R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 1 of 30 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL DENVER, CO TITLE 6100 - PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT R2 Supplement No. 6100-90-1 Effective August 29, 1990 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. Document Name 6104.1, Exhibit01 Superseded New (Number of Pages) 0 14 Digest: 6104 - New text corresponds with amendment text located in the National Information Center. Establishes personnel delegations for Forest Supervisors and Directors. GARY E. CARGILL Regional Forester R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 2 of 30 6100 - PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6104.1 - Line Officers. In the absence of a certified employment delegate, Forest Supervisors, Deputy Forest Supervisors, or Administrative Officers must sign all personnel actions for their Forest. Authority to propose and take adverse action may be exercised by Forest Supervisors when a qualified personnel officer is available. In the absence of a certified delegate, the proposed action will be handled by the Employee Relations Staff, Regional Office. Delegations of authority in Region 2 are subject to: a. Written criteria which individuals, except line officers, must meet before exercising each of the authorities as provided in Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 3 of 30 Exhibit 01 CRITERIA FOR REDELEGATION OF LIMITED EMPLOYMENT AUTHORITY Forest supervisors may redelegate their employment a;uthroity only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full or partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-9 or above classified in Series GS-201, Administative Officers and others. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated limited employment authority other than the Administrative Staff Officer shall meet the guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to the trainee's existing skills and abilities. 1. Required Technical Training. Source Length a. "Federal Personnel Procedures" USDA Graduate Approximately 80 correspondence course or equivalent School. hours. knowledge as demonstrated on the job. b. Detail - to include the following RO-PM. training in personnel policies role of the personnel management specialist in employment, integrity of the Federal personnel System authorities for employment, recruitment, qualification standards, merit promotion system, personnel actions and records, FEORP, special employment programs, 113A/ Ceilings Report. Detail to the RO. Length of time to be based on individual needs. 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability. No set length of time or number of personnel actions. Experience should cover a sufficient variety of personnel practices and procedures to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. Other than Administrative Officers, redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual and be certified by the Director of personnel management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor and a copy sent to the Regional Office, personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's official personnel folder. Delegations to Administrative Officers are included in the position description as follows: R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 4 of 30 In the temporary absence of a Forest Personnel management Specialist with limited employment authority for initial appointment or internal placement actions for GS-13 and below. Exercise of this authority is subject to postaudit review by Personnel Management in the REgional Office. All actions initiated under this authority must be in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the Forest Service, Department and Office of Personnel Management. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 5 of 30 Exhibit 2 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may exercise their classification authority only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full or partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-9 or above classified in series GS-201, Administrative Officers and others. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated classification authority other than the Administrative Staff Officer shall meet the guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to trainee's existing skills and abilities. Personnel Management. 1. Required Technical Training. Source Length a. Basic position Classification and position management. OPM or other agency 3-5 days b. Resident Classification Training RO-PM Detail to the RO. Length of time to be based on individual needs. 