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What Turns Children On or Off to School?
An Honors Thesis (ID 499)
Irene P. Stuckert
. . . . .-'-~_-+-_{wA;....;~=-~.g:_:;;;Q;.;;::x(~
. . __advisor
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana
May, 1979
I am graduating May 1979
I have been on the Exel Program at Ball State University which starts
, .... 1
elementary education majors doing work in elementary classrooms in Muncie schools
their freshman year.
junior year.
The experience in Muncie schools is continued through the
ThE3 experiences in elementary classrooms that I have accumulated
from being on the Exel Program has made me curious about what turns children on to
school and to learning experiences, and what turns children off to school.
have shown that .students enter school in the primary grades very motivated to learn.
As grade level increases children become less motivated to learn.
One study that
shows this i.dea is entitled ''What are Pupil's Attitudes Toward The School Curriculum"
by Michael D. Beck found in liThe Elementary School Journal," September 1977 edition.
Beck did a study on the attitudes of students in grades one through eight toward
reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies.
His study showed that
there were more positive feelings towards these subjects in the lower grades than
in the upper grades.
Why do children who are highly motivated to learning become
turned off to learning after a couple years of school?
teachers wonder about.
They consult experts and teaching journals trying to find
more exciting te1aching methods.
This is a question many
someone else should be asked how to motivate
I thi.nk the children themselves should be asked, for they are the ones
we are trying to motivate, and they know what they like and dislike, What bores them
and what excites them.
For my thesis I decided to interview children in elementary schools on the
subjects they H.ke and dislike and the reasons why, +.0 show what motivates children
to learning and what turns them off to learning.
I conducted
interviews on
November 17t.h, 20th and 21st, 1978 at three elementary schools in Highland, Indiana,
a middle class town of about 27,000 in the Northwestern corner of Indiana.
is close to the steel mills of East Chicago and Gary and is part. of the Chicago
I interviewed 18 children from each of the three schools totaling
54 children all together.
I picked the children I interviewed randomly off school
lists the day I went in for the interviews at each school.
I interviewed three
children from eaeh grade in each of the three schools and their teachers.
number of
I interviewed totaled 18.
The survey questions and the answers each child and teacher gave is included
in this thesis, so that anyone who whats to may read what the students and teachers
said and draw their own conclusions.
The survey is divided into three parts
including a part on the general interests of each child, a part on the attitudes
and interests of each child related to school,and a teacher questionaire.
questions in the part entitled General Interest of Each Child were mainly asked
to aid in getting ao:JWlinted with the children.
I felt that after questioning a
child on his general interests,the child would feel more comfortable with me and
less afraid to answer
questions on his attitudes and interests related to school.
'!he section entitled Attitudes and Interests Related to School is the main part of
the study.
Questions in this section ask about the subject or subjects that each
child likes, the subject or subjects he dislikes, and the reasons why he likes or
dislikes those su.bjects.
There is also a question in this section which asks. about
how comfortable each child feels stating his ideas, opinions, am questions in class.
The last section The Teacher Questionaire contains questions asked of the teachers.
In the final write-up of the survey contained in this thesis, the questions asked of
the teachers are
in with the questions asked of the students.
Each teacher
question is marked with a T,am each teacher question with its answers is placed after
a student question or set of questions and answers that it can be compared with.
interviewed the teachers of the children, for it was shown in a Ball State study
entitled "Best and Least Liked Subjects and the Reasons Why" done in the 1940's by
Marilyn R. H1ndal. that half of the teachers questioned were not aware of the subjects
liked and disliked by their students.
I wanted to see if this is true and find out
how much teachers really know about their students.
If a teacher doesn't know about
the interests and attitudes of her or his students, how can he or she motivate them?
I thought it would be interesting to find out what teachers know about their
-3Even though the questions in the section on the General Interests of Each
Child were asked basically to get acquainted with the children, I found some
interesting information looking through the answers given to these questions.
question ask the child what he would like to show or tell his class about.
I had
hoped to get what each child was really interested in through the asking of this
that teachers should try to find out what their children are
interested in and use what they are interested in to motivate them in learning.
instance if a ch:1.ld is interested in sports , giving him a book to read on sports may
motivate him to read, or having him write a report on sports may motivate him to
The topic: of interest mentioned the most by the children interviewed was
Because! of this I think many teachers may find that they may be able to
motivate their slower students to do writing, reading, and research work using the
topic of animals.
But even though animals were mentioned t.he most as the subject the
children were interested in, the children gave me a variet,y of other answers ranging
from ballet to basketball to mechanical things to stuffed animals.
The section on the General Interests of each child also asked questions about
what the children want. to do when they grow up, their television viewing habits, how
many books they own, and how much reading they do.
girls answered the question:
I was very int.erested in how the
''What would you like to do when you grow up?"
to flToday's Educs,tion fl December 1972, a survey was conducted between 1971-1972 on a
child's view of sex roles by Lynne B. Ig1etzwn from the Department. of Political
Science at the Urdversity of Washington.
Of the 216 fifth grade girls questioned
by Ig1etzwn on what they wanted t.o do when they grow up, only 6% said they wanted to
be a mother or housewife.
Ig1etzwn stat.ed that this is significantly less from the
pertcentage of gi.rls that would have answered mother or housewife to the question in
the 1960 '5, but still even though less girls are thinking about being only mot.hers and
housewifes, the majority of girls in Ig1etzwn survey mentioned occupations which tend
to be thought of as female occupations.
I found this to be very true in the survey I
When asked what t.hey wanted to be when they grow up, I had only one
girl out of the 27 asked,respond that she wanted to be a mom.
Seventeen responded
by naming an occupation thought of as a female occupation H.ke a nurse, a teacher t
an airline stewardess, etc., four responded that they wanted to be veterinarians and
five did not knmor what they wanted to be yet.
Nineteen out of the 27 boys questioned
about what they wanted to be when they grow up,responded by giving a male occupation.
One said he wanted to be a dad.
Seven did not know yet.
Twelve children's answers
to the question asking what they would like to show or tell their class about,
correlated to their answers to the question asking what they want to do when they
grow up.
One chtld who would like to tell her class about how she likes to play
school also wants to be a teacher.
to be in the Olynlpics
Another who enjoys gym and running also wants
running, several who are interested in animals want to become
veterinarians, etc.
Another question in the section on the General Interests of each child asks
about the children's television viewing habits.
It has been said that children today
view more television than any other generat:i.on of children, and that children today
are so use to the sensationalism television uses in presenting material, it is becoming
harder for a teacher to hold children's interest without using sensationalism in their
I was :tnterested in finding out just how much television children view
and what types of programs children watch.
When asking the children how much time they
spent watching tEllevision, I asked the younger ones to just state whether they watched
a lot of televiston or a little and the older children to state about how many hours
they spend watchtng television a night.
they never watch television.
Two of the 54 children questioned stated that
Out of the 20 younger children that answered whether
they watched television a lot or a little, thirteen replied they watch television
a lot,while seven replied they only watched it a little.
The average amount of time
spent wat.ching television which was figured by averaging together the number of hours
each older child told me he spends watching television in a night, was one and threequarters of an hClur.
Only nine percent of the children who told me how many hours
they spend watchi.ng television a night, said they spend less than one hour a night
-5watching television,
said they watch t,e1evision one hour or more each night,
said they watched television two or more hours a night, thirteen percent said
they watched it three or more hours a night, arrl only three percent said they watched
television four hours a night.
The most common answer to the question, "What are
your favorite T.V. programs?" was cartoons.
Sixty-five percent of the children
answered the question either by giving the name of one or more cartoons
or by stating
they enjoyed watching cartoons in general.
The cartoon most
mentioned by the children was "Tom and Jerry" receiving about 2~ of the childrens
votes with Woody Woodpecker trailing close behind.
Even though 65~ of the children
listed cartoons as being their favorite type of program on t.e1evision,no children in
the sixth grade and only one child in the fifth grade answered that cartoons were
their favorite.
The program which is not a cartoon which was mentioned the most
as a favorite was "Happy Days" getting 13 percent of the children's votes with tiThe
Brady Bunch," ''Laverne and Shirley," and "Mork and Mirrly" trailing close behind.
The last couple questions that are asked of the children in the first section
deal with the chi1drens reading habits and the availability
reading materials.
I have heard it ::iaid many times that the amount of books a child has at home that
belongs to just him,reflects how much time parentsspend helping their children to
True or :not the survey I conducted mowed that 81% of the children had lots
of books at home which were their very own, 15~ said they owned a few books, and
only four percent said they didn't have any books of their own.
I was pleasantly
surprised at the amount of children which stated that they read regularly to themselves or to a relative.
Seventy-two percent of the children questioned stated they
spent quite a bit of time reading.
Included in the children who stated t.hey spent
a lot of t.ime re.ading, were 73% of the children who had stated they had a lot of their
own books and 78~~ of the children who had stated they owned only a few or no books.
This shows that children who don't own their own books read as much as children who
many books.
The children probably borrow books from friends or from the library.
There is a library program going on in the schools I interviewed children at.
-6each school children are taken to the school library and asked to check out books
at least once a week.
It was very hard to compare what I had learned about the general interests of
each child from t.he interviews with the children to what, the teachers felt the
children's interelsts were, for I really don't feel I learned enough about each
child to be able to tell if the teachers really knew the children that well or not.
