TOWARD A COMPUTER-APPLIED DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN MODEL --- MULTI-FAMILY WALK-UP APARTMENTS IN TAIWAN --by WERN-BIN CHOU Bachelor of architecture National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, R.O.C. June, 1981 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1985 Wern-Bin Chou 1985 The Author hereby grants to M. 1. T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the author Wern-Bin Chou Department of Architecture May 10, 1985 Certified by N. J. Habraken, Prof. of Architecture Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Julian Beinart, Chairman Dpar tmental Comm NS uiT JF TCHI GGY RotcHt JUN 0 3 1985 MAS ACHUISETT T tee on Graduate Students TOWARD A COMPUTER-APPLIED DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN MODEL --- Multi-family Walk-up Apartments in Taiwan --by Wern-Bin Chou Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 10, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies. ABSTRACT It is the objectives of this study to explore the feasiblity of applying a Here, the computer is applied to evaluate computer in a dynamic dwelling design. A specific type of a support design by testing possible layout variations. housing is chosen in the thesis to illustrate the application as well as to explain the theoretical aspects of this model -- a computer-applied dynamic dwelling design model. The thesis includes following five parts: This is done by 1. To recognize the form of the specific type of housing. the use observing by realizing the backgrounds of the making as well as and physical entity of the housing form. 2. To develope a system with explicitly-formulated rules on this specific housing type from the recognition process. 3. To explain the way how to use the system in the decision-making and design-reasoning process of a dynamic dwelling design. An 4. To explore the application of a computer in the design process. model. design this example is given here to illustrate the using of 5. To present a theoretical discussion on the design model which explains the insight backgrounds of the design model. Thesis Supervisor: N. John Habraken Title: Professor of Architecture ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to my thesis advisor, and Prof. John Habraken, for his invaluable guidance thoughts provoking as well as his insightful advices. With him, learning has been a most simulating experience. Then, Hu, I want to thank Ming-Hung Wang, Mark Gross, Jone-Hui for providing me with the background materials and helping me with conceptulizing and developing this and Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno, for article; their Jill helpful Ackerman English editing. I would also wish to thank my friends, Josephina Corn, ShangYu Hong, Chi-Ta Lai, Ming-Chrong Hwang, Kuen-Shan Huang, company Shih-Ming Kao, Li-Hseuh Hung, You-Xian Zhu, Cheng-Fung Lin, Tina Bahadori, Shen-Wei Huang, Tai-Ping Ho, and Lee-Ming Lee. Their Delightful has made the process of writing this thesis a memorable one. Finally and most importantly, my deepest appreciation to na family in their encouragements and constant supports which make my education at M.I.T. possible. CONTENT ABSTRACT ........................................................ 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................. 3 CONTENT ......................................................... 4 1. INTRODUCTION ..................... .............. 1.1 MOTIVATIONS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2 HYPOTHESIS 1.3 SCOPE AND FRAMEWORK 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE TYPE .......... 2.1 THE "MAKING" OF THIS TYPE 2.2 THE "FORM" OF THIS TYPE .............. 5 ........*................... 15 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM . .................................. IDENTIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS 3.1 POSITION RULES OF THE ELEMENTS 3.2 3.3 DIMENSIONS OF THE ELEM ENTS 3.4 STAIRS AND DUCTS 3.5 PARTY-WALLS AND SECTOR GROUPS 31 4. USING THE SYSTEM FOR A DYNA MIC DWELLING DESIGN ..............-54 4.1 NORM-SETTING 4.2 OPERATING 5. USING A COMPUTER IN THE DES IGN PROCESS ...................... 68 5.1 MAN'S WORK 5.2 MACHINE'S WORK 5.3 AN EXAMPLE 6. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DESIGN MODEL .................. 89 6.1 RECOGNITION PROCESS 6.2 EXPLORATION PROCESS 6.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODEL BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................... 104 CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 MOTIVATIONS AND OBJECTIONS ............................ 6 1.2 HYPOTHESIS ............................................ 8 1.3 SCOPE AND FRAMEWORK .................................. 13 S . A .R. 1.1 Stichting Architecten Research; -- an organiiation founded in Netherlands in 1964, to conduct architectural research. MOTIVATIONS AND OBJECTIVES S.A.R. methodology, give would I felt a better me interest the exploring After studies in architecture. my throughout my application have always held its and Housing area that further research in this understanding of and decision-making reasoning in design. The support design approach has been widely tested in western European countries and has proven to be a successful provide variability and adaptability in housing design. little the model However, research has been done to substantiate its workability context of Taiwan. Hence, I decided to direct to my in study towards a dynamic dwelling~design model in Taiwan. The application of computer-aided design in architecture always presents a lot of potential and challenge to me. By using the computer to assist us in the design process, designers will no longer have to spend their time in many of the ways that have *DYNAMIC DWELLING A dynamic dwelling should provide VARIABILITY -- the abilities to make or vary while maintaining different -- the and ADAPTABILITY stability, in to adjust to change abilities external condition. traditionally occupied them, and will be able to concentrate craetive aspects of design that really matter. on In this thesis, I would like to explore the applicability of the computer as a tool S.A.R, METHODS computer-applied dynamic details feasibility and design strategy of dwelling SYSTEM + LEVELS COMPUTER -APPLIED DYNAMIC DWELLING the design. precisely dwelling design. This approach also seeks to It explores for a design reasoning design of a physical form. about physical and spatial dynamic understand how a dynamic dwelling design is executed by relations the more exploring in the An application of this model will be illustrated within the contexts of multi-family walk-up apartments COMPUTER-APPLIED DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN MODEL MULTI-FAMILY WALK-UP APARTMENTS IN TAIWAN AS CASE ILLUSTRATION (Fig. 1.1) in Taiwan to show how this computer-applied design model would really work. (Fig. 1.1) dynamic dwelling 1.2 HYPOTHESIS The Architectural design is a kind of form-making activity. In a design, the ultimate object of design is the physical form context defines the problem, while the form is the solution to the Desi gn 's problem. function then is to trans late the context The context is that the form so as to solve the design problem. part of the world which put demands on the form. world that to make demands of the form is context, Anything in the all i.e. the social/economic and physical constraints. There attempt to designers mathematic computer structures. is always a leap between context and overcome this leap and to connect context have often tried to set up some logical descriptions could generate However, forms by means difficult of In an and form, structures to represent the problem and these hoped or the logical more and more design problems are reaching high levels of complexit y and difficulty. more form. It is getting more and to set up logical structures to exceed the leap between the context and the form. (Fig. 1.2) (Fig. 1.2) Understanding this task, I am trying to approach the problem in the dynamic dwelling design process. In a dynamic dwelling design, architects have to evaluate the support makes design by means of the quality of the dwelling possible. develop Using the S.A.R. methodology, that it I would like to a computer-applied dynamic dwelling design model. This design model will not only help an architect or a developer in the evaluation process of a dynamic dwelling design but is also useful for individual residents to plan their own dwelling layouts. A the specific building type is chosen to diminish the computer computer data base. in dealing computational limits. with The This enables the use of this model within a its multi-family walk-up size of personal practical apartments in Taiwan were chosen as an example here to illustrate the model. I feel this type offers a great challenge as a design reason is not only because the development of this issue. The intensively- used building type serves rapid urbanization and industrialization in Taiwan but also because this existing type, which I am familar with, provides a clear base toward understanding the nature of the problem. As a whole, this study will generate a tentative model of of link between context and form from the different totally a direction which is more familar to- architects -- "form". testing form, with form, and ending up with form, I am trying to avoid the leap between form and context. approach Starting This kind of (Fig. 1.3) also benefits the application of computers in the design process. with contexts which make the form. start could all would not have a hard time figuring out we form, imposed If we always implies a certain context. Form Through our the observation about the transformation of the form, we can establish rules about the form as a pre-condition. Then, materials based on that understanding. kind of "form-oriented" transformation design of the form. we arrange spaces The only premise of model is the maturity The more mature the of and this the transformation the form is, the more meaningful the context imposed on it would be. The rules "theme" (Fig. 1.3) man-made which environment always reveals certain can be used as guidelines for design. consistent The terms and "variations" are ways of indicating the idea that the environment can be described on the basis of systemic rules and the design can be developed on the basis of that understanding. (Fig. 1.4) -- "recognition" Design consists of two aspects of expertise and -- that help designers "exploration" recognition ability enables a designer to observe patterns from a and to formulate explicit rules of variations, set The them. The decisions. make exploration ability a enables to designer describe to make variations subject to a given set of constraints. In the recognition process of design, the designer observes a VARIATIONS OF FORM form with meaningful contexts in it. mature the designer then can formulate explicit rules theme of the form, on the form. THEME] in a There are always spatial and physical themes RECOGNITION form the By recognizing recognized as constraints in terms of elements, site, relations between the elements, and position rules on the elements in the site. EXPLORATION In the exploration process of design, spaces and recognition materials process. activities by generating, (Fig. 1.4) setting up based The on the designer the designer organizes from understanding explores the the form-making testing, and adjusting the form without any logical structures to link the context and the form. (Fig. 1.3) In the whole design process, we only deal with the problem of form, both physical and spatial. also end up with a form. evaluate from Design begins with a form and With this model, we introduce testing to alternative forms by checking them with outside criteria a context which must be applied. We then find feasibility and ease in applying computers to the testing process. are forms proposed by the designer, The input the output could be the same form as proposed or evolved ones, and some comments concerning the problems of the proposed forms. resources is the one (Fig. 1.5) People with needs and using this design model to connect the context and the form. design process is also a kind of developmental The process. The design process repea'ts a series of operations again and again. ADJUSTING GENER ATING RULES] TEST ING ADJUSTING FORM A decision in one cycle may determine contexts for the next. be and so on.... (Fig. unmade for others who join the work later. in the dynamic dwelling design model, possibility 1.5) in The design can be finished completely or decisions