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability. No set length of time or number of positions. Experience should cover a sufficient number of positions or other classification work to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. Redelegations must be in writing to a specific individual, and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor with a copy sent to Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 6 of 30 Exhibit 3 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF ADVERSE ACTION AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may exercise their adverse action authority only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full or partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-11 or above classified in series GS-201, and 341. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated cadverse action authority shall meet the following guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to trainee's existing skills and abilities. 1. Required Technical Training. Adverse Actions course Source Length RO-PM 2 days The following courses are highly recommended, but not required: Basic Employee relations OPM 5 days Adverse and Conduct-Based action OPM 3 days Representing Management Before MSPB OPM 5 days 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability. No set length of time or number of actions. Experience should cover a sufficient variety of related personnel practices and procedures to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. Redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual, and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor with a copy sent to Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 7 of 30 Exhibit 4 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS (LMR) AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may participate in negotiation of labor management agreements only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Delegates of this authority shall meet the requirements of FSM 6171, and the guidelines and cirteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to trainee's existing skills and abilities. 1. Required Technical Training. Labor Management Relations in R-2 Source Length RO-PM 2 days The following courses are highly recommended, but not required: Basic labor Relations or NISC Correspondence course OPM or other agency 5 days Resolving Grievances under a Labor Agreement OPM or other agenc;y 2-3 days Workshop on Unfair Labor practices OPM or other agency 2-3 days 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability. Redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual, and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor with a copy sent to Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. 3. Negotiation Team Membership. One team member mu;st be an experienced LMP negotiator, one team member must be a supervisor in the ;unit who is familiar with on-the-ground working conditions, and one team member will be an R.O. LMP specialist. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 8 of 30 Exhibit 5 1230 Delegations of Aughtoiry (PM) Delegation of Authority Sidney Green, personnel Management Specialist, GS-201-11 Delegation of authority is granted as follows: 1. Nature of Delegation (Indicate Appropriate Items): a. Employment Limited alternate for all positions through GS-13 and all Wage positions, subject to prior approval required in DPM 277. b. Classification Limited alternate for positions through GS-12 and all Wage posiitons, subject to prior approval required in FSM 6104, R-2 Supplement. c. Adverse Action Limited alternate for positions as specified in FSM 6104, R-2 supplement. d. Labor Management Limited alternate as a negotiating team member for positions in the bargaining unit. 2. Jurisdictional Area: Rio Grande national Forest. 3. General Provisions Authority will be exercised in accordance with policies, procedures and limitations contained in the Federal personnel Manual, Department Personnel manual, Forest Service supplements to the Federal personnel manual, Forest Service Manual and otehr applicable instructions. 4. Cancellation of Authority Delegation of authority is to incumbent named and for jurisdictional area specified. This authority is automaticallycancelled when incu;bent leaves the jurisdictional area. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 9 of 30 5. Certification Sidney Green has completed the training required for delegated authority specified in FSM 6104, R-2 Supplement and demonstrated technical ability to exercise the authority. Director of Personnel Management Date Approved, Forest Supervisor Date R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 10 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01 Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All DRF Other Forest Delegated Authority Reference Dir., PM Dirs. Supvrs. 