The Underlying Event in Hard Scattering Processes Outgoing Parton The Underlying Event: beam-beam remnants initial-state radiation multiple-parton interactions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Underlying Event ! The underlying event in a hard scattering process is a complicated and not very well understood object. It is an interesting region since it probes the interface between perturbative and non-perturbative physics. ! It is important to model this region well since it is an unavoidable background to all collider observables. ! I will report on two CDF analyses which quantitatively study the underlying event and compare with the QCD Monte-Carlo models. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 AntiProton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton Final-State Radiation CDF QFL+Cones Valeria Tano Eve Kovacs Joey Huston Anwar Bhatti Rick Field - Florida/CDF CDF WYSIWYG+∆φ ∆φ Rick Field David Stuart Rich Haas Ph.D. Thesis Page 1 WYSIWYG: Comparing Data with QCD Monte-Carlo Models Charged Particle Data Select “clean” region ! ! ! ! WYSIWYG What you see is what you get. Almost! Look only at the charged particles measured by the CTC. Zero or one vertex |zc-zv| < 2 cm, |CTC d0| < 1 cm Require PT > 0.5 GeV, |η η| < 1 Assume a uniform track finding efficiency of 92% ! Errors include both statistical and correlated systematic uncertainties Make efficiency corrections η| < 1 ! Require PT > 0.5 GeV, |η ! Make an 8% correction for the compare Uncorrected data Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 QCD Monte-Carlo track finding efficiency ! Errors (statistical plus systematic) of around 5% Corrected theory Rick Field - Florida/CDF Small Corrections! Page 2 Charged Particle ∆φ Correlations Charged Jet #1 Direction 2π π Away Region “Toward-Side” Jet ∆φ “Toward” Charged Jet #1 Direction ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Transverse Region φ Leading Jet Toward Region “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Transverse Region “Away” Away Region 0 -1 “Away-Side” Jet η +1 ! Look at charged particle correlations in the azimuthal angle ∆φ relative to the leading charged ! ! particle jet. o o o o Define |∆φ ∆φ| ∆φ| ∆φ| ∆φ < 60 as “Toward”, 60 < |∆φ ∆φ < 120 as “Transverse”, and |∆φ ∆φ > 120 as “Away”. o All three regions have the same size in η-φ φ space, ∆ηx∆φ π/3. ∆η ∆φ = 2x120 = 4π Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 3 Charged Multiplicity versus PT(chgjet#1) Charged Jet #1 Direction ∆φ “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” 12 CDF Preliminary <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin “Toward” Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) "Toward" data uncorrected 10 8 "Away" 6 4 "Transverse" 2 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 Underlying Event “plateau” 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) o), “transverse” (60<|∆φ o), and “away” ∆φ|<60 ∆φ|<120 ! Data on the average number of “toward” (|∆φ ∆φ ∆φ o) charged particles (P > 0.5 GeV, |η (|∆φ ∆φ|>120 η| < 1, including jet#1) as a function of the transverse ∆φ T momentum of the leading charged particle jet. Each point corresponds to the <Nchg> in a 1 GeV bin. The solid (open) points are the Min-Bias (JET20) data. The errors on the (uncorrected) data include both statistical and correlated systematic uncertainties. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 4 Shape of an Average Event with PT(chgjet#1) = 20 GeV/c Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) Includes Jet#1 12 <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin CDF Preliminary "Toward" data uncorrected 10 Underlying event “plateau” 8 "Away" 6 4 "Transverse" Remember |η η| < 1 PT > 0.5 GeV 2 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Shape in Nchg <Nchg> = 1.2 <Nchg> = 4.5 <Nchg> = 8.2 PT(charged jet#1) = 20 GeV <Nchg> = 1.2 Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 5 “Height” of the Underlying Event “Plateau” <Nchg> = 1.2 <Nchg> = 4.5 <Nchg> = 8.2 PT(jet#1) = 20 GeV <Nchg> = 1.2 Implies 1.09*3(2.4)/2 = 3.9 charged particles per unit η with PT > 0.5 GeV. Charged Particle Pseudo-Rapidity Distribution dNchg/dη 10 Hard 8 6 Soft 4 per unit η 4 2 1.8 TeV Proton-Antiproton Collisions 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudo-Rapidity Herwig "Soft" MB Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Isajet "Soft" MB MBR CDF DATA Rick Field - Florida/CDF 10 Implies 2.3*3.9 = 9 charged particles per unit η with PT > 0 GeV which