C2CR07 Rick Field University of Florida (for the CDF Collaboration) Min-Bias at the Tevatron Outline of Talk ¨ What is Min-Bias? Does it really exist? ¨ “Jets” in Min-Bias Collisions. Clear Jet CDF Run 2 structure as low as 1 GeV/c! ¨ Extrapolating Tevatron Min-Bias to the LHC. “Minumum Bias” Collisions Proton AntiProton ¨ Using Pile-Up collisions to Study Min-Bias. Is Pile-Up Unbiased? C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 1 Proton-AntiProton Collisions at the Tevatron Elastic Scattering Single Diffraction Double Diffraction M M2 M1 σtot = σEL + σSD +σDD +σHC 1.8 TeV: 78mb = 18mb + 9mb + (4-7)mb + (47-44)mb Hard Core The “hard core” component contains both “hard” and “soft” collisions. “Hard” Hard Core (hard scattering) Outgoing Parton “Soft” Hard Core (no hard scattering) Proton PT(hard) Proton AntiProton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 2 Proton-AntiProton Collisions at the Tevatron Elastic Scattering The CDF “Min-Bias” trigger picks up most of the “hard core” cross-section plus a Double Diffraction small amount of single & double diffraction. M2 M1 Single Diffraction M σtot = σEL + σSD +σDD +σHC 1.8 TeV: 78mb = 18mb + 9mb + (4-7)mb + (47-44)mb CDF “Min-Bias” trigger 1 charged particle in forward BBC AND 1 charged particle in backward BBC Hard Core The “hard core” component contains both “hard” and “soft” collisions. “Hard” Hard Core (hard scattering) Outgoing Parton “Soft” Hard Core (no hard scattering) Proton AntiProton Beam-Beam Counters 3.2 < |η| < 5.9 PT(hard) Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 3 No-Bias vs Min-Bias Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 5 No Trigger 900 GeV Generated pyDWT DD NoTtrig pyDW HC Mbtrig Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density pyDWT HC NoTrig 4 Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 5 pyDWT SD NoTrig 3 2 1 CDF Min-Bias Trigger 900 GeV Generated pyDW DD MBtrig 4 pyDW SD MBtrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) Charged Particles (all PT) 0 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 -4 PseudoRapidity η 4 4 6 8 Charged Particle Density: dN/dη pyDWT Sum MBtrig Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density pyDWT HC NoTrig 2 5 No Trigger 900 GeV Weighted pyDWT Sum NoTrig 0 PseudoRapidity η Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 5 -2 pyDWT DD NoTtrig pyDWT SD NoTrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) 0 CDF Min-Bias Trigger 900 GeV Weighted pyDWT HC MBtrig 4 pyDWT DD MBtrig pyDWT SD MBtrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 PseudoRapidity η C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 PseudoRapidity η Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 4 No-Bias vs Min-Bias Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 5 No Trigger 900 GeV Generated pyDWT DD NoTtrig pyDW HC Mbtrig Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density pyDWT HC NoTrig 4 Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 5 pyDWT SD NoTrig 3 2 1 CDF Min-Bias Trigger 900 GeV Generated pyDW DD MBtrig 4 pyDW SD MBtrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) Charged Particles (all PT) 0 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 What you see for “Min-Bias” PseudoRapidity η depends on your triggger! Charged Particle Density: dN/dη Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 4 6 8 PseudoRapidity η 5 pyDWT Sum MBtrig Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density pyDWT HC NoTrig 4 5 No Trigger 900 GeV Weighted pyDWT Sum NoTrig pyDWT DD NoTtrig pyDWT SD NoTrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) 0 CDF Min-Bias Trigger 900 GeV Weighted pyDWT HC MBtrig 4 pyDWT DD MBtrig pyDWT SD MBtrig 3 2 1 Charged Particles (all PT) 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8 -6 PseudoRapidity η C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 PseudoRapidity η Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 5 No-Bias vs Min-Bias About 2.5 charged particles per unit η at η = 0. Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 3 PYTHIA Tune Tune DW DW Charged Particles Particles No-Bias 1.96 TeV (HC+SD+DD+EL) About 0.9 charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c) per unit η at η = 0. All All PT PT PT > 0.5 GeV/c 2 Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 1 0 -10 2.0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 88 10 10 PseudoRapidity η ¨ Charged particle (all pT) pseudo-rapidity distribution, dNchg/dηdφ, at 1.96 TeV with no trigger (i.e. no-bias) from PYTHIA Tune DW. Charged Particle Density Charged Charged Particle Particle Density 4 PYTHIA Tune DW Charged Particles (PT > 0.5 GeV/c) Min-Bias 1.96 TeV (HC+SD+DD+EL) 1.5 No Trigger CDF Min-Bias Trigger 1.0 0.5 0.0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 PseudoRapidity η ¨ Charged particle (pT > 0.5 GeV/c) pseudo- About 1.5 charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c) per unit η at η = 0 with CDF min-bias trigger. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 rapidity distribution, dNchg/dηdφ, at 1.96 TeV with the CDF Min-Bias trigger from PYTHIA Tune DW. Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 6 Particle Densities 2π ∆η∆φ = 4π = 12.6 φ 31 charged charged particles particle Charged Particles pT > 0.5 GeV/c |η| < 1 CDF Run 2 “Min-Bias” CDF Run 2 “Min-Bias” Observable Average Average Density per unit η-φ Nchg Number of Charged Particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1) 3.17 +/- 0.31 0.252 +/- 0.025 PTsum (GeV/c) Scalar pT sum of Charged Particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1) 2.97 +/- 0.23 0.236 +/- 0.018 chg/dηdφ = 1/4π 3/4π = 0.08 0.24 dNchg 13 GeV/c PTsum 0 -1 η +1 Divide by 4π dPTsum/dηdφ = 1/4π 3/4π GeV/c = 0.08 0.24 GeV/c ¨ Study the charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1) and form the charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, and the charged scalar pT sum density, dPTsum/dηdφ. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 7 CDF “Min-Bias” Data Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Pseudo-Rapidity Distribution: dN/dη Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 1.0 7 CDF Published CDF Published 6 0.8 dN/d η d φ dN/dη 5 4 3 0.6 0.4 2 0.2 CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV CDF Min-Bias 630 GeV 1 CDF Min-Bias 630 GeV CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV all PT 0 all PT 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 Pseudo-Rapidity η <dNchg/dη> = 4.2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity η <dNchg/dηdφ> = 0.67 ¨ Shows CDF “Min-Bias” data on the number of charged particles per unit pseudo-rapidity at 630 and 1,800 GeV. There are about 4.2 charged particles per unit η in “Min-Bias” collisions at 1.8 TeV (|η| < 1, all PT). ¨ Convert to charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, by dividing by 2π. There are about 0.67 charged particles per unit η-φ in “Min-Bias” collisions at 1.8 TeV (|η| < 1, all PT). C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 8 CDF “Min-Bias” Data Energy Dependence Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 1.4 1.0 CDF Published Charged density dN/dηdφ dN/dη dφ CDF Data UA5 Data Fit 2 Fit 1 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 CDF Min-Bias 630 GeV CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 all PT η=0 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity η 4 0.0 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 CM Energy W (GeV) <dNchg/dηdφ> = 0.51 η = 0 630 GeV 24% increase <dNchg/dηdφ> = 0.63 η = 0 1.8 TeV LHC? ¨ Shows the center-of-mass energy dependence of the charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for “Min-Bias” collisions at η = 0. Also show a log fit (Fit 1) and a (log)2 fit (Fit 2) to the CDF plus UA5 data. ¨ What should we expect for the LHC? C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 9 PYTHIA Tune A Min-Bias “Soft” + ”Hard” PYTHIA Tune A CDF Run 2 Default Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ Tuned to fit the “underlying event”! Charged Particle Density 1.0 CDF Published 1.0E+00 0.8 CDF Min-Bias Data 1.0E-01 0.6 0.4 0.2 Pythia 6.206 Set A CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV all PT 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity η ¨ PYTHIA regulates the perturbative 2-to-2 Charged Density dN/dηdφdPT (1/GeV/c) dN/dη dφ Pythia 6.206 Set A 1.8 TeV |η|<1 1.0E-02 PT(hard) > 0 GeV/c 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 parton-parton cross sections with cut-off CDF Preliminary parameters which allows one to run with 1.0E-06 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 PT(hard) > 0. One can simulate both “hard” PT(charged) (GeV/c) and “soft” collisions in one program. ¨ The relative amount of “hard” versus “soft” depends on the cut-off and can be tuned. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF 14 Page 10 PYTHIA Tune A Min-Bias “Soft” + ”Hard” Tuned to fit the “underlying event”! PYTHIA Tune A CDF Run 2 Default Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ Charged Particle Density 1.0 CDF Published 1.0E+00 0.8 CDF Min-Bias Data 1.0E-01 0.6 0.4 0.2 Pythia 6.206 Set A CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV all PT 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity η ¨ PYTHIA regulates the perturbative 2-to-2 Charged Density dN/dηdφdPT (1/GeV/c) dN/dη dφ Pythia 6.206 Set A 1.8 TeV |η|<1 1.0E-02 12% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c! PT(hard) > 0 GeV/c 1.0E-03 1% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 parton-parton cross sections with cut-off CDF Preliminary parameters which allows one to run with 1.0E-06 Lots of “hard” scattering 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 PT(hard)in>“Min-Bias”! 0. One can simulate both “hard” PT(charged) (GeV/c) and “soft” collisions in one program. ¨ The relative amount of “hard” versus “soft” depends on the cut-off and can be tuned. 14 ¨ This PYTHIA fit predicts that 12% of all “Min-Bias” events are a result of a hard 2-to-2 parton-parton scattering with PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c (1% with PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c)! C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 11 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density Highest pT charged particle! Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 0.5 PTmax Direction Correlations in φ CDF Preliminary Charged Particle Density ∆φ “Associated” densities do not include PTmax! Associated Density PTmax not included data uncorrected 0.4 Charge Density 0.3 0.2 0.1 Charged Particles (|η|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmax Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ∆φ (degrees) ¨ Use the maximum pT charged particle in the event, PTmax, to define a direction and look at the the “associated” density, dNchg/dηdφ, in “min-bias” collisions (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1). ¨ Shows the data on the ∆φ dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events. Also shown is the average charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for “min-bias” events. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 12 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density Highest pT charged particle! Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 0.5 PTmax Direction Correlations in φ CDF Preliminary Charged Particle Density ∆φ “Associated” densities do not include PTmax! Associated Density PTmax not included data uncorrected 0.4 Charge Density 0.3 0.2 0.1 Charged Particles (|η|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmax Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ∆φ (degrees) ¨ Use the maximum pT charged particle in the event, PTmax, to define a direction and is “associated” more probable to finddN a chg particle /dηdφ, in “min-bias” collisions (pT > 0.5 look at theItthe density, accompanying PTmax than it is to GeV/c, |η| < 1). find a particle in the central region! ¨ Shows the data on the ∆φ dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events. Also shown is the average charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for “min-bias” events. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 13 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density Associated Particle Density: dN/dηdφ PTmax Direction Correlations in φ Jet #2 Associated Particle Density Jet #1 ∆φ PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c 1.0 PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c PTmax > 1.0 GeV/c PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Transverse Region 0.8 0.6 Charged Particles (|η|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Preliminary data uncorrected Transverse Region 0.4 0.2 PTmax PTmax not included Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ∆φ (degrees) PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c ¨ Shows the data on the ∆φ dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events