2409.19_20 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 2) GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING Supplement No.: r2_white_river_2409.19-2001-5 Effective Date: July 16, 2001 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed Approved: MARTHA J. KETELLE Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 07/10/2001 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 2409.19-2001-4 to FSH 2409.19, Zero Code. New Document(s): 2409.19_20 7 Pages Superseded Document(s): (Supplement Number and Effective Date) 2409.19, Chapter 20 (supplement 2409.19, 9 Page 21.21-21.24 & 22.21-22.21b dated11/90 WR Supp.#90-1) Digest: 21.24 – Removes obsolete White River direction to FSH 2409.19 chapter 20. 21.2-22.3 - Revises policy and responsibilities. Revises methodology for documentation and calculation of out year project costs at Gates 2 and 4. Specifies timing and process to monitor expenditures and fund balance to FSH 2409.19 chapter 20. WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 2 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING 21 - COLLECTION OF FUNDS 21.2 - Documenting Sale Area Improvement and K-V Collection Plan 21.21 - Form WR-2400-50 Document K-V projects on Form WR-2400-50, Sale Area Improvement and K-V Collection Plan. This form is in an automated spreadsheet format and should streamline SAI Plan preparation, updates, and revisions. List projects in order of priority. List required K-V improvements necessary to ensure reforestation of harvested areas as identified in the applicable silvicultural prescriptions. Submit signed copies of form WR-2400-50 to the Forest KV coordinator, and the Supervisor’s Office Timber Resource Clerk. File a copy in the project file. Submit District-Wide SAI Plans each fiscal year as a pre-requisite for collecting K-V funds from personal use activities, such as firewood or Christmas Tree cutting. Submit the following documentation in addition to an SAI Plan (WR-2400-50): 1. 2. 3. 4. SAI Plan Map Cost Adjustment Table Project Narratives SAI Summary Provide signed copies to the Forest KV Coordinator, District Office, and Supervisor’s Office Timber Resource Clerk. 21.22 – Narrative Statements Attach an SAI summary to each SAI Plan (ex. 03). The purpose of this document is to summarize the proposed activities by cutting unit/identification number as identified in the SAI Plan narratives. Information from this summary is used to input activities into the appropriate Activity Tracking Database (RMACT) and the automated K-V Tracking System. Completion of this summary provides information for planning and tracking resource management activities on the sale area in addition to K-V financed activities. Note activities such as brush disposal and appropriated funded activities for each unit or site. WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 3 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING 21.22a – Cost Computations The following historical cost information (ex. 01) provides a method of validating the cost projections of work to be completed. These unit costs for specific activities were taken from SAI Plans prepared during the period 1997-2000. The overhead assessment was deducted from these costs to derive average project costs. Project costs were rounded to the nearest dollar per unit. Attach a cost adjustment table to each SAI Plan (WR-2400-50) initially submitted or revised (ex. 02). 21.22a – Exhibit 01 Historical Cost Information (1997-2000) WRNF Activity Regeneration Surveys Precommercial Thin Felling Whips Release and Weed Mechanical Site Prep Road Obliteration (ripping,seeding) Road Closure (Gate) Noxious Weed Control Fence Construction Riparian Improvement Spring Development Trail Construction Interpretive Sign Cover Development (Piles) Owl Boxes Project Cost without Overhead $9.00/acre $110.00/acre $70.00/acre $120.00/acre $90.00/acre $1100.00/mile $600.00 each $100.00 acre $6600.00/mile $1400.00/mile $1150.00 each $1900.00/mile $975.00 each $85.00 each $75.00 each These historical project costs may not properly assess projects in individual SAI Plans. Project costs that vary outside the historical figures or projects not listed in Exhibit 1 shall have a detailed cost estimate in the SAI Plan narrative for the specific project. WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 4 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING 21.22a - Exhibit 02 SALE AREA IMPROVEMENT PLAN COST ADJUSTMENT TABLE Activity Unit Site Preparation Regen Svy Yr – 1 Regen Svy Yr –3 Regen Svy Yr – 5 Release/Weed Noxious Weed Ctrl Road Obliteration acre acre acre acre acre acre mile Quant ity 50 50 50 50 25 10 2 Unit Cost $90.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $95.00 $110.00 $900.00 Year to Accomp. 2000 2001 2003 2005 2005 2001 2002 Inf. Factor 1.040 1.082 1.170 1.265 1.265 1.082 1.125 Project Cost/Unit $93.60 $10.82 $11.70 $12.65 $120.18 $119.02 $1012.50 Total Cost/Unit $119.40 $13.80 $14.92 $16.13 $153.30 $151.82 $1291.55 Midpoint of Sale 2000 All Unit Costs in 1999 Dollars = Year 0 Overhead Assessment = 27.56% Unit Cost: Cost derived from experienced or current year costs (Year 0). Inflation Factor: From table of inflation factors, 21.22b. (Year to Accomplish Project - Cost Year) = Years from Sale Date 2002 - 1999 = 3 years = 1.125 inflation factor Project Cost: Unit Cost X Applicable Inflation Factor Total Project Cost: Project Cost x Overhead Assessment using procedures in 21.22c. (Example: 1.2756% x $93.60 = $119.40). 