1709.11,10 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Supplement No.: 1709.11-2007-1 Effective Date: October 17, 2007 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: ABEL M. CAMARENA Deputy Regional Forester Date Approved: 10/17/07 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): 1709.11,10 9 Pages Superseded Document by Issuance Number and Effective Date: 1709.11-2000-1, 12/04/2000 9 Pages Digest: 13 13 13 13 13 Exhibit 01, Article II. Revises part B, C & D Exhibit 01, Article V. “Human Resource Director or representative,” to read “Human Resource Point of Contact/Liaison or representative.” Exhibit 01, Article VI. Revises part D, to include “facilitator.” Adds part E, item 4. Exhibit 02, Adds new I and renumbers following. Exhibit 02, III part C: Revises example date. Exhibit 02, IV, part B, #8. Add “review of Program of Work.” Part D is deleted; Part E, revises statement from “Human Resource Director update” to read “Human Resource “Point of Contact/Liaison” provide an update. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 2 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 12 - CONTROLS. Management of the Civil Rights Program in the Southwestern Region includes the need to obtain diverse representation on all Region 3 taskforces, committees, groups, and teams, and to monitor and evaluate civil rights programs and issues. Participation of women, minorities, and people with disabilities adds diversity to policy-making decisions. Diverse representation includes leadership roles as well as membership roles. 1. Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors are responsible for ensuring that diversity is incorporated into the criteria for selecting taskforces, committees, teams, and groups. 2. Plan to utilize the assistance of groups or individuals such as Special Emphasis Programs Managers, Human Resources and Civil Rights staffs, American Indian Advisory Council, Forest Service Hispanic Employees Association, African American Strategy Group, Asian Pacific American Employees, Pathfinders, and individual mentors for candidates who add diversity. 3. The evaluation of Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors in achieving diverse representation in these groups shall be included as part of annual performance reviews. 4. For planning and review purposes, the following checklist should be used: a. Remind selected members to be sensitive to needs of those under-represented groups missing from their groups. b. Determine the skills mix necessary for the group to get the job done. c. Determine how large the group should be, while still meeting diverse objectives. d. Recruit new members for groups whenever possible. New members will promote a greater diversity of ideas and awareness. 13 - CIVIL RIGHTS ADVISORY COMMITTEES. 1. REGIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE: a. Exhibit 01 is the charter for the Regional Civil Rights Committee (RCRC). b. Exhibit 02 contains the operating procedures for the Regional Civil Rights Committee. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 3 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 01 SOUTHWESTERN REGION REGIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHARTER AND BYLAWS I. CHARTER The Southwestern Region Regional Civil Rights Committee (referred to in this document as the RCRC) is authorized to organize and function in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Agriculture’s Civil Rights (CR) policies and procedures as described in the parent text. In addition to EEO requirements, the RCRC will also advise and counsel the Regional Forester on Region-wide implementation of the Department of Agriculture’s Civil Rights Policy. Within the Region, the RCRC will function under the overall leadership, direction, and guidance of the Regional Forester and the Regional Civil Rights Staff. In fulfilling its advisory role, the committee will review proposed policy and procedures and other issues that relate to or impact Civil Rights within the Region, developing and recommending possible solutions. The RCRC will consist of employees with varied interests and skills, whose membership provides a cross-section of the regional population. The committee will serve as facilitator and activist to carry out the functions described under Article II. II. BYLAWS ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this group shall be the Southwestern Region Regional Civil Rights Committee, hereafter, referred to as the RCRC. ARTICLE II. Functions. The RCRC will assist the Regional Forester in upholding the Region’s civil rights responsibilities as follows: A. Advise the Regional Forester on appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness of policy and programs directly related to or impacting Civil Rights Programs. B. Serve as facilitators for all employees in the areas of Civil Rights (CR), Human Resources (HR), and the Work Environment. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 4 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 01--Continued C. Facilitate communications, problem-solving and communicates resolutions. D. Work as an extension of Regional CR staff, providing timely information to all employees, and monitoring the local effectiveness of CR programs. (I removed HR) E. Assist the Region in recognizing and celebrating CR achievements, and motivating, encouraging, and supporting involvement in CR activities and a positive work environment. F. Recommend changes to reinforce and strengthen the Region’s Civil Rights Program. G. Recommend special programs or projects, with emphasis on under-represented groups. H. Provide recommendations for increasing effectiveness of the Region’s Workforce Affirmative Action Employment Plan. I. Recommend to the Regional Forester candidates for regular taskforces. Article III. Scope of RCRC Responsibility. The RCRC advises the Regional Forester on Regional civil rights and other workforce matters. The RCRC is authorized to consult with subject matter experts as necessary to carry out its role. Members are authorized to spend up to 20% of their time in conducting RCRC business. Article IV. Relationship to Management. By the nature of its function, the RCRC serves both management and employees. The RCRC serves as a channel of communication for employees and gathers information from both employees and management. Article V. Membership. Membership to the RCRC will be open to all Forest Service employees with permanent appointments. The RCRC will consist of four standing members, plus one member from each National Forest, one member from the Regional Office, a recording secretary, and a facilitator. A. The incumbent (or acting) of the following positions will be standing members: 1. Regional Director of Civil Rights. 