But my survey did show that about 57% of the teacher's answers about what types of
interests each child I interviewed from their class has, mentioned a characteristic
of the child being discussed that I had noticed during my
with that child
or was able to tell me something the child himself had ment.ioned in my interview with
About nine percent of the teachers questioned about the general interests of
the children interviewed, told me something about a child which was opposite what the
child had told mE', and about
33'% mentioned things about the children I interviewed
which I did not get out of my interviews with the children but could be true.
teachers had a hard time telling me the interests of their children outside of school
and could only tell me what the children enjoyed doing during school hours.
I feel that the answers to the questions in the main part of my survey entitled
Attitudes and Interests Related to School also gave me some interesting information.
The questions in this section asked the children about the atmosphere of their classroom, their favorite subjects and activities in school and why they were their
favori tes, and the subjects am acH.vi ties they dislike in school and why they
dislike those subjects and activities.
An interesting piece of information I got
from the survey lIras that when I asked the children if they feel comfortable stating
their opinions, j.deas, and questions in class or if they are afraid of being made
fun of if they say something in
only seven percent of the first, second and
third graders said they were afraid of being made fun of, while 44% of the fourth,
fifth and sixth graders stated they were afraid of being made fun of.
Many times
all three children from the same class stated they were afraid of being made fun of,
or all three children from the same class stated they weren't afraid to state their
-7opinions, ideas, and questions in class.
The main part of the survey also showed that the subject most mentioned as the
favorite subject by the children was math.
Forty percent of the answers given by the
children as to what their favorite subject was, was math.
Reading came in second
taking up 20% of the answers, then came spelling with 11%, gym and English with
seven percent each, science with six percent, art with three percent, social studies
and phoniM with two percent and writing taking up one percent of the answers. (The
percentages have been rounded off for use in this paper.)
When asked what is the
favorite subject of a student from their class that I interviewed, the teachers were
correct 56% of the time.
children was English.
The least favorite subject mentioned the most by the
English accounted for 25% of the answers to the question
that asked for the least favorite subjects of students. while social studies took a
close second and accounted for 21% of the answers.
for 13% of the aflswers.
Math came in next accounting
Next came spelling and "I like everything" each accounting
for 11% of the answers, then came science and health each with six percent, reading
with five percent, art with three percent and music, phonics and writing each accounting for one percent of the answers.
The teachers could only tell me correctly what
43% of the studeflts stated as one of the subjects they disliked.
More teachers
predicted their students would like everything than students who did state they
liked everything.
The questions which asked what type of activities take place in their classrooms during the time that is allowed for the favorite subjects and least favorite
subjects of the
asked to determine what types of activities children
seem to like that draw them to like a subject and what types of activities children
dislike that make them dislike a subject.
Answers to the two questions on types of
activities which take place in the classroom. were varied.
In fact the answers to
these two questions really stresses the differences in children or for that matter
Some children liked learning games and working in groups. while others would
rather work individually on papers.
Some liked writing stories while others hated
-8writing stories. Some liked reading orally while others would rather read to themselves.
One act.ivity was mentioned by quite a few children as boring.
That activity
was reading social studies chapters and answering questions at the end of the chapters.
When teachers were asked what types of activities the children I interviewed like.
35% of the activities mentioned by the teachers were the same as what the students
had said occurs during the time that is allowed for their favorite subject.
percent of the answers given Qy the teachers of what types of activities the children
I interviewed li:ke, were the same as what the children had told me they dislike to
The rest of the activities mentioned by the teachers were not mentioned by the
students the teachers told me about, but that does not mean the teachers are wrong.
It may only mean that in the short interview I had with the children I was not able
to bring out everything they like.
When asked if their favorite subject, was easy for
them or did they have to work at it, 60% stated that it was easy; 23% stated it was
sometimes easy, sometimes hard; 14% stated they had to work at it and
stated it
was int,erest.ing and never thought of it as being easy or hard, they just enjoyed it.
When asked the same question about their least favorite subject 62% found their
least favorite subject hard, 41% found it sometimes hard and sometimes easy, and
29% found it easy but at the same time it was boring and sometimes required tor ~ch
Whether or not a lot of homework is assigned regularly in a subject
not seem to be a big factor which contributes to the child's opinion of the subject.
I feel the survey showed some very interesting things about children.
interesting thing was that most children in first, second and third grade didn't mind
stating their opinions, ideas, and quest ions in class.
But when a child hit fourth
grade something happened, and many children in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade are
afraid to talk I:Lbout their ideas for fear of being made fun of.
this change in
The biggest, reason for
at. the fourth grade level is probably the fact that children
at this level are also changing sociably and are becoming more worried about impressing
their peers.
They are more afraid of saying things in class, because they are afraid
the other childI'en might think they are stupid and look down on them, or maybe it is
-9because it might be unpopular with the other children to look intelligent and
contribute a lot to class discussions.
Another reason more children in the fourth,
sixth grade might be afraid to contribute to class discussion than
children in the primary grades, is teachers in the upper elementary grades may
expect too much from the students.
Several of the students who said they were
afraid to state their opinions in school. stated that the teachers encouraged the
teasing and occasionally joined in.
I am sure teachers do not do this intentionally,
but it is something teachers can keep in mind to avoid when teaching.
Here is listings of the favorite subjects and least favorite subjects mentioned
and the percentage ot times each was given as an answer:
Least Favorites
Social Studies
Social Studies
11% said they did not dislike
any subject.
Looking i!it these two lists it is apparent that not very many stUdents care
for English and social studies.
These two subjects were not given too high of a
rating on the list of favorite subjects, and they are right up at the top of the list
of least favorite subjects.
Some of' the children told me they did not like English
because they had to rewrite stories they wrote which took too much time.
I sometimes
wonder if we place too much emphasis on having children correct grammar mistakes and
mispe11ings and not enough emphasis and praise on the content of a child's writing.
Children who listed social studies as one of their least favorite subjects said
-10they are bored with reading chapt.er after chapter and answering questions.
is a shame that such an interest.ing subject is boring to so many children.
maybe this has something to do with children being use to the sensationalism of
But. I do feel that social studies can be made interesting and fun for
children by a variety of learning activities including learning centers, group
activities, reports, art work having to do with the unit being studied, and reading
can be included but not as the only method of teaching social studies.
Also the
two lists show that math is either completely liked or complet.ely disliked by
Reading is fairly well liked, for it is high on the B.st of favorites and
low on the list of least favorites.
Spelling and science were in the middle of each
which came in the middle of the favorite subjects did not appear on t.he
list of least fa1Torites, and on the average the children didn't seem to care much
either way about art, music, phonics, and writing.
I think the most important thing the survey showed was the individuality of
each student.
T11ere was a variety of answers given for questions on the general
interests of each child,including what they would like to show and tell their class
about, what they want to be when they grow
varied greatly.
their favorite television programs
Also the classroom activities each child seemed to enjoy varied
greatly,and the opinions of the children on what subjects were easy and which were
hard also varied"
Teachers should take into account the individual differences of
children when working with the children and remember that some children require a
little more work in certain subjects than others.
Teachers also need to become more
aware of their student's interest out of school,and maybe they can use the interests
of each child in motivating him to learn.
Maybe we can keep children motivated to
learn as they get older and stop the decline of motivation as children get into the
upper grades.
Survey of Elementary School Attitudes
I interviewed ~4 children and the teachers of the 54 children.
child I talked to is indicated by a number:
Number 1
9 are first graders
18 are second graders
27 are third graders
36 are fourth graders
4~ are fifth graders
54 are sixth graders
Questions that were asked or the teachers about.
are marked with a T.
First Grade
No. 6 - b
No. 1 - 6 years old
7 - 6
2 - 6 years old
8 - 7
3 - 6 years old
4 - ., years old
9- 1
5 - ., years old
Second Grade
the numbered children
------------~--~~~~~~--~-----------10 - 7 years old
14 years old
11 - ? years old
12 - 7 years old
13 - ., years old
Third Grade
9 years old
46 - 11 years
47 - 11 years
48 - 11 years
49 - 12 years
24 - 8
25 - 8
26 - 8
27 - 8
Fourth Grade
32 - 9 years old
33 - 9 years old
34 - 9 years old
35 - 10 years old
36 - 10 years old
9 years old
9 years old
9 years old
Fifth Grade
. 42 - 10 years old
43 - 10 years old
44 - 10 years old
45 - 10 years old
Sixth Grade
50 - 10 years
51 - 11 years
52 - 11 years
53 - 11 years
54 - 12 years
-2General Interests of Each Child
(1) If you could show or tell your class about anything you like what would it be?
First Grade
No. 1 - "A stuffed horse and a stuffed
No. 6 - A book I made in kindergarden
elephant I have"
about myself"No.2 - "A littl,a Indian doll that I
No. 7 - liMy car sets and how I'd like
have, also I'd like to tell the class
to learn to drive a car"
about ~ dancing lessons. I take
No. 8 - "Can't think of anything"
ballet, toe prep, tap and acrobats."
No. 9 - IIHow I like gym and running II
No. 3 - liMy picture of Jesus"
No. 4 - "How I like to play "school"
No. 5 - The books I read, also that
I get money for my report card, and
take ballet lessons."
Second Grade
No. 10 - liMy two dogs: a collie and. a
No. 14 - III like animals and. would like
poodle II
to show the class ~ kitten and. dog."