6130 Employment 1. Temporary Promotion and details; GM/GS-14, -15, existing positions. (NTE 120 days) FSH 6109.41-DPM Letter No. 981-1 O 2. GS-12 and GM/GS-13. See FSH 6109.41-DPM Letter DPM Letter No. 981-1, No. 981-1, FSH 6109.41Subchapter 2, for positions DPM 335. needing Department clearance. O 3. GS-1 throught FS-12 and all FSH 6109.41-DPM Letter Federal Wage Grade. No. 981-1 X O 4. Temporary limited appointments including extensions. FSH 6109.41-FPM 316, Suybchapter 4, FPM Letter 316-21 (dated 1/2/85). X O 6. Authority to sign personnel actions. a. GM/GS-16 to -18 b. GM/GS-1 to -15 c. All Wage Grade temporary positions, NTE 1 year. FSH 6109.41-DPM 277. Same. Same. Same. O X X O O 5. Training agreements. FSH 6109.41-FPM 271, Subchapter 7 and FPM Letter No. 300-34; FSH 6109.41-DPM 410 and 413. X 7. Waiver of physical requirements FSH 6109.12, Section 21.3 X O O O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 11 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 8. Employment extension of FSH 6109.41-FPM 213, graduate students in scientific, appendix C; DPM Letter professional, or analytic 981-1; 5 CFR 2113.3102(p). positions. X O 9. Extension of details beyond FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 120 days up to 1 years (GM.GS- 300, Subchapter 8; DPM 13 and below). Letter No. 981-1, Subchapter 4-1. X O 10. Appointment based on service in the Office of the president or on the White House Staff. X O 11. Appointment based on Same. Legislative or Judicial Service. X O 12. Extension of a RIF notice period beyond 90 days. X O 13. Noncompetitive FSH 6109.41-FPM 315, appointment of certain disabled Subchapter 7; DPM Letter veterans. No. 981-1; 5CFR Rle 3.1(a)(2); 5 CFR 315.604(b). X O 14. Appointment of certain FSH 6109.41-FPM 213, local physicians, surgeons, and Appendix C; 5 CFR dentists employed under 213.3102(x). contract or on a part-tome or fee basis when appointment through competitive examination is impractical. X O 15. Approval for filling shortage postions with prison inmates on Work-Release Programs. X O FSH 6109.41-FPM 315, Subchapter 6; DPM Letter No. 981-1, Subchapter 4-1. FSh 6109.41-FPM 351, Subchapter 6. FSH 6109.41-FPM 306, Subchapter 1; 5 CFR 213.3102(x). R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 12 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 16. Approval when hiring DPM Letter No. 981-1, 5 National Science contest CFR 213.012(y), FSH Finalists as summer assistants. 6109.41-FPM 213, Appendix C-1 (y). X O 17. Emergency-idefinite appointments in a national emergency. FSH 6109.41-FPM 230, Subchapter 4; 5 CFR 230.402. X O 18. Overseas limited appointments. FSH 6109.41-FPM 301, Subchapter 2; 5 CFR 301.201. O 19. Extensions beyond 1 FSH 6109.41-FPM 310, month of emergency Subchapter 2 and Letter appointments of family 981-1; 5 CFR 310.202. members of agency personnel. O 20. Conversion to career employment of indefinite or TAPER appoinments. X O 21. Appointment of severely FSH 6109.41-FPM 213 physically handicapped or Appendix G; 5 CFR mentally retarded sons and 213.3101(b). daughters of agency personnel for summer or student employment. X O 22. Noncompetitive appointment of former Peace Corps, VISTA and ACTION cooperative volunteers. E.O. 12034; E.O. 11103; Domestic Volunteers Act of 1973; FSH 6109.41FPM/DPM-315, Subchapter 6. X O 23. Schedule A. Section 213.3102(u), Appointment of severely physically handicapped individuals. FSH 6109.41-FPM 306, Subchapter 4; DPM Letter No. 981-1; subchapter 4-1. X O FSH 6109.41-FPM 315, Subchapter 7-6; 5 CFR 3304a; 5 CFR 315.703a. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 13 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 24. Assignment of excepted employees to competitive positions (Sch. A & B). CS Rule 6.5; DPM Letter No. 981-1, Subchapter 4-1. X O 25. TAPER appointement to Worker-Trainee posiitons, including reassignment and promotion through GS-3 and WG-4. FSH 6109.41-FPM Letter No. 316-16; FSH 6109.41DPM 316, Subchapter 2. X O FSH 6109.41-FPM Letter No 331-7 (in Chapter 337); DPM Letter No. 331-4. X O 26. Examining authority for competitive positions. a. For midlevel positions GS-9 through GS-12 when delegated by OPM. b. For senior level positions, Same. GM/GS-14 through -15. O c. For Forestry Aid/Technician positions (GS-462-2/7) OPM/USDA Delegation Agreement, 7/22/80. X O FSH 6109.41-DPM Letter No. 300-34 X O 28. Term promotions, of up to FSH 6109.41-FPM 335, 4 years. Beyond 4 years Appendix A; FSH 6109.41requires OPM approval DPM Letter No 981-1, Subchapter 5-1. X O 29. Direct-hire examining FSH 6109.41-FPM Bulletin authority for professional 332-79. engineers, GS-5 throught GS11 X O 30. Term employment. X O 27. Advance in-hiring rates based on superior qualifications. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 316, Subchapter 3. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 14 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 31. Conversion of disabled FSH 6109.41-FPM 315, veterans with a compensable Subchapter 7-8. Service-connected disability of 30 percent or more to career or career-conditional appntmnts. X O 6140 Awards 1/ Up to $5,000 for accomplishments limited to one Region FSH 6109.41-DPM 451, FSM 6144.04. FSH 6109.13, Chapter 30. O Up to $1,500 to all other Same. Directors for accomplishments limited to one Region. X Up to $1,500 to Forest Super- Same. visors for accomplishments limited to one National Forest. X O Up to $1,000 to District Same. Rangers for accomplishments limited to one Ranger District. X X Quality step increase. X FSH 6109.41-DPM 451; FSH 6109.13, Ch. 30, 31-13. O O X Training 1. Authority to approve FSM 6141; FSH 6109.41training from non-Government FPM/DPM 410, Subchapter sources, and to waive 3,5. repayment. 1 year to 2 years Same. Waiver must be documented O 240 hours to 1 year. Same. X 240 hours. Same. X O O X R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 15 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 2. Waiver of less than 1 year of Same. current, continuous civilian service. X 3. Acceptance of contributions, FSH 6109.41-DPM 410, awards, or payments in Subchapter 7. connection with training in non-Government facilities. O 4. Free training. Sam.e O O X X X X X X Performance Appraisal Conduct non-SES performance FSH 6109.41-DPM 430, ratings. Subchapter 2, Section 4c. 6150 Position Classification 1. GM/GS-14 scientists' FSM 6151.04 positions evaluated by an evaluation panel using the Research Guide or Equipment Development Guide. O 2. GM/GS-13. Same. O 3. GS-1 through GS-12 and all Same. Federal Wage Grade positions. X O 4. Position equal to supervisor's grade (grade stacking) except positions under Research Guide or Equip. Development Guide. X O Same. 5. Make final agency decision FSH 5109.15, Section 17. on job-grading appeals concerning wage-grade classification decisions made below the Regional level. O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 16 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference Pay 1. Waive overpayment of pay FSM 6152.21, AR 696.6. (to $500). X 2. Establish constrcution wage FSH 6109.41-FPM S-532-1, schedules for Federal Wage Subchapter 4. System employees. O 3. Employ casual firefighters. FSH 6109.11, Section 15; FSH 5109.34. X 4. Withholding WGI. FSH 6109.11, Section 14; FSH 6109.41-FPM 531. X 5. pay adjustment for supervisors. FSH 6109.41-FPM 531, 5 U.S.C. 5333. X 6. Waiver of reduction of military retirement pay. 5 U.S.C. 5532; CFR 550.603 O 7. Backpay. FSM 6152.22; FSH 6109.11, Seciton 16.6; 6109.41-FPM 550, Subchapter 8. X O 8. Garnishment fo rankruptcy. FSH 6109.11, Section 16.4, FSH 6109.41-DPM 550, Subchapter 3, Item 3-12. X O 9. Indebtness to the Govenment. Waiver of minimum deduction. O FSH 6109.11, Section 16.116.28. Merit Pay Review of performance ratings. FSH 6109.41-DPM 430, Subchapter 2, Section 2f. O O X O O O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 17 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 6160 Tour of Duty and Leave 1. Establish regularly scheduled tours of overtime service. FSH 6109.41-DPM 550, Subchapter 1, Item 1-3. X O X 2. Authorize and approve irregular or unscheduled overtime work. FSM 6160.42; FSH 6109.11, Section 21; FSH 6109.41DPM 550, Subchapter 1; FSH 5109.34. X X X 3. Establish standard tours of FSH 6109.11, Chapter 20; duty and hours per day. FSM 6160.3; FSH 6109.41DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X X X Establish indefinite weekly tours of duty. X FSH 6109.11, Chapter 20; FSH 6109.41-DPM 610, Subchapter 1. O 5. To adjust normal workweek Same. to meet emergency conditions. X O X 6. Establish clock hours and Same. days of the week for part-time and intermittent workers. X X X 7. To close Forest Service office FSH 6109.11, Seciton 24; or activity and administrativelyFsh 6109.41-FPM/DPM release employees for up to 5 610, Subchapter 3. work days because of extreme weather or other specified conditions. X 8. Adjust workweek for educational purposes. X FSH 6109.11, SEciton 22.13; FSH 6109.41FPM/DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X X X R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 18 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 9. Establish nonstandard tours and schedules at civilian conservation centers and nonstandard tours for other units. FSM 6160.2; FSH 6109.11, Section 22; FSH 6109.41FPM/DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X O X 10. Approve split shifts. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X O X 11. Order and approve holiday FSH 6152.04; FSH 6109.11, works. Chapter 10; FSH 6109.41FPM 550, Subchapter 1. X O X 12. Excused absence. FSM 6160.3; FSH 6109.11, Section 25.2; 6109.41FPM/DPM 630, Subchapter 11. X O X 13. Leave. FHM 6160.3; FSH 6109.11, SECTION 25 and 26; FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 630. X X X 14. Restroation of forfeited annual leave. FSH 6109.11, Section 26.18. X 15. Establish work schedule for employees teaching at educational institution. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X 16. Establish office hours. FSH 6109.41-DPM 610, Subchapter 1. X O 17. Group dismissals. FSH 6109.11, Section 25.3; Fsh 6109.41-DPM 630, Subchapter 11. X X 18. Establish or modify alternative work schedules. FSM 6161.04a. O O X X R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 19 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 6170 Discipline 1. Adverse actions including termination of probationary, term, and employees, and letters of reprimand, except furlough. a. All through GM/GS-13 and all wage grade. 2. Removal/demotion for unacceptable performance. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 315, 316, 751, 752, 771; FSM 6172. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 751, 752, 771; FSM 6170. X O 2/ FSH 6109.41-FPM 432; FSM 6172. a. Through GM/GS-13 including wage grade. Same. O b. Extension of 30-day notice period. FSH 6109.42-FPM 752, DPM 432. O 1. Reconsideration of WGI withholdings. FSH 6109.41-DPM Bulletin 752-16, FPM/DPM 531 and 771; FSM 6172.2. O 2. Grievances. FSH 6109.41-DPM 771; FSM 6173. Appeals, Grievances, Complaints a. Informal b. Formal Same. Same. (1) Proposed disposition. c. Disallow employee FSH 6109.41-FPM 771, representatives on grievance Subchapter 2. cases. X O X O X O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 20 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference Labor-Management Relations 1. Unit determination. FSH 6109.41-DPM 711, Subchapter 2. O 2. Negotiation authority. FSH 6109.41-DPM 771, Subchapters 3 & 4. X 3. Approve payment for travel/per diem for union. FSh 6109.17-DPM 711, Personnel letter 711-10, 5/16/8. O 4. Authority to approve NFFE FSH 6109.41-DPM 711, Subordinate agreements. Subchapter 3. X Conflict of Interest Employee Conduct FSH 6109.41-DPM 735; USDA Employee Handbook, Ag. Handbook No. 44, Appendix I. 1. Counseling and advisory service. FSH 6174. X 2. Statements of financial interest initial review. FSH 6174. O 3. Review and determination FSH 6174. of conflict of interest for employees not required to file a financial statements. O 4. Approval of financial FS 6174,; USDA Employee interest, land ownerships, and Handbook, Ag. handbook outside employment.. No. 454, Appendix I. X 5. use of information in Same. teaching, lecturing, or writing which the general public does not have access to. O O 3/ O O X O O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 21 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 6. Teaching, lecturing, and writing all other cases. Same. X O O X O O CONCERN Employee Assistance Program. FSH 6109.41-FPM 792; FSM 6143. Security Program Designate sensitive positions. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 732; FSM 6174. X Employee misconduct. FSM 1450, FSM 5300. O Suitability Program FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 731; FSM 6174. O 1. Request investigation. 2. Determine suitability. Same. Same. X X O Investigations O O 6180 X Retirement FSH 6109.41-FPM 831 and S-831-1. 1. Certificates. FSH 6109.12, Chapter 40. Less than 30 years of Federal Service. Same. 2. Agency-filed disability. FSH 6109.41-FPM/DPM 831 and S-831-1. Others through GM/GS-13. Same. X O X O R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 22 of 30 6104.1 - Exhibit 01--Continued Delegations of Personnel Authorities X = May redelegate to next lower organizational level O = Delegation limited to organizational level Authority Delegated To All Other DRF Forest Dirs. Dir., PM Supvrs. Delegated Authority Reference 3. Trail. FSH 6109.41-DPM 831; FSM 6182.04. a. Create program X O b. Approve agreements X O 4. Mandatory retirement for age (firefighting and law enforcement personnel) 5 U.S.C. 8336(c)). FSH 6109.41-FPM S-831-1, Subchapter S8. X O 5. Coverage under 5 U.S.C. 8336(c) anf 8412(d) or employees in approved positions. 5 CFR 842.803; FSH 6109.41-DPM 511; FSH 6109.12, Chapter 40. X O X X 6. Office of Worker's FSH 6109.41-DPM 810; Compensation programs FSM 6181.1; FSH 6109.12, (OWCP). Submission of forms Chapter 30. direct to OWCP. Safety and Health Program 1. Safety investigations. FSM 6700; FSH 6709.12, Chapter 30. 