Tobacco- free campus implementation committee

Tobacco- free campus implementation committee
Minutes: June 28, 2011; 9-10:20, room 303F Administration Building
Present: Doug Mell, Jim Uhlir, Janice Lawrence-Ramaeker, Phil Lyons, Dennis Shaw, Ted Harris, Mike
Smith, Joel Helms, Angelica Accetta (SSA vp)
Absent: Joan Thomas, John Achter, Neal Peterson
Meeting called to order at 9 a.m.
D. Mell asked the committee to introduce themselves to Angelica Accetta, a new member and vice
president of the SSA. He distributed the agenda and the handout “Major communication efforts for
implementation of the UW-Stout tobacco-free campus initiative,” a list of all that was done to inform
the campus last year of the new policy.
DM asked the group to provide their overall impressions of the first year of tobacco free campus
J. Uhlir said it was quiet regarding people submitting comments/complaints to his office. Some reports
of smokers on campus; some pockets of noncompliance can be divided into two groups: passersby and
vocational rehabilitation clients outside of VR bldg.
A. Accetta said that when she started as a freshman, she saw smoking on campus; last year was a drastic
change owing to the policy. She has observed housing staff smoking outside buildings.
Group discussed the policy and sidewalks; DM reminded them that since Stout maintains sidewalks, the
policy pertains to them.
North campus remains somewhat problematic.
J. Lawrence-Ramaeker has seen smokers stand in curb and gutter.
DM reminded committee that over-arching philosophy and goal of policy is to remove second hand
smoke from areas where people are and to eradicate all tobacco products from campus. The message
that CWS wants to impart – esp. to freshmen – is an educational one: tobacco is bad for health.
M. Smith said there seems to be fewer smokers in dorms; has seen less evidence. Indicator that
upperclassmen who started as smokers still continue; policy seems to have had greater effect on
freshmen. With faculty and staff, he has seen general compliance.
P. Lyons has seen less smoking on campus but lots of cigarette butts. Maybe as a result of snow melt.
J. LR thinks she is seeing more faculty and staff smoking on campus.
DM said communication will be sent out prefall term to remind everybody of policy. His own
impressions are that 99.9 percent of violators know of the policy. He is happy how the policy was
advertised and is pleased at the level of adherence/compliance. He also said that he thinks that
messages from SSA encouraging adherence will help to promote more compliance.
DM also reported on chancellor’s impressions of the first year of the policy:
--CWS is satisfied
--The policy overall is accomplishing its purpose; but interested in moving enforcement up a step
--Is interested in the committee coming up with creative ways to enforce
DM asked JLR if students’ use of available cessation services is increasing since policy implementation.
She said she has seen no change but has observed there are less smokers coming through Student
Health Services but doesn’t know whether this is due to the policy or not.
JU said that of the three smokers in his department, one tried to quit.
The group discussed other campuses and their tobacco policies. JU suggested contacting them, some by
phone, some by visit.
The group discussed the issuing of citations or warnings by UW-Stout police.
JU mentioned that he spoke with Deb Gehrke (HR) about changes that will come for represented
workers regarding work rules; disciplinary measures through HR could be used for faculty and staff. He
endorses this idea over police involvement.
Some discussion ensued as to how to address individuals smoking at picnic tables.
PL told the group that RAs only have enforcement for what happens inside a resident hall; not outside.
MS suggested posting tobacco-free signage on trash receptacles.
Much discussion took place on how efforts should be handled for the second year. Citations? Warnings?
MS mentioned that if warnings were issued the university has to be prepared for the next step. And has
to decide what that next step will be.
DM isn’t sure it would be effective to make big changes since the campus has been relatively compliant.
JLR agreed that the timing was right with the state of Wisconsin making laws regarding smoking. She
prefers increasing communication efforts (including signs on trash cans) rather than issuing citations.
JU suggested developing a boundary map so everyone understands what is covered in the university
policy. This would be given to visitors, conference attendees.
DM went through the list of communication efforts from 2010; some of the items to be
repeated/updated are:
information to entering freshmen; CWS welcome letter to faculty and staff; script for announcement to
all athletic events (not just football) of policy; information for conferences;
AA suggested that students would have to read the policy online and click on “I agree.” That way there
would be proof that all students were made aware of the policy. This would be useful in case of possible
citations for the future. There would be no doubt that the violator had been informed of the policy.
DM asked the committee to brainstorm for more ways to inform and improve enforcement of policy and
how to measure effects of policy.
The group will meet in mid July to go over proposed communication efforts for the second year
beginning Sept. 2011.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.