No. 11 "A calendar I got from the
No. 15 - "My gerbils"
Activity Center Book Club and a pillow
No. 16 - IIA truck that I have ll
that I have which is shaped like a
No. 17 - III have a friend. who is a
Biologists that I have already told the
No. 12 - About going to ~ friends
class about. She has animals in jars.
house to play tag"
I brought one of her giant octopuses in
No. 13 - "About the T.V. shows I watch
a jar to class.I also brought a book about
and playing tag and. hide and iO seek
the octopus to class, but the teacher did
not read it."
No. 18 - "A big grandfather's clock we
have, also about how we play in cub scouts"
Third Grade
No. 19 - "About going to the cottage
No. 24 in Michigan on the lake"
25 _
No. 20 - "My new puppy, I like
No. 26 animals."
a ierbil
No. 21 - "My stuffed dog"
lio. 27 No. 22 - "My dog ll
No. 23 - "That we might go to Canada
for Christmas and see ~ new baby
"My collection of seashells"
"About animals and that I have
named "Tinyll
"A go-car my Dad built"
Fourth Grade
No. 32 - "My collection of little cars"
28 - "Water skiing"
29 - "My dog which is a sheep dog"
30 _itA trophy I won in swimming"
31 - "The T.V. programs I watch"
No. 33 - "About swimming on Highland
Hurricane Swim Club, doing my math, and
my cocker spaniel ll
No. 34 - itA little robot that talks and
about cub scout"
No. 35 - "How I like to work on my bike"
No. 36 - "Nothing,I have no hobbies"
Fifth Grade
No. 37 - "Stuffed animal collection"
No. 42 - ltr Indian collection which
includes ornaments arrl dolls"
No. 38 - ItHow I like to dance and
and sing to the stereo"
No. 43 - "Soccer"
No. 39 - IIGoing to Brown County and
No. ~ - "Swimming on the Highlam
finding big walnuts and roasting them"
Hurricane Swim Club and about animals"
No. 40 - "My pet.s: a cat and a dog"
No. 45 - "Mini bikes am motorcycles"
No. 41 - "The ATP program for the
academically intelligent"
No. 46No. 47 No. 48No. 49-
"My dog"
ffJ1y frog collection"
"My plants"
Sixth Grade
No. 50 No. 51 Ne. S2 No. 53 No. 54 -
"A bout India where I am from"
"Motorcycle riding with my Dad"
"Playing basketball"
"My dog because I like animals"
"My guttar"
What would you like to do when you grow up?
1 - "Playu
2 - uBe a teacher"
3 - Be a nurse"
4 - Be a teacher"
5 - Be a ballerina"
First Grade
No. 6 - "Be a fireman"
No. 7 - "Be a dad"
No. 8 - "Don't know"
No. 9 - "Be in the Olympics in running
Second Grade
10 - "Be a waitress"
No. 14 - "Own a hotel"
11 - "Not. sure maybe a teacher"
No. lS -"Be a fireman"
12 - "Work with my mom at a store"
No. 16 - "Be a policeman"
13 - Be a mom"
No. 17
"Be a scientist or doctor"
No. 18 - "Be a policeman"
Third Grade
24 - "Nothingtt
25 - "Be a policemantt
26 - ttBe an animal doctor"
27 -"Be a carpenter fi
Fourth Grade
32 - "Be in the U.S. Service"
33 - "Be a swimmer tt
34- ''Work in a zoo"
35 - "Be an artis t"
36 - "No idea"
No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 -
"Be a nurse"
"Be an airline stewardess"
"Be a nurse"
"Don't know"
ttBe a school teacher"
"Be an airline stewardess"
"Take care of animals"
"Be a waitress"
"Don't know"
Fifth Grade
No. 37 - Don't lmow"
No. 38 - "Either a kindergarden or
first grade teacher or a stewardess"
No. 39 - "Be a veterinarian"
No. 40 - "Make things"
No. 41 - "Be a teacher"
No. 46- ''Be a
No. 47 - "Work
No. 48 -rtBe a
No. 49 - "Be a
teacher II
in a zoo"
teacher or a nurse fl
Sixth Grade
42 - "Be an architect"
43 - "Be an architect"
44 - nBe a veterinarian"
45 - "Be an astronaut"
50 - "Don't know"
51 - IIBe a stunt rider"
52 - "Don't know"
53 - "Be a football player"
54 - tfBe a rock star"
(3) How much time do you spend viewing T.V. programs?
First Grade
No. 6 - 'ttots of time"
No. 7 - "An hour to two hours a day"
No. 8 - 111 don't ever watch T. V• "
No. 9 - "One hour after school"
1 - t'Lots of time"
2 - "Just a little"
3 - "Five minutes a dayfl
4 - "Not very much"
5 - ''Lots of time"
Second Grade
No. 10 - ''Lots of time"
No. 14 - "Two hours a day"
No. 11 - "Two or three hours after
No. 15 - "Lots of time tt
No. 16 - flOne-half hour a night"
No. 12 - ''Lots of time tf
No. 13 - "Pretty much time"
No. 17 - "I watch a lot on Friday"
No. 18 - "I watch T.V. all day"
No. 19 - tiOne hour a night"
Third Grade
No. 24 - ilOne hour or so each day"
No. 25 - "Lots of time It
No. 26 - "Use to watch T.V. a lot, now
I don't watch very much"
No. 20 - "One hour a night"
No. 21 - "Lots of time"
No. 22 - tlOne hour a night on weekdays, on weekends I watch more tt
No. 27 - "Two hours a night"
No. 23 - ''Lots of time"
Fourth Grade
No. 28 - "Two or three hours a day"
No. 32 - "An hour and a half"
No. 29 - "Almost all the time"
No. 33 - "I don't have much time to wa-ooh
T.V. because I'm busy with homework, swia
practice and other school activities."
No. 30 - "Only an hour and a half
because Mother doesn't like me
watching it that much"
No. 34 - ''Not very much because I'm very
No. 31 - "One hour a day"
No. 35 - ''Lots of time, about two to
three hours tf
No. 36 - tfA little, about one-half hour
a day"
No. 37 - "One or two hours a day"
No. J8 - "It depends on the night.
Fifth Grade
No. 42 - Itpretty much time, about a
couple hours a night"
On Tuesdays I spend three hours
No. 43 - "One hour a night"
watching T. V. while on Fridays I
hardly watch any."
No. 44 - "One-half hour"
No. 39 - ItThree hours a night"
No. 45 - "One to two hours a day"
No. 40 - "I do my homework, and then
watch T.V. for two and a half hours."
No. 41 - "Not very much time"
Sixth Grade
No. 50 - "Two hours a day"
No. 46 - "Four hours a night"
No. 51 - "None tl
No. 47 - "I watch T.V. the most on
Saturdays, Tuesdays, 9.l1d Thursdays.
No. 52 - "One and a half hours a dayll
It averages out to about two and
No. 53 - "Two and a half hours a day"
half hours a da;vt'
No. 48 - !fA couple hours a day"
No. 54 - "A couple hours a day"
No. 49 - tlOne hOllr a night"
What are your favorite T.V. programs?
First Grade
1 - Cartoons
6 - Cartoons
No. 2 - "Casper" and ''Woody Woodpecker"
No. 7 - "Tom and Jerry"
No. 3 - "Tom and Jerry"
No. 4 - Cartoons
No. 5 - ''Woody Woodpecker"
No. 8 - "I don't watch T.V.II
No. 10 - "Happy Days" and ''Laverne
and Shirley"
No. 9 - "Tom and Jerry"
Second Grade
No. 14 - ''Woody Woodpecker It and "Tom
and Jerry"
No. 11 - ''Woody vToodpecker" and
No. 15 - ''Woody Woodpecker tl and "Brady
Bunch fl
No. 12 - "Charlie Brown" and ''Tom
and Jerryfl
No. 17 - "Super Cartoon Sunrise with
Woody Woodpecker"
No. 13 - "Woody \OToodpecker" and
"Tom and Jerry"
No. 19 - "Brady Bunch" and "Eight is
No. 18 - Cartoons
Third Grade
No. 24 - "Underdog," "Casper," and
''!Woody Woodpecker"
No. 20 - Cartoons
No. 21 - Cartoons and comedies
No. 22 - "Little House on the Prairie"
and "Scooby Doo All Laugh Olympics ll
No. 23 - "Tom and Jerry"
16 - "Capsper" and "Tom and Jerry"
No. 25 - "Tom and Jerry," "Brady Bunch,"
"Six Million Dollar Man," and ''Woody
No. 26 - "Saturday Night Live,"
"Second City Television" and "Gong Show"
No. 27 - ''Little House on the Priarie"
and "Six Million Dollar Manll
Fourth Grade
No. 32 - War stories like the movie
No. 28 - "Hardy Boys," "Brady Bunch ,"
''Kids are People too" am "Scooby Doo"
No. 29 - "Brady Bunch" am "I Dream
of Jeannie"
No. 34 - ''Tom and Jerry"
No. 30 - liThe Hulk" am "Flying High"
33 - "I don't watch T.V. that much."
31 - "Brady Bunch"
35 - "Tom and. Jerry"
No. 36 - "I don't have any favorites.
I just watch what is on."