is a factor of 2 larger than “soft” collisions. Page 6 “Transverse” Nchg versus PT(chgjet#1) Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Herwig 5.9 "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ Isajet 7.32 "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 5 CDF Preliminary 4 data uncorrected theory corrected 3 2 Pythia 6.115 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Herwig Isajet Pythia 6.115 CDF Min-Bias CDF JET20 ! Plot shows the “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the the QCD hard scattering predictions of Herwig 5.9, Isajet 7.32, and Pythia 6.115 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c). η| < 1 and PT > 0.5 GeV are included and the QCD Monte! Only charged particles with |η Carlo predictions have been corrected for efficiency. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 7 “Transverse” PTsum versus PT(chgjet#1) Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” 5 <Ptsum> (GeV/c) in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ Isajet 7.32 "Transverse" PTsum versus PT(charged jet#1) CDF Preliminary 4 data uncorrected theory corrected 3 2 Pythia 6.115 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 Herwig 5.9 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Herwig Isajet Pythia 6.115 CDF Min-Bias CDF JET20 ! Plot shows the “Transverse” <PTsum> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the the QCD hard scattering predictions of Herwig 5.9, Isajet 7.32, and Pythia 6.115 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c). η| < 1 and PT > 0.5 GeV are included and the QCD Monte! Only charged particles with |η Carlo predictions have been corrected for efficiency. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 8 The Underlying Event: DiJet vs Z-Jet Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward-Side” Jet Charged Jet #1 or Z-Boson Direction ∆φ Z-Boson Direction ∆φ “Toward” ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Away” “Away-Side” Jet “Away” PT > 0.5 GeV |η| < 1 “Away-Side” Jet ! Look at charged particle correlations in the azimuthal angle ∆φ relative to the leading charged ! ! particle jet or the Z-boson. o o o o Define |∆φ ∆φ| ∆φ| ∆φ| ∆φ < 60 as “Toward”, 60 < |∆φ ∆φ < 120 as “Transverse”, and |∆φ ∆φ > 120 as “Away”. o All three regions have the same size in η-φ φ space, ∆ηx∆φ π/3. ∆η ∆φ = 2x120 = 4π Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 9 Z-boson: Charged Multiplicity versus PT(Z) Z-boson Direction 10 "Away" ∆φ CDF Preliminary data uncorrected 8 “Toward” “Transverse” Nchg versus PT(Z-boson) <Nchg> “Transverse” 6 4 2 "Toward" “Away” "Transverse" 1.8 TeV |eta|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PT(Z-boson) (GeV) o), “transverse” (60<|∆φ o), and ∆φ|<60 ∆φ|<120 ! Z-boson data on the average number of “toward” (|∆φ ∆φ ∆φ o) charged particles (P > 0.5 GeV, |η “away” (|∆φ ∆φ|>120 η| < 1, excluding decay products of the Z∆φ T boson) as a function of the transverse momentum of the Z-boson. The errors on the (uncorrected) data include both statistical and correlated systematic uncertainties. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 10 DiJet vs Z-Jet “Transverse” Nchg Charged Jet #1 or Z-boson Direction ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” "Transverse" Nchg vs PT(charged jet#1 or Z-boson) <Nchg> PYTHIA 5 CDF Preliminary data uncorrected data corrected 4 3 2 1 “Away” DiJet 1.8 TeV |eta|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0 0 Z-boson 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1 or Z-boson) (GeV) Pythia Z-jet Pythia DiJet CDF Z-boson CDF Min-Bias CDF JET20 ! Comparison of the dijet and the Z-boson data on the average number of charged particles (PT > 0.5 GeV, |η η| <1) for the “transverse” region. ! The plot shows the QCD Monte-Carlo predictions of PYTHIA 6.115 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c) for dijet (dashed) and “Z-jet” (solid) production. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 11 QFL: Comparing Data with QCD Monte-Carlo Models Charged Particle And Calorimeter Data Select region QCD Look only at both the Monte-Carlo charged particles measured by the CTC and the calorimeter data. QFL Tano-Kovacs-Huston-Bhatti ! Calorimeter: tower threshold = 50 ! MeV, Etot < 1800 GeV, |η ηlj| < 0.7, |zvtx| < 60 cm, 1 and only 1 class 10, 11, or 12 vertex Tracks: |zc-zv| < 5 cm, |CTC d0| < 0.5 cm, PT > 0.4 GeV, |η η| < 1 compare η| < 1 ! Require PT > 0.4 GeV, |η ! Correct for track finding efficiency Uncorrected data Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 detector simulation Corrected theory Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 12 “Transverse” Cones 2π π Transverse Cone: π(0.7)2=0.49π π Away Region Transverse Region φ Leading Jet Toward Region Transverse Region: 2(π π/3)=0.66π π Tano-Kovacs-Huston-Bhatti Pt track in max and min cone Cone 1 pt tracks (GeV/c) 2π π 5 4.5 φ Leading Jet 4 3.5 Transverse Region CDF PRELIMINARY MAX Data MAX Herwig+QFL MIN Data MIN Herwig+QFL Cone 2 3 2.5 Away Region 0 0 -1 η +1 -1 η +1 2 ! Sum the PT of charged particles (or the energy)1.5 in two cones of radius 0.7 at the same η as the 1 leading jet but with |∆Φ ∆Φ| ∆Φ = 90o. 0.5 ! Plot the cone with the maximum and minimum PTsum versus the ET of the leading 0 (calorimeter) jet.. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF 50 100 150 200 250 300 Et of leading jet (GeV) Page 13 Transverse Region vs Transverse Cones Pt track in max and min cone pt tracks (GeV/c) Field-Stuart-Haas 5 <Ptsum> (GeV/c) in 1 GeV/c bin CDF PRELIMINARY MAX Data MAX Herwig+QFL MIN Data MIN Herwig+QFL 4.5 "Transverse" PTsum versus PT(charged jet#1) CDF Preliminary 4 5 data uncorrected theory corrected 4 3.5 3.4 GeV/c 3 2 3 2.5 1 2.1 GeV/c η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1.5 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Herwig Isajet Pythia 6.115 CDF Min-Bias 1 CDF JET20 0.4 GeV/c 0 < PT(chgjet#1) < 50 GeV/c ! Add max and min cone: 2.1 GeV/c + 0.4 GeV/c = 2.5 GeV/c. ! Multiply by ratio of the areas: (2.5 GeV/c)(1.36) = 3.4 GeV/c. ! The two analyses are consistent! Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Et of leading jet (GeV) 0 < ET(jet#1) < 50 GeV/c Tano-Kovacs-Huston-Bhatti Page 14 Max/Min Cones at 630 GeV/c MAX Data 2.5 CDF PRELIMINARY 5 CDF PRELIMINARY MAX Data MAX Herwig+QFL MIN Data MIN Herwig+QFL 4.5 MAX Herwig+QFL MIN Data 2 Pt track in max and min cone pt tracks (GeV/c) Pttrack(GeV) Pt track in max and min cone at 630 GeV MIN Herwig+QFL 4 3.5 3 1.5 2.5 2 1 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Et of leading Jet (GeV) ! HERWIG+QFL slightly lower at 1,800 GeV/c agrees at 630 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Et of leading jet (GeV) Tano-Kovacs-Huston-Bhatti Page 15 ISAJET: “Transverse” Nchg versus PT(chgjet#1) Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Beam-Beam Remnants "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ ISAJET "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 4 Isajet Total CDF Preliminary data uncorrected theory corrected 3 Initial-State Radiation 2 Initial-State Radiation 1 Beam-Beam Remnants η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η Outgoing Jets + Final-State Radiation Outgoing Jets 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows the “transverse” <Nchg> vs PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of ISAJET 7.32 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c) . ! The predictions of ISAJET are divided into three categories: charged particles that arise from the break-up of the beam and target (beam-beam remnants), charged particles that arise from initial-state radiation, and charged particles that result from the outgoing jets plus final-state radiation. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 16 PYTHIA: “Transverse” Nchg versus PT(chgjet#1) Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Beam-Beam Remnants "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ PYTHIA "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 4 CDF Preliminary Pythia 6.115 Total data uncorrected theory corrected 3 2 Beam-Beam Remnants 1 Outgoing Jets + Initial & Final-State Radiation η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Outgoing Jets plus Initial & Final-State Radiation ! Plot shows the “transverse” <Nchg> vs PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA 6.115 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c). ! The predictions of PYTHIA are divided into two categories: charged particles that arise from the break-up of the beam and target (beam-beam remnants); and charged particles that arise from the outgoing jet plus initial and final-state radiation (hard scattering component). Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 17 Hard Scattering Component: “Transverse” Nchg vs PT(chgjet#1) ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” ISAJET "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin Charged Jet #1 Direction 3 Outgoing Jets + Initial & Final-State Radiation PYTHIA Isajet theory corrected 2 Pythia 6.115 1 HERWIG Herwig η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! QCD hard scattering predictions of HERWIG 5.9, ISAJET 7.32, and PYTHIA 6.115. ! Plot shows the dijet “transverse” <Nchg> vs PT(chgjet#1) arising from the outgoing jets plus initial and finial-state radiation (hard scattering component). ! HERWIG and PYTHIA modify the leading-log picture to include “color coherence effects” which leads to “angle ordering” within the parton shower. Angle ordering produces less high PT radiation within a parton shower. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 18 PYTHIA: Multiple Parton Interactions Multiple Parton Interactions Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Parameter Underlying Event Value Outgoing Parton MSTP(81) MSTP(82) Pythia uses multiple parton interactions to enhace the underlying event. Description 0 Multiple-Parton Scattering off 1 Multiple-Parton Scattering on 1 Multiple interactions assuming the same probability, with an abrupt cut-off PTmin=PARP(81) 3 Multiple interactions assuming a varying impact parameter and a hadronic matter overlap consistent with a single Gaussian matter distribution, with a smooth turnoff PT0=PARP(82) 4 Multiple interactions assuming a varying impact parameter and a hadronic matter overlap consistent with a double Gaussian matter distribution (governed by PARP(83) and PARP(84)), with a smooth turn-off PT0=PARP(82) Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF and new HERWIG! Multiple parton interaction more likely in a hard (central) collision! Hard Core Page 19 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Parameter MSTP(81) MSTP(82) PARP(81) PARP(82) 6.115 6.125 1 1 1 1 1.4 GeV/c 1.9 GeV/c 1.55 GeV/c 2.1 GeV/c "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin PYTHIA default parameters "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 5 6.115 CDF Preliminary data uncorrected theory corrected 4 3 2 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) No multiple scattering Pythia 6.115 Pythia 6.125 Pythia No MS CDF Min-Bias 45 6.125 50 CDF JET20 ! Plot shows “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 3 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: GRV94L, MSTP(82)=1, PTmin=PARP(81)=1.4 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.125: GRV94L, MSTP(82)=1, PTmin=PARP(81)=1.9 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: GRV94L, MSTP(81)=0, no multiple parton interactions. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Constant Probability Scattering Page 20 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Charged Jet #1 Direction "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) ∆φ “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Note: Multiple parton interactions depend sensitively on the PDF’s! "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin “Toward” 5 CDF Preliminary 4 GRV94L MSTP(82)=1 PARP(81) = 1.4 GeV/c data uncorrected theory corrected CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=1 PARP(81) = 0.9 GeV/c 3 2 1 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=1 PARP(81) = 1.4 GeV/c η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 0 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: GRV94L, MSTP(82)=1, PTmin=PARP(81)=1.4 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=1, PTmin =PARP(81)=1.4 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=1, PTmin =PARP(81)=0.9 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Constant Probability Scattering Page 21 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Note: Multiple parton interactions depend sensitively on the PDF’s! "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 5 GRV94L MSTP(82)=3 PARP(82) = 1.55 GeV/c CDF Preliminary data uncorrected theory corrected 4 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=3 PARP(82) = 1.35 GeV/c 3 2 1 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=3 PARP(82) = 1.55 GeV/c η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 0 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: GRV94L, MSTP(82)=3, PT0=PARP(82)=1.55 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=3, PT0=PARP(82)=1.55 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=3, PT0=PARP(82)=1.35 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Varying Impact Parameter Page 22 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Note: Multiple parton interactions depend sensitively on the PDF’s! "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 