THE STRATEGIC USE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM IN SUPPORTING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DECISIONS FOR A DESIGN FIRM by LIU, LU Bachelor of Architecture Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 1977 Master of Architecture University of Houston, Houston, Texas 1980 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULLFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE,,1985 ELIU, LU 1985 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part Signature of the author_ _ ___ _ _ Liu,Lu Department of Architecture February 7, 1985 Certified biy Associate Professor of Eric Dluhosch Building Technology Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Julian Beinart Chairman Departmental Committee for Graduate Students MA SSACHUSE TTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 'JUN 0 3 1985 Rotgo THE STRATEGIC USE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DECISION FOR A DESIGN FIRM SUPPORTING by LIU,LU Submitted to the Department of Architecture on February, 7, 1985, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture. ABSTRACT This thesis is to illustrate how a computer-based information system for supporting decision making, that is a Decision Support System (DSS), can be utilized as a strategic tool in architectural design for a firm. The products of information technology have been designed around a wide spectrum of needs. Architects can immediately adopt the technology and use it as design tools. These tools are not just a productional convenience, but also bring about strategic advantages to a firm. In this study, through the investigations on the current computer use in professional architectural design , a need is called out for DSS planning. Derived from the field .of Management Information Systems, a method of strategic DSS planning is set forth, which is a top-down planning process from office strategy to data base requirements, with the emphasis on the most critical applications to the top management . This method is applied through a three-phase planning process to a hypothetical office which represents a typical design firm. It is found in this study that the construction cost analysis for schematic design phase is the key operation for a DSS. This DSS can forge strong links between architectural design, project management, and office strategy in establishing a firm's competence in the cost and quality control for a building. Thesis supervisor: Eric Dluhosch Title: Associate Professor of Building Technology 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 ......................................... I CONTEXT FOR DSS DEVELOPMENT IN PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 13 . . ..... ...... 1 Computer-based Tools in Architectural Design 2 Current Computer Applications ..................... .......... 3 Strategic Impacts on Architectural Firms II IDENTIFICATION OF DSS PLANNING PROCESS 26 ........... .. a . . .. 1 Issues of Computer Applications in Professional Architectural Design 2 Need for Strategic DSS Planning ................... 3 Concepts in DSS Design and Planning ............... 4 Method of Strategic DSS Planning .................. 14 17 21 . . . 26 30 31 33 A Case of Strategic DSS planning III IDENTIFICATION OF OPERATIONAL GOAL OF DSS 1 2 3 4 Office Strategy Goal and CSFs of Goal and CSFs of Operational Goal ................................... ............... Project Management ............. Architectural Design ........................... of DSS IV IDENTIFICATION OF PROTOTYPE SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 ............... 38 47 53 60 62 Architectural Design Theory ....................... Critical Measures ................................. Critical Decision Set ............................. Opportunity for Prototype System .................. V DATA BASE IDENTIFICATION .......................... 63 65 69 71 73 1 Building Space Analysis ........................... 2 Building Systems Estimates ........................ 3 Total Building Estimate ........................... CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................... ........................................ 74 75 80 83 84 3 LIST OF FIGURES I.1 Percentage of Equipment Owners . ....................... 16 1.2 Percentage of Applications . ........................... 16 .. 34 .................. 35 II.1 The Extended CSF: A Strategic Planning Methodology 11.2 A method of Strategic DSS Planning III.1 Five Competitive Forces . ............................ 40 111.2 Organization as a Cybernetic System ................ 49 111.3 Model of Project Management .......................... 51 III.4 The Cost "Lock-In" Profile ......................... 56 111.5 Model of Architectural Design and Control .......... 58 IV.1 Schematic Cost Estimates ............................. 68 V.1 Costs Distribution by Building Systems ............... 76 4 INTRODUCTION computer-based The goal of this study is to investigate how a system information can be utilized as a strategic tool in medium-sized a supporting architectural design decisions for architectural firm. DEFINITIONS AN INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR SUPPORTING DECISION MAKING, that a a DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS (DSS) is defined here as which links system man, computer, and information together, for the purpose of through information display. is, supporting the human-decision primary process analysis manipulation, retrieval, We will examine three making aspects of such and a system: 1) Application. A DSS can provide decision-making support for users at all levels of planning, managerial activity (i.e. strategic management control and operational control) and for various office functions such as marketing, financing and production. 5 2) Function. A DSS with processes assists some or all end of interaction and display, decision manipulation, base and data users the in their following modeling, management. decision functions: statistics and The functions are independent of each other and can be selectively used. 3) Technical requires configuration. technological Typically, a full blown DSS building blocks organized into a data base management system, model management (*) system , and dialogue management system. Several technological developments have the made DSS approach practicable. user friendly computer environment allows to- work Along at with terminals, data-base application a- terminal the without advances in micro-computers, management languages, systems, An interactive and nontechnical users needing specialized skill. the development of telecommunication specialized graphic networks, modeling and and application packages, information technology has offered a set of building blocks that can be combined to provide a particular system. THE STRATEGIC USE OF A DSS FOR A FIRM. DSS can be used as a technological lever to build up a firm's strategic advantages. (*) 1980 ,"Building Effective Decision Spraque, Ralph H. Jr. In his book, DSS software is comprised of Support Systems". three sets of capabilities: managing data base, managing a models, and managing the interface between the of collection user and the system. 6 Strategy is the pattern of missions, objectives, policies and significant resource utilization plans stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or is to be the kind of company it is. and in (*) Recognizing that information has a strategic impact implies clear need a to link DSS to business strategy and, especially, to ensure that business strategy is developed in the context of the new information technology environment. GOALS The primary goal of this study is to understand how a DSS be used as strategic a can tool in architectural design for a firm. During the past three decades, innumerable systems computerized to improve operational activities. efficiency in have accounting In the past few years, DSS have into their own and flourished in many companies. been and come Now with the advent of the personal computer, computer-based assistance for all functions of the business is becoming widespread in a number of companies. (Jm) Rockart, John J. 1981, "A Primer on Critical Success Factors" 7 In the field proliferation of of architectural of presently, a analytical models, graphic tools and design aids is occuring. Architects variety design, technical are concerned how this large building blocks can be utilized into a DSS for assisting architectural design decision. Furthermore, the use of DSS should not be viewed basically as a production convenience, rather it should be seen as a top-level strategic concern. The study emphasizes the following goals : 1) To understand the context for DSS development in professional architectural design. Apparently, DSS development is still in the beginnTng stages for the profession. Yet, with numerous hardware and software tools in information technology for architectural design, the building blocks for DSS development have been prepared. 2) Based on the professional nature and architectural issues design, of to DSS development identify the in most appropriate method of strategic DSS planning. 3) Based on the method identified, to demonstrate step-by-step how to plan strategically for a DSS in an architectural firm. SCOPE The emphasis of this study is on systems analysis, that is, 8 bridging the analyzing user's requirements. gap between needs, The architects and actual and identifying system DSS builders, major development detailed design and implementation issues is not systems concerning included in this study. Architectural design is viewed here as a function carried by a design team of a firm, among other functions, such as accounting, personnel and marketing. for architectural linked to direct design business users are out in strategy a and In order to use a DSS firm, the system should be management control. The members in architectural project team, and the indirect users include members of top management in an architectural design office of a medium-sized firm. APPROACH & OVERVIEW This study has three major parts corresponding to the three major goals emphasized in the following chapters. Chapter I: Understanding the context for architectural tools. design by DSS development in examining the use of computer-based The investigation can be divided into three parts: 1) investigating the hardware/software building blocks of DSS for architectural design. 2) examining how they have been used in 9 architectural design. 