21.22b - Inflation Rate An inflation rate of 4% per year is used to adjust costs based on the estimated year of accomplishment. Use the following factors to inflate experienced or current year costs to an estimated year of accomplishment. WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 5 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING Cost Adjustment Factors Years from Sale Date 1 1.040 2 1.082 3 1.125 4 1.170 5 1.217 6 1.265 7 1.316 8 1.369 9 1.423 10 1.480 Example: Project is planned five years in the future. Current cost estimate = $110.00/acre Projected cost estimate = $110.00 x 1.217 = $ 133.87/ acre For planning purposes, the following timeframes are recommended for determining the estimated year of accomplishment for K-V funded activities: Site Preparation Regeneration Surveys Timber Stand Improvement Other Resource Activities Midpoint year of sale termination Schedule sequentially following midpoint year using timeframes noted in FSM 2472.4. Midpoint of sale termination or later depending on anticipated harvest schedule. As described in project narrative, at least 1 year following sale award. Subject to a maximum of 5 years following sale closure unless waived by the Regional Forester. 21.22c - Indirect Costs Use current year overhead assessment rates at time of Sale Area Improvement (SAI) plan preparation or revision when calculating Indirect Costs (Overhead Assessments). Overhead rate assessments are documented in the annual Forest Supplement to FSH 1909.13, section 42.11. Calculate overhead cost assessments separately for each activity included in the SAI Plan Narrative and included on WR-2400-50 to calculate a total project or unit cost as applicable. Following is an overhead rate assessment calculation example: Example: Estimated Project Cost (after inflation) SO, District, RO Overhead (27.56%) Total Project Cost per Unit = $133.87/acre = $ 36.89 = $170.76/acre WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 6 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING 21.23 - Sale Area Improvement Plan Map Show each project listed on the SAI Plan on a SAI Plan Map. The scale of the map should be large enough to accurately depict the location of needed work activities. A scale of 1:24,000 is recommended. WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: 2409.19-2001-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2001 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_20 Page 7 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING EXHIBIT 3 EXAMPLE SAI SUMMARY Last Update: Contract Number: Purchaser: Date Sold: Termination Date: Prepared by: HARVEST OTHER RESOURCES Unit Fund Quan Type Site No Ac Type 1 203610-15 26 4113 2 203611-12 50 4152 3 203610-17 35 4230 4 203615-08 8 4111 4341 KV 5 203610-03 15 4113 4341 KV 6 203612-01 20 4152 4493 Fun d KV REFORESTATION Unit 203610-01 203610-01 Type SITE PREPARATION Ac Type Ac 4341 Fun d KV 26 4494 KV 20 TSI Type AC MI Ac 26 Brush Disposal Codes: 1014 Burn Landing Piles Site Preparation Codes: 4493 Site Prep for Natural Regeneration 4494 Mechanical Site Preparation Other Resource Codes: 2932 Noxious Weed Treatment 6115 Road Obliteration Ac 1014 BD 1.0 25 1014 BD 1.0 4512 KV 15 1014 BD 1.0 8 1014 BD 1.0 15 1014 BD 1.0 1014 BD 1.0 KV 20 25.0 1.0 Reforestation Codes: 4341 Regeneration Surveys Fund KV Codes are derived from the Rocky Mountain Resource Information System Harvest Codes: 4111 Clear-cut (Patch) 4113 Clear-cut (Stand) 4152 Group Selection 4230 Sanitation/Salvage Type 4512 4512 2932 6115 Fund BRUSH DISPOSAL TSI Codes: 4512 Release and Weed WHITE RIVER SUPPLEMENT: r2 white river 2409.19-01-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/xxxx DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2409.19, 20 Page 8 of 8 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – COSTS, COLLECTIONS, AND ACCOUNTING 22.2 – Annual Review and Report of the K-V Balance 22.21 – Format for Annual Forest Review A SAI Plan profile shall be updated annually for each timber sale under contract or terminated/defaulted with K-V financed work not completed. Each activity or project denoted on the SAI plan will be placed individually on the SAI Plan Profile. Combination of items under one title is unacceptable due to the use of these profiles for calculating out year funding. Total Sale needs for harvest units completed must be less than or equal to the amount of K-V funds collected to date as shown on the most recent Timber Sale Account Statement. The KV Tracking coordinators will review each SAI Plan profiles annually and update project status prior to November 30. The District Ranger shall submit SAI Plan revisions annually by November 30 for each timber sale: under contract, terminated, or defaulted that has K-V financed work proposed. Annual KV fund balance reports shall be generated by the database manager by December 15 and provided to the Timber Management Officer. 22.3 - Project Tracking Rocky Mountain Activity Tracking (RMACT) shall be used to track K-V financed projects. Tracking will include stand records, resource projects, proposed year of implementation, accomplishments, project costs, funded and unfunded projects, and timber sale K-V funds collected by sale. Revisions to SAI Plans shall be submitted to the Forest KV Coordinator, the project file, and the Supervisor’s Office Timber Resource Clerk by December 10 of each year. Updates to the RMACT K-V database will be made by December 15 annually.