MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOLGY FEB 252015 LIBRARIES The next jump in architectural production by Julian Andres Ocampo-Salazar Bachelor in Architectural Studies University of Waterloo 2009 Submitted to the department of architecture in partia fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 2015 @2015 Julian Andres Ocampo-Salazar. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author Signature redacted Departmer/t oftArchitecture 4AngLry 15,2015 by: Signature redacted i 'Ant6n Garca-Abril Prbfesso;,ofArchitecture *Thesis Subeivisor Accepted by: Signature redacted I C Tefry'Kbfght Computation Professor of Design Chair of the Department Committee on Graduate Students Thesis Committee Anton Garcia-Abril Professor of Architecture, MIT Thesis Supervisor Joel Lamere Professor of Architecture, MIT Thesis Reader Jeremy Alain Siegel Designer, Bjarke Ingels Group Thesis Reader 2 scale Scale - The Next Jump In Architectural Production - Julian Ocampo Scale: The next jump in architectural production by Julian Andres Ocampo-Salazar Submitted to the Department of Architecture on January 15, 2015 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture Abstract As a result of macro-economic trends as well as extensive support from the Chinese central government and its 'Go West'initiative Chongqing has become the fastest growing large city in the world, with annual GDP growth of 15% and a continued economic expansion that has facilitated the conditions for unprecedented urban development both in terms of size and speed. In the year 2013 half an Empire State building was constructed in the city every day, an equivalent of 182 Empire State buildings in one year, a massive amount of architectural production for a single city. Chongqing has followed the default growth paradigm of isolated multi - tower - in - the - park developments located at the periphery of the city that are, by default, conceived in isolation; this paradigm fails to envision the concurrent architectural production within the city as a possible force that can be focused and utilized to shape the urban experience, reduce overall transportation time, reduce energy consumption and make evident the reality of the scale at which the city is growing. Scale, The next jump in architectural production proposes an alternative development model that capitalizes on the opportunities embedded within the unprecedented scale of concurrent development taking place in Chongqing. By understanding this development as a confluent force Scale proposes a system through which buildings previously thought of as single use become multi - use infrastructural parts of a much larger architectural object, a single "building made of buildings". Typical generically designed housing and office towers become the columns supporting city blocks turned elevated beams that assemble to form a new infrastructural object. Such an object fulfills the immediate programmatic requirements of the city below; education, housing, offices and public space as well as transportation are embedded within, giving the new architectural object the ability to intensify the gravitational pull of the city towards itself and serves as a marker showcasing the unparalleled scale of architectural production that the city of Chongqing is currently able to generate. Thesis Supervisor: Ant6n Garcia-Abril Professor of Architecture, MIT julian ocampo 3 Acknowledgments La Familia To Mother, Brother, Sister and Father total gratitude for the consistent support and encouragement. Ant6n Garcda-Abril Many thanks for your time, dedication, wisdom and continuous words of encouragement. I will keep the aluminum model but you can have the test piece. Joel / Jeremy Thanks for the invaluable advise and for your willingness to spend time talking about this thesis, your advise came at critical times and made it a lot easier to navigate this whole thing. Justin Lavallee For your generous help during the making of the aluminum model, I would still be watching the mill break bits if it wasn't for you, this and all the extra time you spent with me figuring everything out makes you the real hero in my book. Eryone 4 scale Thanks to Chris Green for killing with images. Grisha and Philip, your assistance in the last moments of madness was mission critical, many thanks. Index Chongqing Scale - Context Default What if we do nothing? The Future Proposal Appendix Panels - Models - Bibliography 6 24 34 90 julian ocampo 5 Scale "Scale it links the process of design to the process of building, leverages the systems of proportion, orders part to whole, and allows buildings to relate to one another. However, recent developments in modeling tools (the scalelessness of digital space), fabrication (the increasingly seamless translation of this scaleless digital space into physical space), and the homogenizing pressures of globalization (the loss of local context), have upset these traditional registers, leaving the status of scale increasingly uncertain and in need of reformulation."'] It is this opportunity for reformulation that is most apparent in the one place on earth where architectural production has reached an expanded new scale, the city of Chongqing in central China. Architectural production in Chongqing has reached an unprecedented pace and scale, unfortunately this condition has not been considered as such, creating a situation where development in parallel misses the great opportunities that consolidation and scalar expansion bring. 