2. Regional Human Resources Point of Contact or representative. 3. National Federation of Federal Employees representative. 4. Executive Consultant to RCRC B. Members. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 5 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 01--Continued 1. Each Forest shall develop a process to determine nominations to the RCRC. 2. Forests forward nominations to the Regional Civil Rights Director. Each nomination will include a statement of interest and qualifications. 3. The RCRC will review nominations and make recommendations to the Regional Forester. 4. Regional Forester makes the final selection of the Forest representative to the RCRC. C. Committee members will serve three (3) year terms, with the exception of the chairperson, who may serve a fourth year. Representatives may serve more than one term but not more than two terms consecutively. Article VI. Meetings. A. Regular meetings of the RCRC will be held at least semi-annually. B. The Regional Forester or the Deputy Regional Forester for Operations may call additional meetings of the RCRC at any time deemed necessary. Any member of the RCRC may recommend that the Deputy Regional Forester for Operations schedule a meeting. C. The following RCRC officers will be elected for the specified terms: Chairperson (2 year term) Recording secretary (18 month term- overlapping with the previous person for one meeting) Facilitator (18 month term - overlapping with the previous person for one meeting) NOTE: The Chairperson-elect will be elected by the RCRC during the second year of the chairperson’s terms. RCRC members considered for the position of chairpersonelect will be in the first or second year of their terms. D. The Regional Director for Civil Rights, or a member of the CR staff, will be Executive Secretary of the RCRC. The Regional Civil Rights Executive Consultant (also a member of the RO CR staff), in conjunction with the Chairperson, Recording Secretary, and facilitator shall: 1. Establish and transmit agendas for all meetings 30 days prior to the next meeting. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 6 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 01--Continued 2. Maintain a permanent record of all meetings on CR-RCRC Webpage. E. Members 1. Members shall participate in all meetings and conference calls. 2. Members shall arrange for an informed alternate when they cannot participate in a meeting or conference call. 3. Members shall provide written input on agenda items to the Chairperson at least 45 days prior to a meeting. 4. Repeated failures to participate, directly or through an alternate, in a meeting or conference call, may result in a regional request for that member’s removal from the committee. (Definition of “repeated failures” would mean missing more than one of the bi-annual meetings and/or quarterly conference calls, without notifying the Chairperson of absence and not arranging to have an informed alternate to participate in these activities.) R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 7 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 02 SOUTHWESTERN REGIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE OPERATING PROCEDURES I. Maintain a Program of Work which may include, but is not limited to, situation statements and workforce diversity recommendations. II. How the RCRC manages Civil Rights/Human Resources situations and acts upon them. A. Situation Management and Resolution 1. The RCRC member attempts to facilitate resolutions to situations at the local level by encouraging communication and involving appropriate people. 2. Situations not resolved on a local level will be elevated to the RCRC in accordance with the following procedures. a. The Chairperson will send a letter to all members 60 days prior to each meeting soliciting situations that require the RCRC attention and action. Members will respond to the request in writing 45 days prior to the meeting. With the Chairperson’s approval, late written situations may be presented prior to the committee meeting. b. Situations will be presented in the following format. 1. Title of Situation 2. Situation Statement 3. Alternatives 4. Recommendations B. Situation Assessment and Priority for Action 1. All situations will be presented and debated by the RCRC. There will be an opportunity to present new situations during the meeting as time allows. 2. The RCRC will determine whether the situation can be resolved at the Regional level or if it needs to be elevated as a National issue. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 8 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 02--Continued III. Region-wide RCRC Development and Transmittal of Written Recommendations to Regional Forester. A. The format for written recommendations will contain these elements. 1. Situation Title 2. Situation Statement 3. Alternatives 4. Recommendations which will include an implementation date. B. Regional situations and the recommendations developed by the RCRC are transmitted under a letter from the Chair to the Regional Forester within 30 days after the meeting. C. Situations are numbered chronologically to correspond with the actual situations developed by the RCRC. The number includes month and year of the situation (for example, #98 (1/07) means it is the ninety-eighth situation developed by the RCRC and it was developed at the January meeting of 2007). D. The Civil Rights Executive Consultant will provide the RCRC with a status report of the actions taken on the situation(s) at each meeting. E. The RCRC will follow up on the situation recommendations accepted by the Regional Forester and report back to the units. IV. Agenda Development. A. The RCRC Chairperson will develop the meeting agenda. B. Agenda Format: 1. Introduction 2. Committee members and visitors introduced 3. Forest Supervisor’s welcome 4. Remarks from the Regional Forester R3 SUPPLEMENT 1709.11-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1709.11,10 Page 9 of 9 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – CIVIL RIGHTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 13 – Exhibit 02--Continued 5. Selection of Committees 6. Administrative details 7. Agenda review 8. Program of Work review (goals and objectives, with situation update). C. Minutes will be: 1. Read and reviewed. 2. Approved by RCRC. D. Civil Rights update by Regional CR Director. E. Human Resource (HR) Update - Regional HR Point of Contact/Liaison provide an update. F. Updates and Success Stories from committee members. G. Committee reports. H. Development of Recommendations to resolve situations. I. Field trip—Optional. J. Discussion and identification of future agenda items. K. Set location and dates for the next meeting. L. Meeting Evaluation.