can left concept decisions dwellings. we Using introduce this the for individual residents to plan and change their own SCOPE AND FRAMEWORK 1.3 The scope of this study is on the dwelling level dealing with design issues of the dynamic dwelling. the design evaluate the basic variants in a dynamic and generate How to dwelling scope assistance of a computer is the the with 1.6) (Fig. the of thesis. This research emphasizes upon the habitational sphere given technical the to the productional sphere dealing with problems of the physical system, a Little attention dynamic design in planning variety and change. was of detailed such as the materials and details of partitions, storage units, eletrical systems, etc.. This family walk-up with. After making of type, *SYSTEM A system can be understood as product of interaction among parts. It is a kit of parts, with rules about the way these parts may be combined. study starts with a specific type of building -- multiapartments in Taiwan, I investigated, most of the existence of the I am trying to describe the form of this specific type in hand, of By recognizing the form, I then try to develop system.with explicit rules for this type of housing. system familiar realizing the background this type and observed the use and housing in Taiwan. a which I am I will explain the way of using With the it in the decision-making and design-reasoning processes of a dynamic dwelling design. After only that dwelling the exploring the design with a system, the we can system is valuable to be employed find in a not dynamic design but also that it is feasibe to apply computers in design process. This is also an objective of this study -- TOWARD A COMPUTER-APPLIED DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN MODEL FOR MULTIFAMILY WALK-UP completed, the reach APARTMENTS After the model is I will go back to explain the theoretical concepts in design model. a IN TAIWAN. general Starting with a specific example, theory of design. Wider and I finally also deeper applications will be then possible for future research. (Fig. 1.7) T PHYSICAL. URBAN STRUCTURE TOWNSPTA NE IGHBORHOOD SPAT IAL PHYSICAL ROOM" SPATIAL (Fig. 1.7) Frame Work (F ig. 1. 6) Scope ELEMENT E.E CHAPTER CHAPTER 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE TYPE THE "MAKING" OF THIS TYPE ............................ 18 Chinese Cultural and Social Change Japanese Colonial Influences Building Codes and Zoning Regulations Economic and Industrial Development Construction Process 2.2 THE "FORM" OF THIS TYPE .............................. 24 Orientation Rectangle Territory Access Sunlight Ventilation Planting Living & Dining Cooking Bathing Sleeping Balcony The rules with design. which architects can develop have to recognize spatial and material built environments and develop such systems to activity. patterns a system from the patterns. a system in design they may explore design to meet by needs organizing spaces and materials based on for use design is a kind of form-making Architectural Architects consistent environment always reveals certain man-made in Using specific that under- standing. Among residential buildings, contemporary the multi-story residential building is the most prevailing and universal housing It is particularly true in rapidly growing urban centers in type. developing countries. This type of housing represents the living environment for the majority of The urban populations. multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan can be seen as a specific type among contemporary residential building.( Fig. 2.1 a, b ) It has both similarities and differences with other forms of multi-story buildings found elsewhere. family with walk-up In Taiwan, residential buildings blend Japanese influences. Chinese the multi- traditions It applies modern building technology, and responds to the specific needs of family life in Taiwan. =vi sWee=-;.-- - -- ~ -~ 2.1 THE "MAKING" OF THIS TYPE In Taiwan, multi-family walk-up apartment buildings appeared in late 1950's. At that time, a thrust in economic and industrial developments created a demand for urban housing. The form of this type of housing has evolved with following factors: A. CHINESE CULTURAL AND SOCIAL CHANGES Family lizing and modernizing countries. have Iei F PIC r units. In Taiwan, the family patterns extended However, household of relations, as a persistent need for extended manifested to in a form called and nuclear it is still a expression of piety to live with elderly parents in Taiwan. is evidence (F ig. the from evolved independent industria- life has been changing radically in many filial At present, there and new family "modified-improved 2. lb) Walk-Up Apartments in Taiwan extended families". (Fig. 2.2) The "modified-improved extended family" includes the vertical and/or horizontal extensions from the nuclear family. a vertical extension is composed of elderly parent/s Typically, and the family of one of their sons or daughters. The family unit includes TRADITI0NAL CHINESE HOUSE FORM LOW COST PUBLIC HOUSING WALK-UP .-APARTMENT HILGH RISE JAPANESE . HOUSE VARIATIONS OF TRADITIONALOUFA EXTENDED FAMILY NUCLEAR FAMILY NCLAR FAMILY I MODIFIED EXTENDED I IFMILY ADDPTED.EEWTENCED I MPR M CO0PERATIVE I 1960 STEM FAMILY HOUSHOLDS 1977 (Fig. 2.2) Housing Transformation In Taiwan NOW lUKE members of three generations but is separated from the and periphery connections. Horizontally, joint by household maintained families branches the common form is a of brothers. Usually This unmarried brothers and/or sisters are also in the household. specific of type contributes a lot to the formation family the multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan. (Fig. 2.3a) Japanese Duplex Houses B. JAPANESE COLONIAL INFLUENCES most In the early stage of this walk-up apartment evolution, of the new buildings were built on the sites of demolished houses in the Japanese colonial period. built adhered buildings instituted and 2.3 a, b) These codes to the building and behind by the Japanese colonial strictly left (Fig. zoning adminis- tration. A typical Japanese house in Taiwan was a duplex -- two houses sharing a common wall. Generally the house occupied a approximately 100 - 120 ping (325 - 390 my?). buildings Basically, of the new were built right on the top of old foundations with the maximum allowable building coverage of 60% of the lot. (Fig. lot So, two 2.3b) Walk-Up Apartments in Taiwan apartments might occupy approximately 30 - 40 ping (100 - 130 m4) each on one level with a common wall between them. Given the opportunity of going higher, stair well to reach the upper levels. the building needs a Typically, is located between the two halves of the building at the staircase the front, facing the street. C. BUILDING CODES AND ZONING REGULATIONS The codes rule that 60% of the lot building area be the maximum allowable building coverage for residential constructions. balconies in the front and in the back of a building are not But, considered as building coverage. The actual coverage is therefore technically often greater than what the law allows. The height of the building is also restricted by law to times the width of the street in front of the that height, retreated to 1.5 Beyond building. a set back rule dictates that the building must the diagonal line drawn from the far side the of street to the near side with the height of 1.5 times the width the (Fig. 2.4i Building-Height Limitation street. (Fig. about 8 meters wide, Also, five 2.4) Since most old residential streets the height limit is four to five be of are stories. stories is the maximum floor height allowed by codes for buildings without elevators. Besides code requirements mentioned above, building economics and construction techniques have also contributed to the making of the multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan. D. ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT In Taiwan, the rapid industrialization has attracted numerous rural workers to immigrate to urban areas. The pressure of immigrants' housing needs led to the brisk increase in the density of residential settings. This swift growth in urban populations also created the demand for vertical construction of many stories. As land got scarcer and more costly, both necessary multi-story buildings became and desirable to meet growing housing demand and development costs. Along with industrialization, it became popular to use concrete construction and brick infill for walls and partitions as innovations in building technology. This has provided the wide- spread and primary means for fast, economical, multi-story housing construction. E. CONSTRUCTION PROCESS zoning Because typical plan. the Once from mitments plans are drawn up, the a is intensively project of individual units are buyers Com- buyers. prior sought to Since each buyer owns the apartment prior to actual construction. !' ! ! A IT with 2.5 a,b) (Fig. for each unit. 130 mn) and usually sold quickly to prospective advertised once It has two units on each floor with approximately (100 - 30 - 40 ping up architects in Taiwan had to come lot size, a given strict, are and building regulations its constuction, prospective occupants have a chance to decide how it is to be furnished. This gives distinctive qualities to each apartment while the basic plan remains the same. B2 9K K B1 32 b (Fig. 2.5a) Typical Plan IMBI L B2 t B1 L K K MB B1 B2 MEb D D rr MBD L L MR X2 BI K. K1 b Be 2 b MD L L x BE K K BI Be D D ML L (Fig. 2.5b) MB 2 K K B bb D "D B MB M1 L Typi c Var i at i on MV IJMB K K 31 L 2 M K K BD 32 B b''L D b. LUL B Be 1 32 LA B B L Mb 1 K K 3 L Q JL a 32 L MR 2.2 THE "FORM" OF THIS TYPE recognition In this I process, limited observation my strictly on the physical phenomenon which can be distinguished -- solid elements, and -- void elements enhance one another; spaces. Space as material and There is One must imply the other. a distinction but no separation. We see configurations by certain distinguishing of elements and their distributions at the selections also see can how certain configurations indicate the site. boundaries We of spaces and distinguish certain selections as well as distributions REAR of spaces. observations on the multi-family walk-up Through apartments in Taiwan, I have extracted certain general conclusions about this specific then environment can The form of the multi-family walk-up type. be described through our observations of as the apartments physical follows: FRONT A. ORIENTATION (Fig. 2.6) Orientation There is a strong sense of orientation with people, they want to .................. ....... ........... ...... easily distinguish spatial directions. row duplex the between tinctions buildings. front and the rear of (Fig. 2.6) dis- There are clear these People are multi-story aware of the ... .......V. ... .......V. of specific space locations in the importance with more intensive activities tend to For locations. instance, interior. put in more Spaces significant living rooms and master bedrooms are .......... always in the front part of the building. B. RECTANGLE In Chinese,- "diagonal" sounds exactly like "evil". (Fig. 2.7) Both are Rectangle as prounced 1 "hsieh". Thus physical configuration and spatial arrangement are preferably laid out at right angles and integrated into a geometrical building therefore The form rectangular grid system. neatly comes out with a rectangular of the shape. (Fig. 2.7) C. TERRITORY in this type of residential building, and a sequence of privacy is distinguished. (Fig. 2.8) Territory territory are as follows: the territory is clear The sequence and the outside (public) --- staircase (semi- --- public) front balcony (semi-private) --- (semi-private) --- --- bedrooms (private) --- back balcony (semi-private) --- living & dining room kitchen outside (semi-private) (public). (Fig. 2.8) D. ACCESS Each dwelling unit has its own main entrance directly to public open entrance space hall or to a shared entrance hall. The shared enables users to express their identification the control of their territory. (Fig. 2.9) the and Balconies are used as transitions between inside and outside activities. (Fig. 2.9) Access V E. SUNLIGHT Buildings are preferably north-south oriented for sunlights. every preferable There must be direct sunlight to at least one side for living space (bedroom, living room, kitchen, etc.). Interior window curtains are popularly used to shade the sunlight. Balconies are also preferred as efficient horizontal devices for the subtropic climate in Taiwan. (Fig. 2.10) # 9 (Fig. 2.10) Sunlight shading F. VENTILATION natural ventilation. auxiliary steam for are at least two openings in every interior space There mechanical and residents 2.11) In the kitchen and ventilators are installed for In the living room and smoke. have (Fig. the option to install the bathroom, their master heavy bedroom, air-conditioners into provided openings to deal with the subtropical summer in Taiwan. G. PLANTING There are a lot of potted plants in the balconies and outside (Fig. 2.11) Ventilation the window. Residents use these plants to identify and their territories. Shortage of green space in the urban area has increased the use of potted plants too. to prevent beautify Steel cases are installed into the conceived as the center of the the flower pots from falling and dropping street. (Fig. 2.12) H. LIVING & DINING -k Living whole (Fig. 2.12) Plainting and dining rooms are family activities. to the back of the house. They are also a passage from the front This is a multi-purpose space where a variety of activities, These activities include reception, and chatting ancestors eating can take place. both formal and informal, together. recreation, family worship, solid gods is placed in a formal manner against a and the for Quite often an altar wall facing the entrance. (Fig. 2.13) I. COOKING Cooking Chinese because (Fig. 2.13) Living & Dining activities In addition to of a mechanical ventilator, a smoke. is still kitchen directly exposed to the outside for natual ventilation. kitchen, there are a sink, 1.8m by 3.3m -- unit the cooking always brings abundant steam and and cabinets for storage. 