was digitized from the paper map such that the GIS data has an understanding of the direction of flow of the system. This data layer could be used for future modeling and further understanding of the existing stormwater loading on the Pond. The author digitized the bathymetry data layer using data from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. However, the paper data source was developed prior to the filling of 2 hectares of the Pond for the expansion of Route 2. Therefore, the author adjusted the depth breaklines to reflect approximate current conditions on the southwest shore of the South Basin. The adjustment of the Pond edge boundary was made using MassGIS orthophotography (1-m resolution). The historical mapping was digitized based on Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, Limited Fire Insurance Maps. Data sources for digitizing are summarized below in Table 3-9. 59 Table 3-9 GIS Data Sources Base Layers DataLayers Source United State Geological Survey (USGS) Topography Quadrangle Maps Orthophotographs Land Use Hydrography Hypsography Digitized Layers Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs MassGIS (MassGIS) Data Layers Source Stormwater Drainage System Watershed Delineation Bathymetry Historical Information Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings Metropolitan Area Planning Council GIS Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, Limited. Fire Insurance Maps MassGIS MassGIS MassGIS MassGIS Raw Analytical Data Layers Data Layers Source Surface Sediment Samples Locations Stormwater Samples Locations Trimble Global Positioning System Unit with Differential (GPS) Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings and GPS Logbooks (1998) and MassGIS orthophotography data layer Logbooks (1998) and Arlington Department of Public Works record drawings Water Column Sample Locations Catch Basin Sample Locations Derived Layers Data Layers Source Surface Sediment Sample Concentration Contouring Spy Pond Profile Arcview 3.1 Spatial Analyst Arcview 3.1 3-D Analyst 60 3.4.3 Raw Analytical Data Layers MacLaughlin, et al recorded all sediment sample locations in geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude in degree/decimal minutes) using a Trimble global positioning system receiver with a differential (GPS). Furthermore, coordinate locations were recorded approximately every 6 meters along Spy Pond's shoreline to establish the accuracy of the GPS. For a final check on accuracy, the data points collected by Trimble receiver were compared to data collected by a Garmin GPS receiver. The author transformed the geographic coordinates into NAD83 Massachusetts mainland state plane meters by calculating negative decimal degrees from the degree decimal minutes in MS Excel and then projecting the decimal degrees to state plane meters using Arcview 3.1 coordinate projection algorithms. For positional accuracy confirmation, the author viewed the transformed points in conjunction with MassGIS digital USGS topography and orthophotography data layers. The author established stormwater sample locations using a combination of GPS points, Arlington DPW record drawings and information recorded in the field logbook. To create the catch basin sampling location data layer, the author used locations recorded in the field logbook and Arlington DPW record drawings. 3.4.4 Derived DataLayers The author used Arcview 3.1's Spatial Analyst extension tool for surface and volumetric calculations. The tool extrapolated the bathymetry data layer to create the basins of the pond in three dimensions. Spatial Analyst split the Pond into various shapes and fractions to determine volumes and surface areas for preliminary mass balance calculations. Furthermore, the author used Spatial Analyst to analyze the raw surface sediment data by establishing preliminary arsenic concentration contours throughout Spy Pond. Spatial Analyst produces contours from a set of data points by processing the analytical results 61 through a triangular irregular network (TIN). The number of sediment samples was insufficient for Spatial Analyst to provide completely accurate contouring, however, the contours provide a preliminary suggestion of concentrations throughout the Pond [Thomas, 1999]. The author used ArcView 3.1's 3-D Analyst extension tool to visualize the data in three dimensions. To generate profiles of Spy Pond, the author employed 3-D Analyst to interpret the bathymetry data layer in three dimensions. Once the data layer is interpreted in three dimensions, a profile can be produced from any direction along the Pond. 3.5 Conclusions The comprehensive sampling and data analysis discussed in this chapter have resulted in the formation of several initial hypotheses concerning the character of arsenic contamination in Spy Pond. A prognosis of the effect of stormwater runoff and road salt loadings on the Pond uncovers a minimal arsenic impact delivered through the 43 drain outfalls. A comparison of chloride and arsenic in sediments and stormwater reveals no correlation, suggesting road salt is not a significant source of arsenic. Finally, a first attempt at an arsenic mass balance in Spy Pond, as discussed below, discloses a large unidentified input of arsenic, probably entering the Pond via groundwater. 