For Information S.03-44 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY O SENATE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES ANNUAL REPORT TO SENATE January - December, 2002 1. INTRODUCTION The Senate Committee on International Activities (SCIA) is a Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B") established under terms of the University Policy on International Activities (GP 23). The terms of reference and composition of the Committee are attached as Annex A, and can be found on the following web page: http://www.reg.sfu.calSenate/SenateComms/SCIA.html In 2002, SCIA met ten times. This Annual Report highlights the issues dealt with by the Committee over the course of the year. For Senators wishing more detailed information concerning SCIA's deliberations, the approved minutes of the meetings can be found on the following web page: A complete list of current student exchange relationships, field schools, institutional linkages, projects/programs and alumni representation is attached as Annex B, SFU's International Profile. Detailed information on each of these activities can be found by searching SFU's International Activities Database, located at the following website: Senators may also wish to contact the Committee's Secretary, Ms Mimi Maung, by telephone: 604.291-4494 or by email: for further information. 1.1 SCIA Members Committee membership changed significantly during the course of the year. From January through May 2002, Committee members included: • • Jon Driver • John Waterhouse • Valerie Dunsterville • Paul McFetridge • Larry Weldon • Margaret Jackson • Nello Angerilli • Lorena Jara • Jack Chang President, or designate (chair) Vice-President, Academic (Ex-officio) Senator (at large) Faculty Senator (chair of ISEC) Faculty Senator Faculty Senator Executive Director, SFU International (ex-officio) Student Senator (graduate, at large) Student Senator (undergraduate, at large) SCIA membership from June - December 2002 comprised: • • • • • • • • • Jon Driver John Waterhouse Valerie Dunsterville Paul McFetridge Larry Weldon Cohn Jones Nello Angerilli Clement Apaak Taira Poletz • Catherine Price • Mimi Maung 1.2 . President, or designate (chair) Vice-President, Academic (Ex-officio) Senator (at large) Faculty Senator (chair of ISEC) Faculty Senator Faculty Senator Executive Director, SFU International (ex-officio) Student Senator (graduate, at large) Student Senator (undergraduate, at large) *June..July* Associate Director, International Cooperation (secretary, non-voting) **from January - September** Program Assistant, SFU International (secretary, non-voting) * *from October - December* * Dates of SCIA Meetings in 2002 • February 19, 2002 • March 19, 2002 • April 16, 2002 • May 14 2002 • June 11, 2002 • July 9, 2002 • September 17, 2002 • October 15, 2002 • November 19, 2002 • December 10, 2002 Current SCIA membership and dates of meetings can be found on the following web page: hup://www.reg.sfu.calSenate/SenateComms/SCIA.html . 2 S 2. APPROVALS 2.1 China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development - Phase Ill • SCIA approved, in principle, SFU's involvement in Phase III of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development project presented by Earl Drake during February SCIA general meeting. The CCICED-Phase III goal is to assist China in developing integrated, coherent policies that recognize the critical linkages between environmental sustainability, and economic and social development. The total value of Canada's contribution to the CCICED-III is $8 million. • Further information on the CCICED can be found on the website: http://www.harbour.sfu.caldlaml 2.2 New Student Exchange agreements SCIA approved two new student exchange agreements. • Australia National University (Canberra, Australia). • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain). 2.3 Department of Archaeology field school in China, and related MOU's with Peking University and Institute of Archaeology (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2.4 Geography 497 field study program (U.K.) 2.5 Thomas Merton program (Humanities) 2.6 MOU with Istitute d'Etudes politigues de Lille (France) 2.7 Graduate Liberal Studies travel program 2.8 REM 663 field trip (Mexico) 3. RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION 3.1 Delivery of Object Technology Program in Singapore. (Continuing Studies) 3.2 Development of Letter of Intent for CIDA funded Tier 1 competition. (Continuing Studies) • 3.3 Report from International Student Exchange Committee. Student exchanges The International Student Exchange Committee (ISEC), a sub-committee of SCIA, is responsible for making recommendations on the establishment of any new student exchange agreements and selecting candidates for exchange programs. Information on ISEC can be found on the following web page: http://www.reg.sfu.calSenate/SenateComms/ISEC.html