3) understanding their strategic impact on architectural firms. Chapter II: Identifying process the most appropriate DSS planning in response to the requirements of DSS development in architectural design. profession are issues identified, strategic DSS planning. concepts Six of which In response computer reflect to use the this need, in the need for several in the field of a Management Information System have been reviewed: Critical Success Factors (CSF) (*) attention and ensure that to - engage management's the Information Systems meet the most critical business needs. CSF is the critical means that can successfully achieve the ends. Prototype Design Strategy(*) - an adaptive design process, allow management to quickly receive system results, to have something concrete for testing and refining development precess. to as part of the Prototype system, taking the essential features of a full blown systems, are built with an initial fundamental, yet not complete, set of functions. The Extended CSFs Methodology (*) together () in a planning - Tying the context is above found concepts particularly see chapter 11.3 concepts in DSS planning and design 10 appropriate for this study. A method, adapted from the extended CSF, is established to fit the particular purpose of viewed as a this three-phase study. process: The method linking a strategic needs of a firm, identifying prototype identifying be to the system, and Full explanations are in chapter II. base. data DSS can (see Fig II.1) Chapter III, IV and V: Demonstrating strategic DSS planning in architectural design for a hypothetical office that represents a typical mid-sized design firm in this country. method is based on the three phase process. The planning Information is collected through interviews as well as literature surveys and observations. Chapter III: Linking DSS to technique linking planning process. firms is the firm's in cost, time clients investment return. goal and have been and qual'ity design In this study up the firm's control to maximize In response to this strategy, the related CSFs of management and architectural design determined relationship. operational where By analyzing the environment office strategy have been defined as building competence key the CSF approach which uses a top-down the office strategy is shaped. compete, The strategy. respectively, as well as their Among all the CSFs of architectural design, the goal of the DSS is identified as evaluation of 11 and quality impacts across all subdivided tasks of a design team. The DSS schematic design options to understand the goal only not concern, management top reflects cost but also represents operational needs at the implementation level. Chapter IV: Identifying prototype system. number In reference to a of measures concerning the DSS goal, a set of critical decisions for schematic decision design formed. Three distinct processes in cost evaluation during schematic design have been identified in this analysis is study. And construction cost by building systems is chosen as the opportunity for a prototype system. Chapter- V: analysis, Identifying three data distinctive They are space analysis, building estimate. base. In construction cost decision events are identified. building systems estimates, total The required data base of each event has been defined respectively. 12 CHAPTER I: CONTEXTS FOR DSS DEVELOPMENT IN PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN there In the field of professional architectural design, only be a few systems which are built according to the DSS concept; yet the computer-based tools utilized software elements in Computer-based tools, those DSSare for police hardware information technology, which can facilitate the development of a specific DSS. DSS intensively been have through various applications. the technological building blocks of and may dispatching was built For example, a using technological elements such as a graphics routine package and a raster-scan color monitor. This chapter aims at understanding the use of these professional in architectural design, which will serve as a base for identifying issues in the chapter. tools DSS development in the next The investigation focuses on answering the following questions: 1) what are the computer- based tools, the building blocks of DSS, in architectural design? used in architectural design? 3)what 2)how are these tools are their potential 13 impact on the strategic level for a firm? The sources for this part of the study have been surveys by the Sweet's McGraw-Hill Information Company, and a series of articles from architectural journals. The topics dealt with in this chapter are: I.1 Computer-based tools in architectural design. 1.2 Current computer applications 1.3 strategic impact on architectural firms I.1 COMPUTER-BASED TOOLS IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN The advancement of computer technology have not meant that DSS development has become an easy exercise. However, it now seems more useful to think of technology as a set of building blocks that can be combined to provide a system. particular These building blocks include hardware and software elements , which have the greatest amount of recent development blocks mentioned below . The building are by no means exhaustive, but they indicate fairly clearly that architects now have many tools tailored to their needs and convenience. HARDWARE. General purpose time-sharing computer systems 14 permit nontechnical users to work at a terminal without Users can have easy specialized knowledge and skills. to substantial computer power in an interactive mode. access Graphic terminals provide effective means for presenting large volumes of data a in personalized, graphic inexpansive, Telecommunication networks format. and a as result, provide transported tools. easily computer from number extend the to message sending they provide mutual crunching and data processing sharing, Micro-computers data and access to information among decentralized organizational units. Computer Aided Design combined (CAD) hardware systems, normally available are as a and software package, based on either mini or micro computer technology. This systems allow architects to create, store, retrieval and manipulate graphic data files. Some offer the ability to associate non-graphic information with graphic elements. The systems automate the production of drawings with desirable productivity gains. According to Sweet's survey,1981, (*) (Fig I.1) there were 49% of design firms owning a mini or micro availability of inexpensive With Whereas , the percentage firms having CAD is very low, due to its high price. with the advent of micro-CAD the micro computer, this figure has been predicted to grow rapidly. the computers. , of Now the situation may be changed. (W) There are two surveys,1981 and 1982, done by Sweet's Devision, McGraw-Hill Information System Company. 15 WORD PROCESSORS Source: Mileaf M."Computer use in Architecture" Architectural Record,1982,June, pp.20 Figure I.1 Percentage of Equipment owners Application Percent of Use 1981 1982 Design analysis 46 66 Accounting 41 70 Spec writing 31 62 Cost estimating 21 51 Construction management reporting 12 23 Computer-aided design 8 32 Automated drawing 5 27 Product/equipment selection 2 15 Figure 1.2 Percentage of Applications 16 SOFTWARE. Database management systems information that can be collected, extend Application installation of types of packages systems specially application, such evaluation, and performance as range of allow better access to existing data files, and allow answers to queries. the relatively permit off-the-shelf designed cost specs complex for particular estimation, writing energy packages. Application languages reduce development time particularly for complex models, such as spread sheet modeling languages. Commercially available software packages are for business applications. major marketing effort of architectural designed Seldom did computer vendors make a to develop spec-ifically directed towards architects. lot mostly software that This is what led is a firms to develop their own application software. I.2 CURRENT COMPUTER APPLICATIONS The major area of Sweet's survey (see Fig computer of 1.2). 1981, This engineering analysis. major application; Computer-aided relatively according to the is at the level of design analysis due to the heavy influence of Figure 1.2 shows that accounting is the spec design small is applications, and writing and cost estimating follow. automated application drawing represent a involvement in 1981, but major 17 In the process of architectural design growth is expected. the major computer applications are as follows: CONCEPTUAL MODELING. Application programs are available which permit architects to create a block of model three simplified dimensional, a building within a graphic computer system. Perspective and isometric views of the building can be and computation of shadow patterns produced by buildings the This calculation can be incorporated. a involves great is as an These programs tool. marketing effective but complex, not deal of data manipulation. are valuable particularly Clients shown, be presented with alternative designs with views can a from various angles, at different hours of day, and with different color schemes. COMPUTER DRAFTING. obtained through elements. to work to associate non-graphic two-dimension; some offer the with graphic information currently, micro systems only have in is a CAD system. Most mini-based systems offer three -dimensional modeling capabilities and ability normally Computer drafting capability the capability and with smaller computer memory. Through CAD systems, a library of standard details and symbols can be easily developed to the standard of a firm. Hence, the efficiency in producing architectural drawings can be greatly improved. SPEC WRITING. There are several options for architects to 18 automate their spec easily edit a writing. text, is Word processing, the ability to the most elementary way for spec writing. Original versions can be easily modified to finished copies. This method can be improved by adding database management capability, which allows users their own master spec files and produce to create to manipulate them. By searching and retrievaling specifications from a master file , architects may compile the desirable specs for a particular job. DOOR AND ROOM FINISH SCHEDULES. Programs allow available that to enter, store , update and print out information one on room types, finishes, furnishing, reports are are and accessories. Thus produced that can be continually updated through the course of a project. DESIGN ANALYSIS. Energy that performance programs are available allow users to receive an estimate of energy consumption due to heating and cooling loads, lighting and other services. In addition, lighting analysis is used to predict the natural and artificial light with an output of of intensity building at particular points or the value surfaces in a room. Acoustic analysis can give reverberation times in a room, for various ceiling height and size of a room. PREDESIGN ANALYSIS. financial impact Programs of a are project. written for calculating This is very useful in the 19 predesign stage . Programs in space projection are useful for For example, based architectural programming. of meeting on regularity times, programs can predict the number scheduled and size of conference room required. By COST ESTIMATION. materials and computer, building Estimation entering the cost the in Therefore required. develop Many their purchasing one. methods own , can estimates be design become several levels of and architectural cost' estimating Often, firms have calculated. stages of a project and is early continually refined as schematics are and components their quantities of a building proposal into a occurs drawings. building computer programs construction programs their development own firms rather than practices and of cost estimating that they wish to preserve, rather than adopting other's methods. SPACE PLANNING. functional floor plans. and Computer programs take the requirements in spatial relationships and create diagrammatic The major purpose is to achieve space efficiency with minimal amount of circulation area. Computerized space planning can be also applied in the contexts of site planning. 