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Denver, CO
R2 Supplement No. 7700-94-3
Effective August 2, 1994
POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by
document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement.
Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to
this Title was Supplement 7700-94-2 to Zero Code.
(Number of Sheets)
Page Code
7721.3--1 through 7721.3--8
Supplements Covered
R2 Supplement 47, 09/88
R2 Supplement 7700-92-2, 7/92
Document Name
Updates to electronic format
Regional Forester
Superseded New
(Number of Sheets)
R2 SUPPLEMENT 7700-94-3
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7721.14a - Application of Special Contract Requirements and Service-wide
1. Changes or Additions to Forest Service Service-wide Construction
Specifications. Forest Supervisors are delegated approval authority for all Special
Project Specifications except for approval of completely rewritten Servicewide
Specifications which require the Washington Office Director of Engineering's
7721.3 - Road and Bridge Construction. Regional Road and Bridge Capital
Investment Program (Regional Road CIP) and Forest Level Road and Bridge (forest
Road CIP). This provides policy and procedure for the development and
management of the Road and Bridge Capital Investment Programs.
1. Develop and manage a 5-year, prioritized, Regional Road and Bridge CIP
that responds to the implementation of the Forest Plan with available funding, so
that in the current budget year the number of projects and miles planned for are
accomplished within budgeted funds.
2. Develop and manage a Forest Road CIP for small road reconstruction
projects costing less than $30,000 that responds to Forest needs and cooperative
opportunities with other public agencies.
3. Identify funding sources for Regional Road CIP contract modifications and
timber sale design changes.
Regional Road and Bridge CIP Management
Policy: The Regional Road and Bridge CIP shall be operated within the procedures
given below, to provide for the orderly, economical, and efficient development of
transportation facilities.
1. Project Proposal:
A. Proposed CIP projects for the program development to be submitted to the
Chief for the second out-year beyond the current fiscal year shall be submitted
annually by November 1, unless otherwise stated in the Regional call for additional
CIP projects,
B. The cost estimates for proposed CIP projects should be based on current
year cost for the as-of-date defined in the annual program budget development
instructions. Out-year cost shall be adjusted annually by the Regional Office to
reflect inflation.
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C. The following activities must be financed by Forest funds and completed
prior to project submittal in order to be considered for selection:
(1) Proposed CIP projects shall be scoped prior to submission to
minimize any risk that the project will not be accomplished on time. The project's
Decision Notice must be completed by the end of the fiscal year in which the project
was selected for inclusion into the Regional CIP.
(2) Road Management Decision Worksheet.
(3) DG Econ Analysis.
D. For project consideration, a submittal must include:
(1) A current Regional Capital Investment Description Form, complete
with a map showing project location.
(2) Project information entered into the Data General CIP-I software
(3) Two -to-four slides or pictures of the project that would help the
Regional Road CIP Project Evaluation Team (CIP Team) better understand the
(4) A copy of the completed Road Management Decision Worksheet.
(5) Overall Forest Priority.
2. Project Evaluation:
A. Proposed CIP projects shall be evaluated and Priorities recommended by a
CIP Team in accordance with annual selection criteria contained in the Regional
call for additional CIP projects.
B. Screening Criteria: All Regional Road CIP projects must satisfy the
following screening criteria prior to evaluation and the establishing priorities.
(1) All projects selected should be referenced in the Forest plan or EIS
directly or indirectly, such as an Arterial/Collector Road, Bridge, or as the main
road in a referenced timber sale.
(2) Proposed projects over $100,000 total cost, must show at least two
years of preconstruction engineering prior to the year of construction.
(3) The need for total project support costs in excess of 18 percent of the
total project cost shall be slated on the Capital Investment Description Form. Total
project support costs include transportation administration support and project
engineering, including survey, materials investigations, design, and construction
(4) Project submittals must be legible and complete.
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C. The CIP Team shall recommend Regional priorities for project selection,
using the Selection Criteria contained in the Regional Forester's annual request for
additional Forest Project.