In 2001/02, ISEC selected 97 students to participate in the University's international bilateral and multilateral undergraduate exchanges. A detailed report is included as Annex C. The following chart illustrates the trend in the number of students who have participated in international exchanges since 1992/93. . Field Schools SFU International reported that the following field schools were completed during May-July, 2002: • China (Jilin University, Changchun): 7 participants; led by Z McRobbie, Linguistics • Fiji Linguistics (University of South Pacific, Suva): 10 participants; led by P McFetridge • Fiji Archaeology (University of South Pacific, Suva): 20 participants; led by D Burley • France (Univ Francois Rabelais, Tours): 17 participants; led by P Wrenn, French 4 . • Greece (Argostoli, Kefalonia): 13 participants; led by R Panchasi, History • Czech Republic (Charles Univ, Prague): 20 participants; led by J Zaslove, Humanities • SE Asia (Vietnam/Thailand): 18 participants; led by M Howard, Sociology/Anthropology 3.4 S CIDA has approved remaining EIUDP contingency funds to be used to support dialogue between Moslem and Christian communities in Ambon. Indonesia. in Driver, Chair Committee on International Activities 20, 2003 SCIA 's 2002 Annual Report to Senate: Annex B IPIJtI SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL PROFILE BILATERAL EXCHANGE RELATIONSHIPS: undergraduate students Location Argentina Australia Chile China Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador England Fiji Finland France Germany Greece - (Buenos Aires) (Canberra) (Adelaide) (Melbourne) (Perth) (Melbourne) (Perth) (Sydney) (Santiago) (Shanghai) (Changchun) (Havana) (Prague) (AarhUs) (Copenhagen) (Quito) (Bath) (Brighton) (Leeds) (Norwich) (Suva) (Jyvaskyl) (Paris) (Lille) (Nice) (Köln) (Athens) Hong Kong Japan Korea Mexico Netherlands (Osaka) (Tokyo) (Taejon) (Seoul) (Seoul) (Guadalajara) (Mexico City) (Monterrey, & other campuses) (Puebla) (Groningen) (Amsterdam) (Utrecht) University I Institution Discipline Universidad de Belgrano Australian National University Flinders University Monash University Murdoch University Swinbume University of Technology University of Western Australia University of Western Sydney Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile East China Normal University Jilin University Universidad de la Habana Charles University Aarhus University Copenhagen Business School Universidad San Francisco de Quito University of Bath The University of Sussex The University of Leeds The University of East Anglia University of the South Pacific University of Jyvaskylä Foundation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (ScPo) Institute de Science Politiques Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis Universität zu KOln National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University University of Hong Kong Kansai Gaidai Meiji Gakuin Daigaku Korean Advanced Institute for Science & Technology (KAIST) Seoul National University Yonsei University Universidad de Guadalajara Instituto Tecnológico AutOnomo de Mexico (11AM) Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) Hanzehogeschool Groningen Universiteit van Amsterdam (ISHSS) Universiteit Utrecht Spanish, All disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Business & Communication Various disciplines Various disciplines All disciplines Chinese Language & Culture Chinese Language & Culture Arts East & Central European Studies English Business All disciplines, Spanish Science & other disciplines Arts, Science Majority of disciplines Arts, Biology, History All disciplines All disciplines French, Political Science, History Political Science All disciplines Arts, Social Sciences Various disciplines All disciplines All disciplines All disciplines Asian/Japanese Studies Asian/Japanese Studies Engineering, Computer Science All disciplines Asian Studies, Business Business Administration Business, Social Sciences Spanish, Other disciplines Business, Spanish Business Business Various disciplines C',. New Zealand Norway S Philippines Scotland Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey USA (Auckland) (Oslo) (Sandvika) (Manila) (Manila) (Dundee) (Edinburgh) (Glasgow) (Dundee) (Cape Town) (Madrid) (Gothenberg) (Lund) (Uppsala) (Basel) (Taipei) (Taipei) (Bangkok) (Bangkok) (Istanbul) (Boston) (San Diego) (Orono) (Bellingham) (Albuquerque) University of Auckland University of Oslo Norwegian School of Management Dc la Salle University University of the Philippines The University of Dundee Heriot-Watt University Strathclyde University University of Dundee National University of Singapore University of Cape Town Universidad Complutense de Madrid Chalmers Univesity of Technology Lund University Uppsala University UniversitAt Basel National Taiwan Normal University National Taiwan University Chulalongkorn University Thammasat University Koç