Brussel, 23 april 2015 Lobbying op Europees niveau Vicky Marissen Vicky Marissen • Belgian with legal background • Shareholder and Managing Director of PACT European affairs • Former senior consultant at CLAN Public Affairs • Former Managing Director of the European Training Institute • Specialist in EU procedures and comitology • Lecturer, coach and contributor in books and articles on EU Public Affairs Our bottom-line Some of our publications Dozens of reasons to stay away from Brussels The EU Decision-Making System The Brussels landscape 45.000 officials 18.500 stakeholders Huge power Technocrats European Proactive Fragmented Reactive No dialogue No Communication The real reasons to get involved in Brussels EU influence on national legislation EU Laws 75 % EU Origin National Laws 25 % National Origin Do you want to… ? The EU Decision-Making System Lobbying is part of the game Important margins of influence Understanding the decision-making system Proposition Commission dominant Adoption European Parliament Council Execution Commission dominant 13 13 Composition 2014-2019 National influence on MEPs is growing! The ordinary legislative procedure (“codecision”) EESC Agreement CoR European Parliament Common position Conciliation Council Council 1st reading 2nd reading Conciliation Legislation adopted Commission Proposal European Parliament Ordinary legislative procedure statistics Year 2000 Post-Lisbon 1st reading agreements….…..25% 1st reading agreements….…..85% 2nd reading agreements……..50% 2nd reading agreements….…..10% Conciliation agreements…….25% Conciliation agreements….…..5% The pre-Lisbon Era • A good balance of power • Based on a “Community method” • With relatively good access to information • And high margins of influence Margins for influence The Post-Lisbon Lobbying Model Policy-shaping & drafting Ordinary Legislative Procedure Comitology and Delegated Acts A Curve of Influence Detrimental to Lobbying Ability to influence 100% ? 0% Drafting 1st reading 2nd reading Conciliation Comitology Economic intelligence Networks Coalition Lobbying Institutional communication European public affairs Strategy EU Public affairs – implications on all aspects Legislative monitoring MALUS Anticipate BONUS Influence Budget Draft 1st reading 2nd reading Conciliation Get informed and prioritize Information: timely & correct Get intelligence Analyse & prioritise A global network The ‘bottom’ up approach Most adapted Often used Which vehicle? AmCham EU FoodDrink Europe Europen UNESDA CIUS CocaCola Communication • Your arguments and position do not exist, if the it is not understood. • What is clear for you, is not necessarily so for an EU civil servant or an MEP • Lobbying = a competitive world; communication can make the difference! • Good communication = story-telling & making the connection Lobbying post-Lisbon Technical knowhow Credibility Lobbying Detailed analysis of the procedure Communication Proactiveness & anticipation