No. 37 - "Three :l.s Company t" "Love
Boat," and "Fantasy Island"
Fifth Grade
No. 42 - "Charlie's Angels"
No. 43 - IIMork and Mindy" and "Happy
No. 38 - "Laverene and Shirley,"
"Three is Company," "Tom and. Jerry
Hour," "Happy Days" and "The Hulk"
44 - "Battles tar Galactica"
No. 45 - Cartoons
No. 39 - "Hardy Boys" and. ''Mork and
No. 40 - ''Love Boat" and "Fantasy
No. 41 - "Charliel' s Angels"
Sixth Grade
No. 46 - "Mork and Mimy" and "Charlie's
No. 50 - "Mork and Mindy" and "Battlestar
51 - "I don't watch T.V.lI
No. 52 - Comedies
No. 53 - "Happy Days," "In the Beginning"
No. 47 - "Flying High," ''Laverne
and Shirley" am t1Happy Days"
No. 48 - "Happy Days," "Three is
Company" and "Laverne and Shirley"
and the movie "Pearl"
No. 49 - "Little House on the
Prairie,fI "Happy Days" and "Laverne
and Shirley"
No. 54 - "Soap"
No. 55 - "Mork and Hindy" and "Battlestar
Do you have very many books which are your very own at home?
No. 1 - "1 don't have any books. lI
First Grade
"Yes, a lot"
No. 2 - "I have a whole shelf of them."
No. 3 - "Yes"
No. 7 - "I have too many to take care of. "
No. 8 - "Yes a lot"
No. 4 - "Yes 11
No. 9 - "I have four books"
No. 5 - "Yes"
Do you spend mneh time reAding to yourself?
1 - "Yes t I like to look at bOoks."
2 - "Sometimes"
3 - "Yes"
4- "No"
5 - "No"
Do you have very many books which are your very
10 11 12 13 -
"I have a 10t.1t
"I have a few."
"No. I only have three."
6 - "Yes"
7 - fiNo"
8 - ''Yes ll
9 - "Kind of do"
at home?
Second Grade
No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 books. II
"Yes, I have a collection of
Do you spend much time reading to yourself?
No. 10 - "Yes"
No. 11 - "Yes, I read a couple times
a we'ek."
No. 12 - "No"
No. 13 - "I read a lot to my little
No. 14
No. 15
No. 16
a week
- "Yes"
- "Sometimes"
- "Yes, I read a couple nights
an hour at a time. I read to
No. 17 - "I don't read very often because
I watch too much T.V.tr
No. 18 - "No"
Do you have very many books which are your very own at home?
Third Grade
No. 19 - "Yes, I have a bookshelf full
of books."
No. 20 - "Yes"
No. 21 - "Yes l1
No. 22 - "Yes, I have shelves of them."
No. 23 - "Yes, my brother who use to
belong to a book club gave me all of
his. It
"Yes lt
"Yes lt
Do you spend much time reading to yourself?
No. 19
No. 20
No. 21
a day"
No. 22
No. 23
- "No·
- "Yes"
- "Sometimes, about five minutes
- "No"
- "Yes"
No. 24 - "Sometimes, I read a couple
times a month"
No. 25 - "Yes, I read a couple times a
week for ten minutes each time."
No. 26 - "Sometimes"
No. 27 - "Yes"
Do you have very many books which are your very own at home?
28 29 -
JO31 -
"Yes a lot"
"I have millions of books"
"Yes a lot"
Fourth Grade
"Yes, I have a dresser full"
"Yes, a lot"
= "Yes"
Do you spend much time reading to yourself?
No. 28 - "Yes, I spend forty-five minutes
at a time reading, but I don I t read every
No. 29 - "Yes especially on Saturday
and Sunday. I read about an hour a
No. 30 - "I read after I finish my work
in class and when it is quiet at home.
I dontt have much time to read at home
though because my mom works two jobs and
there is lots to do around the house."
No. 32 - "About forty-five minutes a da;y"
No. 33 - "Yes, two or three hours a week"
No. 34 - "Sometimes; I read about one
hour a week."
No. 35 - "No, I only read when it's
raining or there is nothing else to do."
No. 31 - "I read before I go to bed
about twenty minutes to an hour."
Do you have very many books which are your very
Fifth Grade
39 - "Yes"
40 - "No I only have a few books."
No. 41 - "Yes"
37 - "No, not very many"
38 - "Yes"
at home?
"Yes, I have eight books."
Do you spend much time reading to yourself?
No. 37 - If I read a couple times a week
about ten to fifteen minutes at a time."
No. 38 - "Yes, I
a week."
No. 39 - "Yes t I
No. 4<:> - "Yes, I
day. "
No. 41 - "Yes, I
read about eight hours
read about a half-hour
No. 42 night."
No. 43 week."
No. 44 No. 45 -
"Yes, I read a little every
ttl read about four hours a
"Not very much, just a little"
read about one hour a
read about a half-hour
Do you have very many books which are your very own at home?
No. 46No. 47 No. 48No. 49 -
ttl have five books. "
Sixth Grade
No. 50 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 -
til have three books."
Do you spend much time reading to yourself?
No. 46 - ItI read about a half hour a
night if there is nothing good on T. V• "
No. 47 - "Pretty much if I get my work
done. I read a couple times a week, a
a half hour each time."
No. 48 - "I read two hours a week. "
No. 49 - "Yes, I read a half-hour
before I go to bed."
No. 50 - "Yes, I read almost everyday
sometimes only for ten, fifteen minutes,
sometimes two and a half hours at a the."
No. 51 - If I read an hour each night."
No. 52 - "Yes, I read thirty-five minutes
each day."
No. 53 - "Yes, I read a chapter almost
every night."
No. 54 - "Yes, I read a couple hours a
(Tl) What types of interests do you feel the children I interviewed from your
class have?
No.1 - ffShe likes more sporty things, like playing outside and riding a bike.
She likes to help, but is not subject oriented. fI
No.2 - flShe likes to read and talks about reading to her younger brother.
likes to bring books to school and likes to help out. She likes to draw."
No.3 - "She likes physical activity."
No. 4 - "She loves to socialize and enjoys everything about school."
No. 5 - "She is interested in everything. She has a family history of low
students. but is doing very well. She has beautiful handwriting and has no
trouble with math. She loves to read."
No.6 - "He is very quiet in class, but is active outside.
things. "
He likes building
No. 7 - "He loves to read and is interested in mechanical things like motorcycles
and cars. He likes to draw and share his ideas."
No. 8 - ftHe is r.etained from last year and is now cleaning up his discipline.
is a very active boy on the playground. He is all boy."
No. 9 - "He likes to build with the blocks and comes up with science ideas that
are different."
No. 10 - "She is outdoorsyand likes to play ball and go bicycle riding.1f
No. 11 - "She is involved with Brownies and is very bright. II
No. 12 - "She is artistic, but lacks confidence in herself.
who started off slow but is building up. II
She is a good student
No. 13 - "She is quiet and enjoys gym."
No. 14 - ''He enjoys sports like baseball am soccer. tr
No. 15 - "He enjoys sports like soccer, basketball, am football."
No. 16 - "He is very quiet am is interested in sports. It
_No. 17 - "He is very big on science and brings in animal specimens for the class
to see. He is up am down about school. One day he likes it the next day he hates
No. 18 - "He's in scouts and is interested in sports."
No. 19 - "She likes school and pretty much likes everything."
No. 20 - IIShe is
"Tom Boy" and enjoys making ceramics."
No. 21 - "She is athletic and aways in a hurry.
but doesn't take time to 1isten."
She wants to do well in school
No. 22 - "She likes school and is always interested in what is being presented.
She enjoys learning ani does everything she is asked to do. U
No. 23 - "She is we11-rounied. Everything draws her interest.
an interest in whatever is given to her."
She can develop
No. 24 - "He is very quiet ani likes sports."
No. 25 - "He is 1J'ery shy and quiet in class.
sports. tt
He is very interested in science and
No. 26 - "Nothing seems to interest him for a long period of time. He worked with
the Learning Disability teacher last year. He likes to read on his own and doesn't
like the stories in the reader. He is interested in animals."
No. 27 - "He is a puzzler.
I haven't found anything he really cares about."
No. 28 - "She is interested in motorcycles, cars, and. male activities."
No. 29 - "She is an above average student. She is well-rounded and does a lot
of reading. She excels in the Language Arts.ff
No. 30 - flShe reads a lot and is interested in horses and farms. She likes to
wri te make believe stories and enjoys winning. No matter what she is doing she
always wants to win. She likes boys. fI
No. 31 - "She likes to read and do her work.
She is interested in horses."
No. 32 - "He is interested in anything that has something to do with Star Wars
and sports. ff
No. 33 - ttHe is a typical boy.
doing special reports. fI
He is interested in math and swimming.
No. 34 - "He is not as mature as the other students.
He enjoys
He is a collector of things."
No. 35 - "He's quiet and unsure of himself. He has problems at home which he brings
to school. He's very sensitive to the problems ani they effect his work and behavior.
He stares into space a lot. I'll be talking to him and he doesn't understand what
I said because he had been daydreaming. His parents fight ani he's in the middle."
No. 36 - "He is undergoing special psychological testing right now. He likes to
ice skate and enjoys doing things With his family. He enjoys going to his uncles
farm. "
No. 37 - "She is very quiet. She is interested in things she can make with her
hands. She likes drawing and art projects rather than writing projects."