111 isolated to the back are In the a gas stove, a refrigerator, counters The normal size for a kitchen is about 2.4m by 4.2m. (Fig. 2.14) J. BATHING 0 0 By means of mechanical ventilators, a bathroom can be located in spaces without any direct exposure to the outside. least (Fig. 2.14) Cooking one bathroom with a bathtub, whole family with easy access. There is at a sink and a toilet for (Fig. 2.15) the The normal size for a bathroom is about 1.5m by 2.4m -residents is bigger, put usually When a bathroom 1.8m by 2.7m. laundry in it. equipments Generally a second bathroom is preferred to attached to the master bedroom. K. SLEEPING and/or a dressing table for women. (Fig. 2.15) Bathing making up, etc. storage, studying, desks, cabinets, They function for sleeping, furniture includes beds, In each bedroom, The normal size for a single The normal size is about 2.4m by 3.6m -- 3.6m by 3.6m. bedroom for a double bedroom is about 3.6m by 4.2m -- 4.2m by 4.8m. (Fig. the other A master 2.16) bedroom is a little larger than bedrooms. It is usually in the front part of the dwelling and, as mentioned above, a However a bathing bathing unit unit either is usually connects included with or in it. locates conveniently near the bedrooms that have no bathrooms. L. BALCONY Balconies no wider than 1.5 meters are not counted as a (Fig.2.16) Sleeping of the building coverage limitation. They provide a sense part of possession of open spaces. The front balcony is normally used as space for transition and space for entrance. can take off shoes and put on slippers here. Residents and guests It is also a space for semi-public use, and a space for planting. The machine, back balcony is a space of mutiple a gas container, a boiler, (Fig. 2.17) Balcony A washing and a sink are here. also the space to dry clothes in the air, store things. (Fig 2.17) uses. to grow plants, It is and to CHAPTER CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM 3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS ....................... 33 3.2 POSITION RULES OF THE ELEMENTS ....................... 34 3.3 DIMENSIONS OF THE ELEMENTS ........................... 37 3.4 STAIRS AND DUCTS ..................................... 43 3.5 PARTY-WALLS AND SECTOR GROUPS ........................ 46 A system, in general, is a set of clearly defined elements, plus a description of the relationships among them. S3 '? S2 Si Building can be described as a system in which specific elements relate to each S3 AD...DettQ :Alpha Beta according to specific rules. other After observing the physical environment of multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan, we can systematic rules for the design of this specific type of generate housing. (Fig. 3.1a,b) AD S3 S2' GLmMo S2' (Fig. 3.ia) Saptial S3 System With this concept, of 'components, the building can be regarded as a ordered according to certain rules -- spaces are the system's components, which and the system a system in relationship between those spaces conforms to certain rules. Since in space, rules of the system are relative positions of elements the S.A.R. methods offer ways to solve the coordination and evaluation problems in design by use of the system in a shared .-. ......... ...--... ........... spatial They framework provide the -- a grid of modular means for and zone participants" to distribution. coord inate and communicate individual decisions easier. * PARTICIPANTS (Fig. 3. Ib) Physical System The participants of the multi-family are in Taiwan walk-up apartments architects, developers, and users who are involved in the decision-making process. 3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS All the spatial functions can be divided into three groups -special purpose spaces, general purpose spaces and service spaces. (1) Special purpose spaces: Are intended for particular activities over a certain of time. length They include bedrooms, kitchens, studies, etc. The SPECIAL PURPOSE SPACES R B1 B2 MB K Ki KD E Specific Purpose Room Single Bedroom Double Bedroom Master Bedroom Pitchen Kitchenette K:itchen + Dining Entrance maximum and minimum size of which can be determined on the basis of an analysis of their functions. (Fig. 3.2) (2) General purpose spaces: Are wide the largest single space in the dwelling and can have variety of arrangements to accommondate different a kinds GENERAL PURPOSE SPACES L D LD F Living Dining Living Family Room Room + Dining Room of activities for the whole family. Such space cannot be determined in advance. (3) Service spaces: SERVICE SPACES Are not meant for long term occupation, but are present in the Bathroom Toilet + Sink Bathroom + Laundry Storage Stai rs dwelling for short term, storages, specific activities. stairs, and bathrooms. They include Both the size and layout of such spaces can also be determined on the basis of an analysis (Fig. 3.2) of their functions. POSITION RULES OF THE ELEMENTS 3.2 Spaces determine zones be placed in a zone/margin system conventions among a group of people -- the certain To can and how spaces can be located in a zone according to participants. distribution, margins are categorized according to which particular spaces are situated and/or defind them. The zones and margins in a zone distribution can be defined as follows: intended for alpha (a) zone is an internal area, (a) An private use, and is adjacent to an external wall. (b) A beta (0) zone is an internal area, intended for private intended for private use, but is not adjacent to an external wall. (c) A delta (6) zone is an external area, use. (d) A gamma (') zone can be internal or external but is intended for public use. (e) A margin is an area between two zones, with the charac teristics of both zones and taking its name from them. (f) A sector is part of a zone and its adjoining margins that is unobstructed and can be planned freely. Now S3 s2 SI S2 investigate can we the their between relationships location and the zone distribution as following: S3 AD Detta AlphaL ADAB-- Detta (Fig. 3.3a) Special Purpose Space (a) Special purpose spaces: Such spaces always end in two consecutive margins. The minimum The depth of these spaces is the width of the zone. depth is the width (Fig. 3.3a) These spaces are adjacent to the facade, alpha zone. The margins. of the zone plus two adjoining position rule for a kitchen maximum in the will also restricted by the location of the duct. (Fig. 3.3b) (b) General prupose spaces: Such spaces may overlap one or more zones and end in a margin. such spaces are adjacent to the facade and Since spaces, purpose located special they often occupy the alpha (a) zone or both alpha (M) and beta (f) zones. often to in the (Fig. 3.4) Dining spaces are of the beta (8) zone at the center dwelling. (c) Service spaces: Such (Fig. 3.3b) Kitchen Position spaces are not necessarily adjacent to a facade. are usually small and related to a special purpose space. They It is often possible to locate them in the alpha beta (a4) margin or the beta (#) zone. S3 S2 Si S2 _ _ _ AD . 3.5b) Alpha iLi~ S3 :-Beta ABAlpha A Gamma S2' S2' Dett S3 (Fig. 3.4) General Purpose Space S3 S2 Si S3 S2 ...... . .......... ....................... .... ........ ... ..... .. ....... ~AD Det Alpha ... .Beti ..... .... .. S3 S2' Alpha~ . . . . Ganna AD . S2' DeltQ ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. . ... .. .. ..... .. .. . .. ..... . .. .... .... .. .. . ... ... .... .. . ........... laAB * ... .............. .. ........... ........... M AB- * The location of a bathroom is also restricted by the location of the sanitary duct. (Fig. S3 Delta _ _ (Fig. 3.5a) . .. ... S3 (Fig. 3.5b) Bathroom Position (Fig. 3.5a) Service Space 3.3 DIMENSIONS OF THE ELEMENTS usually based on the preferred maximum and are sectors) size of the spaces in a dwelling. and margins, The proportions of a zone distribution (zones, minimum Location of a space in a zone distribution implies certain maximum and minimum sizes. relationships The can be specific uses function analysis chart. the desired their between special purpose spaces and space a of clarified with the aid functions, With the analysis of their dimension range of spaces can then be and determined. (Fig. 3.6 a,b,c,d) The relationship between a service space and its function can also clarified be analyzing their with the aid of a chart. functions, On basis the both the sizes and layouts of of such service spaces can be determinated in advance. (Fig. 3.7) The exact space dimensions (that are chosen ina specific plan) will depend on needs and resources of specific knowledge about the occupants, unnecessary Though we for architects to decide the occupants. Without it is both impossible and the exact dimensions. can not decide the exact dimensions with the analysis ..... . . .. . ........ . .. . . .. ....... . .. .... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . a .... . . a e .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . ........ . .. . .. 240 ........... ....... - *..... ** ............. ........... ........... 270 ............. ..... I... I....... ...... I.... ........... 1-................... ............. ... ...... 11 ........... p ........... I. .. .. .. .. ... ...... ... ........... r ... ............. ................. ........... .. . ........ .. ... . .. .. .,............ ............. ........... V... ... .. .. ... .... .. ..... .. 300 330 360 ........ ....... ..... 390 420 .. ... . .. j........ ...... ...... .... 0.0........ ... 450 ........... v.. .............. . .. ... ..... I.. ... .. ... ... . 480 (Fig. 3.Ea) Master Bedrooms 00P Cl0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . ................................ 0..... . ........ 90 120 150 180 210 ....... ........ B . . .. . . .. . . . ............................................... .. ........ .......... ... I .... .. ... ............................... ............... ......... .......... ........... ............ ............. .............. ............... ............................................... 150 ....... ........ ......... .......... ........... ............ ............ .............. ............... 180 ...... .... ... .... .... ......... ................. .. ........ .. ... ..... ....... ..... .. ..... .... . ... .... . .................... ........... ......................... ...... ................... .............................................. ...................... ....... ........ .......... .... I...... ...I........ ....... ........ .......... ........... ............ 340 270 -7 ........... ..... .... .. .. .... ..... . E1 .......... ........... ............ .......... .......... .............. ....... ........ ......... .......... ........... ............ .......... 300 .. ............... ............. 330 ............. * * .. .... .... .. .... .... El ....... ...... ....... . ..................... .. 360 .. 390 . ............... ............. ............. ............. 420 ..I.. ......... . ......... ...... ............ ....... ........ .......... ........... ............ ............... ......... 