20 1.3 STRATEGIC IMPACT ON ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS The impact of information technology on and services is far beyond is for utilized execution. the different common expectation. industries Initially, it effectiveness and efficiency of a task Yet through the proper leverage of the technology, its potential impact has reached organizational and industrial levels. section This computer-based will examine tools on the strategic architectural impact firms. According to Sweet's survey, 1981, 75 percent of designers using thought to not now, computers that computers gave them a competitive edge and looking for deeper involvement and broader of applications. were Up the impact of these tools on architectural firms has become experiences Yet, explicitlyevident. in the from pioneer the field, a picture can be drawn on the ways that information technology (IT) influences firm a at the strategic level. In this section, the framework of strategic impact analysis is based on "the three-level impact (*) of information technology" (iY) ( Parson, 1983).According to Parson, IT could change the firm's execution of strategy in terms of the Parson, Gregory 1. "Information Technology: a New Weapon" following Competitive 21 considerations: 1) adding features unique to product and service, 2)reducing overall cost, 3) identifying and creating market niches. about Information strategic the impact has been mainly collected from two symposia (4) sponsored by the Architectural Record. Each symposium invited over twenty panelists most of whom were architects experienced in computer use from firms of varied size and a few of whom were computer consultants. Architectural 1.3.1 Adding Features to Product and Service in Design. By using IT, architect's service to improved. may clients be Reliability of the services can be enhanced through Besides, computerized project control and automated drafting. a greatly computer's extremely fast computational power allows the architect to use more sophisticated quantitative analysis than he would consider in doing by provided with hand. Hence, architects better insights and faster feedback in making design decisions. Due to this prompt feedback, architects explore more are design may alternatives, of which the consequences can be compared on a quantifiable basis. Since IT allows (Z) Recorded in the two articles: "Round Table on Computers in Architecture" and "Round Table:Coputer Use in the Small Architectural Firm". All the remarks of the architects in this section are from these two symposia. 22 architects to come up with more design alternatives and design analyses, their services tend to be more responsive and flexible to client's needs. 1.3.2 Reducing Overall Cost Significant gains have been made in the areas of specs writing and schedule report generating, where well accomplish a micro computer can the job. For CAD systems, in the experiences of most architects, productivity comes in at a different level of repetition of a project, such as in hotel and apartment designs, where CAD systems can be used very efficiently. Other areas of high productivity are 'in interior design and space planning. Initially, a lot of firms expected that the Aided their and operating One firm that they were promised enormous productivity gains and very fast pay-offs by using that costs. surprise, they found that they seem to be operating on the same fee level as they would have manually. expressed Computer of (CAD) will result in three to five times return Design on their annual costs - carrying costs To use those figures percent of the time. the cost of CAD productivity by gain were true CAD, but later discovered only by using the system 100 Another firm with 25 employees justified aiming by at using a minimum CAD, and a two-to-one indeed eventually of 23 realizing this performance level. Yet the firm found it hard to maintain such a level of work load at all 1.3.3 Identifying and Creating IT can be used as a lever areas, such as to times. Market Niches extend services into space interesting example maintenance. Since architects may store the complete on planning, a is and that interior of custodians design. building An facilities set of building in the computer, they come to the realization that "We end up taking care of a as related project financial projections, architectural programming, information was managing everything , building almost when the building life cycle is completed". A computer system can have a great efforts of a firm. the reasons for impact on the marketing A 25-person firm in Chicago expressed that them to have a sophisticated CAD system was because "The firm that beat us out had a computer which transmit information office". After that the firm started taking a what a CAD system directly could do, back to the could client's hard look home at not only in terms production savings, but also due to its competitive advantages. It has been the experience of a few firms that clients started to request computer drafting services since they knew the 24 drawings would be technically prone controlled in terms of cost and time. the near future computer-literate based products architects clients, who to error It is may will and better likely face a demand that in market of electronically and services, as a matter of routine and as a normal process of professional service. Furthermore, architectural in future, near market segmentation in services may be less dependent on the size of a firm, but rather information the on the technology. technological As level of utilizing predicted by the principle of a large firm (*) " small architect is, in the long run, going to be the bigger winner - with computers, he will be able more work with fewer people. do If good data bases and standard details becomes available as software, he is going to be to to tackle very large projects". able Yet, people from small firms are much more cautious on the competition issue. ( ) "Round Table on Computer in Architecture",pp 50. 25 CHAPTER II: IDENTIFICATION OF DSS PLANNING PROCESS This chapter aims at identifying the most of strategic DSS planning in response appropriate to the issues of computer use in professional architectural design. Six are presented, which call out a need for method issues strategic DSS planning. From the field of Management Information Systems, a few concepts in DSS planning and design are reviewed. Based on these concepts, a method of DSS planning is formed. The topics discussed in this chapter are: II.1 Issues architectural of computer application in professional IN PROFESSIONAL design. 11.2 Need for strategic DSS planning. 11.3 Concepts in DSS planning and design. II.4 A method of strategic DSS planning. II.1 ISSUES OF COMPUTER APPLICATION ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Although a great number of innovative applications occurs 26 throughout all architectural design phases, clear information about the kind of softwares that architects need has been established. need, profession that one of the major problems for the the software does not really exist after those elementary applications specifications" yet "No one really has any good idea what sort of software we is not (*) , such as word processing as expressed by one architect. the numerous software developments in the field, a and Among number of issues can be observed. PROGRAM VERSUS SYSTEM. system of The full strength an information ha's not yet been utilized by most of the architectural firms. A lot of ad hoc application programs have been created. In general, each program-owns its own input without sharing and transfering and among data output data programs. In addition, programs are seldom functionally correlated in order to tackle a large task. Application programs which are not linked together into an overall coordinated information system are common phenomena for the firms. STATIC VERSUS DYNAMIC. problems of In dealing with complex, changing architectural design, the process of information system design should be adaptive and evolving by coping with a fluid task situation. techniques (A) for The information quoted from "Round architectural firm" conventional system table:computer which use ,structured emphasize in the design on an small 27 exhaustive search so that blown system development required, change. to fit may time make complete be determined. and the the of a full In this approach, the long major process requirements data gathering efforts expensive and not responsive to Common result is that problems have to be compromised the off-the-shelf programs, rather than make the models are program adapt to a specific problem situation. BIG VERSUS SMALL. difficult for Big architects manipulate , therefore response this to complex , to understand they problem computerized are is not series of difficult trusted. A problems. a time rather Thus,it is left decision-maker to integrate the modeling steps and as to growing to utilize a library of small models, which deal with a problem at pre-packaged and a mental or manual process. than a to the activities Furthermore, models should be easy to be manipulated so that a user can make them behave the way he wants them to . with twenty input For instance, parameters a makes large the energy model situation overly complicated for end user to understand in terms of the impact of each input parameter on the whole. OPERATIONAL VERSUS STRATEGIC. of focus required and to minimization carry out a Efficiency involves a narrowing of the given time,cost activity. ,and effort Effectiveness involves identifying what should be done and ensuring that the defined performance criterion is the relevant one. In the 28 architectural profession, computer applications start from the direction of efficiency in automating labor-intensive work and the desire to reduce applications extend in manual the errors. direction of Gradually,the effectiveness in supporting human decision-making,ie, as judgemental tools. Furthermore, computers and information technology strategic influence on design firms. routine affect work the flow, direction information technology but of as their Information technology can acts not only as a productive tool to of have improve efficiency also as a competitive weapon to business operations. Yet , a strategic tool is overlooked by the majority of design firms. ALL-INCLUSIVE VERSUS CRITICAL. To many architects , a complete integrated database is thought to be the profession into the era of key to information uplift the technology. This integration can be viewed both vertically and horizontally. In vertical integration, the computer's database is used in every step of the job from marketing to final working horizontal integration , the computer is used in each not yet phase been drawings. In all disciplines of the design process. Both integrations have fully , realized but present a research taskwhich will require enormous capital investment. Nevertheless all-inclusive ,by learning integration from often business is applications, unnecessary and 29 uneconomical. The best policy is to focus on the most critical application rather than including all. Innumerable opportunities of computer applications in architectural design have been identified. Yet usually, only a few are critical to the needs of a firm. These critical applications should be the investment focus of the firm. TECHNICAL VERSUS PLANNING. and design firms, applications To the most interest of architects the questions computer have been how to effectively utilize information technology , and where to start with. planning concerning issues rather than Basically, technical these issues. are Often, the emphasis in information system development has been placed on the technical side of selecting hardware and writing programs, and without careful investigations on related decision processes of architects. is often a good the needs and the As a result, there chance that computer involvement may bring about more expense than profit. 