Henry Gonzalez EDUCATION

Henry Gonzalez
650 N. Park Ave, P.O. Box 210078, Tucson, AZ, USA 85721-0078
Ph.D., Family Studies and Human Development
The University of Arizona
Committee: Drs. Melissa Barnett (Chair), Bruce Ellis, Melissa Curran, & Daniel McDonald
Dissertation: “Examining the influence of cultural values on pathways to strengthen
healthy marriages and responsible fatherhood among Mexican-origin fathers”
Minor: Public Health (Advisor: John Ehiri, PhD, MPH)
Expected 2016
M.S., Family Studies and Human Development
The University of Arizona
Committee: Drs. Melissa Barnett (Chair), Melissa Curran, & Ann Mastergeorge
Thesis: “The influence of romantic partner social father support and nonresident
biological father support on maternal wellbeing in Mexican-American families”
B.S., Human Development; B.A., Psychology (with honors)
University of California, Davis
Family Strengthening Scholars Fellow, Dissertation Fellowship
Funded by the Administration for Children and Families (HHS)
Original data collection, Fathers, Culture, & Families Study
Research Grant, Graduate and Professional Student Council
The University of Arizona – Graduate College
Competitive award with limited funds
Fellow, Post-Doctoral Training Program Fellowship
Center for Family Resilience, Oklahoma State University
Competitive grant writing training program for an NIH National Research Service Award
Summer Research Fellow, National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families
Advisors: Drs. Natasha Cabrera, Mindy Scott, Lina Gomez, & Michael Lopez
Priority emphasis: Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood
Pre-Doctoral Fellow
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Includes tuition waiver, stipend and annual conference travel award
Diversity Fellow, Graduate Diversity Fellowship
University of Arizona
Interdisciplinary Development Achievement Award: 1st place, University of Arizona
• Award given to one graduate student at the University of Arizona; honoring
graduate students with a strong record of interdisciplinary research
Family Studies and Human Development Dissertation Award, University of Arizona
Best Research Article on Men in Families by a Student/New Professional
• Award given by the Men in Families Focus Group of NCFR
Family and Consumer Sciences Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona
Doctorate Centennial Achievement Award, University of Arizona
• Award given to two doctoral students at the University of Arizona; honoring
high academic achievement, scholarship, resilience and integrity
Curran-Bauer Analytics Student Tuition Scholarship, Training Seminar
Ruth R. Cowden Scholarship, University of Arizona
CALS Graduate College Fellowship, University of Arizona
2011-2012, 2014-2015
CALS Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona
2011-2012, 2014-2015
Graduate College Fellowship, University of Arizona
Graduate College Meritorious Fellowship, University of Arizona
Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (Honorable Mention)
Refereed Journal Articles
Paschall, K., Gonzalez, H., Mortensen, J., Barnett, M. A., & Mastergeorge, A. M. (2015). Children's negative
emotionality moderates influence of parenting styles on preschool classroom adjustment. Journal
of Applied Developmental Psychology, 4(1), 98-109.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (2014). Romantic partner and biological father support: Associations with
maternal distress in low-income Mexican-origin families. Journal of Family Relations, 63(3), 371383.
Romero, A. J., Gonzalez, H., & Smith, B. A. (2014). Qualitative exploration of adolescent discrimination:
Experiences and responses of Mexican-American parents and teens. Journal of Child and Family
Studies, 24(6), 1531-1543.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J. A., & Gonzalez, H. (2014). Grandmother involvement in Mexican American
families: Implications for transborder relationships and maternal psychological distress. Journal
of Family Issues (online first).
Barnett, M.A., Mortensen, J.A., Tilley, E., & Gonzalez, H. (2013). Global and parenting specific social
support as protective factors for the wellbeing of Mexican American mothers of toddlers. Family
Science, 4(1), 98-109.
Manuscripts Under Review & In Progress
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J., & Barnett, M.A. (under review). The influence of social father co-parental
support on parenting stress and child functioning in families with incarcerated and uninvolved
fathers. Submitted to Journal of Marriage and Family.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M.A. (under review). Fathers who separate and reintegrate: A close look at the
impact of incarceration, deployment, and deportation on father involvement. Submitted to Journal
of Family Theory and Review.
Barnett, M.A., Mortensen, J.A., Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J.M. (under review). Cultural factors moderating
links between neighborhood disadvantage and parenting and coparenting among Mexican Origin
Families. Submitted to Family Relations.
Romero, A. J., Shim, S., Serido, J., & Gonzalez, H. (under review). Is academic success of Latino first year
college students associated with depressive symptoms and financial stress? Submitted to Journal of
Multicultural Counseling and Development.
Gonzalez, H., Kopystynska, O., & Barnett, M. A. (in progress). Economic stress and child wellbeing in Latino
stepfamilies and biological families. Prepared for Journal of Marriage and Family.