No. 38 - "She's interested in sports and is very dependable and responsible.
She gets along well with others and has a good persona1ity.1f
No. 39 - "She is very outgoing."
No. 40 - "She is interested in and good at sports. tI
No. 41 - "She is
No. 42 - "He's very interested in social studies. His free reading matches what
we are studying i:1'1 social studies. For example we are now studying the Revolution.
He's reading several books on the Revolution."
No. 43 - "He is V.9ry immature and spoiled.
He is in band and is not into sports. II
No. 44 - tfHe is a good student, but he could work a little harder.
in sports and is up on all the football games."
He is interested
No. 45 - ''He is very sports minded. fI
No. 46 - "She's interested in basketball and is extremely intelligent. She is a
participant i.n the A. T • P. program for the academically intelligent. She is interested
in reading.fl
No. 47 - flShe is the studious type.
She likes to read."
No. 48 - flShe is sports minded and very outgoing.
She doesn't care for reading."
No. 49 "She is interested in boys and is very flighty. She tries to do well
but is slow. She likes play-type things and enjoys reading. II
No. 50 - "His father is a professor and is very educated. He is from India and
likes to tell the class about the culture of India and different countries. He
likes to read current events and is very up on what is happening in the world. II
No. 51 - "He is interested in sports f animals, and plants. If
No. 52 - "He is interested in sports. rt
No. 53 - "He is very sports-minded and tries out for all the teams but usually
doesn't make it."
No. 54 - "He lives just with his father and grandmother. His mother deserted
them. He's very interested in men stuff like stock-car racing."
-14Attitudes and Interests Related to School
(1) Do you feel comfortable stating your opinions, ideas, ani questions in class
or are you afraid of being made fun of or laughed at?
First Grade
No. 6 No. 1 -"I'm not afraid of talking in
class. II
No. 7 No. 2 - "I'm not afraid to answer
No. 8 questions. II
No. 9 No. 3 - flI like to be called on in
"I feel comfortable. fI
"I like to talk in class."
"I feel comfortable."
"I'm afraid of being made fun of."
No. 4 - "I'm not afraid."
No.5 - "I'm not afraid."
No. 10 - flI feel comfortable."
No. 11 - flI'm not scared to answer
questions and talk in class."
No. 12 - "I'm not scared. 1I
No. 13 - "I'm not afraid."
Seconi Grade
No. 14 - "I don't answer questions voluntarlly.
It bothers me to answer questions."
No. 15 - "I feel cOlT'.!ortable. 1t
No. 16 -"I'm not afraid. II
No. 17 -"I'm not afraid to talk in class.
I usually just talk out of turn."
No. 18 - "I'm not afraid."
Third Grade
No. 24 - "I'm not afraid to answer questions
the teacher asks, but I don't volunteer to
answer questions often."
No. 20 - "It doesn't bother me to answer
questions. tf
No. 25 - "I'm not afraid."
No. 21 - "I like to answer questions. II
No. 26 - ttl raise up my hand all the time
answer the teacher questions."
No. 22 - "I like to answer questions."
No. 27 - "I like to raise my hand to answer
No. 23 - "I'm not afraid."
No. 19 -"I'm not afraid to answer
questions. fI
Fourth Grade
No. 32 - "I'm not afraid."
No. 29 - tllf I'm sure of the answer to
No. 33 - "Usually it doesn't bother me to
a question the teacher asks than I volunteer answer questions and state my ideas in
to answer it, but if I'm not sure I don't
class, but SOl'llstimes it does."
·like to answer the question. Jt
No. 34 - IfI' m not afraid."
No. 30 - "Sometimes I'm afraid to answer
No. 35 - "I'm afraid of being made fun of."
the teacher's questions when I'm not sure
of the answer, for everyone laughs when
No. 36 - ttI'm not afraid. II
someone gets the answer wrong. II
No. 28 - "I feel comfortable."
No. 31 - "Sometimes I'm afraid. II
Fifth Grade
No. 42
No. 37 - "I'm used to being laughed at.
Everyone always !rakes fun of my las t
No. 43
name. It doesn't. bother me."
No. 44
No. 38 - "If I'm not sure of an answer
No. 4.5
it bothers me."
No. 39 - "I'm not afraid."
No. 40 - "I'm afraid of being made
fun of."
No. 41 - "Sometimes Itm afraid."
No. 46 of."
No. 47 No. 48 No. 49 tun of."
- "I feel comfortable."
- "I'm sometimes afraid."
- "I'm not afraid."
- "I feel comfortable."
Sixth Grade
No, .50 - "I'm not afraid."
"I'm afraid of being made fun
No • .51 - "I feel comfortable."
"I'm not afraid."
No. .52 - flI feel comfortable"
"I'm not afraid."
No • .53 - "I'm not afraid, for I'm good
friends with all the kids."
"I'm afraid of being made
No • .54 - "It doesn't bother me to express
my opinion in class and answer questions."
(2) What subject in school do you like best?
1 -
2 -
34 -
Third Grade
19 - "Math and
20 - "Spelling and
21 - "Math"
22 - "Spelling"
23 - "Math and
37 38 39 -
4041 -
First Grade
6 - "Art and Gym"
7 - "Math"
8 - "Math"
9 -"Reading"
14 - "Math"
"Math and Reading"
Fourth Grade
28 - "Math, Spelling 32and Reading"
29 - "Math and
33 Reading"
30 - "Math, Spelling, 34 and English"
31 - "Math"
3.5 36 Sixth Grade
"Math and
46- "Reading and
.50 Social Studies"
.51 "Math arxi
47 - "Math"
48- "Math and
.52 Science"
"Spelling and
.53 English"
49- "Reading and
.54 -
-"Gym and Math"
- "Math"
- "Math"
- ''Math''
Fifth Grade
"Science II
42 "Reading arxi
43 "Writing and
44"Math arxi English ll
"Math and
4.5 Spelling"
"Art and Gym"
"Math and
"Math and
"Math and.
"Reading, Math,
Social Studies,
and Science"
"Art and Gym"
"Math and
"Math and English"
"Math and
-16(T2) What subject do you think each child I interviewed from your class enjoys
the most?
1 - "Enjoys Reading"
4 - "Math and Reading"
7 - "Reading"
10- "Spelling"
13- "Maybe Math"
16- "Reading"
19- "Reading ani Math"
22- ''Writing, Spelling
and Readingll
25- ttMath"
28- "Math and Readingll
31- IISpelling, enjoys
34- "Science"
37- "Science ani Social
40- "Math"
43- "Spelling"
46- "Math and Reading"
49- "Maybe Spelling"
52- "Math and Reading"
2 5 8 111417-
"It varies from day
to day"
20- "The student will say
she doesn't enjoy
any subject."
23- "Math"
3 - "Reading and Math"
6 - IIReading"
9 - "Science and Reading"
12- "Reading"
15- "Spelling If
18- tlScience"
21- "Reading and Math"
24- "Math"
26- "Reading if he can
27- "Reading"
read only what he wants"
30- ''Writing Stories ani Math"
29- "Reading"
32- "Math"
33- "Math"
35- IIDon't knowll
38- "Social Studies"
36- "Math, Social Studies ani
39-It'Reading "
41- Reading, Math, and
44- "Math \I
42- "Social Studies and
45- "No particular subject he
enjoys the most"
47- "The Language Arts
especially Reading"
50- "Social Studies"
53- "Math"
48- "Science"
51- "Reading"
54- "MathII
(3) What types of things do you do in your classroom during the time that is
allowed for the subject or subjects you like best (worksheets. reading to self,
reading out loud. games, group work. individual work etc.)? Does the subject or
subjects you like best come easy to you or do you have to work at them?
1 - Science - ''We have a science book. The teacher reads t,o us out of it and gives us
worksheets on what she has read. Science is easy."
2 - Reading - ''We work on worksheets, read stories, and sometimes play games. Sometimes
reading is easl':. Sometimes it's not eas;y:."
3 - Phonics - ''We do pages out of a phonics workbook. I like it because I like to colo!'.
It's getting harder."
-174 - Reading - "We read out of a reading book.
5 - Reading
It's easy."
read out of a reading book, am do worksheets am board work.
It's easy."
6 - Art - ''We are making turkeys. I have to work at it. If
7 - ¥..a.th - ''We play games at the board, do pages from the book am do worksheets
It's easy."
8 - Math - ''We do papers out of the book. It's very easy."
9 - Reading - ''We read aloud from our readers in our reading groups. We do work
book pages. I like the stories. Reading comes easy to me."
10 - Reading - '~Ne have reading groups. We read out of a book sometimes outloud and
sometimes to our selves. We do worksheets on our own. It's kim of easy."
11 - Reading - ''We do worksheets, workbook pages, and read outloud out of our books.
It IS easy for me.
My report card says Pm above average in r.eading. "
12 - Art - ''We make mobiles, pumpkins am other things.
Gym - ''We play games. I have to work at it. n
I have to work at it.
13 - Math - ''We w'ork in our math books, do worksheets and play games.
It comes easy
to me. n
14 - Hath - ''We work out of a book which is like a workbook.
to work at it."
15 - Math - ''We work out of a workbook, am do worksheets.
It's hard.
I have
Sometimes it's easy."
16 - Math - ''We play math games t do worksheets, and do problems out of the math book.
It's easy."