3.5.1 Arsenic Loading to Spy Pondfrom StormwaterRunoff Table 3-10 summarizes preliminary stormwater runoff arsenic loading calculations. The calculations use the equation: Q = CIA Where: Q = peak rate of runoff in m 3/y I = rainfall intensity in rn/yr A = Drainage area in m2 C = Runoff Coefficient 62 Figure 3-16 Spy Pond Stormwater Runoff Loading Calculations Subbasins Est. Est. Arsenic Arsenic Arsenic Load Flow, Q Conc. Load over 30 yrs mA3/yr 10A-6g/L g/yr kg Percent of Watershed Storm Drain Outfalls Average Area mA2 Drainage Area Storm Intensity C m/yr % # 21, 22, 23 2 213,481 7 1.09 0.65 151,251 1.75 265 8 # 24 3 133,582 4 1.09 0.65 94,643 3.00 284 9 # 25 -35A 4 163,607 5 1.09 0.65 115,916 1.40 162 5 # 36, 36A, 37 5 194,829 7 1.09 0.9 191,127 1.08 207 6 # 9A, 10 6 163,658 5 1.09 0.65 115,952 0.63 72 2 # 20, 20A 7 1,570,760 52 1.09 0.65 1,112,883 1.50 1669 50 # 11 8 115,102 4 1.09 0.65 81,550 1.75 143 4 # 7, 8, 9 9 45,584 2 1.09 0.65 32,296 2.00 65 2 # 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6 10 315,638 11 1.09 0.65 223,630 3.83 857 26 # 19 11 23,237 1 1.09 0.65 16,463 1.25 21 1 # 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18 12 55,430 2 1.09 0.65 39,272 0.50 20 1 Total Drainage Area 2,994,908 100 1.09 0.65 2,121,892 1.70 3606 108 annual precipatation = 43 in/year = 1.09 m/yr [Logan Internation Airport Data] C = Runoff Coefficient [Robertson, 1988] See Figure 1-4 for Storm Drain Outfall Location See Figure 1-5 For Watershed Subbasins An average annual rainfall of 1.09 mlyr based on Logan International Airport data was used. The runoff coefficient was estimated at 0.65 for the entire urban residential watershed. The area of each basin was determined using Areview 3.1. Arsenic concentrations recorded for each drain outfall were averaged and applied to an overall average for the drainage basin. The calculations indicate less than 4 kg of arsenic enter the pond annually via the storm drainage system. If this result is extrapolated over 30 years, the total input from the storm drains from 1969 to 1999 is approximately 108 kg. If the highest concentration of arsenic measured in the stormwater runoff, 10 ppb, is applied to the entire watershed and expanded over 30 years, the stormwater system contributes an absolute maximum of 630 kg total. 3.5.2 Road Salt Runoff as a PotentialSource Road salt was initially considered a viable potential source of arsenic to the Pond based on the high concentrations measured in the South Basin sediment samples and the sediment core results of Ivushkina (1999). Stormwater samples were collected on two occasions after salt had been placed on the roads. Figure 3-16 shows the relationship between arsenic and chloride concentrations. Arsenic and road salt applications do not appear to be correlated. 3.5.3 PreliminaryQuantificationof Arsenic in Spy Pond The total amount of arsenic in Spy Pond sediments can be estimated using the surface sediment data collected on December 12, 1998 and the surface area of the sediments calculated using ArcView Spatial Analyst. Based on sampling results, arsenic concentrations of 500 ppm to 800 ppm were used to calculate the total arsenic load in the top 15 cm of pond sediments. The results of these calculations place the total amount of arsenic in the top 15 cm of Spy Pond sediments between 1,200 kg and 1,920 kg. 64 Figure 3- 16: Arsenic as a Function of Chloride 12 10 .0 0. . 8 6 * As -4- 4 - - -- - - - - + - - *- - -- - 2 -+ 0 1 10 100 Chloride (ppm) 1000 10000 3.5.4 Mass Balance Calculations Figure 3-17 summarizes a preliminary mass balance of arsenic fluxes in Spy Pond using the stormwater, sediment, and water column data along with areas and volumes found using Arcview Spatial Analyst. Our estimate of the amount of arsenic entering the Pond annually via stormwater runoff (as described in Section 3.5.1) is less than 4 kg/yr, with an absolute maximum of 21 kg/yr. Shanahan's (1997) estimate of the Pond's turnover, 0.8 volume/year, and the concentration of arsenic in the surface waters during the summer (-100 nM) were used to calculate the amount leaving the Pond annually, approximately 17 kg/yr. Finally, the arsenic flux from the water to the sediments was calculated using an estimated 0.5 cm/yr sediment deposition rate (see Section 2.1) and a total arsenic load for the top 15 cm of sediments of 1,200 kg to 1,920 kg (see Section 3.5.3). Using these estimates the arsenic flux to the sediments is between 40 kg/yr and 64 kg/yr. Therefore, according to the mass balance, 36 to 77 kg /yr is entering the Pond from sources other than the stormwater system. The most likely culprit is groundwater entering the Pond which led to an investigation of possible historical arsenic sources to Spy Pond. 66 4-21 k me 17 kg/yr /36 - 77 kg/yr? 40 - 64 kg/yr Figure 3-17 Arsenic in Spy Pond 4. Historical Investigation 4.1 Introduction The preliminary mass balance indicates that stormwater runoff is not the primary input of arsenic to Spy Pond. A potential significant source may