with PTmax > 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 GeV/c. ¨ Shows “jet structure” in “min-bias” collisions (i.e. the “birth” of the leading two jets!). C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 14 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density Rapid rise in the particle density in the “transverse” region as PTmax increases! Associated Particle Density: dN/dηdφ PTmaxDirection Direction PTmax ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Correlations in φ “Away” Jet #2 Associated Particle Density Jet #1 ∆φ PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c 1.0 PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c PTmax > 1.0 GeV/c PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Transverse Region 0.8 0.6 Charged Particles (|η|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Preliminary data uncorrected Transverse Region 0.4 0.2 PTmax PTmax not included Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ∆φ (degrees) Ave Min-Bias 0.25 per unit η-φ PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c ¨ Shows the data on the ∆φ dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events with PTmax > 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 GeV/c. ¨ Shows “jet structure” in “min-bias” collisions (i.e. the “birth” of the leading two jets!). C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 15 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density PY Tune A PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c ∆φ “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Correlations in φ “Away” Associated Particle Density PTmax Direction Direction PTmax ∆φ Associated Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 1.0 PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c PY Tune A PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c PY Tune A Transverse Region 0.8 0.6 CDF Preliminary data uncorrected theory + CDFSIM PY Tune A 1.96 TeV Transverse Region 0.4 0.2 PTmax PTmax not included (|η|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ∆φ (degrees) ¨ Shows the data on the ∆φ dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |η| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events with PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c and PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c compared with PYTHIA Tune A (after CDFSIM). ¨ PYTHIA Tune A predicts a larger correlation than is seen in the “min-bias” data (i.e. Tune A “min-bias” is a bit too “jetty”). C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 16 PYTHIA Tune A LHC Min-Bias Predictions Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ Charged Particle Density: dN/dηdφ 1.4 1.4 Pythia 6.206 Set A CDF Data 14 TeV Charged density dN/dηdφ 1.0 dN/d η dφ Pythia 6.206 Set A CDF Data UA5 Data Fit 2 Fit 1 1.2 1.2 1.8 TeV 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -6 -4 -2 0 Pseudo-Rapidity η 2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 all PT 630 GeV 1.0 4 6 η=0 0.0 10 100 1,000 10,000 LHC? 100,000 CM Energy W (GeV) ¨ Shows the center-of-mass energy dependence of the charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφ, for “Min-Bias” collisions compared with PYTHIA Tune A with PT(hard) > 0. ¨ PYTHIA was tuned to fit the “underlying event” in hard-scattering processes at 1.8 TeV and 630 GeV. ¨ PYTHIA Tune A predicts a 42% rise in dNchg/dηdφ at η = 0 in going from the Tevatron (1.8 TeV) to the LHC (14 TeV). Similar to HERWIG “soft” min-bias, 4 charged particles per unit η becomes 6. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 17 PYTHIA Tune A LHC Min-Bias Predictions Hard-Scattering in Min-Bias Events Charged Particle Density 12% of “Min-Bias” 50% events have PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 1.0E+00 |η|<1 Pythia 6.206 Set A % of Events 1.0E-01 Charged Density dN/dηdφdPT (1/GeV/c) Pythia 6.206 Set A 40% 1.0E-02 1.8 TeV PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c 30% 20% 1.0E-03 10% 14 TeV 1.0E-04 0% 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 CM Energy W (GeV) 630 GeV 1.0E-05 ¨ Shows the center-of-mass energy CDF Data 1.0E-06 0 2 LHC? 4 6 8 PT(charged) (GeV/c) 1% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 10 12 14 dependence of the charged particle density, dNchg/dηdφdPT, for “Min-Bias” collisions compared