Gonzalez, H., Scott, M., & Barnett, M. A. (in progress). Intergenerational transmission of parenting: The role
of paternal figures on Hispanic fathers’ parenting and family Relationships. Prepared for Parenting:
Science and Practice.
Outreach Publications
Gonzalez, H., & Scott, M. (in preparation). Hispanic Men’s Parenting Attitudes and Practices: The Role of
Biological Fathers and Father Figures. National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families:
Research and Policy Brief.
Gonzalez, H., Chatham-Hahn, C., Barnett, M.A. (February, 2016). Influence of cultural values on responsible
fatherhood. Workshop to be presented at the National Families and Fathers Annual Conference, Los
Angeles, CA.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2015). Fathers who separate and reintegrate: A close look at the
impact of incarceration, deployment, and deportation on father involvement. Paper to be
presented at the Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop Pre-Conference at the
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Gonzalez, H., Pech, A., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2015). Predictors of relationship continuity in families
with incarcerated fathers. Poster to be presented at the National Council on Family Relations
Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Barnett, M.A., Mortensen, J.A., Gonzalez, J.M., Gonzalez, H. (November, 2015). Mexican origin mothers’
use of physical discipline and toddlers’ behavior problems: Moderation by cultural values and
parenting beliefs. Paper to be presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Gonzalez, H., Scott, M. E., & Barnett, M. A. (March, 2015). Intergenerational transmission of parenting: The
role of paternal figures on Hispanic fathers’ parenting and family Relationships. Poster presented at
the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2014). Wellbeing in families with incarcerated and
uninvolved fathers. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Gonzalez, J., Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2014). Parental school involvement as a protective
factor of school success. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J., & Barnett, M. A. (April, 2014). Parental monitoring and children’s school and
behavioral adjustment: Family structure comparisons in low-income families. Poster presented at
the Society for Research in Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Strengthening Connections
Among Child and Family Research, Policy and Practice, Alexandria, VA.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2013). Economic stress and child wellbeing in Latino stepfamilies
and biological families. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Gonzalez, H., Barnett, M. A., Paschall, K., Mortensen, J. A., & Mastergeorge, A. M. (July, 2013). Influence of
biological and social father support on Mexican-American mothers' depression. Poster presented at
the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Paschall, K. A., Gonzalez, H., Mortensen, J. A., & Mastergeorge, A. M. (July, 2013). Parenting style, gender
and social-emotional competence: A cluster analysis approach. Poster presented at the American
Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Paschall, K. A., Gonzalez, H., Mortensen, J.A., Mastergeorge, A. M., & Barnett, M. A. (July, 2013). Early head
start’s moderating influence on bidirectionality in parent-child relationships. Poster presented at
the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J. A., & Gonzalez, H. (July, 2013). Grandmother involvement, psychological
distress and parenting in Mexican origin families. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Mortensen, J. A., Barnett, M. A., Paschall, K., Gonzalez, H., Mastergeorge, A. M. (July, 2013). Caregiving
experiences in child care: Global and individual measures of teacher-child interactions. Poster
presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (April, 2013). Coparenting, mother-child relationships, and child behavior
problems in Mexican-American families with resident romantic partner social fathers. Poster
presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Gonzalez, H., Mortensen, J. A., Paschall, K., Barnett, M. A., & Mastergeorge, A. M. (April, 2013). Parenting
practices: Contextual correlates of parenting styles among low-income mothers. Poster presented
at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Paschall, K. A., Gonzalez. H., & Mortensen, J. A. (April, 2013). Predicting Pre-Kindergarten Social
Competence and Emotion Regulation from Maternal Interaction Styles at 36 Months.
Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J. A., & Gonzalez, H. (April, 2013). Resilience among low-income and ethnic
minority mothers: The roles of self-regulation, beliefs, and cognitive functioning. Paper presented at
the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J., & Gonzalez, H. (April, 2013). Mexican American mothers’ parenting beliefs
and cultural values as buffers of neighborhood disadvantage. Paper presented at the Society for
Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (November, 2012). Coparenting, parenting stress, and children’s emotional
wellbeing in Mexican-American families with romantic partner social fathers. Paper presented at
the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J. A., Gonzalez, H., & Tilley, E. (November, 2012). Grandparent involvement in
Mexican American families with toddlers. Paper presented at the National Council on Family
Relations Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Graduate and Professional Student Council Award, University of Arizona
Society for Research in Child Development Student Travel Award
Family Studies and Human Development Travel Award, University of Arizona
Frances McClelland Institute Travel Award, University of Arizona
Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Workshop Travel Award
2013, 2015
2010, 2013-2014
Graduate Research Assistant
Family Factors and Children’s Growth and Development Project
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
PIs: Melissa Barnett, Ph.D., Bruce Ellis, Ph.D.
• Conducting interviews with fathers in Spanish and English
• Managing interview protocol and scripts
• Scheduling Spanish interviews with parents
• Translating surveys from English to Spanish
Graduate Research Assistant
Zona De Promesa (Children’s Promise Zone) Project
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
PI: Andrea Romero, Ph.D.