(1) Director of Engineering or representative (Chairperson)
(2) Director of Timber, Forest Pest, and Coop Forestry Management, or
(3) Director of Recreation and Lands or representative
(4) Forest Supervisor
(5) Forest Resource Staff Officer
(6) Forest Engineer
(7) Regional Transportation Planner
(8) Notekeeper: This position is a non-voting member, to allow for
training of Forest individuals in the CIP process, along with assisting the
Chairperson in documenting team decisions and stipulations.
3. Project Stipulations for Final Selection:
Forest have the option of responding within three weeks to any stipulations the CIP
Team places on a proposed project prior to recommending the final project priorities
to the Regional Forester. The purpose of this action is to remedy any errors the CIP
Team may make in interpreting the information contained in the proposal.
4. Project Selection and Management:
A. Once selected and prioritized, CIP projects shall be entered into the
Regional "hopper" and their Regional position will be managed according to their
priority, available annual funding, Chief's CIP direction, and Forest requests for
project deferral due to appeals, preconstruction engineering problems or workload
leveling needs.
B. Forest Supervisors shall make available for public review the following
information on anticipated CIP projects scheduled for construction or
reconstruction: Toad location, mileage, cost range, open or closed to public use,
benefitting resource and released RARE II acres accessed by the road or road
segment by local, collector, and arterial road designation.
C. Requests for increased project funding or decreased mileage or benefits
will cause a reevaluation for the project, using the original selection criteria, and
the increased project cost. The results may lead to a project receiving a cost
increase, a lower Regional priority, or being cancelled. Forests should anticipate
this in their requests for increasing the project cost estimate (or decreasing benefits
and/or miles) after the project received its initial priority. The project's revised
Benefit Cost Ratio shall accompany the request.
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D. CIP project position within the Regional "Hopper" are managed and
identified by an identifier similar to 88/RN/O/19 that always appears following the
Project name on any DG-CIP report. The project identifier consists of the year
funding started/category/CIP level/Regional priority. The category code is the last
two letters of the fund type. The levels and their meaning are: 0 - Financed, 1 Very Best Buys, 2 - Good Buys, 3 - satisfactory buys that will all be financed if extra
funds become available (Forests must resubmit Level 3 projects for consideration in
the following year), and 4 - Not in Regional "Hopper".
5. Preconstruction Engineering:
A. Forests shall, as a minimum, have plans and specifications completed
during the two years prior to the year of construction for total project costs over
$99,000. Generally, project reconnaissance and survey are accomplished in the first
B. Any revisions to the project estimate, length, or benefit that is derived
from having better information after the first year of preconstruction engineering
should be forwarded to the Director of Engineering by October 1.
C. Generally, the project design and preliminary cost estimate are completed
during the winter of the second year. Forests should notify Regional Office
Engineering of anticipated ready-to-contract contingency projects, normally
scheduled for out-year contracting as soon they are known.
D. All CIP projects shall specify the appropriate warning, regulatory, and
route signing.
E. Preliminary contract cost estimates and length are due to the Director of
Engineering June 1, prior to the fiscal year of construction and following the
project's design.
F. Plan-in-Hand inspections shall be completed in time to permit reporting
the project's final contract length to the Director of Engineering by October 1, of the
fiscal year of construction.
G. Preparation of the contract package, including the final cost estimate, may
be left to the fiscal year of construction. Final contract estimates are due to the
Director of Engineering by February 1, of the fiscal year of construction. . The final
contract cost estimate shall not exceed the preliminary contract cost estimate by
more than 5 percent.
6. Value Analysis:
Forests are responsible for arranging with RO-PP&B for conducting a Value
Analyses (VA) on all contracts over $250,000, prior to the year scheduled for
contract. Other projects may be designated for VA's in the Tentative or Final
Budget Advice.
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7. Contracting:
A. Government Furnish Equipment (GFE), when planned as a part of the
construction contract, should be eliminated and funds scheduled in DG-CIP for
purchase in the year proceeding contract award.
B. All CIP projects contained in the Final Budget must have their Request for
Contract Action, including plans and specifications, submitted to Contracting by the
first working day in April for competitive contracts and March 22, for negotiated
contracts, i.e., 8(a) (Ref FSAR 46-07.170--4 that requires 100 days for negotiated
contracts). Failure to meet the April date will result in deferral of the project until
the following fiscal year and replacement by the next ready-to-contract project on
the priority list.