450 .............. .. .. ..... ..... .......... ........... (Fig. 3.6b) Single or Double Bedrooms CD CDCD ............. 480 .......... ........... ............ .......... .............................. 1,B CD .. .............. O M U 00 -- - , "] CD CD C-D w CD C) 03 0 03 M CD cm w CD O1 CD 0O CD cEQ 00: 00 o:00o 0PE) 90 120 150 180 ........................... ................................ ................................ .......... ......... ...... ............... ................................ ................................ ... ..... ................................ .... ..... . ................. ..... ................................ NiH ................................ 240 ..... ............ ................................ 270 .............................. ... ............................... 0 0)la 0 0 0 0 0 ...................... ................................ 0( 300 330 )0 . ......................... ... .................. ............. 360 ........ ............. .............. ................................ .......... .......... .................. ................................ .......... .......... 390 420 .................................... ................................ .... ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ............. .......... 450 ............. .......... .. ........ .... ... .......... .. ................................ ... ... .......... 48n ... ... .... ..... ........... ..... . .. ... ... ... .... .. .... . ... ...... ..... .... . .. .... -(Fig. 3.6c) Dining Spaces F- M CMumC CD 0000 CD R) R) w '<D C0D D .......... w C to .. .............. ....... .. .. . m> Cm m uCD 0 ....... CO C0 00 o o. .................. .............. 90 ....... ......... ........... 120 ................ ................ ........ ................. .............. 150 ......................................... ................ .............. ......................................... 180 210 ...... ................................. .......... ....... .............. ............. ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ...................... ................................. ....................................... EDJ ....... - ................... ...... ............ ...I....... .......... ......... ........ ........... ... ....... . .... . .. ... .. .... .................. . ............ .......... ........... 240 ....... .............. ............. ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ....... ... ........... 270 IF ... .. I .... ..... ............ ..................... ...... ....... ...................................... .......... ......... 300 ...... I.................... ...... ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ...................... 330 ................................. Li L * LI L 360 *. ...... .............. ............. ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ....... ............... 390 .. ... ..... ........ .. . ... ... .... ...... ..... .. ..... ... . ... .. . ... 420 ...... ........ ..... . ......... .. . ... ... . . ... . .... ...... . .... .. .. ...... ......... .... .... .. ........ ... ...... .. ........ 450 ... ....... . .. . ....... ...... 480 ... .......... . ......... . . ..... ... ... ............. ... .... .... .. . .... . ... . .. ... ... ... .. .......... ... ...... DI-- CD M (Fig. 3.6d) Kitchens ' R) cc 0 c - R) -,C o W w CD CD C above, these we spaces dimensions from range. We We can margin, offered by each zone, desirable certain the analyses. then let specific contexts make their own decisions. of space and function analysis, of dimensions a better idea about the possible have sure make that and sector are occupants Also, these people may the within their from with the help make better deci s ions. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. -.. .... ....... ...... ....... ...... .... I..... :......... .... 90 s... .. ....... ... .... ... ... ......150. -...180.. E ... :F ' L J3 ....... 2 ...... E .... ..... ............ :~I ..... Bathrooms..... 7)....... ..... ... m ccJ .... m...... ........ I ...... ... I I I.. 3.4 ......... ......... ..... STAIRS AND DUCTS The placement of the staircase will determine the location of In the support system for the entry door to each apartment unit. walk-up multi-family apartments in Taiwan, I propose two alternative placements for the staircase. (F ig. 3.8 a) One the alternative is to put the entry door at the far away from the street. staircase lateral center of the apartment. the stairs locates or this Functionally, on the end This entry locates at of the The door either straightly faces side of the landing. stair arrangement makes sense since the circulation from the entry to all the other part of the apartment is shortest. I.I.I......I.I. (Fig. 3.8 a,b) The second alternative is to place the entry front of the building. is through (F ig. 3.8b) with inner the living room directly. living room. in the The method of entering the dwelling unit a balcony in the front of the apartment staircase, door (Fig. which links 3.8 c) We pass through an get into an open balcony, and then reach the This flow is remarkably similar to the sequence in a traditional Chinese court-yard house. 43 The location and placement of ducts is also aspect of a support design. bathrooms an important They determine possible locations of and kitchens as well as the capacity of the space that the support structure can possess. In the support design for the multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan, we propose two separate ducts for kitchen facilities in a duplex unit. the and location auxiliary (Fig. 3.9 a) Thus we may have more flexibility in duct size of the k itchens. We in the center of the duplex unit, front or in the rear of the centra l location. extra duct provides a chance to put bathing informal kitchen in the back of the staircase. ducts unit also (Fig. propose an either in the 3.9 b) This facilities or We also turn an the horizontal to connect the spaces on both sides of a duplex or spaces between units. (Fig. 3.9 c,d) more flexibility in sector group organizations. Thus we may have . ... .... . . . . . . ....... 1.......... L........ .....1.... ....... (Fig. 3.9a) Ducts for kitchens (Fig. 3.9c) Lateral Ducts for Connecting Duplex Units .. (Fig. 3.9b) Auxiliary Ducts in the Center of a Duplex Unit . .. .. . (Fig. 3.9d) Lateral Ducts for Connecting Duplex Units 3.5 PARTY-WALLS AND SECTOR GROUPS In the proposed support systems for the multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan, there are two alternatives placement. (Fig. 3.10). Besides that, there are two alternatives in connecting duplex units. (Fig. 3.11) a total of four Combining both, there are alternative systems in the principles distribution in staircase proposed for the zone and multi-family sector walk-up apartments in Taiwan. (Fig. 3.12) dwelling A combination in a support structure of inter-connecting sectors can seen be -- sector a as The groups. criteria for a sector group to form a dwelling unit are as below: (a) There are ducts for kitchen facilities, either a formal kitchen or an informal kitchenette. (b) There are ducts for bathroom facilities. The number of bathrooms should be according to the size the family. (c) Each -- (d) All unit should be accessible from the vertical circulation staircase. the spaces within a sector group should be connected accessible from any part of the sector group. and ll... I 1.... 1 .1 1.1 ~~ ~ .. ..... ..... U..... .. U.... ... ....... U.... ...... 4.. .............. . .... .... ... .. .. ... .I...I iI....i.1 (Fig. 3.10) Stair-Case Placement Alternatives (Fig. 3.11) Unit Connecting Alternatives S3 S2 Si S2 .. .. .. ..... .. . .. . -. -.. .. . . - - -----. S3 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 ---- - - TR - - - - - R~ - - - S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S3 S3 S2 R e a r TR T... .. ... .... .. .I .. .I ..... I I .... ... ... ... .I .. ... To *. . U .-- - -BM ........ .......... ......Bot -.... -. -----.... ---- TM op. -Middle === Si' Si, Si, SI, Alternative B Alternative A S3 S ?' S1 S2 S3 S3 S2 -BF . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... - - .Front Front - - S2 SI S3 S3 S2 SI S2 S3 S3 S2 - .. Middle - . ... I........ ....... .. I..... tom op I II ---. .. S3 S2 S1 - -- Reor ..---.. Reor T -Top ~.Top . ...... I ..... ........- .... .- .......-. -Middle ....-- ** * + i i . --. U ~ . - Middle BM -BM Bottom Botto -- -I.. BF Front Front Si, Sl' Alternative D Alternative C (Fig. 3.12) Four Support Alternatives (e) A sector group without adjacency to a facade is not considered a dwelling unit. Between dwelling units support systems, spaces about and define the territories. where separate In the the proposed the there are some accompanying rules restrict Looking more closely positions of the party-walls. possible the party-walls different sector groups, of the proposed systems, these party-walls may at we may have a better idea be 3.13 located. (Fig. a,b,c,d,e) People with different needs and resources then may decide the desired sector groups within the system. They make these decisions according to their specific contexts and agreements with their family neighbors. In the proposed support systems for the multi- walk-up apartments in Taiwan, possible sizes and layouts vary in a great number in 'sector group organizations. (Fig. 3.14) ......... . ................. . ............. : .... ... ............. . V. ............. ............ I III I .III...I... I~.... 111 ... IITJ ...... . .... .......... .... .................. ... ........... Al .... e ... n t v AC +1+ (Fig. 3.13a) Party-Wall Positions ........ V .... ...... III L......... ........... . .................. ...... ..... Alternative BD ............... V. ............. ........... ......... (Fig. 3.13b) Party-Wall Positions . ....... .. ..... .. + t. iT .... .I ..... I..III..III .... I.. .. .... I. . . a. 4--4- ..... L... q.... ... 11... .. .. .. . Alternative ABCD I.... 9.... J..... I I...... ..... I. ''............ ...... II..... I...I. ............. .. 4...... II..... .......... E.. I-4 .... .. W........ I....... ............... -.... 4 Al e ........... n t v AB... ... ....... ............. ....... ..... ... ....... ................ . . ... I..... .......... ......... . ........... ......... 1. .......... ... ... ... .. ........ ........ I.... I .... .. ...... ...................... .... .............. . . .. ..... ...... 4i5.. ......... I..... I........t... III..... .1 .......... ........... ........... W ............. ......... .......... 1 .......... ......... . ...... ................. I'........ V ........... .. .......... ............. -..... ................ ............ 1 ..... V Alternative CD (Fig. 3.13c) Party-Wall positions ABCD CDABD ACD ABCD ABCD ADACD ABCD ABD ABCD A ABD BD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCDACCACC B ABCD AC ABCD AC AC ABCDB ABCD ABCD AC AC BD AC AC_____AC____AC__ (Fig. 3. 14) Possible Sector Groups AC AC AC AC AC B CHAPTER CHAPTER 4 4.1 USING THE SYSTEM FOR A DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN NORM SETTING ......................................... 58 A. B. C. D. 4.2 Standards of Function Support Principles Dimensions of Zones/Sectors Sector Groups OPERATING ............................................ 64 coordinated reach participants leaves decision stage. method 30 architects, as such can By using a system in the design independently either make decisions or sequentially in a coordinated simultaneously the decisions. participants process, are participants These participants can use the system to and users. developers, several decision making process, in the involved design, dwelling In a dynamic way. Moreover, and each a number of options to be dealt with at a later can make decisions incrementally To solve the dimensional coordination problem, the S.A.R. uses as a tartan grid plus a set of conventions modular coordination with a 30cm module to regulate the relative positions 10 10 of components in a neutral, fixed spatial framework. (Fig. 4.1) . .... . .. . -- Another - *T * 1 problem in design is the issue of evaluation. It -- ...... r ! rises whenever one wants to measure architectural To evaluate regarding to the usefulness of the .layouts generated. I- decisions -- a dynamic dwelling design, one has to examine whether the support C3D structure can accommodate the preferred layout alternatives satisfy the criteria for desired dwelling quality. the (Fig. 4.1) 30 cm Tartan Grid Module evaluation process, in terms which Therefore, in matters of quality must be made explicit of standards and norms. The standards and norms are understood and agreed upon as a system by all the participants in the dynamic dwelling design process. -. - - - - - - - To achieve this, the S.A.R. Alpha. into method introduces a "zoning" concept to divide a dwelling zones. (Fig. 4.2) Any dwelling can be treated with this concept. - . . . And a dwelling type is recognized by a particular combination The zones contain information on locations and dimensions zones. ................... .................. ................... .................. ................... of of spaces. Alpha To evaluate a support stucture of the dynamic dwelling design ..................................... .............................. ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... Be t a ...................................... ..................................... ........... .................. ................... . .. . . . . * . .. . . . . . . ................. ................... . Alpha ................. ................... for multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan, at least two issues ........... .................. need to be investigated. judged by the quality of the dwellings that it makes possible. make such a judgement, of type .................. ................... ................ .................. ................... .................. First, the design of the support must be dwelling the term "good dwelling" for this specific housing must be defined. must The standards contain ................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ..................................... conforms to the definition of a "good" dwelling. Beta . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . Alpha .................... .................... .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . a to "good" test standards should information for participants to judge whether the layout alternatives. Secondly, it This must means be that these possible developments of layout variations. (Fig. 4.2) Zoning Concept for be set up in a way that they can be used . Alpha ................. ................... ................ ............. ..................................... ...................................... ...................................... Beta ...................................... ..................................... layout To to proceed with the The layout variations not only sliould conform to those predetermined standards but also should be accommodated in the support structure evaluated. support system proposed is set up to contain Therefore, the about information locations and dimensions of spaces by means of the zoning concept. We now may test whether the support structure can accommodate the desired layout alternatives or not. structure If it shows that the support holds a large variety of "good" dwellings, we may say of the that it is a "good" support. In the process of evaluating a support structure dynamic dwelling design, we can separate the task into two aspects -- norm-setting and operating. NORM-SETTING 4.1 The preferred "good evaluation of a support design is to check whether the criteria for alternatives, layout dwellings", which satisfy the can be accommodated by the support structure. Thus the problem of evaluation can be seen as a problem concerning relationships between two space systems. the space system to find out And the other for the support structure. space system for "good dwellings". what variations of One system is the is the To evaluate a support, we want the space system for "good dwellings" can be made in the system for support structure. Each variation of the system for support structure provides a site for a number of variations of the system for good dwellings. Each support variation must be judged according to how good a site it provides. dynamic Everything else equal, the better support for the design is the one which dwelling can accommodate more variations of the system for good dwellings. Regardless of the specific contexts of people's needs and resources, the systems developed in Chapter Three are not complete ones yet. They are just principles in the dynamic dwelling design for the multi-family walk-up apartments in Taiwan. in the participants programs, or design are given the As long specific as contexts, requirements from people with resources and needs, they can set up both space systems as norms for design with ease. A. STANDARDS OF FUNCTION To set up the criteria for "good" dwellings, the relations between functions and spaces. essential one must define To do this, it is to realize the consequences that the program has on the furniture layouts and sizes of spaces. This formalized systematic analysis on spaces and functions will give the participants a of orderly and clear information about possible layouts of each space. make the size, shapes, Charts such as Fig. lot and 3.6 and 3.7 it easier to visualize the possible layouts and consequent sizes and shapes of each function. These analyses document the intention of specific decisions within standards have been used. systems used in design. for contexts. the They also The standards reflect participants' indicate certain what value For each function, requirements are given the spaces that may hold that function. Each function is a set of spaces. different The lengths possible layouts for each function and widths in space reflect certain of standards which are shared by participants in design. B. SUPPORT PRINCIPLES There Chapter are four support system for the dynamic dwelling Three walk-up apartments in Taiwan. used in design, systems alternatives of distributions of zones, multi-family Regardless of the specific contexts they are just support principles, In these yet. design in developed support margins, principles, not there complete only are The dimensions of and sectors. them will be determined later. (Fig. 3.12) In the dynamic dwelling design process, the support we have to evaluate structure by checking whether the preferred variants are accommodated in the support structure. layout Therefore, we have to choose one support alternative from the four according the specific evaluate each. contexts we are working with. For each support alternative, And then we to can there are certain characteristics composed by it and which can be used as references to choose from. The zone distribution of each support spatial context for space elements. relationships between zones. placements system provides a It also describes the spatial In the meantime, the positions and of the stairs and ducts are different in each support Hence, the position rules for the space elements are also system. These all contribute to the references to choose different. one of these support system alternatives to evaluate later. C. DIMENSIONS OF ZONES/SECTORS With the of a support principle from the proposed the distribution of zones, margins, and sectors are alternatives, hereby choice given. We then have to decide the dimensions for these zones, margins, and sectors to establish a complete support system which is going to be evaluated. The dimensions for these zones can be determined by analyzing how the well dimensions. system, code we intended activities fit into For example, for zones the delta zone of different in our support have to examine the ideal width of a balcony and the limitation on it which can be excluded. in the building floor coverage. And for the gamma zone, we have to examine the ideal and width of the staircase. legally-allowed beta and comprehend the it is a little intricate to though zones, For the alpha dimension since habitable rooms and service spaces have functions and various layouts, still we can multiple propose certain dimensions for them which will be evaluated later. these margins. within standards and accommodates. between wide value judgements the which support there is little the minimum and maximum depth a space can margin, end The dimensions of margins reflect certain a narrow margin, For always Spaces A margin is an area between two zones. system difference have. For there is great room for variations in the depth a of the space. (Fig. 4.3) On standards shapes, .............. more f.exl.e d .. ...... .... deciding of and sector dimensions, that functions layouts be of found in the were set up function. charts for possible These discussed to the sizes, standards of earlier. In functions can addition, the dimensions of zones and margins are also references for the decision on dimensions of sectors since they all form the shape of a space. (Fig. 4.3) Margin for Flexibility each participants refer together D. SECTOR GROUPS A dwelling in a support structure is a combination of interconnecting variants, sectors -- a sector group. we Before evaluating layout have to choose the desired sector groups which both preferred, according to our contexts, are and are valid in the support structure. There dwelling systems are unit certain within proposed, criteria for a sector group our specific contexts. to In the form support alternative has some accompanying each a rules restricting the possible positions of the party-walls to define a sector group. (Fig. 3.13) Participants referring resources. to may their After decide upon the desired sector specific contexts of people's groups needs deciding upon the desired sector groups, by and they then set up the complete support system they are going to work on. 4.2 OPERATING To explore the dynamic dwelling design, we have to evaluate A support in the dynamic dwelling design, by the support design. definition, is a structure which provides choices in the layout of dwelling support units. The more the preferred structure can accommodate, layout variants the the better the support design Is. There are two levels of variation for these layout -- sector groups and basic variants. be used variants Any part of the support for a dwelling gives a combination sectors which is called a "sector group". of to inter-connecting For each sector group, we can find the possible combinations of functions which is called a "basic a represents set basic variant gives no A variant". of floor plans that all floor have plan the but same arrangements- in functions. After we choose different sector groups and check what basic variants each sector group can accommodate, we know what capacity of layout possiblities a support system has. We then can use this knowledgement to evaluate whether the support system is good or bad within our specific contexts. The exploration of a design problem is a process of solutioninvestigation. and select In the exploration process, the distribute space elements based on the participants understanding When they explore the process of a dynamic dwelling design for multi-family walk-up in the norm-setting sphere earlier. obtained apartments system the both in Taiwan, the participants use known information for support structure and the system dwellings as heuristic sources to generate design. stimulate design innovations and help the for These participants in good norms conceive alternative layout variations for a dwelling design. The design variations are then compared with the norms. layout can The alternatives are compared and tested to determine if they be accommodated by the environment, described in the system for support structure, and if they can satisfy the criteria set up in the system for good dwellings. From this testing process, the participants learn the contrasts between the design variations and the norms. To adjust the relations between the design variation and the iorms, one may decide to refine the design variation or revise the norms according to the conflicts learned. The adjusting operation is based judgements. on the participants' own value improve the layout variants. zones and sectors. They may They may change the dimensions for They may also choose different sector groups or even different support principle alternatives. After the adjusting process, adjusted again. norms and the participants may use start another cycle of operations these all A number of these cycles are repeated until the design over is satisfactory. Repeating layout basic these variants, operating processes for different the participants can figure out what variants a given sector group can accommodate. select different sector groups in a support desired preferred After they system and test whether preferred layout variants can be accommodated in them, the participants a support evaluate can have a better idea about the possible layouts in participants may different support systems with different dimensions and structure they choose. Thus, the relationships among its space elements. At this completed, stage, participants when the whole evaluation process is obtain a throughout understanding in all the norms to which the dynamic dwelling final, definite dwellings, are set design This comforms. of norms about the support system and expressed in the final variations. good It is not important where the participants start, but as long as the process is completed and the support design is finished, must be documented all the to explain the layout possibilities norms of the support. Such variations simply formal will documents, be however, do used when a support has not dictate which been built. They indicate the criteria used in the design and possibilities. different Also, they the are the means of communication among participants in the design process. and sub-variations can, suggest and probably will, residents plan their own dwellings. Other variations arise when individual CHAPTER CHAPTER 5 5.1 USING A COMPUTER IN THE PROCESS MAN 'S WORK ........................................... 