Jose-Michael Gonzalez, M.S.

Jose-Michael Gonzalez, M.S.
Family Studies & Human Development
School of Family and Consumer Sciences
University of Arizona
650 N. Park Ave, Suite 315M
Tucson, AZ 85721-0078
827 E. 9th Street Norton
Tucson, AZ. 85719
(209) 765-4641 mobile
Ph.D. Family Studies & Human Development
(expected May 2018)
Minor: Intervention Programs & Evaluation
Dissertation: A Randomized Trial of a Developmentally-Informed Strategy to Improve
School Safety and Climate: Meaningful Roles for Youth
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Major Advisors & Committee Chairs: Kirk A. Astroth, Ed.D. & Melissa A. Curran, Ph.D.
Committee Members:
Minor Advisor: Michele Walsh, Ph.D.
M.S. Family Studies & Human Development
Thesis: Variability in Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviors in Early Adolescence:
Contributions of Peer Behavior and Perceptions of Adult and Peer Feedback
(Quantitative Analysis of the 2012 Arizona Youth Survey, Arizona Criminal Justice
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
(May 2016)
Summa Cum Laude
Advisor & Committee Chair: Melissa A. Barnett, Ph.D.
Committee Members: Bruce J. Ellis, Ph.D. & Michele Walsh, Ph.D.
Child Development
Developmental Research Track
California State University – Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
Magna Cum Laude
Develop the techniques for drawing upon Positive Youth Development & Intersectional
perspectives in cross-cultural research and analyses of large data to establish science-based
principles that inform policy and applied practice and help design interventions centered on
building prosocial and regulatory skills in minority and marginalized children and youth.
 Intersections of developmental, prevention, and evolutionary science.
 Positive youth development, applied interventions, program development, evaluation &
assessment in school and community contexts.
 Risk & protective factors effecting self-regulation in childhood, early adolescence and
developmental success in cross-cultural populations.
 Sociocultural, economic disadvantage, and contextual influences on lifespan development in
cross cultural populations.
 Couples, parenting, extended family, relational support processes and mechanisms that influence
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developmental processes and outcomes.
Physiological measurements (i.e., HRA, IBI, GSC & Cortisol).
Gonzalez, J.-M., Gamble, H., Akcabozan, B., & Curran, M. A. (In progress). “Relational Dynamics:
Actor-Partner Sacrifices that Improve Relationship Quality.” To be submitted to Journal of
Marriage and Family.
Gonzalez, J.-M., Akcabozan, B., Gamble, H., & Curran, M. A. (In Progress). “Variability in daily
relationship quality: Roles of daily sacrifice motives and gender.” To be submitted to Journal
of Marriage and Family.
Gonzalez, J.-M., Gonzalez, H., Parikh, C., & Barnett, M. A. (In progress). “The Influence of
Father’s Labor Force Experiences on Child & Family Functioning.” To be submitted to
Journal of Marriage and Family.
Gonzalez, J.-M., Barnett, M. A. (In progress). “Transformative Siblings: Coparenting Relationships
in Diverse Family Systems.” To be submitted to Journal of Family Theory & Review
Gonzalez, J.-M., Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (In progress). “Parental School Involvement as a
Protective Factor for School Success.” To be submitted to Journal of Youth &
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J.-M., & Barnett, M. A. (Under review). The influence of social
father co-parental support on parenting stress and child functioning in families with
incarcerated and uninvolved fathers. Submitted to Journal of Marriage and Family.
Ellis, B. J., Volk. A, Gonzalez, J.-M., & Embry, D. D. (2015). “The Meaningful Roles Intervention:
An Evolutionary Approach to Reducing Bullying and Increasing Prosocial Behavior”
Journal of Research on Adolescence, ***(*), 1–16. doi:10.1111/jora.12243
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J.A., Gonzalez, H., & Gonzalez, J.-M. (Revision under review).
“Cultural factors moderating links between neighborhood disadvantage and parenting and coparenting among Mexican Origin Families.” Submitted to Journal of Family Issues.
