PES 105-2 General Astronomy I Fall, 2003 MW 12:15-1:30 Engineering #103 Course Syllabus Instructor: Robert G. Gist Office and Hours: ENG 243, by appointment (MWF 9:00-10:30 or other arrangement) UCCS e-mail: Prerequisite: None Text: “Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy”, by Thomas T. Arny Course Description: The methods and results of modern astronomy (mainly applied to our solar system - planets and Sun) at an elementary level. This course is primarily a lecture course, with limited mathematics required. However, it is a science course, and as such we will explore scientific reasoning and methods. We will study the observation methods used by ancient and modern man to examine the universe around us. Credit Hours: 3 GRADING In-class projects: We will perform some in-class demonstrations and projects. These will provide some interactive examination of the topics we will be covering. The grading will be very simple: 1=Participated, 0=didn’t participate. At-home projects: Some projects will require effort and/or observation outside of class. No special equipment will be required; only your eyes and your mind (and paper and pen). Grading will be simple: 2=Good effort, 1=marginal effort, 0=didn’t participate. Exams: Exams will be in multiple-choice format. There will be three mid-term exams given during the semester, each counting as 15% of your grade. I will give you at least a week’s notice as to the exact date of the exam as well as the material you will be responsible for on each test. In addition to the three mid-term exams there will be a comprehensive final exam on Wednesday, December 17, from 10:50 AM to 1:20 PM in this classroom. The final exam will count for 25% of your grade. Unless arrangements have been made prior to any exam, there will be no make-up exams. In case of emergency, I’ll substitute the exam average for a missed exam (one time only). Attendance: I will occasionally, throughout the semester, take attendance. Your attendance rate on these days will count toward 15% of your grade. (This is an easy way to get solid points.) Grades: In summary, your grade will be based on the following: In-class & at-home projects Mid-term exams (3) Attendance Final Exam R. Gist 15% 45% 15% 25% PES 105-2 General Astronomy I Fall, 2003 MW 12:15-1:30 Engineering #103 I grade on a standard A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-70%, D: 60-69%, F: Below 60%. Ranges include +’s and –‘s. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Reasonable accommodation: Students with a disability who require accommodations should provide a letter of accommodation from Student Enrichment Services (MH 105, x3354) within the first two weeks of the semester. Calculators: Calculators will be necessary for some in-class and at-home projects. A basic calculator capable of trigonometry functions and square roots is sufficient. Calculators will be allowed to be used during exams, if desired. Cell phones, pagers, talking: Please show respect to the other members of the class by turning off the sound on cell phones and pagers. Imperative phone calls should be taken outside the classroom. Also, keep conversation to a minimum during the lecture so that others can hear clearly. Questions, comments: It is my hope that you will feel free enough to ask questions in class. Chances are that if you are unsure about some topic, there are others who have a similar question. I would like the class to be as interactive as possible. If you have relevant experience with a subject, please feel free to share comments with the class. R. Gist PES 105-2 General Astronomy I Fall, 2003 MW 12:15-1:30 Engineering #103 General Schedule * I. Introduction, History and Observation (Aug 25-Sep 22) A. Astronomy B. History C. Observing the sky D. Exam (Sep 22) II. The Earth and the Moon (Sep 24-Oct 20) A. Gravity B. The Earth C. The Moon and the Earth-Moon System D. Exam (Oct. 22) III. The Other Planets (Oct 27 – Nov 19) A. The rocky planets B. The gas giants C. Asteroids, comets and meteors D. Exam (Nov 19) IV. The Sun (Nov 24 - Dec 8) A. Inside the Sun B. The Sun’s stellar family C. Exam (Dec 8) Significant Dates Date Nov 26 Dec 10 Dec 17 Event Thanksgiving Final Exam Review Final Exam Note No class 10:50 AM to 1:20 PM (Eng. 103) * Dates (except holidays and final) are approximate, and subject to change. Dates of exams will be announced a week prior to administration. R. Gist PES 105-2 General Astronomy I Fall, 2003 MW 12:15-1:30 Engineering #103 Read-ahead and Exam Schedule* Date 25-Aug 27-Aug 1-Sep 3-Sep 8-Sep 10-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 22-Sep 24-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct 6-Oct 8-Oct 13-Oct 15-Oct 20-Oct 22-Oct 27-Oct 29-Oct 3-Nov 5-Nov 10-Nov 12-Nov 17-Nov 19-Nov 24-Nov 26-Nov 1-Dec 3-Dec 8-Dec 10-Dec 17-Dec Topic Introduction and Overview History & Observability Labor Day Holiday Observing the Night Sky Forces Light and Atoms Measurements Exam The Earth and the Moon Read-ahead --Overview 1 Ch 1 - History of Astronomy Essay 1 - Backyard Astronomy Overview 2 Ch 2 - Gravity and Motion Ch 3 - Light and Atoms Ch 4 - Telescopes Overview 3 Ch 5 - The Earth The Earth and the Moon The Earth and the Moon The Earth and the Moon Essay 1 - Keeping Time Ch 6 - The Moon The Earth and the Moon The Earth and the Moon Review Exam #2 The Solar System The Solar System Overview 4 Ch 7 - Survey of the Solar System The Solar System Ch 8 - The Terrestrial Planets The Solar System The Solar System The Solar System The Solar System Exam #3 Ch 9 - The Outer Planets Ch 10 - Meteors, Asteroids and Comets Overview 5 The Sun Thanksgiving Holiday The Sun The Sun Ch 11 - The Sun, Our Star Ch 13 - Stellar Evolution The Sun Review Final Exam * Dates (except holidays and final) are approximate, and subject to change. Dates of exams will be announced a week prior to administration. R. Gist