32111 32111 Instructor: Prof. Seiberling PHYSICS DEPARTMENT MET 1010 1st Midterm Exam Name (print, last ¯rst): Sept. 22, 2003 Signature: On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this examination. YOUR TEST NUMBER IS THE 5-DIGIT NUMBER AT THE TOP OF EACH PAGE. (1) Code your test number on your answer sheet (use 76{80 for the 5-digit number). Code your name on your answer sheet. DARKEN CIRCLES COMPLETELY. Code your UFID number on your answer sheet. (2) Print your name on this sheet and sign it also. (3) Do all scratch work anywhere on this exam that you like. At the end of the test, this exam printout is to be turned in. No credit will be given without both answer sheet and printout with scratch work most questions demand. (4) Blacken the circle of your intended answer completely, using a #2 pencil or blue or black ink. Do not make any stray marks or the answer sheet may not read properly. If you believe there is no correct answer listed, leave the answer spaces blank. (5) The answers are rounded o®. Choose the closest to exact. There is no penalty for guessing. >>>>>>>>WHEN YOU FINISH <<<<<<<< Hand in the answer sheet separately. There are 33 multiple choice questions. Clearly circle the one best answer for each question. If more than one answer is marked, no credit will be given for that question, even if one of the marked answers is correct. Guessing an answer is better than leaving it blank. All questions are worth 3 points, except for one question, which is worth 4 points. The 4-point question is clearly indicated. Good Luck! 1. What is NOT true of polar-orbiting satellites? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) they they they they they generally have a higher altitude orbit than geostationary satellites travel on a north-south path while the earth rotates beneath them closely parallel the earths meridian lines can provide close-up shots of the polar regions can get detailed photographs of any location on the earth 2. Which process below would tend to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2 )? (1) photosynthesis (2) burning of fossil fuels (3) decay of vegetation (4) exhalations of animals (5) volcanic eruptions 3. Low, gray, sheetlike clouds from which a light rain is falling are called: (1) nimbostratus (2) altocumulus (3) cirrostratus (4) cirrus (5) cumulonimbus 4. Dispersion refers to: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) the the the the the preferential re°ection of light depending on wavelength fact that light spreads out when passing through a small slit fact that di®erent colors of light are selectively scattered by air molecules fact that light passing through a medium of graded density will follow a parabolic path dependence of the angle of refraction on the wavelength of light 32111 32111 5. (4 points) Describe the path of the sun in Christchurch, New Zealand (latitude 45 ± S) on June 21. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) it it it it it rises rises rises rises rises in in in in in the the the the the SE and peaks at about 22± above the northern horizon at noon SE and peaks at about 22± above the southern horizon at noon SE and peaks at about 68± above the southern horizon at noon NE and peaks at about 68 ± above the northern horizon at noon NE and peaks at about 22 ± above the northern horizon at noon 6. The fog that forms when you breathe out on a cold day is: (1) acid fog (2) radiation fog (3) advection fog (4) ice fog (5) evaporation (mixing) fog 7. When the mean daily temperature climbs above 65± F, people begin to use air conditioning. How many cooling degree-days are accrued during a 5 day period during which the overnight low is 70 ± F and the daytime high is 90 ± F each day? (1) 65 (2) 55 (3) 60 (4) 75 (5) 70 8. The air temperatures in New Orleans (on the Gulf of Mexico) and in San Diego (in southern California) are both 95± F on a typical summer day. Which statement is most true? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) people sweat more in New Orleans, so they stay cooler the heat index is higher in New Orleans the air in San Diego contains more actual water vapor the humidity in New Orleans makes the hot air more comfortable the wet bulb temperature in New Orleans is lower 9. An open beaker of water is placed in a chamber that can be evacuated with a vacuum pump. The water is maintained at a temperature of 30± C. When the pump is turned on and the pressure over the water starts to drop, at what pressure will the water start to boil? (see Figure) (1) the water will not boil at 30± C (2) 87 mb (3) 42 mb (4) 100 mb (5) 13 mb 10. When frozen water (ice) becomes liquid water: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) latent heat of heat capacity latent heat of latent heat of latent heat of evaporation is released to the environment is released to the environment melting is released to the environment evaporation is absorbed from the environment melting is absorbed from the environment 11. A beaker with some water in it is sealed with a lid. The beaker and water are in equilibrium at a temperature of 25 ± C. What is the water vapor pressure in the air above the water? (see Figure) (1) 13 mb (2) 42 mb (3) 0 mb (4) 32 mb (5) 100 mb 32111 32111 12. What is the primary reason the earth has seasons? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) one side of the sun is brighter than the other the earth is closer to the sun in January the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted the axis of rotation of the sun is tilted the output of the sun varies annually 13. The relative humidity is typically highest around: (1) 6:00 am (2) midnight (3) noon (4) 6:00 pm (5) 2:00 pm 14. About how much would a column of air weigh that reached from sea level to the top of the atmosphere and was 1 square inch in cross section? (1) 54 lbs (2) 112 lbs (3) 0.2 lbs (4) 15 lbs (5) 32 lbs 15. An anvil top is associated with which type of cloud? (1) altostratus (2) stratocumulus (3) cumulonimbus (4) cirrus (5) cirrocumulus 16. Which of the things listed below would have the highest albedo? (1) an ideal blackbody (2) green trees (3) the ocean 17. The e®ects most responsible for a rainbow are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Mie scattering and formation of crepuscular rays dispersion and total internal re°ection transmission and dispersion selective re°ection and refraction refraction and selective scattering 18. Greenhouse gases: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) transmit transmit transmit transmit transmit ultraviolet radiation and absorb visible radiation visible radiation and absorb infrared radiation visible radiation and absorb ultraviolet radiation infrared radiation and absorb ultraviolet radiation infrared radiation and absorb visible radiation 19. The largest daily range of temperature occurs: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) near the ground in the desert near the ground in a city by the ocean about 30 meters above the ground in the desert about 15 meters above the ground in the tropics about 30 meters above the ground in a city on a large lake (4) a plowed ¯eld (5) snow 32111 32111 20. A 500 gram sample of water and a 1 kg block of granite have heat capacities of 500 Cal/ ± C and 190 Cal/± C, respectively. If an amount of heat, Q, is absorbed by the water, its temperature rises by 19 ± C. If the same amount of heat, Q, is absorbed by the granite, by how much will the temperature of the granite rise? (1) 200± C (2) 5 ± C (3) 25 ± C (4) 50± C (5) 100 ± C 21. A parcel of air has a dew point temperature of 17± C and an actual temperature of 30 ± C. What is the relative humidity of the air inside the parcel ? (see Figure) (1) 40% (2) 20% (3) 10% (4) 30% (5) 50% 22. Certain stars in our galaxy appear reddish in color because: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) they they they they they have have have have have a a a a a surface made up of materials that preferentially absorb red light surface made up of materials that preferentially re°ect red light very high albedo surface temperature that is hotter than our sun surface temperature that is cooler than our sun 23. Which is NOT a control of temperature? (1) latitude (2) land and water distribution (3) the orientation of your house (4) ocean currents (5) elevation 24. People see an oasis of water some distance ahead in a hot desert because: (1) hot sand acts as a mirror and specular re°ection causes the sky to appear in the sand (2) light scattered at very glancing angles always appears blue (3) selective scattering of blue light by sand grains occurs because the grains are large compared to the wavelength of light (4) of refraction through layers of air that decrease in density toward the hot sand (5) dispersion causes blue light to be preferentially refracted upward 25. Hygroscopic nuclei: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) attract water even below 100% relative humidity are nuclei composed entirely of ice is another name for the nucleus of hydrogen atoms repel water even when the air is supersaturated are the smallest condensation nuclei 26. In Stockholm, Sweden (latitude 60 ± N), summer days are (1) longer, longer (2) longer, shorter and winter days are (3) day lengths are the same than in Gainesville. (4) shorter, shorter (5) shorter, longer 27. What gas is considered a pollutant on the surface of the earth, but bene¯cial in the stratosphere? (1) ozone (2) nitrous oxide (3) chloro°uorocarbons (4) carbon dioxide (5) methane 32111 32111 28. High, wispy clouds composed mostly of ice crystals are: (1) cumulonimbus (2) cirrus (3) altocumulus (4) stratus (5) nimbostratus 29. An iron skillet is on a burner. You touch the iron handle of the skillet and it burns your hand. The handle became hot primarily by: (1) convection (2) conduction (3) radiation (4) heat capacity (5) latent heat 30. An instrument that measures humidity is called a (an): (1) Doppler sponge (2) radiometer (3) aerovane (4) Kelvinometer (5) hygrometer 31. In Denver, the atmospheric pressure is 850 mb. What fraction of the atmosphere's molecules would be below you in Denver? (1) 15% (2) 50% (3) 85% (4) 25% (5) 1.5% 32. Which statement is true about the atmospheric layers? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) most of the weather that we experience occurs in the stratosphere ozone is the most abundant gas in the stratosphere oxygen is the most abundant gas in the troposphere The troposphere gets cooler and the stratosphere gets warmer with altitude carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) now makes up a few percent of the atmosphere 33. Mars appears red because: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) rocks on the surface of Mars preferentially absorb red sunlight rocks on the surface of Mars preferentially absorb sunlight that is not red Mars does not really appear red, that is just an old husbands tale rocks on the surface of Mars have a very high albedo rocks on the surface of Mars emit radiation that peaks in the red part of the visible spectrum 32111 32111