* Book Chapters
Gonzalez, J.-M., Sinclair, K. O., D'Augelli, A. R., & Grossman A. H. (Under Review).
“Intersectionality and Well-Being Among Racial/Ethnic Minority & LGB Youth/Adolescents:
Extended Family Members as Support Against Negative Parental Reactions to Coming Out.”
Submitted to Well-Being of Youth & Emerging Adults Across Cultures. Springer
Kozina, A., Wiium N., Dimitrova, R., & Gonzalez, J.-M. (Under Review). “Positive Youth
Development in Slovenia: Academic Achievement, Confidence and Connection.” Submitted
to Positive Youth Development in a European Context. Taylor & Francis Publishing.
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* Manuals/Curriculums
LeCroy & Milligan, Inc., & Child & Family Resources, Inc. … Gonzalez, J.-M. (Under review).
“Empowering Adolescent Boys: Examining the present and building skills for the future with
the Guy Talk Program Manual.” Submitted to New York, NY: Norton Professional Books.
PAXIS Institute, Inc. … Gonzalez, J.-M. (Under review). “PAX Good Behavior Game Intervention
Manual,” (4th Ed.). Submitted to Phoenix, AZ: O’Neil Printing.
* Reports/Briefs
Gonzalez, J.-M. (March, 2016). “Conceptualizing the Transformative Sibling Process: Toward a
Framework for Understanding Alternative Coparenting Relationships in Diverse Family
Systems.” Brief accepted for the NCFR Family Focus Section on Cultural Sea Change and
Gonzalez, J.-M., Pettman, A. L., & Walsh, M. (November, 2015). “2015 Camp Born This Way
Program Evaluation Report (with Executive Summary and Administrative Evaluation
Recommendation Supplements).” Report submitted to the Executive Board &
Administration of Camp Born this Way.
A Randomized Trial of a Developmentally-Informed Strategy to Improve School Safety and
Climate: Meaningful Roles for Youth, submitted to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).
Partnership with Bruce Ellis, Ph.D., Michele Walsh, Ph.D., CRED Lab, Dennis Embry, Ph.D.,
PAXIS Institute, & Amphitheater School District, Tucson, AZ.
(Fall 2015)
Different Forms of Family Instability: Key Mechanisms Linking Family Strengthening
Interventions, Family Functioning and Child Wellbeing, submitted to the U.S. Administration
for Children and Families. Partnership with Melissa Barnett, Ph.D. & Melissa Curran, Ph.D.
Was awarded for $100,000 funding.
(Fall 2014)
Developing Kind Campuses: A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating Approaches to
Improving School Climate and Safety, submitted to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).
Partnership with Michele Walsh, Ph.D, CRED Lab & Sunnyside School District, Tucson, AZ.
(Summer 2014)
Outstanding Contribution to Field of Family Science - Master’s Level Honors Award
National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
Meritorious Graduate Teaching Associate, Master’s Level – Awarded
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, University of Arizona
14 Annual PFLG/Alliance Fund Scholarship,
Tucson PFLAG and the Alliance Fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship - Honorable Mention
National Research Council of the National Academies
Ethnic/Racial Issues Committee & Student/Early Career Council Representative,
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Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Mildred R. Hardin Scholarship, University of Arizona
GPSC Travel Grant, University of Arizona
Norton School Travel Grant, University of Arizona
Agriculture & Life Sciences Scholarship, University of Arizona
CALS Graduate College Fellowship, University of Arizona
Ruth Cowden Scholarship, University of Arizona
Graduate Access Fellowship, University of Arizona
Summer Research Institute Fellowship, University of Arizona
Frances Degen Horowitz Millennium Scholar - Awarded
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Gonzalez, J.-M. (2016, September). Intersectionality Perspective & Positive Youth Development:
Diverse Social Order Experiences of Marginalized Ethnic Minority Youth in Person-Centered
Approaches. Paper to be presented to 4th International Conference of the Romanian
Sociological Society (RSS) – New Societies, Old Minorities/New Minorities, Old Societies?,
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Gonzalez, J.-M. (2016, September). Intersectional Scholarship & Positive Youth Development: PostModern Paradigm Shift in Understanding Adjustment of Marginalized Ethnic Minority Youth.