8 scale Graphics exploring the current limits of scale in architectural production. The images show an exponentially expanding context with an overlay fixed size reference form as a stand-in for a potential architectural product21 julian ocampo 9 Chongq ing Is a major city in Southwest China and one of the five national central cities in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Administratively, it is one of the PRC's four direct-controlled municipalities (the other three are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin), and the only such municipality in inland China. The municipality was created on 14 March 1997, succeeding the sub-provincial city administration that was part of Sichuan province. As of 2010 census, the municipality had a population of 28,846,170. According to this census, Chongqing is the most populous and largest direct-controlled municipality in China, and comprises 21 districts, 13 counties, and 4 autonomous counties. -World's fastest growing large city, with annual GDP growth exceeding 15% 10 scale - Extensive support from the central government and its 'Go West' initiative and high visibility due to Chongqing's status as the only provincial-level municipality in inland China - Inland focus is structural and has underpinned strong economic growth. Chongqing has continued to see doubledigit FDI growth in 2012 - Cheap labor is not the only draw. Infrastructure improvements and favorable policies have successfully attracted key multinationals and their supply chains - Chongqing has established 'scale' and a strong reputation in its manufacturing sectors - Logistics real estate is under-provisioned - improving infrastructure and greater domestic and international integration is driving demand. Chongqing in the world. V - Chongqing julian ocampo 11 ii Special Municipalities 12 scale Roads 0 High Speed Rail Rivers julian ocampo 13 Chongqing Municipality MOne Hour Economic Circle E.-1.': The Two Wings 14 scale Chongqing Highways = Built . Projected YoglSz Rr Chongqing Trains Chongqing Rivers = In Operation U Planned julian ocampo 15 The New Silk Road Macroeconomic factors such as the annual growth in bilateral trade between China and the European Union (from 546 Bn Dollars in 2012 to 594 Bn in 2013) combined with the 2012 opening of the rail connection between Chongqing and Duisburg in Germany (largest in land port in the world) garantee a solid economic underpinning for the continued need for urbanization in the city of Chongquing. Over the past decade, the Chongqing municipality has seen increasing industrial specialization, particularly in its traditional heavy industry sectors. Significant mineral and other natural resources, as well as abundant (albeit lower-skilled) labor, have provided a considerable competitive advantage for the city to attract investment in manufacturing and chemical processing. 16 scale Furthermore, its healthy rivalry with neighboring inland cities, particularly Chengdu, has ensured that securing reforms and favorable policies, enabling it to remain competitive, continues to be high on Chongqing agenda. The increase in manufacturing and logistic capacity as well as extensive support from the central government and its 'Go West' initiative make the rapid urbanization of Chongqing a country wide priority. A Faster Route for Trade Eu...... i 16 Days - International Railway 36 Days - Maritime Transport or 4 julian ocampo 17 7.3m NYC Chongqing Population Growth In order to establish a reference, we can see how population growth in the city of Chongqing compares to a city we are more familiar with, the city of New York. it is to be noted that the population of city of New York is taken from its administrative boundaries, excluding its extended population. 18 scale NYC Chongqing Tallest Buildings julian ocampo 19 Pace of Growth In the year of 2013 the city of Chongqing grew its real estate stock by a factor of 1/2 an Empire State building per day, 182 Empire State buildings per year. With its relatively low current rate of urbanization at 53%1 and its designation as a pilot for rural-urban reforms, Chongqing's urbanization rate is projected to reach 60-70% by 2020. This goal, along with the city's inherent cost advantages (derived from its abundant land and labor resources), improving transport links and central government support, make Chongqing an increasingly attractive destination for domestic and foreign investors. 20 scale 1111111 jIllIllIllIlli 1111111 I 11111 It 1111111 I iii" 111 It 1111111 it I 11111 III It 1111111 it I 11111 1111111 I 'liii 1/2 Empire State Building a day 182 EmpireState Buildings a year Real State Built in Chongqing in 2013 julian ocampo 21 Chongqing A relatively small city until the second world war when military and heavy industrial production was moved into the city in order to secure it from Japanese bombardments. The city then started an exponential pace of growth. New York City We can see a much more gradual growth from 1760 to this day, with the largest urban area expansion taking place in the early 1900. 