ACCREDITATION TO UNCTAD XIII Application for non-governmental and civil society organizations that do not have observer status with UNCTAD DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 15 January 2012 Theme: Development-centred globalization: Towards inclusive and sustainable growth and development Sub-themes: 1. Enhancing the enabling economic environment at all levels in support of inclusive and sustainable development 2. Strengthening all forms of cooperation and partnerships for trade and development, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation 3. Addressing persistent and emerging development challenges as related to their implications for trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development 4. Promoting investment, trade, entrepreneurship and related development policies to foster sustained economic growth for sustainable and inclusive development At UNCTAD XIII, a Civil Society Forum will be organized as part of the official programme of the Conference. The meeting will provide an opportunity for participating civil society organizations to discuss and formulate their views on the issues related to the Conference agenda. The final statement of the Forum will be delivered to UNCTAD XIII. As part of the Preparatory Committee, two hearings with civil society will also be organized to provide interested organizations with opportunities to contribute to the preparatory process and to comment on the pre-conference negotiating text. Organizations that do not have observer status with UNCTAD, and wish to take part in the Conference and its preparatory activities, are encouraged to apply for accreditation. Once accredited, representatives of the organizations would be entitled to participate in the preparatory hearings and the Civil Society Forum, observe the proceedings of the public meetings of the Conference, have access to non-restricted general documentation and use the facilities provided for non-governmental and civil society organizations. Organizations wishing to apply for accreditation to the Conference and its preparatory meetings are required to complete the attached questionnaire and send it with a copy of the requested supporting documentation. Organizations should provide clear information about their activities and how they relate to those described in the above-mentioned UNCTAD XIII theme and sub-themes. New applications should include copies of the organization’s constitution/by-laws/statutes and mission statement, activities or annual report and financial statement. Organizations that were accredited to UNCTAD XII in Accra, Ghana (2008) and have not substantially modified their structure and/or statutes since then, may complete and return the completed questionnaire without re-submitting the supporting documentation. The completed questionnaire and the required documents should be received by the Civil Society Outreach Unit by 15 January 2012. Please note that late or incomplete applications will not be processed. Applications can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the following address: Civil Society Outreach (CSO) Unit Communications, Information and Outreach UNCTAD Palais des Nations, Office: E-8097 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: +41 22 917 00 56 Email: Requests for accreditation will be submitted to the member States for their consideration and approval. Decisions regarding accreditation to the Conference and its preparatory meetings will be communicated directly to the organizations concerned. Please note the following: The UNCTAD secretariat does not take any responsibility for obtaining visas for Qatar, nor can it guarantee entry to Qatar, as this is the responsibility of the host country. Successful applications for accreditation do not constitute a responsibility on the part of UNCTAD to providing financial assistance for participation in the Conference. The number of representatives allowed per organization might be limited by the capacity of available meeting space. Further information on accreditation and registration will shortly be available on the UNCTAD XIII website. Inquiries can be addressed by e-mail to the Civil Society Outreach (CSO) Unit of UNCTAD at: 2 ACCREDITATION QUESTIONNAIRE Name of organization: Full address (street and postal code): Telephone: Country code: Area code: Number: Fax: Country code: Area code: Number: Website: E-mail: Contact person: Position/title: Organization details (please mark one of the following): Local National Regional International Year of establishment: Finances Latest annual budget of your organization (please specify income and expenditure): Indicate the sources of revenue of your organization: Membership dues Sales of publications Donations/grants from foundations Government grants/donations Grants from Inter-governmental bodies Donations from private sector Service fees Other (please specify) 3 Aims, objectives and activities (If space is not sufficient, please include as attachment.): Activities and programmes related to the theme and sub-themes of UNCTAD XIII (For the theme and sub-themes of UNCTAD XIII, please refer to the first page.): 4 Membership (Please list the members of your governing body and their countries of nationality.): Total number of members of your organization (individuals and/or organizations): List countries of nationality of members (if space is not sufficient, please include as attachment): 5 Relationship with international organizations: Does your organization have consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)? Yes No If so, what category? General Special Roster Does your organization have consultative status or special relations with any other United Nations bodies, specialized agencies or other international organizations? Yes No If so, please provide details: Previous accreditation to UNCTAD: Has your organization been accredited to an UNCTAD Conference in the past? Yes No If so, please indicate the most recent session/year. UNCTAD XII (2008) Other (please specify) If your organization was accredited to UNCTAD XII (2008): Has your organization undergone any substantial change in its structure and/or constitution/by-laws/statutes since its accreditation to the UNCTAD XII Conference? Yes No If so, please indicate in detail the changes and kindly attach the revised constitution/by-laws/statutes: 6 Supporting documentation: (If your organization was accredited to UNCTAD XII, please disregard this section.) 1. Copy of constitution/by-laws/statutes 2. Mission statement 3. Latest annual report 4. Latest financial statements Application completed by: Full name: Title: Signature: 7