Paper to be presented to 1st International Conference of Applied Psychology for a
Sustainable Community – From Individual to Society, Transylvania University of Brasov,
Gonzalez, J.-M., Akcabozan, B., Gamble, H., & Curran, M. A. (Under Review). Variability in Daily
Relationship Quality: The Roles of Daily Sacrifice Motives and Gender. Paper proposal
submitted to NCFR 78TH Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN., USA.
Gonzalez, J.-M. & Barnett, M. A. (2015, November). Transformative Siblings: Co-parenting
Relationships in Diverse Family Systems. Paper presented to Theories & Methodology
Workshop Pre-Conference of the NCFR 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Barnett, M. A., Mortensen, J. A., Gonzalez, J.-M., Gonzalez, H. (2015, November). Mexican
Origin Mothers’ Use of Physical Discipline and Toddlers’ Behavior Problems: Moderation by
Cultural Values and Parenting Beliefs. Paper presented to NCFR 77th Annual Conference,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Gonzalez, J.-M., Gonzalez, H., & Barnett, M. A. (2014, November). Parental School
Involvement as a Protective Factor for School Success. Paper presented to NCFR 76th
Annual National Conference, Baltimore, MD., USA
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez J.-M., & Barnett, M. A. (2014, November). Wellbeing in Families
with Incarcerated and Uninvolved Fathers. Paper presented to NCFR 76th Annual National
Conference, Baltimore, MD., USA
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Barnett, M. A., Mortenson, J., Gonzalez H., & Gonzalez, J.-M. (2014, November).
Culturally-Informed Buffers of Risks to Supportive Parenting for Mexican Origin Mothers.
Paper presented to SRCD Special Topics Meeting: New Conceptualizations in the Study of
Parenting-At-Risk, San Diego, CA., USA
Gonzalez, J.-M., Gamble, H., & Curran, M. A. (2015, November). Approach-Avoidance
Motivations of Sacrifice and Relational Quality. Poster presented to NCFR 77th Annual
Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Awarded “2015 Family Therapy Section Outstanding
Poster Award by a Student.”
Gonzalez, H., Gonzalez, J.-M., & Barnett, M. A. (2014, April). Parental Monitoring and
Children’s School and Behavioral Adjustment: Family Structure Comparisons in LowIncome Families. Poster presented to SRCD 2014 Special Topics Meeting, Alexandria,
Walsh, M., Kaplan, D., Dominguez, V., deBlois, M., Gonzalez, J.-M., Van Dop, M., &
Blackey, A. (2014, November). Understanding Kind Campuses: Partnering with the Ben’s
Bells Project to Measure Kindness in Schools. Poster presented to College of Agricultural and
Life Sciences Poster Forum, University of Arizona, USA
Principal Investigator:
(Under Development)
Cross-National Positive Youth Development Consortium,
Nora Wiium, Ph.D. (University of Bergen, Norway) & Radosveta Dimitrova, Ph.D. (Stockholm
University, Sweden & Hiroshima University, Japan)
 Research Project: “Developmental Assets & Positive Youth Development
Outcomes Among Young People in Arizona: A Cross National Comparative
Analysis of 16 Countries.”
 Duties: original study design (principal investigator);
Phase 1) write initial project proposal for Arizona data collection
Phase 2) write grant proposal and identify potential submission prospects
Phase 3) complete and submit University of Arizona and community partner IRB
study materials
Project Coordinator:
(Spring 2014-Present)
Evolutionary Development Risky Adolescent Behavior Initiative, Bruce J. Ellis, Ph.D.
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
 Research Project: “A Randomized Trial of a Developmentally-Informed
Strategy to Improve School Safety and Climate: Meaningful Roles for
 Duties: original study design (program coordinator);
Phase 1) complete initial project grant proposal and submission to U.S. National
Institute of Justice.
Phase 2) conduct literature review and write up review manuscript submission for
the evaluation on PAXIS Institute Illinois pilot study of Meaningful Roles.