1760 22 scale 1890 44 le .- 4 4., g .5 N t'< #~r- k44 ~ *1 top 1950 * ., 4, 2010 A, ' W,'A Ar AA 2020 julian ocampo 23 Default "Default is what we're left with when no one chooses for anything else to happen. It is what we resign ourselves to. It represents a lack of agency. A failure of vision. It is the least common denominator. Mediocre. Banal. Bland. Generic. It is what slips through when we look the other way, when we're distracted, when we're too busy, or when weve given up. And yet, the default also constructs commonality and cohesion. It can create a shared legibility, a visual language available 26 scale to a broad and diverse public. It is the field, the mood, the ground that enables the figure. The assumption is that design inherently denies the default, and that the default is by definition un-designed. Buildings are default, while architecture is its opposite - exceptional and deliberate. 31 In this chapter we explore what happens if we do nothing, If we offer no alternatives to the current growth paradigm. I Office I i ---------- Retail i I I l Other H Residential 1/2 Empire State Building a day 182 Empire State Buildings a year Real State Built in Chongqing in 2013 julian ocampo 27 II III 1 Empire State Building 28 scale 9 Typical housing towers Equivalent of one Empire State Building in terms of the typical Chongqing housing tower ... .. ........ ''''III'''''' ''''III'''''' ''''III'''''' ''''III'''''' '"'III'''''' ''''III'''''' I'll'"'' I,''''' I'll',, I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I,''''' I'll''' I'll,'' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll',' I,''''' I'll''' II,'''' '''I'll I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll',' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'',' I'll',' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll''' ''''I'll IIIIIIII II,,',' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll''' I,''''' 'I'll'' I'll''' I'll'"I I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll,'' I,''''' III,''' I'll''' I'll''' 1188 Typical housing towers buift in 2013 Equivalent of Housing stock production in a single year julian ocampo 2 SSha - fngbei nping *'Chayuan x12 Chongqing 2013 -t ~' I Chonqing is a multi nodal city, with several business centers dispersed in an otherwise homogeneous urban landscape with a nascent subway system connecting the nodes and extending towards the north and south, where most future growth is expected. L1 ng 4 ing ha n x21 Projected Chongqing 2020 Area of projected growth along the north south axis. Significant resources are to be deployed to extend basic city services to the new areas. Outward expansion also projects the significant cost of transportation to and from established centers. julian ocampo 31 6 Typical high-rise development Typical section of a newly developed area in the expanding front of the city. 32 scale Open space Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model Open space minus private land Public space minus roads BUT Most of this open space is hidden behind fences, inaccessible to the general public. Resultant public space is constituted by sidewalks and disembodied, residual areas in between highways julian ocampo 33 .#--: :::s:~::as" 5t. ~~x~ :... ....... .. . .. :::::::2::222 : x .-- 00 a!!!!!!!:: dlS II abuil ding bmade of uildings In Chongqing The speed of development makes the design of each individual building impractical and economically inviable, Scale proposes a system that organizes architectural production into a cohesive whole, where each building, designed generically as a unit for aggregation, a component of a larger architectural form. 36 scale II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II ''''''III' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'',''' II 'III'''''' II 'III'''''' II 'III','''' II 'III','''' II 'III'''''' II I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I,'','' I'll''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'',' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll'',' I'll'''' I'll'''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' ''I'll' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I'll''' I,''''' I'll,', III,''' 11 Jot Upp -. %~ p - I WE IL .-. -to,- c T I It v1 I 11 p4l1 I Central Chongqing 40 scale - Y Main Business Distbicts B9 -I WV- 4 4: 4 oir, A, The Ring As a result of macro-economic trends as well as extensive support from the Chinese central government and its 'Go West'initiative Chongqing has become the fastest growing large city in the world, with annual GDP growth of 15% and a continued economic expansion that has facilitated the conditions for unprecedented urban development both in terms of size and speed. In the year 2013 half an Empire State building was constructed in the city every day, an equivalent of 182 Empire State buildings in one year, a massive amount of architectural production for a single city. Chongqing has followed the default growth paradigm of isolated multi - tower - in - the - park developments located at the periphery of the city that are, by default, conceived in isolation; this paradigm fails to envision the concurrent architectural production within the city as a possible force that can be focused and utilized to shape the urban experience, reduce overall transportation time, reduce energy consumption and make evident the reality of the scale at which the city is growing. 