6 CDF Preliminary 5 data uncorrected theory corrected CTEQ4L MSTP(82)=4 PARP(82) = 1.55 GeV/c 4 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=4 PARP(82) = 1.55 GeV/c CTEQ4L MSTP(82)=4 PARP(82) = 2.4 GeV/c 3 2 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 0 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ4L, MSTP(82)=4, PT0=PARP(82)=1.55 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=4, PT0=PARP(82)=1.55 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ4L, MSTP(82)=4, PT0=PARP(82)=2.4 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Varying Impact Parameter Hard Core Page 23 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Charged Jet #1 Direction “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Describes correctly the rise from soft-collisions to hard-collisions! "Transverse" <Nchg> in 1 GeV/c bin ∆φ "Transverse" Nchg versus PT(charged jet#1) 5 CDF Preliminary 4 data uncorrected theory corrected CTEQ4L MSTP(82)=4 PARP(82) = 2.4 GeV/c 3 2 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=3 PARP(82) = 1.35 GeV/c 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows “Transverse” <Nchg> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 0 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=3, PT0=PARP(82)=1.35 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ4L, MSTP(82)=4, PT0=PARP(82)=2.4 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Varying Impact Parameter Page 24 PYTHIA Multiple Parton Interactions Charged Jet #1 Direction "Transverse" PTsum versus PT(charged jet#1) ∆φ “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Describes correctly the rise from soft-collisions to hard-collisions! <PTsum> (GeV/c) in 1 GeV/c bin “Toward” 5 CDF Preliminary 4 CTEQ4L MSTP(82)=4 PARP(82) = 2.4 GeV/c data uncorrected theory corrected 3 2 CTEQ3L MSTP(82)=3 PARP(82) = 1.35 GeV/c 1 η|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 1.8 TeV |η 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) ! Plot shows “Transverse” <PTsum> versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA with PT(hard) > 0 GeV. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ3L, MSTP(82)=3, PT0=PARP(82)=1.35 GeV/c. ! PYTHIA 6.115: CTEQ4L, MSTP(82)=4, PT0=PARP(82)=2.4 GeV/c. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Varying Impact Parameter Page 25 The Underlying Event: Summary & Conclusions Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event The “Underlying Event” Final-State Radiation ! The underlying event is very similar in dijet and the Z-boson production as predicted by Outgoing Parton ! ! ! ! the QCD Monte-Carlo models. The number of charged particles per unit rapidity (height of the “plateau”) is at least twice that observed in “soft” collisions at the same corresponding energy. ISAJET (with independent fragmentation) produces too many (soft) particles in the underlying event with the wrong dependence on PT(jet#1) or PT(Z). HERWIG and PYTHIA modify the leading-log picture to include “color coherence effects” which leads to “angle ordering” within the parton shower and do a better job describing the underlying event. HERWIG 5.9 does not have enough activity in the underlying event. PYTHIA (with multiple parton interactions) does the best job in describing the underlying event. Combining the two CDF analyses gives a quantitative study of the underlying event from very soft collisions to very hard collisions. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 26 Multiple Parton Interactions: Summary & Conclusions Multiple Parton Interactions Proton AntiProton Hard Core Hard Core ! The increased activity in the underlying event in a hard scattering over a soft collision cannot be explained by initial-state radiation. ! Multiple parton interactions gives a natural way of explaining the increased activity in the underlying event in a hard scattering. A hard scattering is more likely to occur when the hard cores overlap and this is also when the probability of a multiple parton interaction is greatest. For a soft grazing collision the probability of a multiple parton interaction is small. Slow! ! PYTHIA (with varying impact parameter) describes the data very nicely! I need to check out the new version of HERWIG. ! Multiple parton interactions are very sensitive to the parton structure functions. You must first decide on a particular PDF and then tune the multiple parton interactions to fit the data. Run 2 Monte-Carlo Workshop April 20, 2001 Rick Field - Florida/CDF Page 27