Doc_Name Page 1 of 4 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL TONTO NATIONAL FOREST PHOENIX, AZ FSM 2709.11 CHAPTER 40 – SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK Supplement No.: 2709.11-95-2 Effective Date: August 17, 1995 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: CHARLES R. BAZAN Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 08/17/01 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. New Document Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) 41.53 4 Pages 0 Pages Digest: 41.53k – Transfers existing Outfitter/Guide Performance Standards from Forest Service Manual 2720 to Special-Uses Handbook, and makes needed editorial updates. TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/17/95 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 2 of 4 FSM 2709.11 – SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK TNF SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-95-2 EFFECTIVE 08/17/95 41.53k - Permit Administration, Outfitter/Guides. 1. Performance Review and Evaluation. a. Performance Standards. The following performance standards have been developed for inclusion in Operating Plans for Permits (excluding Temporary Special-Use Permits) which authorize outfitter/guide activities on the Tonto National Forest. With approval, these criteria may be modified to meet special circumstances of individual permit holders. Use Tonto Form FS-12-2700-7 and FS12-2700-8 when making a performance evaluation. The criteria are: (1) Business Management Practices. (a) Receives few complaints from customers and resolves them equitably. (b) Notifies Forest Service of suspected unauthorized "pirate" outfitter/guide activities in a timely manner. (c) Assures that outfitted customers are in compliance with Forest Service rules and regulations, and notifies local Forest Officer of suspicious activities and/or materials being transported that appear to be a possible violation of Federal law or regulation. (d) Attempts to give guests a full dollar's value for each dollar spent. (e) Provides a service in such a way that there is no conflict with the National Forest. unguided public utilizing the (f) Submits Financial/Actual Use Reports, insurance policy (or fees, etc., as per established schedules/deadlines. (g) Makes apparent in all brochures and advertising that the located within the Tonto National Forest. certificates), permitted area is (h) Cooperates fully with local Forest Officers and volunteers. (i) Adheres as fully as practicable to all provisions of Special-Use Permit and Annual Operating Plan. (2) Equipment. (a) Provides good-quality equipment in a good state of repair. (b) Back-packs and other equipment clean and serviceable. TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/17/95 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 3 of 4 FSM 2709.11 – SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK (c) Vehicles well-maintained and suitable for the job being done. Customers transported in comfort; no unwarranted mixing of equipment and customers. (d) Seat belts, other safety equipment provided and in use where appropriate. (3) Personnel. (a) All guides properly certified before serving in that capacity, as per Tonto National Forest Guide Certification (FS12-2700-8). (b) Unsatisfactory employees removed from service in a timely manner. (c) Personnel are familiar with provisions of the Special-Use Permit and Operating Plan, and adhere to them. (d) Provides valid information on the role of the Forest Service and accurate information on the areas of natural history. (4) In-The-Field Operation. (a) Provides a recreation experience compatible with a National Forest setting. (b) Notifies local Forest Officer of overnight trips. (c) Stresses safety in all activities; provides a First Aid Kit and other required emergency equipment and training. (d) Keeps total group size within prescribed limits. (e) Does not make unauthorized use of non-system trails. (f) Adheres to all smoking and fire restrictions in effect. (g) Properly disposes of all refuse in appropriate manner. (5) In-Camp Operation. (a) Provides a clean, safe camp commensurate with the level of experience advertised. (b) Selects campsite away from fragile or sensitive areas and pollution of water sources occurs at anytime. recreation assures that no TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/17/95 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 4 of 4 FSM 2709.11 – SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK (c) Provides suitable human-waste facilities, whether using the disposal-on-site or the carry-out method. Maintains an active program of hand-washing after use by all food handlers. (d) Does not automatically build campfires and keeps size appropriate to amount of wood available (or provides own source of wood). (e) Utilizes four-step system of sanitizing dishes and utensils (or removes for off-site cleaning). (f) Stresses safety in camp, and provides appropriate safety and fire-fighting equipment. (g) Controls unsuitable behavior of guests that would detract from the enjoyment of other guests. (h) When campsite is dismantled, little sign of use remains except for normal wear on vegetation. (6) Stock. (a) Livestock are sound, gentle, well-broken, trailwise, healthy, well fed, and shod. (b) All crippled or galled stock, etc., quickly removed from service. (c) Corrective action is promptly taken with stock that has caused a problem (e.g., injured a customer). (d) No unauthorized grazing; no stock allowed to run at large. (e) Provides suitable livestock restraints (e.g., hitch lines or existing corrals) so that damage to site is minimized. Scatters piles before leaving camp. (7) Base of Operations (If open to the public): Provides a well-kept professionalappearing base of operations. If stock are involved, flies and manure are under control. Gear etc., is properly stored and a business-like atmosphere is evident. Signs, if any, are well made by a qualified craftsman, and are well maintained with no peeling of paint, etc. in evidence.