Landlord Request Letters and Forms INFORMATION LETTER FOR PERSONS INTERESTED IN BEING LISTED ON THE PENN STATE BEAVER OFF CAMPUS – HOUSING LIST FOR RENTAL UNITS Dear: Please fill out the enclosed Application and Request for Listing to submit information to the off campus-housing list. You can mail the forms to us as soon as you are done completing and updating them. This listing is updated periodically. The vast majority of our students and landlords have very few problems, however, it is important that there is a good understanding between each landlord and student tenant. Therefore, I am writing to give you a few suggestions: 1. Landlords should require students to sign a lease for a specific period of time. Leases can be obtained for a minimal cost at many stores. I suggest that provisions be made to allow students to leave after the first semester for those who have a change in educational plans, i.e., transfer or drop out of school. 2. Students should clearly be told what the rules and regulations of their living arrangements are. The landlord should consider including them with the lease. 3. A security deposit should be required. I suggest you charge an amount equal to at least one month’s rent. This should be returned to the student only after all possible expenses are cleared, i.e., damages, phone bills, keys returned, etc. 4. Penn State, like all other institutions, is limited by the laws on privacy of student records (Buckley Amendment) in providing information about its students. Therefore, I would suggest that you obtain the student’s home address, phone number and other information that you feel you may need. We appreciate your willingness to be involved in our off-campus living resource. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at 773-3953 or email Sincerely, Amy S. Gartley Associate Director of Student Affairs Off Campus Housing Coordinator REQUEST FOR LISTING* To: The Penn State University, Beaver Campus This is to advise you that I wish to have my housing, at the address listed below, placed upon the off-campus housing list that is made available by the University for its students. I understand that the listing of my housing by the University does not constitute approval of the housing by the University and that the University assumes no responsibility with regard to the housing. I understand that I am free to set and enforce conduct standards for the housing listed. Within the limits of Federal and State Regulations mentioned below, selection of a tenant is my own. In order to enable the University to comply with the Federal Regulations, this is also to advise you that I will make my housing accommodations available to all students without regard to age, sex, race, color, creed or national origin. I understand that if I fail to make my housing accommodations available without regard to age, sex, race, color, creed or national origin, my name will be removed from the list. To further indicate my compliance with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, the housing accommodations I am requesting to list are either (1) in a building containing no more than two independent living quarters, one of which is my own bona fide residence, or (2) are rooms or apartments in a landlord occupied rooming house with a common entrance. I further advise you that I will make my housing accommodations available to all students without regard to the age, sex, race, color, creed, or national origin of the student and without regard to the presence of a guide dog because of the blindness of the student, and, if I should not make my housing accommodations so available, I understand that my name will be removed from the list. Signature ______________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________________ *Complete this form in duplicate, retaining one copy for you files, and return one copy along with the Landlord Information Form to: OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING OFFICE C/O AMY GARTLEY PENN STATE BEAVER 100 University Drive MONACA PA 15061-2799 OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING LIST LANDLORD INFORMATION FORM* Please fill out the information below and return: Date _____________________________________________ Telephone No. _____________________________________________ Landlord’s Name _____________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________ City & State, Zip _____________________________________________ Township (if you live outside a municipality): _____________________________ Distance in miles from Campus: _____________________________________ # of students you can house: _____________________________________ Are the following facilities available: (circle those that apply) Kitchen privileges Yes No Washer and Dryer Yes No Meals with family Yes No Bath Yes No Shower Yes No Public Transportation to Campus Yes No Parking: Lot Driveway Street Room cost per student per week (without meals): ___________________ APARTMENT/ROOM INFORMATION: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ OTHER COMMENTS OR CONDITIONS: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ * THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY A COPY OF THE REQUEST FOR HOUSING FORM IN ORDER TO BE INCLUDED ON THE OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING LIST.