be an arsenic groundwater plume, originating from previous land use, migrating to the Pond. Therefore, historical land use and maintenance of the Pond was extensively researched in an attempt to explain the presence and quantity of arsenic in the pond. Resources explored include: " Arlington Public Library, including Arlington Advocate archives e Arlington Town Planning Office e Boston Public Library e Massachusetts Highway Department Library e Massachusetts State House Special Collections Library * Arlington Historical Society e Arlington Spy Pond Committee * Residents of Spy Pond. All available previous reports on Spy Pond were researched, as well as historical books and maps of Arlington to understand development around and use of the Pond. Pictures and anecdotal information were acquired from the Arlington Historical Society. Arlington Advocate articles on market gardening and gypsy moth infestation were reviewed to glean any information about arsenical pesticide use. Information from the Sanborn Maps and Publishing Company, Limited, Fire Insurance maps (Sanborn Maps) dating from 1885 to 1971 were digitized using Arcview 3.1 (see Section 3.4) to create convenient maps displaying the changes around Spy Pond over a period of almost 100 years. These maps show how Spy Pond's watershed changes from a commercial and agricultural center to an almost purely residential area. 68 4.2 Methods and Discussion 4.2.1 Sanborn Fire InsuranceMaps of Spy Pond An in depth investigation of the industry and use of the land surrounding Spy Pond was conducted using Sanborn Maps and available historical literature. Arlington has a long history of industry and mills. At its peak, Mill Brook had seven major mill ponds. The watershed of Spy Pond has a somewhat less industrious history. Market gardens and ice houses cropped up along its shores at the turn of the century. However, since the 1950s, the vast majority of the watershed of Spy Pond has been residential (see Figures 4-1 through 4-5). Figure 4-1 shows industry first appearing around Spy Pond in the late 1800s. By the 1900s, several ice houses began to appear to store and ship ice harvested from the pond. In conjunction with the ice harvesting business, an ice tool manufacturing company existed adjacent to the Pond. Several small businesses appeared along Massachusetts Avenue, near the north end of the Pond including: a garage and blacksmith, a painting shop, a barber, an upholsterer, a printing shop, and a large greenhouse farm. To the north of the Pond, just out of the present-day drainage basin, a large lumber yard, a coal, wood and hay distributor and an insecticide manufacturer existed along the railroad tracks (now the Minute Man Bicycle Path). The next decade, the 1910s, saw the ice tool manufacturing business being replaced by a building materials shop, a greenhouse/market farm appearing along the east shores of Spy Pond, and a livery opening on Massachusetts Avenue (see Figure 4-2). Figure 4-3 describes the 1920s, which enjoyed the largest expansion of businesses along Spy Pond. One truly understands how central the Pond was to the lives of those living near it. Market gardens explode around Spy Pond in this decade. Several more ice houses appear along the south shore and a foundry is shown along the southern shore of 69 Spy Pond - 1900s Sc AJw- r fIJA~ 7.0 0- Spy Pond Industry 1900s boat house coal pit farm/green houses garage ice house insecticide mfg. Little V -ook C-16 shops 1 Wood &Co. Ice Tool Mfg. 2 New England Ice CoJArl.&Belmont Ice 3 New England Ice CoJAr.&Belmont Ice 4 Cambridge Ice Co/Gage Ice Co. 5 tool manufacturing lumber yard ",SpyPond Watershed 41 I I Data Sources: Spy Pond Industry History digitized from Sanbom Map & Publishing Company., Limited Fire Insurance Maps Spy Pond Watershed boundaries adjusted from Metropolitan Area Planning Council stormwater basin GIS data 6 Richard's Coal, Wood, Hay Frost Insecticide Co. 7 Blanchard Kendall & Co. Lumber Yard 8 Rawson's Green Houses 9 Wood & Co. Ice Tool Mfg. 10 Menotomy Boat House 11 Wood & Co. Ice Tool Mfg. hot house 12 various shops 13 Garage, Blacksmith, Painting Shop 14 Garage & Repair Shop hamess, barber, upholestry, printing 15 Figure 4-1 a t Spy Pond - 1910s r~ V t,, Spy Pond Industry 1910s farm/green houses tool manufacturing lumber yard 3 livery Spy Pond Industry 1900s boat house coal pit farm/green houses garage ice house insecticide mfg. shops tool manufacturing lumber yard Spy Pond Watershed i 2 New England Ice GoJArl.&belmont Ice 3 New England Ice CoiArl.&Belmont Ice L ittle PO Z P,rAf k 4 Cambridge Ice CoiGage Ice Co. 5 Richard's Coal, Wood, Hay 6 Frost Insecticide Co. 7 Blanchard Kendall & Co. Lumber Yard 8 Rawson's Green Houses 10 Menotomy Boat House 11 Wood & Co. Ice Tool Mfg. hot house ilk Data Sources: Spy Pond Industry History digitized from Sanbom Map & Publishing Company., Limited Fire Insurance Maps Spy Pond Watershed boundaries adjusted from Metropolitan Area Planning Council stormwater basin GIS data 12 various shops 13 Garage. Blacksmith, Painting Shop 14 Garage & Repair Shop 15 hamess, barber, upholestry, printing 16 Uvery 17 Arlington & Belmont Ice Co. (replaces 1) 18 Davis & Son Building Materials (replaces 9) 19 J. Lyons Green Houses Figure 4-2 SpyPondIndustry 1920s Icehouse houses shops autorepairshop foundary ordIndustry1910s farmfgreen houses toolmanufacturing lumberyard Lfarmfgreen if, 1ondIndustry19009 py 9 boathouse coalpit farm/green houses garage Icehouse Insecicide mfg. / shops -J tool manufacturing lumberyard SpyPondWatershed 2 3 4 5 6 I -"Flvdan ' - V I 10 Menotomy Boat House 11 Wood &Co. e Tool M . hot house I22 New England Ice CoiAzl.