11.2 NEED FOR STRATEGIC DSS PLANNING All the above issues point to the need planning method to meet professional architectural identified, the method the design. should for a strategic particular contexts Based the address on to the DSS in issues following 30 requirements as strategic DSS should be: 1) Able to meet the organizational architectural contexts of professional design, so as to provide a link to the business strategy and management of a firm. 2) Able to be responsive to the nature of decision making in architectural design, which is semi-structured and volatile. 3) Able to focus on the most critical for area DSS development. strategic planning 5) Able to subdivide a decision task into a group of decision 4) Able to provide a pragmatic link from to the major database requirements. components. 6) Able to insure-DSS as an effective means to achieve the desired ends. 11.3 CONCEPTS IN DSS PLANNING AND DESIGN Before identifying the appropriate DSS planning method , let us firstly review a few concepts related to information system planning and design in the field of Management Information Systems. PROTOTYPING DESIGN STRATEGY. It is most appropriate to an 31 adaptive must be design process, which assumes that the final system evolved through usage and learning .Rather than focuses on functional specifications, the designer relies on a prototype system to find out quickly what is important to the user as opposed to what the designer thinks to be important. In other words, the method provides something concrete for the user to react to and test with, and further to allow the system to be easily modified and evolved. real system, base for strategy not a learning The prototype is mock-up or experiment. by using. Hence, a It provides the prototyping design can cope with the fluid situation of particular task environment. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR (CSF) APPROACH. developed the CSF approach as a means to the information John F.Rockart ,1979, understand directly requirements of the chief executive officer. He defines CSF's as "those few key areas where things must right in order to successfully achieve goals or objectives". Since the goals of key decision makers form the basis for CSF analysis goal-strategy , the methodology linkage ,from will decision based on intensive interviewing the directly strengthen maker's needs operational requirement for information systems. is go process to The approach and workshop sessions, in order to ellicite individual CSFs and consolidate them on the organizational level. EXTENDED CSF METHODOLOGY. A strategic planning framework. 32 from Derived extended CSF. CSF approach, John Henderson developed the the There are providing methodology:1) evaluation through decision-makers, 2) of two a the key the approach, a of requirement from the Building upon the set, provide an decision critical Each of the set requires various levels of information systems. sets link method provides the context for and critical assumption set. , key needs pragmatic three products: critical information set of and positions providing proposed this context for the planning process conceptual design to the detailed design. CSF for characteristics three these Finally, into a insight important strategic data model (see Fig II.1) II.4 A METHOD OF STRATEGIC DSS PLANNING Based on the extended CSF methodology, the method of strategic DSS planning in this study is formed. The on the stream of DSS development, aiming at extracting the opportunity for prototyping a DSS and the required. concentrats method related data base The method is comprised of three phases: 1) linking to the office strategy, 2) identifying prototype system, 3) defining database requirements. 1) Linking to the office strategy. The key approach in order technique is CSF to identify the most critical operational goal of DSS in response to office strategy. In dealing with 3 3 Business strategy NI Goals of management Critical Success factors Critical Assumption Set ESS t Critical Information Set MIS Critical Decision Set DSS Strategic Data Model Figure II.1 A Strategic Planning Methodology 34 CASE INTERVIEW & OBSERVATION OFFICE STRATEGY RELATED TO ARCH. DESIGN TOP MANAGEMENI MIDDLE MANAGEMENT GENERAL BACKGROUND INYESTIGATION & ANALYSIS major competitive forces in architectural service GOALS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT model of management CSFs PRIMARY GOAL PROJECT TEAM OF ARCH. DESIGN major tasks in three primarg arch. design phases CSFs major responsibilities of MKOKW VU PR N I OPERATIONAL GOAL OF DSS CRITICAL MEASURES project architect and project designer architectural design theorg I CRITICAL DECISION SET OPPORTUNITY FOR PROTOTYPE SYSTEM DECISION SCENARIOS X E INREQUIRED DECISION MAKER'S YIEW: consolodate goals of keg decision makers. DATABASE DECISION TASK'S YIEW: based upon general heuristic: in the profession, in conjunction with arch. design Figure 11.2, Strategic DSS Planning Method for Supporting Arch. Design 35 design architectural the decisions, involves three groups of participants: organizational context top management(office strategy); middle management (project management); and project team( architectural design). Their relationship is illustrated in Fig 11.2. 2) critical First, system. prototype Identifying by identifying measures, the measures in monitoring the performance of an operational goal a of DSS, may architects have a concrete reference in listing the critical decision set, which is key decisions that greatly impact the successful execution distinct from Then, derived of a task. opportunities identified . for the DSS decision critical set, and their priorities can be The first priority will be the opportunity for a prototype system. 3) Identifying scenarios. decision data base . The key technique is decision Each decision scenario (T) represents a particular event and the questions which are recurringly asked by architects in formulating a decision. In answering , these specific questions, a required data base can be defined. ($) used by Rockart in "Engaging top systems planning and development" management in information 36 CHAPTER III IDENTIFICATION OF OPERATIONAL GOAL OF DSS The purpose of this chapter is goals a of to DSS in assisting architectural design activities divided into four steps (see Fig 11.2) approach CSF The process which utilizes the for a firm. operational the identify : business 1) Office strategy. This step is to define the basic of direction a is firm and focus on the most crucial aspect to architectural design. and 2) Goal operational CSFs of project transformation of a in which successful performance the achievement of the desired ends. Major concern in goals, will lead of is an Critical general mission. Success Factors (CSFs) are the means to areas goal A management. the key to the management relation to architectural design is on project management, which emphasizes the efficient and resources among all projects. effective use of office This step is to identify the CSFs necessary to achieve the management goal. 37 is design CSFs of architectural viewed as operations and 3) Goal broken down into schematic documents. design, design development, and construction is step supporting 4) define to This critical design activities in most the Architectural design. the office strategy. Operational architectural goal design their and examining By DSS. of the CSFs of relationship to the CSFs of project management, the DSS goal is identified. In this study, to owing suggested by the CSF interview as feasible. Therefore the study relies investigations, instead time, the intensive method has not limited the on general been background of case interview-s and observations. The topics discussed in this chapter are : 1) Office strategy related to architectural design 2) Goals and CSFs of project management. 3) Goals and CSFs of architectural design. 4) operational goal of the DSS. III-1 OFFICE STRATEGY RELATED TO ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN This section will be investigating the general business strategies which directly relate to architectural design for a 38 This top management view will form a planning mid-sized firm. context to further extract lower level goals in management and architectural design. the relating to company its a of strategy formulating of The essence company well as the forces, economic firm environment is the industry in which a the analysis social of a firm's competes. the state of competition in an industry depends on five competitive forces (see Fig. III-1). basic Of those five forces, in forces competitive the most powerful From Porter (1972, Competitive Strategy ), M.E. of aspect key the Although environment. relevant environment may be very broad, due to various as by is architectural the se-rvice industry are rivalry between suppliers of construction related consultant (engineering services service substitution for architectural strategy of firm a , and and contractor), The client. will be based on a determination of the effects of these. THE DESIGN architectural FIRM AND services, THE CLIENT: stated by The of definition a successful design firm that principle, is nonprofessional and to the point "Anything is necessary to get a building up." This firm has put this awareness into practice, being able to provide a of services from project financing through broad range construction. Similarly, many firms have experienced that for architects be to successful, they must be prepared to enter into many areas 39 POTENTIAL ENTRANTS Threat of new entrants SUPPLIERS , Bargaining power of suppliers INDUSTRY COMPETITORS rivalry among existing firms Bargaining Power BUYERS of buyer Threat of substitute products of service SUBSTITUTES source: Porter,"Competitive Strategy" , Forces Driving Industry Competition. FIGURE III.1 Five Competitive Forces 40 This top management view will form a planning mid-sized firm. context to further extract lower level goals