2. Approval for procurement of FSM 6740.4. personal protective equipment. Delegations Vary. See reference. X X 1/ Supervisors may not approve awards for their immediate subordinates. Such awards are approved one level higher. Awards for Employees reporting to Forest Supervisor or RO Directors will be approved by the Regional Forester. The average amount of awards for 1-grade interval employees (clerical, technical, wage grade) processed by the R.O. is $450. The average amount for 2-gradeinterval employees (adminstrative, professional) is $750. These amounts shouldbe used as a guideline in achieving uniform treatment of employees on a Regional basis. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 23 of 30 6104.1 – Exhibit 01-Continued 2/ Authority will be redelegated on a Forest-by Forest basis when ER expertise is present and anticipated volume of actions is sufficient to maintain expertise. 3/ Must have a Regional representative qualified in LMR at all major negotiations and allow for Chief's representative as an observer at all AFGE/NAGE. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 24 of 30 2 Exhibit 1 CRITERIA FOR REDELEGATION OF LIMITED EMPLOYMENT AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may redelegate their employment authority only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full or partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-9 or above classified in Series GS-201, Administrative Officers and others. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated limited employment authority other than the Administrative Staff Officer shall meet the guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to the trainee's existing skills and abilities. 1. Required Technical Training Source a. "Federal Personnel procedures" correspondence course or equivalent knowledge as demonstrated on the job. b. Detail - to include the RO. following training in personnel time policies role of the personnel management specialist in employneeds. ment, integrity of the Federal Personnel System authorities for employment, recruitment, qualification standards, merit promotion system, personnel actions and records, FEORP, special employment programs, 113A/ Ceilings Report. Length USDA Graduate Approximately 80 School hours RO-PM Detail to the Length of to be based on individual 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability No set length of time or number of personnel actions. Experience should cover a sufficient variety of personnel practices and procedures to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 25 of 30 Other than Administrative Officers, redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor and a copy sent to the Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's official personnel folder. 3 Delegations to Administrative Officers are included in the position description as follows: In the temporary absence of a Forest Personnel Management Specialist with limited employment authority, the incumbent exercises limited employment authority for initial appointment or internal placement actions for GS-13 and below. Exercise of this authority is subject to post-audit review by Personnel Management in the Regional Office. All actions initiated under this authority must be in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements of the Forest Service, Department and Office of Personnel Management. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 26 of 30 4 Exhibit 2 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may exercise their classification authority only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full or partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-9 or above classified in series GS-201, Administrative Officers and others. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated classification authority other than the Administrative Staff Officer shall meet the guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to trainee's existing skills and abilities. 1.Required Technical Training a. Basic Position Classification and position management b. Resident Classification Training time to Source Length OPM or other agency 3-5 days RO-PM Detail to RO. Length of be based on individual needs. 