&Belmont Ice New England Ice CoJAr.&Belmont eo. Cambridge Ice CoiGage IceCo. Richard's Coal, Wood, Hay Frost Insecticide Co. 7 Blanchard Kendall & Co. Lumber Yard nausea ~1 rsawson 0 rwwson aa '.,rean Wrean riwuses o Data Sources: Spy Pond Industry History digitized from Sanbom Map & Publishing Company., Limited Fire Insurance Maps Spy Pond Watershed boundaries adjusted from Metropolitan Area Planning Council stormwater basin GIS data 15 hamess, barber, upholestry, printIng | Ii II 16 | Livery -1 I ~ninaron & maimoni ice LO. ireoraces vi) if Anington a n . .. -. r18 Is& 19 - . .. - . Son Building Materials (replaces 1) J. Lyons Green Houses a 20 Tires, upholstering (replaces 12) 21 Arlington Auto Co. Repair Shop (replaces 14) Alington Auto Co. Repair Shop (replaces 13) 23 M.E. Moore Green Houses 24 Tappan Green Houses 25 Arlington Foundry Co. 26 1Wyman Bros. Farm ~.. I Lemunuuu ice ~,g. t,8mon0GO see w. 4er 28 ICambriNdge Ice Co. 29 1Lyons Green Houses 30 Wyman Bros. Farm 31 George Hill Green Houses Figure 4-3 at Spy Pond - 1951 :j c~ U3 IJ! Spy Pond Industry 1951 Wshops a33 "O Data Sources: 321 Acme Window Conditioning Co. Arlington Pipe &Supsoy Co. 34 Filling Station Service 35& Spy Pond Watershed K'1 7 -- ~urtd 0 36 Filling Station 37 Roofer 38 Arlington Center Motor Co. Spy Pond Industry History digitized from Sanbom Map & Publishing Company., Limited Fire Insurance Maps Spy Pond Watershed boundaries adjusted from Metropolitan Area Planning Council stormwater basin GIS data Figure 4-4 16 Spy Pond - 1971 a xl -I .lS Spy Pond Industry 1971 dry cleaners 1968 condos p Pond Industry 1951 shops lumber yard auto repair shop gas station Spy Pond Watershed U2 I 32 Acme Window Conditioning Co. 33 Arlington Pipe &Supply Co. 34 Filling Station 35 iAuto Sales & Service rI 49 _ 41 Data Sources: Spy Pond Industry History digitized from Sanbom Map & Publishing Company., Limited Fire Insurance Maps Spy Pond Watershed boundaries adjusted from Metropolitan Area Planning Council stormwater basin GIS data 37 roorer 38 Arlington Center Motor Co. 39 Dry Cleaning & Pressing (replaces 36) 40 Condominiums Figure 4-5 the north basin. The blacksmith shops along Massachusetts Avenue disappear and are replaced by automobile tire and repair shops. The pesticide manufacturing, lumberyard, and coal, wood, and hay distributor still exist to the north of the Pond. The next Sanborn Map available is for 1951 (see Figure 4-4) and shows a dramatic change in land use around the Pond. All of the industry and farming around Spy Pond disappears and is replaced by residential housing. The exception is along Massachusetts Avenue, where small businesses such as filling stations, a pipe supplier, a window supplier, a roofer and automobile sales shops exist. The large businesses along the railroad are no longer present. This is, for the most part, how Spy Pond looks today. Condominiums are built along the east shore of the Pond in 1968, but otherwise no major construction took place near the Pond after World War II (see Figure 4-5). 4.2.2 Present Day Uses The entire watershed of Spy Pond is densely developed except for 11.9 hectares within Menotomy Rocks Park [Chesebrough and Duerring, 1982]. The major land use in the Spy Pond watershed is residential single family housing (see Figure 1-6). Apartment houses and condominiums are found along portions of Pleasant Street, Massachusetts Avenue, and adjacent to the pond. Massachusetts Avenue and portions of Pleasant Street are also zoned for commercial use [MassGIS, 1998]. The entire area is serviced by the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) with treatment provided by Deer Island and no overflows or bypasses from the Arlington system are known to exist [Shanahan, 1997]. There is no current industrial water use within the Spy Pond watershed. The town landfill, closed in 1969, is located downstream and outside of the watershed. No areas of intense development or construction exist in the watershed, and all major farming ended prior to 1950. 