in management and architectural design. to company the relating its a of strategy formulating of The essence company well as the forces, economic environment is the industry in which a the analysis firm social of a firm's competes. the state of competition in an industry depends on five competitive III-1). (see Fig. forces basic Of those five forces, in forces competitive the most powerful From Porter (1972, Competitive Strategy ), M.E. of aspect key the Although environment. relevant environment may be very broad, due to various as by is architectural the service industry are rivalry between suppliers of construction related consultant (engineering services service substitution for architectural strategy of firm a , and contractor), The client. and will be based on a determination of the effects of these. THE DESIGN architectural FIRM AND services, THE CLIENT: stated by The of definition a successful design firm that principle, is nonprofessional and to the point "Anything is necessary to get a building up." This firm has put this awareness into practice, being able to provide a of services from project financing through broad range construction. Similarly, many firms have experienced that for architects be to successful, they must be prepared to enter into many areas 41 beyond design - feasibility, economics, financing, process, community program involvement, regulatory contract and management etc, in order to make a project work. As a result, an architect should be actively involved in those "areas design," beyond or he or she find will himself relegated to a relatively minor role, or worse - an irrelevant the when factor owner considers a building project. upon this awareness, the critical strategy of broaden firm is to services to make a project financially viable in its order to gain a client's trust and to ensure This a Based can consideration taken be usually his commitment. of care in the predesign phase. THE DESIGN FIRM AND ITS SUBSTITUTES: Today, almost every new facility must be rigorously budgeted and fitted into a Frequently, schedule. designers insist that the date completion corporate and cost. give an or governmental early guarantee firm's clients as to Besides, invariably all clients need someone who is accountable for cost and budgeting control of capital expenditures in a project. the real to the They have acted as artistic construction industry, incapable of dealing with various factors such as the cost of building supplies the of world, unfortunately many architects have failed to assume their responsibility. advisors In this hard school contexts of a fluctuating economy. in And because of this, 42 many owners have turned to construction consultants or package builders for the guarantee of performance in project time, cost and quality. These burgeoning outside entrepreneurs architectural the to threat this tool all As stages. a result, counter design with is needed in cost control disciplines for coping in to Yet, improvement that is ,their design skills. threat, a Nevertheless, profession. advantageous architects have held the most been have clearly a new look is needed at the and design process itself, so that costly excursions in trial error are not excused in the name of art. established many As a result, firms architectural require their design services to have a leadership role in controlling building cost and quality, with services can easily incorporate their benefit the input into that these phases of construction, administration and management. THE FIRM DESIGN CONSULTANTS. twentieth architecture. THE Buildings century engineering , and CONTRACTOR AND THE ENGINEERING have become much more complex in the now require large-scale use of services , never needed in the historic styles of And, architects, once the versatile renaissance men, are now losing ground as the professionals who head the building process. 43 Architects are has supply become over building systems which only they could design. Thus architects saw the need to elements for needed Gradually, specialists have taken information overload. specific information information buildings; designing with overwhelmed the of design certain to others and thus lost the total building the of delegate Today personal control of the design process. about 60% of the construction dollar is spent on building systems which are designed not engineers, by architects. Since the fifties, have engineers and other consultants and technicians as an integral part of the design team. play a singular role; the building. Architects no longer nevertheless, as a prime contractor architects owner, responsibility for emerged on players all should the carry and team to complete for the promised performance of building. THE DESIGN FIRM AND RIVALRY which (;t) architectural many , that is market share :The structural environment in firms compete is an fragmented one , an environment where no firm has a significant and thus would be able to strongly influence the outcome of its service industries are populated In industry. by a large general, number fragmented of small and medium-sized companies, privately held, with no power to shape industry-wide events. (%) Architectural service fits Strategy" M.E."Competitive Poter strategy in fragmented industries. chapter right into 9,competitive 44 this category. The critical strategy for a firm to cope with this architectural service is overall differentiation of products and services. The purpose of create a high fragmented margin such a differentiation is to of production that could otherwise be easily achieved on basic products by normal design firms or new entrants into the architectural service industry. CONCLUSION: In OFFICE STRATEGY RELATED TO ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. general, for an established mid-sized firm specializing in commercial residential jobs, the typical strategy to itself in the products and industry services. is an overall Nevertheless, position differentiation of this differentiation does not imply narrowing down services and products to one and project particular building type size, rather, it means broadening service areas, so as to add extra services or directly contribute to client's commitment to- and the product features which can initiation and enhancement of a trust in the architect. As identified previously, these value-added services are: 1) Feasibility study for the clients. and sustain a client's analyze the market place, analyses, investigate In order to initiate investment plan, the architect must prepare financing economic and alternatives, investment evaluate 45 ownership characteristics, determine building parameters Most requirements. establish of these site and alternatives, investigate occur activities code in the predesign phase, which is beyond the scope of this study. 2) Control of building cost, quality and time, for owner's. investment return. The general concern of a building owner is to maximize his investment. in construction does Besides, consideration. capital costs and future costs. are land cost, Often, a cost necessarily not increase, when future rent and into construction result of the taken are cost The elements of capital cost, design fees and so on. real estate These definitions are, in fact, simple and financing. concept a profit the concept of cost comprises enough, but calculating total cost needs also the reduction in costs operational Future costs, in turn, contain operational cost, taxes, maximizing on As a result, the value of money. time to be based essence of cost control involves dynamic tradeoffs among cost, quality and time, with the ultimate intention being to maximize an owner's return on investment. This strategy addresses each of the discussed above: 3)strengthen and bargaining power for architects. to common competitors or office strategies competitive 1)enhance the trust of clients. to the threat from substitutes. role four new related entrants. to the forces 2)respond leadership 4)create a barrier As a architectural result, design the is 46 identified as: to build up a firm's competence in controlling building costs, investment quality return in and time to maximize a client's order to gain a leadership role in the building process. 111.2 GOALS AND CSFs OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT This section examines goals of project CSFs necessary to achieve them. management The project management is to assure efficient and overriding and their goal of effective use office resources for all projects in order to achieve the cost ,quality and time controls identified in the chapter on office strategy. For the purpose of process of project investigated. cybernetic achieving this management management in an Based on the concept of an system (Swinth, 1974) (K) , goal office the , must organization as be a project management can be analyzed as three levels activities: policy level, control (t,) Scott, Organizations, chapter 5 pp. 102-120. "Organizations as open systems". 47 level and operation level. In reference to these three levels , the required CSFs can be identified accordingly. discussed to in this section are: 1) management goal in response office strategy, 2) a model of system, The topics 3) a model of control project as a management, cybernetic 4) CSFs of management. 111.2.1 Management Goals in Response to the Office Strategy In supporting office strategy is to effectively and , efficiently mainly staff personnel of all the design firms are management's primary managed in use project concern office resources teams. Normally, a decentralized manner, where individual operations are small and autonomous. In order to coordinate and manage all these relatively independent project teams, a strong central supervision and performance - oriented compensation for personnel staff is needed. Middle management represents this central supervision which links the strategic planning office with the project team. means of obtained this and supervision used managers effectively and assure By resources are efficiently in the accomplishment of an organization's objective. 