Reading - ''We do worksheets, pages out of our phonics book and read out of our
books outloud. Sometimes we read to ourselves before reading outloud. It's easy. If
17 - Reading - ''We do three to four workbook pages plus two to three bonus papers
which includes an A paper, a B paper, and an assessment test. We read outloud from
our book in our reading group am answer questions the teacher asks. We play reading
games also. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's hard."
18 - Gym - ''We do exercises am play games.
Now we are playing line soccer.
It's easy.
19 - Math - ''We do dittos, work from the book, take timed tests, and play games.
It's easy."
Reading - '''''e do workbook pages, phonics pages, am we read out of the book.
Sometimes we read to ourselves sometimes outloud. After we read a story we answer
questions about the story. It's easy."
20 - Spelling - ''We do pages in a spelling book and then have tests over the words.
I have to work a little at it."
l1ath - ''We have a test every Tuesday and Thursday. Other than the tests we do
worksheets and stuff on the charkboard. We also play games. I have to work at it."
21 - Math - "We are keeping a record of addition and subtraction problems that keep
getting harder. We do work out of the book am take tests. Sometimes I have to
work at it."
22 - Spelling - ''We copy the list of words in our spelling books onto a sheet of paper,
do pages in our spelling books and have tests. I have to work at it."
23 - Math - ''We do problems out of the book, dittos, and math games. It's easy."
Spelling - ''We do pages out of our spelling book after our teacher explains the
pages to us. If any of the exercises are hard she does it with us. We play spelling
games but not Vel"y often. Spelling comes easy to me."
-1824 - Gym - ItWe play games and do exercises. Right now we are playing wiffle ball.
it IS real easy. It
Hath - ''We 'work out of the math book, do work sheets and. play games. It IS easy. II
- Math - "We do problems out of the book.
I have to work at it."
26 - Math - ''We do problems out of the book worksheets, and sometimes we play games.
It's sometimes ea~. Sometimes I have to work at it. It
27 - ~~th - ''We do problems out of the book, worksheets, and sometimes we play math
games. I have to work at it."
28 - ¥ath - ''We have folders with worksheets in them that we do. We also work out of
the book. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it's easy.1t
Reading - !II go to a special room for reading with several other students.
Friday is game day in reading. On other days we read out of our readers. We read
and answer quest1.ons about the stories we have read. Most of the time neading is easy. If
Spelling - 'We do pages in our spelling books, write the words on paper and. take
a test on the words. Spelling is a little harder than math and r,eading. 1f
29 - Math - ~'We play games, do worksheets, do work out of the book, and use calculators.
Sometimes it's hard, and. s ometimes it's easy. "
30 - Math - ''We do worksheets, things out of our math books, play games with flash cards,
and have timed tE!StS. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes it's easy."
Spelling - "We do a unit out of our spelling book. Each unit contains twenty words.
We write each word three times. We do the problems about the words in our spelling bock s
and answer two or three questions about the words on paper. We play spelling games.
It's pr.tty easy."
English - "It is sometimes hard."
31 - Math - ''We work problems out of the book, do dittos and play math games.
It's easy. If
32 - Math - ''We do worksheets and exercises out of the book. Right now we're making
money. It comes kind of easy."
Reading - I~~ read one or two stories a day out of our readers. We read to ourselves first then we read out loud in our group. We also sound out words written on the
board, do one or two workbook pages, ~nd a few pages out of Conquest. Reading is
usually easy_ II
33 - Math - "We have two math books that we do work out of. We also have timed test,
worksheets, and math games. It's easy."
Science - ''We read out loud, do fun things, and see filmstrips. We also had a
Science Fair in our school. Science is easy."
34 - Reading -
"\ole do worksheets and pages out of our workbooks. We also read stories
out of our readers. We read to ourselves and then out10ud. We also have free reading
time and sit on carpets and. read books. We play reading games. It's easy."
:Math - ''We have timed tests and worksheets. We also work out of two math books
and play games. Sometimes I have to work at it."
Science - ''We are studying dinosaurs. I find it interesting."
Social Studi.es - III like learning about the Salt Lakes. It is interesting"
35 - Art - ''We make things.
It's easy."
Gym - "We do push-ups, other exercises and play games.
36 - Math - "We do board work and work out of the book.
37 - Science - ''Vle do diagrams and experiments.
the diagrams. It.'s easy."
I have to work at it."
It's easy."
Sometimes we read.
I like drawing
38 - Reading - Sometimes our teacher reads to us or sometimes we read our own books
to ourselves. It's easy."
English - ''We work on punctuation and write stories. I enjoy writing stories.
English is easy."
-1939 - Writing - "The teacher gives us the lesson on the board. We practice writing
letters, words and sentences. It IS easy."
Reading - ''We read out of our reading book. Sometimes we read aloud, but we
read the stories to ourselves first. We also do pages in our workbook, dittos, and
sometimes we work on vocabulary words. I enjoy the stories and I find reading easy."
40 - Math - ''We work out of our math books, do dittos and sometimes play math games.
It's easy most of the time."
English - We play games, write stories and do some suggestions from our English
books. We rarely do exercises out of the book in English. It's easy."
41 - Math - "We do exercises out of the book. It's easy."
Spelling - ''We do exercises in the book and have tests on the list words.
easy. II
42 - Math sometimes I
Sometimes I
We work
have to
have to
out of the math book and do worksheets. Sometimes it's easy, and
work at it."
- ''We read out of our social studies book. Sometimes it's easy.
work at it."
43 - Math - IIWe play games sometimes. We also do problems out of the book. Sometimes
it's easy. Somet;imes it's not easy."
English - I~~ do book reports, write stories and sometimes we do exercises out
of the English book. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's hard. It depends on what
we are doing."
44 - Spelling - "We work out of our spelling books and have spelling tests. It's easy."
English - ''Vire do exercises out of the English book and write funny stories. I
like to write. It's easy."
45 - Math - ''We do work out of the math book, and we also do dittos.
It's easy."
46 - Reading - "Ttle work on vocabulary words then read the stories to ourselves.
Sometimes we read aloud. lie also do worksheets. Reading comes easy to me. It's
one of my better subjects."
Math - "We do problems out of the book, and we do worksheets. Math is also one
of my better subjects and is easy for me."
47 - ~~th - ''We do exercises out of the book, do dittos and pages out of our math
workbooks. We also play "Multiplication Bingo." It's easy."
48 - Math - ''We do problems out of the book and play math games. It's easy."
Science - We do experiments and talk about what we did. We also read to ourselves out of the book and have quizms on what we read. It is easy."
49 - Reading - ''We read the stories out of our reading books to ourselves, and then
we read them aloud in our group. I enjoy the stories. We also do worksheets and
vocabulary. We have tests on the definitions of the vocabulary words. It's easy
except for the vocabulary work."
Math - First we grade each other's papers from the day before. Then the teacher
assigns three pages to do until the math hour is over. If we don't finish, then
we have to take our work home. Sometimes we play games. I'm pretty good at math!
but sometimes I have to work at it."
50 - Spelling - '~~e write each word off our list five times. On Fridays we have tests
over the list words. Sometimes we do the exercises in the spelling book. Spelling
comes easy to me. 'II
51 - Math - We do problems off the board from our books and on worksheets.
it's easy, and sometimes it's not."
Spelling - ''lie do the units in our spelling books. It's easy." .
52 - Math - "We do a worksheet and then a page out of our math books. It's easy."
English - 1I'l'he teacher explains what we are to do and then we do a page in the
book. It's easy."
53 - Math - "We do worksheets, problems out of the book and we play some math games.
It's easy."
Spelling - I~e do pages out of the workbook, have spelling bees, take tests over
the list words fr'om the book and have review tests. It's easy."
54 - Math - ''We do problems out of the book and on worksheets. It's easy. If
What types of activities do the children I interviewed enjoy participating in
in the classroom?
1 - "participates in all activities though she is not very outspoken in class."
2 - "participates in reading, phOnics, and math. Sometimes she isn't sure of doing
the problems right."
3 - "is anxious to participate and participates in just about everything."
4 - "participates in just about everything, enjoys putting puzzles together, reading
in the reading hut, and discussions. 1I
5 - "loves to read, has beautiful. handwriting, and does well in math and phonics. II
6 7 8 and
"enjoys everything."
"participates well in all the activities."
"likes to read in the reading hut, play with the clay, put puzzles together,
always gets his seat work done fast so he can do these extra things."
9 - generally participates in everything but especially enjoys participating in
science. We have done work in science about gravity and the skeleton which he has
10 - ''likes to play the games and reads quite a bit in her spare time. fI
11 - "enjoys math contests and likes to pat'ticipate in reading. She likes anything
tha t is challenging."
12 - Ifdoes participate but is not over exuberant about participating. She enjoys
artistic things."
13 - "usually sits back and quietly watches everything that is going on. ft
14 - "enjoys playing games, the interest centers, free reading, and is an active
participant in spelling and reading lessons."
15 - "enjoys the games and occasionally will read a book."
16 - "is an active participant in reading lessons. 1I
17 - "loves to talk and contributes a lot of nice things to class discussions. He
has a very wide vocabulary and usually catches things which goes over the rest of the
class. He enjoys oral reading, but is not too keen on seat work. tI
18 - "loves to help me and is very good at cleaning up the room."
19 - "likes to read."
20 - "likes to read. She tries to act as if she dislikes school, but I feel she
likes school but just won't admit it."