Phase 3) complete University of Arizona and Amphi School District IRB materials
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Graduate Research Associate:
(Fall 2015)
Community Research Evaluation & Development (CRED) Lab, Michele Walsh, Ph.D.
Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, & Families, University of Arizona
 Research Project: “Camp Born This Way: A Summer Camp For Transgender and
Gender-Creative Youth”
 Duties: 2015 Evaluation Report (lead evaluator)
Phase 1) Conduct SPSS quantitative data analysis on child and family pre- and
post-program surveys, supervise an undergraduate research assistant.
Phase 2) Develop pie charts and write up evaluation data findings.
Phase 3) Write up executive summary.
Phase 4) Write up administrative evaluation recommendations.
Project Coordinator:
(Summer 2014-Summer 2015)
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development Initiative, Melissa Barnett, Ph.D.
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
 Research Project: “Climate Change Adaptation-Related Stress and Coping:
Family & The Environment (CCARSC)”
 Duties: project supervision
Phase 1) lit reviews, develop research questions, develop program survey,
data collection; collection of cortisol; training and supervision of nine
undergraduate data collectors;
Phase 2) scheduling and conducting child and family interaction videotaped manipulation tasks; coding and interpreting manipulation tasks and
Phase 3) Supervision of 9 undergraduate research assistants.
Graduate Research Assistant:
(Summer 2014-Summer 2015)
Community Research Evaluation & Development (CRED) Lab, Michele Walsh, Ph.D.
Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, & Families, University of Arizona
 Research Project: “Developing Kind Campuses: A School Safety Climate
 Duties: original study design, implementation, and evaluation
Phase 1) contribute to original study design, complete IRB materials, contribute to
submission of National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) grant (e.g. complete Privacy
Certificate and Determination of Exemption documents); SPSS quantitative data
Phase 2) Develop and write up dosage evaluation measure and kernels of effectbased practices.
Phase 3) Assist with Science of Kindness summer workshop development.
Phase 4) Assist with adapting current materials and curriculum to early childhood
Graduate Research Assistant:
(Spring 2014-Present)
Interpersonal & Family Relations Initiative, Melissa Curran, Ph.D.
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
Research Projects: 1) “Dynamics of Relational Sacrificing,” 2) “Variability in daily
relationship quality: Roles of daily sacrifice motives and gender”
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Duties: original study design (co-investigator); development of measures, creation of
Qualtrics and Daily Diary online data collection method; literature searches; completing IRB
documentation; RA undergraduate student supervision.
Phase 1) Submit and present NCFR conference paper on daily sacrifices.
Phase 2) Write manuscript regarding analyses findings of daily sacrifices study.
Phase 3) Submit and present NCFR conference paper on variability in relationship quality.
Phase 4) Write manuscript regarding analyses findings of variability in relationship quality
Graduate Research Assistant:
(Fall 2013-Spring 2014)
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development Initiative, Melissa Barnett, Ph.D.
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
 Research Project: 1) “Parental Monitoring and Children’s School and
Behavioral Adjustment: Family Structure Comparisons in Low-Income
Families;” 2) “Parental School Involvement as a Protective Factor for School
Success;” 3) “Wellbeing in Families with incarcerated and Uninvolved Fathers”
(funded by the University of Arizona Graduate Access Fellowship)
 Duties: original study design
Phase 1) literature searches; creating proposal, abstract, references, and results
tables for posters and paper submissions.
Phase 2) SPSS quantitative secondary data analyses.
Summer Research Fellowship (UROC):
(Summer 2013)
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development Initiative, Melissa Barnett, Ph.D.
Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona
 Research Project: “Social Support Networks Among Low-Income Families
During Middle Childhood” (funded by the University of Arizona Undergraduate
Research Opportunities Consortium)
 Duties: Paper talk & poster presentation; literature searches; creating
PowerPoint for presentation; creating research poster for symposium; running
advanced analyses; preparing research manuscript for institutional undergraduate
research journal; completing CITI institutional research certification; SPSS
quantitative secondary data analyses.