42 scale Scale, The next jump in architectural production proposes an alternative development model that capitalizes on the opportunities embedded within the unprecedented scale of concurrent development taking place in Chongqing. By understanding this development as a confluent force Scale proposes a system through which buildings previously thought of as single use become multi - use infrastructural parts of a much larger architectural object, a single "building made of buildings". Typical generically designed housing and office towers become the columns supporting city blocks turned elevated beams that assemble to form a new infrastructural object. Such an object fulfills the immediate programmatic requirements of the city below; education, housing, offices and public space as well as transportation are embedded within, giving the new architectural object the ability to intensify the gravitational pull of the city towards itself and serves as a marker showcasing the unparalleled scale of architectural production that the city of Chongqing is currently able to generate. * * -V. I * I' C J N -. I..' -. 3~r C1 , ?1 kvi K'~ill -' SLH f u 'i JA: o CAP' ;jjW: Vto . cI~~A4s~ rr, n -. - C ~ aS -w *. 1w *1, w .2-lg ~ *n * ~ ~ - ~A Lo 1 L. 0 vt'-: R.14 * 4 *4t. dod .- SF' '.o ~p~j%~~ ~ -~4 $~f. %1r *AAt*f: IP-wgp.' 4 r~ W )rflg Zt~a~Y p ,eY'~ AW4we -r~l. g'a, Vo I 4i:0 V~7, Iuu~ *9\ ANN flu ~ 'fp 4m 4 * .1') ' ti Az-m inf )?UA W'4 r'tf ~ IV tu oi f y clet IJYc' I all for 9 r r A. 49- t';41t~ 5% 4 SONE I" -"I '.,a ra C .9 . Wr~ .~gI - -- ~ '. '-~. Typical Sites In order to study the effects and possibilities of an intervention at such a scale, we have identified 4 site typologies that serve as an example of other site conditions found throughout the city. ;~yK- The ground level in these 4 site typologies is studied for factors such as FAR, programmatic makeup and potential impact area. It is in the interpretation and implementation of this analysis that the Ring gains agency, the ground below informs the formal / programmatic formulation for the ring supports and beams above; for example, in a heavily residential area there might be a lack of education and recreational facilities so the beams above will make up for the imbalance, always keeping in mind that the infrastructural and transportation components of the ring above are public and always open to the rest of the city. 4 scale ,-r 7-~ ~.p. ~ ~ -o i Residential Sites that consist mainly of residential tower-in-the-park developments Mixed Low Rise Office / Mid Rise Highest land elevation along the The most prevalent site typology, a mixture of new development and older mid rise buildings. ring, with a lot of govemment and healthcare facilities New Development Spaces within the city that are only now being opened to development, encompassing completely undeveloped areas. julian ocampo 45 Site Type 1 Residential Sites that consist mainly of residential tower-in-thepark developments 46 scale julian ocampo 47 r4 where Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 48 scaie landing Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model ewe.. Iw 0) FAR program Open space is seemingly abundant in the Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model Ift 141fillielitl "tower in the park" model At IA .4 k*jj c4t,... C Z!.4: julian ocampo 49 2014 2010 FAR 1.32 FAR 2.01 ExsUng Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 50 scale 2018 2020 FAR 2.39 FAR 4.20 Proposal Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model julian ocampo 51 Site Type 2 Mixed Low Rise Highest land elevation along the ring, with a lot of government and healthcare facilities 54 scale _:;Wow julian ocampo 55 where Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 56 sca6 landing Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 1.26 2 C tE C -- I 0 0 FAR program Open space is seemingly abundant in the Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model -.ioaw zor "tower in the park" model 9 It kit At iaw, ,,....z.. campo 57 2014 2010 FAR 1.02 FAR 1.26 Existing Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 58 scale 2018 2020 FAR 2.52 FAR 1.57 Prpo Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model julian ocampo 59 Site Type 3 Office / Mid Rise The most prevalent site typology, a mixture of new development and older mid rise buildings. 62 scale i No! julian ocampo 63 where Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 64 scwe landing Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 2.364 0 C 4) 'V E E 4) 0 FAR Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model Ran~ ~ 7I pwgram Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model uAX",AIL'i julian ocampo 65 ;e 2014 2010 FAR 1.02 FAR 1.26 ExisUng Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 66 scale 2020 FAR 2018 FAR 1.57 3.52 Poposal Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model julian ocampo 67 Site Type 4 New Development Spaces within the city that are only now being opened to development, encompassing completely undeveloped areas. 