48 111.2.2 A Model of Control as a Cybernetic System According to Swinth,1974, an organization can be viewed a the relationship among emphasizes which system, cybernetic as policy, control and operations centers(see Fig 111.2). to response office responsible for designs of center The policy a an organization at center them into output. the the middle-management operations receives prescribed the by the in level, directions. The goals. raw materials and transform The control center monitors the output of center and compares it with the stated goals. This process may result in a modification of a of goals set of instructions or directions to the operation units, based upon standards operations its The control center, which is strategy. decisions sets This feedback-controlled set previous arrangement is goal-directed, that is, the behavior of the system is directed by the deviations of the current state from the Such a stated control system relies heavily on mechanisms which can quickly measure performance, and detect problems in fashion goal. by identifying deviations of the a timely actual from the planned, so that incentives and corrections can be created 111.2.3 A Model of Project Management 49 environmental demands order POLICY CONTROL source OPERATIONI. feedback ) final product FigureIII.2 Organization as a Cybernetic System 50 Within the organizational context of the architectural and based on the Cybernetic office System, the management of all project teams can be illustrated (see Fig 111.3) .Managers the policy center translate the contract stipulations into specific tasks to be accomplished and decide of the what percentage compensation defined by the contract will be realized as income when the work has been performed. In addition, they have to devise rules for assigning resources to each task. the control level, each task is scheduled and made provisions At are for allocation of resources in accordance with budgeting limitations and required this at technical expertise. Furthermore, control plan should be constantly adapted in coping with the performance of the operation units. At the operations leve-1, where the actual architectural design activities occur, the project progress should be recorded, periodically evaluated and fedback to the control center. 111.2.4 CSFs of Management Based on provide the above analysis, the goal a of and is to central supervision of all projects to ensure that office resources are effectively utilized ,cost management quality control. for building time The CSFs in achieving this goal are: 51 Business strategy: building cost,quility, and time control Management goal: effective and efficient use of office resources to meet the strategy 1100 internal POLICY: fee structure, coordination i ) strategy in project income and resources allocation of firm's function units CONTROL: resource budget and schedule. performance standard staff personnel and other resources 1* I, ARCHITECTURAL 1 DESIGN AND PRODUCTION feedback final product Figure 111.3 Model of Project Management 52 1) Fee To Negotiation. be should negotiation construction cost is the most common method but not does give incentives firm the incentive to spend the 2) Project Income Assignment. tasks,project of method this of compensation, practitioners for responsive to a client's needs. Rather percentage The restructured. fee design of policy clients, to gives be a full budget. design To various phases and income assignment should be adjusted to reflect an architect's efforts at building cost control. 3) Project Budgeting should reflect and Scheduling. Budget and schedule the best utilization of office resoureces and be refined progressively according to the performance of the project 4) Evaluation evaluation of Project Team. Periodic performance of project team should be done to ensure a project will finish on time, within the budget and with the desired qualities. 111-3 GOALS AND CSFs OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 53 Here, architectural design is viewed as a function operations of office and is broken into three phases: schematic design, design development and construction documents. First, the goal of architectural design is identified on the basis of the experience of practicing architects. Then ,by analyzing the control process in coping with architectural design ,the can are: CSFs be further defined. The topics dealt with in this section 1) architect's strategically, 2) goals control in response process to the office and schematic design, 3) identification of CSFs of architectural design. 111.3.1 Architect's Goals in Response to the Office Strategy As stated by one architect, "the economic success of a project is generally determined in the first few weeks of design. After costing delay." percent that, It not changes always increase realized that cost by about 90 of design man-hours are spent on work that can affect cost only about 7 percent is conceptual preliminary of design percent hours plus are or spent minus, on while about 10 preliminary design 54 decisions, which can affect costs 30 percent (*) sophisticated Often, by reducing steel, while save pennies structural computer the plus or minus. programs can be used to number of bolts used with outdated rules of thumb on building economy establish big line items, such as overall building form and costs. As stated by another architect, "You may be very surprised realize that during to a typical schematic phase of the design process, you are locking in somewhere between 60 and 70 % of the cost of the typical project. By the time you are done with your design development, you have locked in roughly another 20 %." cost (*i') (see Fig III.4) As a result, schematic design is more critical, and requires more analytic methods. With project architects the major concern in schematic design are: 1)Project scheduling. project.Set up Prepare coordination a control procedures schedule that for the will keep all design professionals on a concurrent basis or will alert the design team when they are not. 2) Quality design. for Investigate design alternatives. Search best building configurations and determine major building systems. Because this study is concerned with architectural Swinburne, Herbert, "Design Cost Analysis" Nielsen, Kris R. "Construction Cost Management" 55 101 / 4 z P4 DESIGN BID CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DURATION Source:Nelsen,K.R. "Construction Cost Management,"Exhibit no.2 Figure III.4 The Cost "Lock-In" profile 56 design activities, quality and cost control during the schematic design phase wi.ll be the focus. 111.3.2 Control Process and Schematic Design Control is an integral part of architectural early schematic design phase an , design. owner's objectives have been formulated into specific can .These be attained through building In the investment targets targets which include expected revenue, total budget, date of completion , level building quality and space requirements. of design proceeds by evaluating options desired against the satisfying solution .The a process The typical process limited state and will of set of design then by choosing a gain efficiency by Architects should constantly refine their control program, as adding a control program, as in (Fig 111-5). a goal oriented restriction. process Therefore, for better during the design, rather than a schematic phase, architects should explicitly transform their conceptual design into specific itemized targets for all disciplinary groups in the team.Mean while ,constant refinement and evaluation are necessary to utilize the control mechanism as a design tool. 57 owner's investment objectives r-- GOALS: desired revenue, building cot,time and quality 4- owner's financial capability & money market buildin.9 market local construction market CONTROL POLICY: itemized budget, schedule,and performance standards design solution ( resources DESIGN OPTIONS Figure 111.5 Architectural Design and Control Process 58 111.3.3 CSFs of Architectural design The goal of architectural design as exercise cost identified above is to and quality control over all discipline groups and integrate it with the schematic design process to maximize an owner's investment return. The following is a list of ,critical for the project architect to achieve CSFs primary architectural design goal: 1) Budget and quality planning should be goals investment based on an owner's should indicate realistic and itemized and guidelines concerning cost and quality for various groups of a design team. 2) Evaluation architect's deal with of design guidelines potential on an to identify the best plan, to options so as problems, and should to be further based refine the original guidelines. 3) A construction market profile information base should define an accurate on the local construction market, which can effectively direct the budget planning. 4) A design team should be well coordinated and mechanism for communication should be clearly defined. 59 III.4 THE OPERATIONAL GOAL OF THE DSS In this section some of the most important links between the CSFs of management and architectural design are mentioned. each of the cases In below, a CSF for architectural design is useful to management: 1) Market profile and policy for contract knowledge base about local negotiation. Good construction industry and other design professionals can greatly enhance the bargaining power in fee and contract negotiations. 2) Budget budget planning for a and manpower scheduling. A realistic project forms a sound base for office manpower scheduling. 3) Evaluation performance of of a choices design and options and evaluation of the design team. The evaluation of design options should be based an both design objective tool also measures. This evaluation is for selecting among various alternative is a monitoring tool for performance-oriented compensation of a design team. s0 The operational goal of the DSS is to evaluate design to understand sub-divided tasks their cost and quality impacts for This goal was selected for the . options all following reasons: 1) It reflects the design behaviors of architects during the schematic phase. 2) It corresponds to the strengths of a computer system. 3) The process will gradually force architects to formulate set of guidelines, a as evaluation criteria. As a result ,the coordination among design professionals can be built on a more explicit basis. 4) The evaluation is set to return ,thereby gaining maximize more an trust owner's and investment commitment from clients. 5) The process will have a direct impact on design activities and also be useful to the project team evaluation. 6) Evaluation , used as a monitoring tool to constantly refine the planned budget, will assist the process of budget planning. 7) In the long run it will have its full strategic impact 61 CHAPTER IV: IDENTIFICATION OF PROTOTYPE SYSTEM The purpose of this chapter is to identify the opportunity for a prototype system, which supports the operational goal defined above.A prototype system has the essential features of set of functions. A prototype system is tested to illustrate what it a finished can do with system,yet does not a have complete the expectation of adding more functions later. Such-a-system can be identified using the following steps: 1) Establish critical measures. The measures are the hard soft and data that decision makers use to monitor the performance of the operational goal for the DSS. 2) Generate a critical critical decision set. In reference to the measures , the critical decision set, generated from an architect's viewpoint is a list of important decisions that most impact the successful execution of the operational goal. 3) Identify grouped prototype system. Critical decisions can be and transformed into a series of distinctive decision 62 processes, which designate types of opportunities for DSS. The prototype system is identified through prioritizing these used for decision-making were investigations and interviews, and also, opportunities. In this chapter, data collected through through being interviewing architects. Thus established.In project the designers priorities addition, in of order and a to the project decision set were understand the way architects exercise cost and quality analysis , an examination of architectural design theory is very helpful. The pieces of information daily that architects use in their activities can thus be organized into a meaningful design framework. The topics dealt with in this chapter are: IV.1) Architectural design theory IV.2) Critical measures of the operational goal IV.3) Critical decision set IV.4) opportunity for prototype system IV.