*Course Instruction
Lead Instructor
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Dynamics of Family Relations
FSHD 257, Online: Summer Session 1, Summer 2016
Lead Instructor
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Sociocultural Context of Human Development,
FSHD 447a, In-class: Fall 2015 (80 students + 1 TA)
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.16 out of 5.00
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(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Lifespan Development,
FSHD 117, Online: Pre-Session, Summer 2014
* Teaching Assistantships
Graduate Teaching Associate
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Advanced Theories in Family Relations,
FSHD 487, Instructor: Dr. Melissa Curran, Spring 2016
Graduate Teaching Associate
(Division Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Sociocultural Context of Development,
FSHD 447a, Instructor: Dr. Linda Pallock, Spring 2016
Graduate Teaching Associate
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Advanced Theories in Family Relations,
FSHD 487, Instructor: Dr. Adam Clark, Fall 2015
Graduate Teaching Assistant
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Close Relationships,
FSHD 237, Instructor: Kelly Nichols, M.S. Spring 2015
Graduate Teaching Assistant
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Advanced Theories in Family Relations,
FSHD 487, Instructor: Dr. Melissa Curran, Fall 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Dynamics of Family Relationships,
FSHD 257, Instructor: Dr. Ana Lucero-Liu, Spring 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
Sociocultural Context of Human Development,
FSHD 447a, Instructor: Dr. James Hunt, Fall 2013
* Guest Lectures
Graduate Guest Lecture
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Intersectionality Perspective & Relationship Dynamics
FSHD 487, Instructor: Dr. Melissa Curran, Spring 2016
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Graduate Guest Lecture
(Division of Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Gender Development
FSHD 117: Lifespan Human Development
Instructor: Dr. James Hunt, Spring 2015
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.72 out of 5.00
 Social Cognition
FSHD 117: Lifespan Human Development
Instructor: Dr. James Hunt, Spring 2015
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.83 out of 5.00
Graduate Guest Lecture
(Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Feminism
FSHD 487: Advanced Family Relations (or Interpesonal and Family Theories)
Instructor: Dr. Melissa Curran, Fall 2014
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.73 out of 5.00
Graduate Guest Lecture
(Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Development in the Context of Peers. Schools, & Community: Youth Development & After
School Programs,
FSHD 447a: Sociocultural Context of Development
Instructor: Dr. Angela Taylor, Fall 2014
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.77 out of 5.00
Graduate Guest Lecture
(Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Unmarried Lives: Singlehood & Cohabitation
FSHD 257: Dynamics of Family Relationships
Instructor: Dr. Ana Lucero-Liu, Spring 2014 Overall Student
Evaluation: 4.56 out of 5.00
Graduate Guest Lecture
(Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona)
 Development in the Context of Peers. Schools, & Community: After School Programs, FSHD
447a: Sociocultural Context of Development
Instructor: Dr. James Hunt, Fall 2013
Overall Student Evaluation: 4.57 out of 5.00
Le Croy & Milligan Associates, Inc.
March 2016-Present
- State-wide Child Development Programs Assessor/Observer - (C.L.A.S.S. & ECERS-3 Pre-K
Research Associate) Quality First, Arizona's Quality Improvement and Rating System (QIRS)
Study & Child Trends, Inc.
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Achieve certification in the C.L.A.S.S. child-teacher interaction assessment tool and achieve
team reliability, including the ECERS-3 environmental rating assessment tool.
Collect data statewide for a research study about how the procedures and content of Arizona’s
early care and education system are working to support children’s developmental outcomes.
Assessments/observations and scoring took place off-site at early care (ECE) programs (i.e.,
child development programs, school based pre-kindergarten programs).
Enter all data into the Child Trends, Inc. online confidential and protected data system.
August 2015-November 2015
- Curriculum Developer: “Guy Talk Sexual Health Program for Adolescent Boys”
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 Write and contribute two scientifically supported modules with activities to the curriculum:
Communication & Bullying.
 Develop and participate in team review of scope of work and manual learning objectives for entire
 Conduct scientific-based literature reviews and identify best practices in the field to incorporate
into curriculum.