73 A. Norm-Setting B. Operating 5.2 MACHINE'S WORK ....................................... 80 A. Information Maintained B. Operations Performed 5.3 AN EXAMPLE ........................................... 86 "Computer-aided uses design" a a computer as So, replaces pencils in the design process. a that tool computer-applied design model developed here should achieve what a designer usually work creative is still human work. the is not machine The Thus, design. the drafting board during the course of on does decision-maker that takes full responsibility for the design. Using computers in architectural design, architects may save their time spent in the traditional way of working. concentrate on the creative aspect of design. assign computers Therefore, tions. And they can To save time, they calcula- the tasks of routine work and trivial they into can put more effort and time the creative design work which they prefer and are best at doing. For architects interested in the use of computers, the important issue is not the program, but the process of building it. The process presents a different way of looking at a problem or an At issue. procedures the same time, it provides a vehicle to achieve a goal. study, to understand As long as we have more and better understanding about the design behaviors, dent to elaborate a better computer model we can feel more confifor design. In my I followed this direction to explore the benefits and to dynamic of goals of using computers in the process the portray dwelling design. In a dynamic dwelling design, one has to evaluate the support by examining whether the support structure can accommodate design the dwelling This is an issue of quality. the variants which satisfy generate-and-optimize a than possi layout preferred one. criteria test-and-satisfy for rather Instead of generating all ble variations which include undesired ones, the participants check whether a desired proposal is within the norms of only const raint. it is reasonable and easy to Thus the computers apply withi n their practical computational limit. The better support for the dynamic dwelling design is the one which good can accommodate more layout variations of the dwellings. of effort variations The evaluation process, "trial-and-error". system therefore, One has to test and relations in the space elements. is a huge different and different support systems with various for layout dimensions This is an issue of experie- nce. For people less experienced in designing dwellings, such as users and developers, checking all these they may spend a lot of time and effort in layout variations and different support systems. Using a computer can speed up the huge task of "trial- and-error" in the evaluation process. design The describe the step-by-step but the relationships of operations in the design sequences roles of the participants as well as the their and values. not possible but also an easy one to use only experiences, It can make the indefinite design process interests a computer ticipants may conceive of of these operations as a kit may use this tool kit with The par- systematically formulated and easily retrievable norms. They pro- Therefore the design process itself is dynamic and depends cess. on model here does not at their convenvience in the tools. dynamic design process. the When whole evaluation process for is completed, design their suggested own layout dwelling A computer can document the final, set of norms and possible layout variations from the evaluation process. plan dynamic all the norms to which the dynamic dwelling design conform are determined. definite a dwellings variants accumulated Individual residents then can easily with these retrievable on the computer. This norms makes and "user participation" not only easy but also possible without the help of an architect. In the following, operations I will give a general description on of the model without getting into the detailed tion process of the computer model. the opera task This model divides the into man's work and machine's work as follows: il S. ... . .. ... 112 . Il I HiH IlI! w -.. .. a:i :til . WWee .. .......... ..... . .- ... jJ ..... !.I .... ... ...... .- I -2 :4.30 . ...... ...... J J m - a. ....... ..... 3r-E46 (Fig. 5.1) retes Support Alternatives with Default Dimensions r- e2 . 5.1 MAN'S WORK Since this there is no fixed sequence of operations in the model, is just a general description on computer-applied is from The the dynamic dwelling design model. values, experiences and intuition. of the The description the participants' point of view while using sequence of the process depends on the the model. participants' roles, They may start from any opera- tion and return to it whenever they wish. these operations operations into two aspects -- We can briefly separate norm-setting and operating, as follows: A. NORM-SETTING * Select a Support Principle In each support principle of the four zone distribution is already given. (Fig. 5.1) . ... ...... .... . .... ...... ... .. . .. ....... ........... .... ... ... .... ........... ~ I I~ SP-440 S1.4240 (Fig. 5.2) v4;II:3300 alternatives, Also the positions and placements of ducts and stairs are accompanied. rules are composed in each alternative by means Whenever it is chosen, the of The position zone/sector. the support principle should show default dimensions and default position rules. (Fig. 5.2) Decide Dimensions of Zones/Sectors * A I!3I0 I 11 participant dimension for 120 - dimensions SV~240 Sl'=240 (Fig. 3M'=24 SI 240 each zone, margin or sector. the The newly then should be reficted in the drawing on the default set up screen. (Fig. 5.3) 5.3) Decide Position Rules of Functions * TSI.MS2,BS2 MS2 MS2,BS2 TS1,BS2,BS3 TS2,TS3.BS3 TS1 ,TS2BS3 TSI .TS2 MSI ,MS3 TS I BS1 MS1,MS3 MSI.MS3 MSI.MS3 MS1 ,MS3 retain may decide to change or TS 1 TS2 TSa MS 1 MS2 MS3 813S 852 B83 (Fig. K.KD.L,MB,B2 Though S,St,b,b1.b2,KI L.D.LD St.b,bl b2,K1 S L.LD.MB LiMB13.812 principle, prefers. the position rules are composed by the chosen support a participant may still add or alter rules which he He first inspects each default position rule then makes necessary adjustments. (Fig. 5-4) 5.4) * Decide Standards of Functions With the help of space charts, a participant may choose the desired standard range for each function. By drawing lines on the charts, the participants decide the minimum and maximum dimensions as well as the minimum and maximum areas for each function. (Fig. 5.5) 5.5) (Fig. * Select a Sector Group .. .... ....... .. . .. .. '...4. ... . . . (Fig. participant may draw the party-wall lines on the screen to A choose a desired sector group. - . .. The sector group chosen should be both preferred within the contexts and valid in the support structure. (Fig. 5.6) 5.6) B. OPERATING *What space functions fit MS1? * What Functions Fit Here? TS1 TS2 K.KD.L.Mb.B2 TS3 MS1 MSz MS3 M8.81.82 SStb,bl,b2,K1 LDLD St.b,b 1b.2,K1 into a particular place in the sector group. as9i S 9S2 list all the appropriate functions for the location according L.LD.MS L.#dR.Bl.t82 BS3 A K.1,82 will participant may ask the computer what functions fit The computer would to the position rules set up earlier. (Fig. 5.7) (Fig. 5.7) * Where Can This Go? *Where can Master Bedroom go? K TSI -MS2.8s2,BS3 MS2. M52, Sz TS1,BS2,BS3 T52,TS. DS3 TsN ,T5Z.S3a TSt ,TSZ Ki K9 TS1 L D LD MB 81 OZ MS ,MS3 (Fig. 5.8) places A participant may also ask the computer what possible in the computer sector group a particular function will would list all the possible places fit for into. the according to the position rules set up earlier. (Fig. 5.8) The function * Place Functions !Ian A participant may place each function into a zone or a margin of . .......... I IL dwelling have When all functions from the program of been assigned a position in the zoning, a a basic N M-120 .... ~ .- H2240 + sector group. the :jN-30 ~ ~ variant has been hereby completed for testing. (Fig. 5.9) SP-240 SI'-340 5.9) (F ig. * Show Contrasts I IE1I~iI~lj IAll The contrasts, the function placed and the whole basic variant against the TM-120 . ... ...... .. .. .. f.. .. LI (Fig. . . ......... set 5. ~ )M both local and global are shown by comparing . R120 j~ up earlier. norms There are positional and dimensional violations 10 .300 in the contrasts which a participant can use as references to adjust the norms or refine the layout variant. (Fig. 5.16) * Remove Functions SI E4 1 I A TM participant may remove functions to adjust the contrasts RTM-10 ... + +, -~ - -. .. shown M-120 5. 11) Then he may reassign the removed functions to other positions in the zone/sector for testing. (Fig. 5.11) (Fig. in the testing process. -n2-a40 * Switch Functions AI I. II........ ... A participant may remove and replace functions altogether to *.*. switch the positions of two functions in a basic variant. This is .... ........ to adjust the contrasts or to form another basic variant for :BM -120 testing. (Fig. 5.12) 31'.240 (Fig. 5.12) * Change the Position Rules L D LD MB 81 B2 K K1 KD S St b TSI,MS2,BS2,BS3 MS2 MS2,BS2 TS1,BS2,BS3 TS2,TS3,BS3 TS1,TS2,BS3 TS1,TS2 MS1,MS3 TS1 BS1 MS1,MS3 MS1.MS3 adjust the norms, To a participant may go back to the setting process and change the position rules set up earlier. procedure norm The is the same as the "Decide Position Rules" operation in the norm-setting process. (Fig. 5.13) (Fig. 5.13) * Change the Standards of Functions A 3a' P5 participant may also like to change the range to adjust the contrasts. is the standard With a space chart, the procedure same as the "Decide Standards of Functions" operation the norm-setting process. (Fig. 5.14) (F ig. 5. 14) desired in * Change the Dimensions of Zoning A zones, .......... and ... .... A-240 Sl'.240 also like to change or sectors. margins, the dimensions Dimensions of of By going through each zone, margin, procedure of changing is also the same the sector, "Decide may participant Zoning" operation as the norm-setting in the process. (Fig. 5.15) (Fig. 5.15) * Change the Sector Group . .. . . . 942 W A participant may select another sector group for evaluation -20 9M when all the possible basic variants have been tested, or when the ....... I........... sector group chosen is not suitable. -"0 . .. . ..... .... The procedure is the same as ...... .. in the norm-setting process. Changing a sector group, the parti- cipant may retain other norms as the same. (Fig. 5.16) (Fig. 5.16) * Change the Support Principle C* R.120 IT1300 M After working a while, a participant may conclude that the MM.4N 2-00 support system another one. is simply inappropriate, and decide to choose .M .120 - S'-240 S'. 240 (Fig. 5.17) f120 participant changed, the may need to start the whole norm-setting process all If the support principle should over again. (Fig. 5.17) be * Implement Basic Variants The placed functions set up earlier. norms in the sector group are After the testing and with tested process adjusting im'_ In7 have ~ ~ M ~ 3 ........ been the design action done and the results are valid, of 3 functions placing in the site can be implemented as a basic F-Is variant. (Fig. 5.18.) (Fig. 5.18) * Document Norms 61 62 K o KO 0 bi 240 2140 190 160 270 150 150 POS1ITION &I X 330 420 240 330 460 270 210 ".x r.. 460 732 240 460 200 :00 240 092 0623 200 24 240 420 240 420( 260 792 e e492 92 420 440 330 04 20 210 =30 120 90 420 60 420 720 450 240 210 6160 400 300 540 240 040 200 200 240 ;402 ig. 700) (Fig. 6400 129400 49600 37800 89100 18000 13500 .In^ 126600 792.663.723 -01600 100600 106900 216000 104600 43200 .. 