Avocent® HMX High Performance KVM Extender System (Avocent® HMX 5000 and 6000 Series Extenders) and Avocent® HMX Advanced Manager Software Release Notes Version 4.1 August 14, 2015 This document outlines: 1. Update Instructions 2. Local Client Requirements 3. Features and Enhancements 4. Known Issues 5. Compatibility Matrix =================================================================================== 1. Update Instructions =================================================================================== ® Please refer to your installer/user guide for detailed instructions on updating the Avocent HMX Advanced Manager software. ® All devices in the Avocent HMX High Performance KVM extender system (switches, transmitters and receivers) must be upgraded to the current version of firmware. It is recommended that the HMX Advanced Manager software is upgraded first. =================================================================================== 2. Local Client Requirements =================================================================================== Software Version Internet Explorer® 10,11 Firefox 24 ESR and above Chrome 43 =================================================================================== 3. Features and Enhancements =================================================================================== New Features First release of the Avocent HMX Advanced Manager software. First release of the Avocent HMX 5100 and 5200 extenders (transmitters and receivers). ® ® 1 First release of Avocent HMX 6200 extenders (transmitters and receivers) First release of the Avocent HMX 6210T transmitter ® ® =================================================================================== 4. Known Issues =================================================================================== NOTE: Avocent does interoperability testing with various equipment (USB devices, monitors and video cards). If you find a device that does not work properly, contact Avocent Technical Support. It is not possible to set a cluster password for a backup to join a cluster. The Require Authentication option must be deselected. It is not possible to reset the primary server without deleting the backup server from the cluster table first. If the primary is to be reset with an active backup, ensure the Reset IP Address option is selected. Applying the reset again (with the Reset IP Address option selected) will remove the locked out state. If the backup server is reset while in a cluster (without checking the clear IP address, certificate and keys), it may not rejoin the cluster. If the HMX Advanced Manager software is used in single subnet mode, then it is essential that no other DHCP servers (other than the HMX Advanced Manager) are on the network. When the backup server is acting as the primary after a failover, it is not possible to use hotkey switching. There is a potential issue with Logitech Unified Receiver- based mice. If you have issues using this mouse with the receiver's On-screen Display (OSD), open the HMX Advanced Manager software. Enable Configure USB Settings on the Receivers page, then add the following codes under Advanced Features: Kernel Code 0 User Code 2734. =================================================================================== 5. Compatibility Matrix =================================================================================== Receiver Transmitter Manager Software 4.1.35128 4.1.35128 4.1.35290 Emerson, Emerson Network Power and the Emerson Network Power logo are trademarks or service marks of Emerson Electric Co. Avocent and the Avocent logo are trademarks or service marks of Avocent Corporation. This document may contain confidential and/or proprietary information of Avocent Corporation, and its receipt or possession does not convey any right to reproduce, disclose its contents, or to manufacture or sell anything that it may describe. Reproduction, disclosure, or use without specific authorization from Avocent Corporation is strictly prohibited. ©2015 Avocent Corporation. All rights reserved. 2