 Research and provide feedback/edits and activity contributions to all modules of the curriculum.
PAXIS Institute: Good Behavior Game
March 2015-Present
Program/Curriculum Developer – “Meaningful Roles School-Based Intervention”
 Coordinate the overall planning, design, and development of program and curriculum content, and
materials associated particularly with the Meaningful Roles Intervention.
 Develop program content and curriculum activities that meet PAXIS Institute principles and the
Promise Neighborhood Research Consortium effective “kernels of intervention” strategies.
 Review PAXIS Institute program materials content and resources, and work with
researchers, school officials, teachers, parents and community members to produce the
Meaningful Roles Intervention curriculum content.
 Maintain regular contact with researchers from the Norton School/University of Arizona, Oregon
Research Institute, and the Promise Neighborhood Research Consortium and other relevant
agencies with regard to school climate and safety outcomes and other pertinent issues, developing
curriculum materials relevant to intervention practices, relevant standards and/or policy changes.
TMM Family Services
March 2015-Present
Relief House Parent
 Ensure the safety and protection of 4 to 6 assigned children and adolescents housed in a private
 Assists children in following consistent routines for safe daily transition: wake-up and bedtime,
meals, and other activities.
 Give instructions to children regarding desirable health and personal habits.
 Disciplines children and recommends other measures to guide behavior.
 Implements the Children’s Village behavior management system using token economy in
developing self-help skills and other social skills.
 Transport children to off-campus outings and events in institutional van.
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Zarephath Preventative Services
May 2014-August 2014
Behavioral Health Technician
 Assist enhancing children and youth independent living skills (pro-social behavior, personal
hygiene, and day-to-day living tasks) while promoting economic and social self-sufficiency
in group and in the community.
 Implement the goals set-forth in children and youth social skills plans through the Ansell
Casey Life Skills Assessment Instruments, designing group and individual activities as
 Assist in the development and implementation of individualized transition plans during
respite in group and community settings.
 Transport children and youth during pick up and drop off during appointments,
community activities, between group facilities, and their home.
University of Arizona, Student Learning Services, CATS Academics Mar 2014-Aug 2014
Academic Tutor
 Provide instructional support in academic content areas for student-athletes.
 Assist student-athletes in understanding course material while promoting independent
learning during individual sessions.
 Maintain a high level of knowledge in academic content area.
 Maintain the confidentiality of a student-athlete’s academic situation.
 Report to all tutoring sessions on time and ready to work.
 Complete and submit accurate tutor report form through GradesFirst software in a timely
 Be familiar and follow the policies and rules of CATS, UKAA, SEC and NCAA.
 Report any concerns regarding academic dishonesty to the CATS staff.
 Work with all CATS staff to ensure the success of the student-athlete.
 Subjects Tutored:
- RNR 170C1: Our Place in Nature: Biology and the Environment
- EDP/FSHD/PSY 200: Evolution and Human Development
Waterford Unified School District
Sep 2008-August 2013
Director of Afterschool Programs and Family Literacy Services
 Manage all aspects of an 800 participant Pre K-12 before, after, and summer-school
program at four community school sites.
 Complete federal, state, and county attendance compliance reports.
 Hire and provide ongoing training and staff development for 25 certificated, 4
classified, 20 contractual, and 16 AmeriCorps staff.
 Develop quarterly program financial compliance reports and narratives and oversee
program fiscal operations.
 Represent the programs at federal, state, local, and district inter-agency meetings and events.
 Develop and maintain an advisory committee network of 5 local governmental and
community organization representatives.
 Manage all aspects of the General Education Development (GED) Program, English
Language Learners (ELL) Program, and Community Resource Center and family literacy
San Joaquin County Office of Education
Comprehensive Health Programs Specialist
August 2012-August 2013
Jose Gonzalez - 11
Conduct school and off-site independent after-school program and teaching staff assessments
regarding child outcomes in instructional settings based on the California Department of
Education Technical Assistance model.