70 scale I I julian ocampo 71 -P where Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model IJIIrIra 72 scle landing Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model ~I Iii U I 1 49 FAR Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 0 E C, E CD A2 I program Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model julian ocampo 73 IK 2014 2010 FAR 0.87 FAR 1.54 Existng Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model 74 scaie 2018 2020 FAR 2.16 FAR 4.08 Proposal Open space is seemingly abundant in the "tower in the park" model julian ocampo 75 I 0 ON 19i [ "0-1 Columns A structural vocabulary is developed using the exiting housing towers characteristic of Chongqing as a base from which to draw our initial conclusions. The towers are re-designed to perform more functions than the ones they are currently used for. Housing towers stop being the end product of urban development and become the facilitator for new possibilities, the literal structure of the evolving city. 80 scale lIJiJI) 4 S~di~N + 4$ ~ 44 4 *Z* %*% * * ~4444 + at julian ocampo 81 4t $ b1 .. . i w #4*:* >11 I. C Beams Spanning between the re-engineered towers are the re-configured city blocks in the form of an inhabitable bridge beams. each bridge beam spans 85 mts from end to end and is responsible of holding its own weight as well as a 12 mt cantilever on either side. The new beam - blocks form a reconfigurable three dimensional real estate, that is divided in units of volume, in conquering the air, the new real state moves away from the planar division of space and allows for more flexibility within a three dimensional grid 84 scale 1imir' 7 -\I/ N L4"1N N' "" D N' n= I I K, )0 julian ocampo 85 m, f I I W- .. I* I S. W I q Longitudinal Section Showing 3 different tower typologies as well as 3 different beam typokgies being held together by a uniform capitol design. 88 scale F ItA,.AW4 ,twt III ~miaaM~ if service f loor VV- - ~ 10171 LIl LJ Transversal Section Showing the diversity in program and public space within the ring, including metro, service and emergency circulation. julian ocampo 89 -- 24 ",v Ul t 1 Im Renders 92 scale Ringoemp w julian ocampo 93 River Crossing 94 scale Tower Construction julian ocampo 95 Among aparment twers 96 scale Ringside julian ocampo 97 . ... ...... .... .. .... .. .... . .... Inuxior julian ocampo 99 L cit 0I U E01 01 E 43 I j J1 H N I I w I dofatit is =~ - iii 1=111 Liii ~- a bulg mad ofbungs - - - A I - 'zil /AM1. 0~e == *i.g* IF4 d~l i- julian ocampo 101 abm IMMW rn-rn O ,r , =r sflstypology2 sbeypoogy14 JeJ1 +.4 #N~ + x Wflauai 0AI 44.,"A 4, 4W*U At ~ 44*R 4 d * 2O 2M4Am 2M4 2 0 A-t 102 scale 2rr .* IrwIxr FAR 2A1 ma I I I I I I, I I I I I FMIM -C t4 - -- -wIAm -- 0O m wk MIS - 20 2M4 - m 2m .a. - 20" No..*I sitetypology 4 ottpology3 julian ocampo 103 Models 104 scale Tow Typology Studies julian ocampo 105 Ph AY f 6i E I I VF I ii Consbrunon concept Model julian ocampo 109 OWN- -.1 1- - -- Assembly Model julian ocampo 111 mm"n-m-m 112 scawe Srte Model Process julian ocampo 113 - Im 1I~ -m'4< tod Site Model 1:10.000 114 scale Site Model Close-Up julian ocampo 115 Thesis Defense December 18 2014. Media Lab MIT Thesis Review Panel: Amanda R. Lawrence. Igor Marjanovic. Pierre Belanger. El Hadi Jazairy. Simon Frommenwiler. Nader Tehrani. Nasser Rabbat. Andrew Scott. Anton Garcia-Abril. Joel Lamere. 116 scale E- i 118 scale (0 -L -""" """" i i "-"" mmii=1111111111111""=" "."" ="" unnu - -- -" - """ '.""""'"""" """" " "" ""' Bibliography Valle, Giancarlo and Ryan Neiheiser. Another Pamphlet: Scaleless!, Accessed March 13 2014, http'/ M Boeke, Kees. Cosmic Wew;. New York: J. Day, 1957 NAValle, Giancarlo and Ryan Neiheiser. Another Pamphlet: Default!, Accessed February 20 2014, http-A/ Koolhaas, Rem. Small, Medium, Large, Extra-large: Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas, and Bruce Mau. New York, N.Y.: Monacelli Press, 1995. Garcia, Cruz, and Nathalie Frankowski. Pure Hardcore Icons:A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture. London: Artifice Books on Architecture, 2013. Blanciak, Franc. Siteless: 1001 Building Forms. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008. Cook, Peter. Archigram. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. SUPERSTUDIO. 'Twelve Cautionary Tales for Christmas.". A.D. Architectural Design, December 1, 1971, 737-42. 120 scale Friedman, Yona. "Principles Ville Spatiale." Accessed September 1, 2014. http-//ww.yonafriedman.nL/?pageid=396. Jones Lang Lasalle. China's City Winners, Chongqing City Profile. Global Foresight Series, 2013. "2011 Chongqing." 2011 Chongqing Statistics. January 1, 2013. Accessed September 4, 2014. http-/ 2/0215842.html. "Chongqing.". Wikipedia. Accessed September 9,2014. http-/ julian ocampo 121 . . ...... ............ ............... I S I-raw, ~ ~ A ~ a ~ *~~~1 ~ ~; e ~ 4~%alll itI Vr~ A.