• Leading focus groups with parents in English and/or Spanish
• Writing project executive summaries
• Qualitative/quantitative data analysis
• Writing project and research briefs
• Formulating questions for: agencies, school administrators, teachers, parents, and students
Graduate Research Assistant
Emergency Obstetric Care in Rural Latin America Project
College of Public Health, University of Arizona
PI: John Ehiri, Ph.D.
• Revising Harvard University’s Census-Based, Impact Oriented Approach
for expectant Latina women
• Developing a multi-phase exploratory intervention program for
emergency obstetric care in rural Latin America
Graduate Research Assistant
Needs Assessments of Teachers of Mexican Students in the U.S. Project
College of Education, University of Arizona
PI: Toni Griego-Jones, Ph.D.
• Utilizing a grounded theory approach to code qualitative data
• Quantitative data analyses
Co-Instructor: FSHD 237 – Close Relationships (online)
University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development
Co-Instructor: FSHD 150B – Men, Fatherhood, and Families: A Biocultural Perspective (online)
University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development
Teaching Assistant: FSHD 487- Sociocultural Context of Development
University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development – Dr. Angela Taylor
Guest Lecturer: “Children and Youth in Immigrant Families”
FSHD 447A – Sociocultural Context of Development; University of Arizona
Approximately 100 lower-division undergraduate students
Guest Lecturer: “Family & Intergenerational Relationships”
FSHD 413 – Issues in Aging; University of Arizona
Approximately 100 lower-division undergraduate students
2015; 2014
2013, 2014, 2015
Guest Lecturer: “Separation and Divorce”
FSHD 257 – Dynamics of Family Relationships; University of Arizona
Approximately 150 lower-division undergraduate students
Guest Lecturer: “Dual Daddies – Pares de Padres”
FSHD 307 – Men, Fatherhood, and Families; University of Arizona
Approximately 150 lower-division undergraduate students
Guest Lecturer: “Father Involvement and Children’s Development”
FSHD 323 – Child Development; University of Arizona
Approximately 100 lower-division undergraduate students
Student/New Professional Representative-Elect, Ethnic Minorities Section, NCFR
Student Representative-Elect, Latino Caucus, Society for Research in Child Development
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
• Journal of Research on Adolescence
• Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
• Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers
• Journal of Marriage and Family
• Journal of Family Psychology
Member, Research Learning Community, Fatherhood Research and Practice Network
Student Aide, National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference
Presider, National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference
Conference Proposal Reviewer:
• National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference
• Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting
• SRCD Themed Meeting: Positive Development of Minority Youth
Paper Award Reviewer, Men in Families Focus Group, National Council on Family Relations
• Best New Professional Research Article in Fatherhood Award
• Best Research Article Award in Fatherhood
2012, 2014
University, Department and Community
Panelist, Graduate Student Research Panel for Undergraduates, University Career Week
Travel Grant Reviewer, Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of Arizona
Member, Southern Arizona Fatherhood Collaborative, The United Way of Tucson
Officer, Family Studies Student Round Table, University of Arizona:
• Vice President
• Graduate Studies Representative
• Records Officer
• Active Member
NSF Workshop Aide, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop, Office of Fellowships
and Community Engagement, The University of Arizona Graduate College
Statistics Workshops
Introduction to Growth and Growth Mixture Modeling with SEM
Frances McClelland Institute, University of Arizona
Multilevel Modeling Workshop
Curran-Bauer Analytics Training Seminar; Chapel Hill, NC
Discrete Time Survival Analysis in SEM
Frances McClelland Institute; University of Arizona
Workshop Series in Statistical Modeling in Mplus
Structure Equation Modeling, Multilevel Modeling, and Bayesian Modeling in Mplus
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Baltimore, MD
Workshop Series in Statistical Modeling with R Statistical Package
Basic and Advanced Quantitative Data Analyses using R
Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Arizona
University Teaching and Mentorship
Making the Most out of Faculty Mentoring
Office of Instruction and Assessment, University of Arizona
Introduction to Teaching Online: An Online Mini-Course
Office of Instruction and Assessment, University of Arizona
Creating Effective Multiple Choice Questions
Office of Instruction and Assessment, University of Arizona
Leaner-Centered Teaching for Online Delivery (full-semester course)
Dr. Jim Hunt, University of Arizona
Other Professional Development
Safe Zone Training
LGBTQ Student Affairs, University of Arizona
2011, 2013
Fatherhood Research and Practice Network
AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science (referred by College Dean)
American Public Health Association
American Psychological Association
• Division 43: Society for Family Psychology
Latina/o Graduate Student Association of the University of Arizona
Society for Research in Child Development
• Latino Caucus
National Council on Family Relations
• Sections:
o Ethnic Minorities
o Research and Theory
• Focus Groups:
o Men in Families
o Latino(a) Research
National Latina/o Psychological Association