75 4.2.3 LiteratureReview A review of literature regarding high arsenic concentrations in lake sediments was conducted in an attempt to further comprehend the situation in Spy Pond. Three cases of extremely high arsenic concentrations in sediments, each through different routes, are presented. Arsenic in sediments within the Aberjona River watershed has been heavily researched. The source of arsenic contamination in this region has been traced to its industrial history, including the manufacturing of arsenical pesticides. Another example, Lake Rotoroa, New Zealand, has elevated levels of arsenic due to heavy applications of sodium arsenate for weed control. Finally, Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho, has significant arsenic contamination from mine tailings. This case is significant because data indicates an upward movement of arsenic concentrations in the sediment, potenitally due to eutrophic conditions within the lake. Aberjona Watershed The Aberjona River watershed encompasses an area of 65 km and contains a multitude of hazardous waste. Soils and sediments at and near one site, the Industri-Plex Superfund Site, have been found to contain extremely high concentrations, up to 30,800 mg/kg (dry weight) of arsenic [USEPA, 1986]. The geology of the Aberjona River watershed, like the Spy Pond watershed, does not suggest a significant geological source for elevated levels of arsenic [USGS, 1944; Aurilio, 1992]. For the Aberjona River watershed, historical investigations reveal industrial sources. Arsenic contamination has moved from the Industri-Plex site to sediments in the Aberjona River and the Upper and Lower Mystic Lakes, strongly implying that the river is an important migration route for arsenic from the Industri-Plex sites to the lakes (see Figure x). Arsenic peaks from several cores from the lakes range from over 500 to almost 2,000 mg/kg (dry weight), and 30 to 450 mg/kg (dry weight) for the Upper and 76 Lower Mystic Lakes, respectively [Aurilio, 1992; Knox, 1991; Spliethoff, 1992]. In the Halls Brook Storage Area, which receives runoff from the Industri-Plex site, measurements of arsenic in sediments range from 35 mg/kg (dry weight) to as high as 9,830 mg/kg (dry weight) [Aurilio 1992; Roux Associates, 1991; Knox, 1991]. Historical records compared to the current distribution of arsenic concentrations in soils and sediments suggest that arsenical wastes produced during chemical manufacturing at the Industri-Plex site was the most important source. The processes of producing sulfuric acid and arsenical insecticides, specifically lead arsenate, continued in high volumes from the late 1800s to the 1930s [Aurilio, 1992]. The Aberjona Watershed may be significant to Spy Pond for two reasons. One reason is because research points to insecticide manufacturing as a significant arsenic source, and insecticide manufacturing took place near Spy Pond. Secondly, Figure 1-7 describes the surficial soils surrounding Spy Pond. A highly transmissive soil, glacial outwash, underlies Spy Pond along the line of maximum sediment contamination. This may mean that the source is further from Spy Pond than initially perceived. The glacial outwash valley that underlies Spy Pond includes the contaminated Aberjona River and the Upper and Lower Mystic Lakes upgradient of the Pond. Lake Rotoroa, New Zealand Lake Rotoroa in New Zealand (370 48'S, 175' 16'30"E) is a 54-hectare urban lake with a 138-hectare residential catchment area and no significant anthropogenic or natural arsenic inputs. In 1959, 39 hectares (70% of the lake surface area) were treated with 11,000 liters of sodium arsenate in addition to a 0.5-hectare trial, supplying over 5,500 kg of arsenic to the lake or about 100 kg/ha. The application targeted the shallow weedinfested areas of the lake (0-3.7 m) and no other sodium arsenate applications were made to the lake. This application successfully killed plants until 1970 [Nriago, 1994]. Elevated levels of arsenic were noted in sediments (540-780 mg/kg) and additional sediment and core samples were collected. A close relationship between arsenic concentration and lake depth was evident, with the highest arsenic levels recorded in the 77 deepest part of the lake. The overall mean arsenic sediment concentration was 224 mg/kg. This suggests little of the original 5,500 kg of arsenic applied for aquatic weed control was lost from the lake [Nriago, 1994]. Arsenic migration within sediment and interstitial waters has been reported by Aggett and O'Brien (1985) in association with seasonal hypolimnetic deoxygenation (present in Spy Pond). When compared to several lakes in the Wisconsin area, with similar cumulative sodium arsenite application rates (kg/ha), Lake Rotoroa has a significantly higher concentration in its sediments [Nriago, 1994]. Section 4.3.3 and Table 4-1 discuss the sodium arsenite and arsenic oxide applications to Spy Pond. The total amount of arsenic applied to Spy Pond for weed control purposes is estimated to be less than 1 kg, which is much less than Lake Rotoroa and the Wisconsin Lakes. Even if the amount applied to Spy Pond is underestimated by a factor of two, the total arsenic input from herbicides is still much less than the amount of arsenic found in the Pond. Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho Sediments of Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho, are heavily contaminated with mine tailings that contain, among other toxic elements, high levels of arsenic. Several authors have raised a concern that eutrophication and the concomitant development of a seasonally anoxic hypolimimion, the case in Spy Pond, could combine to significantly raise concentrations of toxic trace elements, as well as soluble nitrogen and phosphorus. The possibility that lake eutrophication and the development of a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion could mobilize arsenic from the sediments into overlying waters led Harrington, et al., to evaluate arsenic phase associations. Although Coeur d'Alene Lake is not currently classified as a eutrophic lake, it did experience periods of anoxia in the 1970s [Harrington, et al., 1998]. The mean concentration of arsenic in the Coeur d'Alene Lake sediments is 201 mg/kg. In examining sediment core samples (-0.5 m deep), enrichment of arsenic within 15 cm of the sediment-water interface is evident in nearly every core examined. Arsenic was found to correlate strongly with iron and manganese, but not lead and zinc, in the 78 sediment core profiles. In general, Harrington, et al. (1998), found the lake sediments to be highly reduced, with most redox potentials consistently below zero mV. They concluded that the maximal abundance of redox-active elements (including As, Fe, and Mn) occurs near the sediment-water interface in the region of the redox boundary (2-6 cm). This pattern suggests diagenetic cycling of these elements by oxidation-reduction reactions resulting in the migration of arsenic upward, into surface sediments [Harrington, et al., 1998]. Such a hypothesis as developed for the Coeur d'Alene Lake case may explain the high arsenic levels found in the upper sediments of Spy Pond if the source is found to be historic rather than current (see Section 2.1). Further sediment core analyses need to be performed for Spy Pond before any conclusions can be drawn. 4.3 Potential Arsenic Sources in Spy Pond A combination of the sampling results, preliminary mass balance, historical mapping and literature review revealed several potential sources of arsenic. The following describes each source, its potential relevance, and whether further investigation is required. 4.3.1 Ice Harvesting Ice harvesting was the most prevalent industrial use of Spy Pond. Starting at a small scale in the early 1800s, the industry steadily grew to several large ice houses from the 1840s to the 1920s. Gage, Cambridge Ice Co., and others built ice storage houses and later built a spur railroad track to connect to Charlestown. The ice business thrived until the 1920s when a combination of warmer weather and fires at the storage houses destroyed the business [Sanborn Maps & Publishing, Limited; Duffy, 1997; Arlington Heritage Trust, 1977]. Although ice houses themselves do not appear to be a source of arsenic, their success brought the railroad to Spy Pond, which may have transported and/or used arsenical pesticides. 79 4.3.2 Market Gardening In the 1870s, one of the chief industries in Arlington was market gardening. The north and east shores of Spy Pond and many hectares along Pleasant Street were used extensively for commercial vegetable gardens. By 1907, it is said that Arlington was the number one market garden producer in the country. Apparently, the land adjacent to Spy Pond was heavily fertilized because the original land was not suitable for farming [Cortell, 1973]. In the seventeenth century most of the area south of Spy Pond was wetland. The "Great Swamp" stretched along the banks of Menotomy River (Alewife Brook) and south of the Pond. Over the generations, this area has been filled and fertilized to turn it into usable land [Arlington Historical Society Map Collection]. From the late 1800s to mid-1900s, inorganic arsenicals were used extensively as pesticides in agriculture [Nriago, 1994]. The local production of lead arsenate (see Section 4.2) likely resulted in this being the pesticide of choice around Spy Pond. Frost Insectide, a manufacturer and distributor of insecticides, was located near Spy Pond (see Figures 4-1 through 4-3). Whether Frost Insecticide produced lead arsenate has not been determined. However, the historical use and production of lead arsenate as a pesticide in the vicinity of Spy Pond should be investigated further. 4.3.3 Treatment History of the Pond 1871 marks the first report of nuisance vegetation growing in Spy Pond. In 1880, Spy Pond was declared unfit for domestic use due to the presence of a large amount of the weed Clathrocytis [Cortell, 1973]. The 1920s saw several attempts to improve the condition of the lake including raising its elevation, dredging, and copper sulfate treatments to kill the weeds [Cortell, 1973]. Annual records from the Department of Public Health between 1932-1951 show that Spy Pond was considered suitable for bathing. In 1951, it was confirmed that no sewerage entered the pond and that the entire area surrounding the pond was sewered [Cortell, 80 1973]. The pond enjoyed a period of good health in the early 1950s, although note was given to a 2-acre truck farm in the northeast cove that likely used fertilizers. By 1956, the pond was in need of weed control again and 0.55 ppm of copper sulfate was applied in the summers of 1956 and 1957 [Cortell, 1973]. In 1960, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health hired the Northeast Weed and Brush Control Corporation of Worcester to do a 5-year weed control project [Cortell, 1973]. A summary of