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN THEORY -Thematic Design Approach The Thematic methodology of rules Design approach is an architectural design that regulates a formal system according to a set .This formal system is not arrived at through 63 personal intuition or speculation. Instead, it is derived from a 'theme',which is something basic and in peoples' beliefs values about living environments, i.e. governed by social conventions. through Part of the process of formulating the material. alternating In the social-cultural realm interaction of convention, space, the their relationship are defined. by ,bounded technological In on theme is space and use and spatial elements and the realm of material constraints, economic and technical systems for buildings between based major a the are determined. Thus, a theme is formulated through the interaction between spatial system and its bounding technical system. (*) The thematic approach is architectural goal of offices, an design. reaily to professional The pursuit of a theme may not be the architectural architects applicable office, yet certainly, Beyond that basically a process of choices and most have their own set of proven formulae or conventions, which result in a fixed set of spatial elements. in technical architectural design in an office is selecting the best matching space and material. candidate among Technical building systems conventionally can be subdivided into the following: (i:) Based on John Habraken's theory of Thematic Design, Amine Klam, in his thesis, examines the relationship between space and material. 64 Architectural building partitions,wall systems: finishes roofing, exterior walls , , floor finishes, ceiling finishes, specialties, fixed equipment , conveying systems. Structural building systems: foundations, floor on grade, superstructure. Mechanical/electrical systems: HVAC,plumbing electrical. IV.2 CRITICAL MEASURES FOR THE OPERATIONAL GOAL The operational goal of a DSS has evaluation design for satisfactory schematic investment return been for identified options an to owner. as cost achieve Critical measures should be determined to indicate the performance of a design in relation to an owner's investment goals. an owner's investment goal can Typically, be expressed as maximizing potential revenue and minimizing cost. In this study, the focus has been primarily on the building itself rather than on land and other indirect costs. REVENUE. The revenue generated by a building can be analyzed in terms of rentable space and rent. The conventional measures of these items used by architects are as follows: 1)Rentable Space: 65 i) Areas by room functions. Areas assigned to the various room functions and any excessive space allocation should be recorded. This ii) Ratio of square feet net to square feet gross. ratio is compared with ratios typical for that particular building type and if it found excessive, further is design studies are called for. 2) Future Rent:The potential rent of a building is by a number the criteria as immeasurable factors Assessing Yet of factors other than the building itself. does the perceived quality of the building rentand determined these for real factors study,which is concerned quality building use, are with image, beyond the future influence and the such include aesthetics. scope measurable of this qualities of space and building systems in a design: Space quality: i) Room size, from generous to economical. ii) Quality of room iii) Special finishes and equipment. design features, such as atrium, green-house, or energy saving features. Building systems quality: Including exterior wall, roofing , etc. 66 i) Dollars ranging per from square-foot of each austere to luxury. proportion to quality and building system, Often, unit cost is in complexity of an individual building system. ii) Performance criteria: such as fire proofing, damp proofing, thermal resistance, etc. COST: The components of cost are construction cost, life-cycle cost, and financing cost. 1) Construction Cost: initial cost by building systems. i) Construction system. cost and total cost each of detail (see Fig IV.1 ) ii) Total cost per square-foot(SF) and system cost per SF. iii) Percentage of system with systems Usually each cost to cost cost relative high total. are superstructure, exterior walls and mechanical systems. 2) Life-Cycle Cost: annual cost i) Operating cost: Typically, forms, roofing, building electrical system exterior orientation, are all of energy walls, consumption. glazing, building mechanical interrelated system, in and affecting operating cost. 67 SCHEMATIC COST ESTIMATE NO. 1 Description Foundations Floors on grade Superstructure Roofing Exterior walls Partitions Wall finishes Floor finishes Ceiling finishes Conveying systems Specialties Fixed equipment HVAC Plumbing Electrical . Construction total Labor, $ Material, $ Total, $ $/sq ft 75,161 24,901 1,065,591 25,747 832,462 430,888 190,126 186,469 170,138 267,796 115,942 208,833 1,080,842 303,622 772,800 5,751,318 47,227 25,521 2,025,629 29,627 1,487,491 859,356 344,770 448,754 154,211 610,512 244,279 490,882 930,545 342,785 748,160 8,789,749 122,388 50,422 3.091,220 55,374 2,319,953 1,290,244 534,896 -635.223 324,349 878,308 360,221 699,715 2,011,387 646,407 1,520,960 14,541,067 0.50 0.21 12.67 0.23 9.51 5.29 2.19 2.60 1.33 3.60 1.48 2.87 8.24 2.65 6.23 59.60 * e . e 9 o e e * * Source:Dodge Building Cost Services (McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company) with Wood & Tower Inc.,1979 Dodge Comsturction System Costs. SCHEMATIC COST ESTIMATE NO. 1 WITH COST DETAILS OF BUILDING SYSTEMS Description Quantity Unit Labor, $ Material, $ Total, $ Floor finishes Ceramic tile Vinyl asbesto tile Computer floor Carpeting Painting Marble flooring Total Ceiling finishes Plaster Paint ceiling Acoustical tile 11000 66000 10000 12710 sq ft 31610 11000 22000 26000 198000 sq ft sq ft 23,989 31,151 27,830 sq yd 52,953 sq ft sq ft 14,920 35,626 186,469 sq ft sq ft sq ft Total Conveying systems Cab allowance Doors, guides, controls, etc. Elevator, medium speed Freight elevator, electric Total 7 1 6 1 Specialties Toilet partitions Toilet accessories Misc specialties 1 1 Total each LP SM each each LP SM LP SM LP SM 20,691 103,919 186,504 3,373 73,517 44,680 91,901 131,749 239,457 18,293 109,143 448,754 635,223 46,189 14,387 109,562 14,087 2,775 137,349 60,276 17,162 246,911 170,138 154,211 324,349 12,193 82,921 153,692 18,990 32,139 201,482 338,701 38,190 267,796 610,512 44,332 284,403 492,393 57,180 878,308 13,342 2,600 100,000 60,379 3,900 180,000 244,279 73,721 6,500 280,000 360,221 115,942 60,750 Figure IV.1 Sample of Schematic Cost Estimates 68 value present cost: Maintenance ii) sum. future of roofing, exterior walls require highest amount Normally, of maintenance cost. The construction. and labor working should hours design and the higher the system, building each For project. building span time the longer financing cost of the for hours Working 3) Financing Cost: noted, so that a total be base This provides the man-hour requirement can be obtained. for scheduling the progress of a project. IV.3 CRITICAL DECISION SET The operational achieving goal perform cost investment goals. owner's the to is architects, this phase an is concern is transformed into maximizing utilize effectively a budget desirable building performance for the owner. above critical measures of list sets forth the critical constantly confronted In other major responsibility at the schematic architects' to owner. building building performance and minimizing building cost. words, for Maximizing revenue and minimizing cost is the major concern for For monitoring for creating Refering to the revenue and cost, the following decisions that architects are with during the schematic design phase of a project: 69 1) Can the area of rentable space be increased with a minimun of construction costs? 2) Does the cost distribution of building systems reflect best utilization of budget? the How can the problems in budget utilization be identified and corrections be made? 3) Can space and material quality be maintained by costly alternatives? consistent with an Is the owner's some less quality of space and material expectation? Is there any over-design of a particular building subsystems, unnecessarily complex details or specifications which are unfeasible for the existing budget? 4) Can systems and material selection take better advantage of the local construction market? 5) Will the chosen design option cause significant delay in design and construction? 6) How can the annual cost of energy consumption For example , by be reduced. changing the configuration, orientation , fenestration, or the material used for exterior enclosure and glazing? 7) Because the improvement of energy higher initial performance results in cost, will this cost be justified in the long run? 70 8) In order to maintain the same rate how much rent be must raised of to investment cover the return, increased construction cost? IV.4 THE OPPORTUNITY FOR PROTOTYPE SYSTEM Construction cost analysis: In current architectural , cost construction three processes. to related decision set is analysis (2), items (1), : the macro the most important of the levels two are There (3), of cost analysis (4) in the critical and which level practice is the estimate by building systems; the micro level which is a detailed estimate for each building system. Operating cost analysis: This process is related to in list the of critical a design option. (6) decisions above.The purpose of an performance energy operating cost analysis is to analyze the of item This process allows users to determine building orientation and material, and to receive in return an estimate of energy consumption loads, lighting, consumption addition, and estimates, due building operating to heating Based services. costs and can cooling on energy defined. In maintanence costs should be considered for material 71 selection for all building systems. Total cost analysis: This process is (7), and (8) in related the critical decision set. to items The purpose of this process is to evaluate construction cost, operating and financing cost construction cost. is not enough. total cost on the basis of the time value of money. Architects know that the improvement of operating raise (5), costs will But knowing the direction of change One must also know how much change is the cost; furthermore, in order to maintain a certain level of rate of investment return, how much must the rent be raised to cover the cost increase? With such quantitative knowledge an intelligent decision can be made. 72 CHAPTER V: DATA BASE IDENTIFICATION The purpose of this chapter is to identify the data base required for the prototype system mentioned above, so that the may be more formally defined. A data base is generally system defined as a