-2121 - "likes group activities.
other activities,"
She H.kes to be the leader.
She participat.es in all
22 - "is very shy, but will participate in whatever she is asked to do. If
23 - "participatEls well in math t and reading."
24 - "is very shy and rat.her not participate in games. 11
25 - "plrticipates in everything."
26 - "does not participate in anything."
27 - "very rarely participates.
I have a hard time getting him to complete his
28 - "enjoys participating in spelling bees and math lessons."
29 - "is very social and enjoys doing activities w:i.th other kids.
outside at recess.
She is very active
She also enjoys extra credit things like extra credit reports."
30 - "likes to help check papers and work in the library."
31 - "likes to help check papers and do odd jobs."
32 - "participates in everything."
33 - "enjoys extra curricular activities like plays and extra reports. He enjoys
looking up infornmtion in the encyclopedias and participates well in math."
34 - "isn't very active.
He is taking part in a play which surprised me."
35 - "does not participate well in anything. II
36 - -has a hard time with his school work and because of this :i.s not able to participate
well. He likes to play soccer at recess and enjoys spelling bees. fI
37 - "does not complain about anything.
She enjoys spelling bees and map work."
38 - "participates well in everything."
39 - "participates in just about everything."
40 - "likes to wc,rk in groups and. is a willing helper."
41 - "enjoys wri t.ing stories."
42 - "is very enthusiastic about all activities especially games,"
43 - "is not into school and is more capable of doing the work t.hen he does.
care about school but enjoys activities that stray from the routine."
He doesn't.
44 - flparticipates well in everything,"
45 - "enjoys group activities.
He is a good follower and a good worker,"
46 - "is not very outward and does not participate in many activities."
47 - "enjoys helping.fI
48 - "enjoys anything she can get involved in.
things like diaramas."
She likes spelling bees and making
49 - "She en,joys music and singing."
50 - "He participates well in reading, likes discussion and. is well read."
51 - lIenjoys spelling bees, oral activities.
as his participation level."
His intelligence level is not as high
52 - "is really active in all class activities,lI
-2253 - "likes participating in math lessons am discussions."
54 - "is quiet ill class. He enjoys gym and likes to work with the autistic children."
Do you receive much homework in your favorite subject or subjects?
First Grade
1 - "No"
2 - "Not much"
3 - "Sometimes"
4 - "No"
5 - "Yes, but I don't spem much time
on it at night. "
7 - "No, not very much"
8 - "I never get homework."
9 - "I take my reader home once in awhile
to read. 1I
Second Grade
14 - "I never take math home."
- "I only had to take one paper home
15 - "No"
far this year. 1I
16 - IINo"
- "No"
17 - "No, only once in awhile"
- "No, I never take homework home
18 - "No"
ma t.h and phonics."
10 - "Noll
Third Grade
19 - "I don 't usually take my math home,
and I never have homework in reading."
20 - "I don't have very much homework
in spelling, but I spend about 45
minutes a night on math."
21 - "Sometimes I get homework in math.
When I do, I spend about 20 minutes
on it."
24 - "No"
25 - "I don't take my math home very much
just sometimes."
26 - "No, not very often, just sometimes."
27 - "Yes I take my math home two days a we.ek
and work on it an hour each time."
22 - "I take my spelling home when I
don't get it done. When I take it home I
spend about 15 minutes on it."
23 - "Sometimes I get homework in math.
We're not allowed to take our spelling
Fourth Grade
28 - "I never re:ceive homework in
32 - "In math I do. I work on it about two
spelling, and I don't get homework
and a half hours at a time. In reading I
in reading and math very often."
don't receive much homework."
29 - ''l.<le can't take our reading home.
33 - "Most of the time I get my math done in
I don't receive much homework in math.
class. I take it home about once or twice a
I just take it home three or four days
week and spend about twenty minutes doing a
a week and work on it for 20 minutes
page. I don't receive much homework in
each time."
science. "
-2330 - "Not really.. In math I take home
a worksheet or my book to do a page every
couple nights. l/~e have to stay after
school am finish our spelling if it's
not done. If our teacher has a meeting
then we take it home. I take spelling
home every once in awhile."
39 - "I don't
35 - "No"
Fifth Grade
42 - "No"
43 - "Yes t I take homework home in math often
homework all the
time in reading. I take it home about
one or two days a week am work on it
for a half hour s,t a time. In writing
I don' t receive 1U1lch homework. fI
40 - "I take my math home two or three
days a week am work on it an hour each
time. I never take my English home."
and work
We don't
but I do
and work
on it for a half hour each time.
have English that often in class
take English home three times a week
on it one-half hour at a time."
L!4 - "No t I take home spelling every other
day and work on it for twenty minutes each
time. I take English home twice a week and
work on it one-half hour each time. 1I
45 - IINot very much.
I take math home one
or two times a week and spend 25 minutes
working on it each time. It
41 - "No"
46 - "Yes"
I take reading
home four times a week and work on it for
two hours at, a time. In math I receive a
lot of homework. I take my math home everyday and work on it one hour at a time."
36 - "Not much homeworklf
31 - "No never"
37 - "Not very much"
38 - "No"
34 - "Sometimes in reading.
Sixth Grade
50 - "No, never receive homework in spellin«_"
47 - "Not unless I've been absent. I
take math home t1it10 or three times a
week and spend o:ne-half to one hour
working on it."
51 - uIn math I do, but not in spelling"
48 - "Not very much. I don't take
hardly any homework home in science,
and I take math home every couple days and
spend one-half h,our each time on it. f!
53 - "Not much. I take math home twice a
week spending one-half hour on it each time."
49 - No t but I do take vocabulary words
home three times a week to study for
tests spending one-half hour to one
hour studying ea,~h time."
52 - "Not in English. I take math home twice
a week and spend ten minutes on it each tine."
54 - "I get just a little bit of homework
in math.
a week."
I take it home two or three days
What subject or subjects in school do you dislike?
First Grade
6 - "Math"
1 - "Ma. th "
7 - "Science"
2 - "Can't think of
8 - "I like everything."
3 - "Reading"
4 - ''Writing''
9 - "Spelling"
5 - "I like everything."
Third Grade
24 - "Music"
19 - "English
20 - "English"
25 - "Spelling"
21 - "Health and
26 - "Englis h"
Social Studies"
27 - "Spelling"
22 - "Social Studies
and English"
10 - "English"
Second Grade
14 - "Health"
11 - "Cutting and
pasting and phonics"
12 - "Ma.th "
13 - "English"
15 - "I like everything."
16 - "English"
17 - "Math"
18 - "Art"
23 - "English"
37 - "Math"
38 - "Social Studies
and Math"
39 - "None"
40- "None"
41 - "English and
Social Studies"
42 - "Science and
43 - "Spelling"
44- "Math"
45 - "English"
Fourth Grade
28 - "None"
32 - "Science and
29 - "Social Studies"
33 - "Social Studies
30 - "Social Studies, and Spelling"
Science and Reading"
34 - "English"
31 -"English"
35 - "I dislike all
the subjects especia~
Math and Spelling."
Sixth Grade
46 - "Social Studies
50 - "Art"
arrl Health"
51 - "Social Studies
47 - "Social Studies
and English"
and Health"
52 - "Reading"
48 - "Social Studies"
53 - "Social Studies
49 - "English"
and English"
54 - "Social Studies"
What subjects do you think the students I interviewed dislike?
1 - "None, but fi.nds Math
2 - "Finds Math hard"
3 -"None"
4 - "Phonics"
7 - "None"
10 - "Phonics"
13 - "None"
16 - "Writing"
5 - "None"
8 - "Phonics"
11 - "None"
14 - "Health"
17 - "Varies from day to
6 - "Math"
9 - "None"
12 - "None"
15 - "Reading"
18 - "Reading"
19 - "Writing stories"
20 - "Social Studies and
23 - "Composition"
21 - "Social Studies"
26 - "Composition"
29 - "Math"
27 - "l-fa.th "
30 - "Reading"
22 - "Math, Writing,
and Spelling"
25 - "Dictionary work"
28 - "None"
24 - "Anything written"
-2531 - "None"
32 - ''Has trouble with
33 - "Language Arts especially
34 - "English"
35 - "dislikes everything tl
36 - IISpe11ing"
38 - "Spellingll
39 - "Don't know"
40 - ''Don't know"
41 - "Social Studies and
giving oral reports If
42 - "Maybe Math ll
43 - "Social Studies"
44 - "Social Studies"
45 - "Shows no dislike"
46 - "Social Studies"
47 - "Science"
48 - ''Language Arts especially
Reading and. English"
49 - "Social Studies"
50 - "Art"
52 - "Social Studies"
53 - "Spelling"
51 - ItSocial Studies, Health
am English"
54 - "Music"
(6) What types of things do you do in your class during the time that is allowed
for the subject or subjects you dislike? Does the subject or subjects you dislike
come easy to you or do you have to work at it?
1 - Math - "We do work out of the math book, off the board, and on worksheets.
3 - Reading - f~e read from our readers out loud, do worksheets and pages in the workbook. Sometimes the words are hard, but usually reading is easy."
4 - Writing - "The teacher tells us what to write and we write it.
6 - Math - ''We do problems out of the book and worksheets.
It's hard."
It's hard."