with PYTHIA Tune A with PT(hard) > 0. ¨ PYTHIA Tune A predicts that 1% of all “Min-Bias” events at 1.8 TeV are a result of a hard 2-to-2 parton-parton scattering with PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c which increases to 12% at 14 TeV! C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 18 PYTHIA 6.2 Tunes LHC Min-Bias Predictions Charged Particle Density: dN/dY Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 12 pyA Generator Level 14 TeV 8 pyDW pyDWT Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density 10 ATLAS 6 4 2 pyA Generator Level 14 TeV 10 pyDW pyDWT ATLAS 8 6 4 2 Charged Particles (all pT) Charged Particles (all pT) 0 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 PseudoRapidity η -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Rapidity Y ¨ Shows the predictions of PYTHIA Tune A, Tune DW, Tune DWT, and the ATLAS tune for the charged particle density dN/dη and dN/dY at 14 TeV (all pT). ¨ PYTHIA Tune A and Tune DW predict about 6 charged particles per unit η at η = 0, while the ATLAS tune predicts around 9. ¨ PYTHIA Tune DWT is identical to Tune DW at 1.96 TeV, but extrapolates to the LHC using the ATLAS energy dependence. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 19 PYTHIA 6.2 Tunes LHC Min-Bias Predictions Average Number of Charged Particles vs PTmin Charged PT Distribution 20 100.0 Generator Level Min-Bias 14 TeV pyA <PT> = 641 MeV/c Generator Level Min-Bias 14 TeV pyDW <PT> = 665 MeV/c 15 pyA pyDW pyDWT ATLAS <Nchg> 1/Nev dN/dPT (1/GeV/c) pyDWT <PT> = 693 MeV/c ATLAS <PT> = 548 MeV/c 10.0 10 5 Charged Particles (|η|<1.0, PT>PTmin) 1.0 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Minimum PT (GeV/c) Charged Particles (|η|<1.0) 0.1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Charged Particle PT (GeV/c) ¨ Shows the predictions of PYTHIA Tune A, Tune DW, Tune DWT, and the ATLAS tune for the charged particle pT distribution at 14 TeV (|η| < 1) and the average number of charged particles with pT > pTmin (|η| < 1). ¨ The ATLAS tune has many more “soft” particles than does any of the CDF Tunes. The ATLAS tune has <pT> = 548 MeV/c while Tune A has <pT> = 641 MeV/c (100 MeV/c more per particle)! C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 20 Using Pile-Up to Study Min-Bias Proton Primary Pile-Up AntiProton 60 cm MB ¨ The primary vertex is the highest PTsum of charged particles pointing towards it. ¨ Normally one only includes those charged particles which point back to the primary vertex. ¨ However, the primary vertex is presumably the collision that satisfied the trigger and is hence biased. ¨ Perhaps the pile-up is not biases and can serve as a new type of “Min-Bias” collisions. C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 21 Using Pile-Up to Study Min-Bias Proton Primary Pile-Up AntiProton 60 cm High PT Jet ¨ The primary vertex is the highest PTsum of charged particles pointing towards it. ¨ Normally one only includes those charged particles which point back to the primary vertex. ¨ However, the primary vertex is presumably the collision that satisfied the trigger and is hence biased. ¨ Perhaps the pile-up is not biases and can serve as a new type of “Min-Bias” collisions. ¨ This assumes that the pile-up is not affected by the trigger (i.e. it is the same for all primary processes). C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 22 Summary and Conclusions “Minumum Bias” Collisions ¨ “Min-Bias” is not well defined. What you see depends on what you trigger on! Every trigger produces some biases. Proton ¨ Very preliminary results seem to show that pile-up conspires to help give you what you ask for (i.e. satisfy your “trigger” or your event selection)! If true this means the pile-up is not the same for all processes. It is process (i.e. trigger) dependent! C2CR07-Lake Tahoe February 28, 2007 Charged Particle Density: dN/dη 10 Charged Particle Density ¨ We have learned a lot about “Min-Bias” at the Tevatron, but we do not know what to expect at the LHC. This will depend on the Min-Bias Trigger! AntiProton pyA pyDW pyDWT ATLAS Generator Level 14 TeV 8 6 4 2 Charged Particles (all pT) 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 PseudoRapidity η I must double check my analysis and get it “blessed” before you can trust what I have shown! Rick Field – Florida/CDF Page 33