Date: August 24, 2015 To: Department Chairs From: Robert Peters, Interim Dean Subject: Application and Process: 2015-16 CEHHS Research Equipment Requests A strategic goal of the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences is to enhance research. As such, it is time to develop the 2015-16 funding list for research equipment. These funds are specifically for the purpose of repairing, replacing or purchasing new equipment or supplies to advance the College of Education, Health and Human Science research agenda and for which funding is not available through other means such as Laboratory Modernization grants. Please seek quotes that are accurate relative to the timeframe that is provided. In those cases where purchases are greater than $5,000 dollars, the Purchasing Department may need to be consulted so please plan accordingly. Department Chairs: Please review your projects and priorities and submit a separate form for each project that should be considered during the 2015-16 year. All projects must use the attached Research Equipment request form. The form is also available in Word format on the CEHHS college website at: It is listed under the heading FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES. Submit list of department projects, ranked in priority order, along with research equipment requests forms electronically to Rose McLean by October 1, 2015. Awards are anticipated to be under $10,000 dollars. Recipients will be notified of awards by mid-October. 2015-16 CEHHS Research Equipment Request Research Equipment Requests are due to Dean’s Office by October 1, 2015 Submit electronically to Rose McLean Lab/Office Location Department(s) Priority Chair Signature I. Cost Estimate Total Funds Equipment Software Other (training, supplies, warrantees, etc.) Total II. Describe Equipment and Supplies Request including specifications regarding items to be purchased, time involved and estimated costs. III. Describe current research being conducted that is related to the request. Include the names of faculty and staff engaged in the research, a description of the research, student involvement and evidence of outcomes (publications, grants and contracts, etc.). IV. Describe potential for expanded or new funded research related to the request. Include the names of faculty and staff that would conduct research, as description of the research, intended outcomes and a timeframe. Could other departments share access to this equipment? V. Describe plan for department coverage for continuing costs associated with request, if applicable (Physical Plant, remodeling, training agreements, technicians, etc.). VI. If applicable, what other funds will be used to support this request?