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability No set length of time or numbers of positions. Experience should cover a sufficient number of positions or other classification work to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. Redelegations must be in writing to a specific individual, and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor with a copy sent to Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 27 of 30 5 Exhibit 3 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF ADVERSE ACTION AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may exercise their adverse action authority only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meet the training requirements herein. Forest Supervisors may redelegate full and partial authority to incumbents of positions GS-11 or above classified in Series GS201, and 341. Any delegation below this level requires prior approval of the Regional Forester. Employees delegated adverse action authority shall meet the following guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to the trainees existing skill and abilities: l. Required Technical Training Adverse Actions course Source RO-PM Length 2 days The following courses are highly recommended, but not required: Basic Employee Relations OPM 5 days Adverse and Conduct-Based Action OPM 3 days Representing Management Before MSPB OPM 5 days 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability No set length of time for number of actions. Experience should cover a sufficient variety of related personnel practices and procedures to demonstrate technical proficiency to the Forest Supervisor that the incumbent can exercise the authority. Redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual and be certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor and a copy sent to the Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 28 of 30 6 EXHIBIT 4 CRITERIA FOR DELEGATION OF LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS (LMR) AUTHORITY Forest Supervisors may participate in negotiation of labor management agreements only if one of their support staff is certified as technically capable and meets the training requirements herein. Delegates of this authority shall meet the requirements of FSM 6171, and the guidelines and criteria below. To the extent practicable, training plans will be tailored to the trainee's existing skill and abilities. 1. Required Technical Training Length Source Labor Management Relations in R-2 RO-PM 2 days The following courses are highly recommended, but not required: Basic Labor Relations or NISC Correspondence Course OPM or 5 days other agency Resolving Grievances under OPM or 2-3 Workshop on Unfair OPM or 2-3 Labor Practices other agency days a Labor Agreement other agency days 2. Demonstrated Technical Ability Redelegations must be in writing (exhibit 5) to a specific individual, and certified by the Director of Personnel Management as having completed the required training. The written delegation shall be signed and dated by the Forest Supervisor with a copy sent to the Regional Office, Personnel Management. A copy of the delegation should be filed in the delegate's Official Personnel Folder. 3. Negotiation Team Membership One team member must be an experienced LMR negotiator, one team member must be a supervisor in the unit who is familiar with on-the-ground working conditions, and one team member will be an R.O. LMR specialist. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 29 of 30 7 Exhibit 5 1230 Delegations of Authority (PM) Delegation of Authority Sidney Green, Personnel Management Specialist, GS-201--11 Delegation of authority is granted as follows: 1. Nature of Delegation (Indicate Appropriate Items): a. Employment Limited alternate for all positions through GS-13 and all Wage positions, subject to prior approval required in DPM 277. b. Classification Limited alternate for positions through GS-12 and all Wage positions, subject to prior approval required in FSM 6104, R-2 Supplement. c. Adverse Action Limited alternate for positions as specified in FSM 6104, R-2 Supplement. d. Labor Management Limited alternate as a negotiating team member for positions in the bargaining unit. 2. Jurisdictional Area: Rio Grande National Forest. 3. General Provisions Authority will be exercised in accordance with policies, procedures and limitations contained in the Federal Personnel Manual, Department Personnel Manual, Forest Service supplements to the Federal Personnel Manual, Forest Service Manual and other applicable instructions. 4. Cancellation of Authority Delegation of authority is to incumbent named and for R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1 EFFECTIVE 8/29/90 6100_zero_code Page 30 of 30 jurisdictional area specified. This authority is automatically cancelled when incumbent leaves the jurisdictional area. 5. Certification Sidney Green has completed the training required for delegated authority specified in FSM 6104, R-2 Supplement and demonstrated technical ability to exercise the authority. Director of Personnel Management Approved, Forest Supervisor Date Date