University Northeastern University San Diego State University University of Maine Western Washington University University of New Mexico All disciplines All disciplines Business All disciplines Various disciplines Arts Business, Economics All disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Various disciplines Engineering, Physics All disciplines All disciplines English, Other disciplines Chinese Language & Culture Chinese Language & Culture Business Asian Studies, Other disciplines All disciplines Arts, Sciences Business, Arts, Science Most disciplines Can Studies, All disciplines All disciplines I BILATERAL EXCHANGE RELATIONSHIPS: graduate students Location . Argentina Australia Chile Denmark England France (Belgrano) (Sydney) (Santiago) (Copenhagen) (Manchester) (Grenoble) Germany Korea Taiwan (Cologne) (Seoul) (Taipei) (Taipei) University I Institution Discipline Universidad de Belgrano University of Western Sydney Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Copenhagen Business School Manchester Business School Groupe Ecole Supérieurede Commerce (ESC) Grenoble Universitat des Kaiserslautern Seoul National University National Taiwan University National Taiwan Normal University Various Various Various Business Business Business Business Business Chinese Language & Culture Mandarin Training Centre I I CONSORTIUM EXCHANGE RELATIONSHIPS Consortium Name I Location University I Institution National Student Exchange (NSE) over 80 public American universities across the USA + three universities in Puerto Rico Discipline All disciplines European Union-Canada Consortium for Management of Technology European Community Helsinki University of Technology (Otakaari) Finland Politecnico di Milano (Milano) Italy Chalmers University of Technology (Goteborg) Sweden Applied Sciences North American Design Institute (NADI) (Guadalajara) Mexico (Monterrey) Engineering USA (Detroit) (Santa Clara) Universidad de Guadalajara Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) University of Detroit Mercy Santa Clara University Education Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education McGill University Canada University of British Columbia Universidad AutOnoma del Estado de Morelos Mexico Universidad Nacional Autónoma del Mexico, Facultad de Psicologia Universidad Pedagogica Nacional University of New Mexico University of California Los Angeles USA Arizona State University IFIELD SCHOOLS Location China (Changchun) (Beijing) Czech Republic (Prague) (Tours) France Ghana (Legon) (Kephalonia) Greece Mexico (Oaxaca) South East Asia Thailand/Vietnam (Suva, Fiji) South Pacific Various Latin American countries I University I Institution Discipline Jilin University Chinese Academy of Social Sciences & Peking University Charles University University of Tours University of Ghana Chinese Studies Archaeology & Paleoanthropology Arts, Humanities French Language & Culture West Africian Music & Dance Hellenic Studies Education Sociology/Anthropology Archaeology; Linguistics Spanish/Latin American Studies Benito Juarez University University of the South Pacific I INSTITUTIONAL LINKAGES / SPECIAL INITIATIVES University / Institution Location Australia Bangladesh Chile China Cuba Czech Republic France Ghana Greece Greenland Hong Kong Indonesia (Sydney) (Dhaka) (Concepción) (Beijing) (Beijing) (Beijing) (Shanghai) (Shanghai) (Shanghai) (Harbin) (Havana) (Prague) (Nice) (Legon) (Bogor) (Bandung) (Manado) (Pekanbaru) (Yogyakarta) Israel (Jerusalem) Japan (Kushiro) Korea I (Osaka) (Miyazaki) (Incheon) University of Western Sydney International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology Universidad de ConcepciOn Beijing Broadcasting Institute Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Peking University East China Normal University Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Shanghai Teacher Education Institute Harbin Normal University University of Havana Charles University EduFrance France-Canada Research Foundation University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University of Ghana University of Patras Ministry of Education, Greenland Hong Kong Baptist University: I. David Lam Institute for East-West Studies 2. Wing Lung Bank Intl Institute for Business Development 3. Shenzhen Virtual University Park Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) - Bogor Agriculture Institute Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Universitas Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) University of Riau Universitas Gadjah Mada (13GM) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hokkaido University of Education Kushiro Public University of Economics Kushiro Institute of Technology Otemon Gakuin University Miyazaki International College (MIC) Inha University S (Seoul) (Seoul) (Taejon) . Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Philippines (Tijuana) (Amsterdam) Singapore (Botswana) (Bangkok) (Bangkok) (Chiang Mai) (Hat Yai) (Khon Kaen) South Africa Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Vietnam (Hanoi) (Hanoi) (Hanoi) (Ho Chi Minh) (Nhu Trang) Dongduk Women's University Seoul National University Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST) National Institute of Educational Management El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) Vrije Universiteit Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education University of The Philippines Temasek Polytechnic SEAMO Regional Language Centre (RLC) National University of Singapore TMC Centre for Advanced Education University of Botswana Kasetsart University Ministry of University Affairs Chiang Mai University Prince of Songkla University Khon Kaen University Rajabhat Institutes of North East Thailand University of the West Indies Hanoi Agricultural University Hanoi University of Education Vietnam Museum of Ethnology Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy University of Fisheries I PROJECTS/PROGRAMS . Donor Location Project Brazil China Instituto de Technologica do Paraná (TECPAR) CIDA China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development Distance Education Program in Career Counselling Jilin University Chinese Language Master's Degree program CIDA Eastern Indonesia University Development Project CIDA Secondary School Teacher Education Project CIDA Building Community Economic Development Capacity in Latin America CIDA Women, Poverty & Education in Mexico China China Indonesia Malawi Mexico - Mexico SFU Unit CPROST David Lam Centre Distance Education David Lam Centre Science Distance Education Community Economic Development Centre Arts & Continuing Studies I ALUMNI Representation Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam, & Western Europe http://www.sfu.calinternational March 2003 SCIA 's 2002 Annual Report to Senate: Annex C Outgoing Student Exchanges: Sept 2001-Aug 2002 W/D = withdrew; N/A = not approved; SEM = semester; # of students who went per sem; does not include C/O OUNTRY RGENTINA USTRALIA USTRALIA AUSTRALIA A USTRALIA A USTRALIA AUSTRALIA A A A A LE EP. D ENGLAND ENGLAND ENGLAND FIJI FRANCE GERMANY HONG KONG HONG KONG JAPAN JAPAN KOREA MB(IGO ETHERLDS ETHERLDS ETHERLDS NORWAY SCOTLAND SCOTLAND SCOTLAND SINGAPORE SAFRICA SWEDEN SWEDEN WEDG'J TAIWAN TAIWAN THAILAND UNIVERSITY Belgrano Flinders Univ Monash Univ Murdoch Univ Swinburne Univ Univ of Western Australia Univ. of Western Sydney Univ Laval Univ du Quebec a Montreal Univ de Montreal Univ Ottawa East China Normal Univ Tharles Univ Univ Bath Univ East Anglia Univ Leeds UnivSussex UnivSouthPacific SciencesPo UnivKoIn . ChineseUnivofHK HK Baptist Univ KansaiGaidai.Univ MeijiGakuinUniv (onsei Univ ITESM HanzehogeschoolGroningen UnivUtrecht . /rijieUniv van Amsterdam Univ Oslo Dundee Univ Heriot-Watt _Univ . UnivStrathclyde NationalUnivSingapore UnivofCapeTown Lund Univ UppsalaUniv. NationalTaiwanNormalUniv INational Taiwan. Univ lChulalongkorn Univ Gb = carry/prey. year _____ I WENT APPLY z4kPAtNED N/A W/D SEM2 SEM C/O .. 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0. . 2 3 1. 1 5 . 6 0 11 4 6 . 1 8 12 1 1 1 3 . 4 3 o 0 5 0 . 0 5 1 3 2 3 6 1 5. 1 -3 0 4 5 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 3 4 1 0 3 . 4 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 . 1 0 0 1 .0 0 1. 1 0 0 0 -0., 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 . _____0 1 1 0 0 0 4 5 1 0 4 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 () 3 5 5.. 5 0 0 2 . 0 1 0 1 11 0 2 ( 3 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 .1.. 2 3 0 0 0 3 3 1' 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 .3 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 2 3 0 4 A 3 4 0 0 0 4 1 .0 0 1 1 0 0 4 51. 0 6 1 0 5 - 2 0 1 . 0 0 3 2 02 1 0 0 .____2 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 -1. 1 0 0 0 1 . __I_______ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 .__1. 0 1 0 1 2 0 . ______:3 .____ 1 4 1 ....__0__.. .___2 0 2 1 2 4 6 1 - _.f_ . 5.__. 2 1 1 1 3 0 ______dO 1 .u--,0-0 1 0 •.1 0 .. 2 0 0 2 1___;. ... __.1____. 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 .2 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 2 1, /0. 0 THAILAND TURKEY USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Thammasat Univ 1 Koc Univ (NSE)CaI State Northridge (NSE)Hunter College (NSE)South Dakota State (NSE)Univ Minnesota Twin C (NSE)Univ Hawaii Manoa NSE)Univ North Texas (NSE)Univof Utah . (NSE)Utah State Univ . . NSE)Univ Virgin Islands. . Northeastern Univ San Diego State Univ 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 Vestem Wash Univ Totals 148 ZMMN IW3MM . .. 1 .1:: 1 .. 0 •. 2 ic 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 15 1 42 WIMEM, fl5: i41 b Ib jtJ :o Io - .c:,. : 0 40i? 0........ Or •ö .1 z.. - 1 .0 .36 55. 1..0 . . /1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 1 97