clear; clc; close all; format shortg; %Today we look at 3D plotting %The three commands we'll look at are plot3, surf, and mesh %NOTE: Be sure to use element by element operations for all calculations %today. This means .* ./ and .^ %plot3 %This commands plots points in 3D space. Then it'll connect the dots just %like the plot command does in 2D. You creat your vectors x,y, and z. Then %plot3(x,y,z). You can also add the same line modifiers you could from the %plot command. %Example plotting a cork screw t = 0:.1:6*pi; x = sqrt(t).*sin(2*t); y = sqrt(t).*cos(2*t); z = .5*t; plot3(x,y,z) %surf and mesh %Mesh and surface plots are three-dimensional plots used for plotting %functions of the from z = f(x,y), where both x,y are independent %variables. %The two functions plot the exact same shape. The difference is the grid is %filled in with the surface plot but not with the mesh plot. %Similar to the plot command it plots points and then connects the dots. %But instead of just connecting the dots like point 1 to point 2 to point 3 %etc... We'll use a meshgrid command to put the points we want to plot in a %matrix. Then, when matlab plots the points it won't just connect a point %to the one before it and after it, but all points that are next to it in %the matrix meaning up and down as well. This creates the "mesh." %To create the matricies we first create vectors that define the domain, %e.g. if -2 < x < 1 and -3 < y < .5, we create the vectors: x = -2:.1:1 and %y = -3:.1:.5. %Remember that we want enough points that when we connect the dots it looks %like a curve and not a connect the dot drawing. %then we create the matricies with the meshgrid command: %[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y) %Then, we use whatever the formula is for Z = f(X,Y). %We can then plot with either surf(X,Y) or mesh(X,Y) %Ex: x = -1:.1:3; y = 1:.1:4; [X Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Z = X.*Y.^2./(X.^2+Y.^2); 1 figure; mesh(X,Y,Z) figure; surf(X,Y,Z) %noteice how the surf plot has all the grids filled in and the mesh plot %looks like a mesh (hence the name). %HINTS: %Problem 8: Plot the cone and the ice cream separately. Use the hold on and %hold off commands to put the two plots on the same graph. 2 3 Published with MATLAB® R2014b 4