Stanislaus County Office of Education
August 2012-August 2013
Child Development Programs C.L.A.S.S. Assessor
 Conduct off-site independent child development program and teaching staff assessments
regarding child-teacher interactions in instructional settings based on the CLASS
observation model.
Modesto Junior College – Me Wuk Child Development Center
Sep 2008-August 2013
Substitute Instructional Lab Assistant
 Assistant in teaching 30 state preschool children in classroom lab setting.
 Assist in the development and instruction of weekly lesson plans and create supply plans.
 Assist in facilitation of center open house.
 Assist in student daily health checks, meals, and parent record documentation.
 Complete ECERS environmental rating assessment.
 Create children’s learning portfolio.
Salida Unified School District
Feb 2008-Apr 2009
State Preschool Associate Teacher
 Assist in teaching 23 state preschool children daily.
 Assist in the development and instruction of weekly lesson plans, and create supply plans.
Facilitate sports activities, special events, and field trips.
 Maintain daily health checks, lunch, and parent records.
 Complete ESI, DRDP, ECERS, Ages & Stages, and developmental screenings.
 Create children’s learning portfolios.
 Conduct student-parent ESL learning activities and complete other instructional duties
as assigned.
State of Arizona – Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card
Arizona Department of Public Safety, Phoenix, AZ.
Exp: 5/15/2021
Issued: 2015
Crisis Prevention & Intervention – Level 1 Power of Choice/Prevention Exp: 6/30/2016
SontarahLife, Phoenix, AZ.
Passed: 2015
CPR AED & First Aid Certification
American Heart Association, Tucson, AZ.
California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) Multi Subject TestIII
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA.
California Basic Educational Skills Test
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA.
California Basic Educational Skills Test
Exp: 6/30/2016
Passed: 2014
Exp: 12/28/2017
Passed: 2012
Exp: 2/18/2016
Passed: 2011
Exp: 12/18/2016
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California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA.
Passed: 2011
Child Development Site Supervisor Permit
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA.
Exp: 12/01/2015
Issued: 2010
Child Development Teacher Permit
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA.
Exp: 12/01/2015
Issued: 2010
National Council on Family Relations
(Spring 2016)
 Proposal Reviewer for the 2016 NCFR Conference submission to both Research and Theory &
Family Therapy Sections
American Psychological Association – Division 52
(Spring 2016)
 Proposal Reviewer for International Psychology Bulletin, a periodical of Division 52
(International Psychology) of American Psychological Association.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
(Summer 2015)
 Subcommittee Leader & Proposal Reviewer for International Student/Early Career
Professional (SECC) Dissertation Funding Awards
University of Arizona Service
 Guest Speaker (Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer 2015)
Graduate College Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC)
 Travel Grants Judge
(Fall, 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015)
Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC)
 Safe Zone Advocate
Office of LGBTQ Affairs
Community Service
 Program Evaluation
Camp Born This Way, Tucson, AZ.
 Kindness Education – Science of Kindness Conference
Ben’s Bells Program, Tucson, AZ.
(Fall 2015)
(Fall 2013-Summer 2015)
American Psychological Association – Division 52
Manuscript Reviewer for International Psychology Bulletin
Student & Early Career Member
2015 – Present
2014 – Present
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Ethnic/Racial Issues Committee Representative (elected term)
Student/Early Career Council Representative (elected term)
Student & Early Career Affiliate
2014 – 2019
2014 – 2098
2011 – Present
Jose Gonzalez - 13
National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
Student & Early Career Affiliate
2013 – Present
Cultural Evolution Society
Election Advisory Group
Student & Early Career Affiliate
2015 – Present
2014 – Present
International Association for Relationship Research (IARR)
Child Development Group
Student & Early Career Member
2014 – Present
International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI)
Early Intervention Program Group
Student & Early Career Member
2014 – Present
Human Development Intervention Network (HDIN), Global Network for Intervention Research in
Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Student & Early Career Member
2014 – Present
Arizona Evaluation Network (AZENet)
Early Career Member
2014 – Present
National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
Student & Early Career Affiliate
2013 – Present
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Student Member
2008 – Present
Jose Gonzalez - 14