144000 209200 90000 1000 162000 1940 40 72000 740 0 420 100M 1200 20 106000 240 101200 129400 129400 140 194400 5. 19) T92.793.66M T91.82 After testing all the preferred layout a par- At that variants, T1,M01.M62 TS 061.062 M61.M3 ticipant may conclude that the norms are acceptable. P4MCTIONS 2 I,-L.M9. 9:R1.,2 6.2.09 time, all necessary information on the functions and the zoning tDLD 00.b.41.42 2 are stored automatically in the computer data base. (Fig. 5.19) L LO.0m L.0E,61.92 In a later stage, the information stored can be specific purpose of use. retrieved for MACHINE'S WORK 5.2 The computer tracks throughout the participants' operations by maintaining information and performing operations. wing contexts will computer-applied describe design the internal model from the The follo- mechanism computational of point the of view. A. INFORMATION MAINTAINED There base are two categories of data stored in the computer data -- support system and space functions. there are three types of data -- names, In each category, positions and dimensions. The information can also be retrieved from the computer data base. This information and positions system. describes the permitted, dimensions actual of functions related to or the suggested support Each change that the participant makes causes a change in the date base. In some changes as therefore, cases, one a consequence. must change initiates an entire The norm propagating the chain of database, clearly represent dependencies among data items. When one datum changes, all dependent data immediately change to remain consistent in the data base. * Data of Support System The namely, support system the Top zone, Rear zone. TR, Middle zone, TM, spatial provides the relationships of Bottom zone, five zones, Front zone and MB, BF are margins between the zones. Com- each subdivided space can be named. The bined with the sectors, zoning in this case consists spatial contexts among them. and also describes the In the data base there is a list of functions considered appropriate for each zone or margin. For each subdivided space, dimension and Y dimension. minimum depth of a location. adjacent the major properties are its X The dimensions of a zone represent the While the dimensions of a zone plus margins will be the maximum depth of a location to place a function. * Data of Space Functions Space functions are named by the conventions of living, dining, etc. users, i.e. There are also position and dimension prope- stored rties function for each function. The dimensional data for each are expressed by minimum and maximum dimensions for width and depth as well as minimum and maximum area. of function, its In the data there is also a list of zones and margins considered appropriate locations for each function. B. OPERATIONS PERFORMED The computer model contains three major parts. Each part has a specific task stated as follows: * Set and Get Information There is a language for storing, querying and changing base which deals with position and dimension data properties the of POSITIONS B2 420 40 64.4 I 6400 T9 TS79 2 89 106900 D .1 A Tg and revising information in the data base. The 2162000 1440 192600 2200 TS, 991 viewing, position rules initially accompany each support alterna- 420 10886 FUTOCT MS3 This work includes setting, T91.MS1. 1.MSI. I both zoning and functions. TS2,TS2. 48600 420 540 72.000 57600 10=000 141200 1249600 This information is stored in the data base by listing all tive. WKD.L.M3.92 K:31.62 1,92.Me the approriate locations for each function and appropriate fun- whenever they LLD 9 04.6.,L St.b,D1,.2 296nn 176n L 9. (Fig. 5.20) Information Stored ctions want, for each location. The participants may, call out these rules, add new ones or change specific ones. (Fig. 5.20 a,b) The dimensional information is composed in each function and space of the support system. subdivided There are both desired ranges ranges for each function and possible dimension dimension for each location in the support system. computer model also allows the subset of the database to The be stored and retrieved in a more durable way. be should variants able, at his discretion, to store The participant valid the basic and all the necessary norm sets about the functions and support system. * Check Norms Checking conditional is a chain of reasoning processes, situati-ons. It starts from examining rules for each input function in the sector group. regarding the position the Next it deals with a series of conditional analyses with respect of dimensions. For positional checking, the computer simply checks whether this location is valid for the function placed in it according the there position rules set up earlier. For positional are only two things the participant can do: to violation, either change the rules or relocate the function. dimensional checking, For MaxX menX the computer compares the desired dimension range of a function with the possible dimension range of %10 ~.. I000 MaxY . 0000 - 00000b. 00000 I0000 00 ____J.0000 the location where the function is placed. - - ,maxA there 01 function placed in this location of the zoning is valid and accep- mn participant A or function (Fig. 5.21a) Desired Dimension Range of the Function ranges, dimension the If not, a dimensional violation would be pointed out. (Fig. 5.22) I I I I 1611 intersection of these two is any ted. aaa if 5.21a,b) (Fig. sector. to change the dimensions of the the replace then may consider whether to zone, margin or He may also reconsider the desired dimension range of the function. mInX,maxX ma~xA a" 40s M4 - saw ---- - * Implement Input - --- --- ---MOLnA -> ixY -- > InY There are drawing tools to display on the screen the structure, min me 100 3 They space charts, functions placed, support and basic variants. can also show the names and dimensions of each function and zoning with alphabets. (Fig. 5.23) a This graphic editing language must allow the computer to draw -U3WEEE96 11111 (Fig. 5.21b) Possible Dimension Range of the location the support information structure on the screen automatically on the support structure is set or whenever changed. the (Fig. It also allows the participants to select a sector group by 5.24) drawing 000o - 000000001.. - the (Fig. party-wall lines. 5.25) It also the allow - -- participants to decide a desired dimension range for each function .0 0 o0000 0000000 00001 - by drawing the lines on the space chart. (Fig. 5.26) 000000 ... form Approximate dimensions and pos-itions are good enough to a basic dwelling must (Fig. 5.22) Intersection long so variant, design are not violated. allow the participant n + ..- 9-300 ( 5 place to functions * - :-M240 N~ 31'"240 30'244 (2. ~~ N212 (Fig. 5.24) .4 I200.... =........... .240 (Fig. 5.23) language approximately II TNf 240 . M 120 31'=a4 The graphic editing the on imposed without indicating precise dimensions or positions. (Fig. 5.27) TMR120 ...... . ..... as the constraints (Fig. 5.25) .. 5.3 0[]LIL_[JL: [Ij E 001[I IrjR" AN EXAMPLE The process of this model for the dynamic dwelling design There is not a step-by-step sequence of operations in indefinite. _ DOE1F T ILEIUUL]LE] the The sequence of operations depends on the roles of process. The participants can be the participants who use this model. LLX(\'hL]L1 LLi0I]LI EMULLILLI-[ ][]1]L ]]1 .~~J0 ,D ra- r%) ro (Fig. W (~01'0 W. WJ is an architect, a developer, or users involved in the design problem of a dynamic dwelling. (1 ]1 The - r 5.26) developer. following is an example of possible process taken by a This example illustrates how this model helps a deve- to explore a dynamic dwelling design for multi-family walk- loper up apartments in Taiwan. Mr. ........ Iy... a developer with a site in hand, he is going Hence, the model user of suitable to apar- build a field of dynamic dwellings for multi-family walk-up tments. S-t Chen, he has some notions about the site situation and group he is working on. Given these contexts and dynamic dwelling design, he is now going to support system with appropriate dimensions the design a serve which rightly for the contexts he possesses. (Fig. 5.27) With the contexts in mind, he starts with setting up the criteria access for to a "good" dwelling from his the occpupants with needs and understanding, he Since there groups and basic variants, begins of resources. With direct this chooses a support system with dimensions which Then, he evaluates it by its he thinks suitable for his program. capacity. experiences are two levels of variations -- sector used to evaluate a support system, with choosing a sector group which is one of the he desired dwelling site within the contexts. After desired selecting a sector group, he then checks whether basic variants are valid in the sector group and they satisfy the criteria for good dwellings. whether The basic variants are generated by placing functions in the sector group. basic the variant from the contexts has been made and tested, When one he may procede to another basic variant until all preferred possibilities have been exhausted. During the checking process, he might find contrasts between the norms set up earlier and the desired layout own value judgement, his or Under he then may go back to revise the norms just cross out the layout variants. sions variants. He may change the dimen- of the support systme or may even decide to choose another support alternative. After checking different layout variants and different support systems with different dimensions, out with a support design which is satisfactory he can come within the contexts he is working on. Finally, design by variants. they then he finishes the exploration of the dynamic dwelling documenting all these final norms and possible layout When individual residents get into the process later, can use these documentations as suggestions their own dwelling. to plan CHAPTER CHAPTER 6 6.1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DESIGN MODEL RECOGNITION PROCESS ...................................92 A. System for Good Dwellings B. System for Support Structure 6.2 EXPLORATION PROCESS .................................. 96 A. B. C. D. 6.3 Generating Testing Adjusting Documenting CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODEL ........................ 100 A. Dynamic Dwelling Design B. Computer-Applied Design final In this -- a may discussion this of study apartments theoretical The in Taiwan. In addition, such an for model from the examination may answer some questions that have arisen model. in this developed computer-applied dynamic dwelling design walk-up multi-family the present it is appropriate to for the design model background theoretical thesis chapter, stimulate further theoretical studies in the future. It explains A design model describes the process of design. However, it is difficult to describe a design the way to design. process because imagination, intuition, design it includes so many intangible elements such and creativity. as However, describing the behaviors process may help designers understand their own in designing and thereby improve their design ability. The usefulness adequacy as of step-by-step operations sequence. not intuition, aid its on only to raise The design process described here is not It does not describe the sequence but the relationships among constitute a kit of tools. and design model lies a description but on its value as an effectiveness in design. a a them. These of operations With different experiences, interests, designers may use this kit of tools in the design process at their convenience. Looking at design in this way,- we may separate a design task into two aspects of expertise -- recognition and that help to make design decisions. exploration -- Architectural design requires the abilities to recognize patterns in built-environment, and then to organize spaces and materials based on that understanding. recognition The ability enables a designer to observe patterns from a set of variations and to set up systems describing patterns. The exploration ability enables designers to make variations which are subject to these given set of rules in the systems. (Fig. 6.1) (Fig. 6.1) RECOGNITION PROCESS 6.1 man-made environment always reveals The rules which can be used as guidelines for consistent certain Through design. analyses on space morphology and space needs over time, generate explicit rules to describe the The built-environment. guide rules or principles can then be used to develop a system to design. may one Though these rules are not universally true, they reflect specific contexts of time, space, and people involved. Recognition searches The From to of solutions. design solutions. for specifications