treatments follows in Table 4-1 [Cortell, 1973]. The author made an attempt to quantify the amount of arsenic that entered Spy Pond through weed control (see Section 3.5). Using the highest application of sodium arsenate recorded (-5,000 gallons) and applying this amount to applications where the amount was not determined, the total amount of arsenic applied to the lake is less than 1 kg. In the summer of 1963, it was very evident that the fish population was undergoing a severe decrease. Three or four out of every 100 yellow perch had one or two eyes in various stages of deformity and in some cases empty eye sockets were present. At the time, sodium arsenate was believed to be the cause, and the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game recommended that it no longer be used to treat the pond [Cortell, 1973]. Up to 1970, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had expended approximately $25,000 on vegetation control of Spy Pond. In 1970 a total of $500 to $750 was appropriated for the next 3 years of weed control [Cortell, 1973]. This implies that measures to control the weed population in the Pond were extremely limited between 1970 and 1973. Further weed control application information was not determined. Unless an extraordinarily large weed control application (much larger than any recorded) occurred, the application of sodium arsenate and arsenic oxide to control weeds is not a major source of arsenic contamination in Spy Pond. 81 Table 4-1 Summary of Weed Control in Spy Pond [Cortell, 1973] Date 1921 8/1956 9/1956 Chemical Applied Copper Sulfate Copper Sulfate Copper Sulfate Phygon experimental Contractor Weston & Sampson Unspecified Unspecified Location Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Amount/Dose Unspecified 0.55 ppm Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified 0.5 ppm Unspecified Unspecified Up to 200 ft into pond Entire shoreline 144 lbs at 2 ppm 4 L at 2 ppm Emergent 20 lbs/acre herbicide 8/1957 Copper Sulfate Rotenone 6/6/60 Silvex 6/24/606/27/60 Silvex Weed & Brush Corp. of Worcester Weed & Brush Corp. of Worcester Amino Triazole vegetation 6/30/60 7/2/60 9/60 Sodium Arsenate Copper Sulfate Weed & Brush Corp. of Worcester Allied Biological Center portion of pond in sections Spot treatments 4,624 gal at 10 ppm Unspecified Submerged aquatic growths Emergent Growth 1400 lbs of 0.5 ppm Unspecified amount at 10 ppm Unknown Entire Pond 600 lbs Spot treatment 15 gal 15 acres Unspecified Unspecified Control 8/24/61 7/18/62 7/66 Copper Sulfate Arsenic Oxide (As2O3) Dalapon and Amitrol T Copper Sulfate Diquat Unspecified Allied Biological Control Allied Biological Control Allied Biological Control and Northeastern Weed and Brush Control Corp. of Worcester Diguat Arsenic Oxide (As2O3) Copper Sulfate Unspecified Unspecified 6/68 Copper Sulfate Unspecified Spot Blooms 6/69 Copper Sulfate Unspecified Unspecified 7/70 Copper Sulfate Unspecified Unspecified 7/28/71 to 9/17/71 7/72 Copper Sulfate Allied Biological Control Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified at 7.5 ppm Unspecified 0.3 ppm Unspecified 0.3 ppm Unspecified 0.3 ppm Unspecified 0.3 ppm Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified 70 lbs 200 lbs 8/67 5/68 Aquathol-K Copper Sulfate Unspecified 82 amount amount at amount at amount at amount at 4.3.4 Gypsy Moth Infestation In the 1900s, Menotomy Rocks Park and other forested areas throughout Massachusetts were faced with an infestation of Gypsy Moths. There are chronicles in history books and the local paper describing the devastation. In 1892, F.C. Moulton of the Massachusetts Gypsy Moth Commission discovered the effectiveness of lead arsenate against gypsy moths and lead arsenate grew quickly in popularity [Aurilio, 1992; Hayes, 1954]. Historical records show that lead arsenate was used extensively in the Fells in Medford, Massachusetts to control the moths. An examination of available information on the history of Menotomy Rocks Park does not mention the use of this arsenical pesticide as a method to control gypsy moths, but it seems likely that it may have been a standard method for moth control in this area. Further investigation should reveal any significance gypsy moth control procedures had on the amount of arsenic in Spy Pond. 4.3.5 Other PotentialSources Several other sources are worth investigating in the future based on this study's conclusions. The foundry or the large market garden located adjacent to the arsenic "hot spot" (see Section 3.3.3) may reveal historical uses of significant amounts of arsenic. Also, no information on the fill associated with the expansion of Route 2 could be found. Sampling of the soil between Route 2 and Spy Pond would confirm if this is a source of arsenic. The soils adjacent to the railroad (now the Minute Man Bike Path) may be contaminated with arsenic due to sodium arsenate applications for brush and weed control. Furthermore, lumber yards and funeral homes use small amounts of arsenic for preservation purposes. These businesses may add to the total arsenic loading to the Pond. Finally, historical records mention a pipe connecting Spy Pond to the Arlington Reservior. This may be a conduit for contaminants from other areas of Arlington. 