organization collection maintains will called be operation as the of that internal organizations also use external data, that and maintained by another organization. data bases data. Every a collection of data that is used for the planning, control, and This computer-stored of organization. Most database. is data gathered Internal and external are important prerequisites for DSS because these data bases will contain some of the data relevant to the is- based on the decisions supported by the DSS. The process of defining required data base technique decision of a " scenario decision scenario" (Rockard,1981 ). concerns a particular event and Each the which might be asked in formulating a decision. In decision scenarios, it becomes clear which questions would be questions answered by the new system and which would be left unanswered. In answering these questions, the relevant data base is 73 identified. In this chapter, through the decision three decision critical identified set. They are building space estimates systems are scenarios and total building analysis, building estimate. Each scenario presents the particular activities in which architects perform construction cost analysis, and specific questions they asked. V.1 Building space analysis V.2 Building systems estimates V.3 Total building estimate V.1 BUILDING SPACE ANALYSIS events. Description of decision architects tend to fix During the design phase, the floor plan as soon as possible. The building configuration needs to be examined for : 1) total area needed to achieve essential functions and relations; 2) efficiency of the ratio of net to gross floor area. ratio is determined to and If the be inefficient when compared to the ratio for a similar building type , the architect must revise his plans. 74 Decision Scenario: Space analysis Questions asked by architects measure 1) Is there any excessive space floor area by room allocations related to the building program? function 2) Does space efficiency comply to floor area net to the owner's expectation? floor area gross Data Base Required: Floor plans, with attributes of each room, such as size and function. V.2 BUILDING SYSTEMS ESTIMATES decision Among events: the all building Description of subsystems, the superstructure and exterior walls are the two systems that most impact the building of 35% about the construction cost. (see result, these two systems are an architect's represent They form. Fig V.1) As a concern primary during the schematic design phase. 1) Superstructure and Exterior Wall Analysis : During the process of exploring building configurations, architects study form in conjunction with an appropriate structural system. The superstructure is an inherent part of architectural and it is usually the architect rather than engineer, who selects the type of structural system form, structural and sets 75 THE ENGINEERS' SHARE OF AVERAGE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR A COLLEGE LIBRARY (Site costs are excluded.) 100% $ 63.88 100% Roofing Exterior walls $1.22 8.58 1.9% 13.4 Partitions 2.96 4.6 Wall finishes 1.06 1.7 Floor finishes 1.48 2.3 Ceiling finishes 1.98 3.1 Specialties 2.26 3.5 Fixed equipment 6.42 10.1 Conveying systems 1.02 1.6 Foundations 2.26 3.5 8 Architectural building systems a 4-I $25.95 40.6% Shared - --- - 1.6%- - Structural building systems 4 Floors on grade 0.90 Superstructure 13.54 21.2 HVAC 10.22 16.0 1.4 Plumbing 3.78 5.9 Electrical 6.20 9.7 Costs by Building Systems $16.70 26.1% 3 Mechanical electrical building systems aI $20.20 31.6% Costs by Design Disciplines Source: From "Design Cost Analysis",Swinburne,H. FigureV.1 Cost Distribution by Building Systems 76 bay size and height. building The support of The market. per cost superstructure floor area is a useful measure to check if the square-foot of When architects want cost exceeds that of a similar building. they cost, try usually to simplify building form; building height; reduce bay size and compare and their other similar building . solution with Exterior walls subsystems. the on by building and should properly reflect the construction reduce based be should subsystems set requirements to assemblies, and secondary framing assemblies and deck assemblies. selection local superstructure system vertical consists of three subsystems: primary The are The the area most of costly of all architectural the wall surface is a function of Therefore, building perimeter and floor height. an analysis can be made of the ratio of the area of the perimeter walls to the gross floor area of the building. excessive, further design studies are If this ratio is found suggested. The major decision concerning the superstructure is floor-to-floor-height,which determines the factor involved in making area of the building skin. - superstructure a Thus, usually these two subsystems and exterior wall- are considered together. The exterior walls consists of wall assembly, finish material, glazing, exterior door, backup material, and shading. Other building systems. Other building systems, such as 77 foundations , electrical and mechanical systems only roofing, have a minor impact on building form. usually architects are materials various In addition, be should measures used by cost per SF, cost details of system each subsystem, and overall cost. of The noted, prices unit as an indicator of overall material quality. In the schematic phase, architects seldom information have that is sufficiently detailed in the mechanical and electrical areas, other than mechanical engineer building and broad concepts. ' you If Yet, described stated as the type of known, that locks the basic amount of that cost into the project, and there is very little that you can do As the the basic functional arrangements of the space, we could tell you within 3% what that load will be. Once is by a about it.' a result, dealing with this type of estimate , appropriate rules of thumb are very useful. (1) Decision Scenario: Configuration, Superstructure, and exterior walls Measure Question Asked 1) How can one make a more realistic estimation? a) accurate information about the local construction market at bidding time. cost index conversion factors b) well predicted inflation rate. inflation rate 2) Is the system cost higher than average? system cost per SF (1) Nielsen,K.R. "Construction Cost Management" 78 3) How can the cost be reduced without degrading the building quality excessively? a) Are the decisions about space reasonable? and change of bay size or floor height, or reduce complexity in form possible? area of parameter wall / floor area b) Is the decision about building subsystems reasonable? i) Where can one start to cut down or to add on the cost? cost details of each subsystem ii) Is there over-design or excessive complexity of detailing? iii) Does system quality comply to the performance criteria? performance criteria iv) Does material quality match the owner's expectation? unit cost v) Does system selection take advantage of the local construction market? Data Base Required: 1) floor plans, building sections. 2) A profile of the construction market by building may be the biggest problem, for the large size This systems. local of the data base and the needs for constant updating with fast construction changing prototype system, frequently used the items. of market of collection today. data Yet, for the begin can with Beyond that, there are external data sources, which provide effective computerized several the cost data for building types. By simple telephone-adapted Equipment (modem), firms can access these data with reasonably low cost. 3) Library of building systems. A collection of building T19 elements, technical of elements superstructure vertical support, primary and files whereas, of walls exterior items includes secondary a such and framing, deck; wall assembly include These finish material, glazing, exterior doors. example, For building- systems. useful for the selection of files used among projects, is very frequently should data link closely to that of the local construction market. 4) Cost Guidelines. system building each for Records of cost distributions and for various building types can be a good these Derived from references for cost comparison. records, office standards may be developed over time. Decision scenarios on the can be much simpler in the initial development is Yet, it the decision scenario illustrated above. to similar This system. building other of the from the stage prototype system. V.3 TOTAL BUILDING ESTIMATE Descriptions of decision system estimates derived. subsystem above, events. a final Based subsystem. input schematic estimate can be The value of this estimate is by on in cost comparison, By comparing this estimate with the cost distribution, typical for a particular building type, architects may spot problems. 80 The strength of such a cost estimating interplay between estimate. For example, in the overall building of percentage the system process that of an average and in the the total building estimate, if total for the superstructure exceeds the building, this condition is a warning uneconomical decisions in the superstructure that indication estimates lies to Therefore, by going back may cause a problem. check the cost details of superstructure, architects may realize that by decreasing bay size and floor height, a substantial saving can be achieved. Or, by the examining example, the marble flooring for all may discover the reason floor finishes, they lobbies, elevator for a high dollar cost per square for Although marble floors may be desired by the owner, the foot. owner must be informed is flooring too that such One high. restricting marble flooring only to level a possible of solution first the quality may floor for be lobby. Therefore, such a cost analysis process must go back and forth between the building cost macro and and micro levels, between the total the subsystems costs. Thus, the architect should not be satisfied with only one design solution, even if the design seems aesthetically and functionally satisfactory. Exploring alternatives is a typical way of better, but also more economical seeking design not solution noly for architects. Decision Scenario: Total building estimate by building systems 81 Question Asked measure 1) Doe5 the cost estimate exceed cost total the budget ? 2) Is there any economical imbalance percentage of in the building estimates? subsystem cost to total cost 3) Where might there be the problem? Data Base Required building systems Cost should distribution be collected of for a building by a wide range of projects from luxury to modest and for various building types. Thus, the comparison of identical cases can be made through a complete list of historical records. 82 CONCLUSION The theme of the study is the architectural design , planning the cost analysis. systems not architectural only for DSS in linking office strategy with project management emphasing on a specific schematic process prototype system i.e. , This top-down approach ensures that contains the relevant data for design purposes, but also provides the material for both project management and top strategic planning. 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