C. All current fiscal year contracts shall be awarded no later than July 1. The
fourth quarter will be used to fund and award contingency projects consisting of
next year's projects. The Contracting Officer responsible for any unawarded 8(a)
contract shall begin the process to advertise the project competitively within three
working days following July 1.
D. Following the successful acceptance of a project bid and prior to award of
the contract, Forests will request the Regional Budget Officer to transfer the bid
amount to the Forest. Funding of bid amounts within the planned or "programmed"
funding shall be allocated within one working day from the request.
Forest requests for bid amounts in excess of planned or "programmed" funding shall
be accompanied by a brief analysis of the bid that justifies recommendation of
contract award. Justified bids that exceed the planned amount by more than 15
percent shall be reevaluated, using the project's original selection criteria, to
determine whether or not to award.
8. Contract Administration:
A. Contract administration should be scheduled over the estimated years of
construction and programmed accordingly. Contracting Officer Representative
(COR) and inspectors shall be certified under the construction certification program.
B. Regional Road CIP project contract modification less than $4,000 or 4
percent of the contract amount shall be funded out of Forest funds.
C. Funds for contract modifications which exceed the above "deductible"
amount shall be requested from the Regional Budget Officer. The Regional Budget
Officer shall respond within 2 working days regarding the availability of funds.
Forest shall not obligate these funds without prior approval of the Regional Budget
Officer. Requests shall contain the following:
(1) CIP project name and number.
(2) Contract modification number.
(3) Requested amount over the deductible.
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9. Capital Investment Program Development Schedule:
The following table reflects the schedule of a normal CIP project. Its purpose is to
put into perspective activities 1 thru 8 previously described in order for key dates to
be easily identified.
All Fiscal Years are Referenced
in the Order of the Projects Normal Development stages
PROPOSAL 1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr 4th Yr DATES
1) Prepare Proposal
2) Project Evaluation
3) Project Stipulations
4) Project Section
5A) Recon, Locate &Survey
5B) Revise Est. (Optional)
5C) Project Design
5E) Preliminary Cost/Length
5F) Plan-N-Hd/Final Length
5G)Contract Pkg&Final Est
6) Value Analysis
7A)GFE Purchase
7B)Contract Submit & Ad
7C)Contract Award
8) Contract Administration
- - - -*
- -- - *
-- -------
* Key Dates for Submittals
Forest Road CIP Management:
1. Forests are authorized and encouraged to formally develop and manage a
2-year Forest Road CIP for small projects costing less than $30,000. Outputs shall
be included in the Management Attainment Report (MAR) Item 35.1.
2. The program could be managed similar to the Regional Road CIP, by using
a "hopper" of projects, with each project making its way toward eventual funding
according to its Forest priority. Projects not funding in the current year should
then receive a high priority for funding in the following years.
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3. Forest Road CIP projects include:
A. Surface rock replacement.
B. Bridge deck and railing replacement.
C. Repair of road prism features lost to slumps or slides that are greater than
can be maintained with normal maintenance equipment.
D. Replacement of traffic control devices (signs and gates).
E. Purchase and installation of new traffic control devices (signs and gates).
F. Purchase and installation of new drainage structures.
G. Addition of safety features, including turnouts and improved sight distance.
H. Improvement of road stability, including small retaining walls, filter cloth,
subsurface drainage, or chemical stabilization.
4. Forest shall report each fiscal year's Forest Road CIP accomplishments in
brief narrative form on the same date the Forest's annual FRP Report is submitted
to the Regional Forester. A project, such as 1.5 miles of road betterment
reconstruction involving the addition of culverts and turnouts, must be reported as
a MAR 35.1 accomplishment. A project, such as $10,000 worth of culvert, stockpiled
gravel or traffic control devices, is not a MAR reportable activity, but would be
reported in a Forest narrative report to the Regional Forester.
The narrative should include both MAR reportable and non-reportable
accomplishments. For example: "The Forest spent $80,000 as follows: 5 timber
sale design changes ($15,000); 2 public works change orders ($20,000); 1.5 miles
road reconstruction ($20,000); culverts ($5,000); and, warning and regulatory signs