7 - Science - "The teacher tells us about stuff, and then we have worksheets over what
she talked about. It's easy but it takes too long and I get bored sometimes."
9 - Spelling - ''We write sentences.
We don't have a regular spelling book. We made
our own books by putting together papers that we write sentences on. It's easy,but
it takes too much time and we just have a little while to do it."
10 - English - '~he teacher puts sentences on the board and we fill in the capitals,
periods, am question marks. We have two English books which we sometimes do exercises
out of. It's easy, but it's also boring."
11 - Phonics - ''We're working on vowels. The teacher goes over them with us and asks
us questions about vowels. It's easy. but it takes too long. fI
12 - Math - "We do problems out of the book, worksheets and play games.
at it."
I have to work
13 - English - 'We don't have English that often. When we do have it we do exercises
out of our English, books. If we aren't done with our English when time for English is
over we still have to finish it. We can take it home to finish. It's easy."
14 - Health - ''We have to read out of our books out loud and do the pages with questions.
We also have to make drawings. It's boring, and I have to work at it."
16 - English - ''We do worksheets, and read out of our book. I have to work at it."
17 - Math - "We do problems out of the book, work on dittos and play math games.
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard. I don't have enough fingers to use in
counting. The counters we have in our room take too long to count out."
-2618 - Art - "We make things.
at it."
We make drawings and paste am glue.
19 - English - "We do exercises out of the book on capitalization.
work em a page. Sometimes it's easy,am sometimes it's hard."
I have to work
There is too much
20 - English - llVle read five or six pages to ourselves am then answer questions the
teacher asks us. It's hard."
21 - Health - "WEl read from our health book out loud and to ourselves. We copy
sentences from Ollr book and tell whether they are right or wrong. Sometimes I have
to work at it."
Social Stud~Les - ''We're studying about Indians right now. We read out of the
book and then arulwer the questions in the book. Sometimes I have to work at it,
sometimes I don'1~"
22 - Social Studies - ''We read out of the book and then answer questions in the book
or off the board. I have to work at it. ff
English - Wo're working on punct,uation. We do exercises out of the book and
worksheets. It' 5 easy. ff
23 - English - '~we do exercises out of the book or copy sentences off the board and
correct them. I have to work at it. IT
24 - Music - ''We sing.
I can sing but I don't like to.1f
25 - Spelling - ''We copy things out of the book and take tests over the words. It's
easy. but it's too much writing. II
26 - English - 'ttfe rewrite sentences change questions to answers and answers to questions.
We read out of our English book am then close our books. Our teacher then asks us
questions. I ha1,e to work at it. It's hard."
27 - Spelling - "We have a spelling book which we do pages out of. We take spelling
tests. It's easy, but we have to write in cursive which I don't like."
29 - Social Studies - l'We read out of the social studies book then talk about it and
answer questions in the"Quest.ion Box." I get bored with it."
30 - Social Studies - ''We read aloud from the book.
If someone makes a mistake everyone laughs. It's boring stuff to read. After we get done reading we have to answer
the questions in the book. Sometimes the answers are easy to find. Sometimes they
are hard to find."
Science - ''l-le work in groups on projects. I always have to wait around for the
slow people in ~r group to finish. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's hard,and I
have to work at li."
Reading - We get too much work. We have to do five workbook pages plus four
worksheets each~iay. All reading work has to be done during reading period or after
regular class."
31 - English - '''ll'le do exercises out of the book. We have to say which problems are
questions and which are statements and we have exercises on nouns. Sometimes it's hard,
and I can't understand it, so I ask the teacher or someone in the class to help me."
32 - Science - ''\fe read aloud out of the book, study, and take tests over definitions
of words. We don't do experiments. It's hard. II
Social Studies - "It's the same as science. Sometimes we read to ourselves am
answer questions .. It's hard."
33 - Social Studies - ''We read aloud for practically one-half hour then answer the
questions in the "Question Boxes. II It's not hard, but it's bori~.11
Spelling - tlWe have to put our spelling words in aphabetica order, do work in the
spelling book, play spelling games, am have tests. Sometimes I have to work at it.1I
-2734 - English - ''VIe do exercises out of the book. I have to work at it."
35 - Math - ''We do problems out of our math book and worksheets. It's hard."
Spelling - IIWe have a hundred word spelling test plus we work out of our spelling
book and take tests on words out of the book. I have to work at it."
36 - Spelling - "We work in the book and take tests. I'm not very good in spelling."
37 - Math - ''We do worksheets. Sometimes I have to work at it, sometimes it's easy."
38 - Social Stud:1.es - ''We have to read the chapters, answer questions the teacher
makes up, and wr:1.te reports. It's not easy, and it's not hard. It is hard to remember
dates for the tests."
Math - "We have to do real long division problems which are very complicated and
I mess up and have to erase. We also play math games. It's sometimes eas~and sometimes
41 - English - 'We work out of the English book learning to write sentences. It comes
42 - Science - "We read mostly, draw diagrams, and write sentences. I get mixed up
because we talk a,bout one thing then jump to another. I have to work at it."
English - "l-le write sentences. I have to work at it. I don't like writing
sentences or drawing diagrams.
43 - Spelling - ''We work out of spelling books and take tests. I have to work at it."
44 - ~ath - ''We do worksheets, pages out of the book, and play math games. I have to
work at it."
45 - English- "We answer questions out of the English book. It's hard."
46 - Social Studies - ''We read out of our books and then have a quiz. It's hard."
Health - IIWe read out of our books, learn vocabulary words and discuss the reading.
Then we take tests. It's hard."
47 - Social Studies - ''We read a chapt,er from the book. Sometimes we read to ourselves
first and then we read it out loud. The teacher ask questions out loud and we discuss
them. We then ha"V'e a quiz and a test. It's hard. 11
Health - "We read, do experiments and have quizzes. It's easier than social
studies,but I still have to work at it a little."
48 - Social Studi'9s - ''We read out of our book and have a test or quiz over our reading.
I have to work at it.1I
49 - English - ''We write stories, do pages out the book, and write letters to pen pals.
The only thing I really dislike about English is rewriting stories. I don't have to
work at it. II
50 - Art - "We draw. I don't like drawing. I'm not good at it."
51 - Social Studies - ''We read a chapter out of the book to ourselves and read maps.
I have to work at it."
English - IIWe work on a page in our English book and check it the next day. It's
not hard am not E,asy. 'I
52 - Reading - "Wo do vocabulary words and read stories. I d:1.slike working on vocabulary
words and writing essays. It's h!.!:s!.1f
53 - Social StudiElS - IIWe have to do a report on a country in Europe. We studied about
Englarrl and now wEI're studying about France. We read out of the social studies book and
take the tests in the book. I have to work at it."
English - ''We do exercises out of the English book. and we do worksheets. It's
a little hard."
54 - Social Studies - "We read to ourselves out of the social studies book and
answer questions. Now we are working in a map book. It's easy, but it's not
Do you receive much homework in the subject or subjects you dislike?
First Grade
1 - "Yes lt
6 - "No, I never do."
3 - "Yes, every day I get homework
in reaiing. t!
7 - "No"
9 - "No"
4 - "No"
Second Grade
10 - "No"
11 - "I very rarely take homework home.
I always get it done in school."
14 - "No"
16 - "Not!
17 - "No, not any"
12 - "Noll
18 - "No"
13 - IINo, I never do. 1t
19 - "No, I never have any."
20 - "Noll
Third Grade
24 - "I've only had one worksheet in music
to take home."
21 - "Not much"
25 - "Yes, I take my spelling home once a
week and work on it for one-half hour."
22 - fiNo, I've nHver taken my English
26 - "No we don't have English that much."
23 - "Yes, I take English home twice
a week and work on it one-half to one
hour at a time as soon as I get home."
29 - "We always have enough time in
class to finish."
30 - "No"
27 - "No, I never do."
Fourth Grade
32 - "No, hardly any in science, but I get
a lot in social studies sometimes. I take
home questions in social studies to answer. II
31 - "Sometimes, but no a lot. I get
English homework one or two times a
week am. spend all hour at a time on it."
33 - '~e have plenty of time in class to do
34 - "Yes, I take English home three days a
week and work on it an hour at a time."
35 -"No, I take home my math once a week and
work on it ten to fifteen minutes, and I
take my spelling home once a week and work
on it for one-half hour."
-29Fifth Grade
42 - "No"
thirty minutes a night."
43 - "Yes, I take spelling home four times
38 - "I take soc1.al studies home two
a week and work on it 15 minutes each time."
days a week to read and answer questions.
44- "Yes, almost everyday"
I spend one-half hour at a time on it. I
take my math home two days a week and work 45 - "No, I take English home three or
on it one-half hClur each time."
four times a week and work on it for a half
hour at a time."
41 - "No"
Y1 - "Yes, I work: on math fifteen to
46 - "No"
Sixth Grade
47 - "I take my social studies home to
study for tests. I study for a test
about one to one and a half hours. In
health I don't take much homework home."
48 - "I take my social studies home to
study for tests. I study one to two
49 - "No, sometimes I take home story
rewrites, but not of ten. I!
50 - "No"
51 - "No"
52 - "Yes, I work on reading a half hour
every night."
53 - In social studies I don't get much.
I get reading three times a week. I spend
a half hour each time on it. In English I
sort of get a lot of homework. I spend 45
minutes a couple nights a week on it."