of desired properties specifications serve as the criteria for the recognition process, It process. is a kind of problem-formulation one can observe and generate rules form systems guiding the design. rationally These rules are and retrieved and used as coordinates for individual easily be explicitly formulated so that they can organized The decision. term "system" and "variations" are ways of indicating that the environment can be described on the basis the of ideas systemic rules which the observer can recognize from the built environment. In any design problem, there is always a site and a set of The elements. elements are placed in the the So, site. participants in the design process must have 1) the description of the 2) a defined set of elements that can be used in the site, 3) data site, on the locations of elements, one to relative another, and 4) data on the locations of elements in the site. solve the dynamic dwelling design problem, the information on the a the elements must be described explicitly as and site To system all the participants can understand in order to communicate which with ease. In the dynamic dwelling design process, HIGHER LEVEL SITE SYSTEM FOR SUPPORT STRUCTURE the support problem systems structure good 6.2) can accommodate the be seen as the relation in two levels. preferred layout Thus the -- the between lower space two One is the space system for the -- the higher level. dwellings structure (Fig. can whether variants which satisfy the criteria for good dwellings. design LOER LEVEL ELEMENTS SYSTEM FOR GOOD DVELLINGS structure one checks support And the other is the system level. The system for for support provides information on the site which will accommodate the space elements of the system for good dwellings. (Fig. 6.2) A. SYSTEM FOR GOOD DWELLINGS A system is a set of clearly defined description of the relationships among them. system for dimensions good and dwellings functions. are The spaces a The elements in the identified relationships among elements are their relative positions. plus elements by their the space These positions depend on their dimensions, functions, and other properties. From functions, sizes, formal one shapes, and systematic analysis on spaces on may obtain orderly and clear information and possible layouts of each function. elements in a set have been defined, space set a and the Once the standards then can be on up in the positions of spaces relative to each other the basis of the functions. A set of coordinated standards can be used to describe what a "good" dwelling is. Such a combination description of the system for good dwellings. pre-determined span These of time, standards agreements, which of standards These standards are are only valid for a within specific contexts and for specific always reflect certain value judgements participants involved in the design. is a specific people. of the B. SYSTEM FOR SUPPORT STRUCTURE A support accommodate structure in the dynamic dwelling a variety of dwelling layouts. design This means that is also a combination of spaces as a space support should system. The support structure is the environment which accommodates the elements of the system for good dwellings. the space A support system is a set of formally defined elements and relationships among them. The elements of this space system are the spaces defined "sectors" by the floors, walls, and columns of the as support These spaces are also related to one another according structure. to certain conventions by the people involved. formal description is needed not only to make A explicit system design. floorplan What structure. a dwelling type is recognized by be a system for It gives reference positions and limits the size of functions which may is called combination we use the "zoning" concept to contain on dimensions and locations of spaces in the support space dwelling but also can be applied in the dynamic To achieve this, information for this the placed. particular of zones with information on locations and dimensions of spaces in the zoning. EXPLORATION PROCESS 6.2 The kind exploration of process of a dynamic dwelling design solution-investigation designers organize understanding spaces from the In this process. and material elements recognition process, based process. is a on During the the exploration process, designers select and distribute elements that are subject expressed to by a given set of norms. This set two space systems in two different of norms levels are -- the system for support structure (the higher level) and the system for good dwellings (the lower level). two These levels by means of operations the selection and deployment of lower level concerning functions, space connected are in the Designers variation. support select a structure, elements elements, level higher on the lower level and distribute them in the environment provided by the higher level. The operations can be considered as one phases of operations exit -- generating, These documenting. process of a operations which in which testing, are adjusting, and in the design are always based on the norms several exploration set in the recognition process. A. GENERATING set for design are useful not only because they can be Norms a knowledge for evaluation but of body also catalyst for the creation sphere in design. arbitrary of kind creative leap, as heuristic an Since generating is a use designers heuristically as empirical sources for cognitive design in the generating process. to solutions working search on. for dwelling decisions Designers use their vision of eventual clearly define the design more problem they And the vision can also guide designers with answers. design, norms In the generating process of a are their dynamic the designers use available information on both space systems, the system for support structure and the system for good dwellings, as heuristical sources. This information can then stimulate design innovations and help designers conceive preferred layout variants for a good dwelling. B. TESTING After proposing a tentative design variation, designers step against the variations design array of norms set for the design in the an recognition searching Testing in the design process replaces blind process. alternatives with an intelligent one that uses explicit norms for to a critical eye to compare with backward design variations. evaluate variations layout This systems. In a dynamic design, dwelling are compared with the norms of the two space means that the preferred layout variants must be accommodated by the system for support structure. In addition, the have variants to satisfy the criteria from the system for good From this testing process, one may learn the contrasts dwellings. between the design variations and the norms. C. ADJUSTING After designers the learning contrasts from the testing process, the step forward again to adjust the relations between design variations proposed and the norms the proposal intends meet. To adjust the relations, design variations or design variations according to the norms they They to designers may either refine the improve the revise the norms. They may intend to meet. may also revise the norms by adding or changing the norms of the two space systems. While adjusting, for the next creative leap. designers are preparing Using the adjusted norms, they start another operation cycle all over again. A number of these cycles are repeated until the design is satisfactory. D. DOCUMENTING A support structure should definition, in the dynamic dwelling design, by provide as many desired layout variations as possible. Designers repeat the cycling design process to evaluate different layout variations and different support different dimensions and relations in its space this determined to which the dynamic dwelling design definite final, set of norms are in the structure and in the system for good dwellings. documented design. also to for are This support The norms must be of the support Such formal documents indicate the criteria in design and suggest design. explain the layout possibilities norms conforms. system with After elements. all the evaluation process is completed, whole systems They the possible layout variants in a dynamic dwelling communications between provide the means of different participants who may join the design process later. 6.3. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODEL A. DYNAMIC DWELLING DESIGN The theory behind this design model can be described as using the concept of a "system". space system in which relationships system spaces are components, indicated rests on "agreements" and expressed The in the elements and their rules of distribution in space. of among a group of people conventions simply the rules. these egreements are not necessarily an universal However, but the among these spaces conform to certain thus selection Every building can be considered as a problem. system is a variation of that system. in a involved composition of elements allowed One design truth within a must be as a The variation arranged according to the relational rules of that system. This design developmental model process. initially coherent. applies The the design process norms given to the design are not Yet the norms emerge as the problem is being explored. As the process makes contrasts apparent, designers learn from it definition and and realize a shortage problem-solution of norms. proceed Hereby, problem- simultaneously, and 100 designs develope cumulatively. on draw the Through problem. their improve designers can progressively process, time designers can at any rules to refine the additional exploration Also, work by adjusting proposed ideas or revising norms. in the next. decisions cycle may determine in one A decision The design process repeats a operations again and again. for contexts the of series The design can be finished completely or decisions can be left unmade for others joining the work later. (Fig. 6.3) basic Another interventions. by once provide, They While made, here the context for "level". of is that of rules. lower level they find themselves in a context composed higher level variant. a raised the same level follow an agreed-upon set at Variants concept In this manner, a designer accepting another designer's higher level variants himself context. In sequence, finds as a he hands down a solution for someone else who can make design decisions on a lower level later. final anrid so on..., (Fig. 6.3) also In this design model, the design can be left unfinished. The criteria and set to of norms are documented to indicate the suggest the possibilities for those who join the work 101 later. Using provide the means of communication for different participants -in the this concept in the dynamic process. dwelling design, we Individual residents can plan and change their own dwelling to reach the dynamic dwelling design. B. COMPUTER-APPLIED DESIGN This design model is a constraint-satisfaction problem rather than an optimization one. With the concept optimization, can not recognize the best alternative until they designers given constraints begin to with the design are a in this model, But, seen all of the possible alternatives. Designers of not simple problem they the completed. initially and have cumulatively develop into more complex problems. It is difficult for a computer to generate all the admissible alternatives within practicable computational limits. Besides, it is meaningless to generate all possible variations which undesired computer ones. to check However, whether it is reasonable and a desired proposal inculde for the is within the easy constraints. Satisfication means a degree of acceptability in fitness of a 102 form in question satisfication, of and its contexts. contraints adjusting concept This model then enables designers to deal multiple constraints simultaneously. as of with It also treats the tensions heuristical sources With this model, resulations. the designers check desired variants against the norms constraints. among With to generate creative we introduce rational testing and along with creative generating. This not only allows creative imagination flow in the design process but also finds the feasibility of computer applications in the rational testing process. 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, Christopher, University Press, 1964. NOTES ON THE SYNTHESIS OF FORM. Alexander, Christopher, HOUSES GENERATED BY PATTERNS. Envir. Structures, U.C. Berkeley, 1970. Allen, Edward, ed. THE RESPONSIVE HOUSE. Harvard Center for M.I.T. Press, 1972. 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