83 4.4 Conclusions The investigation both concluded the consideration of some potential arsenic sources and revealed new sources to investigate in the future. According to sampling results and historical research, stormwater runoff and weed control applications are not likely the major source of arsenic input to the Pond. Several steps need to be taken in the future. This study implicates groundwater as the major conductor of arsenic pollution. Groundwater and soil sampling around the Pond need to be conducted in an attempt to discover the plume, if one exists. 84 References 1) Arlington Heritage Trust. (1977) Arlington Celebrates: The Growing Years: 18751975. 2) Arlington Historical Society. Historical Map Collection. 3) Aurilio, A. (1992) Arsenic in the Aberjona Watershed. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 4) Chesebrough, E.W. and Duerring, C. (1982) Spy Pond: A DiagnosticStudy 19801981. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering Division of Water Pollution Control Technical Services Branch. 5) Cortell, Jason M and Associates (1973) Report of Conditions in Spy Pond,Arlington, Massachusetts:A HistoricalSynopsis. Jason M. Cortell & Associates, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources. 6) Duffy, Richard A. (1997) Images of America: Arlington. Arcadia Publishing, Dover, New Hampshire 7) Gawel, J., Chin, M. (1998) Unpublished Drain Outfall Sampling Results. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8) Harrington, J.M., LaForce, M., Rember, W., Fendorf, S., and Rosenzweig, R. (1998) Phase Associations and Mobilization of Iron and Trace Elements in Coeur d'Alene 6 5 0 6 56 . Lake, Idaho. Environmental Science Technology. Volume 32, No. 5. p 9) Ivushkina, T (1999) Toxic Elements in the Sediments of the Alewife Brook and Mill Brook Watersheds: Spatial Distributionand DepositionalHistory Tufts University. 10) MacLaughlin, K., Gawel, J., Senn, D. and Lukacs, H. (1998) Logbooks for Spy Pond Fieldwork. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 11) Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. (1998) MassGIS Geographic Information Systems Database. 12) Nriagu, J.O., Arsenic in the Environment: Part I: Cycling and Characterization1994. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY, NY 13) Robertson, J., Cassidy, J., Chaudhry, M. (1988) Hydraulic Engineering.Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. 14) Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, Limited. (1885 - 1971). State Library of Massachusetts Special Collections Department 85 15) Shanahan, P., Spink, J., Morales, A. (1997) Review of Recommendationsfor the Restoration of Spy Pond,Arlington, Massachusetts. HydroAnalysis, Inc., Acton, MA and MNS Consultants Inc., Wellesly, MA. 16) Senn, David (1998) Analysis of Spy Pond Sediment Core. Unpublished. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 17) Senn, D. and Gawel, J. (1999) Unpublished Water Column Data. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 18) Spliethoff, H. (1995) Biotic and Abiotic Transformationsof Arsenic in the Upper Mystic Lake. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 19) Thomas, C. (1999) Personal communication. Lupine Information Systems. 20) United States Geological Survey. (1944) Surficial Geologic Map of the Mystic Lakes-Fresh Pond Buried Valley Area between Wilmington and Cambridge, Massachusetts. Scale 1:31,680. 86 Acknowledgements My list of people to thank seems endless. This is a very challenging program and would be impossible without the support, assistance and patience of others. First, I would like to thank the Spy Pond investigation team who not only made this thesis possible, but made it a truly fun and enjoyable experience: Jim, Heather, and Dave. A special thanks goes to Cord, who showed extraordinary patience and enthusiasm even after months of teaching GIS mapmaking to a woman who never can ask enough questions. I would also like to thank Jim for introducing me the mystery and intrigue of Spy Pond and helping me stay grounded. Help throughout the project came in the form of the Parson's Volunteer Rescue Team including, Megan, Dan, Chris and John, who volunteered to wait for rain that refused to appear. Also, Dan and Rachel where always willing to assist with sediment sample preparation and analysis. Finally, I'm grateful to the students of the Hemond Lab, who welcomed me with open arms, and made the hours of analysis fly by with their humor and helpfulness. Other help came from John Durant of Tufts University and Pete Shanahan of Hydroanalysis, who gave their notes and knowledge on the pond, Mark Shea, of Arlington Public Works, who spent a morning without complaint assisting a strange graduate student who wanted samples of catch basin muck, and Lisa Welter, of the Arlington Historical Society, who came out in a snow storm to share the history of Arlington. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends. It is though their unwavering support and encouragement that I am able to accomplish my goals and dreams. 87