30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Baseline B+2 B+4 B+6 B+8 Training B+10 B+12 B+14 Control Babies Gone Wild: How Infant Power Mobility Could Change the Face of Rehab Cole Galloway, PT, PhD, Infant Behavior Lab, Univ. of Delaware APTA Student Conclave 2010 The University of Delaware Newark, DE APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mission: That infants explore their world every day infants explore their world every day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vNxjwt2AqY&feature=related APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mission: 1) Stop St what h t you are doing d i --- come workk with ith me 2)) Don’t take a jjob --- come work with me 3) If you take a job --- take one that lets you work with me 4) Challenge you on who you work for and how you conduct your work APTA Student Conclave 2010 Reality •Whose: not yours •Where: not where you live live, work work, play •How: not how you would do it •Why: Why: not for the reasons you think •When: before you think you would Blind spots Opportunities “If you had _____, what would you want you to focus on to study study, assess assess, treat?” treat? APTA Student Conclave 2010 Why researchers shouldn’t ask clinical questions Why clinicians shouldn’t shouldn t make client goals goals. 1) Basic researcher is proxy for Clinical researcher 2) Clinical researcher is proxy for Clinical Professional 3) Clinical Professional is proxy for Family and Client Set goals, assessment focus, intervention focus, followup APTA Student Conclave 2010 Physical Environment Person Social Environment Each has inter dependent & independent aspects APTA Student Conclave 2010 Independent Mobility ‘Everything changes changes’ ‘the g good stuff’ APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobility Impacts Early Life Attention & ‘Cognition’ g (Anderson & Campos, 2001; Capute et al, 1985; Freedman, 1992; Gustafson, 1994; Bushnell et al,1995; Herbert, Gross, & Hayne, 2007) Spatial awareness (Rosander & von Hofsten, 2000, Brugger, et al, 2007; Sommerville, et al, 2005) Visual perception and postural responses (Bell & Fox, 1997, Delorme, et al, 1989; Bertenthal & Bai, 1989) Social & emotional development (Bertenthal & Campos, 1984; Bertenthal et al, 1984; Campos & Bertenthal, 1987; Uchiyama, et al, in press) APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobility Impacts Early Development Travel Broadens the Mind Joseph J. Campos ; David I. Anderson ; Marianne A. Barbu Barbu--Roth ; Edward M. Hubbard ; Matthew J. Hertenstein ;David Witherington Infancy, 15321532-7078, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2000, Pages 149 – 219 Motor Development Karen E. Adolph, p , Sarah E. Berger g W. Damon & R. Lerner (Series Eds.) & D. Kuhn & R. S. Siegler (Vol. Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol 2: Cognition, perception, and language (6th ed. ) New York: Wiley. APTA Student Conclave 2010 Why are we all waiting yyears to p put yyoung g children into power mobility devices? APTA Student Conclave 2010 Barriers to early power mobility 1) Not smart enough to learn to drive APTA Student Conclave 2010 Barriers to early power mobility 2) Won’t follow adult commands (i.e. Safety) APTA Student Conclave 2010 Think about this…. If we treated typically developing infants like we treat infants with immobility immobility….. APTA Student Conclave 2010 Barriers to early power mobility 3) No Device 4) Prevailing P ili MYTH: MYTH Power o e mobility ob ty = o one e pu purpose, pose, pe permanent a e t opt option o APTA Student Conclave 2010 Barriers to early power mobility 5) Power P mobility bilit selected l t d over walking lki 1.Power 1 P mobility bilit as ttooll 2.Increases options 3I 3.Increases daily d il exploration l ti APTA Student Conclave 2010 Babies Driving Robots! APTA Student Conclave 2010 Since 2007: Moving at the speed of….. FUNDING •2008-2010: National Science Foundation •2009-2011: NIH: NICHD •2009-2011: NIH NICHD ARRA Supplement TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER •Patents pending •Business Business Plans •Industry Interest PUBLICATIONS •GALLOWAY, JC., RHU, J., AGRAWAL, S. (2008) Babies driving robots: Self-generated mobility in very young infants. Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics Robotics. •LYNCH, A., GALLOWAY, JC (2009) Power Mobility Training for a 7-month-old Infant with Spina Bifida. Pediatric Physical Therapy •RAGONESI, C., CHEN, X., AGRAWAL, S., GALLOWAY, JC The effect of power mobility on socialization in the classroom: A case report. Pediatric Physical Therapy •LYNCH, A., AGRAWAL, S., GALLOWAY, JC (under review) The effect of enhanced mobility on development in typically developing infants. Child Development. p •RAGONESI C, CHEN X, AGRAWAL S, GALLOWAY JC Power Mobility and Socialization in Preschool 2: A Follow-up Case Study of a Child With Cerebral Palsy Pediatric Physical Therapy. •Agrawal, S.K., Chen, X., GALLOWAY JC, (under review) A Novel Haptic Guidance for Learning Steering - with Application to Special Needs Children. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. •Chen, X., Ragonesi, C., Agrawal, S.K., GALLOWAY JC, (under review) Training Toddlers Seated on Mobile Robots to Drive Indoors A id Ob Amidst Obstacles. l IEEE Transactions T i on Neural N l Systems S andd Rehabilitation R h bili i Engineering. E i i APTA Student Conclave 2010 A typical day of study 1 APTA Student Conclave 2010 Robot enhanced power mobility Typical Training Day APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobile Robots: B Bench h side id tto Pl Playground d A 6 months old: Indoor Robot Training 16 months old Playground 3:47, 10:42 APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobile robots in Education A Classroom APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobile Robots living g with Families Will & Family at Delaware Natural History Museum APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobile Robots living g with Families Riley 1 Riley 2 APTA Student Conclave 2010 Mobile Robots Intensive Training g Early Training APTA Student Conclave 2010 Late Training Mobile Robots: the reality Don’t ‘give up on walking’ lki ’ APTA Student Conclave 2010 150-210 lbs •Ramps •Van •Home Home Remodel Power Chair – Power Assist Walker APTA Student Conclave 2010 Spread the word! Kids are driving in Delaware! Come, Visit, Work with Us APTA Student Conclave 2010