Doc_Name Page 1 ol2 FOREST SERViCE MANUAL NAT10NAL HEADQUARTERS(WO) WASHINGTON,DC FSM 6500-FINANCE AND ACCOUNT:NG CHAPTER 6511-APPROPR:ATiONS AND FUNDS Supplement No.: FSM 6511.7d‐ 2014‐ 1 EfFective Date: June 27,2014 Duration: This supplcmcntis cffectivc until superscdcd Or rcmoved Approved:KARA CHADWICK Date Approved:o6/26/2014 Forcst SupcⅣ isor Posting instructions: Supplemcnts are numbcrcd consecutivcly by title and cdendar ycar Post by doculllcnt:rcmovc the entirc doclllncnt and replace it with this supplement Rctain this transmittal as the flrst pagc(s)ofthiS document This is thc flrst supplcmcntto this titlc New Document FSM 6511 7d-2014-1 Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date FSM 6500 (amCndment 6500-95-9,12/21/95) Digest: Establishes Forest policy for Community Support Activities. 2 Pages l Page EFFECT!VE DATE: Page 2 of2 DURATK)N: This supplementis effective unti:superseded orremoved FSM#‐ TITLE CAPT10N HERE CHAPTER#… CHAPTER CAPT10N HERE 65 1 1. 17d- Community Support Activities. 2. Responsibility. a. (l) All requests to the Forest will be documented formally and sent to the Forest Supervisor for approval. The Staff Officer or District Ranger forwarding the request will make a recommendation for approval or denial with basis for recommendation included. FS-1100-2(03/2008) USDA― Forest Service D:RECT:VE PROCESSiNG REQUEST (Referto FSM l120;FSH l109。 12) GENERALINFORMAT10N ON SUBMiSS:ON 1. Directive Gode: (Submit a separate form for each submission) Manual Chapter/Section: FSM 6511 .17(d)-Finance and A Handbook Code and Chapter/Section: 2. Originating Staff Unit: 3. Type of San Juan National Forest Submission' ! !Amendment [tSupplement □ ouulne E Draft 図 Finai □ intettm Directtve ! Proposal Other (P/ease specify): OTHER AFFECTED STAFF 4. Other Affected Staff: Does this directive affect other staffs? lf yes, identify any affected staff(s) in block 10 of this form. E Yes 図 No PUBLiC NOTiCE AND COMMENT 5. Public Notice and Comment: For any substantive FSM/FSH directive, attach signed determination documenting whether public notice and comment are required (36 CFR 216.5). E Yes 8No E ves ENo 5a. Does this directive require public notice and comment? 5b. lf yes, has draft Federal Register notice or other notice been submitted for review? :NFORMAT:ON REQUIREMENTS 6. lnformation Requirements: Does this directive contain new or modified information requirements? (FSM 7390) I Yes 図 No DRAFT CLEARANCE BY RECORDS ANDiNFORMAT10N SERViCES 6a. Forms and Reports 6b. Records Management 6c. Other (P/ease spectfyl LABOR RELAT10NS AND UN10N CLEARANCE 7. Labor Relations/Union Clearance 7a. Labor Relations Signature - Does this directive affect working conditions? 7b.Date □ Yes tt No 7d.Date 7c. Union Signature AUTHOR Directive Author Julie Coleman 8b. Signature 8c.Teiephone No. 8d. Room No. 8e. Date 970‐ 385‐ 1250 DRAFT CLEARANCE BY DIRECTiVES AND REGULAT10NS 9a. Directive Analyst 9b. Directive Manager (Optionall Microsoft VVord 2000 USDA― Forest SeⅣ ice FS-1100-2(03/2008) F:NAL APPROVALS BY OTHER AFFECTED STAFF 10. Concurrence by Other Affected Staff: F:NAL CLEARANCE BY RECORDS AND iNFORMAT10N SERViCES 1la. Forms and Reports 11b. Records Management I 1c. other (Ptease specify) STAFF DIRECTOR APPROVAL 12. I have read and concur with the contents of this document. 封 M"kL∝ ぃし Name of Signatory ffype or Pint) StS+ off r... * n,"""'"4 FINAL CLEARANCE BY DIRECTIVES AND REGULAT:ONS(ALL:SSUANCES)AND D:RECT:VE MANAGER APPROVAL(OPT10NAL FOR:NTER:M DIRECTiVES) {3a. Directive Analyst 13b. Directive Manager (Supervisory Review) 14. This directive conforms to directive system policy and standards, and to the principles of effective writing. Directive Manager(O″ g′ηar signartJた ゎ Bryθ ′ ηrrl Name of Signatory (Type or Date(mm/dd/yyyyl Tltle of Signatory rType Pnnl ο Pnnリ 「 LiNE OFF:CER APPROVAL 15. This directive conforms to current management principles. Any administrative requirements herein are the minimum necessary and do not impose an unreasonable administrative burden on agency units or Kara Chadwick Name of Signatory (Type or Pint) Forest Supervisor, San Juan National Forest Title of Signatory (Type or Pint) RETURN FORM AND DiRECTiVE TO THE DIRECTiVE MANAGER Microsoft Word 2000 Forest Service support for sw Native cultures Chimnev Rock Native American Cultural Gathering For the past seventeen years the San Juan National Forest has supported the Chimney Rock Native American Cultural Gathering. Thls community activity provides a unique opportunity for the public to view Puebloan and Tribal groups performing traditional social dances in the Chimney Rock Great Kivathe home oftheir ancestors. lt is an exceptional educational and cultural activity that allows the public to learn about Native American Culture and diversity first hand. Southwest Native Cultures organizes and manages this event. Southwest Native Cultures has asked for 52,000 from the Forest Service to help sponsor this community activity Funds from the San Juan National Forest will be used to help plan, organize, and support the event.