Use Acrobat Reader to type into this form, by selecting an underlined field or box. Print when finished. (This message won't print) Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form COVER SHEET NOTE: If this is a student project, the faculty member supervising the student's work should complete PI/Course Director (item #1, page 3). The student should complete "Other Person Responsible for Animals" (item #2, page 3). Both the supervising faculty member and the student should sign the assurance (page 5). Project/Course Title: Principal investigator/course director/department: List the species and number of animals used.: This proposal is (check one): New ___ Continuation ___ Supplement ___ Revision ___ Renewal ___ If this proposed use of animals has been previously reviewed and approved, give the reference number _______________ and date reviewed _______________________. On following pages complete items A through G and items 1 through 14. If more space is needed, please feel free to use back of paper. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE For IACUC Use Only Reference Number ____________ Date _________________________ Committee Review resulted in: Approval____ Disapproval ____ Request for full Committee Review____ NOTES: Signed ________________________________ (IACUC Chair) Date____________________________ forms/_animal . . . 31 May 2002 Page 1 of 6 Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form Summary Of Project (required) Please supply answers for all questions. Remember, some of the members of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee may not be familiar with your field of study or the procedures you propose. A. What are the scientific objectives (aims) of your research/classroom activities? B. What is the potential value of the study/classroom activities with respect to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society? Identify any information gaps the project/activity is to fill. If there is any duplication of previous procedures, explain why this duplication is necessary. C. Why is the proposed species of animal appropriate to the study/class activities? forms/_animal . . . 28 January 2002 Page 2 of 6 Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form D. Please provide justification for the number of animals you are proposing to use. E. Please provide a brief description of the experimental design. F. Explain your familiarity, and that of any others directly involved, with the species care and the procedures to be performed. G. Please justify the need to use live animals in the proposed procedures. forms/_animal . . . 28 January 2002 Page 3 of 6 Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form 1. Principal investigator/course director: Office address: _______________________ 2. Other person(s) responsible for animals: Phone: __________________ Name: _________________________ Office address: _______________________ Phone: __________________ 3. Is this a student project (check one)? Yes ____ 4. Project/course title: 5. Source of funding: 6. Dates of animal use: From _________________ 7. ANIMALS: species: source: strain: number: a 8. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: a) Where will animals be housed? _______________________________________ b) Will animals be housed in other areas for more than 24 hours? Yes __ No __ c) Feeding will be Standard _____ Non-standard _____ d) Watering will be Standard _____ Non-standard _____ e) Housing will be Standard _____ Non-standard _____ 9. Explain any non-standard husbandry requirements: 10. Classify proposed animal use as follows, using all applicable categories: b No ____ To ___________________ c________ Type A ___: Pain or distress will not be induced; animals are to be used only for procedures causing minimum pain or distress, if any. Type B ___: Procedures would cause pain or distress, however, anesthetics and/or analgesics will be used to relieve pain or distress (explain below). Type C ___: Pain or distress will be induced without relief by drug intervention because such intervention would interfere with the interpretation of project results (explain below). forms/_animal . . . 28 January 2002 Page 4 of 6 Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form 11. Will surgical procedures be involved? Yes ____ If you answer yes, then answer a through g below: No ____ a. What surgical facility will be used? b. Is the procedure intended to be: Survival _____ Terminal _____ c. Will aseptic technique be used? Yes ____ No ____ d. Describe the surgical procedure(s): e. Describe anesthesia protocol: drug: dose: route: Describe anesthesia monitoring procedures: f. Describe postoperative care (include the use of drugs, if any, for relief of postoperative pain and distress): g. Will individual animals be subjected to more than one surgical procedure? Yes ____ 12. No ____ If yes, explain: Will hazardous agents (infectious, radioactive, toxic mutagenic, or carcinogenic) be used in animals? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, provide information for each hazardous agent to be used in animals: A B Agent name: Exposure: (route/dose & duration) Animal location: (during exposure) forms/_animal . . . 28 January 2002 Page 5 of 6 Western Illinois University Animal Use Protocol Review Form 13. Describe animal euthanasia procedures to be used. If drugs are used, specify the drug(s), dose, and route of administration. If animals are not to be euthanized, explain other disposition. Who will perform animal euthanasia? 14. Principal investigator assurance: a. The information provided herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. b. Procedures involving animals will be performed only by trained or experienced persons or under the direct supervision of trained or experienced persons. c. Any changes in the care and use of animals involved in this protocol that would affect the welfare of the animals will be promptly forwarded to the committee for review. SUCH CHANGES WILL NOT BE IMPLEMENTED UNTIL THE COMMITTEE'S APPROVAL IS OBTAINED. d. The use of alternative biomodels as replacements for animals in this protocol has been considered and found to be unacceptable. e. These activities do not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments. Signature of the principal investigator/course director (if this is a student project both the supervising faculty member and the student must sign this assurance): ______________________________________ date: ____________________ ______________________________________ date: ____________________ forms/_animal . . . 28 January 2002 Page 6 of 6